Seagoe Archives

Feburary 1930


Feburary 1930

Seagoe Parish magazine.


Opening of Seagoe School Bazaar by Viscountess Charlemont at Seagoe School, at 3 p.m., on Thursday, Dec. 12th, 1929.

We present our readers this month with the interesting photograph taken outside Seagoe School on

the occasion of the Bazaar held 'on behalf of the renovation and upkeep of the School on Thursday and Friday, December 12th and 13th, 1929. In the forefront of the photograph from left to right are the Rector (Rev. Canon Archer),little Miss Peggy Caddell (who presented a bouquet to Viscountess Charlemont), Viscountess Charlemont, who declared the Sale open, and Capt. Robert Gracey, of Seagoe Church Lads' Brigade, and Lay Reader in Seagoe Parish. In the near front of the picture are lads of the C.L.B. Training Corps, and in the background are members of the C.L.B. Cadet Corps.part of the War Memorial and the Parish Church are also visible in the background. The photograph was taken by the representative 'of "The Northern Whig," Belfast.

The Magazine.

We have not yet finally arranged-the design of the cover of the Magazine for this year. We hope to

have it complete for the next issue. The change of cover each year has been our custom ever since the Magazine was first issued. It adds much to the interest and value of the Magazine and is, we know,much appreciated by our readers. Would our distributors who have not yet returned their accounts for 1929 kindly do so without delay and much oblige.

The publication of each issue of the Magazine implies a considerable, outlay and prompt payment is of great assistance.

Sustentation Fund.

Perhaps you have omitted to send in all Money Envelopes for 1929. If so please do so at once to

your local collector or to the Hon. Treasurer, Mr.Hugh Stoops, Killicomaine Road, Portadown. If by any chance you are an annual subscriber and you have not yet sent in your subscription please do not longer delay. He gives twice who gives quickly.


The Bazaar Accounts.

We publish below a statement of the receipts and expenditure in connection with the recent School Bazaar. It has been compiled by our excellent Bazaar Treasurer, Mr. Robert McClements.

The results show that a handsome net amount is available;for the renovation and upkeep of our Parochial School.

SEAGOE SCHOOL BAZAAR, December 12th/13th, 1929.

PROCEEDS, Etc. RECEIPTS. Cash, per G. Wilson's Account .

White Elephant

Door Collections

Refreshment Room

Ballot for Turkey

Mr. Twinem (for Duck)

Miss Hawthorne

Colleen soap Stall

Farm Produce

Work Stall

Cake Stall

Pound Stall


Bean Bags

Dart Board


Pound Stall


Per Miss M. Porter

Mrs. Scott and Miss Rowntree

Mrs. walker

Miss Montgomery

Mrs. Abraham

Nellie White and Miss


RECEIPTS.,, Miss Guy ...... 0 09

Cash, per G. Wilson’s Account ....£3 92,

Miss Ellen Atkinson... 1 00

White Elephant... 8 531,, Miss M. Twinem ... 0 50

Door Collections... 7 23,,

Mr. Gillespie (Bean Bags)... 0 100

Refreshment Room... 691

Ballot Tickets... 0 83

Ballot for Turkey 1 6 9,.

Violin Tickets. 8 16 0

Mr. Twinem (for Duck)... 0 2 8,,

Quilt Money... 0 60

Miss Hawthorne... 1 150,,

Miss Porter (Violin)... 0 36

Colleen Soap Stall... 5 82,,

Mr Griffith, Mr. Scott... 0 10»

Farm Produce... 4 167


Work Stall.. 26 92

Mrs. Waring, M.P.... 5 0t*

Cake Stall... 9 5 11

Rev. Canon Archer... 5 0»

