Seagoe Archives

May 1911


May 1911

Seaqoe Parish Magazine.

MAY 1911,


WE PRESENT our readers this month with a photograph of the Cloch Bann or Sacred Bell which

is undoubtedly the most ancient relic in existence connected with the parish and neighbourhood

of Seagoe It is exactly 1,000 years old, so that it is 150 years older than the British Constitution, which is usually said to have come into existence in A.D. 1066, whereas the old bell was

made about A.D. 904. The Bell is at present to be seen in the room containing the collection of Irish antiquities in the Museum in Kildare Street, Dublin. It is a hand-bell. Its height is 12 1/2 inches, including the handle, and the width of the mouth is 11 inches by 8 inches. It is of an oblong form, quadrangular, the four corners being rounded off. The body is composed of light-coloured bronze, and the handle and tongue are of iron. A small hole in each of the two flat sides has been drilled through the metal. There is a slight crack near the mouth, and a small piece hag been clipped out. The Bell, save for this small defect, is in good preservation.

There are eighteen other bells of a similar kind in the Museum in Kildare Street, but this is one of the finest and most remarkable. The age of the Bell can be determined from an inscription on it in ancient Irish characters (faintly seen in the photograph). The inscription is in three lines, deeply incised, and at the beginning of it there is a small cross. The letters are not divided into words, and are as follows :—

OROITARCHUN I MASCACHAM I AILELLO I Several different translations of these letters have been suggested. The first is " Pray for Cumuscach, the son of Ailill." This Cumuscach was an official in Armagh Cathedral, and is recorded in the " Annals of the Four Masters " to have died in the year A.D.


904. His mother, who was Immed Gormlaith, was n daughter of Muirdeach, King of Ulster. The above is the meaning assigned to the inscription by the Rev. Dr. Petrie, famous Irish scholar, in Trinity College, Dublin. In 1816, Mr. John Dunn, in the Newry Reporter, suggested that it might be translated. Another translation suggested by a Mr. Wilson,

“Christ a King who shaped my frame to sing Alleluia."

a Scottish antiquarian, runs as follows —"A prayer for Him who shaped my frame to sacred

History of the Bell.—The late Mr. John Bell, M.R.I.A., of Dungannon, wrote in 1815 that the Bell

was found upwards of 90 years before (1725) in the old graveyard on the road between Tandragee and Scarva. In 1815 it was in the possession of Paul Hennon, a cottager on the low road half way between Lurgan and Portadown, in the townland of Aughacommon.

It was the custom to have the Bell rung in front of funerals. The man who rang it held it up above his head with both hands. In ancient times oaths used to be sworn upon such bells, and the Judge of Assize used to carry one with him. Dean Dawson, writing in the year 1883, records that the widow of a former Parish Clerk of Seagoe, then living and in her 94th year, remembered seeing a coffin being carried thrice round old Seagoe Church, and being made to touch the four corners of the Church at each round, whilst the old Cloch-Bann was rung, and the Keeners chanted alternately. lt was publicly used for the last time at the funeral of John Hennon, about the year 1836. Sometimes it was said that the Bell " sweated," and this was regarded with a kind of dread as a sure sign of an approaching death. Archdeacon Saurin became greatly interested in the Bell, and being on friendly terms with the family who had it in their possession was presented with it as a token of their gratitude. This was in the year 1839. In 1840 Archdeacon Saurin gave it to the Very Rev. Henry

R. Dawson, Dean of St. Patrick's, a most distinguished antiquarian, and on his death at an early age, in 1842, his collection of antiquities (including the Bell) passed into the hands of the Royal Irish Academy who are its present guardians. On June 22nd, 1840, Rev. Dr. Petrie, F,T.C.D., exhibited the Bell at a meeting of the Academy and gave an account of its history. The above photograph was obtained for this Magazine by the kind permission of the Council of the Academy, and is we believe the only photograph ever taken of it.

Churchwardens of Seagoe,


Rector's Churchwarden—Mr. Andrew Costello.

Peoples' Churchwarden —Mr. Robert Gracey.

The new Churchwardens were appointed at the

Easter Vestry held in Seagoe School on Thursday,

April 20th, at 8 0'clock. Mr. Andrew Costello,

the Rector's Churchwarden, is held in very high

esteem throughout the Parish. He has for many

years acted as a collector of Sustentation Fund in

Tamnificarbet. He has also been a member of the

Select Vestry, and has in many other ways given

very valuable assistance in the work of the Church.

