Seagoe Parish magazine.
God bless King Edward VIII,
Rev. Chancellor Archer, B.D., The Rectory,
Rev. W. F. Hayes, B.A., The Bungalow, Lower
Seagoe, Portadown.
Death of the King,
Little did we think last month when issuing
our January number of the Magazine that we
should this month be announcing the death of
our beloved King George the Fifth. He seemed
so active and so full of life that no sign of failure
or weakness was perceptible in his public life.
To-day the Empire mourns his loss and certainly
110 part of it more deeply and sincerely than does
Northern Ireland, for no part has made greater
sacrifices than our Province for the union with
the British Empire and its crowned Head. During
the late King's reign Ulster shed its blood
freely in the Great War in defence of the Empire,
and as King George himself expressed it; "Ulster
knew how to fight and to die" for the cause she
had at heart. The Memorial Pillars at the gate
of the Parish Church with their long list of those
who made the supreme sacrifice from this Parish
are a proof of the readiness with which the flower
of our youth went forth to fight for God and
King and Country. The wonderful outburst of
sorrow and sympathy displayed at the death of
the King proves the place he held in the hearts
and minds of the Nation. We welcome to the
Throne our new King, and the prayers of our
people will ascend to the King of Kings that he
may have the Divine Blessing and guidance
throughout his reign. Nor must we omit from
our thoughts and prayers Mary, the Queen
Mother, who has showed herself such a splendid
Two Minutes' Silence,
On Tuesday,
January 28th, the day of the
King's funeral,
a short service was held in the
Parish Church
at 1.15 p.m. Psalm xxxix was
read and a Lesson from I. Corinthians, chap. xv.
The Rector suggested some suitable subjects to
occupy the minds of those present during " The
Silence.” at 1.30 p.m. a stroke of the Church
bell marked the beginning of "The Silence," and
at its close, 1.32 p.m., the bell rang once again.
Seagoe Mothers' Union.
The next meeting of the Mothers' Union will
be held D. V. in Seagoe School on Tuesday,
February 11th, at 7.30 p.m. A full attendance of
members is requested. The meeting held on
January 14th took the form of a business meeting,
when the officers and committee for the ensuing
year were elected. Our new President for
1936 is Mrs. James Twinem, of Lylo. Mrs.
Twinem held the office once before and made an
excellent President. She has also held the office
of Hon. Treasurer. Much of the success of
Seagoe Mothers' Union has been due to Mrs.
Twinem, and we welcome her very heartily back
again to that post.
Lecture by Dean Myles.
The very Rev. E. A. Myles, M.A., Dean of
Dromore and Rector for many years of Tullylish,
has kindly consented to deliver a lecture in Edenderry
Parochial Hall on Thursday evening, Feb.
27th, at 8 p.m. This will be illustrated by
a set of very special slides made by the Dean for
the Lecture. The subject, of the Lecture is
From Derry's Walls to Limerick Treaty
Stone." Tickets are now on sale for the Lecture,
price 2/– and 1/- The proceeds are on
behalf of a very fine object, our Seagoe C.L.B.
The Band has recently been fitted with new
Highland uniforms, on which a deficit still remains,
and we wish to clear it off. Those who
enjoy an evening replete with knowledge conveyed
in a most attractive garb should secure
their tickets without delay. Please remember
the date of the Lecture, Thursday, February
27th, at, 8 p.m.
Concert in Edenderry.
On Thursday, March 26th, a Concert will be
held in Edenderry in aid of Edenderry Sunday
School Prize Fund at -8 p.m. Tickets, 9d each,
are now on sale. A very attractive programme
has been arranged. Edenderry children's choir
will sing.
Memorial Services.
On Sunday, January 26th, special Services in
memory of King George V. were held in the
Parish Church. There were large congregations.
The preacher at Morning Prayer was the Rector,
who took as his text Rev. xix., 12,
" On His head were many crowns.”
At Evening Prayer the preacher was the Rev. . F. Hayes.
The Hymns chosen were appropriate to the solemn occasion,
and the music was led by a large choir. Mr. T.
