Seagoe Pari
This is a photograph of the ruins of Old Seagoe Church taken from the
east end. It was in constant use for Public Worship up to 1815, when the
present Church was built on a neighbouring site. It was impossible to build
on the old site owing to the proximity of graves. The high level of the
ground immediately surrounding the Old Church is due to the numerous
"No other spot could claim their rest,
Save round these walls they loved the best."
For Services. Classes, etc., see end of Local Matter.
Copies of the Magazine can be had from Mr. James Vance, 23 Bridge St., Edenderry, Portadown.
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Seagoe Parish Magazine.
JANUARY, 1936.
We wish all our readers at bome and abroad a very
Happy New year.
Rev. Chancellor Archer, B.D., The Rectory,
Rev. W. F. Hayes, B.Ä., The Bungalow, Lower
Seagoe, Portadown.
Rector's—Mr. H. MURRAY GIBSON.
The New Year.
Each New Year as it dawns upon us must
bring to our minds memories of the past and
hopes for the future. Our readers who dwell in
distant lands must often turn their thoughts
to the old folks at home and to the old Church
where they worshipped ill bygone days. They
would like to hear once again the tones of
great bell (it weighs one ton) as it rings from
the old Church tower. They would like once
again to trace the form of the Church as it
emerges from the cluster of trees which sur-
round it. They would like to hear the notes of
the organ as it peals out the old familiar hymn-
tunes. But this they cannot achieve for thou-
sands of miles of ocean roll between them and
the old Parish. Especially at the beginning of
a New Year such thoughts will fill the mind.
But after all the world is small and getting
smaller every day. Everything that binds us
closer to the places and the people we love gives
meaning and joy to life. This Magazine has now
for over 30 years been gailing the seas and cross-
ing the Continents and bringing news of home
to those of our kith and kin in distant lands.
From many letters we have received we know
how it has been appreciated. At home it fills
the same purpose informing our parishioners
from month of all Parish news and
revealing the inner life
of this great and ancient
Christmas has this year
been spent in a more
Christmaslike way than
in many other years.
This was partly due to the long spell of fine dry
weather which preceeded
it, but possibly another
influence which encouraged the joy of Christ-
mas was the improvement in trade which caused
more money to circulate. Nor must we omit
the move widespread sense of peace among the
nations as represented by the League of Na-
tions. The message of Christmas is that of
Peace on earth, good-will to men." The ser-
vices in the Parish Church were very bright
and a Christmas anthem was sung by the choir.
Mrs. Casey very kindly played the accompani-
ment. Many also marked the Christmas Fes-
tival by attendance at Holy Communion.
Concert in Carne
On Thursday, January 23rd, the Seagoe
C. L. B. have kindly consented to hold a concert
in Carne Church Hall at 8 p.m. on behalf of
Carne Sunday School. Tickets, 9d each, are
now on sale. This is only one of the many kind
efforts cur Seagoe C. L. B. has made to help
other Parish organisations. We believe it will
be a great success.
The Bishop's Visit.
The first visit of our new Bishop (Right Rev
Dr. Mc Neice) to the Parish was a very happy
event. On Sunday, December 15th, he very
kindly preached at both Morning and Evening
Prayer. His text at the Morning Service was,
My God shall supply all your need. "
At Evening Prayer his subject was " The Seven
I Ams of Scripture. "
There were large con-
gregations and the music was very hearty and
devotional. A special envelope collection was
made on behalf of the Parish Church Renova-
tion Fund. The offerings reached a total of
over If any of our readers have not yet
sent in their subscriptions they should do so
without delay. It is hoped to have the Church
painted, the Tower repaired and electric lighting
Cake Fair.
In December the Seagoe Mothers' Union had
a most successful Cake Fair in the Parochial
Hall. It was held on December 5th (Thursday)
at 3.30. There was a very large attendance and
a splendid display of cakes. The Rev. W. F.
Hayes presided, and Miss Dorothy Johnston, of
Lurgan, very kindly opened the Sale. The Hall
remained open until nine o'clock, when prac-
tically everything had been sold. The receipts
totalled some £42, which goes to the Church
Renovation Fund. Our hearty thanks are due
to all who so kindly helped.
Levaghery School.
