Seagoe Archives

July 1925


July 1925

Seagoe Parish Magazine.

JULY, 1925,


Canon Archer, B.D., The Rectory, Seagoe,


Rev. William T. Wilson, M.A., 20 Edward Street,


Rev. Robert W. Johnston, L. Th., 35 Church Street,



Mr. Robert Price (Rector's).

Mr. Thomas Martin (People's).

The Confirmation.

On Tuesday, June 30th, the Lord Bishop of the

Diocese (Right Rev. Charles T. P. Grierson, D.D.)

held a confirmation in the Parish Church. The

candidates, 98 in number, assembled in the Parochial

School and proceeded from there to the Church. The

girls occupied the pews facing the Lectern, and the

boys filled the space in front of the Pulpit. A large

congregation of the parents and God-parents of the

candidates was present. The Rector, the Rev. W.

T. Wilson, and the Rev. R. W. Johnston were present.

The service began with the hymn " Come, Holy

Ghost, our souls inspire." The preface to the Order

of Confirmation was read by the Rector. The Bishop

then gave an address, seated in a chair at the Chancel

steps. He spoke of the solemn nature of the service

and of the gracious gift of the Divine Spirit which

as in the days of the Apostles accompanied the

Laying on of Hands. He told the young people of

the need of God's Grace and Blessing if they were

to continue faithful servants' of the Lord Jesus Christ.

After his address the Bishop asked the candidates to

stand while he put the four questions of the service

to them. The candidates gave their answers clearly

and strongly. The Rite was then administered. The

boys were confirmed first, two at a time, kneeling in

front of the Bishop, who was seated in his chair.

When all had been confirmed the Confirmation

Hymn, 235, " Thine for ever," was sung while all

knelt. The Bishop then gave a second address to

the candidates, especially emphasising four duties—

1, Private Prayer; 2, Bible study; 3, Regular attendance

at Church; 4, Regular attendance, at least once

a month, at Holy Communion. The closing prayers

were then said, and at the end of the service the

Hymn, "' O Jesus, I have promised" was sung.

The following are the names of those who were

confirmed:—Boys—1, Gardiner Atkinson; 2, William

Bell; 3, James Best; 4, Oliver Best; 5, Andrew Boyd;

G, Samuel Boyd; 7, Henry Boyce; 8, James Twinem

Boyce; 9, Joseph Craig; 10, John Charles Drum; 11,

David England; 12, Thomas James Fletcher; 13,

Thomas Freeburn; 14, George Beattie Gracey; 15, John

Gracey; 16, William Robert Gracey; 17, Norman Guy;

18, Thomas Henry Hall; 19, George Hamill; 20, John

Harrison; 21, William John Hewitt (Florence Court)

22, William John Hewitt (Watson's Lane); 23, Albert

Hewitt; 24, John Nelson Hill; 25, Brownrigg Hobson;

26, Richard Hughes; 27, Robert Hynes; 28, James

Jennett; 29, Herbert Kilpatrick; 30, James Henry

Mayes; 31, George M'C1ements; 32, Alfred M'Lough1in;

33, John M'Lough1in, 34, Samuel George M'Nei11; 35,

Graham Metcalfe; 36, William Neill, 37, John Reid;

38, Samuel Joseph Rehill, ,39 Thomas George

Robinson; 40, James Roney; 41, Henry Valentine

Sands: 42, William Ropert Sherman; 43, Henry

Sinnamon; 44, Henry Steenson; 45, Douglas Ferguson

Stoops; 46, Charles Twinem; 47, James Vennard; 48,

John Vennard; 49, Isaac David Watson; 50, Wolsey

James White. Total—50.

