Seagoe Archives

June 1907


June 1907

Seagoe Parish Magazine.

JUNE, 1907.

THURSDAY, 6th JUNE, 1907.





THE arrangements in connection with our approaching Summer Fete are now complete,

and if the weather be propitious, we anticipate a great success. The children from the

various Sunday Schools will meet in Seagoe Parish Church at 9 a.m. on Thursday, June 6th,

and after a short service will march in procession, with banners flying and headed by a band,

to the Recreation Grounds. The Tickets for the Sunday School children will be on sale

at the various Sunday Schools on Saturday next, June 1st, at 4 o'clock. The price of

the Tickets to the children (including 2 Refreshments) will be

Children under 8, 3d. under 14, 6d. over 14, 9d.

The Members of the Bible Classes and Sunday School Teachers will be admitted at 9d

each. These Tickets admit to the Fete, Bazaar, and Evening Sports.

The charge for admission to the Bazaar for outsiders will be 6d.

Admission to the Athletic Sports, 3d, or Grand Stand, 6d.

The Yellow Tickets which the children receive will be exchanged at the Church on Thursday

morning for Blue Tickets. No Sunday School Child will be admitted to the Grounds unless

they have the Blue Ticket.

In marching from the Church to the Grounds it is specially requested that all keep to the ranks. Admission may be refused to those who disregard this rule.

N.B.—It is specially requested that all those who have Goods for the Sale of Work will

forward them early to Mr. Wolsey Atkinson, Eden Villa.


HE Lord Bishop has altered the date for Confirmation to Friday,

July 5th. The Classes for Confirmation Candidates are now

being held each week. A large number of young people are being

prepared for that solemn rite, and a fair number of those more

advanced in years are also coming forward, A few of those in our Sunday

Schools who are over 14, and have not yet been confirmed, are still holding

back. Will they not join us? We ask the Parents to see that they come without delay.

Remember Confirmation, or the Laying on of Hands, is clearly taught us in

Scripture, and has been practised in the Church from the time of the

Apostles to the present day, See Acts viii., 1-16; Acts xix., 1-6; and Heb. vi., 2,

where Laying on of Hands is mentioned by the inspired writer to the Hebrews

as one of the foundation principles of the Christian Faith.


“One Lord, one Faith, one Baptism."

May 4th —Henry, son of James and Mary Boyce.

,, William John, son of Samuel and Louisa Fox.

,, Norah Myrtle, daughter of Thomas and Frances Hoy.

,, —Ion Henry Dundas, son of Francis Alexander and Georgina

Elizabeth Megarry.


“In the midst of Life, we are in Death."

May 11th —Ethel Fryar, Seagoe, aged 19 years.

,, 12th —Joseph Hewitt, Belfast, aged 57 years.

We record with much regret the death of Ethel Fryar, who passed

to her Eternal Rest on May 9th, after a long and painful illness.

The sadness of her early death was greatly increased by the death

of her younger sister only a month before. Ethel Fryar had been a

most useful member of the Choir and was greatly beloved by all

who knew her. Some beautiful wreaths were sent by her fellow-workers.

We offer our deepest sympathy to Mr and Mrs Fryar in their double affliction.

"The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away, blessed be the Name of the



“Give, and it shall be given unto you."

Morning. Evening.

May 5th—5th S. after Easter £1.9.6 0.13.10


,, 9—Ascension Day 0.5.4

,, 12—S. after Ascension £1.2.1 0.12.5

„ 19—Whitsunday £0.7.4

,, ,, ,, £2.13.3 0.12.0

,, 26—Trinity Sunday £019.7 0.14.0

,, ,, ,, £0.3.1

Wednesdays 0.11.0

Total £7.1.0 3.8.7


In order to encourage a careful study of the Sunday

School Lessons by the Teachers a Prize is offered to

the Superintendent or Teacher who sends in to the

Rector the best answers to the following questions.

Answers must be sent in not later than June 20th.

1. Prove from the Book of Judges that Sun-worship

prevailed in Canaan?

2. Explain " Out of Ephraim was there a root of

Amalek." (Judges v. 14.)

