Seagoe Archives

Feburary 1907


Feburary 1907

Seagoe Parish Magazine

February 1907


RECT0R—REV. JAMES E. ARCHER, B.D., The Rectory, Seagoe.


N.B.—The Clergy will feel greatly obliged if the Parishioners will notify

to them any cases of illness at the earliest possible moment.



MR. T. E. MAGINNIS, Ballydonaghy.

Select Vestry:













MR. J. H. ATKINSON, MR. W. R, Secretary and Treasurer.


Morning. Evening.

Jan 1 —Circumcision £0.3.0

,, 6—Epiphany £1.4.0 0.13.9

,, ,, £0.4.6

„ 13—1st Sunday after Epiphany £1.4.7 0.13.0

„ 20—2nd ,, ,, £0.3.0

,, ,, ,, £0.17.5 0.14.6

,, 27—Septuagesima Sunday £1.3.6 0.8.7

Week Days 0.11.1

£5.0.0 3.0.11


“Buried with Him in baptism."

Jan. 5—Solomon Albert, son of J. S. W. and Sarah

Grimason, Edenderry.

,, —William James, son of Thomas and Letitia

Holmes, Clanrola,

„ 19—Mary, daughter of James and Mary Ellen

Hagan, Balteagh.


“I know that my Redeemer liveth."

Nov. 29 —Margaret Rainey, Edenderry, aged 67.

Jan. 20 —Anne Weir, Kilycomaine, aged 59.

,, 24 —James Wilson, aged 70.


This function took place on January 24th. Tea was

provided through the kindness of Mr. D. Murray and

Mr. A. Costello. After tea a varied programme was

gone through, contributed to by Misses Twinem and

L. Fox, Mr. J. Lynas and Rev. J. Taylor. A dialogue,

entitled “Wasting Away," was then performed.

The characters were taken by Messrs. Montgomery

and Currie and Miss Fox. In response to an imperative

encore, another was very kindly given.

After this the prizes were distributed by Mrs. Murray

to a goodly number of children. The Rector having

addressed a few words of exhortation and encouragement

to all, the meeting closed with the benediction.

All were unanimous in saying that they had seldom

spent such an enjoyable evening in Carne.


A large number of children and teachers assembled in

the Parochial Hall for this purpose on 27th

January. The tea having been disposed of, Mr.

Smith, B.A.I., gave some selections on his excellent

gramophone, which were very much appreciated.

Songs were given by Miss Armstrong and Mr. D.

Livingston, and readings and recitations by Miss L.

Montgomery and Messrs. R. and C. Montgomery.

A very large number of prizes were kindly distributed

by Mrs. Hadden. The Rector then expressed

a hope that the attendance and proficiency would

be even better in the coming year than ever before,

and a very pleasant evening closed with the Doxology.

We would like to say that if there have been any

mistakes about the prizes, intimation should be

given at once to the Superintendent.


The second meeting was held on January 11th

when large gathering assembled. The Rector

took the chair and introduced an excellent programme.

Songs were given by H. Wright, M. Grimason, L. M'AnalIy,

and also by Miss Armstrong and Mr. Murray. Miss G. Montgomery

as ‘Granny'compared the state of Temperance in her early days

with the present. This item was very well done, as was the next,

a dialogue by D. Livingston and V. Irwin, entitled “The Three Nots."

But the piece of the evening was a sketch, entitled “Home

Government" by G. N. and C. Montgomery and

J. Dawson. A very impressive address was then

given by Rev. O. Scott, Rector of Gilford, with the

result that forty-five of those present expressed their

willingness to sign the pledge. We hope that at

the next meeting many more will come and do the



Seagoe—The following did not miss a service

during the quarter ending December 31 st :—Nicholas

England, Ellen J. England, Thomas England,

Victor Walker, David Forde, John Porter, Maud

Dickson, Lena J. Best, M. Ruddy. The attendance

of the following was very good Hannah Harte,

Adelaide M 'Loughlin, Margaret Reid, Amelia Reid,

Annie White, Anna M. Watson, Theresa Ramsay,

Florrie M’Loughlin, James Porter, David Porter

Thomas Ruddell, James D. England.

The new Cards have now been distributed, and we

are glad to see that our young people are attending

Church so well. Our Lord Jesus Christ loved to be

in His Father's House, and we must learn to follow

His example and never be absent from the House of

Prayer. My soul hath a desire and longing to

enter into the courts of the Lord's house "were the

words of the Psalmist of Israel, and they are words

which we should strive to make our own. We

would like to point out that if child is inattentive

during the Service such inattention, if made known

to the Sunday School Superintendent, will deprive

the child of its attendance mark for that Sunday.

The Superintendents have been asked to supervise as

far as possible the children who are unaccompanied

by their parents, but may we not hope that; before

long every parent in the Parish will accompany the

children whom God has given them when the

children go to worship in the House of Prayer?


Joshua vi—viii.

CHAP. vi.—FEB. 10.

1 What city is famous for its siege?

2 What direction did God give Joshua concerning it?

3 Describe briefly the siege?

4 What command was given concerning the spoil?

5 Who alone escaped of the inhabitants?

6 What was the curse pronounced by Joshua on Jericho?

CHAP. vii.—FEB. 17.

