Seagoe Archives

July 1937


July 1937

Seagoe Parish Magazine.

JULY, 1937


Rev. J. W. Appelbe, M.A.,

Carrickblacker Avenue.

Rev. W. F. Hayes, B.A., L.Th.,

The Bungalow, Lower Seagoe.


Rector's—JOHN H. TWINEM.






July 4th—6th Sunday after Trinity.

July 7th—Confirmation Service in Parish

Church at 8 p.m.

July 11th—7th Sunday after Trinity.

Orange Anniversary Service at 7 p.m.

July 18th—8th Sunday after Trinity

July 25th—9th Sunday after Trinity. St.



The Bishop was unable to come to us

on 29th June, but will come instead on

Wednesday, July 7th, at 8 p.m. Candidates

are asked to be in their places in

Church at 7.30 p.m. The girls will assemble

in the School at 7.15 p.m., when

they can put on their veils.


This Service will be held in the Parish

Church on Sunday evening, July 11th, at

7 p.m. The preacher will be the Rev. G.

A. Boulger, M.A., Rector of Ardmore.

The collection will be in aid of the Lord

Enniskillen Memorial Orphan Fund.


This annual event took place on Thursday,

June 24th, when a large contingent

of children and parents went to Warrenpoint.

The day was all that could be desired,

bright sunshine and a cloudless sky,

with a nice breeze. The catering was admirably

carried through by Messrs. Davison, Portadown.

All returned, safe, well sun-burned, after having spent a most

enjoyable day. We were glad to have with us about a

hundred people from Ardmore Parish.


The various Sunday Schools in the

Parish will be closed during the month of

July and part of August. They will resume again

on Sunday, 22nd August. This

break gives our devoted band of teachers

an opportunity for a well deserved rest.

Parents are requested to see that their

children commence again punctually on

the re-opening day, and during the period

when the Sunday Schools remain closed

they should encourage their children to

attend the Services in the Parish Church.


The Bible Class here will be resumed

again on Sunday, August 22nd, at 10.15



The annual excursion in connection

with the above took place to Portrush on

Saturday, June 12th. All the necessary

details, which went to make the outing so

enjoyable had been attended to by Mr. T.

H. Wilson, Organist, and it is due to his

untiring zeal for the choir's welfare that

the members were able to travel so far

afield and enjoy the scenery and good air

of North Antrim.

We print below a list of those who subscribed

to the Choir Fund, and we take

this opportunity of expressing our best

thanks to them for their help :

Subscriptions to Choir Fund, 1937, per

Thos. H. Wilson.

Mrs. George Porter, £l 1s; Miss Isabel

Atkinson, £ 1; Miss Rebecca Calvert, £ 1;

Mrs. Jack Calvert, £1; Mrs. Dunlop, £1;

Lady Kelly, £ 1; Mr. James M'Dowell, £l;

Major Shillington, M.P., £l; Wm. Robinson, Esq., J.P., £ 1;

Mr. James Lewie £1; George H. Wilson, £l,

Rev. J. W. Appelbe, M.A., 10s; Rev. Canon Taylor, M.A., 10s;

Major McC1ean, 10s; Mr. John Johnston,

M.P., 10s; Mr. Hugh Ross, 10s; Mr. T. A.

Shillington, 10s; Mr. J. G. Sinton, 10s;

Hon. J. Milne Barbour, M.P., 10s; Captain

Blacker, 10s; An Old Seagoe Friend, 10s;

Mr. James Wightman, 10s; Mr. George

Johnston, 10s; Mr. D. W. Thornton, 10s;

Mr. Saml. Rennix, 10s; Mr. John Davison,

10s; Mr. John Montgomery, 10s; Dr. Victor

Walker, 10s; Mr. James Blane, J.P., 10s;

Mr. H. Murray Gibson, 10s; Mr. Sidney

Bright, 10s; Mr. Sam Lutton, 10s; Mr. R.

Chapman, 10s; Mr. Scarlett, 10s; Mr.

Seale, 10s; Miss Isabell Best, 10s; Mrs. T.

H. Wilson, 10s, Miss Nellie Robinson, 10s;

Messrs. Clements and Wilson, 8s; Mr. Sam

Walker, 6s; Rev. G. H. Daunt, 5s 6d; Mr.

