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MAGAZINE Spring 2023 Welcoming | Growing | Encouraging | Serving Dates are important irthdays, engagements, anniversaries, special events - all such dates are important to us. Some we remember more than others, but they are all important markers in our lives that we live through and look back upon. Some world dates are also etched on our memories eg 9-11, or the day the Queen died. Most of us will remember where we were and what we were doing when we first heard the news. On 6th May many of us will be glued to our televisions to watch the coronation of King Charles Ill and Queen Consort Camilla. Most of us will never have seen a Monday 3rd April 7.00pm Youth Service Tuesday 4th April 7.30pm Organisations Wednesday 5th April 10.00am Holy Communion 7.30pm Partnership Service Maundy Thursday 6th April 7.30pm Holy Communion with Seagoe Choir and St. Mark’s Choir Good Friday 7th April , Service 2.00pm Hour at the cross 7.30pm Tenebrae Easter Eve 8th April 6.30pm Messy Easter Party Please plan to attend as many Holy Week services as you can so that you will benefit most from the journey to the Cross of Good Friday. coronation before and so we wait in expectation. There will be many street parties on the Saturday, and so just as with our late Queen's Platinum Jubilee, we will hold our parish celebration on Sunday, 7th May. We are planning for a special all-age celebration service at 10.30am to be followed by a Coronation FunDay in the church grounds. We want as many people as possible to join with us, so please plan to be there and please spread the word and encourage others to join with us. If anyone does not want to come to Church they are still really welcome to come to the FunDay. Whilst the crowning of a new King or Queen is a pivotal moment in history, there are other even more important dates that not only changed history but actually changed eternity. These events involve not only a King, but The King of Kings. We are about to focus on these events again, as we do every year, during Holy Week and Easter. We will be glued to our TVs to witness the Coronation, but actually more important is the opportunity to focus again on the last days of Jesus life on earth leading to his death and resurrection. As we take time aside to allow ourselves to journey through the familiar record of Jesus’ final days and hours we have the opportunity to thank Him for all He did to save us from our sin, changing our lives for all eternity. As we focus on the cross, we see Jesus who had no sin becoming sin for us that we might be covered by His righteousness. Easter Day is another eternitychanging day as we celebrate the resurrection of Christ demonstrating his defeating the final enemy of death and opening for us the way to eternal life in a renewed intimate relationship with God as our Father. | encourage you all to make the most of this Holy Week and Easter so that you might be eternally blessed by the Father in Heaven. King’s Coronation Sunday 7th May 10.30am Coronation Celebration followed by Family Fun-Day / erence Tea / coffee after 10.30 am worship iO MAGAZINE Welcoming | Grawing | Encouraging | Serving Palm Sunday 2nd April On Palm Sunday morning at 10.30am children are encouraged to bring along palm branches made of paper to wave during the service as we think of Jesus’ entry in Jerusalem. UM edema Kae cksiasie Services Holy Week Services-7.30pm During Holy Week this year we will be offering services each evening, which will have a different style of worship and we encourage you to engage with each one. Monday Youth Service -(7.00pm) A special service for all young people with our guest speaker, Millie Bellieu, the new Diocesan Children’s worker. Tuesday Fellowship Service We encourage members of all our organisations to attend this service at which Bishop David will be the preacher. Wednesday Covenantal Fellowship Service Rev. Alan Wardlow and the people of Edenderry Methodist Church will be joining us for worship as a reminder that our two denominations are in a Covenant relationship. Bishop Ken Good will be the preacher. Maundy Thursday Holy Communion We are delighted that for the first time since Covid, the choir of St. Mark's will join with our choir to lead us in worship. Rev. Gerald Macartney will be the preacher. Goop FRIDAY Good Friday 2.00pm Hour at the Cross-a quiet contemplative service in Church. 