Seagoe Parish Magazine.
JUNE, 1937
Rev. J. W. Appelbe, M.A.,
Carrickblacker Avenue.
Rev. W. F. Hayes, B.A., L.Th.,
The Bungalow, Lower Seagoe.
Rector's—JOHN H. TWINEM.
June 4th—Visit of the Diocesan Inspector of
Religious Education to Seagoe P. E.S.
June 6th—-2nd Sunday after Trinity.
June 8th—Mothers' Union Meeting at 7.45 p.m.
June 10th —Parochial Tea at Seagoe Rectory at 7 p.m.
June 12th—Choir Excursion to Portrush.
June 13th—3rd Sunday after Trinity.
June 20th—4th Sunday after Trinity.
June 24th—Sunday School Excursion to
June 27th—5th Sunday after Trinity.
Somme Anniversary Service in Parish
Church at 11.30 a.m.
June 29th—Confirmation Service, at 8 p.m.
On Sunday, May 9th, the Services in the
Parish Church were of an intercessory nature in
preparation for the crowning of the King at
Westminster Abbey on May 12th. Special forms
of service, recommended by the Bishop as suitable
for the occasion, were used, and the National
Anthem was heartily sung at the conclusion of
each service.
On Coronation day if was encouraging to see
so many at the Holy Communion service at 9
a.m. It was a fitting way to begin such a
solemn day for it was by that same service that
King George VI. and Queen Elizabeth dedicated
themselves to the service of God and their subjects.
It is no exaggeration to say that the whole Eng1ish
speaking world listened in to the broadcast
of the service, and to His Majesty's speech. In
this locality a fine day added to the enjoyment
of the public celebrations and the display of flags
and bunting in the town was worthy of the great
The Lord Bishop will visit Seagoe on Tuesday,
June 29th, and will hold a Confirmation Service
in the Church at 8 p.m. All candidates must be
in their places in Church at 7.30 p.m. The girls
will meet in the School at 7.15 to put on their
Service should mark a turning point in
the lives of over seventy of our young people. Let
us remember them in our prayers at this critical
point in their lives. Their parents are especially
requested to encourage them not only by their
but by their example. One aspect of Confirmation
is that those who are confirmed openly
proclaim themselves as soldiers of Jesus Christ,
they dedicate themselves to the service of God
and resolve to put God first. But the sad thing
is that such a good beginning is often spoiled by
the carelessness and indifference of parents, who
put a stumbling
block in the path of their children and we know
what a stern condemnation this
provokes from our Lord. If parents are slack and
careless about worshipping in God's House on
if they neglect the reading of the Bible
and private prayer in their homes, if they never
come to the Lord's Table as He has commanded
them to do, what else are they doing than
gesting to their children that these things do not
Already acknowledged in the April issue of this
Thos. Martin £ 0 10 0
Mrs. Turkington, Kernan . £ 0 5 0
John E. Lavery, Kilvergan £ 0 5 0
Mrs. Martin, Balteagh £ 0 5 0
Alphonso Kirk, Ballinacor £ 0 5 0
Charles Twinem, Lylo Villa £ 0 5 0
Mrs R J. Archer Drumgor £ 0 5 0
Thomas H. Walker, Kernan £ 0 5 0
Ephraim Collins, Kernan £ 0 5 0
Mrs. H. M. Campbell, Killicomaine £ 0 3 6
Andrew Costello, Tamnificarbet £ 0 2 6
Mrs. J. Roney, Goban St. £ 0 2 6
Dynes Tuykington, Killicomaine £ 0 2 6
Wm. Lyness, Clanrole £ 0 2 0
Mrs. S. Graeey, James St. £ 0 1 0
Mrs. Hall. James St. £ 0 1 0
Mrs. Rebill. James St. £ 0 1 0
Miss Eileen Dunlop, James St. £ 0 1 0
Arthur Forde £ 0 1 0
D. W. Kyle, Clanrolla £ 0 1 0
Miss Martha Russell, Knockmena £ 0 1 0
Anonymous £ 0 1 0
Mrs. Sharpe, James St. £ 0 0 6
TOTAL £56 12 4
The, above is the complete statement of the result
of the Lenten self-denial appeal for the Diocesan Endowment Fund and the money has been
forwarded to the Diocesan Office. We are grateful to all those returned envelopes.
