Seagoe Archives

June 1932


June 1932

Seagoe Parish Magazine.

JUNE, 1932.

Seagoe Sunday School Excursion to Bangor

On Thursday, June 16th, 1932.


Train leaves Portadown at 9-20 a.m., arrives at Bangor at 10-30 a.m.

Return Train leaves Bangor at 8-15 p,m., arrives at Portadown at 9-35 p.m.


Rev. Chancellor Archer, B.D., The Rectory, Seagoe.

Rev. W. F. Hayes, B.A., Edendale, Carrickblacker Road, Edenderry, Portadown.


Rector's—Mr. Robert Scott.

People's—Mr. Isaac Dickson.

The Excursion.

Our Sunday School Excursion this year

Bangor promises to be a great success. It is the

first time that it has been found possible to go

Bangor. Improvements in the Railway connections

have made this possible, and the train can

run right through from Portadown to Bangor. A

most attractive feature of the excursion will be

the presence at Bangor on the day of the Excursion

of some of the big Warships of the Royal

Navy. One of the officers will be Lieut. Thring,

Colonel Blacker's son-in-law, who married Miss

Betty Blacker. The splendid Dufferin Hall has

been "cured for the excursionists. It is quite

near the station and will accommodate 800

People The refreshments will be very good. In

the morning each child will get three buns or

pastry and an appetising ham sandwich made by

our lady helpers the evening before. At the

second each child will get a bag with

2 buns or pastry and a big ham sandwich.

Outsiders can have Refreshment Tickets

(two refreshments) for 1/3.

The following are the

Prices of tickets for the children whose names

are on the Sunday School rolls and who have

attended Sunday School regularly :

Children 8 years old and under 6d.

Children 8 to 12 years 9d

Children 12 to 15 years 1/-

Members of the Men's Bible Class, Sunday

School Teachers and Superintendents 1/6 each.

All the above prices include two Refreshments.

N.B.—After a careful estimate of the expenses

attending the excursion it has been found that

the Receipts will not balance the Expenditure.

The Sunday School Committee decided at a

recent meeting to issue collecting books to the

Superintendent of each Sunday School so as to

raise a Fund sufficient to cover the adverse Balance.

We ask who are interested in the great

work of our nine Sunday Schools to kindly

subscribe as liberally as they can. It is for the sake

of the children, who look forward each year with

delight to their day at the seaside. It means

health and pleasure for the little ones and a day

of happiness for the mothers.

Tickets for outsiders at 2/9 each and Refreshment

tickets at 1/3 each (two Refreshments) are

now on sale through all our Sunday School

Superintendents and at various centres in Edenderry

and the town :—Messrs. J. Vance, Bridge St. ;

J. Montgomery, High St. ; J. H. Twinem, Market

Street, and others. Secure your ticket early and

make sure of a pleasant day.

Church Army Mission,

Captain Stevenson and Cadet Williams concluded

their Parochial Missions in Levaghery

School on Wednesday, May 25th. The Mission

centres were at Edenderry, Drumgor, Carne and

Levaghery. At cach centre the attendances were

good and many were influenced spiritually and a

fresh interest created for spiritual things. The

Missioners stressed in each Mission the duty of

attendance at the Services in the Parish Church

and at Holy Communion. The renewal of the

vows and promises made at Baptism and

Confirmation were also frequently brought before

the people.

The closing Mission at Levaghery

was very encouraging. The Hymns and Choruses

were heartily sung. Miss Selina Bradshaw

kindly presided at the harmonium.


Lecture by Capt. Stevenson.

On Thursday, May 26th, Captain Stevenson

lectured in the Parochial Hall on the work of

the Church Army. It was illustrated by excellent

slides. Cadet Williams had charge of the

lantern. The H all was filled. At the close of

the Lecture the Rector made a handsome

presentation of books to the Captain and the Cadet

on behalf of their well wishers in the Parish.

The Captain and Cadet expressed their gratitude

for the gifts and their regret at leaving the

Parish where they had been received with so

much kindness.

The Route-marchers.

The Church Army Route Marchers arrived in

the Parish at 4.45 p.m. on Monday, May 30th.

Two columns started from Shankill (Lurgan )

Parish Church at 3.30 p.m. on Monday. They

received a splendid send-off from the Lurgan folk

Great crowds assembled at the west door Df

the Church, where the Dismissal service wag

held by Canon Hannon. The Rector of Seagoe

and the Rev. W. F. Hayes were also present

during the afternoon. The weather was perfect.

A short Reception Service was held in Seagoe

Church on the arrival of the Crusaders. Tea

(kindly provided by the Mothers' Union)

followed in the Parochial Hall.

