Seagoe Archives

July 1938


July 1938

Seagoe Parish Magazine

JULY, 1938


REV. J. W. APPELBE, M.A., B.D., Carrick-blacker Ave.

REV. W. F. HAYES, B.A., L.Th., The Bungalow,

Lower Seagoe.



People's—H. A. CATHCART.





July 3rd—Third Sunday after Trinity.

10th—Fourth Sunday after Trinity.

Orange Anniversary Service

17th—Fifth Sunday after Trinity.

24th—Sixth Sunday after Trinity,

25th—St. James.

31st—Seventh Sunday after Trinity.


We gratefully acknowledge the receipt of

The following amounts since our last issue: —

D. F. Stoops, M.P.S.N.I„ Margretta Park £20 0 0

Miss E. Webb, Clanrola 1 0 0

James Sands, Killicomaine Road 1 0 0

Mrs. D. Russell, Seagoe 5 0

Joseph Monroe, Levaghery 5 0 0

£27 0 0

Already acknowledged 326 2 3

£353 7 3


On Saturday, May 28, the Choirs from the

Following Parishes assembled in Seagoe Parish

Church for their annual Choral Festival: —Seagoe,

Shankill (Lurgan), Maralin, Gilford, Moira, Ardmore,

Ballynahinch, Donacloney, Aghalee, Dromore,

Dromara, Magherally, Seapatrick (Banbridge), and


Before the service a combined practice took place

at 3 p.m., the service took place at 4.30 p.m. Mr. S.

P. B. Smith, A.R.C.O., presided at the organ, and the

prayers were taken by the Rev. R. H. Kimber, M.A.,

of Belfast Cathedral. A very helpful and inspiring

address was given by the Rev. H. W. Rennison, M.A.,

Rector of Ballymascanlon, Co. Louth, on the "ministry

of a choir member," in which he stressed the importance

of Choristers realising the sacredness of their high

calling and the need for reverence, punctuality and


After the service the members of the Choirs adjourned

to the school for tea. Members of the Select Vestry, Choir

and C.L.B had met in the school the previous evening

and prepared the school to accommodate the visitors.

This was no easy task to seat about 350 people, but

thanks to the keenness of all concerned to make it a

success, all obstacles were overcome, and so on

Saturday afternoon everything was ready and the

huge crowd was comfortably seated and everything

passed without a hitch. Numerous comments were made

by members of the visiting Choirs testifying to the

excellence of the accommodation and arrangements

and so we feel that the trouble taken was well worth

while and was greatly appreciated.

We are deeply grateful to all who helped, also to

those who lent table clothes and sent milk, and especially

to Mr. M'Clements for the use of his lorry to collect and

return seats and tables from other halls.

We beg to acknowledge with thanks £1 from the

Rev. G. H. Daunt towards the Festival expenses,


The members of Seagoe Choir went by bus to

Portrush for their annual outing on Saturday, June

11. After a very pleasant journey Portrush was

reached about 11.15 a.m., and all assembled for lunch

at York House, where the needs of the body were

amply catered for. In spite of the inclement weather

all enjoyed themselves and arrived back about

10.30 p.m.

All the necessary arrangements were made by Mr.

T. H. Wilson, organist, and the members of the Choir

are deeply indebted to him for his efforts; which ensure

such an excursion each year. We print below a statement

showing the financial state of the Choir Fund: -


To Balance in hand from 1937 £12 6 6

1938 Subscriptions:

Rev. J. W. Appelbe 10 0

Miss Flannigan 10 0

Dynes Turkington 5 0

Tom Courtney 5 0

Mr. Gracey 5 0

£14 1 6


'Bus to Portrush £ 8 15 0

Dinners 4 6 0

Driver 0 5 0

Tips 0 5 0

Cleaning of Organ Loft 0 5 6

Subscription to C.L.B 0 5 0

£14 1 6


This annual event took place rather early this year

owing to circumstances over which we had no

control. The date originally was fixed for June 23, but

had to be changed to June 9. As these notes are being

written (June 23) we are able to compare the weather

and we are glad to note that the weather was much

better on June 9. All the children got to the train

dry, and the proverbial "Seagoe weather" was ours

except for a few showers in Warrenpoint during the

day. Nobody got wet as Warrenpoint and the surrounding

neighbourhood provided good sheltering places. The

usual excursions were made to the "Big Stone," and by

boat to Rostrevor. The catering was done very efficiently

by Messrs. Davison.

