Seagoe Archives

May 1931


May 1931

Seagoe Parish Magazine.

MAY, 1931.


Rev. Canon Archer, B.D., The Rectory, Seagoe,

Rev. W, F. Hayes, B.A., Edendale, Carrickblacker

Road, Edenderry, Portadown.


Rector's—Mr. Robert Scott.

People's—Mr. Isaac Dickson.

The Easter Vestry,

The annual Easter Vestry was held in Seagoe

School on Thursday, April 9th, at 7.30 p.m. The

Rector presided. After prayer a port] on of Scripture

was read by the, Rev. W. F. Hayes, Curate. The

minutes of the last meeting having been read and

confirmed, the Chairman spoke on the present state

of the Parish. He referred also to the very generous

grant of £150 per annum made to the Parish by the

Representative Church Body in Dublin towards the

income of a second Curate. The following appointments were made:—

Rector's Churchwarden—Mr. Robert Scott.

People's Churchwarden—Mr. Isaac Dickson.


Miss Isabel Atkinson.

Miss R. Matchett.

W. H. England.

Moses Gilpin.

J. G. Gracey, J.P.

T. E. Maginnis

Thomas Martin.

Robert M'Clements.

Gilbert Price.

Hugh Stoops.

James Twinem.

John H. Twinem.

Mr. Robert M'Clements was elected as

Suplemental Parochial Nominator in the place of

Lt. Col. S. W. Blacker (resigned).


R M'Clernents.

J Dermott,

J. Twinem.

T. Martin.

J G. Gracey.

I Dickson.

W Cox.

J Allen.

W A. Casey.

J. R. Reid.

A. Allen.

R. Scott.

V. Matchett.

J. H. Twinem.

H. Stoops.

T. Coulter.

M. Loney,

G. Wilson.

Hon. Sec.—Moses Gilpin, Drtunnagoon.

Hon. Treas. Hugh Stoops, Killicomame Road.

Hon. Auditors—Messrs. J. Dermott and J. H. Reid.

Ascension Day.

Thursday, May 14th, will be Ascension Day, and

the following Services will be held in the Parish

Church 11.30 a.m.—Holy Communion. 8 p.m.—

Evening Prayer and Sermon. The offerings at both

services on Ascension Day will be for Foreign


Classes for Confirmation.

The following classes are now beng held in

preparation for the forthcoming confirmation:—

Classes for Girls on Tuesday evenings at 8 0'clock.

Classes for Boys Thursday evenings at 8 0'clock.

The Classes are held in Seagoe School.

A Class for Adults is held in the Parish Church

on Sunday afternoon at 4.30 p.m.

The Confirmation will be held in the Parish Church

by the Bishop Wednesday, June 24th, at 8 p.m.

Seagoe Mothers' Union.

The next meeting of the Mothers' Union will be

held in Edenderry Parochial Hall on Tuesday, May

12th, at 7.30 p.m. Tea will be provided for the members,

and Mrs. Magill, wife of the Rev. J. F. G. Magill,

of Portadown, has kindly consented to address the

members. We expect a full attendance. The meeting

last month was very largely attended. Two of

the members read papers which were much appreciated by all present.


The Whitsunday this year falls on May 24th.

Festival of Whitsuntide corresponds with the Jewish

Feast of Pentecost. The word "Pentecost" means

fifty," and Whitsunday is the; fiftieth day after

Easter Day. It has always been observed as one of

the Great Festivals of the Christian Church. On

Whitsunday the following Services will be held in

the Parish Church:—

8 a.m.—Holy Communion.

11.30 a.m.—Morning Prayer, Sermon and Holy


7 p.m.—Evening Prayer and Sermon.

The offerings at all Services on Whitsunday will

be on behalf of the upkeep of seagoe School.


The three days preceding Ascension Day are called

the Rogation Days. They are now observed as days

of special prayer for God's blessing on the seed that

is sown. An Injunction of 1559 orders that at this

season " the people shall be admonished to give

thanks to God in the beholding of God's benefits, for

the increase and abundance of His fruits upon the

face of the earth, and that they be enjoined to say

Ps. 104. The Services in the Parish Church on

Sunday, May 10th, will have special reference to asking

a Blessing on the seed sown in the fields.

Seagoe School Excursion

The date and place of this important event will be

announced in our next issue. A meeting of the

superintendents and teachers will shortly be held to

make final arrangements.