1 By whom were the Israelites smitten?

2 How did God direct them to find out the cause?

3 Who had committed the sin?

4 What had he done?

5 How was he punished, and where?

6 Meaning of Achor ?

CHAP. viii., 1-17—FEB. 24.

1 By what means was Ai taken?

2 How many men did Joshua choose to take it?

3 Where did they encamp?

4 What ruse did Joshua adopt?

CHAP. viii., 18-35-—MARCH 3.

1 What was the sign for the taking of Ai?

2 How many were slain?

3. What happened to the king?

4 What altar memorialized the taking of Ai?

5. What things did Joshua do in accordance with the “Book of the Law"?

6. On what mountains were the blessings and cursings read?


ST. MARK iv., 10. – Feb. 10.

1. What is meant by the " Kingdom of God"?

2. To what is it likened here?

3. What is a parable?

4. What miracle did Christ perform in this passage?

5. In what words did the disciples show their impatience?

6. What effect did the miracle produce on the disciples?

ST. MARK V., 1-20—-FEB. 17.

1. How does St. Mark describe the Gadarene lunatic?

2. In what words did he address Jesus?

3. What was his name?

4. How did our Lord answer the devils' request?

5. After what miracle did the people beseech Christ to depart out of their coasts?

ST. Mark ii., 1-12—MARCH 3.

1. How did the bearers of the palsied man show their faith?

2. What words of Christ did the scribes object to?

3. How did our Lord prove His power to forgive sins?

4. “We never saw it on this fashion." After what miracle were these words spoken?


(For Senior Classes.)


1. What plea do we offer to God in this Collect?

2. On what do we depend when asking requests from God?

3. Against what does this Collect teach us to pray?


1. What is the meaning of "charity?

2. Where are we taught the necessity of charity?

3. How does this Collect define it?

4. What is the punishment of those who have not this virtue?


1. What day is called “Ash Wednesday”?

2. What special request do we make in this Collect?


1. What event in Christ's life is mentioned in this Collect?

2. What lesson does Christ's example teach us?


1. Why do we ask God to keep us?

2. How are we to be kept?

3. For what purpose are we to be kept?


For February 24th.

Portion of Scripture to be studied—-Jeremiah xxxv.

Note—There were buildings round the beautiful

Temple at Jerusalem where various priests and

teachers lived. In an upstairs room belonging to a

good man was Jeremiah, God's prophet, and a number

of rather rough men. On the table were placed

cups of wine. Jeremiah asked these men to drink

some wine, but they said, " We will drink no wine:

because Jonadab the son of Rechab our father commanded

us, Ye shall drink no wine.” We see they were Total

Abstainers from obedience, and God was pleased to bless them.

Texts to be learned—I Thess. iv, 6-7, Ephes. v. 18,

1 Cor. V. 11.

Hymn to be learned—145 in Church Hymnal.


A most successful Social Meeting in connection

with the Bible Classes of the Parish took place in

Seagoe School on Thursday evening, January 17th.

at 7-30 o'clock. Over 200 members were present,

and the rooms presented a crowded appearance. For

the first time in the history of Seagoe School the

building was lighted with gas, which added much to

the evening's pleasure. After a hearty tea, a short

programme followed.

Mr. Smith's gramophone produced some splendid songs

and instrumental pieces, while well-sung duet by Messrs.

Wilson and Murray, accompanied by Miss Walker, was

much appreciated. Round games were then indulged in,

and we have seldom seen a company of young

people enjoy themselves so much as did our Bible

Class friends during these games. Two different

sets of games were kept going in the rooms until

near ten o'clock, when the Rector asked all to gather

in one room to listen to a Temperance Dialogue

entitled "Homo Government," which was most

capably executed by the Misses N. and L. Montgomery

and Messrs J. Dawson and C. Montgomery. After a

few words of good advice from the Rev. J. Taylor,

the Doxology was heartily sung by all present, and

a most enjoyable reunion came to an end. The

following ladies acted as tea-makers—Mrs. Hadden,

Mrs. Collen, Mrs. Smith, Miss Armstrong, Miss

Walker, Mrs. M 'Mullan, Miss Calvert, Mrs Montgomery,

Miss E. Walker, Mrs. Flannigan. We hope that all our young

people will join one or other of the Bible Classes which

meet on Sunday mornings (see cover of Magazine).

The subject of study this year is—" The Book of Common Prayer”,

a most interesting subject, which brings before us most

important Scripture truths as well as most interesting

phases of Church History. The subject for next

Sunday is-—" The Sentences and Exhortation," in

which the object of Public Worship is brought

before us;


One of the most successful. of these gatherings

came off in Hacknahay School on January 31st.

The school was thronged with teachers and children

and those who were no longer children. Mr. George

Calvert very kindly entertained the children to tea,

and a willing band of helpers dispensed it to those

present. An excellent programme was then gone

through, including phonograph selections kindly

given by Mr. W. J. Calvert; songs by the choir

and the Misses M'Murray and Neill; reading by Mr.

