Seagoe parish Magazíne.
M ARCH , 1935.
Rev. Chancellor Archer, B.D., The Rectory, Seagoe.
Rev. W. F. Hayes, B.A., The Bungalow, Lower Seagoe, Portadown.
Rector’s—Mr. John Harrison Twinem.
People’s— Mr. Robert M'Clements.
The Collect for Lent.
Almighty and everlasting God. who hatest
nothing that thou hast made, and dost forgive
the sins of all them that are penitent ; create
and make in us new and contrite hearts, that
we worthily lamenting our sins, and acknowledging our wickedness, may obtain of Thee,
the God of all mercy, perfect remission and
forgiveness; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Special Lent Services.
During the season of Lent, which began on
Wednesday (Ash Wednesday), March 6th, Special Services will be held in the Parish Church
on each Wednesday evening at 8 p.m. On Sundays, at Morning and Evening Prayer, special
subjects suitable to the season will be dealt with.
On Sunday, March 10th, at Morning and;
Evening Prayer, Temperance Sermons will be
preached in the Parish Church. The offerings
will be on behalf of the Diocesan Temperance
Society and the Irish Temperance Alliance.
C.L.B Parade
On Sunday, March 10th, at Morning Prayer
there will be a Parade of the Seagoe and Carrie
Companies of the Church I id s ’ Brigade. Captain Mitchell will be in command. The C .L.B .
Training Corps and Cadets meet in the Parochial
Hall on Tuesday evenings at 7 p.m.
A Missionary Play.
On Thursday, March 14th, a Missionary Play
will be performed in the Parochial Hall at 8
P-m. The tickets, 9d and 6d are now on sale.
The Play is of great interest and the performers
are members of Shankill (Lurgan) Parish
Church. Special costumes and accessories will
be used by the players. The play is being most
kindly given on behalf of our Church Funds.
Sunday School Concert
What promises to be a most enjoyable concert will be given in the Parochial Hall on
Thursday, March 28th. at 8 p.m. The object
of the concert is to raise funds to cover the cost
of the Sunday School prizes for Edenderry Sun
day School.
Lurgan Conference
On Saturday, February 16th, a largely attended Conference of Sunday School Teachers
was held in Lurgan. It had been organised by
the Rev. ,J Hamilton, Curate of Donaghcloney.
The Conference began at 3.30 with a service in
Shankill Parish Church, at which the Bishop
gave an address. After the service the Teachers
gathered in the large Parochial Hall, when an
address on Sunday School work was given by
Miss Millington, Organising Secretary of the
Church of Ireland Sunday School Society. The
address was very practical and useful, dealing
with the various difficulties and encouragements
of Sunday School work. Tea followed, and
then the second session opened with a further
address by Miss Millington. Among those who
spoke at the Conference were the Rev. Chancellor Archer, Mr. T. E. Maginnis and Mr. R.
Scott. The Bishop having expressed his sense
of the importance of the Conference, the procedings terminated.
Visit o f Miss Millington.
On Thursday, February 28th, our Sunday
School Teachers attended a meeting in Seagoe
School, at which Miss Millington gave an im
portant address on Sunday School work. There
was a large attendance of the Teachers. The
proceedings began socially with tea, and this
was followed by the Conference. Preparation
and Punctuality were the tw j points emphasised
by Miss Millington. Speeches were made by
the Rev. W . F. Hayes, Mr. R. Scott, Mr. Harry
Hynes, Mr. M ‘Clements, Mr. Stanfield and Mr.
W. Hutchinson.
Useful Suggestions.
At the Parish Social Mr. .!. H . Twinem sug
gested that work parties should be organised in
each of the seven districts o! the Parish and
tiiat each should strive to raise £50. I t was
also suggested that a large Sale of Work should
be held towards the end of the year. The pro
ceeds to be used to pay the balance on the New
Burial ground and also the cost of the Repair of
the Church Tower and the painting of the in
terior of the Church.
Supervisar of Envelopes.
Mr. Thomas Stanfield, of Levaghery, has
very kindly consented to supervise the Envelope
System on the invitation of the Select Yestry.
For this purpose the Parish will be divided into
four sections. Edenderry will form one of the
sections. Mr. George Wilson and Mr. Tom
Hall, who check and enter the envelopes as they
come in, will furnish Mr. Stanfield with a list
each month. This system nas been followed in
many parishes with excellent results. I t is the
system adopted in the Parish of Shankill (Lurgan) and of St. Mark’s, Poitsdown. The system will come into force in Seagoe without
The Parish Social.