The Chorale Festival

Seagoe Choir is busy practising or the Choral

Festival, which will be held (D.v.) in Waringstown

Church on Saturday, May 30th, at 4 p.m. The special

music tunes for Hymns and the 'Psalms are set to the new

pointing. We hope. to .see many of the Parishioners in

Waringstown Church at the Festival; Everyone is


Parishioners' Meeting.

In accordance with a wish expressed at the

General Easter Vestry a meeting of the Parishioners

was summoned for Friday, April 17th, in Seagoe

School to consider the offer of a grant from the

Central Church Fund towards the income of a

Second Curate. The Rector presided, and there was

a fair attendance of Parishioners. The decision

arrived at was that the Parish should avail itself

of the generous grant and that the Sustentation Fund

collectors in each district should be asked to consult

with the subscribers as to the raising of the balance

of £70 per annum required to complete the income

of a second curate. The meeting was adjourned to

Monday, May 4th, at 8 p.m., in Seagoe School to

receive the report of the collectors.


Our sincere sympathy goes out those amongst

us whose homes have been visited during the month

by the Angel of Death. David Cordy, of Carne was

an old and much respected Parishioner and was

called away after a long and trying illness. Emma

Jane M'Kerr, so well known to many in Seagoe,

passed to her eternal rest after a time of much

weakness. Robert M'Loughlin's death occurred with

startling suddenness on Thursday, April 23rd. While

conversing with an acquaintance at one of the new

villas in Upper Seagoe, he suddenly collapsed and

died. James M'Neill has also been called away at

an advanced age. Those who have lost their dear

ones will be sustained by the hope of a joyous

Resurrection, when sorrow and mourning shall flee



We acknowledge with many thanks the receipt of

from Mr. T. D. Gibson, of Peacefield, towards

the games gymkhana.

Our Summer Migrants

This year our summer migrants have delayed

their coming. The prevalence of cold northerly

winds has no doubt been the cause of the delay.

The first swallow arrived up to date on April 10th,

but the corncrake only spoke for the first time on

April 25th, a week late. The cuckoo has also been

heard on April 25th. The Mayfly at Ardmore has

been very prevalent. The Rectory was sheeted over

with layers of flies. It is said that when the Mayflies

swarm in great abundance a hot Summer invariably


S. A. M. S.

The following sums have been forwarded to the South

American Missionary Society from Seagoe

Parish. We are glad to see that the Sunday School

are giving good help towards the support of the

Indian child.

Boxes – Miss Calvert 16s 10d; Miss A Guy 4s 6d

Mrs. Lewie, 14s 6d. Miss S Montgomery 2s Od; Mrs

M'Douga11, 5s 6d; Miss Jane Porter, 2s 7d; Miss Sarah

Price, 5s 8d; Miss Margaret, Reid, 10s. Od; Mrs.

Walker, 2s 3d.

Collection—Service at Hacknahay—8s 9d.

Card—Miss Atkinson, £5 18s Od.

Seagoe Mothers' Union for support of Indian Baby, £3.

Support of Indian Child – Drumgor Sunday School 13s 8 ½ d

; Seagoe Afternoon S. School, £1 4s 8 ½ d ; Hacknahay

S. School, £l, Levaghery S. School, 7s 2d.

£15 15s 6d. Less amount from S. Schools over £3

which is held over—4s 11d. Total sent—£15 10s 7d.


Hacknahay—Mr. W. J. Calvert, 3s Od; Miss S

Maginnes, 5s Od; Miss Jane Currie, 1s 9 ½ d, Mrs.

BradShaw, 9s 6 ½ d; Mrs. G. M'Nei11, Is 6d; Mrs. Nixon

7s 3 ½ d; Miss Minnie England, 6s 8d; Miss Sophia

.Jennett, 13s 8d. Henry Neill, 8s 10d Mrs. N

England, 9s 0d; Miss Minnie M'Cormick, 3s 6d; Miss

Annie Magee, Is 8d Miss Rodgers, 2s Od, Miss D,

Montgomery, 2s 10d; Miss M. M'Kane, 6s 8d; Mis

Calvert, £1 18s 4d.

Drumgor—Mrs. Dickson, 5s 3 ½ d; Miss Lizzie Gracey,

9s 9d.

Carne—Mrs. Kirk, 2s Od; Mrs. Brennan, 2s Od; Mrs,

E. Collins, Kernan, 2s 6d.

Edenderry—Mrs. Stoops, 2s 6d; Miss Atkinson,

2s 6d; Mrs. Flannigan, 3s 8d; Mrs. Metcalf, 3s 5d:

Mrs. Dawson, 13s 6d; Miss G. Atkinson, 10s Od; Mrs

C. Magee, Is 2d. Total—£8 19s 7d. 4/- of the above

was received too late to be included in C.M.S.

acounts up to 31st March.