He is a brother of Mr. Atkinson Costello, of Carne,

who acted as Churchwarden in the year 1906. The

family of Costello have for a long time resided in

the Parish. The first mention of the name in the

Registers occurs in the year 1796, when the burial of

Richard Costley (Costello) is recorded.

Mr. Robert Gracey, the new People's Churchwarden,

is very well known throughout the Parish

for his kindly disposition and the keen interest he

has ever shown in the welfare of Seagoe. He has

been elected on the Select Vestry continuously for

many years past, and has also occupied the

important post of Sustentation Fund Collector for

Balteagh for long time. Last winter he most

generously entertained at his own expense the

children of Drumgor Sunday School, and he has

recently offered to bring stones from his Quarry to

build a Church Hall in Drumgor at a nominal sum.

The Graceys, like the Costellos, are an old Seagoe

stock. The name first occurs in the Registers in the

year 1771, when the Baptism of one Sarah Gracey is

recorded. Later on in the year we hope to publish

photographs of the new churchwardens.

The New Vestry.

George Calvert, J.P.

Thomas J. Montgomery.

Thos. J. Atkinson, LL.B.

John Montgomery.

Charles Collins.

Thos. Martin.

T E. Maginnis.

J. G. Gracey.

W. R. Atkinson.

David Rock.

Joseph Murray.

Joseph Monroe.

There was a good attendance of the General

Vestry present for the election of the Select Vestry,

and much interest was shown in the proceedings.

A cordial vote of thanks was passed to the Choir for

their kind help during the year, and the hearty

thanks of the Vestry were given to the Belfast

Theological Society, who, during the past 2 ½ years,

have assisted at the Sunday evening District Services

each Sunday.

The question of having a new Heating Apparatus

in the Church was discussed, and it was decided that

Messrs. W. R. Atkinson and George Calvert should

make a tour of the Parish in the near future to

ascertain the feelings of the Parishioners and to

obtain subscriptions. We believe everyone will be

glad to contribute towards this very necessary improvement.

The following were appointed SIDESMEN for the

year C. Collins, T. Reid, W. R.

Bickett, and J. H. Stevenson.


Easter Penny Cards.

The Shilling " Cards have proved very successful.

Over £6 was presented in the offertory at the

Children's Service on Easter Sunday, and this has

been largely added to since then. Alick Graham, an

Edenderry boy, heads the list with a collection of 3/-.

If there is any name omitted or any error in the

following list it should be mentioned at once to the

Teacher or Superintendent of the Sunday School.

Any Cards not yet returned must be handed in without further delay.


Adelaide Murray Is. ld.

Emma Lavery, H. B. Caddell, Olivia Roland,

Lottie Roland, Thos. Coulter, Winnie Coulter, Rosie

Coulter, Jeannie M' Mullan, Walter Currie, Thos.

M'Mu11an, W. M'Mu11an, Thos. A. Caddell, M. Reid

1s. each.

Atkinson Connolly, Ellie Reavey 10d. each. S. J.

Coulter 7d. Sarah Price, Richard G. Price, Maggie

Simpson, Joseph Reid 6d. each. T. R

5d. Total, 18s. 9d.


Alick Graham (3 cards) 3s.

Minnie Gates, 2s. 6d.

Lucy Dawson, Jack Stoops (2 cards), Maggie

Ellis, May Hynds (2 cards), Eva Fox (2 cards),

'2s. each.

Maggie Magee, Ellie Geddis (2 cards) Is. 3d each.

Florrie Templeton Is 2d.,

William cox, Is ld.

Arthur Allen, James M'Nally, Kathleen Moore,

Robert Grimason, Floribel Best, Mary Long, Wm.

Whaley, Miss S. Halliday, Miss Frazer, Wm. Hynds,

Annie Best, Isaac Milligan, Elnma Webb, Maggie

Ford, Miriam Holmes, Is each.

William Best, 1ld. May Best, 10d. Annie Cox,

Jemima Matchett, 9d each. Victor Wallace, 8d.

Jack Hynes, Minnie M'Crory, Teenie Flannigan,

Ellen Flannigan, 7d. each. Susan Cartmill, Edith

Haire, Jeannie Cummins, Emily Cox, George Weir,

(6d each. Tom Cartmill, R. Flannigan, 5d. each.

