Seagoe Parish Magazine
“I was glad when they said unto me: we will go into the house of the Lord."
PSALM 722: v. I.
“Not forsaking the assembling of yourselves together, as the manner of some is"
HEBREWS 10: 25.
For Services, Classes. etc., see end of Local Matter.
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Seagoe Parish Magazine.
JANUARY, 1940.
REV. J. W. APPELBE, M.A., B.D., Seagoe Rectory.
REV. W. F. HAYES, B.A., L.Th., The Bungalow,
Lower Seagoe.
Rector's—S. McCORMICK.
People's—J. G. GRACEY, J.P.
January 1st—The Circumcision of Christ.
January 6th—Epiphany.
January 7th—1st Sunday after Epiphany.
January 14th—2nd Sunday After Epiphany.
Service in Drumgor at 3 p.m.
January 21st—Septuagesima.
January 23rd—Service in Bocombra at 8 p.m.
January 25th—Conversion of St. Paul.
January 28th—Sexagesima.
Service in Hacknahay at 3.30 p.m.
My dear Friends,
I take this opportunity to wish you all God's blessing
in the year that lies ahead; may it indeed be a happy
one in the real sense. To talk of happiness at this
time when we are involved in a grim war seems
at first sight out of place and to savour of unreality,
but it is not out of place or unreal to think of
happiness even in times of uncertainty and trouble,
because, for the Christian, who loves and serves
our Lord Jesus Christ, outward circumstances are
irrelevant. War and all that it means cannot rob us
of His peace, His power, His presence. This has been
the experience of Christians all down the ages; you
have only to think of St. Paul, a man who from the
worldling's point of view should have been the
unhappiest of men. His friends deserted him, his
fellow-countrymen, the Jews, persecuted him, the
mighty power of Imperial Rome was arrayed against
him, he was imprisoned many times, the Christian
communities he brought into being many a time
grieved his heart by their petty selfishness, and yet in
spite of all these crushing outward circumstances,
Paul was supremely happy. Read his letters and you
will find how often he speaks of joy. This reminds us
of words of our Lord to His disciples on one of the
occasions when He was speaking to them of His own
approaching death, "in the world ye shall have
tribulation; but be of good cheer; I have overcome the
world." It is only the Christian, who in the midst of
tribulation can be of good cheer. The time honoured
greeting for 1940, "A Happy New Year," is not out
of place for true happiness can always be the possession
of the true disciple of Christ. When we speak of
happiness we must not make the mistake of thinking
that the best way of attaining it is to seek it; this is
not so. The surest way to be miserably unhappy is
to set our hearts on finding it. Live for happiness
and it will always elude you. This is true because
it is a bye-product of living - you know what a
bye-product is - something which you produce or get
when you are making something else, e.g., when gas
is being made from coal, tar and coke are bye-products.
You and I have been placed in the world by God, not
with the idea of His making us happy but rather that
He may discipline and train us and make us good, but
like the tar and the coke, happiness is a bye-product
of goodness. What is goodness? It is Christ likeness.
The motto of Christ's life was summed up by Himself,
“My meat is to do the will of Him that sent me";
and again, "For I came down from heaven, not to do
mine own will, but the will of him that sent me."
Let us make this our motto for 1940. If we do this, and
strive more fully to know God's will for us, and when
we know it, and by His grace put it into practice in
our lives, a happy year will be ours. A modern writer
has said that "Jesus promised His disciples three
things, that they would be (1) entirely fearless, (2)
absurdly happy (3) they would get into trouble; all
three were amply fulfilled."
Only by knowing and doing God's will can we be
happy. The present curse of war is the direct result
of nations refusing either to learn or do it, so too in
the lives of individuals unhappiness, disillusionment,
futility, lack of purpose and many other similar
results ensue when God is ignored. If we have failed
Him in the past, and who of us is there who is satisfied
that we have not? yet in His mercy He is offering us
a New Year in which we can do better, in which we
can do His will, not our own. And this is not all.
