Seagoe Archives

Feburary 1906


Feburary 1906

Seagoe Parish Magazine



RECTOR —REV. JAMES E. ARCHER, B.D., The Rectory, Seagoe.


N.B.—The Clergy will feel greatly obliged if the

Parishioners will notify to them any cases

of illness at the earliest possible moment.

Churchwardens :



Select Vestry :







ATKINSON, MR. W. R. , Secretary and Treasurer.







Church Army Mission.

CAPTAIN GASKELL, with his Church

Army Van, is coming to the Parish

to hold a Mission during Lent.

The Mission will commence on

March 1st, and the Captain will

conduct services in different centres

through the Parish. We hope to have a week's

Mission at least, in each of the following Districts—

Carne, Drumgor, Lylo, Hacknahay, and Edenderry,

We believe that Captain Gaskell, whose work in the

North of Ireland has been much blessed, will receive

a hearty welcome wherever he goes through the

Parish, and we ask the earnest prayers of our people

that the Divine Blessing may rest in rich abundance

on his work. There is much sin and indifference in

our midst, sleeping souls need to be aroused, and

sinful lives cleansed by God's grace. We trust that

the coming Mission may be the means of leading

many wandering ones back to the Father's Home.

In connection with the Mission it may not be out

of place to make reference to the splendid work

accomplished by the Church Army. Some idea of

the immense extent of its efforts may be gathered

from the fact that last year the amount expended in

connection with its evangelistic work reached the

grand total of £170,000. In every Diocese in

England and Ireland it has representatives who

carry on a constant and difficult work amongst all

classes of the community. Labour Homes have

also been established in the poorer parts of all our

large cities, and Special Missions are conducted by

its Agents in Prisons, Workhouses and Hospitals.

One most important factor in its method of working

is that it acts 'in full and complete harmony with

the Church and under the direct control of the

Parochial Clergy While many modern evangelistic,

movements tend to alienate people from the unity of

the Church, the Church Army takes its stand upon

the old foundation truths of the Church's life.


Morning Evening

£ s d £ s d

Jan. 7th - 1st Sunday of Epiphany 1 1 3 0 6 3

0 5 8

14th - 2nd 0 19 3 0 9 0

21st - 3rd 0 3 5

1 0 1 0 11 9

„ 28th - 4 th 1 2 1 0 8 1

------------------ -------------------

£4 11 9 £1 15 1


" As many of you as have been baptised into Christ, have put on Christ."

January 6th—

Anne, daughter of Richard and Martha Porter, Kernan


Margaret, daughter of James and Anne Erskine, Belfast

Ethel Elizabeth, daughter of George and Mary Jane Neill, Portadown.

Eliza, daughter of Thomas and Jane Gates, Edenderry.

Norah Florence, daughter of Wm. John and Emma Forsythe, Seagoe.

Samuel Jas., son of Edmund and Sarah Grimason,. Edenderry.

Dynes, son of James and Sarah Turkington,Kernan

Herbert Victor, son of Samuel and Mary Lavery,. Belfast.

David, son of Alexander and Annie Thornton, Edenderry.



Ours are to make the BEST BREAD and CONFECTIONERY

in the Kingdom; and to Sell the BEST TEAS the World

can produce

At *2/8, *2/4, *2/- 1/10, 1/8 These marked thus * are our leading lines.

DAVISON BROS., 3 & 4 High Street, PORTADOWN.


Those whom God hath joined together let no man put asunder.

Jan. 1st —William John Wells, Bleary, to Elizabeth Wells, Edenderry.

Jan. 4th—Stewart John Bell, Coatbridge, Lanarkshire, to Annie Sherman, Edenderry.


I know that my Redeemer liveth.

Jan 7th —Alice Moffett, Drumnagoon.

Jan 14th—Elizabeth Robinson, Lurgan, aged 70.

Jan 24th—Cherry Porter, Kernan, aged three months

Jan 27th—Mary Jane Hall, Lurgan, aged 72.

Coming Events.

Feb 5th —Meeting in Seagoe for enrolling new members on General Vestry, 7.30 p.m.

Feb 6th—Social meeting of M.P.U. in Edenderry at 7.30.

Feb 14th—Social meeting Drnmgor, 7.30 p.m.

Feb 20th —Soiree at Carne, 7.30 p.m.

Feb 21st—Public Lecture on " A Holiday in Norway" by Rev. J. E. Archer, B.D.

Lime-light views. Tickets 6d.

Feb 25th —Annual Missionary Sermons in the Parish Church—Preacher Rev. T. B.

Brown, Deputation Sec. C.M.S.

Feb 27th - Shrove Tuesday. Tea meeting at Levaghery 7.30 p.m.

Our magazine.

Only a very few copies of our Magazine for January are now left.

