Seagoe Parish Magazine
JUNE, 1914,
Curate of Seagoe Feb., 1881, to Dec., 1900.
Rector of Magherally, 1900 to 1914.
Died April 25th, 1914.
The Annual Excursion,
THE Annual Sunday School Excursion
will take place (D.v.) on Thursday, June
11th, 1914, to Carrickblacker, by the
kind permission of Major
Blacker, J.P., our Peoples' Churchwarden. We all remember the splendid
day we had there three years ago, and if we
have our usual Seagoe weather this year
there is a treat in store for our Excursionists.
The Sunday Schools Will assemble at the Parish
Church at 9-30 a.m., when a short service will
be held, and then headed by the famous Edenderry
Pipers Band, and with colours flying, will march via
Edenderry along the Gilford Road to Carrickblacker.
The price of the Refreshment Tickets will be as
follows to Children who have attended at least 12
Sundays at Sunday School since January 1st.
Under 8 years of age, 3d; 8 to 14, 6d ; over 14, 9d.
The Ticket entitles the holder
to two substantial refreshments. A stall for the sale of
all kinds of toys, sweets, etc., will be erected in the
grounds. No hawkers or dealers of any kind will be
allowed on the grounds.
Four degrees of frost were registered on Sunday
night, May 24th. As a result the potato tops have
been seriously blighted, and the fruit trees have also
Remember thy Creator in the days of thy youth.
Baptized in the Parish Church on Saturday,
May 2nd, 1914.
Best—William George, son of William and Sarah Elizabeth Best, of Killicomaine.
Sponsors—Williarn Best, Sarah Elizabeth Best.
Thornton—Alice, daughter of Alexander and Anne Thornton, of Edenderry.
Sponsors—Alice Wilson, Anne Thornton.
Wilsön—John, son of Ralph and Anne Wilson, of Edenderry.
Sponsors—Sarah Hall, Anne Wilson.
Freeburn—Jane, daughter of James and Anne Freeburn, of Edenderry.
Sponsors—Martha Armstrong, Anne Freeburn.
Coulter—Hannah, daughter of Thomas William and Henrietta Coulter, of Ballyhannon.
Sponsors—Maude McClure, Henrietta Coulter.
Hickland—Matilda, daughter of John and Lucinda Hickland, of Breagh.
Sponsors—Agnes Hickland, Lucinda Hickland.
Webb—Sarah Lavinia, daughter of David and Jane Webb, of Lylo.
Sponsors—Josephine Webb, Jane Webb.
McCann—Muriel, daughter of John George and Letitia McCann, of Edenderry.
Sponsors—Bella Magee, Letitia McCann.
Baptized on May 3rd, 1914.
Whiteside—Anne, daughter of Ferguson and Edith Whiteside, of Tarson,
“ Till the day break."
Gilpin—May 11th, Leonard Gilpin, of Tarson, aged 65 years.
Guy—May 26th, William Guy, of Lower Seagoe, aged 76 years.
(Four Sundays)
Sundays—Morning, £6 0 0
Evening, 2 4 8
Week-days 0 9 8
£8 14 4
O3ffertories for the Jews Society
amounting to £4 6s 3d are included in above.
The Political Crisis
The Home Rule Bill has been read a third time
but there has been no excitement here. Everybody
feels that no matter what may happen in other parts
of Ireland, it will at any rate " never pass Portadown."
c.m.s. Box Collections, 1913-1914
The following is a complete List of the Box
Collections. for C.M.S. received by the Hon. Sec.,
Miss G. Atkinson
Edenderry—Total £2 19s 8d. Mrs. Hadden, 11S 9d;
Donald Stevenson, 2s ; Mrs, 'Hugh Stoops, 2s 6d : Mrs.
Flannigan, 2s 2d; Mrs. Collins, 8s 9d; Agnes Johnston,
11 ½ d; Heather and Isabo Atkinson, 2s 3d; Miss
Halliday, 5s 6d ; Mrs. C. Magee, 6d ; Thomas Metcalf,
1s 3 ½ d ; William Ted ford, 1s 4d; Miss I. Atkinson,
4s 8d ; Mrs. Crawford, 4d ; George Best, 1s I0d ; Mrs.
