Seagoe Archives




MAGAZINE Summer 2023

Welcoming | Growing | Encouraging | Serving

Recently we have had two

important opportunities

helping to remind us that the

Church is a worldwide fellowship of


SOMA Week of Mission

Our Bishop invited the international

organisation SOMA (Sharing of

Ministries Abroad) to bring a team

to the Diocese in June to hold

a mission and time of renewal

throughout the Diocese. In Seagoe

we hosted a team from Friday 2nd

to Wednesday 7th June. Our team

consisted of Rt. Rev. Bishop Praises

(Nigeria), Rev. Melinda McMahon

(Australia), Justin Lau (London),

Princy Abraham (India) and Andy

Williamson (Shankill Parish, Lurgan).

It was an honour to have a team

of such diverse nationalities and


On Friday evening the team

enjoyed mixing with those at the

bowling club and having a go at

throwing a few bowls! Sunday

was our main mission focus with

input into all our services. It was

sO encouraging to see so many

people availing of personal prayer

and anointing. The Parish Picnic

in Peatlands Park in the afternoon

provided a great opportunity for

people to mix informally with the

team members.

Each morning people had the

opportunity to meet with the team

informally over refreshments in the

Parish Centre. On Monday evening

Rubies arranged a walk followed by

refreshments and interview of two

team members by Hannah Abraham.

On Tuesday evening those involved

as leaders in the Parish organisations

met for a time of encouragement

and faith sharing with the team.

The team was delighted to

be welcomed into Seagoe and

Edenderry Primary Schools

and had a great time of sharing

with the — children. Bishop

Praises led our Wednesday Holy

Communion Service and enjoyed

the refreshments that followed.

Following a day of sightseeing on

the North Coast, all the SOMA

team members gathered at Saul

Church for a barbecue and closing


God’s worldwide Church.

We thank God for the team and

pray that we will continue to be

encouraged both by our memories

of their visit and the strengthening

of our faith by their ministry to us.

Partnership with Mar Thoma

Indian Church

With our Bishops agreement we

have just welcomed the Mar Thoma

Church to Seagoe which will be

holding services from time to time

on Sunday afternoons when we are

not using the building. In addition

it will occasionally hold events in

the Parish Centre. We encourage

our parishioners to make the Mar

Thoma congregation welcome.

Mar Thoma Church is one of

the ancient Churches in the world.

It is traditionally believed that St.

Thomas (Mar Thoma in Syriac), the

disciple of Jesus Christ, came to

India in AD 52 and established the

Church based in the

southwestern India

state of Kerala.

The Church is in

full § communion

with the Anglican


Church of Ireland

and England and is

a member of the

Churches Together

in England (CTE),

Churches Together

in Britain and

Ireland (CTBI) and World Council of

Churches (WCC). It has members

who currently meet in Cloughfern

Parish, Belfast but is keen to plant

this new congregation in Seagoe

to minister to the many Indian

members who live in this area.

We seek God's blessing on our


We are thankful to God for these

opportunities to enlarge our vision

of Church and we pray that we will

continue to work to make everyone

welcome in Seagoe and to grow His

Church as a result.



a Tala

| Growing

¥ A

| Encouraging | Serving

elected to serve for one year as follows:

Select Vestry:

Rev. Canon Terence Cadden

Rev. Stuart Moles

Rev. Jim Fleming

Rector’s Churchwarden- Kathlene Crowe

People’s Churchwarden-Neill Robinson

Rector’s Glebewarden-Philip Morrison

People’s Glebewarden-Edward Graham

Phyllis Richardson

(Hon. Secretary)

Philip Holland (Hon. Treasurer)

Jim Aughey

Nicholas Bell

Jeanette Carson

Beth Howell Xe

( Jim Howell Sylvia Perrott )

Easter General Vestry Rodney Johnston Clive Bowles

. David Kerr Under 30yrs Synodmember

A Pp po Intments Eric McCartney Rebecca pichardzon

d Sarah O’Hare Supplemental under 30yrs Synodmember Easter General Vestry Appointments Stephen Vaughan Luke Nicholl