Girls—I, Elizabeth Allen; 2, Ethel May Bell; 3, Zena

Pearl Best; 4, Sarah Eva Conolly; 5, Henrietta Maud

Coulter; 6, Margaret Coulter; 7, Margaret Costello; S,

Margaretta Craig; 9, Anne Currie; 10, Mabel Dickson;

11, Gertrude Millar Drum; 12, Mary Evaleen Forde;

13, Gertrude Freeburn; 14, Mary Jane Freeburn; 15,

Margaret Gilliland; 16, Mary Jane Girvan; 17, Olive

Gracey; 18, Rebecca Jane Gracey; 19, Sarah Gracey;

20, Isabella Heyburn; 2f, Elizabeth Hoy; 22, Sarah

Hoy; 23, Anne Hynes; 24, Mary Lone,v; 25, Esther Jane

Mayes; 26, Mary Sarah Mayes; 27, Sarah Elizabeth

M'Dowell; 28, Jane M'Keown; 29, Susan M'Keown; 30,

Eileen Juanita M'Loughlin; 91, Esther M'Nally; 32,

Emily Neill; 33, Emily Johnston Neil]; 34, Letitia

Preston; 35, May Purdy; 36, Dinah Elizabeth

Robinson: 37, Margaret Robinson; 38, Elizabeth

Sinnamon; 39, Ethel Sinnamon; 40, Irene Doris

Shields; 41, Mary Isabel Steenson; 42, Ethel Florence

Turner; 43, Margaret Susan Twinem; 44, Hilda

Hawthorne Wallace; 45, Rebecca Watters; 46, Agnes

Webb; 47, Doreen Wightman; 48, Phyllis Wightman.


50; Girls, 48. Full Total—98.

Holy Communions

There will be Celebrations of Holy Communion on

Sunday, July 5th at 8-30 a.m. and after Morning



Seagoe P.E. School broke up for the summer holidays

on Thursday, July 2nd. The Rector was present

and after hearty cheers were given by the children

for their teachers, the Hymn " God is always near

me" was sung. The School will (D. v.) re-open on

Monday, August 10th.


We offer our hearty congratulations to Mr. and

Mrs. David Murray on their recent marriage. Mr.

Murray has for many years past taken a most active

part in our Parish life. He has filled many offices,

having been Churchwarden, member of Select Vestry,

Superintendent of Carne Sunday School, and has for

long been a most useful member of the, choir. We

wish him and Mrs. Murray many long years of

happiness in their future life.


The Excursion to Warrenpoint.

Thursday, June 25th, was the day chosen for our

annual Sunday School Excursion, and a splendid

day it was. We talk of " Seagoe Weather," but the

weather this year .surpassed even the best of other

years. A large number of children gathered at the

Parish Church at 8-30, and a. short service was held

A procession was then formed and a start was made

for the station. During the march along the Lurgan

road some of the boys very appropriately sang the

popular song " It ain't goin' to rain no more." We

arrived at the station in good time and at 9-30 the

long and crowded train steamed out of the station.

Groups of people stood at many points as we passed

and cheered the excursionists. A quick run was

made. to Warrenpoint, and the great crowd then

marched up to Pedlow's field, where Messrs. Inglis's

representative had prepared the tea and buns. Before

many minutes the children and grown-ups were

making short work of the good things provided. The

field was very nice and everybody enjoyed the meal

in the open air. The excursionists then scattered.

Some went to Omeath, some to Carlingford, some

to Rostrevor, many climbed up to the Big Stone, and

one of the party made a record by climbing up twice

during the day to the Big Stone. The sea and mountains

were lovely, and the heat of the sun was

tempered by a gentle breeze. The second refreshment

was at 5, and after the strenuous day everyone

had a keen appetite, with the result that an extra

supply of buns had to be obtained. After all wants

had been supplied the excursionists went again to the

shore or wandered through the town. The return

train left at 8, and all arrived in Portadown about

8-45 after a most enjoyable day. The number of

Seagoe excursionists was 640. The Sunday Schools

from the Parishes of Drumcree and St. Saviour's had

their excursions to Warrenpoint on the same day.

Protestant Orphan Society.

The annual Sermons on behalf of the County

Armagh Protestant Society will be preached

in the Parish Church on Sunday, July 5th, at Morn-

ing and Evening Prayer. This Society deserves our

liberal and hearty support. For nearly 60 years it

tins been giving generous help to the widows and

orphans of the Parish of Seagoe. No deserving ease

has ever been refused. We ask for liberal offerings

on its behalf.

Flower Service at Drumgor.

