Seagoe Parish Magazine.
JULY, 1941
KEV. J. W. APPELBE, M.A., B.D., Seagoe Rectory.
REV. W. F. HAYES, B.A., L.Th., The Bungalow,
Lower Seagoe.
July 6th—4th Sunday after Trinity.
Orange Anniversary Service at 7 p.m.
July 13th—5th Sunday after Trinity.
July 17th—Meeting of Mothers' Union at the Rectory, 3.30 p.m.
July 20th—6th Sunday after Trinity.
July 25th—St. James.
July 27th—7th Sunday after Trinity.
Bishop's Appeal to Clergy, Churchwardens and People.
My Dear Friends,—Our losses, as a Church, consequent
on the recent air raids, have been particularly
heavy—Churches, Church Halls, Parochial Halls,
rectories or clergy dwelling houses have been damaged,
some completely, some seriously, some slightly. Those
losses, so far, have been in Belfast. But more serious
is the fact that several thousands of our people—not
a few now unemployed—have had to leave their homes
and their parishes. Thus our Church work in the
City has been largely disorganised, at least for a
time. To repair, in a material way, the damage which
has resulted would demand a very large sum of money.
At the recent meeting of the General Synod much
sympathy was manifested, while a resolution which
was passed unanimously suggested that collections
should be made, wherever possible, for the relief of a
Church sorely stricken. But obviously our own
responsibility will be greatest. I am now venturing to
ask that something should be attempted forthwith in
everyone of our parishes in the United Diocese so that
as a result there may be available help towards the
restoration or maintenance of such Churches and
Church buildings as, with knowledge of the facts,
may be advised by competent authorities. This might
be done through collections on a particular Sunday, or
through efforts lasting for a number of weeks, or, as
has been advised, through penny a week offerings over
the space of a year given by families or individuals in
addition to their ordinary Church contributions.
Some, too, may be able to give larger sums straight
on. The particular methods of helping I do not now
recommend. They, of course, may well differ in
different places and for different persons. What I do
urge is that the crisis should be recognised as a very
serious one and should be faced by all without delay.
The Archdeacons and Rural Deans and other
representative persons will organise efforts in every part
of the United Diocese, and a Committee, with the
Bishop as Chairman, will act in an advisory and
administrative capacity. What I am certain of is that
our people will do their part and do it well. They
have never failed hitherto and they will not fail now.
The Church is of God. We shall work for it and give
to it. No wind that blows shall ever kill the tree God
plants. In this faith let us put our strength into
positive, constructive tasks so that God may be
glorified and the work of His Church maintained.—
I am, yours sincerely,
P.S.—Assistance much appreciated has been given
already, and particulars will be published at an early
date. Help or promises of help will be thankfully
received by the Secretaries of the Diocesan Council
Clarence Place, Belfast.
We print the above, which was read at the Morning
Service on June 22nd, as it brings to our notice a
very pressing need of the Church in Belfast. As a
result of recent air raids not only are churches, church
halls, etc., destroyed or damaged, but there has been
a dispersal of a large number of Church people by
evacuation to safer areas. This has thrown a very
heavy burden on some parishes, which depend almost
solely on their weekly collections and free will envelope
offerings for the maintenance of their various activities.
Because of this disorganisation some of these
parishes cannot meet their financial obligations
without temporary help. Here is an opportunity for
us to help and to give proof of our true Christian
brotherliness by helping as far as we can, those, who
through no fault of their own find themselves in great
It should be clearly understood that the War Damage
Insurance Scheme will not meet the needs of the
case and so it would be misleading to make this an
excuse for not trying to help. An obvious example of
this is the consequent falling off of parochial revenue
when parishioners are evacuated, and many of the city
Churches have no endowments upon which to fall
With the approval of the Select Vestry, on Sunday,
September 7th, there will be a retiring collection at
both services for this most worthy object. Put your
contribution in an envelope and it will be
acknowleged in the October issue of this Magazine.