H. Wilson presided at' the organ.
Seagoe in Australia,
We offer our hearty congratulations to Mr.
James Porter, formerly of Kernan, now of
Officer, Melbourne, Australia, on his recent marriage.
Mr. Porter was very popular when resident here
and was a member of Seagoe Choir.
He never f01gets his old home. and the Rectory
has recently received from him a beautiful illustrated
copy of " The Australasian, " a famous Australian paper.
Several former parishioners
of Seagoe now reside in Melbourne, and as you
walk through the suburbs of the city your eye
will vest on a pretty bungalow bearing on its
front in clear letters the name " Seagoe. "
Last month we recorded the death of our old
and much respected parishioner, Mr. Nicholas
England, of Ballymacrandle, this month we regret
to have to record another bereavement in the
same household, the death of his wife, Mrs. Ellen
Jane England.
Mrs. England was well known
throughout and beyond the Parish, and her death
causes a sad blank in many homes. We desire
to express our deep sympathy with all the members
of her family, but especially with Miss
Rachel and Mr. Jack England, who have them-
selves been seriously ill. Sympathy has been
expressed for them on all sides at the double bereavement
they have suffered while themselves
so seriously ill. Another death which has caused
much grief in our midst has been that of Mrs.
Elizabeth Abraham, of Kilvergan, who passed
away after a brief illness. She leaves many to
mourn her loss.
" In the midst of life we are in death. "
The Season of Lent.
Ash Wednesday, the First Day of Lent, occurs
this year on February 26th. Special Services
will be held on that day in the Parish Church. A
Penitential Service will be held at 11.30 a.m.,
and Evening Prayer and sermon at 8 p.m. The
Church has two special Mission Seasons in the
year, Lent and Advent. During Lent a special
Lenten Service will be held in the Parish Church
each Wednesday at 8 p.m., beginning on Ash
Wednesday. The loss which the Nation
recently sustained in the death of the King must
have stirred the minds and hearts of the people
and reminded them of the shortness and uncertainty
of all earthly things. The duty of preparation
for the Life to come has surely been brought
home to us in a very vivid and striking manner.
We will during these coming weeks think more
seriously about things Eternal.
Prize Distributions.
Bocombra Sunday School held its Prize Distribution
on Thursday, January 23rd, at 7.30, in
the Church Hall. There was a large attendance
of children with parents and teachers. A splendid
tea was partaken of and after tea games were
enjoyed to a late hour. Songs and recitations
were given. Mr. James Twinem, the founder and
builder of the Hall and Superintendent of the
Sunday School, also sang and recited. The Rev.
W. F. Hayes presided and congratulated all on
the success of the evening. At the close of the
evening the prizes were distributed to the successful children.
Drumgor held its social for the Sunday School
on Monday, January 27th, at 7.30 p.m. The room
was crowded with eager groups of children. The
Rev. W. F. Hayes presided, and Mr. and Mrs.
Hutchison were also present. Mr. Hutchison
had gone to great trouble as Superintendent of
the School to make the evening a success. The
Hall has recently been greatly improved and
looked very nice. A splendid tea was arranged,
which was thoroughly enjoyed. Then games fol-
lowed and songs and recitations were given. The
Rev. J. McCullough, Curate of Shankill, was pre-
sent and gave a helpful address to the children.
The prizes were presented to the children by Mrs.
Hutchison. At a late hour all separated after a
most enjoyable evening.
Seagoe P.E. School.
A very pleasant social took place in Seagoe
School on Friday( January 31st, at 3 p.m.
Through the kindness of Miss Calvert and others
the children attending the School were entertained.
After tea, a happy programme of songs
and recitations was given by the children. The
Rector and the Rev. W. F. Hayes were present.
Miss Matchett conducted the musical part of the
A Coming Pleasure,
The teachers of Seagoe Afternoon Sunday
School have arranged for a musical evening to be
held in Seagoe School on Thursday, 12th March
(D. V.) commencing at 8 p.m. Tickets now on
sale, 9d. The programme, which is in the capable
hands of Mr. S. Robinson, promises to be
both varied and interesting. Part of the proceeds,
which are on behalf of the Sunday School
'Prize Fund, will be given to help the Morning
School Fund. There are now eighty-five names
on the roll of the Afternoon School, with an aver-
age attendance of sixty-seven, and sixty prizes
have to be given this year ; one of the senior girls,
Emma Walker, has now completed four years'
attendance without an absent Sunday. The teachers
make an earnest appeal for the loyal support
of all who are interested and who wish to encourage
the children.
