JANUARY, 1915.
Seagoe Parish Magazine
Photo by Moffett
1st Sunday, after Morning Prayer; 3rd Sunday at 8
a.m., and on the Chief Festivals.
1st Saturday of Month at 3 p.m. and during any
Service in the Parish Church, if notice be given.
Two Sponsors at lea,st are required. and they must
be confirmed members of the Church. Churchings
are held at, each Baptism. Mothers are expected to
bring a thankoffering, (See Book of Common Prayer)
Sundays and Chief Festivals at 11-30 a.m.
Sundays at 7 p.m. ; and at Tamnificarbet at same hour.
Classes and Schools
Sunday at 10 a.m.
For Men—Recreation Rooms, Edenderry and Seagoe Orange Hall.
For Women—Anchor Cafe Edenderry, & Seagoe School.
Week-night Bible Classes for Men are held during Winter in Carbet, Drumgor, Hacknahay.
10 a.m.—Edenderry Parochial Hall & Seagoe School.
3 p.m.—Seagoe. Edenderry Parochial Hall, Levaghery, Hacknahay, Carne.
3-30 p,m.—Drumgor.
Seagoe. 9-30 S. R. Chambers.
Hacknahay, 9-45—Miss B. C. Chambers
MARRIAGES must be performed between 8 a m. and 2 p.m. Licences are issued by Very Rev. Dr. O'Loughlin,
Rectory, Lurgan. Due notice (48 hours) must be given to the Rector of intended weddings. Fees 5/- and upwards.
FUNERALS will be attended by the Clergy if proper notice be given. SICK CASES should be notified to the Clergy
without delay. FEES FOR CERTIFICATES. BAPTISM—Under 50 years of age, 2/7; over 50 years, 3/7; Old Age Pension, 1/- ; Non Parishioners, 2/-; Children (Factory), 1/-; Non-Parishioners, 2/-. MARRIAGE—Under 50 years, 3/7; over 50, 5/1. BURIAL—Under 50 years, 2/1 ; over 50, 3/1. A search fee is chargeable is certain cases.
This Magazine is on Sale at Mrs. Collins, 18 Bridge Street.
SELECT GROCERIES still to the front.
His Teas
are Second to none.
Agent for the Celebrated Mazawattee Tea.
Book—Cinema- Photo.
See Stock: A Sheer Delight
Best Books, 5d, 6d, 7 d, and 1/- each.
Latest Books. Choice Editions.
Prayer and Hymnals. Bibles.
Fountain Pens from 3/6.
Swan Fountain Pens, 10/6.
Cameras from 5/—
3 Donegal' Sq. W. *
Phone Belfast 1424.
T, J. MONTGOMERY, High Street.
EVERYTHING In the Stationery Line—INKS, all makers ; PENS,
PENCILS, BLOTTING PAPER. ACCOUNT BOOKS—A great big line for Shopkeepers at
1/6 & 2/.- Copying Letter Books—great value.
BIBLES, PRAYER BOOKS, HYMN BOOKS—A nice pocket Bible, with flaps and band, 1/6.
FOUNTAIN PENS—A good pen with gold nib only 2/6. Last lifetime.
LADIES' HANDBAGS Newest styles, cheap.
Cheap Pictures Photographic Frames, Monster ld packet Postcards, Big Penny Blotter, Labels, ld packet, Jam Covers, ld packet ; Flower Pot Covers ld each, Local Post Cards in great variety, special Penny Exercise Books, extra value. Newspapers, Periodicals, and Magazines.
Books of all Sorts—-AT WAUGH'S High street, PORTADOWN.
Try my 2/8 Tea.
18 Bridge street, PORTADOWN.
We thank our Patrons for their liberal
support of us in the past, and hope in the future
to continue to give our friends the best value
procurable in all classes of Drapery goods,
and we ask the genera( public to see our stocks
and compare our prices before making their
Drapers, Undertakers & Furniture Removers Portadown
Seagoe Parish Magazine.
JANUARY, 1915.
A Happy New Year to all our Readers !
For King And Country ! "
A List of the Names of Residents in the Parish of Seagoe, or attached thereto, who have
answered to the call of King and Country, and have Volunteered to serve anywhere, at home or
abroad, during the War.
Frank Anderson (Motor Section) R. I. F.
David Bright, Sergt. -Major, 1st Canadians
Jos. Chapman,
William Clayton,
James Henry England, R. I. R.
Fforde Hall, A.S.C
David Gracey, H. L. I.
Bertram Holland, ISt Canadians
Richard M'Na11y, L. -Corp. R.I.F.
