Seagoe Parish Magazine.
MARCH, 1907.
We regret to announce the approaching
departure of the Rev. John Taylor from this
Parish where he has worked with so much zeal
And success during the past two years. Mr. Taylor
has been appointed to the important curacy of
St. Thomas's Church, Belfast. We are glad that
Mr. Taylor will not be leaving immediately, but
will be able to remain with us until the beginning
of May. We will greatly miss his kindly presence
and bright enthusiasm which have gained for him
a host of friends in Seagoe, and we trust that in the
new sphere of work upon which he is about to enter
the blessing of God may abundantly rest upon him.
We can assure him that he will carry with him from
Seagoe Parish the hearty good wishes of all the people
amongst whom he has so faithfully laboured, and
their earnest prayers for his future success.
Morning. Evening.
Feb. 3 —Sexagesima £1.3.6
,, ,, £0.0.4 0.13.6
,, Quinquagesima £1.6.10 0.7.0
,, 17—1st Sunday in Lent £0.2.4
,, ,, £2.3.6 1.2.2
,, 24 – 2nd ,, £1.5.3 0.14.3
Week Days 0.8.1
£6.5.9 3.5.0
“Suffer the little children to come unto Me."
Feb. 2nd —Ellen, daughter of William and Hannah
Jane Thompson, Edenderry.
,, ,, - Samuel David, son of Frederick and
Elizabeth Abraham, Kilvergan.
,, ,, - Abraham, son of Abraham and Anne
Cranston, Portadown.
,, ,, - John, son of John and Caroline Russell,
,, 15th —Ethel, daughter of Thomas Edward and
Ann Jane M 'Clelland, Lisniskey.
,, 19th —Albert, son of William John and Margaret
Kilpatrick, Tarson.
“Here we have no continuing city”
Feb. 4th — Elwell Donald, aged four years.
,, 5th —Samuel Coulter, Tarson, aged 78 years.
„ 11th —Mary Jane Guy, Tarson, aged 47 years.
„ 17th —Robert M'Kinstry, Edenderry, aged 26.
„ 25th —Albert Kilpatrick, Tarson, aged 10 months.
,, 26th —Emma Robinson, Ballinacor, aged 87.
During the month death has been busy in our midst. In the list
of those who have been called away we notice the name of
Mrs. Gaskin, of Kilvergan, one of our oldest and most respected
parishioners. She had been in weak health for a long period,
but retained her brightness and clearness of memory to the last.
She has exchanged the weakness uncertainty of this life for
the joy and refreshment of the life beyond. We offer to her
afflicted family our sincere sympathy in their time of
On Sunday afternoon, February 17th, all that was mortal of
Robert M 'Kinstry was laid to rest in the plot of ground in
front of the Church at Seagoe, which he loved so well.
During his long and painful illness, we had often hoped that
God would have seen fit to spare a life so full of promise, but
his sufferings were ended by the hand of Death early on the
morning of February 14th. The large gathering present at his
funeral, which completely filled the Church and graveyard,
testified to the affectionate regard in which he was held by his
many friends. His brethren of the Orange Institution were
present in great numbers, and the lads of the Seagoe Company
of the Church Lads' Brigade in which Mr. M'Kinstry had been
an officer, attended under the command of Lieutenant W. Reid.
Some beautiful wreaths were sent, among them being one from
the officers and lads of the C.L.B. We tender to Mrs. M'Kinstry
and all his relatives our sincerest sympathy in their sad loss.
“Peace perfect peace, with loved ones far away; in Jesus’
keeping we are safe and they."
We also regret to record the death of Mr. James Gracey, of Drumgor
House, who passed away on Friday, February15th, after an illness
extending over some years. Mr. Gracey had been a regular
attender at the Parish Church while his health permitted, and was
always much interested in the welfare of the Parish. We express our deep
sympathy with his relatives in the loss they have sustained.
Special Services are being held in the Parish Church
during Lent. The following is a list of subjects and preachers
for the Sundays in March:—
March 3 —11.30, the Rector.
Subject—" Thy Kingdom Come."
,, 7, Rev. O. Scott, Rector of Gilford.
" The Church at Smyrna."
March 10—11.30, Rev. J. Taylor.
