Seagoe Parish Magazine
JUNE, 1906.
RECTOR —REV. JAMES E. ARCHER, B.D., The Rectory, Seagoe.
N.B.—The Clergy will feel greatly obliged if the
Parishioners will notify to them any cases
of illness at the earliest possible moment.
Churchwardens :
MR. T. E. M'GUINNESS, Hacknahay.
Select Vestry :
ATKINSON, MR. W. R. , Secretary and Treasurer.
Parochial Mission
ARRANGEMENTS have been made
with the Rev. William Bryan-Brown, M.A., of the Church
Parochial Mission Society, to conduct
a Ten-days Mission in the Parish
Church. The Mission will begin on
Saturday, September 22nd, and will conclude on
Monday, October 1st. The Missioner (Rev. W.
Bryan-Brown) has had a long experience in conducting
missions, and his work has been very fruitful in
spiritual results. We cannot hope that our forthcoming
Mission in Seagoe will be successful, unless
with heart and soul we prepare for it. Two things
will make it a great success and draw many souls to
Christ, Prayer and Work. We earnestly ask all our
people to help the Mission in these two ways. Notice
will shortly be given of the preparatory work which
will be undertaken throughout the Parish in anticipation
of the Mission. We expect that those who
were influenced under the recent Church Army
mission will form a most valuable and willing Band
of Helpers for the coming Mission.
Morning Evening
£ s d £ s d
May 6th 3rd Sunday after Easter 0 17 5 0 13 6
0 6 5
13th 4th Sunday after Easter 1 3 6 0 12 8
20th 5th Sunday after Easter 0 3 1
0 16 6 0 14 3
24th Ascension Day 0 3 0 0 3 0
27th Sunday after Ascension Day 1 2 10 0 7 9
------------------ -------------------
£4 12 9 £2 11 2
" As many of you as have been baptised into Christ, have put on Christ."
May 5th— Anne, daughter of James and Eliza Weir, Edenderry.
Thomas Joseph, son of Charles and Eliza McLaughlin, Killycomain.
Thomas, son of Charles and Margaret Killow, Edenderry.
Florence, daughter of James and Susanna Allen, Edenderry.
Emily, daughter of Thomas and Letitita McNulty, Drumgor.
20th William John, son of James and Elizabeth Connolly, Carne.
Thomas Norman, son of James and Elizabeth Porter, Portadown.
Those whom God hath joined together let no man put asunder."
May 16th—Alfred Gilpin, Legacurry, to Sarah Charity Maginnis, Ballydonaghy.
" I know that my Redeemer liveth."
May 2nd —— Anna Sophia Wilson, Drumnagoon.
6th —Jane Webb, Lylo, aged 78.
12th —James M'Cormick, Lylo, aged 13.
22nd —Robert Major, Seagoe, aged 29.
23rd —Sarah Moore, Edenderry, aged 70.
The Select Vestry have formed a small sub-committee
for the purpose of organising a GRAND
with the object of raising funds to cover the
cost of introducing gas into the Church. Further
particulars in our next issue.
Ours are to make the BEST BREAD and CONFECTIONERY
in the Kingdom; and to Sell the BEST TEAS the World
can produce
At *2/8, *2/4, *2/- 1/10, 1/8 These marked thus * are our leading lines.
DAVISON BROS., 3 & 4 High Street, PORTADOWN.
C.L.B. news.
On April 18th the Annual Concert, in connection
with the Drumgor Detachment, took place in the
Hall. Rev. J. Taylor took the chair, and introduced
a varied and interesting Programme, consisting of
Songs, Duets, and Recitations from Messrs. Binks,
The Performers Brown, Currie, and Wilson.
acquitted themselves admirably, and the audience
showed their appreciation of the various items
by their hearty applause. We wish to say that
the entertainment was got up entirely by the Lads
themselves, and its success reflects the greatest credit
on their endeavours to promote the interests of their
Detachment. The proceeds were for Brigade funds.
A very successful concert was held in the Parochial
Hall on Wednesday, May 23rd. In the unavoidable
absence of the Rector, the chair was taken by Rev.
J. Taylor. The various items were rendered in
excellent style, and were all warmly applauded.
Owing to the length of the programme there were no
encores. Amongst those who contributed were Miss
Armstrong, Mrs. Stevenson, Miss Walker, Sergeant
Major Robinson, Messrs. Binks, Gracey, Brown,
Currie, Livingston, Topping, and Allen.
The mandoline solos by Mr. Pillow were much appreciated.
An interesting item was the presentation,
amidst great applause, by Miss Armstrong, of the
medals won by the Seagoe Harriers for seven miles
cross country race. The first, second and third were
won by Messrs. Steenson, Bleakley, and Neill
respectively. The piece de resistance was undoubtedly
a dialogue entitled The Bashful Lover," by Staff-
Sergeants Montgomery and Currie. The attendance
was very large, the hall being filled in every part.
We were glad to welcome Sergeant-Major Robinson
and Staff-Sergeant Doak, who were present in
uniform as representatives of St. Mark's Company.