A very pleasant social in connection with Le-
vaghevy Sunday School was held in the Eden-
derry Orange Hall (kindly lent for the occa-
sion) on Thursday, Dec. 3rd, at 7.30 p.m. The
Rev. W. F. Hayes presided. After a .splendid
tea, games were enjoyed until a late hour,
when all separated after a very enjoyable even-
ing. Gifts were given by those who were pre-
sent which will go towards the Levaghery Sun-
day School Fund.
Seagoe P.E. School.
The Rector presided at the break-up of the
School for the Christmas Holidays. There was
a large gathering of the children in the School
on Friday, Dec. 20th, at '2.30 p.m. A splendid
selection of Christmas Carols were beautifully
sung by the children. Mr. Scott cordially wel-
comed the Rector back after his long illness.
Hearty cheers were given by the children for
their teachers. The Rector announced that the
holidays would extend to Monday, January
6th, when a punctual attendance of all the pupils
is expected. A School Social will be given in
January. We acknowledge with many thanks
the receipt of 10/- from Miss Calvert towards
the expense of the social.
Death of Mrs Atkinson.
It is with feelings of deep regret that we re-
cord the death of Mrs. Alice Atkinson, of Eden
Villa. Mrs. Atkinson had just passed her 90th
birthday, and although for some considerable
time weak through weight of years, yet remained
to the end her wonderful clearness of memory
and brightness of manner and spirit. She loved
Seagoe, and while health and strength permitted
she worshipped regularly in the Parish Church.
Her death creates a great blank in the life of
the Parish, and her memory will for long be
The memory of the
treasured in our midst.
just is blessed."
Our Advertisements.
We carry on into this issue of the Magazine
but in our
our advertisements for last year,
next issue will bring before our readers a new
set. The names of those who have so kindly
supported us in the past will, of course, reap-
pear, but the advertisements will be newly
set and will make a fresh appeal to the gene-
rous custom of our readers. We would sug-
gest to our readers that when they have read
carefully their own copy of the Magazine they
should post it each month to any relative who
lives abroad. One can hardly understand how
welcome such a gift is to our friends in the
Colonies or India. They long to hear about the
old home beyond the seas.
Death of Mr. Nicholas England.
Seagoe. Parish has suffered a serious loss m
the death, after a brief illness, of Nicholas Eng-
land, of Ballymacrandle. His regularity of at-
tendance at the Parish Church was an Inspiration
to many. No stress of weather prevented
him when the Day of Worship came round from
making his way to the House of Prayer. There
in Service and Sacrament he drew the grace
"which sustained him throughout life. He has
now heard the " Well done" of the Master whom
he served so faithfully here below. To his be-
reaved wife and family we offer our sincerest
C. L. B. Concert-
Thursday, Dec. 12th, a concert was held
in Edenderry Parochial Hall at 8 p.m. The Rev.
W. F. Hayes presided. The Hall was crowded,
and a most Interesting programme of recita-
tions, community singing, sketches was given.
The principal sketch was entitled " Roads of
Life" and illustrated the evils of gambling and
the good work done by the C. L. B. The accom-
paniments were played by Miss Topsy Wilson.
Much credit is due to Captain Mitchell, who
wrote the sketches and organised the pro-
gramme. The proceeds were on behalf of the
Seagoe Company of the C. L. B.
Seagoe Mothers' Union.
A meeting of the Mothers' Union was held in
Seagoe School on Monday, December 9th,
7.3() p.m. There was a large attendance. After
a hearty tea, an address was given by the Rev.
J. Sandford, Curate of Ballinderry. He stressed
the responsibility of parental control, and his
wise words were greatly valued by the mem-
bers present. The next meeting of the Mothers'
Union will be held (D. V.) on Tuesday, January
It will be the annual meeting for the
election of officers and for general business. A
full attendance of all the members is requested.
The meeting will be held in Seagoe School.
These 31etteMs stand for " Weekly 'Freewill
It is most important that every
Offerings. ' '
household in the Parish should have a set for
The Church depends on the
the New Year.
offerings of her loyal members. The upkeep of
the Church and her services should be the con-
stant care and effort of her members. Rich and
poor, young and old, should all bear their part
in this great work. If by any chance you have
not got your set of envelopes you can get one
without delay from Mr. Moses Gilpin, Hon.
Sec. , Drumnagoon, or from your local dis-
We heartily congratulate Captain Mitchell, of
our Seagoe C.L.B., on his appointment to the
responsible position of Adjutant of the Dio-
cesan Battalion.
Parish Register for December
The following were Baptized in the Parish
Church on December 7th, 1935:—
M'Nu1ty—Wi11iam, son of Robert Henry and
Helen Violet McNulty, of Edenderry.