7.30pm Tenebrae Service. We have developed this service over the past few years. It offers an atmospheric journey through the unfolding final hours of Jesus life leading to his death on the cross. As we do so the lighting in the Church diminishes until we are left in darkness.. Rev. Alan Cross will deliver a short epilogue. EASTER Sion Pyne HES Forily Easfer PerTy Saturday 8th April 6.30pm-Spm Seagoe Parish Centre — Church fun for all the family Food. games, crafts and more! Easter Eve Children’s Party At Christmas we had a wonderful Christmas Party with a lot of children and their parents engaging in lots of fun activities. This Easter eve, Saturday 8th April at 6.30pm we will host a similar party based on the Easter message. There will be lots of craft items to make, some lovely food and a special Easter talk. All children and their parents or carers are welcome to attend. Easter Sunday 9th April 9.00am Traditional Easter Holy Communion. 10.30am All-age Easter Holy Communion service. 7.00pm Easter Songs of Praise, organised by Churches Together in Portadown, held this year in Mahon Road Methodist Church. Please spread the word about all these services and invite others to come along with you. Financial Details Please contact Philip Holland, our Treasurer, on 07801 552520 if your Bank Account name is "R RECTOR ASSOCIATE Rev. Canon MINISTER Terence Rev. Stuart Cadden * Moles 8 Upper Church Lane, Portadown BT63 5JE Tel: 3833 2538 Mob: 078 9498 7702 Email: Portadown 149 Kernan Hill Manor Mob: 077 3918 1466 Email: 2 ~~ FINANGE a od. Nt Hi i ny \peneitit KILLICOMAINE COMMUNITY CHURCH LEADER Rev. Jim . 4 ha vee ier ACTING YOUTH LEADER YOUTH WORKER Portadown, > BT 63 5EL oe Petia Liviogone Gareth Campbell Seagoe Youth Group Killicomaine Youth Centre Tel: 3833 5279 Mob: 07954994749 Tel: 3839 4441 Email: Seagoe Youth Group email: Tel: Killicomaine Youth Centre 3839 4441 SEAGOE PARISH OFFICE 46 Seagoe Road, Portadown BT63 5HW Office Opening Hours: 9am - 12 noon Office: 3835 0583 Email: Facebook: seagoeparish Come & ‘Worship with Us 10.30am MOLT oye) 7.00pm a gla a St. Gobhan’s SUNDAY Mothering Sunday Service Evening Worship Rotunda Praise Service SUNDAY Holy Communion Holy Communion Holy Communion Evening Worship PALM SUNDAY Holy Communion Palm Sunday Service Holy Communion EASTER SUNDAY 9th Easter Communion Easter Family Communion 7.00pm Churches together Easter Songs of Praise in Mahon Road Methodist Church SUNDAY 16th Holy Communion Baptism Morning Worship Evening Worship Rotunda Praise Service SUNDAY 23rd Holy Communion Holy Communion Evening Worship SUNDAY 30th Holy Communion Mothers’ Union Centenary Service Evening Worship SUNDAY 7th Holy Communion King Charles’ Coronation Evening Worship Celebration and Picnic fun day SUNDAY 14th Holy Communion Morning Worship Holy Communion SUNDAY 21st Holy Communion Morning Worship & Café Youth Evening Worship Rotunda Praise Service Church PENTECOST 28th Holy Communion Holy Communion Evening Worship SUNDAY TRINITY SUNDAY 4th Holy Communion Family Service Evening Worship SUNDAY Tith Holy Communion Morning Worship Holy Communion SUNDAY 18th Holy Communion Morning Worship & Café Youth Evening Worship Rotunda Praise Service Church SUNDAY 25th Holy Communion Holy Communion Evening Worship veryone is encouraged to attend the Easter Vestry (AGM of the Church) although only those who are registered as General Vestry Ge a ste r members can vote. This year is known as the Triennium year when we will vote for people to represent us for three years as Diocesan Synod members and Diocesan Nominators. Diocesan Synod Members (2 for every member of the clergy in the parish) attend the annual Diocesan Synod, and can be elected to MEETIN G various other roles by members of Synod. Parochial Nominators (4) are called to serve if the Rector of the : ' ; Parish resigns or retires. They meet with the Bishop and 5 Diocesan ' Nominators to form a Board of Nomination, this board, once called, i has 3 months to find and nominate to the Bishop a person for him to consider calling to serve in the Parish. Please make every effort to attend and please pray for God's guidance in the elections. In addition to the above triennial votes there