Those of the C.L.B. officers and lads who attended
in their uniforms looked extremely smart and carried
out their part as stewards perfectly. Their conduct
reflected the greatest honour on the company.
Mr. A Gilpin's Presentation.
An interesting event in connection with Mr
Gilpin's wedding was the Presentation to him of a
handsome Clock, from the Teachers and Scholars of
Drumgor Sunday Schools, also a pretty Toilet Case
from the Drumgor C.L.B. The Lads having assembled
at the Hall marched to Mr Gilpin's residence.
They were accompanied by Mrs. McMullan
and Mr. W. Bickett, as representing the School.
Rev. J. Taylor spoke in the very highest terms of Mr.
Gilpin's great usefulness, both as Superintendent of
the Sunday Schools and as Lieutenant in the C.L.B.
It has been largely through his instrumentality that
both these organisations have been brought to a very
high state of perfection. Mr. Bickett having supported
these remarks,the Presentations were made by
Mrs. McMullan on behalf of the School, and by Mr.
Taylor on behalf of the C.L.B. After some recitations
by Mr. Wilson a delightful evening was brought to a
close by three ringing cheers for Mr. Gilpin. All
present were hospitably entertained by Mr. and Mrs.
Notes on Old Seagoe.
The Townland of Carne derives its name from the
word cairn," which means a heap of stones. In
old time, no doubt, there was some prominent landmark
in the district which took the form of heap of
Bluestone is called after a large bluish stone, once
a well-known feature in that district. About 100
years ago the stone was buried at the Cross-roads
near Bluestone National School.
Bocombra Hill is only 202 feet above the level of
the sea, and the fall in level of the River Bann from
the point where it enters the Parish at Knock to
where it leaves it at Ballinacor is at the most three
Drumgor means the Hill of the Goat, and the
Townland of Knock is so-called from Knock, the
Irish word for a Hill or Mound.
The Bell of Seagoe Church Tower is made of steel
and is the largest steel Bell in Ireland.
S. Andrew's House,
15th Feb., 1906.
I was sent a copy of your Advent Intercessory
leaflet, and was much cheered by this sign
of your vigour and life as a band of Missionaries.
And I particularly want to thank you for the special
prayers you offered up during that season for me and
my work.
Since last I wrote to you, the Dean, who was so
true a friend to us all (how true to me I can hardly
express), has been called to his Rest. The news of
his death, which only reached me at the New Year,
affected me most deeply. I knew, of course, that it
was most improbable I should ever see him again in
this world, but I had hoped that he might have been
spared to Miss Wade and his daughters for some
time longer. But his removal has only forged
another link in that chain of departed loved ones
that binds us to the Eternal Shore.
The Japanese have a very strong belief that the
spirits of the dead take a definite interest in whatever
they were interested in when living. For
instance, when a great soldier dies, his spirit is
believed to look after the interests of the Army ; or
if a Naval officer dies it is believed that his interest
in the Navy continues to exist, and makes itself felt
—and so on.
I am sure this belief had a great deal to say to
the extraordinary courage with which the Japanese
fought in the recent war; because they firmly
believed that there was a great spirit army fighting
by their side, composed of the spirits of all those
who had been killed in battle.
I think there is an element of truth in this belief
of theirs.
Of course, in the case of the Japanese it leads to
Shintoism," which is the name given to the worship
of the departed spirits ; and it is very sad to see
them giving the worship, due only to God, to the
spirits of men and women. But I think we
Christians may cherish the hope that our dead are
not uninterested in the scone of their earth-life.
The subjects for which we pray now, we will
surely continue to pray for (and much more
effectively) when we are in Paradise with Christ.
And I am convinced that the Dean's work for Seagoe
is not now over—because I cannot but think that he
is still praying for the parish and the people, for
whom he felt so deep an affection, and for whom he
worked and prayed whilst in this world.
Now I must try to tell you something of things
I hardly know what to select from the
many interesting things there are to be seen here.
Perhaps you would like to know how the Japanese
dress, though most of you have probably seen many
pictures of them. Of course amongst men European
dress is very common, although still the majority of
them wear the native garb. This consists of garments
called kimonos," a kind of gown with wide
sleeves, which overlaps in front, and is kept in its
place by a narrow sash. On state occasions a kind
of very wide trousers, like a divided skirt, is worn,
and this is generally made of silk, Corresponding
to our tail-coat," or frock-coat,"
is the haori,"
which is something like the gown worn by our
University Graduates. The haroi" is worn over
the kimono," and is adorned with the wearer"s
crest on the back and on the sleeves. Within the
last few years the custom of wearing hats has come
into vogue ; formerly, I believe, bareheadedness was
the order of the day.
The foot-gear is very strange to Western eyes.
They don't wear socks or stockings, but instead a
sort of cloth sock, called tabi," which has a
separate compartment for the big toe.
Indoors nothing but the tabi"
is worn; out-of-doors,
wooden clogs, called geta," are used. The foot
simply rests upon the " geta," which it grips by
means of a leather thong passing between the " toe-
division" in the tabi," and over the top of the
In wet weather the Japanese wear very high
" geta," which resemble " abbreviated stilts," lifting
the foot well above the mud—so that on muddy days
the people here seem quite tall !
