Seagoe Archives

March 1932


March 1932

Seagoe Parish Magazine.

MARCH, 1932,


Rev. Canon Archer, B.D., The Rectory,

Rev, W. F. Hayes, B.A., Edendale, Carrickblacker

Road, Edenderry, Portadown.


Rector's—Mr. Robert Scott.

People's—Mr. Isaac Dickson.

Special Services.

During Holy Week special Services will be held

n the Parish Church on each evening except

Saturday at 8 p.m. The Services will begin on

Monday, March 21st. Addresses will be given on

subjects connected with the closing days of our

Lord's life on earth—Gethsemane, Judas, Pilate,

the Last Supper.

Good Friday.

On Good Friday (March 25th) Services will be

held as follows

11-30 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Litany.

8 p.m.—Evening Prayer and Sermon.

The offerings on Good Friday will be given to

the Jews' Society.

Easter Day,

The following Services will be held on Easter

Day (March 27th)

8 a.m.—Holy Communion.

11-30 a. m—Morning Prayer, Sermon, and

Holy Communion.

7 p.m—Evening Prayer and Sermon.

The offerings at these Services will be on behalf

of the Parochial Sunday School Fund.

Holy Week and Good Friday carry with them

solemn and sacred memories of our Lord's Cross

and Passion.

Prayer and Meditation in the

quietude of the House of Prayer will help us to

spend the “Week of Calvary" in the true spirit

of Penitence and Resolution. Easter Day will

then be to each devout worshipper a season of

hope and Rejoicing in the prospect of Life and


The Easter Vestry.

From time immemorial the Easter Vestry has

been held. In former centuries it was always

held in the Parish Church on Easter Tuesday at

12 noon. The Church bell was rung and the

parishioners assembled. The business brought

before the Vestry in those days was largely that

which is now transacted by Urban and Rural

councils. The upkeep of the roads and the Relief

Of the Poor and the levying of the Parish

Cess was then the duty of the Vestry. The cess

was levied at ld or 2d or more per acre. Payments

to the Parish Clerk, Vestry Clerk, and

Schoolmasters were then made. The Churchwardens

were elected and received payments for

Visitation Fees, Provision of the Sacramental

Elements, cost of washing Surplices, and always

a small sum for contingencies.

The Annual Vestry this year will be held in

Seagoe School on Thursday, March 31st, at 8

p.m., for the Nomination and Election of

Churchwardens and Select Vestry, also to receive from

the Treasurer a statement of accounts for 1931.

Seagoe Mothers' Union.

The members of the Mothers' Union have

arranged to attend the Service in the Parish Church

on Wednesday, March 9th, at 8 p.m.

St. Donard's Concert.

Tickets are now on sale for the Dramatic Concert

to be given by the St. Donard's (Belfast)

Dramatic Society in the Town Hall, Portadown,

on Friday, April 1st, at 8 p.m. Reserved seat

tickets are 2/- each and ordinary tickets 1/-. The

proceeds will go towards the Seagoe Bazaar Fund

for Seagoe Church and School. This will be a

very important occasion and we feel that we owe

a debt of gratitude to Canon Moore, Rector of

St. Donard's, and to Rev. R. Gracey and the St.

Donard's people for so kindly offering to give

this entertainment at their own expense. The

St. Donord's Dramatic Society have a great

reputation in Belfast and they are going to give us

of their best. Secure your ticket at once. A

reserved seat ticket will ensure you the certainty

of getting a place on this interesting occasion.

You can book your seat at once at Mr. J. H.

Twinem's, Market Street, where a plan of the

Hall may be seen. The Rev. R. Gracey and two

leading parishioners have visited Portadown to

make preliminary arrangements. A printed

programrne of the entertainment will be issued


Sunday School Excursion,

At a meeting of Sunday School Superintendents

and Teachers held in Seagoe School on

Wednesday, Feb. 24th, it was decided that the

Excursion this year would be held on Thursday

June 16th, and that we should go to Bangor.

Bangor is a splendid place on the open sea, with

plenty of sand for building sand castles, good

bathing and all kinds of amusements. It is

possible now to get a direct through train

Portadown to Bangor. Further particulars

regarding the Excursion will be published later on.


Our Sunday Schools,

The Sunday Schools of the Parish, seven afternoon

and two morning, are doing a great work in

the religious education of our young parishioners.