Alfred Richardson, 1st Canadians
Robert Rowland, A. S.C.
William Edward Webb, R I F.
First Three Lists One Hundred and Fifty-Seven Names.
Fourth List Twelve Names.
The New Cover.
WITH this number Seagoe Magazine enters
upon its tenth year of existence.
In accordance with our custom we present
our Readers this month with a newly
designed cover. The photograph represents
the present Parish Church appearing between the
east and west gables of the old Church. The present
Church was being erected exactly 100 years ago.
The foundation stone was laid in 1814, and the
building was consecrated and opened for Public
Worship in 1816. The photograph, therefore. by
linking together the old Church and the present
Church is especially appropriate to the centenary
year. It was taken from a point in the new ground
just added to the graveyard, and from which a new
and interesting view of the north side of Old Seagoe
Church can be obtained.
Our Seagoe Wounded
Harry Kane, James' Street, was home for a brief
furlough. He received two wounds during the
shelling by Monitors of the Belgian Coast. A shell
from a German shore gun burst on the deck wounding
8 of the crew of H.M.S. Rinaldo. The fight took
place on a Sunday. Harry Kane expects now to
join H.M.S. Cordelia, one of the new Destroyers
of Destroyers which can attain speed of 40 knots
an hour. His brother, James Kane, is at the front with
the Fusiliers.
Private W. Pussell, of Foundry Street, returned
last Tuesday to Head-quarters at Armagh, prior to returning
to the front. He received three wounds in the
fighting at Armentieres in France, one of the bullets
penetrated the hip bone, and he was lame for a time,
but has recovered under Dr. Dougan's care, and says
"he could now play a game of football !" He is
hardy fighter, having gone through the Boer Campaign,
for which he wears a medal, with clasps. He
hopes soon again to be in the trenches.
Private Robert Calles on, of Joseph Street, is
rapidly recovering from his wounds. He has got an
extension of leave. He was wounded in the fighting
around the Irish Guards, in which he was
serving, had a rough time.
Private John Milligan, of Century Street was
wounded by a shell in the side during the fighting
near Ypres. He has made a good recovery from his
wound, and is hoping shortly to return to France.
Private John Gibson, of Century Street, is returning
home shortly. He was severely wounded,
and has been for some time in hospital at Boulogne,
and in England. We are glad to hear he is rapidly
recovering. His portrait appeared in the " Evening
Telegraph" recently. He has just returned home
bringing with him the piece of shrapnel which
wounded him.
Cordner— November 9, in France, Private
Thomas Cordner, 11254 A Coy, 87th Royal
Irish Fusiliers, British Expeditionary
Force, aged 19 years.
We regret to record the death of Private Thomas
Cordner, stepson of Mr. Joseph M'Crory, of Foundry
Street, the first man to fall among those who have
gone from Seagoe Parish to take parb in the great
war. Private Cordner's death occurred under very
heroic circumstances in trying to save comrade's
life. The events which led to bis death on the
battlefield are best described in the words of one who
saw it happening. Private Edward Burns, R.I.F.,
of Jackson's Row, Portadown, in a letter says—" You
ask me to let you know how poor Thomas Cordner
met his death. Well it was in trying to save W.
Hanvey, After Hanvey got wounded Thomas went out
to try to bring him into the trenches, when he also
met the same fate. Both died shortly after. He was
my best chum. He and I used to lie awake at night
and talk how we would spend Christmas in Portadown.
Little did he think he was so near his end."
Through the kind permission of the Proprietors of
of the " Evening Telegraph " we are enabled to
publish a portrait of Private Cordner, taken at
Shorncliffe Camp shortly before he left for the front.
Private Cordner's character was exemplary in
respect. He " did not know the taste of drink," and
was absolutely sober in his habits. He was most
popular with his comrades, and his affection for his
home may be gathered from the portions of his
letters which we publish. On several occasions
previous to his death he had risked his life to save
wounded comrades. He fell on the eve of his 19th
We print some touching extracts from letters received
from PRIVATE THOMAS CORDNER, before he met
his death on the field of battle.
DEAR MOTHER, Just a few lines in answer to your
kind and welcome letter. C. says she would like
me home for a bib of value. She will be a good bit
bigger when I go home. You are putting yourself
about sending me so many things, but I would give
you anything for a, piece of home-made bread.
think it is years since I got a piece. Tell Christine
and Aubrey and the white haired boy that I hope
they will be big boys and girls when I get home I
have your piece of hair and your purse still, and when
I look at it, it makes me think of home."
Writing early in August from Shorncliffe, he says
—"Just a few lines in answer to your loving letter.