This year’s Easter General Vestry meeting held

on 27th March. Select Vestry members were a. ditors: Parochial Nominators:

Barry Thompson and Company

In addition, being the triennial year, the

following were elected to serve for the next

three years:

Diocesan Synodmembers:

Philip Morrison

Janette Carson

Eric McCartney

Keith Livingstone

Judith Paulin

Stephen Serplus

Supplemental Synodmembers

Paul Richardson

Nicholas Bell

Allan Milligan

Phyllis Richardson

Beth Howell

Eric McCartney

Stuart Paulin

Philip Morrison

Supplemental Nominators:

Stephen Serplus

Jim Howell

Janette Carson

Sarah O’Hare

Parishioners are encouraged to pray

regularly for all those appointed as their

exercise their onerous responsibilities

on behalf of the Parish, and in particular

the members of the Select Vestry who

are tasked with so many issues to make

decisions upon. oy



Parishioners will be aware that

over many years the Select

Vestry has been undertaking a

major restoration and renovation

of our Church building. To date

the roof has been replaced and a

major restoration of the tower has

been completed. The next phase

of the work, the replacement

of the heating system, has been

under discussion for many years.

The extent of the work involved

has provided the opportunity to undertake

other aspects of interior renovation at the

same time. Parishioners have been informed

of the Vestry’s thinking and planning through

updates in the magazine and presentations \ in Church. The overall aim, as with past renovations and amendments to the building, is to improve the interior of the building to produce a worship space more appropriate to the current and anticipated future ordering of worship. Recently plans approved by the Church authorities as being appropriate were posted in the Rotunda for parishioners to

comment on. The Vestry decided )

to pause the project near the start

of this consultation period as there

were some aspects of the work that

had not been finalised and to give

time to consider comments received.

Vestry wishes to thank those

parishioners who communicated

directly with members concerning

the plans. In light of the range

of comments received Vestry is

consulting with our conservation

Architect and his team to investigate

points raised by parishioners and

to consider amendments to the

plans. We are not sure how long

this process of revision may take as

Vestry wants to give adequate time to consider

all comments on this important project before

its findings and revisions are presented to

the Parish. In the meantime, please continue

to pray for the Select Vestry in this and all

aspects of its work. ait



Terence Rey. Stuart

Cadden Moles

8 Upper Church Lane, Portadown BT63 5JE Tel: 3833 2538 Mob: 078 9498 7702



149 Kernan Hill Manor

Mob: 077 3918 1466 Email:


Rev. Jim


145 Princess Way Portadown, BT 63 5EL


Mob: 07954994749 Email:

SEAGOE PARISH OFFICE 46 Seagoe Road, Portadown BT63 SHW Office Opening Hours: 9am - 12 noon

Office: 3835 0583 Email: Facebook: seagoeparish

ACTING YOUTH LEADER YOUTH WORKER IN CHARGE Edwina Livingstone Gareth Campbell Seagoe Youth Group

Seagoe Youth Group email:

Killicomaine Youth Centre Tel: 3833 5279 Tel: 3839 4441

Tel: Killicomaine Youth Centre 3839 4441


Melts Reon Magee! iceleliae MMs adic]

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Come & ‘Wership with Us

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SUNDAY 2nd Holy Communion Family Service Evening Worship

SUNDAY 9th Holy Communion Morning Worship Evening Worship

7.00pm Seagoe Evening Worship with Orange Order

SUNDAY 16th Holy Communion Morning Worship Holy Communion

SUNDAY 23rd Holy Communion Family Holy Communion Evening Worship

SUNDAY 31st Holy Communion Morning Worship Holy Communion

SUNDAY 6th Holy Communion Family Service Evening Worship

SUNDAY Bth Holy Communion Morning Worship Holy Communion

SUNDAY 20th Holy Communion Morning Worship Evening Worship

SUNDAY 27th Holy Communion Family Holy Communion Evening Worship


SUNDAY Holy Communion Welcome Back Family Service Evening Worship

SUNDAY 10th Holy Communion Morning Worship Holy Communion

10.00am Breakfast and Sunday Light Launch Service

SUNDAY 7th Holy Communion Morning Worship Evening Worship

7.00pm Rotunda Praise Service

SUNDAY 24th Holy Communion | Holy Communion with Bishop Jered (Rwanda) Evening Worship

Summer Worship

Over the Summer we try to make our services more informal, and generally try to keep to

an hour. We encourage people to enjoy the after-service refreshments in the Rotunda which

take on a ‘summer aspect’ with additional items such as ice-cream and popcorn!