It had a very large sale and we have to thank the many kind friends through the

Parish who gave us such help in distributing it.

Mr. William John Currie, our genial friend at

Edenderry Hall, made a record by disposing of 96 copies in Edenderry.

If any one wants to secure a spare copy of the January number he had better do

so at once, as the edition is almost sold out. Some

copies are still to be had at Mrs. Malcomson's,

Bridge Street.

Edenderry Sunday Schools.

The Distribution of Prizes in connection with

these Schools took place on Tuesday, January 9th,

in the Parochial Hall. There was a very large

gathering of the young people in anticipation of a

visit from Old Father Christmas."

On the platform stood a magnificent Christmas Tree decked out

with toys of all kinds, whilst in front stood a table

covered with a collection of Bibles, Prayer Books

and Story Books for the children who have attended

most regularly throughout the year. After an

opening hymn and prayer, the Rector (Rev. J. E.

Archer) addressed a few words to those present and

then called upon Miss Armstrong to distribute the

Prizes to the successful pupils. When this part of

the programme was completed, excitement rose to

fever heat when it was known that “Father

Christmas" was about to enter the room. Clad in

ruddy garb and with long flowing beard the old man

came in among the children, who received him

with roars of delight. After making acquaintance

with all his young friends, the old man hobbled back

to the Christmas Tree, and there assisted by some

of the teachers gave away the toys from the Tree.

Every child got something, and at the close of the

evening all separated feeling that they had spent

most enjoyable evening. We were glad to have the

children and teachers present from Levaghery

Sunday School. We congratulate Mr. Jos. Monroe,

the superintendent, and Mr. J. Montgomery on the

efficiency of the Sunday School under their


Our best thanks are due to all who helped, but

especially to Miss Armstrong and Mrs. Ruck, and

our worthy Superintendent, Mr. J. Stevenson, who

worked indefatigably to make the meeting a success.


The Rector desires to return his heartiest thanks

to the parishioners who have so kindly drawn gravel

for the Rectory walks.

It has made a great and much-needed improvement.


One of the pleasantest of our Sunday School prize

gatherings took place at Drumgor on Friday evening,

January 19th. We have seldom seen so many

young people assembled as on this occasion, and

they seemed to enjoy the pleasure provided for them

to the utmost. Through the kindness of the

teachers tea and cake were supplied to the children,

and it goes without saying they did ample justice to

the good things provided. The Rector presided and

in a few introductory remarks expressed his pleasure

at presiding over such a splendid gathering. A

most interesting and effective programme followed,

some of the comic pieces causing much amusement.

An attractive feature was the singing of some

action songs by the children, who had

been carefully trained by Miss Parkes.

The prizes were distributed by Mrs. McMullen, who

also most hospitably entertained the teachers and

other friends to tea in her own house both before

and after the meeting. The Rev. J. Taylor congratulated

all present on the large number of

beautiful prizes won by the children, and exhorted

them to still further efforts in the year just begun.

Our efficient superintendent, Mr. Alfred Gilpin, was

present during the evening and contributed much to

its success.


The distribution of Sunday School prizes at Carne

on Friday evening, January 12th, was very successful,

and proved how vigorously the Church is

progressing in this important district of the Parish.

The attendance at Carne School is increasing every

Sunday, and we heartily congratulate our new

superintendent, Mr. David Murray, on his zeal in

furthering this noble Christian work. The children

and teachers assembled in great numbers for the

distribution of prizes. Tea and cake in unlimited

abundance were provided by the generosity of the

teachers and helpers, and when full justice had been

done to the good things set before them the chair

was taken by the Rector.

In a few words of

congratulation and advice he urged all present to

press forward in the good work so as to make the

Sunday School a real spiritual help to the children.

A most interesting programme of songs and

recitations followed. The Rev. J. Taylor then spoke

some words of encouragement, and said how much

he rejoiced in the success of the school. The prizes

were then distributed to the successful children.

After the singing of the Doxology all separated after

a most enjoyable evening.

Bible Classes.

New programmes have. been issued in connection

with the Bible Classes. The “Christian Year" is

the course for 1906, and we believe it will prove

very helpful.

Christmas Tree at Seagoe.

“Old Father Christmas" paid a visit to Seagoe

School on Wednesday evening, January 17th, on the

occasion of the Sunday School prizes being given to

the children. He was received with great joy by

both young and old, and with a kind word he gave

out the toys that hung upon the splendid Christmas

Tree. A large number of valuable books were given

as prizes, and we were glad to see that many of the

children got Bibles, Prayer Books, and Church

Hymnals for their prizes. The Bibles were handed

to the fortunate prize-winners by our good friend

Mrs. Ruck, and the story-books were given out by

Miss Taylor (sister of the Rev. J. Taylor) whom we

were very glad to see present on the occasion. At

the close a hearty vote of thanks was given to all

who had so kindly assisted at the entertainment.