Sponsors—Letitia Tate, Helen Violet
Mc Nulty.
M 'Kane—George, son of David and Margaret
M' Kane, of Ballymacrandle.
Sponsors—Ellen Jane M' Kane, Margaret
Freeburn—Samuel, son of Thomas Henry and
Dinah Rebecca Freeburn, of Le-
Jane Harrison, Dinah
Rebecca Freeburn.
Harrison—Mary Anne, daughter of William
Henry and Emily Jane Harrison, of
Sponsors—Letitia Florence Connor, Emily
Jane Harrison.
Tedford—Florence Anne, daughter of William
Jolm and Florence Rebecca Tedford,
of Seagoe Upper.
Sponsors—Letitia Tate, Florence Rebecca
Marriages ,
Adamson and Nixon—Dec. 18th, 1935, William
of Ballydougan,
Henry Adamson,
Parish of Knocknamuckley, to Eliza-
beth Jane Nixon, of Ballyhannon.
Benson and Neill—Dec. 24th, Thomas Benson,
of Moyallon, Parish of Gilford, to Eva
Neill, of Killicomaine.
Harris—Dec. 6th, Martha Anne Harris, of Eden-
derry, aged 82 years.
Vennard—Dec. 10th, Elizabeth Matilda Ven-
nard, of Edenderry, aged 23 years.
Roney—Dec. 18th, Mary Jane Honey, of Eden-
derry, aged 80 years.
Atkinson—January 1st, 1936, Alice Atkinson, of
Edenderry, aged 90 years.
England—January 1st, 1936, Nicholas England,
of Ballymacrandle, aged 78 years.
terred in Knocknamuckley.
During December we have lost several parish-
ioners well known and much respected in the
Parish. One of them, Elizabeth Matilda Ven-
nard, just entering upon life, Martha Anne
Harris and Mary Jane Roney, far advanced in'
years. Death is no respecter of persons. Young
and old fall before Him. Mrs. Harris has onlv
been a few years in the Parish. Mrs. Roney
has been here for a lifetime. Both were most
patient sufferers in their time of weakness. We
offer our sincere sympathy to the bereaved re-
latives. Lizzie Vennard was called away
a brief illness, deeply regretted by her man,y
Twenty-five Years Ago
JANUARY, 1911.
*The picture on the cover of this ancient issue
of the Magazine is " Seagoe under Snow. '-' It
was a snapshot taken by the Rector during a
May snowstorm. Snow rarely falls in May.
Among the Burials recorded is that of Mrs.
Margaret Atkinson, of Lower Seagoe, aged 96
years. One Baptism and two Marriages are re-
corded. The issue of a Seagoe Blotter is
announced. Eight members of the Seagoe Men's
Class are said not to have missed a Sunday dur-
ing the year. Thomas M' Crory is recorded as
not having missed a Sunday at Edenderry
Men's Class for no less than six years, Isaiah
Shanks for four years, and Thomas Best for
three years.
Carols at Drumgor.
On Sunday, December 22nd, the children of
Drumgor Sunday School had a very nice Ser-
vice of Christmas Carols.
The School was crowded and a very helpful
address was given by the Rev. Forde Patterson,
Curate of St. Mark's Portadown.
Archdeacon Hannon preached in the Parish
Church on Sunday evening, Dec. 29th.
Fog and frost have been very pervalent dur-
ing the past month.
The Rev. W. F. Hayes was the special
preacher at the Watch-night Service in St.
Mark's Church on New Year's Eve.
With this issue the Magazine enters on its
31st year. The Magazine was first published in
Januarv, 1906.
We hear of several Sunday School Prize Dis-
tributions already arranged. Bocombra has its
Social Night on Thursday, January 9th.
The Rector has received many kind wishes at
Christmas from Seagoe parishioners living
abroad and heartily thanks all who have so
kindly remembered him.
Our Sunday School Teachers are now using
Dr. Paterson Smythe's Teachers' Notes on the
Sunday Lessons and find them very helpful.