He offers us something more, His help in four
distinct ways, which are within the reach of us
all. Look at these briefly.
The privilege of communing with Him each day;
linking ourselves to Him that He may make us strong.
Prayer is not trying to persuade an unwilling God
to do what we wish, but rather that He may
strengthen and bend our wills to conform to His Will.
"The grass withereth, the flower fadeth; but the
word of our God shall stand for ever" (Isaiah 40, v. 8).
Such was the bracing message which the great Prophet
of the Exile gave to his countrymen in the day
of their testing. May this same truth abide in our
hearts as we set out on another year and face the
testing it may bring.
What does the future hold for us? We are all
asking this. But an equally important question is: —
How are we facing the future? We should do so with
composure. Composure is not indifference; it is a
quality of mind and spirit which enables us to look
steadily on life and leads to positive action. This
can only be if our minds are stayed on God. Such
composure is, of course, the reverse of seeking some
means of "escape"; rather it is a fearless facing of
the future. It springs from an unshaken conviction
that, whatever may betide, "the best is yet to be."
“The word of our God shall stand for ever"; this is
our faith. The Bible is supremely God's word for us,
it has a message for every situation, for every need.
It assures us of His unchanging reality, His deathless
purpose of love, His supreme revelation in Christ the
Eternal Lord, who is the same yesterday and to-day
and for ever.
Have we made the best use of the Bible in the year
that has closed? If not, then here is a new year, a
fresh chance to prove it to be "a lantern unto feet
and light unto our path" for 1940.
In this country we have still preserved for us the
right to worship God freely in our churches Sunday
by Sunday. In parts of the world men have lost this
privilege, churches are closed or they are being used
as secular buildings. Yet, how many there are, even
in Seagoe, who do not value this God-given means of
grace. Perhaps they would say, if asked, "I can live
without going to church." This may be true, but
even the cow or the cat could answer thus if they
had the power of speech. Is any individual "made
in God's image" content to live a life at the animal
level? A live Christian must be a worshipping
Christian. God demands and expects it of us. In this
parish there are 2,500 souls, one would not get that
impression from the attendance at our morning or
evening service on Sundays. Even allowing for old
people and very young children our Church attendance
is unworthy of a Christian community. True for the
past few months the weather was singularly inclement
on Sundays, and the black-out has not made it any
easier, but if our religious enthusiasm can be damped
by a shower, if the "black-out" is going to "black-out,"
our Church going, what kind of religion is it? We can
be sure of one thing in answer to this, it is not the
Christian religion. After all the "black-out" is a very
lame excuse for country people, and there are 1,000
of them in Seagoe; for them the lighting restrictions
have made no appreciable difference in the matter
of getting to Church; while for townspeople the
absence of street lighting could be compensated for
by the "convoy system," i.e., if you do not like the
idea of walking out alone, call for a friend or friends
and go together. There is no danger for there is a good
footpath from every house in Edenderry to the Church
gate. Let us make a fresh effort for 1940 to enter into
the psalmist's experience, when he said, "I was glad
when they said unto me, we will go into the house of
the Lord."
As we face the New Year let us make up our minds
to use this service more often for "The strengthening
and refreshing of our souls." It is our Lord's own
appointed way of helping us to keep in mind His
Cross and of the benefits we enjoy through His atoning
death for us. We have missed recently some of the
regular attenders from the 8 a.m. Service on the third
Sunday of each month. I hope the attendance will
It is only by making use of all these ways of
strengthening our spiritual life that we can hope to
tread victoriously the unknown path, which lies before
each one of us in 1940. Let us go forward in the sure
confidence that if we do our part God will do His,
and let us remember that if we are slack and careless
about the things that matter, God cannot and will
not help us.
I will close this letter with the words of our King
in his broadcast on Christmas Day. They are worth
repeating and pondering over: —
"I said to the man who stood at the gate of the
year, 'Give me a light that I may tread safely into
the unknown,' and he replied, 'Go out into the
darkness and put your hand into the hand of God.