“ Thy Will be Done."
,, 7, Rev. W. H. Davis, Rector of St. Jude's, Belfast.
“ The Church at Philadelphia."
March 17—11.30, the Rector.
“Our Daily Bread."
,, 7, Rev. W. M'Endoo, Rector of Tandragee
,, “St. Patrick."
,, March 24 —11.30, Rev. J. Taylor.
,, “Forgive us Our Trespasses."
,, 7, Rev. P. Marks, Rector of Annaghmore.
“The Church at Sardis."
On Wednesdays at 7.30 the following will preach:
March 6—Rev. A. Miller, Waringstown.
,, 13—Rev. D. Scott, Aghalee.
,, 20—Rev. M. H. F. Collis, Antrim.
During Holy Week (the week before Easter) a
Mission Service will be held in the Church on each
evening (except Saturday), at 8 o'clock, and an
address will be given on special subjects connected
with “The Passion of Our Lord." On Good Friday
Divine Service will be held at 11.30 a.m. as well as
at 8 p.m. On the Thursday before Good Friday an
address will be given on "Holy Communion," with
special reference to Easter Communion.
On March 31st (Easter Day) the following services
will be held:—
8 a.m. Holy Communion.
11.30 a.m., Morning Prayer, Sermon, and Holy Communion.
3.30 p.m., Special Easter Children's Service for
all our Sunday School Children.
7 p.m., Evening Prayer and Sermon.
N.B.—The Collections at all the services on
Easter Day will be on behalf of the Parish Sunday
A special collection on behalf of this most useful
society was made at morning service in the Parish
Church on Sunday, February 17th. There was a
liberal offering. We thankfully acknowledge the
receipt of £l towards the offertory from Major
The Sunday School work is being efficiently done.
The new Programme is being carefully taught, and
a large number of the Teachers have got copies of
the Outline Lessons on the Miracles and Parables,
price 2s. It is a great help in the preparation of
the lessons. The Temperance Lesson last Sunday
was a new departure, and proved both interesting
and useful to the teachers and children. In May
a special Missionary Lesson is set down as a subject.
We hope the Teachers will be careful to see that
each child has a knowledge of the Portion for Study,
also, the Text, the Catechism and Proofs, and the
Hymn. A very important point is not to let one
child fall behind the others. The Lessons set down
in the Calendar for each Sunday are to be done on
that Sunday. It is far better to let a child miss
out a verse of a hymn or a text, than to get behind
hand in following the Calendar.
Who can tell us what are the verses in each of
our Parish Almanacs for March 1st. One verse
speaks about something that we are to prepare for,
the other about something that we are not to forget.
Are you reading the verse on your Almanac each
day? Do you pray the nice prayer for the Parish
that appears on one of the Almanacs. If not, we
hope you will begin to use it.
If you want a splendid weekly religious paper, get
a copy of the Church Army Gazette, 1/2d. each week.
Copies may be had from Miss Margretta Atkinson,
Bridge Street.
A very happy evening was spent in Drumgor, when
all present were hospitably entertained by the
esteemed superintendent, Mr. W. Beckett. Tea was
dispensed under the able superintendence of the
host, Mrs. McMullan and Mr. L. Twinem. After
the good things provided had been disposed of an
interesting programme was gone through, including
gramophone selections by Mr. G. Rowland, who has
been extremely kind in coming to our assistance on
several occasions, also songs, readings and recitations
by Messrs. S. Currie, A. Murray, J. Twinem and
Rev. J. Taylor, and mandoline solo by Mr. A.
Currie. The prizes were then gracefully handed to
the children by Miss Beckett, after which the Rector
addressed kind words of encouragement to teachers
and scholars, complimenting them on the efficiency
of the school, and urging them to increase efforts
during the coming year. Before departing all
present were kindly treated to sweets by Mrs. Porter,
of Portadown, to whom we return our best thanks.
All the helpers after the meeting adjourned to Mrs.
M'Mullan's hospitable board, where an excellent
supper was partaken of.
We hope that each child attending the Sunday Schools
will for the future give the small sum of One Penny
each Month towards the Sunday School Funds.