There is a vacancy for a Superintendent in Drumgor

Sunday School. Seagoe afternoon School is

now very large, and Carne Sunday School has

got an increased staff of teachers and larger

classes. Hacknahay had its distribution of prizes

on Friday, Feb. 19th. There was a large attendance

of parents and children. After tea, a splendid

programme of music, recitations and sketches

was performed and gave great pleasure. Mrs.

Bunbury Atkinson distributed the prizes and also

kindly gave special prizes to the children who

had not missed a Sunday during the year. The

Rev. W. F. Hayes presided during the earlier

part of the evening and the Rector later. The

Rector thanked all who had kindly helped, and

the Rev. W. F. Hayes also spoke. At the close

Miss Calvert distributed oranges to all the

children. Mr. T. E. Maginnis, the Superintendent

of the School, was present and helped

greatly towards the success of the evening.


There were a few errors in the financial statement

of the Bazaar Receipts published in our last

issue. No. 1 Work Stall was credited with the

total made by No. 2 Work Stall, viz., 15s 4d,

and No. 2 was credited with the total for No. 1

Work Stall. Miss R. Guy's subscription should

have been entered as £1 1s Od.

February Weather.

The weather during February has been unusually

fine and dry. The barometer at Seagoe

has been well over 30 inches ever since January

18th, and on two occasions rose as high as 30.85

on January 27th and February 20th. The belt of

fine weather has extended over the whole of

Europe and shows no sign (March 3rd) of any

change. Farming operations are in an advanced


The Advent of Protection.

The introduction of a Tariff on Imports will

greatly benefit conditions in industry, farming,

and gardening in Seagoe as elsewhere. Our

competitors abroad can no longer dump their

commodities freely on our shores.

Service of Song.

The Edenderry Choristers, under Miss Hilda

Walker, are very busy practising for the Service

of Song to be given in Edenderry Parochial Hall

on Tuesday, March 15th, at 8 p.m. The tickets,

1/,- each, are having a good sale. The music and

story of the Service of Song and the lantern slides

are very nice. The proceeds are on behalf of

Edenderry Sunday Schools.


During the month two of our Parishioners have

been called away. Mrs. Watson, of Railway St.,

had been a sufferer for a long time and bore her

burden with great patience. Mrs. Twinem, of

Lylo, had been seriously ill for only a few days.

She had passed fourscore years, but had enjoyed

wonderful health almost up to the last.

The shock she received a few weeks ago when

burglars entered her house undoubtedly led to her

fatal illness. We offer our sincere sympathy to

Mr. Watson and his family and to Mr. and Mrs.

J. H. Twinem and Mrs. Boyce in the sorrows

they have experienced in the death of those so

dear to them.

The Choral Festival

The Lurgan Choral Festival, in which Seagoe

Choir takes part, will be held in Knocknamuckley

Church on Saturday, May 21st. The rehearsal

will be at 3, the Service at 4.30, and the

choirs will have tea together in the

Knocknamuckley Parochial Hall at 6. The music is

specially chosen with reference to the St. Patrick

Commemoration. The Rector's Hymn, " Lift

thy banner, Church of Erin, " will be the

Processional. It is set to an interesting old Seagoe

tune, " Edenderry." This tune was a great favourite

in the Parish 100 years ago and in 1859

during the Revival movement was heard everywhere.

With some slight changes, it is found in

a collection of Hymn tunes known as Nettleton's

Collection, which was published by the

Rev. Averell Nettleton in the United States in

1824. The Nettletons resided in Seagoe Parish in

the eighteenth century, and their names occur in

the Baptismal Registers of Seagoe.

Seagoe P.E. School.

Miss Ruth Matchett, Assistant Teacher in

Shrigley P.E. School, Killyleagh, co. Down,

been appointed Assistant Teacher in Seagoe P.E

School. Miss Matchett is a native of Portadown,

her family residing at Riverside, on the Tandragee

Road. She comes to us with the highest

commendations. She has had a long experience

as a teacher and has been consistently rated by

the Inspector as “highly efficient. " Miss

Matchett will enter on her work in Seagoe School

early in April.

A Seogoe Success.