Callender Bullock, 5s; Mr. John Reid, 5s;

Mr. Tom Courtney, 5s; Mr. William White,

5s; Mrs. Ashdown, 5s; Miss Matchett, 5s

Mr. Sam M'Cormick, 5s; Dr. Henry, 5s;

Mrs. Vance, 5s; Mrs. Sherman, 5s;

Mr. Tom Hall, 5s; Mr. Wadsworth, 5s;

Mr. Douglas Stoops. 5s; Mr Isaac Davison, 5s

Mr. J. J. Forsythe, 5s; Mr. John Twinem,

5s; Mr. Sam Corbett, 5s; Mr. T. E. Maginnis, 5s;

Mr. Robert Scott, 5s; Mr. W. A.

Casey, 5s; Mr. Gilbert Price, 5s; Miss M.

Reid, 2s 6d; Mrs. Sam Abraham, 2s 6d, Dr.

Robert Hadden, 2s 6d; Mr. Leonard Bebe,

2s 6d; Mr. John Lyness, 2s 6d, Mr. Carragher, 2: 6d;

Mrs. James Shanks, 2s 6d •

Mrs. Tom Reid, 2s 6d; Mrs. James Sands,

2s 6d; Gd. Total—£31 18s 0d.

To 'Bus to Portruh £12 2s 0d; York

Hotel (dinners), £4 10s 0d; Tips, 14s 0d;

postage, etc., £l 15s (d; Magazines and

postage, 10s 6d balance, £12 6s 6d —Total

“31 18s 0d By Subscriptions, £31 18s 0d.


This School closed for the summer holidays

on Friday: July 2nd, and will re-open

on Monday, 16th August, 1937.


This took place in Seagoe P.E School on

Friday, 4th June, 1937. Nearly one hundred children were

present for examination, and the Inspector, the Rev. J. Armstrong,

E,A., expressed high appreciation

of teachers and pupils. He was very

pleased with the children's singing of

hymns, especially those selected from

Child Songs" by Carey Bonner.

The following is a list of the names of

those children who obtained certificates:

First Class—Alfred Magee, Viola Morrison,

Oswald Hall, Walker Vennard, Tom

Ruddell, Fred Thompson, Evelyn Morrison,

William Montgotrery

Second Class—Tom McCabe, Harry Girvan,

Ernest Ruddell, Feniah Ward, Annie

McCabe, Hilda Walker, Moyra Scott, Ella

Hall, Robert Abraham, Gerald Scott, Jas.

Hughes, Helen McMurray, Mabel Ruddell,

Doreen McMurray, Marjorie Campbell.

Third Class—Ernest Caddell, Betty Metcalfe,

Willie Hoy, William McClatchey,

Nelson Hall, Sydney Guy, Mary Webb,

William Ruddell, Norman Weir.


The above was held in Seagoe Rectory

grounds on Thursday, June 10th, at 7 p.m.

About four hundred parishioners were

present and enjoyed the good things

which were provided for tea by the ladies

of the parish. The Rev. W. F. Hayes presided,

in the absence of the Rector

through illness, and after tea the Rev.

Chancellor Orr, LL.D., Rector of Gilford,

and Mr, H. C. Malcolm, of Lurgan, addressed

all present on the need for a new

and up-to-date rectory. Some members

of the Select Vestry also spoke.

The weather was ideal for an outdoor

tea-party, and we hope all enjoyed the

evening. It was a big venture to undertake

the catering for so many, but it

proved to be no trouble to the keen band

of workers, who carried it through with

such success. To all who helped and to all

who so kindly gave cakes, etc., we extend

our best thanks.


On Sunday evening, 22nd June the

C.L.B. travelled by special 'bus to Omagh,

on the invitation of Rev. Canon Cullimore,

M.A., Rector of Omagh. 49 members of

our Company left the Parochial Hall at

2.30 p.m., accompanied by Rev. W. F.

Hayes, B.A. It was a lovely evening and

the run was greatly enjoyed. On arriving

in Omagh, about 4.45 p.m., tea was served

in the Parochial Hall by ladies of Omagh

Parish. Afterwards the two Companies

fell in for parade, headed by Seagoe C.L.B.

pipe band, Omagh Company pipe band

following. A parade was made through

the centre of the town to the rectory and

back in time for Evening Service. The

Rev. Canon McQuade, from Derry, delivered

the sermon. Following the Church

Service a short parade was made through

part of the town and back to the Parochial

Hall, for a second very enjoyable tea,

which was greatly appreciated by all.

