Seagoe Archives

June 1941


June 1941

Seagoe Parish Magazine.

JUNE, 1941.


REV. J. W. APPELBE, M.A., B.D., Seagoe Rectory.

REV. W. F. HAYES, B.A., L.Th., The Bungalow,

Lower Seagoe.








June 1st—Whitsunday.

June 2nd—Monday in Whitsun

June 3rd—Tuesday in Whitsun

June 4th—Ember Day.

June 6th—Ember Day.

June 7th—Ember Day.

June 8th—Trinity Sunday.

June 10th —Monthly Meeting of Mothers' Union

June 11th—St. Barnabas.

June 15th—1st Sunday after Trinity.

June 22nd—2nd Sunday after Trinity.

June 24th—St. John Baptist.

June 29th—3rd Sunday after Trinity, St. Peter





The Select Vestry takes this opportunity of bringing

to the notice of those, who pay income tax at the

full standard rate, the Covenant Subscription

Scheme, which enables subscribers to the W.F.O. to

increase their subscriptions considerably without

extra cost to themselves.

Briefly, the scheme, which has been adopted by

many parishes already, operates as follows:—

The subscriber guarantees his usual subscription

for a term of seven years; this is done by merely

Signing a covenant form supplied for the purpose.

When this is done the Parochial Treasurer, in co-

Operation with the Representative Church Body,

obtains a refund of tax. The subscriber proceeds

pay his subscription weekly or annually as the case

may be, with Income Tax at 7/6 in the pound.

A subscription of £l brings in £l 12 0.

A subscription of £5 brings in £8 0 0.

A subscription of £l0 brings in £l6 0 0.

With Income Tax at 8/6 or 10/- in the Pound the:

benefit to the parish would be proportionately greater.

The above mentioned figures show, that, without.

any additional expense to the subscriber, there is a

very considerable addition to parish funds, when the

scheme is brought into operation.

Any subscriber, who would like to help the parish

in this matter, should get into touch, either with Mr.

Wm. White, Hon. Parochial Treasurer, or with Mr.

G. Leake, Hon. Secretary, to the Select Vestry, who

will be glad to provide any further information, or if

required, will supply the covenant form, Which, when

signed, brings the scheme into action.


At a representative meeting of Sunday School

Superintendents and Teachers held in Seagoe School

on May 21st, it was decided to abandon the idea of

having an excursion on the same lines as in previous

years. It was felt by all present that this was the

only wise course, when wartime conditions, as they

are at present, are taken into account. It was suggested

that each Sunday School should, in the course

of the Summer, provide a picnic or something of a

similar nature, to make up for the postponement

of the annual excursion; each Superintendent, with

his teachers, will be able to devise something suitable

to the needs and conditions of the Sunday School concerned.

We feel sure that this decision, reluctantly made

by our teachers, will meet with the approval of our



Sunday, June 29th, will be observed as Young

People's Sunday in Seagoe this year. All the children

from the nine Sunday Schools will attend in a body

at the Morning Service on this Sunday, as they did

last year. The collection at this Service will be in

aid of the Diocesan Board of Education, and it is

hoped that there will be a special preacher.



On Wednesday, May 21st, Mr. S. J. Lutton, of

Larne, travelled to Seagoe to hand over to the

School for safe keeping a sampler which was made

by his mother while a pupil at Seagoe School, one

hundred and eight years ago.

The Rector presided at this interesting little ceremony,

and after prayer by the Rev. W. F. Hayes, he

expressed a hearty welcome on behalf of all present

to Mr. Lutton. He explained the reason of Mr.

Lutton's visit, which was to present the sampler,

worked by his mother, for safe keeping to the School.