Old Seagoe Notes,
Seagoe in the Rebellion of 1798.—In the
troublous times of 1798, when the spirit of fierce
and cruel rebellion had spread through Ireland,
Seagoe played! an important part in helping
to suppress it. The Seagoe Yeomanry, under
the then Captain William Blacker, of Carrick-
Blacker, performed a gallant work. We pub-
1ish here a most interesting letter from Lord
Castlereagh (afterwards assassinated) under
date " Dublin Castle, 16th July, 1798," to Cap-
tain Blacker on the Seagoe Yeomanry:—
Sir,—Having taken the earliest opportunity
of laying before the Lord Lieutenant your letter
of the 4th instant, stating that you had enrolled
the names of eighteen hundred persons who were
Willing to march to any part of the Kingdom, T
am commanded to express to you the very high
sense His Excellency entertains of this most
loyal and spirited offer; and although His Ex-
cellency does not at present feel it necessary to
avail himself of their services yet if any future
emergency should compel him to resort to then•
exertions, He entertains no doubt that T-Te shall
find them equally ready to bear arms in the
support of their King and of the Laws and Con-
stitution of their country. I have the honour
HOLY CO M MUNION 1st Sunday after Morning
Prayer ; 3rd Sunday at 8 a.m., and on the Chief
HOLY BAPTISM— 1st Saturday of each Month at 3
p m e, and during any Service in the Parish Church,
notice be given ; Two Sponsers at least are required
and they must be Confirmed Members of the Church.
Churchings are held at each Baptism. Mothers are
expected to bring a thankoffering.
(See Book of Common Prayer. )
MORNING PRAYER-Sundays and Chief Festivals,
11-30 a.m.
EVENING PRAYER—Sundays, 7 p.m
Hacknahay—Last Sunday of Month at 3-30 p.m.
Drumgor—Second Sunday of Month at 4 p. m.
at 8 p.m.
to be, sir, your most obedient and humble ser-
vant, Castlereagh. "
Seagoe Church in 1891.—The works connected
with the renovation of Seagoe Church, from
plans of the architect, Mr. Thomas Drew R. H. A.,
have occupied the contractors, Messrs.
Collen Bros., of Portadown, for the past eighteen
months, and are now very nearly completed.
They embrace almost the entire reconstruction
of the church, with exception of the west wall
and the tower, and the addition of a chancel and
south aisle. A new roof, also, has been provided
for the nave; and the old vestry at the centre
of the north side of the nave has been con-
verted into a spacious porch, with lofty oak doors,
and adorned externally with cut-stone dress-
ings and buttresses. The new vestry forms
of the chancel buildings.
The old windows,
with wooden frames, have been replaced by
handsome -stone traceries, in keeping with those
in the new portions, and all designed harmonious.
ly in the perpendicular Gothic style which
distinguishes the whole building. The windows.
have all been filled in, according to the designs
of the architect, with cathedral-tinted glass. Sill)-
plied by Messrs. Forest and Co., Liverpool,
except the east window of the aisle, in which is
inserted stained glass representing our Lord con-
soling Mary and Martha (John xi. 23, 32). fur-
nished by Mr. G. Moore M'Dowell, of London,
and erected by the Atkinson family in memory
of their parents, the late Mr. Woolsey Atkinson
and Mrs. Charlotte Atkinson, of Eden Villa.
BIBLE CLASS FOR MEN in Edenderry on
Sundays at 10 a m.
SUNDAY SCHOOLS 10 a m. Edenderry Parochial
Hall and Seagoe School. 3 p.m. Seagoe, Edenderry
Parochial Hall, Levaghery, Hacknahay, Carne,
Drumgor, Bocombra.
MOTHERS' UNION—2nd Tuesday of each month
at 7 30 p.m.
CHURCH LADS' BRIGADE in the Parochial Hall
on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Mondays at 8 p.m.
SEAGOE P.E. SCHOOL , 9-15 a.m. Principal—Mr.
R. Scott.
MARRIAGES must be performed between 8 a.m. and 3 p m Licenses are issued by Rev. Canon Hannon.
Rectory, Lurgan Due notice (48 hours) mus be given to the Rector of intended weddings. FEES— By License—
Labourers 5/- Tradesmen 10/- —, Merchants and Farmers 15/- ,Professional, £l. By Banns 5/-. FUNERALS will be attended by the Clergy if proper notice be given. SICK CASES should be notified to the Clergy without delay,
FEES FOR CERTIFICATES BAPTISM 3/7, Children (Factory) 1/- and 2/- (non-residents); MARRAGE 3/7.
It will be a help to the Clergy if they are notified of the
An extra Search Fee is chargeable in certain cases
arrival of new Church families in the Parish.
A copy of the Magazine will be sent post free to any subscriber for 3/- per anunm.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.