Pound Stall ...... 5 5 8d

Mr. Wm Robinson. . 3 30... 5 88

Mrs. Dunlop ...... 3 00

Bean Bags... 5 11

Mr. A. W. Archer. . 1 00

Dart Board... 3 11 11

Mrs. Waring, per Mrs. A. Kirk ..... 0 100... 3 14

l i

Mr. A Kirk ..... 0 100

Pound Stall ...... U 140

Profit ’on Tea Stall, per Mr. C. Montgomery 0 154


Anon.. 0 10«

Per Miss M. Porter... 1 132

£177 29}

„ Mrs. Scott and Miss Rowntree... 1 146


,, Mrs. Walker... 0 136By William Gibson... £1 100

,, Miss Montgomery ...... 3 188,, Ellen Atkinson, 2 100

,, Mrs. Abraham... 0 76,, David Guy1 0Ü

,, Nellie White and Miss Ne.ll... 1 00,, Robert Richardson ...... 1 00

Miss Agnes Webb ...... 1 20„ Mr. Scott ..... 0 190

Miss Matchett and Miss McDonald... 5 150„

Miss Guy .... . 0 1

Miss McDonald... 1 116,,

Mrs. Scott (Cake Prizes)0 11p

Miss M ‘Clements ...... 1 36,,

H. Stoops (School Reps.).. 2 14 0

Miss M. Gregson... 0 8 6,,

Shillington (Damaged Timber).. 1 15

Miss Lizzie Patton ...... 1 190,

Mrs. Vance.. 0 190

Mrs. M. Gilpin... 1 13- 0,,

Mr. Corbett. . 2 40

, Miss T. Anderson ...... 1 100

Mr.s. Guy .... . 0 121

Miss T. Montgomery... 1 30

Miss Montgomery .... . 1 9 0

,, Mrs. E. Collins... 1 11 6„

Miss Montgomery .... . 0 53

„ Miss C. Price ...... 0 182, Mr. Scott (Soap).. 5 19 10

,, Miss Dixon. . 1 26,, Mr. J. Binks (Fags).. 0 14 0

,, Miss S. Bradshaw ... 4 00

Portadown Times .... . 1 4 0


Portadown News .... . 1 0 Per Mr. Scott (Pencils)

,Portadown News. 1 106

. . 3 00

,, Woolworth’s (Pipes)... 0 60

,, Mr. Scott (Pencils)... 3 00

,, Mr. Twinem (Pipes)... 0 30

,, Mr. Scott (Pencils). . 2 60

,, Mr. A. J. Hall. . 1 0


,, Mr. Sc'ott (Pencils) ..... 0 40

„ Mr. Jackson ... .... . 0 50

„ Mrs. Scott (Soap) .... . 1 60

Mrs. Richardson

. . 0 09

„ Miss Guy .... . 1 90

,, Balance.. 148 1411

Miss Guy (Quilt) ..... 0 159

,, Mr. Scott (Pencils). . 0 60

£177 2


, , Mrs. Scott (Soap) .... . 1 8



, , Miss Guy ...

.. o n6

January17th, 1939.



By William Gibson

Ellen Atkinson

David Guy

Robert Richardson

Mr. Scott

Miss Guy

Mrs. Scott (Cake Prizes)

H. scoops (School Reps.)

Shillington (Damaged Timber)

Mrs. Vance

Mr. Corbett

Mrs. Guy

Miss Montgomery

Miss Montgomery

Mr. Scott (Soap)

Mr. J. Binks (Fags)

Portadown Times

Portadown News

Portadown News

Woolworth's (Pipes)

Mr. Twinem (Pipes)

Mr. A. J. Hall

Mr. Jackson

Mrs. Richardson

Per Mr.

Agnes Webb

Matchett and Miss McDonald

M McDonald


M. Gregson

Lizzie Patton .

M. Gilpin

T. Anderson

T. Montgomery

E. Collins

C. Price M'CLEMENTS, Hon. Treas.

January 17th, 1930.


Seagoe Sunday School.

On -Monday, January 27th, the Annual Distribution of Prizes took place in Seagoe School,

at 7-30 p.m. There was a crowded gathering of pupils and parents,

A splendid tea was provided and an interesting programme followed.

The various items were performed by children attending the School and gave much pleasure to all present. Mr. Scott had kindly arranged the programme. The distribution of prizes

then took place. They were handed to the children by Mrs. Scott. A large number 'of Prayer Books and Hymn Books were among the prizes. At the close of the evening the Rector thanked all who had kindly helped, and after the singing of the hymn " God is always near me" the gathering dispersed.

Prize Distribution.

The following dates have been arranged for our annual Sunday School Prize Distributions:—

Drumgor—Thursday, Feb. 6th, at 7-30 p.m.

Edenderry—Tuesday, Feb. 11th, at 7-30 p.m.

Hacknahay—Friday, Feb. 21st, at 7 p.m.

Carne—Thursday, Feb. 27th, at 7-30 p.m.