3. What is the meaning of the expression

Communion of Saints" in the Creed?

4. In what three miracles did our Lord use special

outward means for healing the sick?

5. Mention some occasions on which our Lord

showed special favour to the Samaritans?

6. What are the distinguishing characteristics of St.

Mark's Gospel, and give examples of them from the

two passages in our calendar for June?


On Tuesday evening, May 20th, a large gathering

of the Parishioners assembled in Seagoe Parochial

Schoolhouse with the object of presenting Mr. Taylor

with a token expressive of the high esteem in which he

was held while Curate of Seagoe. After a hearty tea,

marked by much geniality and friendship, the chair

was taken by the Rector, who, in his opening remarks,

referred to the object which had brought them

together, viz. their desire to mark their appreciation

of the services rendered by Mr. Taylor to the Parish

during his two years' tenure of the curacy. The

Chairman expressed his own personal sense of loss

at Mr. Taylor's departure who had always done his

work so thoroughly while in Seagoe, and he wished

him much success and blessing in his new sphere of

labour in Belfast. The Chairman then called on Mrs.

Atkinson to make the Presentation of a Gold Watch

and Chain. Mr. Taylor, in replying, said how sorry

he was to leave Seagoe, where he had spent such a

happy time and made so many friends. He thanked

the Rector and all the Parishioners for the kind way

in which they had received his efforts.

Mr. Wolsey Atkinson (Hon. Sec. and Treas. of the Select Vestry)

also spoke and warmly praised Mr. Taylor's work in

Seagoe. Mr. Wilson Irwin also said a few words

expressive of his regret at Mr. Taylor's departure

from the Parish and wished him much success in

Belfast. A presentation was then made by Miss

Walker on behalf of the children attending Seagoe

morning Sunday School. It consisted of a Pocket

Communion Service of solid silver. Mr. Leonard

Twinem, Superintendent of the School, spoke in high

praise of the excellent work Mr. Taylor had done for

the school. The children were present in large numbers.

A short programme followed in which the following joined

:—Miss Armstrong, Messrs. T. H. Wilson and D. Murray,

Miss A. Walker and Miss Rachel England. Captain Alack

also added a few appropriate words. The meeting

concluded with the Doxology. The Blessing was

pronounced by Mr. Taylor.


Our Sunday Lessons this month are very interesting and

important. On the Sunday mornings of June, we study passages

in the Book of Judges concerning Israel's transgressions and

the famous Judges—Othniel the brave, Ehud, Barak the

superstitious, Shamgar the heroic, and last but not least the

wonderful prophetess and Judge, Deborah. The Triumph Song

of Deborah (Judges 5), is one of the finest passages in the Old

Testament. The character and work of Gideon will also come

into our Lesson for July 7th. He was gentle and unassuming, but

could be stern when necessary. He was not an idolater, but scarcely

rose to a true conception of the worship due to God.

In the Afternoon the Study portions deal with Miracles of our Lord.

The Story of the Ten Lepers —The Man born Blind—The Raising of Lazarus—

Blind Bartimaeus—The Stricken Fig-tree—The two Swords and Malchus.

In the Text portions we finish Romans xii. and begin Ephesians vi., a

beautiful chapter, which tells us about Duty and Armour.

We hope the Teachers are careful in their teaching of the Catechism. This month

we do the latter portion of the Creed with the Scripture Proofs and

the chief things that we learn from the Creed. The Hymns for this month have

been specially chosen because of the approaching Confirmation (July 5th),

“Thine for ever " is the Confirmation Hymn, and “O Jesu I have promised "

is a splendid Hymn for our young Christian soldiers to know by heart.


JUNE 2nd

MORNING—Judges ii.—l. What does Bochim mean?

2. How old was Joshua? 3. Name some false gods?

4. Who were the Judges? 5. How did God punish Israel?

AFTERNOON — S. Luke XVII.,11 —1. What was

leprosy? 2. What did the lepers say? 3. When

were they cleansed? 4. How many returned to

thank the Saviour? 5. Describe the coming of the Kingdom?