The usual monthly meeting of the above was
held in Seagoe P.E. School on Tuesday, May 11 th at 7.30p.m.
There was a good number of
the members present. The Rev. W. F. Hayes
presided at the opening and after tea, he introduced Mrs. Bell, who had kindly motored
from Whitehouse to give the address. Mrs. Bell spoke of the part mothers could play in
maintaining the traditions
of the Empire; her address was a most
appropriate one for the eve of Coronation Day.
At the conclusion of her remarks the Rector expressed, on behalf of Seagoe Mothers' Union,
their best thanks to Mrs. Bell for her kindness
in coming to speak to them.
The next meeting will take place Tuesday, June 8th, in Seagoe School, at 7.45 p.m.,
when the speaker will be Mrs. C. Lamb of Richhill. As this will be the last meetiug until the
winter session commences a full attendance is requested.
On Tuesday, May 18th. in Seagoe School, the
superintendents and Teachers of the Morning
and Afternoon Sunday Schools had a guest tea
in order to supplement the funds. In spite of the
bright summer evening there was a fair attendance
and all present enjoyed the good things provided for tea.
After tea various musical items
were contributed—Mr. Stewart, piano-accordeon ;
Mr. W. D. Morrow, vocal solo; the Misses
Hanna, step dancing; the ' 'Harmonica Rascals"
Miss Ellie Tweedie, solo; Mr. T. Leeman,
mouth-organ; and Mr. C. Lawson, harmonica.
All the artistes were loudly applauded and encored.
As a result of the entertainment £5 9.s
was realised.
At the conclusion the Rector thanked the organisers and the artistes for their help.
Among those present we were glad to see old
Seagoe friends who are home from abroad, viz.,
Mr. and Mrs. McDowell, from U.S.A., and Mrs.
Porter, from Australia.
Their many friends in Seagoe Parish are delighted to welcome amongst them again Mr. and
Mrs. James McDowell who are at present on a visit to Seagoe from U.S.A.
We hope they will have a happy stay in these parts, where, doubtless, they will renew old acquaintances.
Some years ago, our readers will remember
seeing in this Magazine cover a photograph of
Mr. and Mrs McDowell's bungalow, which he built at Providence,
Rhode Island, U.S.A., which he named “ Seagoe. "
The Select Vestry: with the help of a
committee of the ladies of Seagoe Parish, are arranging
to hold a congregational tea party at the
Rectory on Thursday, June 10th
at 7 pm.
Invitation cards will be sent out in due course.
Provided the weather is favourable,
it should be
an enjoyable event; if the evening is wet it will
be held in Seagoe Scllool.
This annual event will take place to Warrenpoint on Thursday, June 24th. The train leaves
Portadown at 9.50 a.m. and returns from Warrenpoint at 8.35 p. m.,
Children's tickets, 2 - per head
including refreshments. Adults, 3 - per
head, including railway ticket and two meals;
adult's ticket without refreshments, 2 / -
The children from the various Sunday Schools are
asked to meet at Seagoe Church at 8.45 a.m..,
punctually, when they will proceed to the station.
The Superintendents will supply tickets to
their pupils and adult tickets call also be had
from them.
We regret to have to record the passing of two:
parishioners this month. Robert Nicholson was
called home after a tedious illness, when
in his teens. He was a bright young lad of much
promise and at one time a valued member of the
C. L. B. , but though young he had a deep experience of the Saviour's power.
Mrs. Graccey had been in failing health for
number of years, but she bore her increasing
weakness with courage and cheerfulness.
She was a kind, good woman, and will be greatly
missed by those who know her. To the bereaved
we extend our respectful sympathy, and we pray
that God may comfort and strengthen them in
their great sorrow.
The annual Training Corps Camp will be held
at Bangor, Co. Down, this year, from Saturday,
17th July, to Saturday, 24th July: An ideal site
has been secured on the outskirts of Bangor, convenient
to the shove. Over lads will be in
camp from the Battalion.