Mr. William Robert Gracey, of Balteagh,

a member of Seagoe Choir, has been appointed

the responsible post of Assistant Town Clerk Of

Lurgan. We congratulate Mr. Gracey very

heartily on his success, which is a source of much

pleasure to his many friends in the Parish.



We offer our hearty congratulations to Mrs.

Thomas Gracey (Miss Jane Porter, of Drumcart,

Lower Seagoe on the occasion of her marriage.

Mrs. Gracey, while resident among us was most

helpful in every way. The Porter family, of

which she is a member, has been closely associated

with Seagoe Parish Church for many generations.

We wish her and her husband much

happiness and prosperity. Mr. and Mrs. Gracey

will reside in Boconnell, a former townland of

Seagoe Parish.

C.A. Van in Seagoe.

Captain Stevenson, of the Church Army, is

coming to Seagoe with the Church Army Van on

Saturday, March 19th. He is at present working

in Donacloney. Captain Stevenson is a Tyrone

man and has considerable experience in the Mission

work of the Church Army, both in England

and Ireland. We welcome him to the Parish.

during the first week of his stay he will help in

connection with the Special Services in the

Parish in Holy Week and will then undertake

mission work in various centres through the

parish. This is Jubilee year of the Church Army,

which was founded by Prebendary Carlile just 50

years ago. Many among us get the Church Army

gazette and know the great and good work which

under God's blessing is being accomplished by

the Army.

Old Seagoe Notes.


A remarkable prophecy was current in Seagoe

Parish in days long, long ago. Sitting round the

cosy turf fires in their thatched cabins, the old

grey haired fathers and mothers used to tell with

bated breath of the fearsome " fiery faggot"

which would one day sweep through the Parish

to the consternation of the people. Little children

and even grown boys and girls used to shiver

with fear when they heard of it. Year after year,

and century after century the prophecy lingered.

In the course of time the site of the fiery faggot

became localised, and it was firmly believed

that the place where the apparition would be

seen was in one of the lower ditches of the

Cuppaidge demesne at Silverwood, which then and

until 1874 formed part of Seagoe Parish. Then

one day it was murmured that some great change

was about to be made in Seagoe. The country

people saw engineers with weird instruments

passing through the fields, then labourers with

pick and shovel began to fill up hollows and

remove hillocks, then came skilled labourers laying

sleepers and fixing rails, and then one awful day

in the year 1839 there came along the rails a

giant monster hissing steam and spitting fire, and

rushing along at a speed that had never before

been seen. The secret was out, and the old time

prophecy was fulfilled, and as the fearful spectacle

rushed along the ditch at Silverwood, old

and young, as they watched it flying past, declared

that at last they had seen the " fiery faggot" of their anxious dreams.

St Patrick's Day

On March 17th (St. Patrick's Day) in accordance

with the wish expressed by the Archbishops

and Bishops of the Church, there will be a celebration

of Holy Communion in the Parish Church at 11.30 a.m.

A United Service in which Seagoe and the

neighbouring choirs and Parishes will take part

will be held in St. Mark's Church, Portadown, at

8 p.m. on the evening of St. Patrick's Day.

Seagoe G. F. S.

Our G. F. S. spent a very pleasant and profitable

evening in Seagoe School on Monday, Feb. 22nd.

Miss Greer, of Lurgan, and her sister, with over

30 members of Lurgan G.F.S., came over to Seagoe

to join with our members in a Missionary

gathering. Miss Greer, who was at one time a

C. M.S. Missionary in China, gave a most

interesting lecture on " Missions in China. " The

lecture was illustrated by many objects brought

from China. At the close of the lecture the Rector,

on behalf of the Seagoe branch, thanked the

Misses Greer and their G.F.S. for their presence

and for the very interesting lecture. The Rev.

Canon Hannon came in for a few minutes during

the evening.

Bocombra and Carne.

Bocombra and Carne Sunday Schools had their

prize distributions on Monday, Feb. 8th. The

Rector presided at Bocombra, and the Rev. W.

F. Hayes at Carne. At both schools the rooms

were crowded and most interesting programmes

of music and recitations were provided. Splendid

books and Bibles were given as prizes. At

Bocombra Mr. Jas. Twinem, the energetic

Superintendent, sang and spoke, and at Carne Mr.

David Murray had arranged everything so well

that everybody said it was the best evening Carne

ever had.