The Marchers, under their leader, Captain

Thompson, and accompanied by Chancellor Archer and the Rev.

W. F. Hayes then paraded the streets in Edenderry,

holding short services in James Street,

Eden Avenue, Florence Court and at the Big

Lamp. Much interest was shown by the residents.

The Edenderry children sang their

choruses splendidly and enjoyed the services

greatly. A service was held in the Parochial Ha!l

at 8. The Hall was filled. Captain Thompson

conducted the service, and each of the 8 Crusaders

spoke, giving their name and the place

they came from, their favourite verse and their

favourite hymn. The names of the eight were

—Captain Thompson, Davis, Roe, Magee,

M' Candliss, Lewis, and 2 others. On Tuesday

morning all joined in a celebration of Holy

Communion in the Parish Church and then

breakfasted together in the Parochial Hall. At 10.30

they left for St. Mark's Parish, the Rector and

the Rev. W. F. Hayes accompanying them as far

as the Bridge. The Marchers will make a zig zag

march, arriving at Newcastle, Co. Down, in

about six weeks' time.

St. Donard's Entertainment,

The total receipts for St. Donard's entertainment

amounted to £20 1s 9d, the expenses to

£9 9s 2d, leaving a balance of £10 12s 7d for the

Bazaar Fund. This will be a great help.

Repairs to the Church.

Some necessary repairs are being effected at

the Church. 'I he four Church doors are being

painted and varnished. Mr. Brownlie is doing

them with great care. The great door at the old

Vestry was much in need of repair.

It is a beautiful door and a great ornament to the

Church. A new step is being put at the West

Door. The outer wall of the side aisle is being

carefully pointed. This will, we believe, remove

the ugly damp spot on the wall. These and

other repairs ave been rendered possible by the

proceeds of the recent Bazaar.

Seagoe P.E. School.

The School has recently considerably increased

in numbers and has now a larger attendance than

for 20 years past. The annual sports will be

held early in July, and much interest is being

shown in the events. Running, walking, jumping

(high and long) and skipping are being

eagerly practised. Mr. Hobart, the architect, is

preparing final plans for the improved heating,

lighting and ventilating of the School buildings

in accordance with the suggestions of the

Ministry of Education.


We thank Mr. M 'Clements for a most kind and

useful gift of two trestle tables for use in the

Parochial Hall. They are very carefully made

and will supply a much-felt want.

C.M.S. Boxes.

Hacknahay Boxes—Mrs. Bradshaw, 12s 1d,

Miss M. England, 4s 10 ½ d; Miss M. McCormick,

3s 10d; Miss S. Maginnis, 6s ld; Mrs. Henry

Neill, 6s 4d; Miss D. Montgomery, 3s 41d, Miss

J. Currie, 2s 2 1/2p; Miss A. Magee, 3s; Miss

Rodgers, 2s; S. Jennett, 13s 7d; Miss M.

M'Kane, 3s 5 ½ d; Mrs. N. England, 8s; Mr. G

M' Neill, 2s 6d; Norman Cregan, 3s 6d; Mr. Wm.

J. Calvert, 3s; Miss Calvert £1 13s 6d.

Other Districts—Mrs. Dawson, Edward St

12s 3d; Mrs. Metcalf, Edenderry, 3s 5 ½ d; Mrs

Flannigan, 1s 10 ½ d; Mrs. Stoops, 2s 6d; Miss

Atkinson, 2s 6d; Miss G. E. Atkinson, 10s; Miss

Price, Carne, 2s 6d; Mrs. E. Collins, Kernan,

2s 6d; Mrs. Dickson, Tamnifiglasson, 6s 6d

Miss L. Gracey, Drumgor Lonan, 7s ld.

Total—£8 2s 6d.

Seagoe Mothers' Union.

The Mothers' Union will meet in Seagoe

School on Tuesday, June 14th. A full attendance

of members is requested. The Mothers

annual excursion will take place to Milltown

Thursday, June 23rd, leaving about 2.30 from

Edenderry Parochial Hall.


A Welcome Visitor,

Mr. Jas. M'Dowe11 and Miss Helen M'Dowel1

are making their annual visit to the Parish and

we give them a hearty welcome. Everyone is

glad to see them and they bring happiness

wherever they go. Mrs. M' Dowell (Mr.

McDowell's mother) celebrated her 87th birthday

on Tuesday, May 31st. There were many visitors

to Killicomaine (including the Rector) to wish

her many happy returns of the day. The Ballyhannon

Band came to the house in the evening

and played a selection of airs. Mr. and Miss

McDowell hope to leave on their return journey

to Providence, U.S.A., on Friday evening, June

23rd. We wish them a prosperous homeward


The Landing of Patrick.