The Parish Social was a great event in our
Parish life of last month. It was held on Tuesday, February 19th, in Seagoe School. Members of the Select Vestry and the Churchwardens
had made a thorough canvass of the Parish, and
tickets had been widely sold in every townland.
The result was very gratifying. So many of the
Parishioners assembled that there was scarcely
room enough for them in the School. The three
large rooms were quite filled. Everyone w*\s in
the best of humour and a very friendly spirit
prevailed. The tea was very good. We have
never before seen such a display of beautiful
teapots, and the tea was made separately in
each teapot. All kinds of wonderful cakes
adorned the tables. Grace was heartily sung
before tea. Mr. Albert Wilson most kindly had
his band, which played very nice selections during tea. Owing to the numbers present the arranging of the forms and removal of the tables
took some time, but when all were seated the
Rector took the chair. After prayer and the
singing of “ The Church’s One Foundation,”
the chairman spoke a few words of welcome to
all present. An interesting programme of songs
and recitations followed. At the close of the
evening short addresses were given by the Rev.
W . F. Hayes and by the V-;n. Archdeacon Hannon. During the programme Mr. J. H. Twinem
made a very clear statement as to the Finances
of the Parish and suggested that the best way
to increase the Sustentation Fund was by a more
regular and punctual payment through the
Weekly Freewill Envelopes.
The ladies who assisted at the tea-tables were:
— No. 1. Mrs. Sloan, Miss H. Walker. Miss
Hynes, Miss Anderson ; No. 2— Mrs. Stoops,
Miss Monroe, Mrs. Richard Hoy, Miss Mayes;
No. 3— Miss Maginnis, Miss Bradshaw, Miss
Coulter, Miss Matchett; No. 4— Mrs. Jack
Walker, Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Porter, Miss May
Bell; No. 5—Miss M. Dickson, Miss S. Gray,
Mrs. M'Cormick, Miss Betty Hynes; No. 6—
Mrs. J . H . Twinem, Mrs. Metcalf, Mrs. John
L. Gilpin, Miss Johnston; No. 7— Miss Guy,
Miss Lizzie Gracey, Miss C. Kirby, Mrs. Watson Walker;
No. 8— Miss M ‘Clements, Miss Primrose Preston, Miss J. Watters; No. 9—Mrs. J . G. Gracey,
Mrs. Ballentine, Miss Margt. Gracey, Mrs. Bertie Pickering; No. 10— Mrs. James Twinem, Miss M.
Webb, Mrs. Cairns, Miss S. Hoy; No. 11—Miss
White, Miss Isa Best, Miss R. England, Miss
Cox; No. 12— Miss Atkinson, Miss M'Dowell,
Miss Sara Dawson, Mrs. John R. Reid; No.
13—Mrs. Mitchell, Miss Mabel Best, Mrs.
Betty, Miss P. Robinson; No. 14—Mrs. Moses
Gilpin, Mrs. Collins, Mrs. McClatchey, Miss
McLaughlin. Mr. John H. Twinem had charge
of the arrangements, and he was ably assisted
by Mr. James Twinem, Mr. R. M'Clements and
other members of the Select Vestry.
The following is a statement of accounts up
to date:— Receipts— Collection at door, £1 10s,
Cake, per Miss Atkinson, 2s; Subscriptions—
Miss N. K. Montgomery, 5s, Friend, per Miss
M. Dickson, 3s, 422 tickets at 1/-, £21 2s—
£23 2s Od. Expenses:— Printing and cleaning,
19s 6d. Balance— £22 2s 6d.
Cash:— Handed to Mr. Stoops, £20 18s 6d;
cash in hand, 4s 0d ; tickets outstanding, £1—
£22 2s 6d.
Prize Distributions-
All the Sunday Schools of the Parish have now
had their Prize Distributions. February was
indeed a very busy month. In one week there
were no less than three distributions. A very
large number of Hymn Books and Prayer Books
were given as prizes, also Bibles. Quantities of
story books were also awarded, although the demand for stories was not as great as usual. All
the books given were handsomely bound.
Distribution at Drumgor.
Drumgor held its social evening on Monday,
February 4th. at 7.30. We have seldom seen
the room so crowded with children and their
parents. A splendid tea was provided, which
was thoroughly enjoyed. Games of all kinds
followed and a nice programme of songs and recitations followed. Then came the distribution
of the prizes amid great excitement. Mrs.
Hutchinson, wife of the Superintendent, Mr.
Wm. Hutchinson, kindly distributed the books
to the children. The Rector, in thanking all
who had helped to make the evening so pleasant. referred to the energy and zeal shown by
Mr. Hutchinson in the Sunday School. The
School is now very large in numbers and has a
fine staff of teachers. The Rev. W. F. Hayes
also spoke and invited the children to attend the
Morning School in Seagoe and to come to the
Parish Church.