Please make every effort to attend these informal services, and as always, please invite and bring others with you.

(—_ Seagoe Healing Prayer Group __)

e healing prayer group is part of the Church's Ministry to

intercede on behalf of those who are sick and in need of the

healing touch of God.

When you are sick or in despair, it is sometimes difficult to pray for

yourself. So it is a great comfort and encouragement to know that

there are others who are praying to the Lord on your behalf.

We have had blessings of healing and thankfulness in plenty to our

group for their faithfulness in prayer.

We meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month at 7 pm for 1


Our next meeting is Wednesday 28th June 2023 at 7 pm. We would

love to see new members.

If you or someone you know is sick and in need of prayer, with the

persons’ consent we can add their name to our list. We just need their _

Christian name and a little detail about their illness, oe the name of

This year we are extending our Back To

Church initiative not only for the whole

month of September, but also, in addition to encouraging people

back to Church services, we are encouraging people back to the

whole of church life.

Everyone will have the opportunity, and responsibility, of

contacting and encouraging people to come back to everything that

happens in the life of our Parish.

Throughout September our Church services will be geared towards

welcoming people back and encouraging people to attend regularly.

Our organisations will also be planning launch events to welcome

people to the new season of activities.

There will be a lot of work for us all, but as we see more people

around there will be great encouragement for us all. Terence or Diane in the parish c Without the Lord we ca

oo ? Finally to note there are big changes happening in regards to the *

a el liil ig atc 5 lots 404 ' uP 4 leadership team in Seagoe Youth Group in 2023. As many of you are

o aware Boyd McClurg left as leader in charge at the beginning of the year

eo) aL NTE fol) bold G roup. to take up a new role with ABC and since then | have been acting up in

ae the vacancy. From September however, | will also be leaving as | have just

Se EU erate tec usual na been appointed as curate assistant in Christ Church, Lisburn.

ica Raila Seek Oo spicata accu ta Id like to take this time to thank you all for your support over the past Youth Centre from Monday 3rd until Thursday 6th July. Weeks two i i é / i sae number of years with our events, fundraisers and even hosting Exodus and three will be held in Seagoe Old School on weeks beginning Monday f pase Mig esate eth Cale Sie

24th and Monday 3ist. All of our programmes include a day out on gah ‘ oil eee Y = sey ex Nicaea : See for ministry and witness in the community. We have seen lives changed an educational visit as well as time spent enjoying the sunshine at our

venues. If you would be interested in sending any children pleasedo get OV" Ne eet ol Christ for the first time. Please do keep our management committee in in contact as soon as possible. Young people in secondary education are welcome at our weekly Mele CN ee RS Bo Acer eee Mie (oe Rea eect)

drop-in, which happens every Tuesday and Thursday throughout the vision for the next exciting chapter of Seagoe Youth Group.

summer months, with the exception of the 12th week. Some outings for YTS Lal

this group are also on the cards and forms will be given out over the next Gareth Campbell

WN ose

. Parents Night Thursday 16th March 2023:

Ladybird Bags Celebrating another successful year at Seagoe CLB, we are very proud to say

we are the largest company both in NI and the UK with currently having 117

boys in our company. We will be sad to see the senior boys leave as they

embark on their next phase of their studies or training for careers. We wish

those boys the very best for their future and want them to know we will

gladly have you back as leaders someday. We will miss you all!

Boys present

Flaherty with all the lovely

items we collected over

a few weeks to make up

ladybird bags, (bags that

are provided to parents

that have kids going into

hospital). Thank you all for

the kind donation of so

many items.