The Flower Service held at Drumgor Church Hall

last month was well attended, and many beautiful

flowers were brought and offered. Miss L. Gracey

_kindly assisted at the harmonium. The address on

God's Gift of the Flowers" was given by the Rector.

The flowers were sent next day to Lurgan Infirmary

to brighten the wards.

N.B.—The service usually held on the second Sunday

of the month in Drumgor will not be held this month

owing to the many Anniversary Services in the

neighbourhood on July 12th.

Seagoe P.E. School.

The Rev. J. Armstrong, M.A., Inspector under the

Diocesan Board of Religious Education, examined

Seagoe School on Thursday, June, 18, and has issued

the following Report:—Examined this School. The

Junior Division was very good. The answering of

their repetition was excellent. Answering in Holy

Scripture good.

Middle Division—The answering of this Class was

fair. They knew the Old Testament better than the

New Testament.

The Senior Class was a very good one. The answering

of the repetition was excellent, as was also

the answering on the New Testament. The Old

Testament was not quite so good.. Certificates have

been awarded to the following children:—

First Grade—Ernest Allen, Sam M'Reynolds, Maud

Coulter, Sidney Robinson, Geo. Brownlee, Ernest

Guy, Robt. Whyte, Annie Ruddell, Israel M'Cready.

Second Grade—Samuel Ruddelli Jas. Allen, Wm.

M'Reynolds, Moody Johnston, Elsie Dunlop, Lily


Third Grade—Olive Guy, Hannah Coulter, Agnes

Graham, Wm. Best, Mary Coulter, Isa Walker,

Margaret Costello.

Death of Miss Woolsey.

It is with great regret we announce the death of

Miss Margaret Anne Woolsey, our oldest parishioner.

She passed away in her sleep on the night of Tuesday,

June 16th, at the Red Row, where she had

resided for many years past. She had reached the

great age, of 943 years; having been born on Christmas

Day, 1830. According to the Registers of Seagoe

she was baptized on January 9th, 1831. Throughout

her long life Miss Woolsey had been closely identified

with Seagoe Parish. She came of a family long and

honourably associated with Seagoe. She had herself

been a member of the Choir in days gone by, also a

most regular worshipper in the Parish Church and a

Communicant. She was interested to the very end in

all that happened in the Parish, and always looked

forward to getting each copy of the Parish Magazine,

so that she might know all that was going on in the

Parish. She had many stories to tell of the old days

in Seagoe. She was greatly respected by everyone

and will be greatly missed Her remains were

interred in the old Seagoe Graveyard on June 18th,

the Rector officiating. "The memory of the just is

blessed. "

July Anniversary Service.

A special Anniversary Service will be held (D.v.)

in Seagoe Parish Church on Sunday, July 12th, at

7 p.m. The preacher will be the Rev. Canon Moeran,

M.A., Rector of St. Mark's, Portadown. The collection

will be on behalf of the Lord Enniskilen Memorial

Orphan Fund. Places will be reserved in the

Church for the members of the Lodges.


Seagoe Mothers' Union.

A meeting of the Mothers' Union will be held in

Seagoe School on Tuesday, July 7, at 4 p.m. Tea will

be provided. The Rector Will give a Bible reading,

and afterwards a business meeting will be held to

elect officers and a committee, and to draw up a

programme for the ensuing session. A full

attendance of members is requested.

Parochial Hall Services.

The Sunday evening services in the Edenderry

Parochial Hall will be suspended during the months

of July, August and September. A service will be

held in the Hall on Sunday, evening, July 5th, at

7 p.m. The Thursday evening services will not be


Parish Register for June,


The following were Baptized in Seagoe Parish

Church on June 6th, 1925:—-

Carville—William Hazelton, son of Valentine and Amelia Anna Carville, of Killicomaine.

Sponsors—Margaret Tate, Amelia Anna Carville.

Metcalfe—Margaret Anne, Costello, daughter of Thomas Henry and Margaret Metcalfe, of

Lower Seagoe. Sponsors—Margaret Anne Costello, Margaret Metcalfe.

Magee—David Joseph, son of Joseph William and Emma Elizabeth Magee, of Kernan.

Sponsors—Anne Jane Patton, Emma Elizabeth Magee.