On Thursday, Feb. 7th, the new Hall at Bocombra was crowded for the Prize Distribution.
The active and genial Superintendent, Mr.
James Twinem, to whose efforts we owe this fine
new Hall, was present. The Rev. W . F. Hayes
presided. After a splendid tea, games were
played and at intervals music and recitations
■were given. Mr. Twinem sang several of his
songs, which wrere much enjoyed and loudly ap
plauded. Mrs. Twinem was also present and
kindly distributed the prizes to the successful
children. At the close of the evening the Rector
thanked Mr. and Mrs. Twinem and Mrs.
Mecaren and all who had helped. Mrs. Mecaren
is most kind and helpful at the Hall.
Edenderry Prizes-
This Sunday School. Morning and Afternoon,
is the largest in the Parish, and the annual dis
tribution of prizes is a great and outstanding
event. The Hall was crowded and at tea the
children sat in their respective classes. After
tea. a very interesting programme was given
by the children and was greatly enjoyed by the
audience. The performers gave their pieces
with great taste and expression. Mr. Hynes
bad kindly arranged the prog] amme. The dis
tribution of the numerous puzes followed. The
Sector, the Rev. W . F. Haves, Mr. M'Clements,
Superintendent of the Morning School, and Mr.
Harry Hynes, who superintends the Afternoon
School, all assisted at the-giving of the books.
All separated just at 10 o’clock. I t was well
that it ended then for the electric light failed
»11 over North Armagh at 10.5 p.m.
Carne Sunday School.
On Thursday, February 14th (St. Valentine’s
Day) Carne enjoyed its social evening. The
Hall was crowded as usual. Tea was provided
and games followed. Carne enjoys its games to the full. “ The Farmer wants a wife” is a
special favourite, and the “ Bone” was left alone
a good many times that evening. Some pretty
songs and recitations were given by the children
and much to the delight of all Mr. Gilbert Price
Produced “ McGurk’s Cow.” Mr. George Wilson, our capable Superintendent, was present
and also Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Wilson. Mrs. T
H. Wilson kindly distributed the prizes. The
Rev. W . F. Hayes having expressed thanks to
the helpers, the Doxology was sung and all separated after a very enjoyable evening.
Friday, Feb. 15th, was the day fixed for the
social at Hacknahay. I t was the third distribution in that week. As usual there was a crowded room.
Mr. T. E. Maginnis supervised everything. The tea was very good, and the programme was still better. Great trouble had
been taken and every item was first-rate. The
sketches and dialogues were very well done.
Hacknahay is distinguished for the good memories displayed
by the children in their recitations. Mrs. Atkinson, of Glen Eyre, kindly distributed the prizes and also gave some splendid
special prizes herself to children who had not
missed a Sunday during the year. Miss Calvert very kindly gave each child a large juicy
orange as it passed out at the close of the evening. The Rector and the Rev. W . F. Hayes
were present and congratulated Mr. Maginnis
on the efficiency of the Sunday School.
Seagoe Distribution.
On Friday, Feb. 22nd, the distribution of
prizes for Seagoe Morning and Afternoon Sunday School took place in Seagoe School.
There was a large attendance. Tea and cakes
were in abundance and full justice was done to
them. After tea, the children assembled in the
Senior Schoolroom, and an interesting programme of music and recitations was provided.
The Rector presided. The distribution of prizes
followed. Mrs. Dunlop, from Dublin, and Miss
Agnes Guy, Superintendent of the Afternoon
Sunday School, handed the books to the suc
cessful children. At the close the Rev. W . F.
Haves and Mr. R. Scott spoke on the good work
done in the Sunday Schools.
Parish Register for February.
The following were Baptized in the Parish
Church on February 2nd, 1935: —
Bell—William Kenneth, son of Joseph James
and Emily Bell, of Lurgan.
Sponsors— Margaret Jane Bell, Anne Jane Bell.
Harra— Beatrice, daughter of Victor and Ethel
Harra, of Edenderry
Sponsors Elizabeth Best, Ethel Harra.
Marriages -
Flannigan and Elliott—-February 23rd, 1935, ,
Richard Flannigan, of Upper Seagoe, to Muriel Moore Elliott, of Portadown.
Watson and Law—February 26th. 1935, Thomas John Watson, of Bcllydougan. Parish
of Knocknamuckley, to Caroline Louisa Law, of Edenderry.
Lynas and Freeburn— Marco 7th, 1935. Thomas Joseph Lynas, of Ltvaghery, to Violet
Freeburn. of Edenderry.