The great Pageant illustrating the landing of

St. Patrick at Strangford Lough in A.D. 432 Will

take place on Saturday, June 11th, at 3 p.m.

A considerable number of parishioners have

expressed a wish to see it and we have engaged a

bus for the occasion.

There are still some

vacant places and anyone who wishes to see the

peageant should apply at once to Mr. Scott at

Seagoe School . Grove Lodge. The charge for

a place in the 'bus will be 5/- (but may possibly

may reduced to 3/6). The ticket for admission to

Lord Bangor's Demesne is 1/- for unreserved

and 2/6 for reserved enclosures. The sandwich

lunch can be had for 1/6 and tea for 1/- in the

grounds. The 'bus will leave Edenderry

Parochial Hall at 12 noon, calling at Seagoe

Church at 12.10. Tickets for admission to the

grounds and copies (1/- each) of the Pageant

book can be had from Mr. Scott. Immediate

application is necessary.

Canterbury at Armagh.

On Thursday, June 9th (St. Columba's Day)

a most impressive Commemoration Service will

be held in Armagh Cathedral at 3 p.m. The

Archbishop of Canterbury will preach, and all the

Bishops of the Church of Ireland will be present.

A detachment of Seagoe C. L. B. will form part of the

guard of honour to the Archbishop of Canterbury,

Loud speakers will be installed outside the

cathedral so that those who cannot gain entrance

will be able to take part in the service and hear

the sermon. It will be a great occasion. At 8 pm

on the same evening the Bishop of Birmingham

will preach at a Commemoration Service In

Belfast Cathedral. Admission will be by ticket.

Pageant at Belfast.

On Saturday, June . 18th, the St. Patrick

peageant will be reproduced in Lord Shaftesbury's

Demesne, Belfast Castle, at 3 p.m. Admission

Service of Song.

The Service of Song, ' The River-singers, '

with lantern slides, was given in Drumgor

Church Hall toy the Parochial Hall singers

Thursday, May 19th, at 8 p.m. There was a

fair attendance. It was a very fine performance.

Miss Hilda Walker presided efficiently at, the

organ, and Mr. Sidney Walker helped much by

his violin accompaniment. Mr. Harry Hynes

made all the arrangements with his usual efficiency.

The choir sang with great taste, and Capt.

Stevenson showed the slides very clearly. The

proceeds were for the Drumgor Sunday School

prize fund. The members of the choir most

kindly paid all expenses. This is a very happy

example of one Sunday School helping another.

It shows the true Christian spirit.

Our Losses.

Death has taken from our midst during the

past month three who were well known in the

parish and who will be sorely missed. Mrs.

Elizabeth Jane Dickson, of Drumnagoon, had

spent all her life in the parish. She was deeply

interested in everything about Seagoe. In her

early years she had been a member of the choir,

even as far back as the sixties of the last century.

She was member of the Wilson family,

who have always been so closely connected with

the Parish. Her large family will sadly mourn

her loss, and we sympathise sincerely with them.

Mr. John Courtney, of Balteagh, passed away

after a brief illness. He was well known and

much respected the Parish. Mrs. Sarah Jane

Corscadden died after a very brief illness. She

had resided in the Parish for many years and

had helped in many ways. To the bereaved

families we express our sincere sympathy.


Six new members were admitted to the Seagoe

G. F. S. by the Rector on Monday, May 23rd.

The Choral Festival at Knocknamuckley was

a great success. Seagoe choir took part and the

Rector preached the sermon.

Miss May Johnston has arrived at Montreal per

the s.s. Antonia on a holiday in Canada.

The Church Army Mission in Carne was attended

by large numbers. Mr. David Murray

helped greatly by presiding at the harmonium.

We acknowledge with thanks the receipt of the

following card collections for the Bible Society :—

Eileen M'Dowe11, 14/- Wm. Atkinson, 9/-; M.

Simpson and L. Beatson (one card), 6/6; Harold

Watters, 6/-; Emma Walker, 5/-; Jack Pierson,

1/4; Roland Scott, 1/-.

Total—£2 3s 2d.


Parish Register for May.


The following ere Baptized in Seagoe Parish

Church on May 7th, 1932

Morrison—John Warren, son of John and Margaret Hester Morrison, of Lisniskey.

Sponsors—John Morrison, Mary M' Creedy.

Liggett—Sarah Doreen, daughter of Isaac and Josephine Liggett, of Edenderry.

Sponsors—Sarah Kane, Josephine Liggett.