The annual Orange Anniversary Service will take
place on Sunday, July 6th, at 7 p.m., when the
preacher will be the Rev. Canon M'Tighe, M.A., LL.D.,
Rector of Lisbellaw and Prebendary of Donaghmore
in St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin. The collection will
be in aid of the Lord Enniskillen Memorial Orphan
Before this issue appears in print the annual Young
People's Service will have taken place on Sunday,
June 29th, at 11.30 a.m., when the preacher will be
the Rev. G. A Guthrie, B.A., of Ardmore.
The Sunday Schools throughout the parish will
remain closed for July and August and will reopen
again on Sunday, September 7th. During this period
parents are earnestly requested to encourage their
children to attend the Church Services. The most
effective way of doing this is not by staying away
yourself and then expecting your children to do what
you yourself are not prepared to do. Here, as elsewhere,
example is better than precept; bring your
children along with you to God's House on Sundays.
Already some of our Sunday Schools have
implemented their promise to try and make up for the
abandonment of the annual excursion to the seaside,
by organising an evening's entertainment. At Drumgor
on Wednesday, June 25th, a most enjoyable evening
was spent in a field adjoining the school, kindly
lent for the occasion by Mr. J. G. Gracey, J.P. The
weather was ideal for the various competitions and
games, which provoked keen rivalry amongst the
competitors. A sumptuous tea, distribution of prizes and
games indoors brought a very happy evening to a
Similar functions have been arranged for Edenderry
morning and afternoon Sunday Schools and Hacknahay
on Saturday, July 5th. Bocombra for the end
of August. The superintendents and teachers of
Levaghery, Seagoe and Came are taking steps to
promote entertainments of a corresponding nature
in the near future.
There was a splendid attendance of members at
the June meeting, when an inspiring address was
given by the Rev. C. C. Browne, Curate assistant of
St. Mark's, Portadown, on the ideals and opportunities
of the Mothers' Union in our present day world.
The next meeting will take place at the Rectory on
Thursday, July 17th, at 3.30 p.m.
Seagoe C.E. Society had a visit from Mr. N. Hamilton,
organist of the Parish Church, on Monday, June
16th. He gave an inspiring address, the theme of
which was Separation and Humility. He based hi3
remarks on St. James, chap. 1, verse 27., and Showed,
using Bible characters as examples, the importance
for the Christian in keeping himself separate from
the world. He also spoke of the need for practising
humility in our lives, a lesson very forcibly taught by
Christ Himself when He washed His disciples' feet.
Miss N. K. Montgomery and Miss M. Best rendered
solos, accompanied by Mr. Hamilton on the piano.
Mr. D. Allen acted as chairman—(R. G. M'M.)
The Hon. Treasurer for the above gratefully
acknowledges the receipt of the following subscriptions:
Miss Dawson, Edward St. £5 0 0
The Misses N. K. and N. Montgmoery,
Thomas St. £10 0 0
To Balance £4 9 11
Collections 6 6 2
Allowance on returned Tickets 0 3 2
Subscriptions 0 17 4 ½
Harvest Service Collections 2 9 4 ½
Foreign Mission Collections £0 9 2
Collections for S.A.M. Society:
March 31st 0 3 3
June 23rd 0 3 1
September 29th 0 3 2
December 29th 0 3 3
1 11 11
_______________ £15 17 11
To Balance, C/D. £4 1 10 ½
Expenses. Cr
By Coal Account £1 3 8
Oil Account 0 6 2
Stationery 0 1 5
Roll Books 0 1 7 ½
Annual Social—Catering Account 1 9 6
Prize Account 1 4 9
W. H. Best's Account 0 2 6
Messrs. J. G. M'Cann's Account 1 5 0
Excursion Tickets 4 9 6
Subscription to Foreign Missions 0 19 2
S.A.M. Society 0 12 9
Balance 4 1 10 ½
£14 5 10
T. E. STANFIELD, supt.
Morning Prayer—The Churchwardens, Messrs. G.
Leake, J. Gee, H. Ellis, W. H. Best.
Evening Prayer—Messrs. A. Kirk, Thos. Stanfield,
Wm. Hewitt, Wm. Neill, Geo. Nixon.
We regret to have to record the passing of three
parishioners during the past month. Mary Elizabeth
White was called to be with Him, who said
" Suffer little children to come unto Me," after a few
days' illness. Sarah Jane Gregson had been in failing
health for some time; she bore her increasing
weakness with courage. Ellen Best had reached a great
age and for some time past had been a patient in
Lurgan Hospital.