Levaghery—Tuesday, March 3rd, at 7±30 p.m.

C.A, Mission in Carne-

The C.A. van moves to Carne on Saturday, February 1st, and the Captain and Cadet begin their Mission in Carne Church Hall on Sunday, February 2nd, at p.m. The services will be continued on each night during the week (except Saturday) at 8 p.m.

A New Sunday School,

For the first time for fifty years a new Sunday school is to be opened in the Parish on Sunday,

February 2nd. It will be held in Bocombra Orange hall, which has been very kindly lent by Bocombra L.O.L. The hour of the School will be 3 0'clock. Mr.James Twinem, of Lylo, has kindly consented to act as Superintendent. It is just 26 years since the old Sunday School in Lylo was closed and the need of new school in that rising district has been much appreciated. Seagoe Parish will now have no less than nine Sunday Schools in operation, two morning and seven afternoon. We trust that the opening of this new Sunday School in Bocombra will prove a great blessing to the district and through it to the whole Parish, so that God's Word will be spread and honoured in our midst.

Church Army Mission.

The Church Army Mission in Drumgor Church Hall with the visit of the Church Army van

has been largely attended and much interest has been aroused. Captain Crawford and Cadet McKinney have been much encouraged in their work. The residents have been very kind, and we especially thank Mr. and Mrs. Johnston Robinson for the kind and generous help they have given in connection with the mission

Our Advertisers,

Without the kind help cf those firms who advertise in our columns the Magazine could not be

published. We are glad to say we have no trouble in filling the available advertising space. If one drops out another quickly drops in. The Parish Magazine is the best possible agency for the advertising of goods. It circulates largely, is always read, and is safely kept for future reference. It is always turned out good style by the "Portadown News" staff, and it appears punctually to the day each month.

Scarcely a month passes without Someone, who has been negligent in securing their copy in good time,coming to headquarters with a frown On their face and demanding a copy at all costs. This is of course very gratifying, though riot always satisfying. Order your copy in advance and then you will be sure to get it.

Parish Register for January


The following were baptised in Seagoe Parish

Church on January 4th, 1930:—

Hewitt—Evan, son of William James and Charlotte Hewitt, of Portadown.

Sponsors—William James Hewitt, Jemima Porter,

Charlotte Hewitt. Crawford—Kenneth, son of Nicholas John and Margaret Crawford, of Levaghery.

Sponsors—Mary Maria Crawford. Margaret Crawford.

Kilpatrick—-Ella Mary, daughter of William James and Edith Kilpatrick, of Levaghery.

Sponsors—Anne Kilpatrick, Edith Kilpatrick.

Bickett—William James, son of William Robert (the

late) and Sarah Bickett, of Tamnifiglasson.

Sponsors—James Boyce, Kathleen Boyce.

Calvert—William Harold and Doreen Cherry Elizabeth, -children of William and Anne Calvert,

of Knockmena.

Sponsors - Elizabeth Conolly, Anna Isabel Calvert.


Coulter and Morrow—Nov. 6th, 1929, in St. George's Church, Belfast, Robert Henry Coulter, of

Tarsan, to Emma Morrow, of Belfast.


Glassey—January 11th, Mildred Glassey, of Edenderry, aged 1 1/2 years.

Fox—January 15th, William John Fox, of Edenderry,

aged 23 years.

White—January 17th. Jane White, of Bocombra.

Cordy—.January 21st, Sarah Jane Cordy, of Edenderry, aged 76 years.

Miss Cherry Dawson.

Miss Cherry Dawson has returned from South America and has been revisiting her old friends in

Seagoe. Everyone was very glad to see her. She has many Wonderful things to tell of her experiences during so many years in the vast continent of South America

The South American Missionary Society,under which Miss Dawson and her sister, the late

Miss Mary Dawson, served,was doing a noble and extensive work under difficult circumstances. The Society deserves our hearty support. The indefatigable Bishop Every displays a marvellous energy in visiting time most distant parts of his great Diocese.

Miss Dawson returned in the Mail s.s. " Alcantara," and during a fierce storm in the Bay of Biscay they passed and saluted the steamer in which the Prince of Wales was sailing to South Africa.

Miss Dawson tells us an interesting fact about Seagoe Parish Magazine, that it is read regularly and with interest each month by a farmer living in the south of the far-flung Patagonia, somewhere in the neighbourhood of Tierra del Fuego and the Straits of Magellan.