Pretty ‘n Pink

Boys presenting Karen Hoy

from Pretty ‘N Pink Charity

with a cheque for £400,

money kindly donated

from our parents night

retiring collection. Thank

you all for your generous


Thanks Beulah .. Happy Retirement!

eagoe youth group has said thanks to one of our longest serving employees, Mrs Beulah

Mclvor who has been a cleaner at St. Patrick's Hall Killicomaine for over 20 years! What a

wonderful commitment Beulah often assisted by her late husband Ronnie, has gone beyond

the call of duty to care for our premises. In her quiet caring manner she has endeared herself to

those who have been privileged to work with her over the years. We celebrated her work and

retirement with an Afternoon Tea in her honour and enjoyed reminiscing over many happy and

amusing moments. We say thank to Beulah and send her our love, best wishes and God's blessing

for a long healthy and happy retirement! Thank you again - Edwina

SVC Ce eRe ey

Sete em aoe

e are a group of babies, toddlers, mums, dads, grandparents, carers and friends who

meet on Friday mornings in St Patrick's Hall. We enjoy a chat and a cuppa while the

children enjoy the toys and activities. We welcome kids and parents not only from

Killicomaine but all over town. We look forward to welcoming a few new arrivals this summer.

Best wishes to the parents to be!

Recently we held a sponsored Baby Bounce (all safe! - we had a bouncy castle) to raise money

for the Children's Heartbeat Trust in memory of and thanksgiving for Suzanne (Stewart) one of

our much loved mums, whose children will benefitted from this charity. Special thanks to all

who come all each week, to helpers May and Jeanette who do so much to make it happen and to

Eva who is calling in again. Hope you all have a lovely summer. And well see you on Friday 8th

sf-y0) cin) bois

With thanks and God's blessings




a y


Free Entrance



ach year hundreds of properties

including Seagoe Parish open their doors

and many organisation’ put on events

for FREE across Northern Ireland as part

of European Heritage Open Days (EHOD).

EHOD takes place every year on the second

weekend of September. This year that is

the 14 and 15 September which presents an

opportunity to explore the tangible and

intangible elements of heritage and learn

about our history and architecture.

The Church will be open on Saturday from

Tlam-4pm and on Sunday from 2pm-5pm.

Refreshments will be available.

This year we will have a guided tour of

the church and an opportunity to explore

the rich archives which Seagoe possesses

both physically, from the births marriages

and deaths from 1670 and on the website


ubies is a new initiative which began back

in September. We are a women's ministry

roup which aims to reach the women of

our church and the surrounding area with the

love of Christ, seeking to introduce them to the

One who can change their lives and encourage

those who have already trusted in Him.

The meaning behind our name is taken from

the encouraging words of Proverbs 3:15: “She is

more precious than rubies.

We launched back in September with a series

of Walk for Life events on Monday evenings.

This was a wonderful opportunity to get to

know one another, to go for a walk and to

hear from various speakers who shared their

testimonies with us of how God has been at

work in their lives. We also gained fab fashion

and skincare tips from Lynne Givan, as well

as fitness advice from our very own Kathryn


Other events throughout the year have

included a Christmas floral arrangement

workshop with Kathryn Stafford from the

Posy Barn, stories of hope from Hope and

Light - which is a jewellery business supporting

victims of human trafficking-, Tropic skincare

advice from Claire Savage, and acoustic and

testimony evenings. In April we had a fabulous

trip to Kildare village which was a great time of

fellowship and retail therapy! We finished the

year with an encouraging Walk for Life evening

with members of the SOMA mission team. It

was truly a blessing to hear from Princy and

Bishop Praises about how God has been at

work in their lives.

We decided to support Flourish NI this year

as our chosen charity. Flourish seeks to build a

brighter future for victims of human trafficking

in providing long term tailored survivor centred

support to overcome trauma and rebuild )

lives. Thank you for supporting our fundraising

initiatives throughout the year. We ask that

you would please remember Flourish in your

prayers and praise God for the invaluable work

that they do in caring for others.