To the bereaved we extend our sincere sympathy
and pray that God may sustain and comfort them
in their sorrow.
" Suffer little children to come unto Me, and forbid
them not, for of such is the Kingdom of God."
June 1st—David Henry Nelson, son of Joseph and
Anna Georgina Hill, 11, Century Street, Portadown.
June Ist—lsobel, daughter of Robert and Sarah Uprichard, Drumgor.
June 15th—David Alexander, son of Samuel Robert
and Elizabeth Phillips, Drumnacanvey, Portadown.
" Those whom God hath joined together let no man put asunder."
12th June—Thomas Kerr, 26 Coronation Street, Portadown,
and Sarah Levina Hoy, Lylo, Portadown.
" Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord, from
henceforth, yea. saith the Spirit, that they may rest
from their labours."
21st May—Mary Elizabeth White, Seagoe, aged 10 months.
1st June—Sarah Jane Gregson, Drumgor, aged 69 years. (Interred in Shankill.)
14th June—Ellen Best, late of Lylo, aged 86 years.
21st June—Robert J. Ballantine, Thomas Street, Portadown, aged 27 years.
21st June—William J. Creaney, 36, Carrickdale Gardens, Portadown, aged 25 years.
(From C.M.S. Outlook.)
I.—Personal Experiences.
We are often asked what is happening to the
Church in these days of upheaval for China's
millions. I should like to give two pictures, small
illustrations of big things that are typical of the life
and growth among Christians today.
The first comes from Canton, under Japanese
occupation. The Christian leaders were the only
leaders who stayed by their people during the
invasion and through the difficult days that followed.
They are still there, carrying on under appalling
conditions, and witnessing by their faith and courage
to the victory that is in Christ.
Today in Canton the churches are still feeding
about 20,000 destitute people every day, in a city
where many still die of starvation in the streets.
Attached to one of these churches is a clinic for the
poor. Here a young Chinese woman doctor used to
minister to the sick bodies of the destitute. One
afternoon a Japanese soldier came to the clinic. The
Chinese girl, with the same grace and gentleness with
which she treated her own people, bent down and
bound up the foot of the injured soldier. Christ
said: " Love your enemies. . . .do good “
The second picture is a very different one. Hundreds
of miles from Canton, in a village temple in
the hills of West Yunnan a crowd of students have
gathered one Sunday morning to worship God. They
have come from many parts of China, uprooted from
their homes, driven from their schools and colleges by
Japanese invasion, but carrying on their studies with
that indomitable spirit that is characteristic of
China to-day.
With no chapel for Christian worship the students
are using a temple, where the large, painted plaster
idols stand as reminders of a people's hunger for God.
In the temple stands an altar and on it is a cross.
The temple is decorated. It is a very special occasion.
Two young girls from the village are witnessing to
their new-found faith in Christ, and being welcomed
into the family of His Church through baptism.
They are the first to be baptized from the village, and
it is through the love and friendship and witness of
Christian students who are refugees that they have
been brought to Christ.
Man's misfortune becomes God's opportunity.
These are great days for the Church in China and
for us in England. Let us remember that God can
use these days of suffering to His glory and the
building up of His Kingdom on earth.
ll.—New Year Evangelism.
The Rev. H. A. Maxwell reports that special efforts
at the Chinese New Year met with most encouraging
response in Szechwan. Larger numbers of people
came for Christian teaching. At Mienyang a Bible
School was organised for students from Shantung
now in the city.
As a result some sixteen have definitely
accepted Christ as their Saviour and are now
trying to bring in other students. Some of these
students actually gave up one or the two very scanty
meals in the day on which they manage to live in
order to be present at the meetings. Mr. Maxwell
says: " There is no doubt about the deep work of the
Holy Spirit done there."
Eight years ago a Chinese Christian in Shanghai
asked a friend this question: " Why do we Christians
not have a broadcasting station of our own?" The
answer followed in a few months in the opening of
the Shanghai Christian Broadcasting station.
In 1938 two Chinese met in Chicago, one of them
the man who had been asked this question in Shanghai.