T. E. Maginnis; recitations by Rev. J. Taylor, and

action songs by the children. Great credit is due

to Miss Calvert for the way in which the last items

were carried out, each one calling forth the heartiest

applause. During the evening an interesting item

was the presentation to Miss Monro of a beautiful

silver teapot from the teachers, as a mark of appreciation of

her work in the Sunday School, from which she is now

severing her connection. The Rector having read a letter

of apology from Major Blacker very much regretting

the inability of Mrs. Blacker to be present to distribute

the prizes, owing to a cold, the prizes were handed to the

children by Miss Calvert. After a chorus, “Good night,"

by the choir, the meeting was brought to a close,

each child receiving an orange from Mr. Calvert

on its way out. Two dialogues by Messrs. Montgomery

and Currie and Miss L. Fox were done in

excellent style, and were greatly appreciated by all

present, adding much to the pleasure of the evening.


The following are the words of the Vesper Hymn

sometimes sung at the close of our Evening Service—

“Grant us, Father, we beseech Thee,

Heavenly love in rich increase;

And as long as life endureth

Grant us Thine abiding peace. Amen.


The Rev. H. Teggart, who has for the past eleven

years been working as a Missionary in Uganda,

Central Africa, will address meetings in the Parish

on next Thursday, February 7th.


Children's Missionary Meeting in Edenderry

Hall on Thursday, at 6 o'clock.


Missionary Meeting in Drumgor on same evening

at 8.


Splendid lime light views will be shown at both

meetings. There will be no charge for admission,

but a collection will be made for the Church

Missionary Society.

We hope to have overflowing meetings on each



Every Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock the Singing

Class meets in Edenderry Hall. Mr Horace Wilson

is the conductor. The members are taught to sing

from note. Wonderful progress has been made, and

we look forward to the time when each member of

Seagoe Choir will be able to sing from note and not

merely by ear. The Class is about to begin practising

a Service of Song. Those desirous of joining should do

so at once. Special reduction for children.


Notwithstanding a good deal of sickness, the

numbers in our Day School keep well up. Religious

instruction is imparted to the children each week by

the clergy. Cooking Classes for our girls are about

to be started, and Mr Horace Wilson has formed a

class for instruction in Song singing and Recitation

which meets on Wednesday at 2-30. The charge for

membership in the class is 1d weekly, and parents

should see that their children take advantage of this

most important branch of education.


The next Temperance Meeting will be held in the

Parochial Hall, Edenderry, on Friday, February 8th.

We hope to see not merely the children but their

parents and grown-up brothers and sisters.

The programme on this occasion will be chiefly

in the hands of the boys and young men, and it is

hoped that the Rev. A, Miller, curate of Waringstown,

will give the address.

Of the five pupils of Mr. Firth who obtained

honours at a recent examination in music, we were

glad to notice that three were from our Parish, viz.,

Miss L. Montgomery, Miss M. Archer, and Miss R.



The names of those attending all the schools

except Seagoe, whose church attendance has been

good, will be published next month.


A new stove has been fitted up in Seagoe School,

and is a great improvement.


The incandescent gas light has also made a

change for the better in the school.


The Rector has had a card from Mrs. Pentland

(Miss S. Connor) who seems to like her new home

in Scotland very much.


Special preachers have been arranged for Lent,

which begins on Ash Wednesday, February 13th.

A list of the Lent services will shortly be published.


We are glad to notice that the Wednesday evening services

are being very well attended.


The following particulars regarding Old Seagoe

Church, the ruins of which are shown on our

Magazine cover, may be of interest to our readers:

The Church lies due east and west. The space

within the walls is 59 feet by 22 feet, which were

the entire dimensions of the Church originally.

Afterwards there were added small porch of stone

at the south-west corner and a northern aisle or

transept; the foundations of these can still be

traced. The Church presented the appearance of a

long, low building. It was lighted on the south side

and in the transept by small square-headed windows.

Those in the east and west gables were narrow and

pointed, and all, like the whole edifice, were entirely

devoid of ornament in any form. The roof was

covered with oak shingles, as was usual in all large

buildings in early day. (The spire of Waringstown

Church is still covered with shingles). The Church

was entered at the south-west corner by the small

porch, in which was a seat at either side. There

was a descent of two steps into the nave. The side walls

appear to have been little more than 10 feet

high, but the ceiling being coved some additional

height was gained in the centre. On the left of the

entrance inside the Church rose the steps or stairs

leading to the gallery. Here hung down the bell rope

from the belfry overhead, and the bell ringer stood on

the stairs when he performed the duties of his office.

The first seat on the gallery was occupied

by the choir of “singing boys," and they were aided

by three or four flutes—"black flutes" it is specially

noted—and a great bass fiddle. (In next month's

issue we hope to complete this description of the old



The foundation stone of the present Church was

laid on June 1st, 1814.


After the destruction of Seagoe Church during the

Rebellion of 1641 it was rebuilt largely through the

exertions of Valentine Blacker, Esq., an ancestor of

the Carrickblacker family.


By an Act of Vestry in 1765 the front seat of the

gallery was assigned “for the use of the singing

boys and Mr. Willm. Nuttle" (Lutton).


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Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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