William Coulter, 4d. Richard Porter, Gracey,

Maria Magee, Sam Roney, 3d each. Mary Best.—

Total, £2 6s. 2d.


Sarah J. Quaile, 1s 4d.

Sarah Gracey, Lizzie Stevenson, David W. Best,

Dina Russell, Becca Russell, Mary Martin, Lena

Holmes, Emma Martin, Madge Gracey, Julia Hoy,

1s each.

Sam Stevenson, 8d. May Gardiner, 7d. Minnie

Dickson, Maggie Turner 6d. each. Teenie Anderson,

5d. Hannah Anderson, 2d.

Total, 14s. 2d.


Moses M'Kerr (2 cards), Isabella Best, Emma

Reid, May Best, 2s. each.

Lizzie Ford, Willie Holland, George Porter,

Henrietta Porter, Jane M'Kee, Selina M'Cormick.

Lizzie M'C1e11and, Florrie Webb, Nellie Best, - J.

M'Cormick, Maggie Best, Herbert Livingston, James

M'Donald, Martha Porter, Eva Reid, Ethel Forsythe,

Wm. J. M'Loughlin, Lizzie Dickson, Sarah Dickson,

Tom Porter, Eva Neill, 1s. each.

Wm. John Quinn, Minnie Watson, Amy Porter,

9d. each. Annie M,Dona1d, 8d. Ellie Elliott, 7d.

Maggie Quinn, Georgina Livingston, 5d each.

Total, £1 13s. 4d.


Sarah Montgomery, 2s. 2d.

Maggie Lewie, 1s. 3d.

Lilly Lewie, James Shepherd, Geo. Bradshaw,

Minnie Lewie, 1s. each.

Total, 7s. 5d.


Minnie M'Cormick, 1s. 6d.

Willie M'Murray, 1s 3d.

Minnie Black, 1s. 2d.

Mary Flavell, 1s. ld.

Rachel Templeton, Rachel Robinson, Rachel

England, Rebecca Calvert, Maggie Neill, Rachel

Black, Anna Gracey, Sophia M'Murray, Minnie

England, Judith M'Nei11, Ellen England, Ellen

M'Kane, Sophia Wilson, Sam Jennett, Edward

Calvert, Geo. H. Currie, Thos. E. Maginnis, Richard

Sturgeon, William M'Evoy, David M'Kane, Miss

Stevenson, 1s. each.

Sarah Cooke, 10d. Edith M'Murray, Jas. H.

M'Grattan, 9d. each. Marjory Calvert, Hannah

M'Murray, 6d. each.

Total, 9s. 4d.

Summary of Collection,

Carne £0 18 9

Edenderry £2 6 2

Drumgor £0 14 2

Seagoe £1 13 4

Levaghery £0 7 5

Hacknahay £1 9 4

On Plate, Children's Service £0 4 5½


£7 13 7 ½

Hacknahay Day School.

At an examination held in the School before the

Easter Holidays the following children especially

distinguished themselves VI.—Lily England,

Florence Stevenson. Class V.—Mary Flavell. Class

IV.—Ei1een M'Kane, Robert Lunn. Class Ill.—

David Thompson, William Jennett. Class 11.—

Edward Calvert, William M'Evoy, Marjorie Calvert,

Juniors—Eliza Thompson, Ruby Calvert, Annie

Currie, Sarah Currie, Matilda Mayes, Rachel Fowler,

David M'Evoy, Alexander Gillespie, John Quinn.


Many of our readers will be glad to know the new

address of the Misses Dawson, and some, no doubt,

will write to them—Miss Dawson, Collegio Ingles,

Alberdi Est, Sarrateay Rosario de Sta Fe, Argentina,

South America. A very important thing to remember


is that the postage on a letter to South America is

2 ½ d, and on a postcard ld, and on the Magazine 2d.

Mr. Ruck, of Peacefield, has written a very

interesting and useful pamphlet (price 6d,) on Cider

and Apple culture. Our farmers and all interested

in Orchards should buy it. It is on sale at Mr.

Waugh's, Bookseller, Portadown, Mr. Ruck says

(page 8,) I feel that the soil and climate here are

more suitable for the growth of apples than any

part of England I have ever been accustomed to,"

Farmers in Seagoe should note this and act on it.