Collections are made in the Morning Sunday Schools
on the second Sunday of the month and in the Afternoon
School on the last Sunday of the month. There is a heavy
expense connected with our Sunday School work, and
our Funds at present are not sufficient to meet it. Parents
help forward this good work.
One of the most successful gatherings ever held
in Carne was that which took place at the Annual
Soiree. The chair was taken by the Rector. The
building was filled to the door, and tea was graciously
dispensed by Mrs. Murray,. Mrs. Lynas, Miss Lavery,
Miss Ramsay, Miss Twinem, and Mrs. Price. A
programme was then provided which caused great
amusement and excitement, including items by
Messrs. A. Currie, J. Lynas, Miss L. Fox; and
comic songs by Mr. S. Currie, which were greatly
enjoyed; also gramophone selections by Mr. G.
Roland. Two dialogues were given, entitled " Wasting
Away” and " Dr. Diabolum " by Miss L. Fox, and
Messrs. R. Montgomery, J. Currie, E. Richardson,
and R. Porter. These simply brought down the house.
Great credit is due to Mr. D. Murray, who had full
charge of the entertainment, for carrying it out so
successfully. After thanks were returned to all who
had helped to make the meeting a success by
Rev. J. Taylor, the meeting was closed by singing the
National Anthem.
Another successful meeting was held in the
Parochial Hall on February 8th. The seating
accommodation was taxed to its utmost capacity.
The Rector took the chair and an interesting
programme followed, including a temperance piece
"The Little Temperance Boys" ; mandoline solo by
A. Currie ; dialogue by D. Webb and W. Firth ;
zither solo by S. Maginnis ; song, " Father, dear Father,
come home" by Miss Armstrong ; reading, " It's Only a
Drop," by Rev. J. Taylor ; and a dialogue entitled
"Keeping the Cold Out," which was done in excellent
style by Messrs. E. Holland, T. Shanks, W. Best and
A. Steenson. Perhaps the most impressive part of the
meeting was the distribution of pledge cards to large
number of the children. The address was given by the
Chairman, after which the Bible Class prizes were
given to a large number of recipients. The meeting
was closed in the usual way, and we are glad to add
that a very satisfactory collection was taken up at the door.
Many of the parishioners are now getting two
copies of the Parish Magazine each month. They
intend to keep one copy for themselves, which they
will get bound into a volume at the end of the years,
and they send the other copy to a friend abroad.
A course of short lectures is being given in the
Rooms on each Monday evening at eight o'clock. The
following is a list of subjects and lecturers
Feb. 18—-"How to take a Photograph"—Rev. J. E. Archer.
Feb. 25—-"An Evening with the Stars"—Rev. J. Taylor.
Mar. 4—"How a Railway is Made "—Mr. T. Smith, B.E.
Mar. 11 – “A Talk about Pigeons” - Mr. J. Mawhinney.
Mar. 18 -“Irish Dogs”—Mr. Thos Atkinson, B.L.
The lectures are free to members; visitors pay ld.
Other subjects announced later.
A most successful Social Meeting took place in
Levaghery School on Shrove Tuesday evening,
February 12th. So crowded was the room that
the children had to be accommodated during teatime
in one of the rooms downstairs. The proceedings
began with a hearty Tea at 7.30, and this was
followed by an excellent programme, consisting of
Songs, Recitations, Instrumental Music, and two of
those splendid Dialogues which have recently become
so popular amongst our young people. An interesting
item in the Programme was the singing by three of
the Levaghery children, who had been carefully
trained by Miss Atkinson, to whom indeed
the success of the entertainment is entirely due.
We had two capital Recitations from Mr. Alex.
Steenson, also an amusing piece by Mr. Ernest
Holland. Mr. Sam Currie brought down the house
with his comic songs. Mr. A. Currie skilfully played
the Mandoline. Miss Louie Fox's fine clear voice
was heard with good effect in several songs. In the
Dialogues "Dr. Diabolum" and Wasting Away,
Messrs. We J. Currie, R. Montgomery, R. H. Porter,
H. E. Richardson and Miss L. Fox displayed great
talent and delighted their audience. Altogether, the
evening was most enjoyable; and at its close on the
motion of the Rector, a hearty vote of thanks was
passed to all who had assisted—the tea-makers, the
performers, and Miss Atkinson the superintendent
of the Sunday School. At the close of the evening
the Sunday School Prizes were distributed to the
children and teachers.