The gift would perpetuate an honoured name in

Seagoe, for the little girl who made it was Sarah

Porter, of Lower Seagoe. The Rector remarked, that

in Mrs. Margaret Porter, who was present, they had

a very worthy connection of the family whom the

sampler brought to mind, and he was also glad to

say that two of the present pupils attending the

School bore the name of Porter. He expressed his

thanks to Mr. Lutton for his kind thoughtfulness and

generosity in presenting this interesting and historic

memento to the School, and he called upon the donor

to hand the gift to the Principal, Mr. R. Scott, who

in accepting it on behalf of the School, expressed

his gratitude for the gift.

The sampler is now hanging in Seagoe School. In

the year 1933 it appeared in photographic form on

the cover of Seagoe Parish Magazine, and in the

January issue of that year, the late Chancellor

Archer had the following interesting notes:—

" This sampler is of special interest. It was made

in Seagoe School 100 years ago by a little girl named

Sarah Porter, who lived in Lower Seago. This little

girl afterwards became Mrs. Andrew Lutton, and died

in Edenderry on September 8th, 1920, aged 100 years.

She was born in 1820, and wag Baptized on Sunday,

Oct. 1st, 1820, in Seagoe Parish Church."

" A note on Samplers":

" Perhaps some of our readers have got samplers,

and if so they ought to take special care of them

and treasure them. They are getting very few in

number, but is is wonderful how well some of them

have been preserved. At the time when little Sarah

Porter made her sampler, Seagoe School was held in

the old School beside Old Seagoe Graveyard. The

School was a rectangular thatched building and was

situated in the plot of ground known as the School

Park. It was 40 ft. long by 20 ft. wide. It had large

metal framed windows with small panes. Some of

these windows can still be seen built into neighbouring

buildings. The narrow end of the building was

towards the road, and the teacher had two residence

rooms in the front part of the school. The building

then existing had been erected by the Rev. Arthur

Fforde, Vicar of Seagoe, in the year 1740. The

School was put under the Church Education Society

when that Society was formed in 1812. A lady expert

in making Samplers was employed by the Society

to instruct the teachers in the art of Sampling, and

that is how Samplers came to be made in Seagoe

School. It is worth noting how carefully the

Samper is made. There is no mistake in the lettering

or spelling, although there are many difficult

words. The intricate border is most, carefully and

neatly stitched and the two pots with flowers are

very well designed. The first two lines of the third

verse had in Mrs. Lutton's case a prophetic and

pathetic significance:—

' In her right hand she holds to view

A length of happy years."

" Mrs. Lutton experienced the truth of these lines,

for after an honourable and well-spent life she passed

into Eternity at the great age of 100 years."

(We print below the verses and inscription on the

Sampler, they are a paraphrase of the opening

portion of Proverbs, Chap. xii.)


How happy is the man who hears

Instruction's warning voice,

And who celestial wisdom makes

His early, only choice.

For she has treasures greater far

Than east or west unfold,

And her reward is more secure

Than is the gain of gold.

In her right hand she holds to view

A length of happy years,

And in her left the prize of fame

And honour bright appears.

She guides the young with innocence

In pleasure's path to tread,

A crown of glory she bestows

Upon the hoary head.

According as her labours rise

So her rewards increase,

Her ways are ways of pleasantness,

And all her paths are peace.

" Sarah Porteffs Sampler.

" Seagoe School, aged 12.

" September, 1833."

(The above paraphrase was sung by the children

after Mr. Lutton had handed over the Sampler.)


The Hon. Treasurer for the above gratefully

acknowledges the receipt of the following subscrip-

tions :—

Mr. A. Kirk, Ballinacorr £1 0 0

Mr. David Cordy, Came 1 0 0

Mr. Wilson M'Kinney, Carne 1 0 0

Mr. Geo. Connolly, Carne 0 3 0

Mr. T. H. Gordon, Ballinacorr 0 2 6

Mr. Wm. Simpson, Carne 0 2 0

Mr. Jas. Atkinson, Tarson 0 10 0

Mr. Martin, Balteagh 1 0 0

Mr. Frank Metcalfe. Lr. Seagoe 0 12 0

Mr. Wm. Hall, Lower Seagoe 0 10 0

Mrs. Geo. Simpson, Lower Seagoe 0 5 0


£6 4 6


The Rev. R. Gracey, C.F., former lay Reader

in Seagoe, and who is now serving as a Chaplain to the

Forces, paid a surprise visit to Seagoe C.E. Society

on the 21st April. The members of the Society were

delighted to have him with them and all enjoyed

his helpful talk.—(M.L.B.)