Ellis, 9d ; Mrs. Sam Roney, 2s 6d ; Mrs. Pearson, Is 5d;
Miss Lizzie Stewart, 6d; Mrs. Coulter, 3s 5d; Mrs.
Thomas Dawson, 5s Bd.
Seagoe—Total, £O 9s 4d. Mrs. S. Porter, Is 4d ;
Mrs. E. Collins, 2s 6d ; Mrs. Dickson, 9d; Mrs. J.
Walker, 2s 3d ; Mrs. Ramsey, 2s 6d.
Hacknahay—Total, 18s 2d. Mrs. Bradshaw,
2s 2d; Miss Rachel Black, 2s 6d; Miss Minnie
England, 2s 10d ; Miss M 'Cormick, 2s ; Miss Charlotte
M'Murray, Is 6d ; Mrs. Livingstone, 7d; Mrs Quinn,
3s ld ; Mrs. Magennis, 5s; Mr. W. J. Calvert, 4s 4d ;
John M'Dowell, jun., 3s 2d ; Mrs. Thos. Neill, 2s 3d;
Miss Neill, 2s .3 ½ d ; Miss Abraham, 8s 2d ; Miss Judith
Is 8d; Mrs. N. England, 3s 5 ½ d; Miss
Rodgers, Is; Miss Sarah A. Guy, Is 6d ; Miss Grace
Best, 3s 2d; Miss Calvert, £l 7s 6d.
Carne—-Total, 16s l ½ d. Mrs. Martin, 2s 3d ; Mrs.
John Gordon, 2s ; Mrs. Caddell, 4s ; Miss Annie
Robb, 8d; Mrs. Murray, 2s 6d; Mrs. James Simpson,
3s 2d ; Mrs. Andrew Costello, Is 6d.
Drumgor—Total, £1 3s 0 1/2 d. Mrs. S. Best, 2s ;
Mrs. Turner, 2s ; Mrs. M'MulIan, 3s 5d ; Mrs. Dickson,
5s 3d ; Mr. R. Gracey, 10s 4 ½ d.
Mrs. George Simpson, Carne, 1s 2d: late for last
year's accounts.
Total collected in Boxes, £9 7s 6d.
Extension of Seagoe Graveyard.
The work of extending Old Seagoe Graveyard was
begun early in May. Two acres of land are being
added and the task of levelling the ground will
occupy several months. Unfortunately it has been
found necessary to cut down some of the old trees but
we hope no more will be removed than necessity
requires. A substantial wall no less than eight feet
high will form the boundary of the new ground,
The path running from the Rectory towards the old
Church which has been there for many centuries is,
we are glad to say, not being interfered With. The
mound on the northern side of the old Church Which
is being partially levelled is apparently a rath or
artificial earthwork and a close watch is being kept
for any antiquarian remains which may be discovered.
Some of the Special Choral Festival Music will be
sung in Seagoe Church on Whitsunday, , including
the Anthem Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace."'
A Missionary Week
During the week beginning on Whitsunday
May 31st, a series of Missionary Meetings will be held
throughout the Parish. The Services on Whit,
Sunday will have a Missionary character. Missionary
Hymns and Collects will be used,
Meetings will be held during the week at the
following centres : —-
Monday, June 1st—Hacknahay, at 3-30 and 8.
Tuesday, June 2nd—Drumgor Church Hall at
at 3-30 and 8.
Wednesday, June 3rd—Edenderry Parochial Hall
at 3-30.
Wednesday—Special Missionary Service of Intercession in the Parish Church at 8.
Friday, June 5th—Tamnificarbet Orange Hall at 3-30.
Friday, June 5th—Carne Church Hall at 8.
No Meetings will be held on Thursday. Through
the kindness of some Missionary workers in the
Parish, Tea will be provided for all who come to the
Afternoon Meetings. Several Missionary speakers
will address the meetings. Envelopes have been left
in every house in the Parish, and will be called for on
Saturday, May 30th. We hope every household will
endeavour to give something to help to spread the
Gospel amongst the heathen races of the world.
The Rev. W. P. Williams, M.A., who has just
returned from Foochow, China, and is a member of
the Dublin University Mission, will speak at the
meetings on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, and
will also preach in the Parish Church on Wednesday
Our other speakers will include the Rey. W. R.