will also be the annual vote to elect people to serve on the Select Vestry which is the body responsible for the finance, furnishing and fabric of the parish. In Monday 27th March addition to the clergy, the Select Vestry is composed of the Rector's 715pm Drinks reception Churchwarden and Glebewarden (both appointed by the Rector), the an Vestry M “ People’s Churchwarden and Glebewarden, and up to 12 other members NPI SENET HEREIN elected by those entitled to vote. Welcoming MAGAZINE | Growing | Encouraging | Serving ( Church Restoration 7 As you are aware, over recent years the Select Vestry has been progressing, in stages, a major restoration and renovation of our Church building. To date the roof has been replace and a major restoration of the tower, both inside and out, has taken place, including fitting an electronic ringing mechanism for the Church bell. Many people have commented that not only do they love hearing the bell ringing again, but also on the high standard of workmanship of the renovations. Following many years of consideration and refinement, the Vestry is now in a position to go to tender for the major redevelopment of the interior of the Church. The main starting point for the Vestry’s thinking was the need to replace the very outdated and ineffective heating system. As options were considered it was realised that it would not be as simple as ‘just replacing the system. The removal of the current pipework is complicated in that it not only runs under the floor in places but also through holes cut in the pews. As a result of this and the fact that the pews are stuck to the floor, they will be very difficult to remove without damage. In addition, due to the new radiators that will run along the walls, even if the pews were in a condition to be reinstated, they would to be too wide to put back in place and so every pew would have to be reduced in length. It was mentioned in Church that one option would be to replace most of the pews with soft flexible seating that would be in keeping with the building, whilst using some shorter pews towards the rear of the main aisle. The Vestry then listened to the comments of parishioners concerning this suggestion. Whilst a few people stated that they would prefer the pews to be retained, many were very positive about the pew replacement as they find them so uncomfortable. After additional discussion, and visits to other Churches where renovations have taken place, the Vestry made the decision that the best option to create a uniform comfortable interior was to replace all the pews. The removal of the old heating system and the pews provides an opportunity to level the floor rather than maintaining the step up into the pews. This will also help make the building more disabled-friendly. The lighting in the Church has been causing issues over many years and is very expensive to run. As a result, the Church will be rewired and new lighting installed. We are very fortunate to have a choir that has increased in numbers in recent years, alongside a music group. Space in the chancel is very limited when all these people are together. In addition, when we have children involved up front, or when we have concerts, we often have to bring in portable staging. The Vestry has therefore decided to extend the chancel forward to create a more open raised area at the front of the Church. Additional work will be done to address the peeling paintwork and damaged stones surrounding the windows before the whole interior is repainted. The Vestry trusts that when all this work is done the interior of the Church will offer a warm, bright, comfortable environment for worship and other activities for years to come. We anticipate that the work might cost around £700,000, so in addition to using some of the Parish reserves, the Vestry will have to launch a fundraising initiative. Anyone who would like to start contributing now can do so through the building fund. Details of how to contribute can be had from Philip Holland our Treasurer. An estimated start date for the work may be mid-summer with the expectation of completion by Christmas. iy Toe ce oem et Se Ne A : see F Ss o E o = SS ee ao? Ve [Ne The seating arrangements in church will be flexible, this is one possible seating arrangement. S hvu D From time to Mid-week