That shall be to you better than light and safer than
A known way.' "
Your sincere Friend,
Morning Prayer—The Churchwardens, Messrs. J.
Ward, F. Shanks, J. Stevens, W. G. Best.
Evening Prayer—J. Walker, W. Hewitt, S. D. Walker,
A. Kirke, W. H. Best, J. McLoughlin.
On Christmas Eve, Sunday, December 24th, at 7
the annual Carol Service took place, at which
the choir rendered a special Christmas Anthem and
as well some of the popular Carols. The Service
formed a fitting prelude to Christmas Day.
The weather this year was fine on Christmas Day,
but this did not help the attendance at the Services
on this day as it should have done. It is to be hoped
that the attendance at Morning Prayer on Christ's
birthday is not an indication of the place He holds
in our lives. It is sad to think that out of a church
population of 2,500 only 72 were able to be present
at Morning Prayer. "He came unto His own and His
own received Him not" was the tragedy of the first
Christmas. Is it not true of us to-day? I hope in
future years we will remove this blot from our
Church life and see to it, that, we honour Him by
worshipping Him in His house on His birthday.
The special Christmas music was tastefully
rendered by the choir, under the capable leadership
of Mrs. Casey at the organ. The solo part of the
anthem "Sing O ye Heavens," was taken by Miss N.
The material for making the Parish Church conform
with the lighting restrictions cost between £7 and £8.
The fitting up, etc., of this was generously done free
of cost by a member of the Select Vestry. As a result
of the retiring collections on Sunday, December 31st,
the sum of £3 13s 5d was received to meet the cost.
This is barely half the sum required. There were a
great many absent, who we feel would like to help in
clearing this; they can still do so by putting their
contribution on the plate in an envelope any Sunday
in January.
(From Everyday Religion, by the Bishop of Lichfield.)
"To the question, 'What am I to do?' the Christian
answer is plain. It may be stated in three words,
'Share your life.' The attaining of life and the sharing
of it are two integral parts of one and the same
process. It is the great paradox of Christianity again
and again insisted upon by Jesus Christ, and verified
by all true experience, that you only realize life in
sharing it. 'Life' and ' Love' are almost interchangeable
"Now it must be conceded that to care more for
giving than getting involves for most of us
a very drastic change in our point of view.
But such a change is precisely what takes place when
Anyone has the humility and wisdom—I had almost
said the common sense — to get his ideas from Jesus
"No one can have any contact with Jesus Christ
without making two discoveries—discoveries which
rapidly affect the whole of his thinking and living.
One is that the eternal God does really care about
every single individual being; that they all matter to
Him as individual personalities.
"If each of severally are
objects of God's concern
then clearly, we stand in a very wonderful relationship
to one another, as being all of us within the magic
circle of the love of God.
"The other discovery—perhaps it would be truer
to call it experience—which follows hard upon the
heels of the first is that such a knowledge of the love
of God, and such an attitude towards men, must and
does involve a shifting of life's centre of gravity.
“It entails a drastic alteration of one's sense of
“It means, not a contracting, or limiting or
mutilating of life but a
radiant, passionate certainty
that the fulness of life is only to be found in sharing
and service and sacrifice.
“How indeed could it be otherwise with a religion
which has the Cross as its very centre, which tells
of a God ‘Who spared not His own Son but gave Him
up for us all'?
“Shall the disciple be above his master? Are we
to attempt to work out our vocation and destiny on
easier and safer lines than those which were good
enough for Jesus?
“The fundamental thing in Christian experience
cannot be too emphatically set forth; for it is so easily
obscured on the one side by the idea that sees 'salvation'
as a kind of private security from the dangers of this
world and the next. Or on the other side by an
exaggerated asceticism which views sacrifice as an
end in itself.
“The essential thing in 'salvation' is that the man is
saved from a life of selfishness to one of love.
