Seagoe Archives

Mar 1941


Mar 1941

Seagoe Parish Magazine.


MARCH, 1941.


REV. J. W. APPELBE, M.A., B.D„ Seagoe Rectory.

REV. W. HAYES, B.A., L.Th., The Bungalow, Lower Seagoe.



People's—J. R. REID.





March 2nd—1st Sunday in Lent.

March 5th —Ember Day.

March 7th —Ember Day.

March 8th —Ember Day.

March 9th 2nd Sunday in Lent.

March 13th —Monthly Meeting of

March 16th 3rd Sunday in Lent.

March 17th —St. Patrick's Day.

March 23rd—4th Sunday in Lent.

March 30th—Sunday in Lent.


My dear Readers,

With this issue of the Magazine we are entering

upon another year in its long and useful history. A

few weeks ago I had to face the issue of abandoning

its publication for the duration of the war or increasing

it's price from 2d to 2 ½ d per copy. After long and

careful consideration, I decided that to adopt the

first mentioned alternative would be a grievous loss

to our parochial life, and so the only course open to

me to keep the Magazine on a sound financial basis is

to raise the price by a ½ d per month. Since the outbreak

of war many religious and secular papers have

been forced to raise their price, while as well, they

have had to reduce their ordinary reading matter to

about half their original size owing to the scarcity

and increased cost of paper and printing. In this,

for the present at any rate, we are more fortunate,

as we hope, that the actual size of our local notes

and the Home Words inset will contain the same

amount of reading matter as in pre war days.

Actually each copy of the Magazine costs at present

per copy to print, but owing to the kindness and

continued support of our advertisers it can still be

sold at 2 ½ d and remain solvent. I earnestly appeal

to you to continue taking the Magazine regularly, for,

unless the circulation is kept up, it will not be possible

to issue it at all. I am confident that those who have

been accustomed to subscribe will not allow the

unavoidable rise in the price to prevent them

supporting this vital and useful parochial adjunct,

Readers can help the Magazine by:—

I. Paying the Distributor in Advance, or Regularly each month.

11. Encouraging your friends to become regular Readers.

Ill. When on your shopping rounds patronising those who advertise in its pages.

As has already been pointed out, but for the

practical help of our friends, who buy advertising space

it would not be possible to run the Magazine at all.

To them we extend our grateful thanks for their invaluable help.

Finally we are indebted to Major E. Mitchell and

the members of the C.L.B., who are responsible for

distributing the Magazine each month. Their help

has done much to keep the circulation high in the

past few years, and we rely on their cooperation to

ensure this for the future.

I take this opportunity of thanking all our parishioners,

who by taking this Magazine regularly, have

enabled it to play its part in recording facts and

happenings in this parish month by month, and from

what I know of them, I have no doubt, that they

will see to it, that Seagoe Magazine will continue to

function without a break through these troubled

times.—Yours sincerely.



There will be a Special Intercession Service, with a

short address, on each Wednesday in Lent in the

Parish Church at 8 p.m.


The monthly meeting was held in Seagoe School on

Thursday afternoon, February 13th, when Miss Nellie

Montgomery gave a most helpful address to a

representative attendance of members on the story of

Naaman. As well as this, Miss N. K. Montgomery

rendered Hymn 715 as a solo in her usual accomplished manner.

Now that the hours of daylight are increasing it

will soon be possible to have the meetings in the

evening instead of the afternoon.

The next meeting will be held on Thursday, March

13th, at 3.30 p.m., in Seagoe School, when Mrs. Eakin

has very kindly promised to speak on " Home Nursing."


On. Sunday, March 23rd, the annual Lenten appeal

will be made on behalf of the Church Missionary

Society. The preacher at the morning service will be

the Rev. S. P. Kerr, B.A., Rector of St. Mary's, Belfast.

The preacher at the evening service will be the Rev

Canon J. Bloomer, B.A., Rector of St. Mark's, Armagh.

Self-denial offering envelopes will be available

on this Sunday and they should be returned on the

following Sunday.

In the world today there is greater need than ever

for the extension of Christ's Kingdom in the lives of

men and nations, and this is what the Church Missionary

Society has been doing since its foundation.

