Seagoe Archives

March 1938


March 1938

Seagoe Parish Magazine.

MARCH, 1938


REV. J. W. APPELBE, M.A., B.D., Carrickblacker Ave.

REV. W. F. HAYES, B.A., L.Th., The Bungalow,

Lower Seagoe.


Rector's—JOHN H. TWINEM.






March 1st—Service in Bocombra, at 8 p.m.

2nd—Ash Wednesday.

3rd—Congregational Social.

6th—1st Sunday in Lent.

8th—Mothers' Union Meeting.

9th—Lenten Service in Parish Church at 8 p.m.

10th—Social Evening in Bocombra Church

Hall at 7.30 p.m.

13th—2nd Sunday in Lent.

Service in Drumgor at 3 p.m.

16th—Lenten Service in Parish Church at 8 p.m.

17th—St. Patrick's Day. Holy Communion at

8 a.m. Shamrock Tea in Edenderry Parochial Hall.

20th—3rd Sunday in Lent.

23rd—Lenten Service in Parish Church at 8 p.m.

25th—Jumb1e Sale in Edenderry Parochial Hall

at 7 p.m.

27th 4th Sunday in Lent.

Service in Hacknahay at 3.30 p.m.

30th—Lenten Service in Parish Church at 8 p.m.


My Dear Friends,

This issue is the first number of the thirty-third

year of Seagoe Parish Magazine, and I am glad to say

that the Magazine year just ended has been a successful one.

This success is due to three factors, viz.—

(1) Advertisements, (2) the distributors, (3) its readers;

and I would like to refer to these in turn. The proprietors

of the local business houses have been very

kind in supporting us with their advertisements; without

their help we could not run our Magazine. I hope

our readers will remember this when on their shopping

rounds and as far as possible support those, who support

us, this is the least we can do and is the best way

of thanking them. Then there are our distributors—

Capt. Mitchell and the members of the C.L.B., all of

Whom voluntarily have given of their time and energy

to this very important side. At the beginning of last

Year Capt. Mitchell undertook this responsibility in

the spirit " The C.L.B. will do this job well or not at all."

I believe it has been well done. To Capt.

Mitchell and the members of the C.L.B. who help him

we say " Thank you." The Magazines now reach every

corner of this extensive parish regularly, and there

are no bad debts. I hope our readers will do their

bit to help the distributors by either paying in advance

for the year or quarterly; it is not fair to the

distributors to take a Magazine and not pay for it.

Last of all we are grateful for the support from our

parishioners and friends, who take this Magazine

month by month. There are still copies unsold each

month and we hope, during the coming year every

available copy will be used up. Do you know any

parishioners in your neighbourhood who are not yet

regular readers? Here is a chance to help us by asking

them to buy one each month, and if they consent

give their names and addresses to the distributor. A

parish Magazine is an invaluable asset for (I) it helps

our people to take an intelligent interest in what is

going on in their parish, (2) it is an effective method

of disseminating announcements, (3) it is a record,

which can easily be preserved, and when the Editor

and his readers will have passed beyond the bourne

of space and time and are forgotten, the Magazine

will be history and perhaps future generations will

read with interest the happenings there recorded, (4)

The inset called " Home Words" is interesting and contains

a varied selection, from household tips to well

written articles dealing with the spiritual life.

There is another matter to which I would like to

refer, that is the approach of the season of Lent. This

begins on Ash Wednesday; it leads up to Good Friday,

when we think of the Cross when God in Christ

stooped to the lowest to raise us from death and sin

to new life and hope.

The call of Christ comes to each one of us particularly

at this time to examine our lives afresh in the

light of the Cross. When we do this we cannot be

satisfied with things as they are. What can we do

to help ourselves? We can, it is true, do nothing of

ourselves, but by coming closer to Christ we can be

made new and better men and women. I can do

all things through Christ who strengtheneth me,"

said St. Paul, and this is still gloriously true, for Christ

never changes. But Christ will not help us unless we

seek His help. We must come to Him daily privately

in prayer, so that His Holy Spirit may enlighten, guide

and strengthen us to know and do His will. But that

is not enough, there is no such thing as a private

Christian life, " no man liveth unto himself." Christ

It is not only

says to us " ye shall be my witnesses."

the clergy who are meant to do this, each Christian

must do it too. I think the best sermons are not those

from the pulpit but those from the everyday lives of

It is very easy to criticise the

simple Christians.

parson's sermon, but do we ever ask ourselves what

kind of a message am I giving to people by my life?