“Whatever spiritual experiences a man may have
gone through, if he is not delivered from his
self-regarding impulses he is not converted to the
Christian position.
“I sometimes think," says another Christian of
to-day, 'that Christ barely recognizes any sin except
selfishness; for selfishness is about the one sin we
don't recognize.'
“It is not so much a question, in 'salvation,' of
mortifying selfish instinct. It is rather that, in the
company of Christ, you come to care for something
not yourself in the absorbing interests of His plans
and His cause. The question He always asks of those
who follow Him is what they are doing to share their
life! and His sternest condemnation falls on those who
fail to share it; those who, confronted by opportunities
to help, thoughtlessly and uselessly "pass by on the
other side.'
"A great Italian writer is said to have remarked to
a friend on the subject of a religious reputation:
‘When I hear a man called 'good,' I ask, 'Who, then,
has he saved?'
"The genuine article in Christian unselfishness is
not to be confused with
a feeble, flabby sentiment of goodwill
which never gets itself effectively expressed in action;
a 'love' which is directed towards everybody in
particular but does nothing for anybody in particular.
"A story is told of an artist busy in his studio and
thinking hard while he painted. The subject of his
picture was a poor, thinly-clad woman hugging a child
to her breast and sorely battered by storm and tempest.
“Suddenly he flung down his brush, exclaiming to
himself, 'Why don't I go myself to help such folk,
instead of just painting pictures of them?'
“He was as good as his word and Alfred Tucker
spent the rest of his life in the mission field; the last
twenty-five years of it as Bishop of Uganda."
(From " The Church Army Gazette.")
Drumgor—Sunday, Jan. 14th, at 3 p.m.
Bocombra—Tuesday, Jan. 23rd, at 8 p.m.
Hacknahay—Sunday, Jan. 28th, at 3.30 p.m.
The passing from our midst of Mrs. Russell, Drumgor,
came as a great shock. In the prime of life, she
has been called to higher service. She was greatly
loved by all who knew her, and she will be sadly
missed in the home, where she leaves a husband and
four children to mourn her loss. To the bereaved
family we extend our deepest sympathy.
His many friends in Seagoe were deeply grieved to
hear that the Rev. W. F. Hayes suffered bereavement
recently by the death of his mother. We pray, that
to all who mourn at this time God may "grant the
spirit of faith and courage that they may have strength
to meet the days to come with steadfastness and patience,
not sorrowing as those without hope, but in thankful
remembrance of His great goodness in past years, and
in the sure expectation of a joyful reunion in the
heavenly places, through Jesus Christ our Lord."
“Suffer little children to come unto Me, and forbid
them not. for of such is the Kingdom of God."
Dec. 3rd—William James, son of Robert Henry and
Isabel Wilson, 4, Garland Avenue, Lurgan.
"Those whom God hath joined together let no man
put asunder."
Dec. 26th—Thomas Richard Quinn, 39, Alexandra
Gardens, Portadown, and Myrtle Liggett, 261,
Bridge Street, Portadown.
Dec. 26th—William Cunningham, 91, West Street,
Portadown, and Bertha McLoughlin,
"Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from
henceforth, yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest
from their labours."
Dec. 4th—Margaret Russell, Drumgor, aged 40 years.
The Hon. Treas. for the above gratefully acknowledges
the receipt of the following subscriptions: —
Robert Scott, Seagoe £2 0 0
Miss Hall, Windsor Terrace 0 5 0
George Leake, Seafield 0 10 0
T. H. Hall, Seafield 2 0 0
S. Hall, Seafield 2 0 0
J. Ward, Seafield 1 0 0
R. M'C1ements, Bridge St. 5 0 0
Mrs. A. Hoy, Windsor Terrace 0 10 0
Mr. & Mrs. Stephens, Levaghery 1 0 0
Miss D. Stephens, Levaghery 0 10 0
Mrs. Marks, Levaghery £0 10 0
Mrs. Kyle, Clanrole 0 10 0
Mrs. John Richardson, Breagh 0 2 6
Wm. Gregson, Drumgor 0 4 0
John McKerr, Drumgor 0 2 6
Joseph Stevenson, Drumgor 2 0 0
Miss Gibson, Clanrole 0 2 6
£18 6 6
Already acknowledged £555 16 7
Total £574 3 1
At the recent annual meeting of the above held in
Armagh two orphans from this parish were elected
to benefit.