Omagh Company can be complimented on

their hospitality. The Rev. W. F. Hayes

thanked the Omagh Company for their

invitation to us and expressed the thanks

of the Sea.goe C.L.B. for the very enjoyable

time which was accorded us, also the lady

friends for their splendid tea.

Capt. E. Mitchell also expressed his appreciation

on behalf of the Seagoe Company, and also extended an invitation to

Omagh CL.B. to come to Seagoe.

The fine C.L.B. spirit is evident in our

Company by the fact that the very high

'bus charges are covered by each lad paying his way.

The Company wish to express their appreciation to Mr. W. White,

who accompanied them to Omagh with

his car, carrying a number of boys. This

solved a difficult problem, as the 'bus

would not carry the number wishing to

go. The C.L.B. gratefully thanks Mr. White ( E. M. )




1937—Mar. 18.

proceeds from Shamrock Tea £ 14 14 10

£ 14 14 10

To Balance £ 3 10 6

£ 3 10 6


Prizes £7 10 3

Hall and Gas £0 8 0

Vennard, for erecting tables £0 2 6

Mrs. Vennard £0 2 6

Cairns, hire of car £0 10 0

Davison, pastry £2 11 1

Balance £3 10 6


£14 14 10


*Davison, catering for 1936 £2 14 7

Balance £0 15 11


£3 10 6

*Refund to Morning Sunday School£2 14 7


Parents, when bringing their children to

be baptized, must remember that the

father and mother must be present to

stand for their child, The mothers are

always present but there seems to be a

mistaken notion prevalent in some quarters,

that the father need not be present;

this is no doubt due to a misunderstanding.




(If for some good reason the father is

prevented he must send a male substitute.)


There was a fine attendance at the

meeting held on Tuesday, June 8th, in

Seagoe P.E. School. After tea, Mrs. Lamb

gave a most interesting address.

There will be no regular meeting in July

or August.

At the June meeting of the Select Vestry

the members of the Mothers' Union made

a gift of beautifully worked Communion

linen to the Vestry for use in Church.

This was much needed and we are grateful

to them for their thoughtful enterprise.


The annual Service in connection with

the above was held on Sunday morning,

June 27th. The preacher was the Rev. F.

J. Halahan, M.A., M.C., Rector of Drumcree.

There was a fair attendance of ex-Servicemen.

The collection was in aid of

the Earl Haig Fund. After the Service in

Church there was a short service at the

Church gates—the parochial War Memorial

—and a beautiful wreath was laid.

The procession of ex-Servicemen was

led by the Seagoe C.L.B. Band.


Since our last issue two parishioners

have received the " Home Call." Mrs.

Jeffers was seriously ill for several months.

Mr. Anderson was an old parishioner of

Seagoe but lived in Belfast for some years.

To the bereaved we extend our sympathy.


Suffer little children to come unto Me, and

forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of


June 6th William Ivan, son of William and Lilian Gregson, Drumgor.

June 6th—Ellen Frances, daughter of James Alexander and Elizabeth

Liggett. 13, Foundry St.


Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord

from henceforth, yea, saith the Spirit, that they

may rest from their labours."

May 29th—Alice Mills, Thomas Street, Portadown, aged 66 years.

May 30th—Sarah Jeffers, 15, Railway St., Portadown, aged 29 years.

May 31st—Gertrude Maud M'Dowell, Belfast, aged 33 years.

June 11th—Francis James Anderson, Belfast, aged 50 years.


We were glad to read of the appointment of Miss S. Maginnis, Fortwilliam, to

the staff of Ballinacor P.E.S. Miss Maginnis is a willing and useful helper in

Hacknahay Sunday School, where she

acts as honorary organist. We wish her

success in her new post.


The annual inspection of our Seagoe

Company was held on Friday evening, the

28th May, in the Parochial Hall. Rev. J.