We have specially to thank Miss I. Atkinson for her

kind gift of toys for the Tree.

Edenderry Women's Class.

Miss Armstrong's class, which meets in the

Reading Room, Bridge Street, every Sunday morning at 10 0'clock, is we are glad to say rapidly

increasing in numbers and will prove we believe a

great blessing in the district. There is an attendance

of over 40 every Sunday morning. We hope the

members will try to get others to attend, so as to

still further increase the membership.

Friends Abroad.

If you want your friends in England, Scotland,

Canada, the United States, Australia, Africa, or

elsewhere to keep in touch with the old Church at

home send them a copy of the Seagoe Parish

Magazine. It is the nicest present you can give them.


We congratulate Mr. Alfred Murray, the son of

our respected churchwarden Mr. Joseph Murray, on

having passed with credit the recent Term Exam. in

Dublin University.

* * *

The following four children were awarded special

prizes for very diligent attendance at Seagoe

National School during last year—David Frazer,

Nellie Watson, Miriam Holmes, Herbert Watson.

* * *

We beg to thank Mr. Hamilton Robb for his

generous present of a stove for the Men's Reading

Room in Bridge Street, and also for a most useful

gift of illustrated papers.

* * *

We are glad to see that Mr. W. Flannigan,

deputy superintendent at Edenderry Sunday School,

is again strong and well after his recent illness.

Men's Reading Room.

During the past few weeks an innovation has been

made by holding “Talks” among the members on

each Monday evening at 8. On January 22 the

subject was “The new Labour Party," and a useful

discussion took place. On Monday 29th inst

“Free Trade and Fiscal Reform" was ably treated.

Much additional interest was lent to this latter

gathering by the presence of Mr. Thomas Atkinson,

of Eden Villa. Mr. T. Atkinson has just returned

from defending the cause of the Union at the recent

elections in the South of England. On next

Monday the subject under discussion will be “Should

we have Conscription ?"

Missionary Class.

This class meets in Edenderry Parochial Hall

every Friday evening. It was started by Miss

Armstrong last summer and has been carried on by

her with great zeal and earnestness ever since. The

number of girls attending is now very large and we

feel sure that under God's blessing a real spirit Of

Missionary interest is being kindled. We heartily

thank Miss Armstrong for the trouble she has taken

in bringing the class to its present state of success.

To The Young Men of The Parish

We wish to call the attention of the young men of

the Parish to the great importance of having their

names enrolled on the register of the General Vestry.

The only qualification necessary is a minimum

payment of half-a-crown to the Sustentation Fund,

and this payment if made by a young man over the

age of 21 years entitles him to a vote in the election

of the Select Vestry. On Monday, February 5th,

there will be a meeting in Seagoe School at 7-30 for

the purpose of enrolling new members on the General

Vestry. We hope to see a large number of new

members joining the General Vestry.



Call at the Portadown News Once.





On Friday evening, February 2nd, a most

important conference of the Teachers in all the

Parish Sunday Schools was held in Seagoe School

at 7.30 p.m. The Rector entertained those present

as to how the Sunday Schools, which are attended

by over 1,000 children, can be made more efficient.

A new Programme is being drawn up, and the new

system of Reward Tickets is being adopted in most

of the schools with the best possible results. The

whole work of the schools was carefully discussed,

and we believe the result will add greatly to the

efficiency of our Sunday Schools throughout the Parish.

Notes on Old Seagoe.

The present bridge across the Bann replaced a

long narrow wooden bridge which was erected on

the site of another bridge washed away by a great

flood in the year 1786.

* * *

A curious old custom prevailed some centuries

ago in Seagoe Parish. Whenever a funeral took

place in the graveyard those who carried the coffin

walked round the church and allowed it to touch

each corner of the building before the burial took

place. The old Bell of Seagoe, now in Dublin

Museum, was rung at funerals by a man who walked

in front of the coffin.

* * *

In the Vestry Records of Seagoe for the year 1701

(April) a charge is recorded of one pound, sterling,

for Badges for the Poor. It was the custom

apparently in those days for the Select Vestry of

Seagoe to provide a special Badge for those who

depended on the charity of the Church for their

support. We wonder are any of these Badges still

in existence. They would be of antiquarian interest.

* * *

Extracts from Old Seagoe Records, for the year

“John the son of Thomas Medcalfe baptized

in or about the Feast of All Saints in the year of

our Lord 1672."

This entry brings us back to the

time when calendars were scarce and the periods of

time were marked only by a reference to the Church

Seasons and Special Days. All Hallows Eve (Oct.

31) is still a favourite note of time among our

country folk.

* * *

Next month we hope to insert some notes -on the

names of the Townlands in the Parish.


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Seagoe Archives


Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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