Now he was faced with another: " Why do we
not have a chain of broadcasting stations in different
provinces of China to multiply the blessings of the
Shanghai station ? This started a new line of
thought, and a scheme has been prepared for the
opening of sixteen stations in the chief cities of China
and one on the island of Manilla as soon as war and
other conditions permit. At least four of these
proposed stations would be in free China, and could
be equipped when the necessary funds and the technical
experts are available. An appeal is being made
in America for missionary recruits with this special
The opportunity.
It is estimated that eighty, per cent. of the people
of China are unable to read. But there are already
some one and a half million wireless receiving sets
by which vast numbers could hear the good news of
Christ if instead of the one Christian broadcasting
station at Shanghai there was, say, one in each province.
On all hands there is evidence of the readiness
among Chinese of all ages and types to listen to the
Gospel, and a leaflet about the Shanghai broadcasting
station give instances of conversion known to be due
to the wireless talks.
A young Chinese girl was driven from home by her
father because she had become a Christian. But in
short time he wanted to know more about
this strange enticing power," and secretly tuned to
Shanghai. Within two months the love of Christ had won
him and his whole family. A family of four came to a
church to ask for baptism because they had received
the Gospel as they heard it broadcast. Medical advice
is one item on the daily programme, and one man
who listened to this went on to seek the deeper healing
of which one of the speakers told.
This enterprise which is so full of promise for the
future is under the control of a Chinese board of
directors, who include such well known men as Dr. T.
Z. Koo and Dr. W. Y. Chen, secretary of the National
Christian Council. The Shanghai station was opened
by Madame Chiang Kaishek.
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HOLY COMMUNION —1st Sunday after Morning
Prayer; 3rd Sunday at 8 a.m., and on the Chief Festivals
HOLY BAPTISM —1st Sunday of each Month at 4 p.m.,
and during any Service in the Parish Church, notice to be
given; Two Sponsors at least are required. The father and
mother must be present. Churchings are held at each Baptism.
Mothers are expected to bring a thank offering. (See Book of
Common Prayer.)
MORNING PRAYER— Sundays and Chief Festivals,
11.30 a.m.
EVENING PRAYER —Sundays, 7 p.m.
Hacknahay—Last Sunday of Month at 3.30 p.m.
Drumgor—Second Sunday of Month at 3 p.m.
Edenderry—Wednesdays at 8 p.m., Oct—Easter.
BIBLE CLASSES FOR MEN in Edenderry on Sundays at 10.15 a.m.
SUNDAY SCHOOLS —10.15 a.m. Edenderry Parochial
Hall and Seagoe School. 3 p.m. Seagoe, Edenderry
Parochial Hall, Levaghery, Hacknahay, Carne, Drumgor, Bocombra
MOTHERS' UNION —2nd Tuesday of each month at 7.30 p.m.
CHURCH LADS' BRIGADE in the Parochial Hall on Tuesdays.
GIRLS' FRIENDLY SOCIETY in Seagoe School on Mondays at 8 p.m. as announced
G.F.S. Candidates - Oct. – Easter, Edenderry Parochial Hall, Saturdays at 3 p.m.
SEAGOE CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOUR SOCIETY – Mondays, Orange Hall, at 8 p.m.
SEAGOE P.E. SCHOOL —9.15 a.m. Principal—Mr. R. Scott.
MARRIAGES must be performed between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Licences are issued by Ven. Archdeacon Hannon, the Rectory, Lurgan. Due notice (48 hours) must be given to the Rector of intended weddings. FEES—BY License—Labourers 5/-, Tradesmen 10/-, Merchants and Farmers £1, Professional £l. By Banns 5/-.
FUNERALS will be attended by the Clergy if proper notice be given. SICK CASES should be notified to the Clergy without delay. FEES FOR CERTIFICATES—BAPTISM 3/7, Children (Factory) 1/- and 2/- (non-residents); MARRIAGE 3/7. An extra Search Fee is chargeable in certain cases. It will be a help to the Clergy if they are notified of the arrival of new Church families in the Parish.
A copy of the Magazine will be sent by post to any subscriber for 3/- per annum.
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