Fellowship Group After Christmas. our Mid-week Fellowship Group followed a new course from 24/7 Prayer entitled ‘Lectio Divina. This five week course enabled us to find out more about the ancient practice of reading the Bible ina very contemplative style. Some of the course content was very encouraging, whilst some aspects were quite challenging to us. By the end of the course, we were encouraged to spend more time reflecting over and over on the scripture passages we if=rcle Our new session will commence on Wednesday 19th April at 730pm in the Parish (Se aldc time we offer opportunities for people to give financially and practically to help address situations of need. For example, last Harvest our appeal was to establish a fund that could be used to help people facing difficulty due to the cost-of-living crisis. £3000 was contributed and some of that money has been made available to people. If you are aware of anyone in need of some help, please contact one of the clergy. At Christmas we divided our appeal between The Craigavon Food Bank and The Salvation Army. The total amount was £1,294.79 including gift aid. Following the horrendous earthquakes in Turkey and Northern Syria we linked with Tearfund and Barnabas Aid as both agencies had established links in Syria and were making inroads to help in Turkey. Money was requested through Tearfund and practical food aid through Barnabas Fund. Some food was recently collected by Neville of Barnabas Aid, and additional food gathered will be collected y There was great excitement at the end of November when our Mothers’ Union branch was extremely privileged to be recognised by a Civic Reception hosted by the Lord Mayor Cllr Paul Greenfield in honour of our Centenary. We travelled by coach to the eel (eee Ngan ai NOM Ne cic rem Laan Relay drinks reception by the Lord Mayor and Cllr Julie Flaherty. After a formal welcome, group photos and a marvellous supper the Lord Mayor gave us a tour of the Palace reception rooms which were beautifully decorated for the Christmas season. As the building served as primary residence of the Church of Ireland Archbishops of Armagh for over two hundred years, from 1770 to 1975, the Lord Mayor thought we would be interested in seeing inside the Palace's Private Chapel. He was right of course. It was an honour to see the beautiful stained glass windows, the Archbishop's Chair and even the ornate private toilet facilities beside the upstairs yl Ceolay YN’ (cee c Meola eae lay Mele are i()c-1u(elai in March with a St Patrick's week ‘Stew & Apple Tart’ supper and A a display of Irish dancing from © Seagae A Mather, Portadown Irish Dance Academy. Christian support of family life is at the core of our organisation, and we are always conscious of the needs of others. We offer our support by both practical outreach and monetary donations to our charities. During Lent we are appealing for help to enable us to provide ‘Toilet Bags’ for those being admitted to hospital in situations where, as emergency patients, they have no basic toiletries. We are asking for simple items such as toothpaste, toothbrush, flannel, comb, soap etc. After the Holy Week services on 4th April, our members will sort the items and put them together in clear bags along with a prayer card, before delivering them to Craigavon Area Hospital. Back in September we had hoped to hold a Service of Thanksgiving the celebrate our Centenary, however this service had to be cancelled due the sad passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. As we come to the end of our historic year we have now been able to rearrange this service to Sunday 30th April at 10.30am. We are looking forward to sharing aXe raed Ns Welcoming | Growirig | Encouraging | Serving LESSUNIGN Christian care for families Mayor's Parlour, Lord Mayor Cllr Paul Greenfield & Cllr Julie Flaherty with Shirley Branyan this occasion with our parish family and invited guests from the Diocese of Down and Dromore. Portadown Heritage Tours Ltd have been working on a project, funded by Heritage Lottery, called ya Coa ero\- oR Claw o-oo that project, they were able to give us some grant-aid to research how Seagoe ladies supported wartime families in the 1900's and beyond. The funding guidelines covered the period leading up to the formation of our Mothers