It strives to create fellowship in place of strife.

C.M.S. history, past and present, is full of examples.

Constructively to work for peace—that is one big

contribution which its hospitals on the North West

Frontier of India continue to make. Of New Zealand's

centenary (1940) Lord Bledisloe wrote: "With-

out the influence of Henry Williams with the Maori

people and their chiefs it may be confidently stated

that this great and loyal Dominion of the British

Crown could not possibly be celebrating her one hun-

dredth birthday, and might never have become part

of the British Empire."

In Palestine in an atmosphere of conflict and ten-

Sion between Jews and Arabs, Christian schools and

colleges are exercising a ministry of reconciliation.

The head mistress of the Jerusalem Girl's C011ege

Vltites: " Our college has for eighteen years sought to

unite Christians, Jews and Moslems in one com-

.Rea1 friendships are formed, which tran-

munity. .

scend barriers of race and religion and last when

In the war between Japan

school days are over."

and China there is evident a spirit of fellowship be-

tween the Christians in both of these countries which

the cruel war between them has been unable to break.

Even though China has been invaded and her people

have been made to suffer terribly in many ways, yet

among Chinese Christians there is no evidence of

bitterness, and this characteristic is strikingly ex-

emplified in China's leader, General Chiang Kai-Shek,

who is a devout Christian. These are only a few

typical examples of the unifying transforming power

-of the Gospel of Christ in meeting human need; no

single aspect of human need is beyond the bounds of

His knowing, His caring, His power, but He counts

on our co-operation to make this " good news" avail-

able for a desperately needy world.



Morning Prayer—The Churchwardens, Messsr. R.

M'C1ements, G. Price, W. White, E. Mitchell.

Evening Prayer—Messrs. G. Wilson, A. Kirke, Thos.

Gracey, H. Ellis, Wm. Neill.


Morning prayer—The Churchwardens, Messrs. J. H.

Twinem, T. Martin, J. Stephens, J. G. Gracey, J.P.

Evening Prayer—Messrs. J. Walker, N. Campbell, T.

Stanfield, D. Allen, G, Nixon, J. M'Lough1in.



The annual prize-giving social was held in Bocombra

Church Hall on Thursday, February 6th. The Rev.

W. F. Hayes presided. After tea, the usual games

were played and a most enjoyable evening was spent

and enjoyed by all.

The Rector presided at a similar function in Carne

on the same evening. After tea, various vocal items

were rendered by the children, followed by games

until it was time to go home. Here two presentations

were made, one, a canteen of cutlery to Mr. and

Walter Currie, a former teacher, now serving with

the R.A.F., to mark the Sunday School's appreciation

of his services as a teacher, and as a token of good

wishes on his marriage. Miss Hannah Russell

handed over the gilt on behalf of the Sunday School.

Mr. George Wilson, who was unavoidably absent, was

given a beautiful writing set, to show the esteem in

which he was held while Superintendent, a position

in which he rendered loyal and devoted service.

The Superintendents and teachers of both these

Sunday Schools are rendering a splendid service for

Christ and His Church and we are grateful to them

for their help.


The Hon. Treasurer for the above gratefully

acknowledges the receipt of the following subscriptions:

Mr. James Boyce, Bocombra £2 0 0

Mr. David M'Kane, Ballymacrandle 0 5 0

Mr. James Turkington, Kernan 0 10 0

Mr. Geo. Connolly, Carne 0 3 0

Mr. Wm. Simpson, Carne 0 2 0

Mr. T. H. Gordon, Ballinacorr 0 2 6


£3 2 6


Drumgor—Sunday, Marh 9th, 3 p.m.

Hacknahay—Sunday, March 30th, 3.30 p.m.


We gratefully acknowledge the receipt of £l from

the above towards the Christmas Parcel Fund of Seagoe Parish.


We regret the passing from our sight of Mary

Coulter, late of Carne. She belonged to an old and

respected Seagoe family. A few years ago, owing to

failing health, she went to reside with her sister in a

neighbouring parish. Margaret Hayes belonged to

Edenderry. She has been called away in the prime

of life and leaves a large family to mourn her loss.

She had been living in Lurgan for some time.