Parish Register for January
Campbell—January 4th, 1936, Samuel Anthony,
son of Edward and Rebecca Campbell,
of Edenderry.
Sponsors—Rebecca Watters, Rebecca Campbell.
Sandford—January 4th, 1936, Elizabeth Anne,
daughter of Jacob and Jane Sandford, of
Sponsors—George M' Nally, Jane M' Nally,
Margaret Sandford.
King and Freeburn January 25th, 1936, Joseph
King, of Lurgan, to Margaret Freeburn,
of Edenderry.
England—January 10th, 1936, Ellen Jane England,
of Ballymacrandle, aged 74 years.
Interred in Knocknamuckley.
Abraham—January 13th, 1936, Elizabeth Abraham,
of Kilvergan, aged 45 years.
Sunday School Conference,
A Sunday School Teachers' Conference is to be
held in Lurgan on Saturday, February 1st.
will begin with a Service in Shankill Parish
Church at 3 p.m. This will be followed by the
Conference in the Parochial Hall, opposite the
Church. When the Conference adjourns tea will
be provided at a charge of 6d per head, after
which the Conference will be resumed. Miss
Millington, Lecturer under the Sunday School
Society of Ireland, will give an address on "Sunday
School Work. '”
Seagoe CLB.
Our local company of the C.L.B. has been very
busy during the past month. The very attractive
programme which they gave in the Parochial
Hall in December has been repeated in several
other places by special request. Drumcree Parish
got a benefit performance in Richmount Schoolhouse
last month. The room was crowded and
a most attractive programme was provided by
the Seagoe Lads. Captain Mitchell was in command.
The sketches were not merely arranged
by Captain Mitchell but were composed by him
and do him great credit. On another evening in
the month the C. L. B. Lads gave a performance
in Knocknagor School, in the Parish of Tullylish,
and all the items were excellently performed and
elicited loud applause. Lieut. Joe Hynes's song,
"The Farmer's Boy," always brings the house
down. A third performance of the same pro-
gramme was given last month in Carne Church
Hall on behalf of the Sunday School Prize Fund.
The Hall was crowded with an enthusiastic
A Battalion Service,
The Down and Connor and Dromore Battalion
of the C. L. B. has arranged with the Rector to
hold its annual Battalion Service in Seagoe
Parish Church on Sunday, April 19th, at 3.30.
Further particulars in our next issue.
Lecture at Seagoe,
On Thursday, February 6th, Miss Millington
will give an address to Sunday School Teachers
in Seagoe School at 8 p.m. All our Teachers
heartily invited.
Levaghery Sunday School,
On Tuesday, February 4th, a social will be held
in Levaghery School at 7.30 p.m., and the Sun-
day School Prizes will be distributed.
A Curious Figure.
Mr. Isaac Walker ,of Seagoe Farm, has in his
possession a curious figure or statue. It is about
30 inches in height and is partly carved out of
wood and partly made of metal. The face has a
weird and somewhat fierce expression. The hair
on the head is most carefully arranged in long
locks. In the left hand the figure carries what
looks like a book suspended by a cord, the right
hand, which is broken, apparently held a sword.
The figure is well-proportioned and the clothing
is carefully arranged and neatly modelled. We
believe the figure came originally from England,
but its origin and purpose are a mystery.
A Diocesan Leaflet.
A small Diocesan leaflet appearing each month
has been issued by the Bishop of Down. It is
edited by the Rev. Canon Blackwood Price, of
Saintfield, and is on sale throughout the various
Parishes in the Diocese.
Old Seagoe Notes.
Seagoe Yeomanry.—The following Circular was
received by Colonel Blacker re the equipment of
the Seagoe Yeomanry:—
A Military Cap, Red Jacket, one pair of White
Breeches or one pair of Pantaloons, and one pair
of Black Leggings.