Union and beyond. This allowed me to delve into old newspapers and past church magazines so that a booklet on our Centenary could be produced. | couldn't believe the work and outreach the ladies of our church family had accomplished. I'll never be an author, but | thought the history of our Mothers’ Union branch should be recorded. The booklet will be available from April. We were also able to get a plaque for our banner stand to mark our 100 years. Our meetings will continue until the summer when we hope to have the return of our annual day-out with the destination yet to be decided. Please support our Toilet Bag appeal and look out for our Centenary booklet. w& Union Shirley Branyan Church Girls’ Brigade At Church Girls Brigade we have had a busy ic oNVMaaCe a1 Wa We enjoyed a Miia icelnam sats Community PSNI with games treats anda police car with klaxons and flashing blue Aaa Ae working order as tested by the girls We had foleia pyar. ifela Martins fun day in Dobbin, Aca ae oman other companies, which was a riot of drums and clos Two teams of girls took part Tan RCs iaCoan el Unihoc completion Ela oiK om =18) successful winning first and second places. We are fa(l falcata! that CGB has restarted again in the Parish Centre under the leadership of Rebecca Sarah and Zoe, our support help and prayers are with you. e MAGAZINE Welcoming | Growing | Encouraging | Serving Seagoe Children's Events ver the course of each year, we organise a number of events for children and their families. These are a great opportunity to gather families in our parish, have some fun and teach the children about Jesus. It's such a great encouragement to see families at these events, and it helps support the ongoing children’s ministry that takes place each week in our church. Over the last year we have organised a number of events, from our Back to Church Sunday in September, through to the Party of Light held at the end of October, and then in December we have a Christmas themed gathering (with special guest of coursel). At many of these events, we utilise the Messy Church approach; this is a great way to engage people of all ages through crafts, games, quizzes and food, and there really is something there for everyone. Our next family event will be our Easter Party on Saturday 8th April at 6.30pm in the Parish Centre. Please come along and invite other fam Sseagoe Youth Fellowship ver the past number of months, the young people at Youth Fellowship have been on a journey through watching ‘The Chosen’. This is a faithbased series about the lives of people who interacted with Jesus Christ during his lifetime and this helped the young people have small discussions relating to each episode. Other things that have happened at Youth Fellowship this season so far are Quizzes and Brain Teasers, Light Activity Games and the most enjoyable things which included a Chinese Christmas Dinner and an American Superbowl Sunday evening. Youth Fellowship takes place every 2nd and 4th Sunday of the Month (September -June), 7.00pm to 8:30pm in the Parish Centre and ilies to be involved! Family Easter PorTy Saturday 8th April 6.30pm-Spm Seagoe Parish Centre sage Church fun for all the family Food, games, crafts and more! offers a relaxed and informal place for you to meet new people your age and make last friendships. We have some games and activities and snacks each evening and regularly look at a particular topic or book of the Bible and spend time together discussing how we can apply the truths uncovered in our own lives. We also have guest speakers and end of term trips. The remaining dates for YF this season are 26th March, 23rd April, 14th & 28th May and Tith and 25th June and then will recommence after Summer Holidays on Sunday 24th September. We would love to see some new young people join us so If you are T+, or know anyone aged 11+, we would encourage you to tell them about it and love to see them come along, and if you have any questions please contact Stuart. 