About a week ago Mrs. Hunter, of 12, Florence

Court, received word from the Admiralty, that her

husband, Wm. James Hunter, had been drowned

while on active service. He was a stoker on a mine

sweeping trawler, and was home on leave after Christmas;

it appears he met his death not as the result Of

enemy action, but accidentally. His remains were interred

in England with full Naval Honours. To his

widow and all who are bereaved we extend our sympathy,

and pray that our Heavenly Father will sustain

and comfort them in their sorrow.



Statement of Income and Expenditure, 1940.

Balance on hands, May, 1940 £2 15 3

Sunday School Collections 1 17 10

Harvest Service Collections (for renovation fund) 13 18 10

Harvest Service Collections (for Missions) 2 0 6

Subscriptions received (per Miss H. Russell) 6 10 0

Subscriptions received (per A. M'L. For 9 12 6

renovation fund)

Other Subscriptions 0 19 0

Proceeds from Beetle Drive 6 4 6


£43 18 6


Sunday School Excursion expenses £1 1 0

Paint, timber, spouting, etc. 9 9 0

Purchase of pulpit 0 5 0

Velveteen, etc., for pulpit 0 2 10

Purchase of organ 5 0 0

Tuning and repairing 2 0 0

Printing account 1 0 0

Harvest offering for Mission 2 0 6

Caretaker 1 0 0

Coal and oil 0 9 0

Balance on hands, January, 1941 21 11 1


£43 18 5

A. M'LOUGHLIN, superintendent.

The above statement shows that considerable and

necessary improvements and repairs have recently

been carried out in Carne; much still remains to be

done, especially in the way of suitable seating

accomadation. Owing to the war the latter has been

postponed for the time being, hence the apparently

large balance on hand.—(J.W.A.)


General Account for year ended 31st. December, 1940.


Balance £4 9 11

Collections 6 6 2

Allowance on Returned Tickets 0 3 2

Subscriptions 0 17 4 ½

Harvest Service Collection 2 9 4 ½

Foreign Missions Collection 0 19 2

Collection for S.A.M.S.:

March 31st 0 3 3

June 23rd 0 3 1

September 29th 0 3 2

December 29th 0 3 3


1 11 11


£15 17 11

1941 Jan 1 To Balance C/D £5 1 8 ½


By Coal Account £1 3 8

Oil Account 0 6 2

Stationery 0 1 5

Roll Books 0 1 7 ½

Annual Social—Catering Account 1 9 6

Prizes 1 4 9

W H Best Account 0 2 6

Messrs. J. G. M'Cann Account 1 5 0

Excursion Tickets 4 9 6

Balance 5 13 9 ½


£15 17 11



C.L.B. activities are still going on. The annual reunion

for Offcers and N.C.O.'s was held on Friday,

14th February, 1941, in the Deacon Memorial Hall, St.

Michael's Parish, Belfast. In spite of the war it was

one of the best reunion socials yet held, and the

attendance one of the best. Seagoe had a party of

eleven officers and lady friends. The party included

our assistant Chaplain, Rev. W. F. Hayes.

The main item of interest in our own Company is

table tennis, great interest is being shown in this at

present. Recently we had a match with Drumcree

club and paid a return visit to them a short time

ago. Although we lost both matches we are far from

being down-hearted, and we are eagerly looking

forward to a match with Thomas St. Boys' Brigade to

be played next week.

News still comes from Old Boys of our Company

now serving in the forces. It is good to know they

still remember their old Company, and to them all we

would send our best wishes.

A recent letter from Alfred Dickson, serving with

the R.A.F. somewhere in England, tells how he met

another Seagoe Band member, Jack Beatson.

It is good to know that the Seagoe Boys are still

coming together. Two inseparable chums of our Band,

Alfie Dickson and Dick Major, joined the R.A.F.

together and are now serving at the same station. Alfie

says although they are not billeted together they meet

every night. The amusing part of this letter was the

description of the billet. Hot and cold water in the

bedroom. Well, we all wish you luck, Alfie, to enjoy

the comforts.

Another example of the gathering of the clan comes


from another direction. George Simpson was recently

moved to another station, and on arrival found

his Sergeant to be Sergt. Foster Shanks.