We print below the return of the recent collections
made in the parish for this worthy object, and we are
glad to note that, compared with last year, there has
been no falling off in support.
Card Collectors: -
Miss M. Bradshaw 3 2 6
Miss Sophie McMurray 0 19 1
Miss E. Gibson 1 1 0
Miss T. Anderson 1 10 0
Mrs. W. Neill 1 3 0
Miss Margaret Russell 1 11 0
Miss E. Walker 0 11 6
Mrs Cathcart 1 17 0
Miss E. Magee 0 14 6
Miss Sparrow 2 1 6
Miss G. Magee 1 10 0
£16 1 1
Interest on the late Miss
Elizabeth Reid's Bequest 0 7 0
£16 8 1
A cheque for the above amount has been forwarded
to Hon. Treas. of the Society.
Our best thanks are due to the ladies mentioned
above, who so kindly undertook to make the
collections, and we congratulate them on the result of their
HOLY COMMUNION—1st Sunday after Morning
Prayer; 3rd Sunday at 8 a.m., and on the Chief Festivals
HOLY BAPTISM—1st Sunday of each Month at 4 p.m.,
and during any Service in the Parish Church, notice to be
given; Two Sponsors at least are required. The father and
mother must be present. Churchings are held at each Baptism.
Mothers are expected to bring a thank offering. (See Book of
Common Prayer.)
MORNING PRAYER—Sundays and Chief Festivals,
11.30 a.m.
EVENING PRAYER—Sundays, 7 p.m.
Hacknahay—Last Sunday of Month at 3.30 p.m.
Drumgor—Second Sunday of Month at 3 p.m.
Edenderry—Wednesdays at 8 p.m., Oct—Easter.
BIBLE CLASSES FOR MEN in Edenderry on Sundays at 10.15 a.m.
SUNDAY SCHOOLS—10.15 a.m. Edenderry Parochial
Hall and Seagoe School. 3 p.m. Seagoe, Edenderry
Parochial Hall, Levaghery, Hacknahay, Carne, Drumgor, Bocombra
MOTHERS' UNION—2nd Tuesday of each month at 7.30 p.m.
CHURCH LADS' BRIGADE in the Parochial Hall on Tuesdays.
GIRLS' FRIENDLY SOCIETY in Seagoe School on Mondays at 8 p.m. as announced
G.F.S. Candidates - Oct. – Easter, Edenderry Parochial Hall, Saturdays at 3 p.m.
SEAGO CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOUR SOCIETY – Mondays, Orange Hall, at 8 p.m.
SEAGOE P.E. SCHOOL—9.15 a.m. Principal—Mr. R. Scott.
MARRIAGES must be performed between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Licences are issued by Ven. Archdeacon Hannon, the Rectory, Lurgan. Due notice (48 hours) must be given to the Rector of intended weddings. FEES—BY License—Labourers 5/-, Tradesmen 10/-, Merchants and Farmers £1, Professional £l. By Banns 5/-.
FUNERALS will be attended by the Clergy if proper notice be given. SICK CASES should be notified to the Clergy without delay. FEES FOR CERTIFICATES—BAPTISM 3/7, Children (Factory) 1/- and 2/- (non-residents); MARRIAGE 3/7. An extra Search Fee is chargeable in certain cases. It will be a help to the Clergy if they are notified of the arrival of new Church families in the Parish.
A copy of the Magazine will be sent by post to any subscriber for 3/- per annum.
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