Anderson—Susan, daughter of Francis and Susan Anderson, Drumgor.

Sponsors—men Anderson, Susan Anderson.

M'Cormick—Thomas James, son of Thomas John and Elizabeth M'Cormick, of Upper Seagoe.

Sponsors—Gertrude Reid, Elizabeth M'Cormick.


Cassidy—June 14th, Eric Howard, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Cassidy, of Edenderry.


Murray and Knipe June 3rd, 1925, in Eglish Parish Church, by the Rev. A. J. Murray, M.A., David

William Murray, of Ballynery, to Sarah A. Knipe, of Eglish, Co. Armagh.


WooIsey—June 11th, Margaret Anne Woolsey, of Edenderry, aged 94 years.

Guy—June 12th, Annabella Guy, of Derryvore, aged 58 years.

The Curacy of Seagoe.

The Curacy of Seagoe vacant through the departure

the Rev. W. T. Wilson at the end of July, has not

yet been filled. The Rector hopes that he may be

able to make an appointment before long.

A Letter from the States.

The Rector has received the following letter from

Miss Robinson, who left Tamnifiglasson many years

ago for the United States:—

15 Main St., Gilbertville,

Mass., U.S.A.

Dear Mr. Archer,—l thank you for your letter that

you sent me, also for my papers to join the Church

here in Gilbertville. I have joined it. I went to

see the minister one night, so he was glad to get me

to join his Church here. He asked me a long time

ago to get my papers from you, but I did think I

would go home to Ireland some time, but when my

mother died I thought I would never be home again.

She told me when she was sick in bed she would like

I would join the Church here, so I done so after I

got my paper from you, but I think of my one Church

in Ireland and the Sunday School in Drumgor.

Many a good time we all had, and the Lord blessed

us all one by one in the class. Mrs. Martin was

one good woman. I hope, she will do well, also her

children and husband, and her brothers. It is true

we will see all our loving ones that are gone before

us, as we used to sing in the Sunday School:—

A few more years shall roll,

A few more seasons come;

And we shall be with those that rest,

Asleep within the tomb.

The; Lord bless your work in the Church, and all

the sick people you go to call on.—Your loving old



Bible Class Social.

On Thursday, July 2nd, a social was held in connection

with Seagoe Girl's Bible Class to Welcome

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Gordon, after their recent

marriage. Mr. Gordon was a regular member of

Edenderry Men's Bible Class, and Mrs. Gordon (Miss

Major) was a regular attender at Seagoe Bible Class.

After tea, the Rector congratulated Mr. and Mrs.

Gordon in the name of all present, and wished them

much prosperity and blessing. Mr. Rennix also spoke

words of congratulation. Those present then, on the

kind invitation of Mr. and Mrs. Rennix, adjourned

to their lawn for games, which were much enjoyed.

Sunny June.

June, 1925, will stand out for a long time as a

month of perfect weather. From observations made

in Seagoe the barometer never once during the month

fell below 30 inches, while in May it never rose

above 30. It is remarkable that on July 1st it fell

below 30 for the first time for a month.

The Rev. R. W. Johnston.

At the Ordination held by the Lord Bishop of

Diocese in Willowfield Church, Belfast, the Rev. R.

W. Johnston, L.Th., was ordained to the Priesthood.

Mr. Johnston has just gone for a holiday and hopes

to be back at the end of the month.


A Bit of Old Seagoe.

Mr. Joseph Macoun, formerly of Tamnifiglasson

and now for many years resident in Belfast, paid a

visit to Seagoe Rectory last month, accompanied by

his daughter, Mrs. Reid, and Dr. Allworthy, of Belfast.

Mr. Macoun is now in his 82nd year, but has

still vivid recollection of Seagoe as it was in the

days of Archdeacon Saurin. He was appointed a

Sidesman in Seagoe Church in 1860 at the early age

of sixteen. He was 15 years old at the time of the

Revival in 1859, and has many curious and interesting

and even amusing stories to tell of that strange

occurrence when so many were " stricken" under

strong emotion. Mr. Macoun was an intimate friend

of the late Major Blacker, and sometimes intervened

between the Major and the Archdeacon when relations

between them were somewhat strained. Mr.