We would urge on all in the Parish the duty of
keeping their houses scrupulously clean while the
danger of fever is in our midst. Parents also should
see that their children are kept, very clean. Wherever
there is insufficient ventilation in the houses, or if
heaps of refuse are allowed to gather about a place,
there is always a great danger. Disinfectants which
keep the air pure and wholesome may be had cheap
at Davison's or Sandford's, druggists.
Cottage meetings are being held through the
Parish by some of our young helpers. When a
notice is left at your house be sure that you attend
the meeting in your neighbourhood and bring others
with you.
The next Edenderry Temperance Meeting will be
held on Thursday, March 7th. The programme is
in the hands of Miss Armstrong, and several excellent
items are promised.
We are glad to record the great success which has
attended these meetings, and would remind the
fathers and mothers and elder brothers and sisters
that they are not intended for the children alone,
and we hope to see a large attendance of those who
are no longer children.
We hope to have an organ recital in the Parish
Church after the service on Sunday evening, March
24th. The Rev. Percy Marks, B.D., Rector of
Annaghmore, who is our special preacher, is a
talented organist, and we are expecting that he will
play some sacred pieces on the organ at the close of
the service.
“Blacker's Mill" is a name very familiar to our
readers, especially those who live at the Hacknahay
and Carrickblacker end of the parish. The mill
was originally a corn-mill, and was first built so
long ago as the year 1619. It was called Blacker's
Mill "because the Blacker family resided quite close
to it in an old fortified stone house or bawn, called
Blacker's Bawn, or the Bawn of Ballynaghie.
Traces of this old residence existed up to about
forty years ago. It is noted as having no less than
eleven interior flues to its chimneys, an unusual
circumstance in those days. According to the
Burial Registers, on the 12th February 1691, Major
George Blacker was buried in the Church of Seago.
In the Vestry records for 1685 he is named as Churchwarden,
and is described as of “Ballynaghy."
The first portion of the present Manor house of
Carrickblacker was built by William Blacker in 1692,
and this date may still be seen on a stone at the
rear of Carrickblacker House.
The Rev. Henry Jenney, Rector of Seagoe, was
attainted in the Act of Attainder passed by James
the Second's Irish Parliament in 1689.
We continue our description of the old Church off
Seagoe begun in our last issue at the entrance porch,
in the southwest, corner, on the left-hand side, immediately
beside the door, was the staircase leading up to the gallery.
In the far corner, under the gallery, was what was called the
Dressing room. The Church never had any Vestry room, but
in 1705 a sum was applotted "for Ordering a place for the
Minister to dress himself in.” This was erected of wood under
the gallery in the northwest corner. It was known as the
“Dressing-room," and is described as about, 10 feet by 8 feet,
not lighted by any window, but deriving a moderate supply
of light and air from the body of the Church through
“heart-shaped” holes cut in the upper portion of the frame.
Near it stood the old font, also under the gallery.
The pews were made off black oak, and conspicuous
on the middle of the south wall and facing the transept,
was the structure, also of oak, which provided for the Clerk's
seat, the reading-desk, and the pulpit. The Pulpit had a
sounding-board over it, resting at the back on a panelled
frame of oak, and supported in front by two turned pillars.
On the front ledge of the sounding-board was carved a date
which has been variously stated by eye-witnesses to have been
1656, 1661, or 1666. It is hard to decide in such a case,
but on the whole the earliest date seems the most correct:
In Mason's Statistical Survey (vol. ii., p. 524), published in
1815, Colonel Blacker expresses his indignation at the fact
that three years before, that is in 1812, the old black oak pulpit
and prayer-desk had been painted “a muddy yellow”. Beyond
the pulpit, in the south-east corner, was the Blacker pew.
It was a large structure with curtains, and bearing a canopy
overhead supported on pillars and having pendant draperies,
suggesting to an aged informant, the bravery of “a
tester bedstead." Beside it was the little Communion table,
enclosed with rails, standing just under the east window.
In the corner opposite to the Blacker pew was the Rector's pew,
which reached to the intersection of the transept.
[We hope to add some further particulars regarding the old
Church in our next issue].
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