Would it not benefit each one of us between now and

Good Friday to give a little extra time in looking at

our lives and comparing them with God's standard of

Life as we have it plainly revealed in Jesus Christ.

Could you not make an effort now to put things right,

if you have got slack about Public Worship. There

.are far too many of our people, and you may be one

of them, who can go to town to do their business, or to

a social or a public meeting where there is excitement

.and yet when Sunday comes a feeble excuse satisfies

them and keeps them away. You may not think so, but

what you are doing is simply this—you are proclaiming

publicly by your indifference that you do not consider

God and the things of God of much importance, that

doing your shopping and going to the pictures and

attending political or social meetings are far more

important in your eyes. You will say " Oh, I wouldn't

dream of preaching that," but that is what you are

doing if you think Sunday is just, a day to lie in bed

and a good opportunity to study the " Soccer" results

of the previous Saturday, or to peruse the unhallowed

doings of pagan men and women whose sordid and

unhappy lives are laid bare for your amusement by

some Sunday papers. God put you first by dying for

you on the Cross, can you afford to treat Him as if

He doesn't care about what you do or how you live

your life? Answer this question honestly in the light

of the Cross. On Sunday evenings there are many

empty seats in Church, is your seat one of these?

You cannot be neutral to-day, you are either witnessing

for Christ or against Him. By remaining at home

on Sunday from God's House for no other reason than

that you can't be bothered going is a definite refusal

to witness for your Master. And so I close this letter

with the prayer that each one of us may strive afresh

at this time to see our lives in .the light of God's

countenance so that we may see the sin of indifference

and all our other sins, which are hindering the more

effective coming of the Kingdom of God in our midst.

For not until we see our failures and sins and acknowledge

them to God will He pardon them and give

us power to live as His children.

Your Sincere Friend and Rector,



Commencing on Ash Wednesday, March 2nd, and

on each of the following Wednesdays in Lent there

will be a mid-week Lenten Service in the Parish

Church at 8 p.m.

The mid-week Services in Edenderry will be discontinued

during Lent, but we hope to see those who.

attended these Services in the Parish Church instead.

The Rector hopes to preach a course of sermons on

the Sunday evenings in Lent, commencing on Sunday

evening, March 6th, on the " Ten Commandments and

Modern Life."

On Ash Wednesday morning, March 2nd, there will

be a Penitential Service at 11.30 a.m.


We hope to have this in the hands of subscribers

early in March. This year, to save printing expense,

we are not putting Hall and Sunday School accounts

into the Financial Report. These will appear in the

Parish Magazine instead.

The Financial Year for this Parish ends on Dec.

31st of each year, so that it is impossible to include

in this report W.F.O. contributions, and annual subscriptions

to the Sustentation Fund received after the

accounts were closed. This means that late contributions

cannot be acknowledged until the report for

1938 is published next year.


On Sunday, Feb. 13th, the Ven. A. G. Hannon, M.A„

Archdeacon of Dromore, preached at the monthly

Service in Drumgor and prior to the Service he dedicated

the organ recently acquired. The Archdeacon

congratulated the superintendent and teachers on

their enterprise in procuring an instrument which will

serve a useful purpose in the Sunday School and at

the monthly Service. The large congregation present

appreciated the short recital given by Mr. Donald

Anderson, Lurgan. During the service he played the

organ. At the service also Mr. W. D. Morrow sang

the " Lost Chord" as a solo. Mr. Wm. Hutchinson read

the lesson.

We are glad to know that the Sunday School teachers

and superintendent have purchased a ping-pong

table for the young people's amusement during the



The monthly meeting took place in Seagoe School

on Tuesday, February 8th, when Mrs. McClure. of

Tartaraghan Rectory, gave a most helpful address.

The next meeting will take place on Tuesday, March

8th, at 7.30 p.m., when the speaker will be Mrs. Perrott

of Grange Rectory.


It is desired to acquaint all those who have so generously

promised subscriptions to the above fund, that

the following Collectors have been appointed in the

several districts as follows

District : Collector.

Eden Avenue Mr. Thomas Stanfield.

Joseph Street

James Street

Carrickblacker Ave. Mr. Ernest Mitchell.