Our Advertisements,

Careful readers of the Magazine will notice

many new advertisements, and wise readers will

patronise the firms which advertise. Attention

is also directed to the pithy sentences at the head

of our advertisement pages which if remembered

and acted upon will save customers from worry

and needless expense.


The Diocesan Council of Down and Connor

and Dromore has approved of the grant of a loan


from the Representative Church Body towards

the Renovation of Seagoe Parochial School.

The Installation of the Rector as Chancellor

of Dromore Cathedral Chapter will take place in

Dromore Cathedral on Tuesday, March 15th, at

3 p.m. A splendid new mat measuring 24 square feet

has been placed in the Church porch. It will

help greatly in keeping the Church floor free

from dust. Carne Class is held in the Church Hall

every Thursday evening at 8 p.m. It is conducted by the Rev. W. F. Hayes.

Parish Register for February.


The following were Baptized in Seagoe Parish

Church on February 6th, 1932 :—

Conlon—George, son of George and Sarah Conlon, of Edenderry.

Sponsors—Jane Pentland, Sarah Conlon.

Roney—Robert, son of Samuel and Christina Roney, of Edenderry.

Sponsors—Mary Isabella Roney, Christina Roney.

M 'Cormick—Jane, daughter of Robert and Emily M 'Cormick, of Portadown.

Sponsors—Elizabeth M'Cormick, Emily M'Cormick


Gracey and Porter—Feb. 24th, Thomas Gracey, of Boconnell, Parish of Shankill,

to Jane Porter, Drumcart, Lower Seagoe.


Watson—Feb. 19th, Mary Watson, of Edenderry, aged 54 years.

Twinem—Feb. 25th, Mary Anne Twinem, of Lylo, aged 82 years.

Twenty Five Years Ago


Three Baptisms and three Burials are recorded

in the Magazine for February, 1907. At a prize

distribution at Carne amusing dialogues were

performed by R. Montgomery, S. Currie and Miss

L. Fox. The prizes in Edenderry were distributed

by Mrs. Hadden. A dialogue entitled

“The Three Nots" was performed by David

Livingstone and Victor Irwin. The words of a

new Vesper Hymn used in the Church are

printed. A song singing class has been started

in Seagoe by Mr. Horace Wilson. Gas has been

installed in Seagoe School. A description of Old

Seagoe Church is inserted under Old Seagoe


MARCH, 1907.

In the March, 1907 issue of Seagoe Magazine

regret is expressed at the approaching departure

of the Curate, the Rev. John Taylor, from the

Parish, he having been appointed to the Curacy

of St. Thomas's Church, Belfast. There are six

Baptisms and six Burials recorded. Among the

latter is the funeral of our popular C. L. B.

Lieutenant, Robert M' Kinstry. The Brigade, under

Lieut. Wm. Reid, were present. The death of

Emma Robinson, of Ballinacor, is noted at the

age of 87 years. An account of Drumgor prize

distribution is inserted. The Superintendent,

Mr. Wm. Bickett, kindly entertained all to tea.

George Rowland gave selections on a new

instrument galled the

“gramophone, " which created

much wonder. Mrs. Porter, of Portadown, gave

sweets to all the children. In the Men's Recreation

Rooms Monday evening lectures were

continued. The Rev. J. Taylor lectured on "An

Evening with the Stars, "

and Mr. Thos. Atkinson, B.L., on " Irish Dogs."

At Levaghery

Alick Steenson, Ernie Holland and Sam Currie

kept a concert audience greatly amused.

MARRIAGES must be performed between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Licenses are issued by Rev Canon

Rectory, Lurgan. Due notice (48 hours) must be given to the Rector of intended weddings. FEES—

By License—Labourers 5/-, Tradesmen 10/-, Merchants and Farmers 15/-, Professional £l. BY Banns

FUNERALS will be attended by the Clergy if proper notice be given, SICI$ CASES should be noti@ed

the Clergy without delay. FEES FOR CERTIFICATES BAPTISM, 3/7; Children (Factory), and 2/-

(non-residents) ; MARRIAGE, 3/7. An extra search gee is chargeable in certain case. It will be a help to the Clergy if they are notified of the arrival of new Church families in the Parish.

A copy of the Magazine will sent. post free to any subscriber for 3s per annum.


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Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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