We were glad to see Mr. Andrew Costello with us,

his eightieth excursion, having missed only a few in

life when in U.S.A.

The numbers who travelled this year were much

less than in previous years and it is hard to account

for this—perhaps the early date, uncertainty of the

weather and other excursions in the same week were

against us. However, in spite of fewer numbers than

in previous years, and the fact that the 650 ordered

double ham sandwiches had to be paid for, we are

glad to say that the balance sheet appended shows a

credit balance in hand. Our Sunday Schools owe a

deep debt of gratitude to the Hon. Sec., Mr. Wm.

Hutchinson, for his indefatigable efforts on behalf of

the excursion and for his clear Statement of Accounts.

The date for next year's Sunday School excursion

has been provisionally fixed for the last Thursday in

June, when it is hoped to arrange it for Bangor.


Statement of Account,


To Balance from 1937 Excursion £0 1 8

262 Adult Railway Tickets 26 4 0

18 Tickets to Band and Caterers free

144 Adult Refreshment Tickets 7 4 0

299 Children's Rail and Refreshment 22 18 0


Total £56 7 8


By 466 Railway Tickets £27 3 8

Catering Account (Messrs. Davison) 27 0 0

Printing Account 0 17 0

Insurance of Children 0 12 6

Bill Posting Account 0 3 0

Tips 0 5 0

Postages 0 2 6

Total £56 3 8

To Balance on Hands £ 0 4 0

Wm. HUTCHINSON, Secretary.

R. M'CLEMENTS, Treasurer


The Most Reverend J. G. F. Day, D.D, was enthroned

as Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland

in St. Patrick's Cathedral, Armagh, on Thursdays June 9,

at 3.30 p.m. A number of Seagoe Company of the C.L.B.,

accompanied by Captain E. Mitchell and the Rev. W. F.

Hayes, were present and joined with members of B.B.

and other C.L.B. Companies to form a guard of honour

for his Grace, who is keenly interested in the youth

organisations of the Church.



1938—Jan. 1. £ s d

To Cash on Hands 6 16 11

Dec. 31.—Members' Subscriptions 24 4 3

Deposits and alterations on Uniforms 2 14 11

'Bus fares received. 7 13 0

Proceeds: —

Sports 11 16 3

Concert 7 13 6

Social per Lady Helpers 4 18 5

Socials and Catering (Aug. 25, 1937) 28 19 6 ½

Company Inspection 5 3 0

Band Services 12 1 0

Members' Subscriptions to Presentation 1 3 0

Training Corps Camp Deposits 3 0 0

Football Team Receipts 0 13 9

Bank Interest 0 1 1

£126 19 0 ½


1937—Dec. 31 £ s d

By rent of Hall 9 2 0

Fee to General Head Quarters 15 6

Uniforms and Equipment 43 1 4

Band Instruments and upkeep 7 6 2

Travelling Expenses 12 2 1

Printing, Stationery and Postages 1 7 0

Repairs 0 5 6

Socials and Catering (Aug. 28, 1937) 21 19 0 ½

Wreaths 5 10 0

Purchases of Prizes 8 19 9

Refund Uniform Deposits and T.C.

Camp Deposits 4 15 0

Sundries 0 17 6

Indoor Recreation Equipment 6 2 4

Cash in Hand 4 15 10

£126 19 0 ½

I hereby certify the foregoing Account to be correct

according to the best of my knowledge and from

information received.



O.C. Company.


On Sunday evening, June 19, at the evening service

the special music learnt for the recent Choral

Festival was rendered by the Choir. Mrs. Casey was

at the organ and the large congregation present

enjoyed hearing it. The hymns included one new one

from the appendix added to our Church Hymnal,

"For those we love within the veil." The words are

beautiful and the tune is a fine one.


The annual Orange Anniversary service will take

place in Seagoe Parish Church on Sunday, July 10,

at 7 p.m. The preacher will be Br. the Rev. J. R.

M'Donald, M.A., Rector of St. Matthew's Parish,

Belfast. The collection will be in aid of the Lord

Enniskillen Memorial Orphan Fund.