Glad to hear you are not too bad We came back
to Shorncliffe this morning from Minster to mobilize.
e expect to be in touch with the enemy on the 14th
of this month, but, mother, I will go out with a good
heart. We are in one of the divisions that go out
first. I am sending you these photos and prayer
book. You can do what you wish with them, but if
ever I have the luck to come home I would like to get
some of them. I send the children my best love. I
would like to hear from you before I go out. From
your loving son, to mother, till death.
Seagoe Soldiers' Helpers,
Work contributed by the Seagoe Branch of the
Women's Emergency Corps, between October 16th
and December 31st, 1914—
88pairs Socks.
1 pair Pyjamas.
11 Body Belts.
2 Kit Bags.
14 Muffers.
5 Helmets.
2 full Kit Bags
1 pair Bed Socks
9 pairs Mits
1 pair Cuffs
8 Petticoats for Belgians)
Lint, Cigarettes, Boracic Ointment, per. of Potash.
At a first glance this reads very good, and we wish to
thank all who have helped so well ; but when one
thinks of the numbers of women and girls in Seagoe
who might work, and up to the present have not done
so, there is great room for improvement. On the 1st
and 3rd Wednesdays of each month a meeting is held
in Seagoe School at 4 0'clock, when wool is sold at
cost price, and directions given as to the making of
the various articles. We hope to see many new faces
at our next meeting on Wednesday, the 16th.
Those unable to attend can always obtain wool at
Eden Villa.
The sum of £2 18s 3d was sent to H.R.H. Princess
Mary's Christmas Box Fund, from the Children of
Seagoe Parish.
Seagoe in the Trenches,
Lance- Corporal Nat Dawkins, formerely a
member of the R.I.C., Edenderry, and for some time a
valued member of the teaching staff in Edenderry
afternoon Sunday School, writes from France to say
he is in the best of health, and in good fighting form
—"I am now," he says, attached to the Leinster
Regiment, and I can tell you I have been in some
hot places, but am thankful to say I have escaped all
right. Remember me to all."
Private John Girvan, R.I.F., of Tarson, writes
from the Trenches, under date December 27th, 1914
—"I was glad to get the socks. It is very wet now
in the trenches, and a change of socks is very good
when your feet are very cold. You will know what it
is like when we are covered in mud over the boots.
But we are in the best of spirits and trusting in God
that victory will crown our work. It is very hard to
stand in mud all day, and your feet like ice. We do
enjoy a smoke when we come off sentry. We have to be
very careful when we are on sentry. The Germans
are lying within 300 yards of us, and they keep
sniping at us all day and night, if they can see even
the top of your head They attack us at night, and
you can can see nothing but the blaze of the rifles,
and bullets whizzing all roads. Last night my chum
was wounded in the shoulder when he was on sentry.
I can hear the crack of the rifles while I am writing
this letter. God has been very good to me. I had
not a cold yet, and my health is very good, though it
is raining every day, and we are up to the knees in
mud. When you have time write again. It cheers
me up."
Private W. McNeill, of Ballymacrandle, writes
under date December 10th, 1914 —"We are having it
Very hard in the trenches. We are standing in water
over the tops of our boots: I hope you will have a
merry Christmas. I am sorry I can't be with you.
Send a few boxes of safety mathes. I saw one of my
letters in the Seagoe Magazine.
[We are glad to know that the Magazine finds its
way into the trenches. Send on your copy to cheer
up some of our Seagoe fighting men.]
Seagoe War Notes.
Lance-Corporal George Preston, of Ballinacor, is a
prisoner in the Camp at Doeberitz, Berlin.
The death of a Derry soldier at Portadown station
from the effects of Alcoholic poisoning is a sad
Commentary on the evils of strong drink.
The Rector and the Rev. J. Bloomer have paid
several visits to the Seagoe men in Victoria Barracks.
Walter Vaughan of the Irish Horse has been home
from the front for a brief holiday.
A remarkable coincidence—W. Walker, of Seagoe
Farm, when at Picture House lately in Dublin saw,
in a film taken at the front, his brother Isaac Walker
of the North Irish Horse, distributing letters to the
men in the trenches.
Portadown Station presents an unusually animated
appearance just now owing to the number of boys in
Khaki going to and from the Camps.
On St. Stephen's Day the Children of our Soldier
at the Front were invited to Christmas Tree and
distribution of Toys at the Town Hall.
A letter from the trenches says “There is plenty
of Portadown chaps out here."
The Bible Classes will study the Book of the
Acts of the Apostles during 1915.