There are two fine photographs in the pamphlet, one

of the famous apple Cowrane Red, and the other of

the Holmore pear.

The Rev. E. Jennings„ formerly Curate of Seagoe,

has been appointed to the Curacy of Dingle, Co.

Kerry. Mr. Jennings has been recently married,

and we are sure his many friends in Seagoe Parish

wish him much happiness in his new sphere of life.

Enterprise in Seagoe. We congratulate the

Messrs. Wilson, of Lisnisky, on their enterprise in

securing a Motor Lorry of 35 horse power for their

increasing carrying business between Portadown and

Belfast. The machine runs very smoothly, and can

carry three tops of cargo at a good speed.

The Misses Templeton of Ballymacrandle have

been appointed under the Agricultural Department

to take charge of a depot for the distribution of

eggs for hatching. A splendid flock of Aylesbury

ducks has been imported by them from England.

Settings of eggs can be had at a very moderate


The new Bishop of Down and Connor and

Dromore (Right Rev. C. F. Darcy, D. D.) will be

enthroned in Belfast Cathedral on Tuesday, May 9th,

at 3 0'clock. This will be a most interesting service.

We hope some of our Seagoe Church people will


The Bishop will be enthroned in the

ancient Cathedral of Dromore on May 16th, at 3



Last month we bad the pleasure of recording two

presentations in the Parish, and this month we have

to record another. On Friday. April 21st, Miss

Armstrong received a handsome illuminated address,

accompanied by the gift of a valuable Secretaire or

Writing Desk from the members of the Edenderry

G.F.S., and of her Sunday Morning Bible Class.

The presentation was made by Mrs. Hadden on

behalf of the girls. It was a very pleasant evening and

the affectionate regard of the girls for their kind

teacher was very noticeable. Mrs. J. H. Stevenson

made a very appropriate and eloquent speech

expressing how much they all appreciated Miss

Armstrong's good work in the parish. The address,

and Miss Armstrong's reply have appeared in the

Portadown News."

We regret we have not space to insert them here.

Nature Notes.

The following have been the first in the Parish to

hear and see the Summer migrants :

April 12th—First Swallow—Mr. John Hunter, at Knock.

17th—Swallows seen by Howard Stevenson, pupil in Seagoe Day School.

14th—Cuckoo heard by Miss L. Williamson at Killicomaine.

14th—Corncrake heard by Mr. Robert. Gracey at Drumgor.


May 15th, Monday—Missionary Address in Edenderry Hall by Rev. W. F. Gray, at 8.

May 27th, Saturday—Choral Festival Service in Seagoe Church, at 4. Preacher—

very Rev. H. M'C1intock, Dean of Armagh.

June 13th, Tuesday—Sunday School Excursion.

Hymns for May.

May 7th. Morning— 9 192 199 360

Evening— 43 193 367 423 17

May 14th. Morning— 30 330 343 (part 3) 388

Evening— 44 314 237 510 639

May 21st. Morning— 32 315 455 619

Evening— 48 333 550 428 332

May 28th. Morning— 42 217 200 317

Evening— 50 631 496 277 542

May 25th. Ascension Day 205 204 208

Offertories During April.

Morning— £10 5s. 1ld. Evening—£5 2s. 10d.


“My Covenant will I not break."

April 1st—Zena Pearl, daughter of George Edward and Minnie Best.

William Stewart, son of Robert John and Martha Humphries.

April 16th—John, son of David and Anne Johnston.


" In the house of the righteous is much treasure."

April 1st—Benjamin Webb, Edenderry, to Minnie Toner, Edenderry.

May 2nd— George Montgomery, Portadown, to Margaret Neill, Drumlisnagrilley.


“All things come to an end."

April 10th —Mary Lynas, Carne, aged 72 years.

18th—William Serjeant, Lylo, aged 78 years.

28th—Mary Walker, Belfast, aged 42 years.

May 2nd—William Bickett, Drumgor, aged 75 yrs.

A splendid Physical Culture Competition took

place in Edenderry Hall on Thursday, April 6th

There was a crowded attendance. The Seagoe team

came out victorious. Miss Armstrong kindly distributed the medals.

The Easter Services this year were exceptionally

bright and well attended. There were 105

Communicants, a larger number than at any recent

Easter Service. The Church was handsomely



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Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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