Statement of Accounts of Parochial Hall for year

ended Dec. 31st, 1940.


Balance in hand £4 8 8 ½

Harvest Offertory 4 0 7 ½

Payments for use of Hall 12 18 7

Proceeds of " Bring and Buy" Sale 12 6 10

Balance from Boiler and Renovation

Accounts 0 18 6


£34 13 3


Salary £11 0 0

E.B.N.I 8 4 3

Star Electric Co. 1 7 0

Coke and Coal 3 15 3

Tuning Piano 0 17 0

Cleaning Materials, 0 16 2

Ground Rent 0 1 0

Repairs 1 18 4

Balance 6 14 3


£34 13 3


Hon. Sec. and Treasurer.


At the forthcoming Trinity Ordination, which will

be held by the Bishop of Manchester, in Manchester

Cathedral, Mr. Henry Hynes, of this parish, will be

admitted to the Holy Order of Deacon, after which

he will become Curate of St. Luke's Parish Church,

Cheetham. Mr. Hynes recently completed his

theological training at the London College of Divinity

and is a Licentiate in Theology of Durham University.

We feel sure that he will have the prayers

and good wishes of his many friends in Seagoe as he

enters upon the work of the Sacred Ministry in the

Church of Christ.


Miss Sadie Best, Killicomaine, has received the

following acknowledgment for £l, which was sent

through her to C.A. Gazette Self denial Fund :—

Dear Madam,—We of the Church Army have

always regarded every subscription and donation as

an individual and personal gift and for the most part

it has been our pleasure to acknowledge each gift individually.

" War time, however, makes this no longer possible,

and we realise to the full the urgency of saving every

penny we possibly can on postage and in other ways.

" We would then, ask you to accept this semi formal

acknowledgement of your generous and welcome gift.

We do indeed appreciate your help and Prebendary

Carlile would have us tell you how very thankful we

are for your kindly cooperation and the encouragement

which your interest brings use—yours truly,

A. E. R., Financial Organising Secretary."

Miss Best is the local distributor of the C.A. Gazette,

which is published weekly, price ld. This paper not

only deals with the various activities of the Church

Army, but also in a forceful and yet simple manner

shows the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ as the

power of God unto Salvation.

Church Army Peace-time work is maintained as far

as ever possible as it is often of increased value in wartime.

Wartime work includes Recreation and Quiet

Centres for H.M. Forces; Rest-rooms and Canteens for

National Service Workers; Work for Evacuees; work at

Railway Stations, etc., etc., etc.


At the recent meeting of the Select Vestry the following

were elected to form the Parochial Hall


Committee for the ensuing year J. W. Appelbe,

M.A., B.D. (chairman), R. M'Clements, E. Mitchell,

Mrs. Sherman, E. Gibson, Wm. Hutchinson, Mrs.

Vance, S. M'Cormick, D. Allen, Miss Montgomery,

Mis I. Atkinson.


" Suffer little children to come unto Me, and forbid

them not, for of such is the Kingdom of God."

4th May—Olive, daughter of Thomas and Eva Benson, Drumnacanvey, Portadown.

4th May—Herbert Edward Desmond, son of Desmond and Irene Maud Craig, 8, Eden Avenue,


4th May—Thomas John, son of Thomas John and Annie Robinson, 20, James St., Portadown.


" Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from

henceforth, yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest

from their labours."