Dublin-Castle, 2d, October, 1820.
Sir, I have it in command from the Lord
Lieutenant to acquaint you, that Government
have been pleased to determine that the effective
Members of the Corps under your Command, as
well Non-commissioned Officers, as Privates,
shall be furnished with compleat New Clothing,
as heretofore; to consist of the Articles specified
in the Margin; and which are to be ready for de-
livery, on, or before the 25th day of December
next: And it is therefore His Excellency's desire
that you will adopt the necessary measures for
carrying this Arrangement into Compleat Effect.
The usual Allowance, for the Clothing which is
to be so provided, at the rate of Two Guineas per
Man, will be granted, under the customary Certificates,
that the Men have been fully and serviceably Clothed
according to the Orders of Government, blank Forms
of these documents will be
supplied to you by the Brigade Major of your District;
The Brigade Major has also, been directed
to furnish you with a statement of the Effective
Strength of the Corps, as returned by him to
Government, in order to prevent the possibility
of a greater proportion being Clothed than that
prescribed by the present Order.
An Erroneous opinion appearing to have prevailed
amongst the generality of the Members
of Yeomanry Corps, that the Clothing, after a
certain Period, becomes their own Property; The
Lord Lieutenant, with a view of doing away this
impression, desires me to refer you to the Yeomanry
Act of the 42nd of Geo. 3rd. Chap 68, by
which it is clearly defined that the Clothing, as
well as all other of the Stores issued by Government,
are exclusively the property of the Public ;
and His Excellency trusts that you will, as Captain
of the Corps, promulgate the same to the
Members, and make such an arrangement as will
prevent any part of the Clothing, now about to be
issued, from being worn, except whilst the Corps
shall be upon actual Duty.
Officer Commanding the Seagoe Corps of Yeomanry, at Portadown.
HOLY COMM UNION 1st Sunday after Morning
Prayer ; 3rd Sunday at 8 a.m., and on the Chief
HOLY BAPTISM— 1st Saturday of each Month at 3
p m and during any Service in the Parish Church,
notice be given ; Two Sponsers at least are required
and they must be Confirmed Members of the Church.
Churchings are held at each Baptism. Mothers are
expected to bring a thankoffering.
(See Book of Common Prayer.)
MORNING PRAYER- Sundays and Chief Festivals,
11-30 a.m.
EVENING PRAYER—Sundays, 7 p.m
Hacknahay—Last Sunday : of Month at 3-30pm.
Drumgor—second Sunday of Month at 4 pm
Edenderry—Wednedays at 8 p.m.
BIBLE CLASS FOR MEN in Edenderry on
Sundays at 10 a m.
SUNDAY SCHOOLS 10 a m. Edenderry Parochial
Hall and Seagoe School. 3 p.m. Seagoe, Edenderry
Parochial Hall,
Levaghery, Hacknahay, Carne, Drumgor, Bocombra.
MOTHERS' UNION—2nd Tuesday of each month
at 7 30 p.m.
CHURCH LADS' BRIGADE in the Parochial Hall
on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Mondays at 8 p.m.
SEAGOE P.E. SCHOOL , 9-15 a.m. Principal—Mr.
R. Scott.
MARRIAGES must be performed between 8 a.m. and 3 p m. Licenses are issued by Rev. Canon Hannon,
Rectory, Lurgan. Due notice (48 hours) must be given to the Rector of intended weddings. FEES—BY License—
Labourers 5/- Tradesmen 10/—, Merchants and Farmers 15/-, Professional, By Banns 5/-. FUNERALS will be
attended by the Clergy if proper notice be given. SICK CASES should be notified to the Clergy without delay,
FEES FOR CERTIFICATES BAPTISM 3/7, Children (Factory) 1/- and 2/- (non-residents); MARRAGE 3/7.
An extra Search Fee is chargeable in certain cases
It will be a help to the Clergy if they are notified of the
arrival of new Church families in the Parish.
A copy of the Magazine will be sent post free to any subscriber for 3/- per annum.
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