Oban Street

Bridge St. from Joseph St. Willie Best.

to Bridge

Bridge St. from Joseph St. Mr. George Leake.

to Seagoe

Carrickblacker Road Mr. Foster Shanks.

Bachelor's Walk Mr. J. R. Reid.

Killlycomaine Road

Margretta Park Mr. W. A. Casey.

Town Residents South of River

Breagh, Knock, Ballymacrandle Messrs. Magennis and McCormick.

Ballyhannon Mr. J. H. Twinem.

Ballinacorr Mr. G. Price.

Balteagh Mr. J. G. Gracey.

Bocombra, Lisniskey Mr. W. White.

Knockmena Mr. George Wilson.

Carne, Tamnificarbet Mr. A. Kirk.

Drumgor Mr. T. Gracey.

Drumnagoon Mr. Moses Gilpin

Kernan Mr. Gee.

Killycomaine Mr. W. G. Best.

Levaghery H. Ellis and W. Gibson.

Lylo Mr. James Twinem.

Tamnifiglasson Mr. T. Martin.

Seagoe Lower Mr. Wm. Neill

Derryvore Mr. Wm. Neill

Seagoe Upper Messrs. Joe Hynes and David Allen.

Tarson and Carne Mr. W. M'Kinney.

The work of collecting the subscriptions will commence

during the month of March. We are indebted

these gentlemen for undertaking the job, and it is

hoped that subscribers will appreciate their services

by making their task as light as possible.


It is very important that no meetings, socials, etc.,

held in any Hall or School in Seagoe Parish without

the consent of the Rector, and the Hall Trustees.

Some of the buildings are insured for restricted use,

and grave risks are taken, when the proper authorities

are not consulted. In future this rule must be strictly

carried out.


The annual Sunday School prize-giving socials commenced

on Feb. 3rd, in Levaghery, when, after tea was

served by the teachers, a short programme was given

by some of the pupils which was much enjoyed. Mr.

David Allen also did conjuring tricks and baked a

sponge" cake much to the amusement of all present.

Then games were played until it was time to go home.

On Thursday, Feb. 10th, a similar function took

place in Edenderry, when the Morning and Afternoon

children were combined for the occasion. Tea was

served to the large party of children present. Next

the Rector, assisted by Mr. E. Mitchell, showed an

interesting set of lantern slides entitled If I lived

in India." (The lantern was very kindly lent by St.

Mark's Parish, and we are grateful to Mr. Taylor for

his trouble in coming to fix it up in the Hall). Then

Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Joseph Hynes gave us a turn

of "Jumping Joey," at which the shrieks of the children

were an indication of their appreciation. The

usual games ended the evening.

Thursday, Feb. 17th, was Drumgor's turn. After

tea, some of the junior pupils recited and sang in professional

style. Then came the old-time games, which

never seem to lose their appeal.

The prizes were handed on each occasion by Mrs.

Appelbe. The Rector, who presided at Levaghery,

Edenderry and Drumgor, expressed his sincere thanks

to the several superintendents and their loyal band

of teachers for their splendid work during the past

year, and congratulated them on the nourishing state

of their Sunday Schools. He also stressed the importance

of the work, stating that a child does not

attend simply to win a prize but to learn about Jesus

Christ, so that he or she may serve and love Him

well; the Sunday School is the training ground for

worship in Church, and the teachers should encourage

their children to form the habit of regular Church

attendance while still at the Sunday School.


This annual event took place in Edenderry Parochial

Hall on Friday, January 28th. A full house enjoyed

a splendid concert. The proceedings commenced with

selections from the Seagoe C.L.B. Band and a Chorus

by the Cadets and Training Corps. The following

artistes contributed—Messrs. W. D. Morrow, T. Richardson,

Cooper and Laverty, W. Donaldson, Pte. C.

Mitchell, Lt. J. Hynes, Messrs. Rowe and C.

Barnhill, T. Leeman and Sam Crabbe. The Misses A.

Mitchell, M. Taylor, Hanna Sisters, McDougall and

McNally, all of whom gave of their best.

Miss T. Wilson acted as accompanist.

At the conclusion the Rector thanked all those who

had made the concert a success, the artistes and the

audience. Mr. Sinton replied on behalf of the artistes.

The singing of the National Anthem brought the

evening to a close.