7th May—Beatrice Hara, 1, Carrickblacker Road, Portadown, aged 6å years.

9th May—Robert E. Hewitt, Lisnisköy, Portadown, aged 30 years.

21st May—John Joseph Liggett, 6, Florence Court, Portadown, aged 53 years.


It is with regret that we record the passing from

our midst of three parishioners in this issue of the

Magazine. Beatrice Hara was a promising child, perhaps

too much so for this world; she passed away

very suddenly in Lurgan Hospital. For her it means

that she has been spared the sorrow, suffering and

sin of this life. Joseph Liggett and Robert Hewitt

both had patiently endured trying illnesses. The

former had been on active service in the last war;

the latter had been discharged through ill health

after being on active service in the present war. To

the bereaved we offer our sincere sympathy, and we

pray that in their sad losses they may have the

Divine comfort and strength. Jesus says "In my

Father's house are many mansions," death He would

suggest is just the passing of the soul from one room

to another in the Father's house.


The monthly meeting took place in Seagoe School

on Tuesday, May 13th, at 7.30 p.m. After tea, the

meeting was addressed by Mrs. and Mr. R. L

M'Keown, the former relating her experience in the

recent terrible air raid on Belfast, while the latter

told how the preaching of Christianity to the women

in the Qua Iboe district of Africa had transformed

their lives and outlook. Both talks were much

appreciated by those present.






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HOLY COMMUNION —1st Sunday after Morning

Prayer; 3rd Sunday at 8 a.m., and on the Chief Festivals

HOLY BAPTISM —1st Sunday of each Month at 4 p.m.,

and during any Service in the Parish Church, notice to be

given; Two Sponsors at least are required. The father and

mother must be present. Churchings are held at each Baptism.

Mothers are expected to bring a thank offering. (See Book of

Common Prayer.)

MORNING PRAYER— Sundays and Chief Festivals,

11.30 a.m.

EVENING PRAYER —Sundays, 7 p.m.


Hacknahay—Last Sunday of Month at 3.30 p.m.

Drumgor—Second Sunday of Month at 3 p.m.

Edenderry—Wednesdays at 8 p.m., Oct—Easter.


BIBLE CLASSES FOR MEN in Edenderry on Sundays at 10.15 a.m.

SUNDAY SCHOOLS —10.15 a.m. Edenderry Parochial

Hall and Seagoe School. 3 p.m. Seagoe, Edenderry

Parochial Hall, Levaghery, Hacknahay, Carne, Drumgor, Bocombra

MOTHERS' UNION —2nd Tuesday of each month at 7.30 p.m.

CHURCH LADS' BRIGADE in the Parochial Hall on Tuesdays.

GIRLS' FRIENDLY SOCIETY in Seagoe School on Mondays at 8 p.m. as announced

G.F.S. Candidates - Oct. – Easter, Edenderry Parochial Hall, Saturdays at 3 p.m.

SEAGOE CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOUR SOCIETY – Mondays, Orange Hall, at 8 p.m.

SEAGOE P.E. SCHOOL —9.15 a.m. Principal—Mr. R. Scott.

MARRIAGES must be performed between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Licences are issued by Ven. Archdeacon Hannon, the Rectory, Lurgan. Due notice (48 hours) must be given to the Rector of intended weddings. FEES—BY License—Labourers 5/-, Tradesmen 10/-, Merchants and Farmers £1, Professional £l. By Banns 5/-.

FUNERALS will be attended by the Clergy if proper notice be given. SICK CASES should be notified to the Clergy without delay. FEES FOR CERTIFICATES—BAPTISM 3/7, Children (Factory) 1/- and 2/- (non-residents); MARRIAGE 3/7. An extra Search Fee is chargeable in certain cases. It will be a help to the Clergy if they are notified of the arrival of new Church families in the Parish.

A copy of the Magazine will be sent by post to any subscriber for 3/- per annum.


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Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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