The new Church Attendance Cards have been
Sunday School Examinations are at present being
held in the various Parish Schools.
The special Advent Services were well attended.
The Misses Dawson sent interesting Picture Post
Cards at Christmas time to many of their old friends
in Seagoe Parish.
The new Heating Apparatus in Seagoe Church is
proving very efficient this cold weather.
We have postponed the publication of our " Old
Seagoe Notes," owing to pressure of War news,
All the Parish Almanacs (350) have been sold.
The recent storm did considerable damage to
house-roofs in Edenderry.
The Intercession Service in the Parish Church on
January 3rd, was largely attended. The collection,
which was liberal, was in aid of the Red Cross
The flooded state of the Bann Meadows enables the
residents of Seagoe to understand the conditions
under which our Soldiers have to carry on the
campaign in the low lying and flooded lands along the
banks of the Yser.
We record, with sincere regret, the death of Mr,
Young, Proprietor of the " Portadown News," and
publisher of Seagoe Parish Magazine since its
inception ten years ago. Mr. Young was, in a quiet
way, a great influence for good in Portadown. His
management of the Portadown News " was always
characterised by a broad minded integrity, which did
credit both to his intellectual attainments and to the
natural sympathy of his heart. He was always
deeply interested in the success of this Magazine, and
gave unstintedly of his time and attention to conserve
its interests. We offer our sincere sympathy
to Mrs and Miss Young in the loss they have sustained.
Baptized on December 5th, 1914.
Russell—Margaret and Robert John, children of William & Eliza Jane Russell, of Edenderry
Sponsors—Susan Chapman, Eliza Jane Russell.
December 23rd, 1914.
Gracey—David Gracey, Private, Highland Light Infantry, of Balteagh.
Smith and Thornton—December 25th (Christmas Day), Aaron Smith, of Edenderry,
to Sarah Anne Thornton, of Edenderry.
Forsythe—December 9th, 1914, Eveline Forsythe, of Seagoe, aged 16 years.
Donaldson—December 12th, Margaret Donaldson, of Edenderry, aged 71 years.
Coulter—December 13th, Mary Coulter, of Tarson, aged 79 years.
Johnston—December 15th, William Johnston, of Edenderry, aged 66 years.
Carville—December 28th, Margaret Carville, of Killicomaine, aged 14 months.
Lyness—Mary Lyness) of Drumgor, aged 65 years.
Webb—November 25th, at South Manchester, U.S.A., Edith Mary Webb, aged 4 ½ years,
daughter of Thomas Webb.
Graham—December 19th, at Chester, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., Valentine Graham, late of Edenderry.
Depot for Seagoe Magazine.
Mrs. Metcalf, who has since the beginning acted as
agent for the sale of the Magazine, has recently
moved out of the Parish to a shop in High Street,
Portadown. We will very much miss her kind help
in circulating the Magazine, but as it is a Parish
Magazine we think it is better that the Depot for its
sale should be within the Parish. We are glad to say
that Mrs. Collins, of 18 Bridge Street, Edenderry,
has kindly consented to act as the Local Agent for
Sale and Distribution. Mrs. Collins, like her late
lamented husband, Mr. Charles Collins, has ever been
ready to help on the work of Seagoe Parish.
Seagoe Day School Attendance.
The following exceptionally regular attendances by
pupils of Seagoe Day School are worthy of notice :—
Ethel Forsythe did not miss a single school day
from January 31st, 1910, to December 8th, 1914,
period of almost five years' unbroken attendance.
Out of 212 school days in 1914 the following pupils
attended very regularly :—Mary Jane -Atkinson, 211
Tom Best and Eva Magee, 209 each ; Ethel Forsythe,
Lottie Magee and Samuel Magee, 208 each ; Edward
Crawford, 207 ; May Best, 203 ; Tom Rainey, 201
Sarah J. Holland, 200.
A School Cantata.
On Thursday Evening, December 17th, a Cantata,
was performed in Seagoe School by the pupils. Mr.
Chambers, Principal, conducted and the Children
showed signs of careful training. Miss S. Martin admirably
filled the leading part of the old grandmother.
Pretty songs were interspersed through the programme
and the music and bright dresses of the children
added much to the evening's pleasure. There was
a very large attendance of the parents and friends
of the pupils. A substantial sum was realised
towards covering the cost of the furniture for the
new Class Rooms.
Offertories for December.
Sunday Mornings £3 11 0
Evenings 1 10 2
Week Days 3 3 11
Total £8 5 1
The above total includes £2 10s 4d, the offertory on
Christmas Day for the Clothing Fund for the poor of
the parish.
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