Rev. W. F. Hayes, B.A., will be in camp for
the full period as Camp Chaplain.
The Officers of our Seagoe Company are making
an effort to encourage boys to attend the camp;
a few have already promised to go.
The charge for the week is 15 / - per Lad. As
special encouragement to the Training Corps
it has been agreed that the boy will pay 10/-.
Company funds will give the other 5/-,
A saving fund is already started and boys can
pay in each week what they wish towards their
camp payments.
The Officers in charge of the Training Corps
Camp give their full time to make the boys' holiday complete.
Parents can rest assured that the boys are well
looked after.
Advantage should be taken of the fact that the
Rev. Hayes will in camp this year.
How many will Seagoe send? (E. M.)
(In next month's issue we hope to print an account of the C. L. B. annual inspection.)
" Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord
from henceforth, yea, saith the Spirit, that they
may rest from their labours. "
May 3rd – Robert George Nicholson. 13 Eden Avenue, aged 18 years.
May 10th – Priscilla Gracey, Balteagh, aged 56 years.
Church-going is not Religion. Neither are
Prayer Praise, and Bible, Reading. But: these
are, divinely appointed means of grace, food for
spiritual life, without which souls perish, as
our bodies would be deprived of their natural food.
The true man goes to Church to offer God a
service, which it, is his duty and his privilege to
offer. He goes because God says "Whoso offereth
Me thanks and praise he honoureth Me" ;
because his Saviour said, " Where two or three
are gathered together in My name there am I in
the midst of them" ;
because He ' said,
Whosoever will confess Me before men, him will
I confess before My Father" ; because Christ, set
example Himself; because He solemnly bade us
to remember Him in His Holy Supper ; because
He founded the Church, loved the Church, and
made if the one means of proclaiming His love
and His sacrifice through all ages and in all
lands; because His Word tells us that if we
forsake the assembling of ourselves together, we
cut ourselves off from Christ and from all hope
in His cross.
Plenty of hypocrites go to church, no doubt,
but far more hypocrites claim to be quite good
Christians without it. Christian duties are often
observed by hypocrites, to gain credit with men.
Many people give to charities from hypocrisy.
That does not make almsgiving less a Christian
duty, nor does it make it possible for one to be
a Christian without it.
For those who claim to be Christians to
neglect Church-going is a mean thing.
It is disloyalty to God. It is a slight to Christ.
It refuses God what he declares is an honour to
Him. It is a refusal to seek the promised presence of Christ.
It is a refusal to follow His example. It is a refusal to obey His commands.
And it is a selfish thing. It encourages others
to disobey God. and to despise the helps to faith
and a right life which He has ordained. Parents
guilty of it, teach their children by their example
to despise God, His will, His word, His honour,
His day, and to neglect prayer. They teach their
children to slight their Saviour. They kill the
faith of their children, telling them indeed to be
good and to seek God, but, at the same time, setting
them an example of despising God's Name,
God's House, and God's Commandments, their
conduct proving their words the merest empty
And it, is a foolish thing. For where else
are we encouraged to do right and to lay hold on
eternal life? Where else are we reminded of the
sinfulness of sin? Where else are we warned of
the duty of knowing ourselves, and of the eternal
consequences of our lives here? Where else is
Christ, proclaimed as the Saviour every one of us
has need of, the only Saviour man ever has
Oh, I can read my Bible just, as well at home,
says one. Thou hypocrite! No reading of the
Bible ever did any man any good whatever. Unless
it sent him out determined to obey the Bible,
to practice what it teaches.
And neglect of Church-going is a cowardly
thing. It is a refusal to confess Christ. Men are
ashamed to acknowledge their Master, yet want
to be called Christians. That is cowardly. It is
dishonest. They deny Him on His day before
the world. They deny Him the honour due unto
His Name. They deny Him the loyal obedience
which is His right. They despise the means of
grace and of help He has appointed. And He
has said, " Whosoever will confess Me before
men, him will I confess." But what confession
then do they make? And how can they honestly
confess Him in the face of their open public denial
of His right to their obedience, to their time
and to their worship?