A pic-nic is being arranged for the members of

this organisation on Saturday, July 2, weather

permitting. All the members are asked to assemble at

Edenderry Parochial Hall at 2.30 p.m., when they

will be conveyed to the place where the pie-nic will

be held. In the event of rain Edenderry Parochial

Hall will be used instead.


The monthly meeting took place on Tuesday, June

14, in Seagoe School at 7.30 p.m. After tea a most

helpful address was given to the large number of

mothers present by Miss Hunter. The rector presided

and conveyed the best thanks of the members to

Miss Hunter for her address and kindness in coming.

There will be no meetings in July or August.

As we go to Press an excursion for the members is

being arranged for Thursday, 30th June, to Newcastle

by bus.


As is customary the various schools in the parish

will be closed down from July 3—August inclusive,

and will re-open on Sunday, August 14.

The men's Bible Class will close on June 26, and

will commence again on Sunday, August 14, at 10.15



"Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from

henceforth, yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest

from their labours."

June I—Harrison Wilson, Lisniskey, aged 58 years.

June 14—John M'Neill, Killicomaine, aged 44 years.


We regret to have to record this month the decease

of two parishioners. Harrison Wilson belonged to a

very old Seagoe family, his call came very suddenly.

John M'Neall had been in failing health for some time

and he bore his trying illness patiently and with

Christian fortitude. To the bereaved we offer our

sincere sympathy and pray that God may comfort

and strengthen them in their sorrow.


(From a recent broadcast by the Archbishop of York)

Two Methods of Study.

The study of the Bible by the individual ought to

be of two kinds. He should study it in order to learn

all that he can which may throw light on its meaning

—the circumstances which confronted the prophet

when he wrote or spoke the message which he

received, the state of mind in those whom he

addressed, and so forth. And then, having gained all

the illumination that he can, he should surrender his

mind and spirit to the book itself. Here once more

analogy of artistic appreciation is valid. We enjoy

great music or great poetry all the more if we

alternate between surrendering ourselves to it that it

may make its own impact upon us, and analysing it

critically so that we may see what materials the artist

employed and what use he made of them. But the

value of this analytical study resides almost entirely

in the fuller appreciation which it makes possible

when we return to the mood of pure receptivity.

It is the same with the Bible. The value of our study

of it, in the usual sense of the word 'study,' is chiefly

found in the apprehension that comes when we give

ourselves to the Spirit who speaks through the

printed word for Him to breathe His message into

our souls.

From the student's point of view the Bible is

rather a library than a book. It consists of many

books, of widely varying types, date and purpose. But

for the devout reader it is a single book, whereof not

the many authors but the one guiding Spirit supplies

the secret. One subject is in view throughout— God

and His people. God is known through His dealings

with His people, and His people are called to live by

the knowledge of Him so received. Always the

dominant interest is the same—not to discover and

declare precisely what it was that happened, but to

trace in what happened the mind, the character, the

judgment, the purpose of the living God. This finds

its focus in the Gospel narrative when we read of

One in whom that mind, character, judgment and

purpose were perfectly expressed in a human life and

death. But even then, it was only to those who had

ears to hear that the truth was declared, only to those

who had eyes to see that the glory was manifested.

Others heard the words and saw the works; but it is

only of those whose hearts were prepared that St. John

could say: "We beheld His glory."

Spiritual Insight.

Here we find a characteristic of the whole Bible.

The arena of the divine revelation is history itself,

That is why what we call the historical books bulk so

large. The revelation is given, primarily, not in

propositions but in events. Yet it fails of its purpose as

revelation except so far as the prophet is enabled by

the illumination of the Holy Spirit to interpret the

event and read it in the light of God's character and

purpose. So, in the supreme moment, which is the

crown of revelation and the Criterion by which all

other revelation is to be tested, the revelation is

given in the Life, the Death, the Resurrection and

Ascension of Jesus Christ. But even this would have

failed in its purpose as revelation if there had been

none who could say truly: “We beheld His glory.”