W. Appelbe, M.A., presided. Col. Commandant

A. Fryer, M.M., was the inspecting officer, and was accompanied by his

staff. Lt.-Col. Houston, 2nd in Command,

and Capt. E. Mitchell, Battalion Adjutant.

The company paraded for inspection

under Lt. Joseph Hynes and Lt. David

Allen. The proceedings opened with the

Brigade hymn. A very interesting programme followed.

The Training Corps O'Grady Drill down was won by Pte. Tom

M'Cabe and L.-Cpl. Wm. Best came 2nd.

Boxing contests by members of the

Corps caused great amusement.

The maze marching and physical training

under Lt. Hynes, were watched with great

interest. But the outstanding item was

the gymnastic display in charge of Lt.


Lt.-Col. Houston examined Sergt. A.

Heyburn and Sergt. Wm. Donaldson for

their proficiency badges. Both qualified

with very good marks.

Col. Fryer made the following promotions

A. Heyburn to Co. Quartermaster Sergeant,

Cpl. Wm. Donaldson to

Sergt., Pte. Jack Best to L.-Cpl., Pte. David

Donaldson to L.-Cpl. Training Corps promotions

:—Pte. Geo. Hunter to L.-Cpl.,

Pte. Wm. Best to L.-Cp1.

Col. Fryer, in his remarks, referred to

the efficiency of the Company, expressing

his appreciation of the high standard of

drill and physical training which he had

seen. But he wished to remind each lad

that drill was only one part of C.L.B. work,

the main aim being to make good Churchmen.

He hoped each lad present would

do his part to further the C.L.B. by regular Church attendance.

He was also looking forward to seeing some Seagoe lads at

camp this year.

The senior camp is at Scarborough, and

the Training Corps Camp at Bangor, Co.

Down. Col. Fryer was very pleased to say

that Rev. W. F. Hayes, B.A., was coming to

the T.C. camp at Bangor as Camp Chaplain.

Seagoe Company are sending officers to

Harrow this year for the Officers Training

Course. This course is for two weeks at

the end of August. Lt. Joseph Hynes, Lt.

David Allen and Coy. Sergt.-Major Foster

Shanks are going over for this course. The

course will be of great value and Seagoe

Company will benefit by their experience.

Rev. J. W. Appelbe, M.A., in replying,

said he was very pleased to meet Col. Fryer

and Lt.-C01. Houston, and he extended a

hearty welcome to them at our inspection.

He had no doubt that Col. Fryer's

remarks would be appreciated by the lads

He also welcomed the friends who had

come along to support the C.L.B. He

hoped the Company would prosper and

that the friends who were there would

all they could to encourage the boys of the

parish to join Seagoe Company. It is

an organisation which was doing good

Church work. He (the Chairman) hoped

to see the lads of the parish brought into

the Brigade. The boys of the parish are

our future Churchmen, and it is important

to see that they are encouraged in

Church work now.

The C.L.B. ensure this; therefore it deserves

our loyal Support.—(E.M.)


It was with widespread regret that her

many friends heard of the serious illness

of Miss Clara Kirby, an old and faithful

member of Seagoe Choir At present she

is undergoing treatment in Lurgan Hospital.

Our earnest prayer is that, if it is in

God's will, she may be soon restored to

health again


Keen interest is being shown by the

boys of the Junior Training Corps, who

are going to camp

The next few weeks will be spent in preparing

the usual camp kit, such as a large

sack for bedding, knife, fork, spoon, plate

mug, etc., etc. Blankets are provided at


Everyone is looking forward to a really

good week at Bangor.

It is to be hoped the weather will be very good. and that

each boy will return refreshed and fit

after his week's holiday.

Camp life is one of the most interesting

and enjoyable holiday anyone can have.

It is here you see the spirit of comradeship at its best.

Imagine for a moment

over 150 lads from all parts of N. Ireland

banded together as comrades in the C.L.B

No introduction is necessary here. The

fact that Tommy Jones, from Portrush, or

Sammy Black, from Omagh, are C.L.B

boys is sufficient introduction. And the

first day in camp shows a good example of

esprit de corps.

Visitors may visit the camp on Wednesday, 21st inst.

We wish our own boys going to camp

very happy time.

Seven boys are going from Seagoe this

year. But we would like to see more year

by year. These days at camp will live as

happy memories in after years.—(E.M.)


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