Crichton, M.A., and Miss Armstrong.
We heartily invite all the Parishioners to attend
these Missionary gatherings.
A Plucky Seagoe Sportsman.
Lieutenant Robert Gilpin, Royal Field Artillery,
son of Captain George Gilpin, 1st Royal Sussex
Regiment, of Tamnificarbet, in this Parish, did a very
plucky thing in Kakartala Jungle, near Jubbalpore,
India, on January 2nd, 1914. He shot a Tiger
of great size, 9ft. 5 inches in length, at a distance of
13 paces, both on level ground. The bullet entered
at the junction of the head and shoulder, broke the
vertebrae and opposite shoulder, and was found under
the skin. A split bullet was used. We congratulate
this young Seagoe sportsman on his plucky deed.
It requires some nerve to face a tiger at bay on the
level ground at a distance of a few paces and calmly
to raise your rifle and take aim and send the shot
home Captain Gilpin is at present stationed at
Peshawur, North India, and Lieutenant Gilpin is at
There is a noticeable absence Of draughts in
Seagoe Church since the new ' Ventilators were
inserted in the Roof.
The Annual Collections for our Day Schools will
be made m Seagoe Church on Sunday next (Whitsunday)
May 31st. There is no more important work
than that of the education of the children of the
Parish in the Parochial Day Schools, and we ask for
liberal offerings on its behalf.
Mr. David Livingstone has been appointed an
agent of the Prudential Assurance Society, and is
canvassing for Policies. Take out Policy with him
and you will never regret it.
Distributors of the Magazine are asked to kindly
deliver the copies to their clients as early as possible
after publication.
On Sunday, June 21st, at 7 p.m., a Special Service
will be held (D. V.) in Seagoe Parish Church in
connection with the Free Gardeners Society. The
offerings will be given to the Protestant Orphan
The Address received by the Rev. Dr. Quirk on
his departure from Seagoe has been kindly presented
by Mr. T. D. Gibson, D.L., of Edenderry„ and it will
be hung as a memento in Edenderry Parochial Hall.
The Members of the Literary and Debating Society
are asked to attend an important Business Meeting of
the Society in Edenderry Parochial Uall, on Monday,
June 8th, at 8 p.m. to appoint Officers and Balance
G,F.S, Excursion.
The Hacknahay of our Seagoe Girls'
Friendly Society, most enjoyable Excursion to
Belfast on Thursday, May 14th. Thirty two Members
travelled in a Saloon Car attached to the 1-53
p.m. train to Belfast. On their arrival in the City,
accompanied by the Rector 'and the Rev, G. Bloomer,
they visited many places Of interest; including the
beautiful City Hall and Robinson & Cleaver's; From
the roof of the latter building they obtained a splendid
view of Belfast and the neighbourhood. At 4-30 the
members left by Glengormley Electric Tram for Bellevue
Gardens where tea was provided in the fine Tea
House. The Members then scattered in different
directions enjoying the beautiful walks on all sides:
A large number visited the new Bellevue Gardens
about which there been so much controversy,
The magnificent stairway of 200 steps, and the
splendid view platform at the summit were greatly
enjoyed. The members returned home by the train
leaving Belfast at 10 p.m. Miss Calvert who takes
such a deep interest in the Society in Hacknahay
accompanied the Excursion.
Insurance Collections for May,
£4 2s 10d,
Amount required, £21 0 0
Amount subscribed, £14 0 4 ½
Amount required, £6 19 7 ½ d
Old Seagoe Notes
Enlargement of Seagoe Graveyard 1789-At a
Vestry held in the Parish Church of Sego on Easter
Tuesday, 14th April, 1789, the following sum was laid
on by the Minister, Churchwardens and Parishioners
to be raised off the Parish by way of cess. To repair
the Fences, and enlarge the Churchyard, to be laid
out by the Churchwardens under ye direction of the
Revd. Dean Blacker, £5 Os Od.
[ This Vestry provides an interesting contrast to the
expenditure—necessary expenditure— being incurred
on the present enlargement for which the estimate is
Another record however under date 28th March,
1796, implies a further expenditure—"To the Church-
wardens together with Jno. Greer, Esq. and Mr. Geo.