JUNE 9th

MORNING—Judges iii.—l. Who were the nations

that were left to prove Israel? 2. What false gods

did Israel serve? 3. Who delivered Israel?

4. Who was Chushan? 5. What do you know about

Ehud? 6. What did Shamgar do?

AFTERNOON—S. John ix.—l. Why was this man

born blind? 2. Who is the Light of the World?

3. How did Jesus cure him of blindness? 4. Why

did the Pharisees object? 5. When Jesus found the

JUNE 16th

MORNING—Judges iv.—l. To whom was lsrael

sold? 2. Who was the wife of Lapidoth? 3. Who

was Barak? 4. What do you know of Jael?

5. Describe the death of Sisera ?

AFTERNOON—S. John xi., 1-46.—1. What do we

know of Mary the sister of Lazarus? 2. What did

Jesus say when he heard that Lazarus was dead?

3. Who was Didymus? 4. Who said, " The Master

is come and calleth for thee? "

5. Describe the raising of Lazarus ?

JUNE 23rd

M0RNING—Judges v.—This is a difficult chapter.

It is divided into three parts, vv. 3-12, 12-23,

23-30. We recommend the Teacher to explain the

names of places and point them out on the map,

to speak about village life (vv. 7, 8), and to draw

lessons from the sin of Meroz (v. 23) —pure inaction.

Also refer to v. 31.

AFTERNOON—S. Mark x. , 35-52.—1. What was

the request of James and John? 2. How did Jesus

reply? 9. What did the Son of Man come to do?

4. What was the cry of Bartimaeus? 5. What

proves his perseverance and zeal? 6. What did

Jesus say had made him whole?

JUNE 30th

M0RNING—Judges vi, 1-20.—1. Why were the

dens made? 2. Why are grasshoppers mentioned (v. 5)

3. Who said The Lord is with thee, thou mighty man of valour? "

4. Why did Gideon think he could not save Israel?

5. What was Gideon's present to the Angel?

AFTERNOON—S. Mark xi., 12-24.—1. Why did

Jesus condemn the fig-tree? 2. How did Jesus

cleanse the Temple? 3. What was the Temple to

be used for only? 4. Why did the Scribes seek to

destroy Him? 5 What can remove mountains?

6. When we pray what must we do?

JULY 7th

MORNING—Judges vi., 21-40—1. What happened

to Gideon's offering? 2. What does Jehovah-Shalom

mean? 3. What did Gideon's ten men do? 4. Who got

the name of Jerubbaal? 5. Relate the story of Gideon's fleece?

AFTERNOON – S Luke xxii., 31-51. – 1. What did Satan

desire to do with Simon? 2 What was the

signal for Peter's denial? 3. What prophecy of

Isaiah's does our Lord refer to? 4. Describe our

Lord's agony in the garden? 5. How did Judas

betray Christ? 6. What happened to the High

Priest's servant?


We hear that several of our Seagoe Boys intend to compete in

the “Go-as-you-Please” race from Belfast to Lurgan, this month.

We hope they will turn up amongst the winners.


The Rev. Oswald Scott, Rector of Gilford, preached in the Parish

Church on the evening of Trinity Sunday. His text was "God is Love.”


We recommend our readers who are interested in the current life of the

Church of Ireland, to become subscribers to the “Church of Ireland Gazette,"

ld. weekly. It is on Sale at Mr. Waugh's. Several poems from the talented pen

of Miss Armstrong have recently appeared in its columns.


Captain Gaskell paid the Parish a flying visit during the month, and spoke

and sang at our Church Army Social in Edenderry Hall on a recent

Saturday. Captain Sargent, C.A., at present working in St. Luke's, Belfast,

was also with us on a Saturday evening, and spoke some earnest words.


The Parochial Schools are in a flourishing condition. We have seldom seen

the playing-grounds look so well in their leafy surroundings. The Rev.

J. H. Mervyn, Diocesan Inspector of Education, will conduct his Annual

Examination of the Schools in the near future.


Mr Alfred Murray, T.C.D., has been recently assisting the Rector in his weekly

instruction of the Children attending the Parish Day Schools.


We are glad to hear that the Rev. J. Taylor is already winning golden

opinions in his new sphere of work in Belfast.