We congratulate him and wish him all prosperity blessing in his distant home.

St. Mark's Bell Fund.

Mrs. Atkinson, of Eden Villa, has asked us to publish the enclosed letters, which we do with great


Dear Canon Archer in response, to the appeal published 'in November, I have received subscriptions amounting to towards St. Mark's Bell Fund, and wish, through the Magazine, to convey my sincere thanks to all my friends who responded so willingly

and generously.—

Yours sincerely,


Eden Villa, Portadown.

January 16th, 1930.

Dear Mrs. Atkinson,—l beg to acknowledge with many thanks your cheque for £57 towards St. Mark's Bell Fund. Will you kindly convey to, all who, subscribed this most generous gift. the deep sense of appreciation of our Parish for their kindness? It is indeed most encouraging to us all to have received such token of good-will from a neighbouring Parish.

Believe me, most faithfully yours,


A Service of Song

An attractive Service of Song entitled "Paul, the Little Mediator" with lantern and musical

accompaniment will be given (D.v.) in Seagoe School on Thursday, March 13th, at 8 p.m. Tickets, one shilling each, are now on sale. Children under 14 will be admitted at 6d each, paid at door. The proceeds are on behalf of Seagoe Sunday School.

Jumble Sale

On Friday, Feb. 14th, a Jumble Sale will be held in Edenderry Parochial Hall at 7-30 p.m. Proceeds on behalf of Levaghery Sunday School Prize Fund.

Mother's Union.

The Mother's Union will meet (D. v.) in Edenderry Parochial Hall on Tuesday, Feb. 12th, 1930. at 7-30 p.m. A full attendance of the members is requested.

Poor Parishes Fund

Collections on behalf of the Diocesan Poor Parishes Fund will be made in the Parish Church on Sunday, Feb. 9th, at Morning and Evening Prayer. There are many needy Parishes in this United Diocese and we ask your kind help on their behalf.

A Hospital for Portadown,

The Rector gave evidence last week at the Inquiry in Lurgan regarding hospital requirements in this

neighbourhood. He advocated a hospital in Portadown. It is greatly needed.

The: children in Edenderry have had a great time in their new game of "Pipe walking." The big

iron pipes for the new sewage works are a great attraction for walking on and climbing through.

An Edenderry cat was seen walking through the pipes a few days ago, thus escaping the danger from dogs and motors

Much regret has been expressed at the death of Willie Fox. He was a popular member of the C.L.I!.

T he Brigade were present at his funeral and sent a wreath.


A Service will be held (D.v.) in Mr. W. J. England's at Knock Lane on Tuesday, February 4th, at 8 p.m. "Grow more Flowers" is a good motto for spring. Now is the time to think about it.

Seagoe and Portadown ought to be a land of flowers. Seagoe Nurseries are near at hand.

Mr. Robt. Fiddes, of Florence Court, won the violin made,

and presented by Mr. Robert McClements to the recent Bazaar.

From Seagoe to Melbourne

Wednesday, 10th July—We get up at 7 a..rn this morning. The sea is not just so rough,

and the passengers are just recovering from their sickness. We are having a concert to-night. This will help cheer us up The concert begins at 8 p.m., and we

have songs, step-dancing, and then a breach of promise case.

We finish at 11 p.m., everybody feeling much better. Clocks go on 20 minutes.

Thursday, 11th July—We get up at the usual time, have breakfast and then have a walk round There is not much to do today, so we pass it over quietly,

Clocks go on 30 minutes. Friday, 12th, July—Off Munikoi at 3 a.m. we get

up at usual time but spend a very quiet day. This is a big change from home; no drums. We are due

to arrive at Colombo to-morrow, so everyone is pre- paring for a, good time.

Clocks go on 20 minutes.

Saturday, 13th July.—We arrive at Colombo at 7 a.m. It is a lovely day, So we hope to have a good

time. We go ashore at 8-30 a.m. It costs 1/- return.

This is one of the most interesting places we have stopped at So far. There are quite a lot of English speaking people here. Some of the natives can also speak English. You can have a rickshaw ride for

about 1/- per head. These natives will bring you

round all the places of interest. The last tender leaves the shore at 11-30 p.m., and we sail again at

midnight. Everybody satisfied.


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Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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