1g Of Ministries Abroad is an Anglican mission organisation that sends teams from one part of the Anglican Communion to other parts to help them laycloe AMON ola mam (11g (eco MeN OLA oICs part of a team to Nigeria, and Terence also was part of a team to India Our Bishop has invited teams to come to help with a Diocese-wide mission between Ist and 14th of June this year. Every Parish has been encouraged to host a team for 3,4 or 7 days. In Seagoe we have applied to host a team for 7 days At this point we are not sure how many rear Taa MAN SIANI YM CMY Mat omol mn LATE countries they will come from. Please consider if you could host one or two team members in your home. In addition, please consider if you might be able to offer meals for the team, either to be eaten together in the Parish Centre or for a few team members in your home The team will be involved in outreach in our local school, with our organisations, with special mission services, and visiting in the community Children o Oyen tetas A big thank you to everyone who has been donating coins to our Rwanda bottle in the rotunda. Over the winter donations came to £392. For Lent we're asking all Seagoe children to continue the good work and take a CMS! box to fill at home. Bishop Jered has asked we continue to support school work but also Outreach teams and to buy instruments for a Brigade band to visit parishes. Cy] MAGAZINE MA eeatae MMe aie MM Sint cers ier Mey ks 70th Anniversary of the Loss of MV Princess Victoria 31st January 1953 - 31st January 2023 n Sunday 29th January | travelled to Belfast by train. The weather was chilly and damp, but fairly calm. As | walked along the streets on my way to the Cathedral for the anniversary service, | thought how different it was to 70 years ago when that memorable storm swept across Europe bringing devastation to many communities. The MV Princess Victoria was built in 1947, the first purpose built "roll-on roll-off" ferry of her kind to operate in British coastal waters. She could hold 1,500 passengers as well as cars, lorries and cargo. In this severe storm it is believed that 137 lives were lost when the Princess Victoria sank near the Copeland Islands, off shore from Donaghadee. There were no women or children among the 40 who were rescued, The disaster shocked so many because, although it took place in extreme weather conditions, it involved a routine journey, on a relatively short crossing of 20 miles in what were considered to be safe waters From the city of Belfast 33 residents never returned home. In addition were the many seafarers from the port towns of Larne and Stranraer whose lives were lost as they fought heroically to save the Princess Victoria from floundering. In the service in St Anne's Cathedral we gathered to acknowledge the bravery of all who attempted rescue on that day, and remember before God all who died. In an Act of Memorial,137 candles were lit in memory of each life lost. wees COMMUNITY BOWLING CLUB | ello folks, just a small piece about our = Club that we formed two years ago. AU eee aurea CR op me iLaelig og a as we only had four or sometimes ix bowlers but then all of a sudden more bowlers ile UOMO NM AEN aL S oa Mo > had Ey ae é tacit ses During the Act of Memorial, some of the music, "Victoria, composed by Ivan Black on the occasion of the 55th Anniversary in 2008, was played. This music includes the SOS distress signal and ends with the tune of the familiar hymn "Eternal Father.’ In his sermon the Dean of Belfast, The Very Revd Stephen Forde, spoke of Jesus calming the storm, which brings us great encouragement and hope when we face storms in life. He paid tribute to the courage and heroism of crews who went to offer assistance and made reference to the RNLI volunteers of the Sir Samuel Kelly Lifeboat in Donaghadee. Such self denying action points to the saving power Ome Prayers were said for the bereaved, for RNL| and Yor IC@lMN- IAG Ncw Tel6 [mole =) alco) mn uate a1]9) arm areleLaupy for seafarers and those who minister to them. The beautiful music was led by King’s Chorale, directed by Revd Mark Spratt, and the guest organist was Neale Agnew. This prayer followed the Act of Remembrance : PNM Canela) Oller en cli el May we hear your | small voice of calm, O God; You are God of our endings and our beginnings, You are God of the storms and the tranquil seas, You are God of dangerous journeys and safe harbours. O God, still our hearts within us That we may know that you are on our side. NGaoan Eileen Holland | Christian Baptism | 11th December 2022 5th March 2023 Christian Marriage 17th December 2022 c the Southern Area Hospice