Macoun has a vivid recollection of the Rev. Capel

Wolseley, the Rev. Annesley Beers, the Rev. Mr.

Franks, curates of Seagoe. In the year 1870 Mr.

Macoun was Churchwarden and filled at some time

or other all offices in connection with the Parish.

We hope Mr. Macoun will put into writing his re-

collections of old Seagoe. Many parishioners still

remember him. One of them in speaking to the

Rector about him said, " I remember him well, he

was a big man, he could hold a pound of oats in the

hollow of his hand."


Lt.-Col. S. W. Blacker has left France and is now

residing in the South of England.

Some road-rolling has been done recently at

Seagoe, and the surface of the roads is much improved,

but we think the road authorities would be

well advised not to empty tons of loose stones at

the gates of a Public Elementary School. It is

sometimes bad for the School windows.

The Rev. J. N. Mackenzie, from Nebraska, U.S.A.

hopes to preach in Seagoe Church on a Sunday

in August. Mr. Mackenzie is an old Edenderry boy

and now occupies a leading place in the Protestant

Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Nebraska.

A splendid Choir Excursion took place by charabanc

to Portrush on Saturday. June 27th. The party

numbering over thirty started from the Church gates

at 7 a.m The weather was perfect. The route lay

via Antrim, Ballymena and Ballymoney to that

popular Northern seaside resort, Portrush. The

excursion arrived there at 11-30, a wonderful run.

There was not a single stop between Seagoe and

Portrush. A most enjoyable day was spent along

the sands and on the rocks, and at 7-30 a start was

made for home, which was reached at 11 p.m. The

Rev. W. T. Wilson and Mr. 'T. H. Wilson accompanied

the excursion.

The recent fire in Edenderry was, fortunately, very

kind to our Men's Recreation Room, which although

next to the place where the fire was yet escaped




HOLY COMMUNION—1st Sunday after Morning

Prayer ; 3rd Sunday at 8 a.m., and on the Chief


HOLY BAPTISM—4st Saturday of Month at 3 p.m.,

and during any Service in the Parish Church

if notice be given ; Two Sponsors at least are

required, and they must be Confirmed members

of the Church. Churchings are held at each

Baptism. Mothers are expected to bring a thank

offering. (See Book of Common Prayer.)

MORNING PRAYER—Sundays and Chief Festivals

11.30 a.m.

EVENING PRAYER—Sundays 7 p.m.„ Wednesdays


EVENINC PRAYER—Sundays at 7 p.m., Thursdays

at 8 p.m.


Hacknahay—Last Sunday of Month at 3.30 p.m.

Drumgor-—Second Sunday of Month at 4 p.m.


ADULT CLASSES--Sundays at 10 a.m.

For Men—Edenderry and Seagoe. For Women—

Seagoe School.

SUNDAY SCHOOLS—IO a.m. Edenderry Parochial

Hall and Seagoe School. 3 p.m. Seagoe, Edenderry

Parochial Hall, Levaghery, Hacknahay,

Carne, Drumgor.

Girls' Friendly Society meets at Breagh (Miss

Calvert's) on alternate Tuesdays at 7.

Seagoe Scouts in Seagoe School and in Edenderry

Parochial Hall, on Tuesdays and Thursdays at


Seagoe Girl Guides meet in Seagoe School on

Saturday at 3.

Mothers' Union, Edenderry 1st Tuesday, at 4 p.m.

DAY SCHOOL—Seagoe, 9.30 a.m. Principal—Mr. S.


MARRIAGES must he performed between 8 a.m.and 3 p.m. Licenses are issued by Rev Canon Hannon,

Rectory, Lurgan. Due notice (48 hours) must be given to the Rector of intended weddings. FEES—

By License—Labourers 5/-, Tradesmen 10/-, Merchants and Farmers 15/-, Professional £1. By Banns 5/-.

FUNERALS will be attended by the Clergy if proper notice be given. SICK CASES should be notified to

the Clergy without delay. FEES FOR CERTIFICATES BAPTISM, 3/7; Children (Factory), 1/- and 2/- (non-residents) ; MARRIAGE, 3/7. An extra search fee is chargeable in certain cases


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Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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