The following names were accidentally omitted from the list of Quarterly

Church Attendances last month:—Missed only two services—Rachel

Flannigan, Sarah A. Forsythe; Missed only three services —James Bradshaw


A kind friend, who desires to remain anonymous, has sent the Rector a cheque

for three guineas to purchase a Box Harmonium for the Open-air Mission

Work in the Parish.


Largely-attended Meetings have been held in various centres throughout the

Parish by Captain Atack. We expect a flying visit from Captain M'Kendry,

one of the Church Army Headquarters Staff sometime in August.


During the month some very interesting Lantern Meetings were held through

the Parish. Two sets of slides were shown, one illustrating scripture

subjects, the other being a set of fine temperance slides representing scenes

in the life of J. B. Gough, the eminent temperance advocate. Mr. Ernest

Holland acted most efficiently as lanternist, and the addresses were given by Captain Atack.


We hope our readers are looking through the advertisement columns of our

Magazine. If they do they will read of something to their advantage. Look

up Advertisers' Alphabet.


The Rector will give addresses on the following subjects on the Wednesday evenings in June—

June 5th—"The History of Confirmation."

,, 12th—"Church Music."

,, 19th—"The Gospel of St. John."

,, 26th—"The Service of Holy Baptism."


Entering Seagoe Church by the West door one

sees a tablet to the memory of the Rev. George Blacker,

among whose many labours were efforts to have a new

Church built for the increasing need of the Parish. Six

years before his death there is record of his beginning

the provision for the great work, but he had passed

away four years ere the foundation stone of the

present Church was laid.

Plain and inornate as the Old Church was, still it

was devoted to the worship of God through many

centuries, and no doubt it was an affliction to many to

turn away from the place where their forefathers

worshipped and around which their bodies were laid to

rest. We recall the poet Gray's lines—

“Each in his narrow cell for ever laid

"The rude forefathers of the hamlet sleep."

When it became necessary to build a new Church it

is much to be regretted that there should have been

any breach with the hallowed associations of so

many generations. But the change was unavoidable.

Interment within the walls of the Old Church had

always been reserved as the privilege of a few. The

next thing most sought after by the people of Seagoe

was to lay the bodies of their dear ones as near as

possible to the lichened walls of the old building.

The result of this had been that not only was the

Church hemmed round with graves, but the frequent

burials had raised mounds of earth against the

southern wall, and even still more against the

western gable. In fact, the level of the earth outside

the Church had been raised several feet above that

of the floor of the Church. To have built the new

and larger Church required, on the old site would

have meant the covering up of a large number of

graves. Consequently, a new site had to be


By the grant of Lady Olivia Sparrow, as

guardian of her son Robert Acheson St. John

Bernard Sparrow, a site was obtained in the

adjoining townland of Seagoe Upper, about 40

perches distant. By Order of Council, dated June

21st, 1814, the change of site was legally authorised.

Some days earlier, on June 1st, 1814, the foundation

stone of the New Church was laid, and as soon as

the building was completed the service was transferred to it,

and the Old Parish Church of Seagoe was finally deserted.

Besides the records and registries, 'The font and bell were

placed in the New Church.

The ancient communion plate also preserves

the memory of the Old House of God. This

consists of a paten and two chalices of solid

silver. The paten is inscribed “In usum Parochiae

de sego, 1699." It was provided by an act of

vestry which may still be read in the ancient records

and cost 10s. The two chalices were presented

during the incumbency of the Rev. Richd. Buckby,

and one of them at least at his own expense.

This one has the inscription—" Ex dono Richd. Buckby,

Vicr. de Sego in usum Parochiæ de Sego, 1769."

(The gift of Richard Buckby, Vicar of Sego for the

use of the Parish of Sego, 1769). On the other

chalice, which is of the same pattern, there is simply

"Segoe Parish, 1791." It is interesting in these

inscriptions to note the addition of the letter e " to

the name Sego, which took place between the years

1769 and 1791. The “a" in the first syllable

began to be inserted about 1820.

(We hope to continue the notes relating to the

Old Church next month).


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In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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