im, who leads our Killicomaine Community Church plant, has been appointed as a Chaplain at the Southern Area Hospice in Newry. Jim will be employed by the charity to carry out this very important role with patients undergoing palliative care and to also work with and support their families. Jim comments, “It really is a privilege and a huge responsibility to be selected to this role. | love coming alongside, supporting people and offering pastoral care. | look forward to bringing these passions to the Chaplain’s position at the Hospice.” Jim will continue his work with us in Killicomaine and as the Church of Ireland Chaplain in Lurgan Hospital. However, he will be stepping down from his role as Northern Ireland Area Manager with Christians AAgainise Poverty. Rev Jim Fleming appointed Chaplain to Christian Burial 7th December 2022 S 7th December 2022 29th December 2022 31st December 2022 3rd January 2023 7th January 2023 | 23rd January 2023 | 8th March 2023 | 9th March 2023 Farish Kegister Tom Alan Jesse Turkington, son of Neill & Leanne, Hill Lane, Lurgan Daisy Florence Holden, daughter of Jonathan & Sarah, Ballynagarrick Road, Portadown Joshua James Thomas Thornbury, The Hollows, Lurgan and Rebecca Margaret Ivy Richardson, Kernan Grove, Portadown Frederick (Fred) Cooper, Chestnut Lodge, Benburb Margaret Jean Hamilton, Princess Way, Portadown Heather Reid Jenkins Smith, Orchard Lodge, Armagh Herbert Lawrence Henry Penniston, Granville Gardens, Portadown Mary Elizabeth (May) Mathers, Carrickblacker Fold, Portadown Anthony Paul Kilpatrick, Ulsterville Park, Portadown Martha Jackson, Seagoe Gardens, Portadown Barbara Margaret Marks, Ramone Park, Portadown | Anne McLean, Sylvan Lodge, Ashwicke Road, Marshfield MAGAZINE Welcoming | Growing | Encouraging iO | Serving End of year allocations At the end of every year the Select Vestry distributes some of the income of the Church to other organisations as part of it’s mission. Currently we distribute 10% of our income, this year £21,000. A wide range of Mission organisations, aid agencies, and some charities are supported as a result. From time to time we have guest speakers in Church to highlight some of the organisations that we support. If you would like a full list of the end of year allocations please contact Diane in the Parish office: info@ ero -K@one] Gift to the —— Parish In December we were privileged to welcome Cantare Choir to our Church to hold their Christmas Concert. The Concert was much appreciated _ by those who attended. We : are very grateful to the Choir for donating £400 to our restoration fund from the money raised on the evening. The Choir leader, Mrs. Siobhan Taylor and their accompanist, Rev. Derek Dunn handed presented the money to Terence and Phyllis Richardson (Hon. Secretary). + - \ Crore MoNoll. g Ce - FUNERAL DIRECTORS & MEMORIAL MASONS 24 Hour Professional & Caring Service Independent Portadown Family Business With over 45 Years Experience oom Golden Charter Pre-Paid Funeral Plans Headstones & Additional Lettering Fi Dig nified Professional Service mM Yur lime Sf: need Telephone: (028) 38351516 WWW.GEORGEMCNABB.CO.UK 106 Bridge Street, Portadown, Co. Armagh BT63 5AP r MILNE FUNERAL SERVICES Talk to us about Pre-Paid Funeral Plans. Ind Fa iat Direct LTS ore Mola eel TRE a RM PeEL ESSf oto 8 SEAGQ@E 2023 | Growing | En: CAR BOOT SALE Saturday 8am - 12noon 25th February 25th March 29th April 27th May 24th June 26th August 30th September 28th October Seagoe Church Car Park Cars £5 / Vans £10 ZOU welcome to sell, browse or buy Thank you for your support Any queries contact Edwina on 028 3833 5279 ALAN WRAY & CO. INDEPENDENT FAMILY FUNERAL DIRECTORS QUIET AND DISCREET SERVICE FULL FUNERAL HOME FACILITIES PERSONALLY SUPERVISED BY ALAN WRAY MBIE MEAE MBIED DIP. F.D. “The Old Meeting House’ 24A Portmore Street, Portadown, Co Armagh BT62 3NG TEL: 07989 303897 | 24 Hours AB@ KILLICOMAINE KIDS AND PARENTS Welcome all babies, toddlers and parents/carers =e) fF fie. % Se OG - ae - J i Fridays 10:30 am — 12:30 St. Patrick’s Hall, Princess Way (beside the school gates) Lots of toys, fun, friends and a cuppa!


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Seagoe Archives


Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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