Ruddell Senr. and the Revd. Dean Blacker for the
enlargement repairs of ye Church and Churchyard,
and for traversing any improper presentments at the
Assizes £41 11S 5d.
The Smallest and Largest Townlands in
Seagoe Parish. Drumlisnagrilley has the destinction
of being the smallest Townland in Seagoe Parish.
It contains 64 acres, but it makes up for its smallest
by having the biggest name of any Townland.
Drumgor with almost the smallest name is the largest
in extent, containing 314 acres.
Churchwardens of Seagoe (continued.)—
1820—Robert Watson, of Killicomaine.
Robert Hewitt. of Ballinamoney.
1821 —Robert Watson, Of Killicomaine.
Mr. Wm. Byrne, of Kinnego.
1822 —Mr. Robert Watson, of Killicomaine.
Mr. Wm. Byrne, of Kinnego.
1823 —Robert Watson, of Killicomaine.
Frederick Ruddell, of Ballinacor,
1824 —Robert Watson, Of Killicomaine.
Mr. Richard Harrison, of Knockmena.
1825—Captain Stewart Blacker, R.N.
Robert Watson.
Note on the Rev. Richard Buckby, Vicar of
Seagoe, 1763-1796.—The Rev. Richard Buckby,
who was Vicar of Seagoe for 33 years in the 18th
century, was the son of John Buckby, Esq., of Kibworth,
Leicestershire, he was born on March 8th,
1723, baptized on March 27th, 1723, at Thornby,
Northampton, entered Sidney Susses College, Cambridge,
and graduated Master of Arts.
In 1762 he was appointed Vicar of Long Stretton, Leicester, and
in 1763 became Vicar of Seagoe. He was appointed
chaplain to the famous Bishop Percy of Dromore.
He died on January 18th, 1796, aged 72, and was
buried in Old Seagoe Graveyard a week later on
January 25th, 1796. , He married Elizabeth
Heselrige, daughter of Sir Arthur, Heselrige of
Moseley, Leicestershire, 7th Baronet, on June 5th,
1760. The handsome oval marble tablet above the
west door of Seagoe Church was erected to the
memory of the Rev. Richard Buckby by his successor
in the Vicarage of Seagoe, the Rev. George Blacker.
Lt. Colonel Blacker's Funeral, 1855.—ln a
recent issue we gave some particulars regarding the
Funeral of Colonel Blacker. Mrs. Richd. Wilson, of
Drumnagoon, whose father, Mr. McMurray, was one
of the bearers at the Funeral, has supplied us with an
original copy of the Funeral Hymn printed for the
Funeral. It is a simple black-edged sheet with the
following heading—" Funeral Hymn by Lieutenant.
Colonel Blacker, with directions that it should be
sung at his Funeral by the children of Hacknahay
School." The Hymn contains 10 verses from which
we extract the following
He loved us well, he made our weal
The object of his care,
As dawned our youth he bade us kneel,
And seek the Lord in prayer.
He bade us take the path of truth,
Avoiding error's ways,
And joy'd to hear the lips of youth,
Uplift the song of praise.
At the bottom of the Hymn are printed the words—
For my Funeral.—W.B," and then in smaller type
" No date—but he was taken to his " Sabbath of
Eternal Rest" on Sunday 25th of November, 1855, in
his eightieth year."
Badging the Poor, 1818.—At a meeting of
the Vestry held in the Parish Church of Seagoe on
Easter Tuesday, the 24th day of March, 1818, it was
Resolved a that the poor of the Parish be Badged, and
proper Badges procured by the present Churchwardens
who are to distribute the same on the recommendation
of the following Parishioners (names follow). Two
signatures to be deemed sufficient on each Recommendation."
Hacknahay Day School.
This School continues to do excellent work under
Miss Chambers as Principal. The children had a
splendid afternoon on Friday, May 29th, on the kind
invitation of their Principal. Tea was partaken of at
4 o'clock, and then there were games and athletic
sports in the spacious school grounds. The children
enjoyed themselves thoroughly, and before they
separated heartily cheered their Teacher.
This Preparation will restore Grey
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the Hair from falling off. It promotes the
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the lustre and health of youth,
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