For the completeness of effective revelation—of God's

disclosure of Himself to men—there must be both

the divinely guided event and the divinely illuminated

mind; in the coincidence of these two effective

revelation consists. This which is a pervasive

characteristic of the Bible itself is also characteristic

of the right to use it. The revelation of God is in one

sense contained in the Bible, but not in such sense

that whoever reads it receives the revelation. The

great reformers were always emphatic about this—

repeating in their own way what had been the

continuous belief of Christian people constantly

reinforced by experience. The Word of God, which

is Jesus Christ, speaks through the printed page to

those who read it with minds that are sensitive to

its utterance. For the word of God is not a lifeless

record but a living spiritual power.

If when the lens of the camera is opened there is

behind it not a photographic film or plate, but a

piece of looking glass, there will be for the moment

a very accurate reflection of the object in front of

the lens; but there will be no photograph. If there

is to be a photograph there must be a film or plate

which is sensitive to the rays of light. So too if we

read the Bible with alert minds but without spiritual

sympathy, we shall acquire precise knowledge about

it, but no knowledge of it. If we are truly to know it

what is required is that while we read the prophet's

record of the Word of the Lord that came to him,

the Word of the Lord should be heard in our own

souls. All knowledge about the Bible which we can

gain will help us towards this, but by itself such

knowledge cannot secure it. But that Word of the

Lord comes in its own way, to simpleton and scholar

alike if, as they read, their spirit can be such as to

say: 'Speak, Lord, for thy servant heareth.'

A Dominant Influence.

In a world where views of life quite alien from that

of the Bible crowd upon us claiming attention, this

spiritual sympathy can only be acquired or maintained

by the use of all the aids at our disposal; by the regular

devout reading in the home; by study in classes and

circles in the parish; by systematic teaching in the

congregation; by the personal intimacy which is the

fruit of a lifetime's habit. It is not chiefly much time

on one occasion that is wanted, but the steady

recurrence to this Word of God day by day, so that

whatever other influences play upon life this is never

lacking; so it can become the dominant influence in

life. And because that Word of God which speaks

through it 'by divers portions and in divers manners'

is none other than Jesus Christ who is the Lord made

flesh, the result of our reading of the Bible is fellowship

with Him and through Him with the Father.


HOLY COMMUNION—1st Sunday after Morning

Prayer; 3rd Sunday at 8 a.m., and on the Chief


HOLY BAPTISM—1st Sunday of each Month at 4

p.m., and during any Service in the Parish Church,

notice to be given; Two Sponsors at least are required.

The father and mother must be present. Churchings

are held at each Baptism. Mothers are expected

to bring a thank offering. (See Book of Common


MORNING PRAYER—Sundays and Chief Festivals,

12.30 a m.

EVENING PRAYER—Sundays, 7 p m.


Hacknahay—Last Sunday of Month at 3-30 p.m.

Drumgor—Second Sunday of Month at 3 p.m.

Edenderry—Services as announced.


BIBLE CLASS FOR MEN in Edenderry on

Sundays at 10-15 a m.

SUNDAY SCHOOLS 10-30 a.m. Edenderry Parochial

Hall and Seagoe School. 3 p.m. Seagoe, Edenderry

Parochial Hall, Levaghery, Hacknahay, Carne,

Drumgor, Bocombra.

MOTHERS' UNION—2nd Tuesday of each month

at 7-30 p.m.

CHURCH LADS' BRIGADE in the Parochial Hall

on Tuesdays and Fridays.


alternate Mondays at 8 p.m.

SEAGOE P.E. SCHOOL, 9-15 a.m. Principal—Mr. R. Scott.

MARRIAGES must be performed between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Licenses are issued by Ven. Archdeacon Hannon, Rectory, Lurgan. Due notice (48 hours) must be given to the Rector of intended weddings FEES—BY License— Labourers 5/—, Tradesmen 10/—, Merchants and Farmers 15/-, Professional £l. By Banns 5/-. FUNERALS will be attended by the Clergy if proper notice be given. SICK CASES should be notified to the Clergy without delay.

FEES FOR CERTIFICATESBAPTISM 3/7, Children (Factory) 1/- and 2/- (non-residents); MARRIAGE 3/7. An extra Search Fee is chargeable in certain cases. It will be a help to the Clergy if they are notified of the arrival of new Church families in the Parish.

A copy of the Magazine will be sent by post to any subscriber for 3/- per annum.


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Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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