The passing from our sight of three parishioners is

recorded in this issue. Mildred Campbell was in her

early infancy; the Saviour who once said " Suffer the

little children to come unto Me," has called her to

Himself before her pure soul was soiled by the sorrow

and sin of this world. Mrs. Dickson has been granted

the rest she so often prayed for, long years of weakness

did not dim her strong faith in the Love and Power

of her Master. Mr. Cordner, in spite of his great age,

maintained his physical and mental faculties almost

to the end; he was a good Christian man. To the

bereaved we extend our deep sympathy and pray that

they may be enabled by God the Holy Spirit

with St. Paul, " Thanks be to God Who giveth

victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."


" Suffer little children to come unto Me, and

them not, for of such is the Kingdom of God."

Feb. 2nd—Bertram Noel, son of Valentine and

Carville, Collens's Row (Privately).

Feb. 6th—June, daughter of Samuel and Jane Elizabeth

Liggett, 13, Levaghery Gardens.


" Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from

henceforth, yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest

from their labours."

Feb. 4th—Mildred Campbell, Balteagh, aged 9 months

Feb. 17th—Frances Jane Dickson, Tamnifiglasson aged 74 years.

Feb. 17th—Thomas M'Murray, Crossmacaughley Portadown, aged 84 years.

Feb. 21st—Thomas Cordner, 4 Seafield, Upper Seagoe, aged 86 years.


Amount already acknowledged—£60 13s 6d.

10/- —Mrs. James Allen, Mr. C. S. A. Twinem,

Joseph M'Lough1in, Mr. S. J. Hall (Cordova), Mr. J. G,

Gracey, J.P., Mr. Gee, Mr. J. H. Twinem.

5/- —Miss McCombie, Mr. Willie Neill, Mr. Thomas

Ruddell, Mr. John H. Wilson.

2/6—Mr. R. H. Best, Mrs. Campbell.

Total—£65 8s 6d.

We would like to apologise to Mr. Geo. Leake, whose

name appeared as Locke in our last list of 10/- subscriptions.

I would like personally to thank all those who have

helped so loyally to get together this amount. (J.H.T.)


HOLY COMMUNION—1st Sunday after Morning

Prayer ; 3rd Sunday at 8 a.m., and on the Chief


HOLY BAPTISM—1st Sunday of each Month at 4

p.m., and during any Service in the Parish Church,

notice to be given; Two Sponsors at least are required.

The father and mother must be present. Churchings

are held at each Baptism Mothers are expected

to bring a thankoffering. (See Book of Common

Prayer. )

MORNING PRAYER—Sundays and Chief Festivals,

11 30 a m.

EVENING PRAYER—Sundays, 7 pm.


Hacknahay—Last Sunday of Month at 3-30 p,m.

Drumgor—Second Sunday of Month at 3 p.m.

Edenderry—Services as announced.


BIBLE CLASS FOR MEN in Edenderry on

Sundays at 10-15 a m.

SUNDAY SCHOOLS 10-30 a.m. Edenderry Parochial

Hall and Seagoe School. 3 p.m. Seagoe, Edenderry

Parochial Hall, Levaghery, Hacknahay, Carne,

Drumgor, Bocombra.

MOTHERS' UNION—2nd Tuesday of each month

at 7-30 p.m.

CHURCH LADS' BRIGADE in the Parochial Hall

on Tuesdays and Fridays.


alternate Mondays at 8 p.m.

SEAGOE P.E. SCHOOL, 9-15 a.m. Principal—Mr.

R. Scott.

MARRIAGES must be performed between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Licenses are issued by Ven. Archdeacon Hanon, Rectory, Lurgan. Due notice (48 hours) must be given to the Rector of intended weddings FEES—BY License Labourers 5/—, Tradesmen 10/-, Merchants and Farmers 15/-, Professional £1. By Banns 5/-. FUNERALS will be

attended by the Clergy if proper notice be given.

SICK CASES should be notified to the Clergy without delay

FEES FOR CERTIFICATES – BAPTISM 3/7, Children (Factory) 1/- and 2/- (non residents); MARRIAGE 3/7

An extra Search Fee is chargeable in certain cases.

It will be a help to the Clergy if they are notified of the arrival of new Church families in the Parish.

A copy of the Magazine will be sent by post to any subscriber for 3/- per annum.


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Seagoe Archives


Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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