This neglect always kills faith. You cannot
trust, a God whom you slight, neglect, dishonour,
and disobey in this matter. It kills love.
“If a man love Me," said Jesus, “ he will keep my words”
“Ye are My friends if ye do the things that I command. "
“ This, " says S. John, "is
the love of God, that we keep His Commandments. "
It kills hope. One can expect nothing
from a God he thinks little of disobeying, whom
he is careless to honour, whose promised presence
he despises. Every one of us must, individually
and personally, approach the Saviour of the world
and obtain from Him salvation and life eternal.
But as well as this, God has made it most, plain
that each must, enter His family and become a,
member of His Church. It was so from the days
of Abraham, those who refused to join were cut
off from his people. Under the Gospel it is the
same. S. Paul or Cornelius might be miraculously
converted, even so they had to be baptised, to
join God's family to enter His Kingdom. God
had His His Temple, His Church,
not merely to bind men to Him, but also to bind
them to one another, to strengthen, to encourage,
and to support one another in their efforts after
uprightness of life. Those who despise the public
worship of God are not only sinners against
Him and against their own souls, but also against
their fellow-men. They cause their brethren to
stumble, no light offence before their Judge. If
all were to follow their selfish example the very
name of Christ would be forgotten by the world.
Church-going is not Religion, and plenty of
Church-goers are hypocrites. Granted. But all
who trust God will go, and all who love will go.
and all who are unselfish will go, and all who are
brave will go. For more than ever. these are
days when men whose hearts are true, must
their convictions and stand up for them, and
suffer for them if need be. They will go both
a duty and as a pleasure. Both to honour God
and to strengthen their own faith and love. Both
to offer service to the Saviour who died for them.
and to band with their brothers in His cause. For
they know well that all that has been done for
God in our world, and all that has been done to,
raise and ennoble man, has been done by those
who have sought and found inspiration and guidance
and strength in the House of God, which is
the Church of the Living God, the pillar and
ground of the truth.
HOLY COMM UNION—1st Sunday after Morning
Prayer ; 3rd Sunday at 8 a.m., and on the Chief
HOLY BAPTISM—1st Sunday of each Month at 4
p.m., and during any Service in the Parish Church,
notice be given ; Two Sponsors at least are required
and they must be Confirmed Members of the Church,
Churchings are held at each Baptism. Mothers are
expected to bring a thankoffering. (See Book of
Common Prayer )
MORNING PRAYER—Sundays and Chief Festivals,
11 30 a m.
EVENING PRAYER—Sundays, 7 p.m.
Hacknahay—Last Sunday of Month at 3-30 p,m.
Drumgor—Second Sunday of Month at 4 p.m.
Edenderry—Services as announced.
BIBLE CLASS FOR MEN in Edenderry on
Sundays at 10-15 a.m.
SUNDAY SCHOOLS -10 a.m. Edenderry Parochial
Hall and Seagoe School. 3 p.m. Seagoe, Edenderry
Parochial Hall, Levaghery, Hacknahay, Carne,
Drumgor, Bocombra,
MOTHERS' UNION—2nd Tuesday of each month
at 7-30 p.m.
CHURCH LADS' BRIGADE in the Parochial Hall
on Tuesdays and Fridays,
alternate Mondays at 8 p.m.
SEAGOE P.E. SCHOOL, 9-15 a.m. Principal—Mr.
R. Scott.
MARRIAGES must be performed between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Licenses are issued by Ven. Archdeacon Hannon
Rectory, Lurgan. Due notice (48 hours) must be given to the Rector of intended weddings FEES—BY License—
Labourers 5/—, Tradesmen 10/—, Merchants and Farmers 15/-, Professional £1. By Banns 5/- FUNERALS will be attended by the Clergy if proper notice be given.
SICK CASES should be notified to the Clergy without delay.
FEES FOR CERTIFICATES—BAPTISM 3/7, Children (Factory) 1/- and 2/- (non residents); MARRIAGE 3/7 An extra Search Fee is chargeable in certain cases.
It will be a help to the Clergy if they are notified of the
arrival of new Church families in the Parish.
A copy of the Magazine will be sent by post to any subscriber for 3/- per annum.
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