Uprichard—Jarnes Edward, son of John and Emily Uprichard, of Edenderry.

Sponsors—Sarah Margaret Magee, Emily Uprichard.

Kilpatrick—Evelyn, daughter of William James and Edith Kilpatrick, of Levaghery.

Sponsors—Anne Kilpatrick, Edith Kilpatrick.


Dickson—May 19th, Elizabeth Jane Dickson, of Drumnngoon, aged 75 years.

Courtney—May 30th, John Courtney, of Balteagh, aged 60 years. Interred in Knocknamuckley.

Corscadden—May 31st, Sarah Jane Corscadden, aged 65 years. Interred at Newry.

New Advertisements.

Several new and interesting advertisements

appear in our columns this month.

Somme Memorial Services

On Sunday, June 26th, special Memorial Services

of the Battle of the Somme will be held in

the Parish Church Morning and Evening. The

offerings will be on behalf of the County Armagh

Protestant Orphan Society. The Society is at

present £300 in debt and very much needs our

generous help.

Religious Knowledge Examinations

The Rev. J. Armstrong, Diocesan Inspector of

Religious Education, will hold his annual inspection

and examination of Seagoe P.E. School on Monday July 4th.

Twenty-Five Years Ago.

JUNE, 1907.

Seagoe Parish Magazine for June, 1907, contains

many interesting items. In large type at

the head of the news notice is given of a great

Sunday School Fete, Sale of Work and Athletic

Sports to be held in the Portadown Recreation

Grounds on Thursday, June 6th, 1907. The date

of the Confirmation has been altered to July 5th

Four Baptisms are recorded and two Burials.

One of the latter is that of Ethel Fryar, aged 19,

a member of the Choir, whose sister Eva, aged

16, had died just a month before. A presentation

had been made on May 20th to the Rev. J.

Taylor on his leaving the Curacy. The presentation

—a gold wateh and chain—was handed to

Mr. Taylor by Mrs. Atkinson, of Eden Villa

The children atttending Seagoe Morning Sunday

School also presented him with a solid silver

Pocket Communion Service, which was handed

to him by Miss Amy Walker, of Seagoe. Reference

is made to the Advertisements in the

Magazine. A Kind friend who desired to remain

anonymous had sent the Rector £3 3s to purchase

a portable Harmonium. Old Seagoe Notes

referred to the laying of the Foundation Stone of

the new Church on June 1st, 1814. Church

Army meetings were being held throughout the

Parish by Captain Atack, of the Church Army.

Old Seagoe Notes.

Cutting the ends off the Pews.—On Monday

May, 26th, 1879, the Vestry decided to cut the

ends off the pews on the south side of the Church

similar to the seats on the' north side [evidently

to make a passage.]

Motion to adjourn the Appointment of a New

Rector.—Thursday, May 29th, 1879—The Vestry

met, and decided to send a deputation to the

Bishop and Council asking them to delay the

appointment of a new Rector until it was possible

to communicate with Major Blacker and also to

enable them to arrange, if possible for the appointment

of a Curate, as the Church population

numbered 4,000 souls.

Dean Dawson signs the Vestry Minutes for the

first time.—The first Vestry Minutes signed by

Dean Dawson were those of May 29th, 1879.

Appointment of Rev. Abraham Dawson as

Rector of Seagoe.—The Rev. Abraham Dawson

A.M., Rector of Knocknamuckley, was elected

by the Diocesan Board of Patronage Rector of

Seagoe on Wednesday, July 2nd, 1879, and was

instituted to the Parish by the Bishop of Down

(Dr. R. B. Knox) in Belfast on Monday, July

7th, 1879. He officiated for the first time in

Seagoe Church on Sunday, July 13th, 1879, when

the Rev. Dr. Theophilus Campbell, Rector of

Shankill (Lurgan) preached.

The Glebe House greatly in need of repair.

Just the day alter the Rev. A. Dawson first

officiated in Seagoe Church a Vestry was held and

a resolution passed to inform the Rep. Church

Body that the sum charged for the Glebe is far

in excess of the real value as the Poor Law Valuation

was made when the house and grounds were

in splendid order, but lately being almost uninhabited

the dilapidation is more than anyone not

knowing it would expect. It was also agreed

to pay the Rev. W. Wilson the sum of £4 13s

due to him for services rendered by him since

the Archdeacon's death.

This was the first

Vestry meeting presided over by the Rev. Abraham

Dawson. Repairs were also needed at the

Glebe, and the contract for £19 17s 6d was given

to Joseph M'Cullough. The Rev. G. L. Lodge

also signed these minutes as Curate.


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Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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