Seagoe Archives

June 1939


June 1939

Seagoe Parish Magazine.

JUNE, 1939


REV. J. W. APPLLBE, M.A., B.D., Seagoe Rectory,

REV. W. F. HAYES, B.A., L.Th., Bungalow,

Lower Seagoe.


Rector's—S. McCORMICK.

People's—J. G. GRACEY, J.P.





June 4th - Trinity Sunday.

June 11th - 1st Sunday after Trinity.

June 13th - Mothers' Union Meeting.

June 18th - 2nd Sunday after Trinity

Children's Day Service at 11.30 a.m.

June 22th - School Excursion to Bangor.

June 24th - St. John Baptist,

June 25th - 3rd Sunday after Trinity.

Somme Anniversary Service, 11.30 a.m.

June 29th - St. Peter.


The annual Sunday School Excursion will take place

on Thursday, June 22nd. The venue this year is

Bangor. The train will leave Portadown at 9.35 a.m.,

returning from Bangor at 7.45. The return fare for

adults is 2/6. Refreshment tickets 1/- each, entitling

the holders to two meals.

The children attending the different Sunday Schools

are requested to meet at the Parish Church at 8.30 a.m.,

when after a short service the procession will be

formed to proceed to the station. Parents are asked

to assist the teachers by encouraging their children to

be at the Church punctually, so that a turn-out of

children worthy of Seagoe may march to the Railway


We hope all our parishioners and their friends will

support the Excursion by their presence and encourage

their friends to come along, too. For the modest sum

of 3/6 a long day at the beautiful and attractive seaside

resort of Bangor can be enjoyed. The members of the

committee responsible for the excursion arrangements

have taken considerable trouble in planning and

organising it; it remains for the parishioners to back

them up with their support. This year the children's

tickets are costing more than they are being charged,

so the more adults who buy tickets, the less chance

there is of there being a deficit on the accounts. We

hope to have Ardmore Parish with us too, so with the

proverbial "Seagoe weather" we are looking forward

to an enjoyable and successful excursion.

Tickets may be obtained from the Sunday School

Superintendents or from any of the following: -

Mrs. Vance, Bridge Street.

Mr. John Dermott, Bridge Street.

Mrs. J. H. High street.

Miss Agnes Guy, Lower Seagoe.

Mrs. Preston, Carrickblacker Road.

Mr. W. Neill, Lower Seagoe.

Miss S. Best, Church Lane, Killicomaine.

Miss S. Montgomery, 3 Irene. Terrace.

Mr. E. Gibson, Lurgan Road.




On Sunday, June 18th, at 11.30 a.m., the children

from the different Sunday Schools will attend a service

specially arranged for them in the Church, They will

meet at Seagoe School at 11 a.m., and then proceed

to the Church, each teacher and pupils will sit together.

Seats will be reserved for the different Sunday Schools

in the main aisle. We feel that parishioners will not

mind giving up their seats on this occasion; there will

be plenty of room for adults and the regular morning

congregation at the back of the Church and in the side



The monthly meeting took place in Seagoe School on

Tuesday. May 9th. There was a splendid attendance of

members, and a helpful address was given by Miss


The next meeting will take place in Seagoe School

on Tuesday, June 13th, at 7.30 p.m., when an address

will be given by Mrs. M. C. Cannell.

A full attendance of members is requested for the

June meeting. Mrs. Cannell is a niece of the late Dean

Dawson, and so her visit should be of special interest

to our branch of the Mothers' Union; she was a missionary,

and the subject of her talk will be "Missionary Work

amongst the women of China," touching on present

conditions in that troubled country.

The committee of the Mothers' Union were responsible

for a very successful “At Home" and Sale at the Rectory

on Thursday, May 25th, from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. The weather

was delightful, and the proceeds were in aid of the Rectory

Building Fund. The committee are to be congratulated on

their enthusiastic zeal. Before the end of this year they hope

to be able to raise £100 for the New Rectory.


Our Junior Training Corps have been very successful

In the Battalion football competition and are now into

the final round.

The boys travelled to Dundonald on Saturday, 13th May,

to play Dundonald Company. Seagoe team won the match

by 7 goals to nil.

On Saturday, 20th May, we travelled to Dunmurry and

played St. Mark's, Ballysillan Company, and again had a

victory by 4 goals to nil. This match brought us into the

final round and we meet Broomhedge boys.

This match was to take place on Thursday, 25th May,

but has been postponed. Seagoe boys are in great form

and looking eagerly forward to the final match.

We all hope to see the Cup coming to Seagoe. Each

Boy in the winning team will receive a medal.


We are again approaching the time for our annual

sports. This is the closing event in our year's work.

It is hoped that we will again receive the usual hearty

support of the parish for this event. The proceeds of

our sports go to assisting any lads attending camp. We

have been able in the past to reduce the charges for

camp by 1/3. The Senior lads are camping in England,

and the Junior Training Corps are again going to

Ballymaconnell, Bangor.

Parents can be assured that their boys are thoroughly

well looked after at camp.

This is a really happy holiday for any lad, and one

he will look back on in after years.

C.L.B. camps create a spirit of comradeship, and

foster in a lad's mind the true idea of playing the game.


On Sunday, 21st May, 29 Senior boys travelled to

Maghera, Co. Derry, for a Church parade. The journey

was made by cars.

The object of this parade was to help the Maghera

Company, who see very little of C.L.B. activities on

account of being so far away from other Companies. A

special bus came from Lisburn, and a large number of

cars from Belfast.

The officers of Seagoe Company are very grateful to

Messrs. R. M'Clements, Wm. White, Chas. A. Twinem

and Robt. Gracey, who willingly made the journey and

carried car loads of C.L.B. lads.