We are so grateful to you as a parish for all

your support and prayers for Rubies. It really

has meant so much to us as a team. Thank you

to those of you who have come along to our

meetings each month. God has been so good

and faithful and we look forward to seeing

what he has in store next year.

God willing, we hope to re-launch with a

fabulous brunch on Saturday 9th September!

We look forward to seeing you then.

Thanks again,

Kathryn Kerr, Kathryn McMeekin, Kathleen

Crowe, Lyn Graham, Judith Paulin and Hannah


1% *


Welcoming | Growing | Encouraging | Serving

1st Duke of Edinburgh

Gold in Seagoe

Congratulations to David

Livingstone who was presented

with his Gold Duke of Edinburgh's

award at Hillsborough Castle.

David is the first member of

Seagoe Youth Group to have

achieved the Gold award.

Well done David.

Coronation Celebrations

Christian Aid ¢X”

Thank you all for your support for Christian Aid. Amount

raised was £1428 . This money will go towards help

to our global neighbours such as The war in Ukraine,

flooding in South Sudan ,severe doughy in Kenya, famine

in Afghanistan,Boosting incomes in Malawi and peace

building in Myanmar .In March this year a Climate Act

law was passed in Stormont which Christian Aid has

supported from 2008 , which was an achievement.

Thanks again Patrica Trueman and Margaret.


e were delighted to have a service of thanksgiving for and celebration of the Coronation of King Charles Ill on Sunday 7th May following

his Coronation the previous day. In addition to a lively service we had a Church Picnic and fun day in the Parish Centre and grounds. It

was great to see so many people taking part in the acti

cakes and enter them into our compe on for the best decorated cake. We were delighted that one of our younger par

es. As part of the celebrations, we asked parishioners to make Coronation

ioners, Tilly, won the

and keep using your baking skills.

his past year, the Men's group have been exploring some of the

parables of Jesus. It has been an interesting and encouraging

year. We began with an introduction to the parables and the

importance of telling stories, not just in scripture, but in our own lives,

as we considered the necessity of storytelling in the world around us

and how it shapes the way we think and communicate.

Then in November, Trevor helped us to explore a parable from the

Old Testament, the prophet Nathan’s parable of the ewe-lamb, which

he used to challenge King David over his actions regarding Bathsheba. It

was a powerful reminder of not only how parables are used to confront

much deeper issues that get right to the heart of the matter, but also of

the rich tradition of storytelling that Jesus would have been aware of as

a Jewish rabbi, and indeed, also an important part of himself. After the

Christmas break, Stuart looked at the ‘Lost parables’ of Luke 15 and how

these parables encourage us to reach out to those on the outside.

In February, Neil helped us to think through the parable of the

talents, and how it is important to use our gifts for God. March saw

Stuart back again to explore the selection of parables in Matthew 13,

and the thread that connects them all-the Kingdom of Heaven. After

a short break for Easter, we had a special guest. Former deacon intern,

and now current rector of Kilhorne Parish in Annalong (and certainly no

stranger to us in Portadown), Geoff Hamilton, or Titch as he is known to

many, shared with us about the parable of the sower.

It was an great night, especially as it gave the men the opportunity

to share with and encourage one another. Our final night of the year in

June saw us ending with a BBQ and our rector, Terence sharing with us

from Luke 14. We will be having a break for summer, but look forward to

returning in the new term.

Some of the men enjoying a burger and some chat

The opportunity to gather our men has been such an encouragement

and wed love to see more of our men get involved. The men’s group

meets about 7 or 8 times a year, on a Tuesday evening, with a time

to catch up over some tea/coffee and a sweet treat (although don't

tell any of our lady folk!). Please pray for and encourage our men, and

especially extend that invitation to others to join with us for fellowship and teaching.


an | begin

by thanking


who contributed

to our Emergency

Toilet Bags appeal

during Lent. We

were able to

produce 104 bags

with a minimum

of soap, flannel,



comb/brush, and a Mothers’ Union Prayer

Card. Most of the bags also had extra items

such as tissues and disposable razors for gents.