Foster says in his letter, he was delighted to see

George, and in his own words: It reflects great credit

on his C.L.B. training to find him a good, smart and

clean soldier. The letter continues—I was more than

pleased to hear him say that the week was badly

started if he did not manage to get to Church on

Sunday. The C.L.B. and our upbringing in dear old

Seagoe has certainly given us a good foundation in

life. In a recent letter from George Simpson, he also

wishes to be remembered to all the C.L.B. boys.

George says he has found his C.L.B. training of great

benefit to him since he joined up. We are glad to

know this, but what is more important is that the

principles of the C.L.B. are well founded with all of

them. And that they put first things first and can

stand firm on their motto " Fight the Good Fight."

George has met quite a number of C.L.B. lads from

other Companies since he joined up.

And now a message to all our former members now

with the forces, wherever you maybe. You will all,

no doubt, remember the recitation at one of our con-

certs Play up. Play up and Play the Game." We

at home are still carrying on the C.L.B. work and

looking forward to a grand reunion some day.—(E.M.)


" Suffer little children to come unto Me, and forbid

them not, for of such is the Kingdom of God."

February 16th—Mary Elizabeth, daughter of William

and Gertrude White, Seagoe.


" Blessed are the dead which die the Lord from

henceforth, yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest

from their labours."

January 2?th—Mary Coulter, Drumnasoo, Portadown aged 75 years.

February 8th—Margaret Hayes, Brown's Court, Lurgan, aged 28 years.

February 11th—John Lindsay, 30, Jervis St., Portadown, aged 22 years.

February 20th—Susan Austin, 70, Hyndforl Street, Belfast, aged 50 years.






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HOLY COMMUNION —1st Sunday after Morning

Prayer; 3rd Sunday at 8 a.m., and on the Chief Festivals

HOLY BAPTISM —1st Sunday of each Month at 4 p.m.,

and during any Service in the Parish Church, notice to be

given; Two Sponsors at least are required. The father and

mother must be present. Churchings are held at each Baptism.

Mothers are expected to bring a thank offering. (See Book of

Common Prayer.)

MORNING PRAYER— Sundays and Chief Festivals,

11.30 a.m.

EVENING PRAYER —Sundays, 7 p.m.


Hacknahay—Last Sunday of Month at 3.30 p.m.

Drumgor—Second Sunday of Month at 3 p.m.

Edenderry—Wednesdays at 8 p.m., Oct—Easter.


BIBLE CLASSES FOR MEN in Edenderry on Sundays at 10.15 a.m.

SUNDAY SCHOOLS —10.15 a.m. Edenderry Parochial

Hall and Seagoe School. 3 p.m. Seagoe, Edenderry

Parochial Hall, Levaghery, Hacknahay, Carne, Drumgor, Bocombra

MOTHERS' UNION —2nd Tuesday of each month at 7.30 p.m.

CHURCH LADS' BRIGADE in the Parochial Hall on Tuesdays.

GIRLS' FRIENDLY SOCIETY in Seagoe School on Mondays at 8 p.m. as announced

G.F.S. Candidates - Oct. – Easter, Edenderry Parochial Hall, Saturdays at 3 p.m.

SEAGOE CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOUR SOCIETY – Mondays, Orange Hall, at 8 p.m.

SEAGOE P.E. SCHOOL —9.15 a.m. Principal—Mr. R. Scott.

MARRIAGES must be performed between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Licences are issued by Ven. Archdeacon Hannon, the Rectory, Lurgan. Due notice (48 hours) must be given to the Rector of intended weddings. FEES—BY License—Labourers 5/-, Tradesmen 10/-, Merchants and Farmers £1, Professional £l. By Banns 5/-.

FUNERALS will be attended by the Clergy if proper notice be given. SICK CASES should be notified to the Clergy without delay. FEES FOR CERTIFICATES—BAPTISM 3/7, Children (Factory) 1/- and 2/- (non-residents); MARRIAGE 3/7. An extra Search Fee is chargeable in certain cases. It will be a help to the Clergy if they are notified of the arrival of new Church families in the Parish.

A copy of the Magazine will be sent by post to any subscriber for 3/- per annum.


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Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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