The run was very enjoyable and there was a very

good turn-out on parade. The parade, headed by

Lisburn and Lambeg bugle bands, marched through the

town on the way to Church and created a great amount

of interest.

The ladies of Maghera parish provided a very enjoy-

able tea.


We gratefully acknowledge the receipt of the following

subscriptions: -

Mr. Nicholas Campbell, Knock £2 0 0

Mr. David Campbell, Knock 1 0 0

Mr. D. M'Kane, Ballymacrandle 0 5 0

Mr. Wm. Sherman, Carrickblacker Road 5 0 0

Mr. Robt Sherman, Carrickblacker Road 5 0 0

Mr. Robt. M'Clements, Bridge St. 5 0 0

Mrs. Vance, Bridge St. 5 0 0

Mr. Flannigan, Bridge St. 0 10 0

Mr. J. Johnston, Bridge St. 0 2 6

Mr. Jas. Atkinson, Tarson 0 10 0

Mrs. Magee, Drumnacanvey 0 3 9

Mr. Wm. Hall, Lower Seagoe 0 10 0

Mrs. Geo. Simpson, Lower Seagoe 0 5 0

Mr. Frank Metcalfe, Lower Seagoe 0 12 0

Mr. S. J. Ruddell, Lower Seagoe 0 2 6

Mr. Thos. J. Ingram, Lower Seagoe 1 0 0

Mrs. Samuel Guy, Derryvore 0 5 0

Mr. Bertie Kilpatrick, Lower Seagoe 0 2 6

Mr. James Sands, Killicomaine 1 0 0

Mrs. Thos. Nesbitt, Levaghery Gardens 0 2 6

Mr. Samuel M'Coo, Kernan 0 10 0

Mr. Thos. H. Walker, Kernan 1 0 0

Mr. John Gee, Killicomaine 1 0 0

£31 0 9

Amount already acknowledged £501 2 10

Total £532 3 7



The Rev. E. Burns, the inspector acting for the

Board of Religious Education, examined the pupils of

Seagoe P.E.S. on Friday, May 5th. We congratulate

the pupils and teachers on his report, which runs as

follows: -

"In all divisions the passages presented for repetition

were accurately memorised. The children in the three

Divisions had a good knowledge of the Old Testament

and New Testament courses. By their answering they

showed that they were well taught and retained much."


The annual choral festival, which was to have taken

place on Saturday, 27th May, in Waringstown, was

cancelled owing to the indisposition of Mr. S. P. B.

Smith. Mr. Smith visits each choir taking part in order

to help them; he was unable to do so this year for the

reason stated. We are glad to record that he has

resumed his duties again in Lurgan.


The teachers and pupils of Edenderry afternoon

Sunday School have presented Mr. Jos. Hynes with a

fireside chair on his severing his connection with the

Sunday School

The officers and members of the Seagoe Company of

the C.L.B. presented Mr. Hynes with a beautiful clock

on Friday, June 2nd.

It was indeed fitting that he should be honoured by

these organisations, for both to the Sunday School and

the C.L.B. he gave of his best at all times.


The following sidesmen are expected to be responsible

for taking up the collection in Church during June: -

Morning Prayer – The Churchwardens, Messrs. R. Scott,

J. Gee, J. Stephens, W. G. Best.

Evening Prayer—Messrs. A. Kirke, J. Rehill, Wm. Neill,

N. Campbell, G. Nixon, Wm. H. Best.


The annual Festival Service was held in St. Anne's

Cathedral, Belfast, on April 27th, at 6 p.m. The Seagoe

Company, under Capt. E. Mitchell, paraded, and as

well a number of friends and parishioners from Seagoe

were present in the Cathedral. His Grace the Lord Primate



The annual service in memory of those who laid

down their lives in the Great War at the Battle of the

Somme will take place in Seagoe Parish Church on

Sunday, June 25th, at 11.30 a.m. The local Branch of

the British Legion will parade.

The collection will be in aid of the Earl Haig Fund

for disabled soldiers.

The preacher will be the Rev. W. J. E. Dawson, M.A.,

of Ballymoyer, Co Armagh.




Receipts £18 13 6

Balance on hand from 1938 0 7 3

£19 0 9

Expenses: -

Prizes £11 3 6

Social 2 13 0

Sundry Expenses of Shamrock Tea 2 5 4

Balance in hand 2 18 11

£19 0 9

C.M.S. BOXES, 1938-39.

Miss E. Gracey, Drumgor Loaning £0 5 7

Mrs E. Collins, Kernan 0 2 6

Miss Lily Dickson, Bangor 0 7 6

Mrs. Metcalf, Bachelor's Walk 0 4 6 ½

Mrs. Dawson, Edward St. 0 10 0

Miss Flannigan, Bridge St. 0 2 10

Miss Atkinson, Eden Villa 0 2 6

Miss G. E. Atkinson, Eden Villa 0 10 0

Miss M. M'Cormick, Hacknahay 0 3 7

Miss M. England, Hacknahay 0 1 9 ½

Miss S. Maginnis, Hacknahay 0 11 8

Miss J. Currie, Hacknahay 0 3 4

Miss L. Neill, Hacknahay 0 1 7

Miss R. England, Hacknahay 0 3 9

Miss D. Montgomery, Hacknahay 0 2 6

Miss G. Magee, Hacknahay 0 3 5

Mrs. G. Neill, Hacknahay 0 3 5

Mr. N. Creggan, Hacknahay 0 2 6

Miss Calvert, Hacknahay 1 2 3

Total £5 4 4


Through the thoughtful kindness of Mr. H A. Cathcart,

two electric lights have been installed in the vestry, one

inside and the other over the entrance door of the vestry.

These, when the dark evenings come round again, will

fill a long felt want. We are grateful to Mr. Cathcart for

his trouble and kindness.


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Seagoe Archives


Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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