Preston—-March 6th, Constance Preston, of Levaghery, aged 30 years. Interred at
Seagoe Mothers' Union.
Miss (Dr.) Minford, of Ardmore. has kindly
consented to give a Health talk at the meeting
of the M .U. in Seagoe School on Tuesday,
March 12th. This will be very interesting and
useful. Tea will be provided at 7.30. At the
last meeting, held on February 10th, the members brought their needlework, and the President. Mrs. J. H . Twinem, gave very interesting
readings from the Mothers’ Union Journal.
Those from the Parish who wish to join the
Mothers’ Union should send in their names to
the Hon. Sec.. Mrs. J. H . Twinem.
The careful reader will notice many changes
in our advertisements this month. We are glad
to say that oil our old patterns continue to advertise, but the form and contents of many of
the advertisements are necessarily changed.
This is all to the good, because the eye gets
quickly accustomed to the wording of an advertisement and even a slight change in the
setting or wording will attract the attention of
the reader, and the advertisement will thus
fulfil its purpose. We claim the patronage of
our many readers for the firms which advertise
in our columns. Please say when you are about
to make a purchase-—“ I saw your advertisement
in Seagoe Parish Magazine and I made up my
mind to give you an order."
The road through Upper Seagoe has been
greatly improved and made much safer for
cyclists and motorists during the past month.
The steep camber at the side of the road has
been filled in and made level with the centre of
the road.
* * * *
Much regret has been expressed at the death
of Molly Smyth, only daughter of the Rev. J.
Smyth, of Ardmore. We deeply sympathise
with her bereaved parents and only brother.
The Rector preached at the Enthronement of
the Bishop of the Diocese in Lisburn Cathedral
on Wednesday, February 27th. at 3.30 p.m.
G .F .S. Social.— On Tuesday, March 5th, a
very pleasant social was held in Seagoe School.
The Men’s Bible Class were guests of the G.F.S.
25 Years Ago
MARCH, 1910.
In the issue of the Magazine reference is made
to the approach of the Easter Festival, which in
that year occurred on March 27th. On Sunday
evening, March 20th, the preacher announced
was the Very Rev. R. J . O'Loughlin, Dean of
Dromore and Rector of Shankill. Five Baptisms, one Marriage and three Burials are recorded. A Confirmation is to be held on June
26th. Regret is expressed at the departure of
Mr. Leonard Twinem for the United States. He
had for some years been Superintendent of
Seagoe Morning Sunday School. A Sunday
School Flower Show is announced for June,
1910. The burial is recorded of Robert M Tully,
of Upper Seagoe, aged 93 years. The Old Seagoe Notes have details of the Seagoe Yeomanry.
Old Seagoe Notes.
The Old Church and the present Church.—
The Parish of Seagoe derives its name from the
early Irish Saint, Gobba or Gobanus, who died
A.D. 639. lie is said by Cclgan (Acta Sanc
torum Hiberniae.— Vol. I. p. 750) to have lived
at the bank of the river Barm, at Teg-da-Goba,
or ' the house of Goba’ which, through the form
Suide-Goba, ‘ the Seat of Gcba,’ has been long
known as Seagoe. Gobanus, it is probable, had
his cell or oratory on the mound or fort which
ever since his day appears to have been dedi
cated to the worship of God, 'and where the
ruins of the old church of Seagoe are still stand
Tradition records that the first church erected
on this site was formed by studs, or rude posts
interlaced with hay-ropes, and covered with yel
low clay. Towards the close of Elizabeth’s reign
the English settlers who accompanied Essex
here built a church which was destroyed after
a few years. No doubt it is this building which
is shown on the Plantation Map of 1609, stand
ing here roofless, with a few trees around.
Again the English colonists repaired or rebuilt
the church, which was once more ruined in 1641.
Soon after the restoration in 1660, the church
was again rebuilt through the exertions of
Valentine Blacker, an ancestor of the Carrickblacker family, who died 17th August, 1677. at
the age of 80, and was buried in the church lie
had helped to rebuild. The church was enlarged
by the addition of a north transept in 1755.
Ninety years ago, as described it was a long-low building, about 60ft. by 22ft.. having a small
southern porch (built in 1701). a belfry on the
West gable, and was roofed with oak shingles.
I t had a small gallery at the West end. ascended
by a short flight of steps, inside the church,
near the porch entrance, and on which the Sexton, or his assistant, stood while ringing the bell
in the belfry overhead. The quaint old font,
afterwards removed to the new church, stood
under the gallery, near the stair foot. At the
opposite or North-west corner, a wooden enclosure, about ten feet by eight, known as the
‘ Dressing Room ,’ served as a Vestry.
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