There is not a very marked difference between the
costume for men and that for women.
The kimono" for both sexes is much the same,
except that the women wear differently shaped
sleeves, and a very gorgeous " sash" (" Obi") which
to the untrained masculine eye looks something like
a cushion, fastened on the small of the back. Here
as at home the gentler sex loves gay colours, and the
Japanese girl is a most picturesque person in her
gaily coloured " kimonos."
Japanese women don't wear hats or bonnets.
They are most wonderfully clever in the art of
dressing the hair, in which they wear the most
lovely combs and hairpins of tortoiose-shell, coral,
and other costly material.
The children are dressed just the same as their
elders, so that they look like miniature men and
women. In colour the tinniest tots are the most
brilliantly dressed, and as they grow older the
colours" gradually are softened down.
The Japanese are excessively polite. When
acquaintances meet in the streets, the opening remarks
are profusely punctuated with elaborate bows,
and the bowing is repeated when parting. According
to Japanese etiquette, it is good manners not only
to remove your hat while greeting a friend, but also
your muffer, should you happen to be wearing one.
I was somewhat amused when I came first to
notice schoolboys taking off their hats to each other,
and solemnly bowing as they part from one another
on their way home from school.
It is so different from the rough and ready and
unceremonious manners of our Irish schoolboys.
So accustomed are the Japanese to this kind of
bowing themselves into a conversation (so to speak)
that I am told that when the telephones were
first introduced here it was no uncommon thing to
see a person bowing gravely towards the instrument
as he opened his conversation with someone at the
other end of the wire.
Now, it is time to tell you what I am doing. Not
that there is much to tell, but what there is you
doubtless would like to know. Most of my time is,
of course, given to the study of the language.
I have a Japanese teacher who comes to me for three
hours every morning, and with his help I try to
penetrate the mysteries of preliminary Japanese
Readers. He also guides my wavering hand through
the intricacies of Japanese pot-hooks and hangers."
By-the-way, writing here is done, not with a pen,
but with a brush, which, I can tell you from sad
experience, does not at all facilitate matters.
My life at Seagoe and in Belfast was too busy to
make it easy for me to settle down readily to a life
of study, and I shall sorely need the grace of per-
severance. It is a great consolation, however, that
I am not compelled to be absolutely dumb till God
gives me a new tongue," Great numbers of the
Japanese Students understand English passably
well, and every week I give an address on
Christianity (some aspect of it rather) to a gathering
chiefly composed of Students and Schoolmasters.
Please pray that this little effort may be blessed
by God. I also have some opportunities for conversation
with non-Christian Students in my rooms,
and such opportunities will probably increase.
I am afraid this letter is growing to an inordinate
length, but I cannot end without again assuring you
what a source of strength and encouragement it is
to me to know that I have the prayerful sympathy
of my friends at home.
I wish I could say something to stimulate you as
a Missionary Prayer Union. Try to realise more
and more deeply that prayer is a true co-operation
with God, and I think we may say that intercessory
prayer is necessary to the accomplishment of God's
Will. You remember how in a certain village our
Blessed Lord could do no mighty work because of
unbelief." And perhaps He can do no mighty work
here in Japan because of the practical unbelief of so
many professing Christians at home, shown by the
lack or poverty of intercessory prayer.
What a dignity, then, it lends to your prayers if
you can think that by them you are helping to set
the Will of God free to carry out His Divine
Purposes !
May I in conclusion suggest a couple of subjects
for your prayers?
(1) That God may move the hearts of many to
offer themselves for work in Japan.
(2) That some who are at present thinking of
offering may be enabled to see their way clearly to do so.
(3) That God will raise up a devout Native
Ministry to serve in this land.
Please, also, continue to pray for me, and
especially that God will keep alive in my heart the
spirit of Missionary enthusiasm.
I remain,
My dear Friends,
Yours most sincerely,
We are glad to record a large increase in the
number of children attending the Day Schools this
The Choir and Select Vestry were entertained at
the Rectory last month and spent pleasant evenings.
The Select Vestry were photographed by Mr. Moffett,
of Bridge Street.
Mr. W. Bickett has been appointed Superintendent
of Drumgor Sunday School in succession to Mr.
Alfred Gilpin.
The many. friends of Miss Charlotte Allen will be
glad to hear that she is getting on well in New York.
We congratulate Miss Amy Walker, of Seagoe, on
having obtained a Certificate in Singing from the
Royal Academy of Music, a very valuable distinction.
A most successful meeting of the Missionary Prayer
Union was held in the Parochial Hall on Friday, 18th
inst. Slides illustrating Mission Work in South
India were shown.
Miss Armstrong's Missionary Class gave a repetition
of their Service of Song in Carne School on Thursday,
17th inst. It was most interesting and successful.
* * * Owing to pressure on our space, we are
compelled to hold over several important items.
Call at the
Portadown News Office.
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