There is also 40+ part bags which we will

complete in future months. To date 40 bags

have been delivered to Craigavon Area Hospital

Emergency Department and the Sister has my

phone number to contact me when she needs

more as her storage space is limited.

Some of our members are very skilled when

it comes to knitting and crocheting and we

thought it would be a nice idea to provide

knee blankets for folk in residential care homes.

Naturally we thought of the kindness given

our oldest member, Mrs Nan Ferguson, by the

staff of Rosemount Care Home and we were

able to donate 25 beautiful ‘handmade with

care’ blankets to the Home. It doesn't end there

though; we have also been able to provide little

\handknit baby hats to the Premature Baby Unit

How to hear God

ete Greig the founder of 24-7 Prayer, a

global movement of prayer, mission and

justice, and the Senior Pastor of Emmaus Road Church in England wrote the Lectio

Devina course that we recently used in our

Fellowship Group. He also co-writes the

Lectio 365 daily devotional that some of our

eM alele = sMU Mm (oe aie luntolcrele Marian stag

of bestselling books including: God on Mute

and How to Pray: A Simple Guide for Normal


In a world of so much noise and distraction,

there is an urgent need for the people of God

to learn to hear and be attentive to the voice

of God, and so in his recent book, How to

hear God, he is trying to expand our thinking

of how and when we would hear the voice of

God speaking to us. Pete unveils the different

ways we can grow in listening to God beyond

our normal quiet times.

| highly recommend this book to all,

hopefully, it will help us to enrich our lives in

this wonderful journey. Eric McCartney

in the



| also thank



everyone in the congregation

who joined with us in

our Centenary Service of

Thanksgiving. We were

humbled to receive a message

from our Worldwide President

and to have our All Ireland

and Diocesan Presidents along

with our Diocesan Chaplain

and local civic leaders. Indeed,

we were delighted that our

MP, Carla Lockhart, tabled

a message of congratulations for our branch

in the House of Parliament. This means we

are now in the history books of government

Papers, wow.

We were very pleased to be able to have

our traditional end-of-season day out after

the restrictive years of the pandemic. Having

met in the Church carpark we went on to

the Abbey Centre for morning coffee (and

the mandatory shopping). We then

visited the very impressive King Charles

Ill Coronation Garden in Hazelbank Park,

Newtownabbey. This is an amazing garden

with a remarkable must-see structure as

its centrepiece. It should definitely be on

everyone's day trip list. We couldn't have

had better weather all day and as we finished

our travels in Carrickfergus many of the ladies

enjoyed a light lunch but for me the ice-cream

shops were calling, | felt obliged to answer their

call. The air conditioning was very welcoming

as we returned home after a day filled with fun,

friendship, and freedom from the housework.

That's us until September but we hope to

see many new faces in our next season as we

continue to reach out to the communities

| look around the church, | can

see many ladies who would

enjoy being part of our global

Christian movement. Why

not join with us as we move

forward with strength into

our next Centenary.

around us. As

The MU Centenary

book is available in

the rotunda for a

donation to our funds


how to hear God 10th June 2023 Ronald Alan (Ronnie) Se Tee " Cunningham, Killicomaine PETE GREIG Grove, Portadown

: Burial of Ashes

10th June 2023 Pauline Marlene Helen McKay,

Parish Register

Christian Marriage

11th May 2023

Christian Burial

9th March 2023 Anne Irene McLean,

Marshfield, England

5th April 2023 Amy Morrow, Formerly

Princess Way, Portadown

23rd May 2023 Elizabeth Lynette McCann,

26th May 2023

Luke McCullough and

Amy Pedlow, Ballynacor

Meadows, Portadown

Clanbrassil Gardens,


Steve (Jock) Pendleton,

Kernan Hill Manor, Portadown



Welcoming | Growing | Encouraging


| Serving

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26th August

28th October

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Welcome all babies, toddlers and parents/carers 10:30 am — 12:30 St. Patrick’s Hall, Princess Way (beside the school gates) Lots of toys, fun, friends and a cuppa!


Download and save the “July2023” seagoe parish Magazine:

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Seagoe Archives


Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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