The Jews' Society.

The following box collections have been sent to

the Jews' Society from this Parish

The Misses Montgomery, £1, Mr. Art. Allen, ,13s 2d

Miss Woolsey, 9s 6d; Mrs. Richard Hoys 9s 5d; Miss

Gretta Atkinson, 8s 5d; Miss Hannah Martin, 8s 3d

Miss Amy Cox, 8s Od; Miss Monroe, 7s 6d; Mrs, I

Shanks, 6s 5d; Master Harry Hynes, 6s Od; Miss

Florrie Hynes, 5s 6d; Miss M. Twinem, 5s 3d; Mrs

W. Neill, 4s 4d; Mr. Joe Hynes, 4s ld; Mrs.

Magee, 3s 7d; Mrs. Arthur Allen, senr., 3s 6d;

Flannigan, 3s 2d; Mrs. Arthur Allen, junr., 3s Od;

Cox, 2s 9d; Mrs. Robert Henry Porter, 2s 5d; Mrs,

Walker, Is 6d; Miss Armstrong, £l; Miss Halliday

M; Mise E. Halliday, 10s Od•, A Friend, 10s Od; Mrs

Vance, 5s Od.--£10 os 9d.

Secretary for Seagoe Branch—Miss Halliday.


Seagoe G.F.S,

A pleasant evening was spent' on Thursday,

23rd April, when the members of the Seagoe Branch

of the Girls' Friendly" Society entertained their

friends to a socia!. Several musical items were rendered

and the usual games played. During an interval prizes

were distributed by Rev. Canon Archer to

winners of guessing and advertisements' competition

taken from the Parish Magazine, the Portadown New and the Belfast News-Letter.

1st prize was won by Miss May Bell,

and 2nd prize by Miss Aggie Wallace. 1st prize for attendance was

won by Miss Sarah Hoy, and '2nd prize by Miss Lily

Cordner. At a drill display in the Arts and Crafts

competitions for the Girls' Friendly Societies of the

Diocese of Down and Connor and Dromore, held in

the Ulster Hall, Belfast, on Wednesday, 22nd April,

Miss Elizabeth Allen won a 1st prize in the cooking

section. She received a beautiful copy of Rupert

Book's Poems, also Miss Millicent Coulter was the

recipient of a very nicely bound copy of " The Wind

the Willows" as 2nd prize for the knitting section.

Mrs. Scott, Miss Aggie M'Clements and the Misses

Aggie and Margaret Webb were present at this wonderful

display of drill, recitations, singing and folk

dancing. The prizes at above were distributed by

the Hon. Mrs. Mulholland. Five members entered

for these competitions. The weekly meetings were

discontinued until October.

Seagoe Branch of the Girls' Friendly Society

is arranging an excursion to Dublin at a most reasonable

fare of 7s 6d in the month of June. This excursion is open

to all who wish to, avail themselves of the cheap trip.

Old Seagoe Notes.

Choir Practices in Seagoe in Olden Days..—Mrs.

Dickson, of Drumnagoon, was in her early years a

member of Seagoe Choir. She retains a clear recollection

of the happy gatherings which took place in

the hall of Seagoe Rectory in the sixties of last century.

The choir met twice a week in Seagoe Rectory

for practice. Forms were placed at the right hand

side of the hall, and a harmonium, at which Mrs.

Saurin presided, was on the left. A distribution of

sugarbarley sweets was made to clear the voices or

the youthful , singers. Mrs. Saurin conducted the

practice and put the choir through the Psalms and

Canticles for the next Sunday. There were no hymns

in those days. Occasionally Archdeacon Saurin

would come, into the hall from the dining room or

the library. He was always in jovial spirits. The

choir often joined in singing " Rounds.' Mrs.

Dickson remembers one of them which was very

startling. Originally the words were " Scotland is

burning, Scotland is burning," but the 's Deacon"

would always get them to sing, not Scotland is burning,

but " Seagoe is burning," and so they would

all join together and sing with smiles on their faces,

“Seagoe is burning, Fires Fire, Fire, Pour on Water, Pour

on Water, Fire, Fire, Fire." The words Fire,

Fire, Fire were sung. By the youthful vocalists with

tremendous gusto. Mrs. Saurin , got them to sing

it over and over again„ each taking their part and

she would say " it sounded like the waves of the

sea." Always before the practice came to an end

they joined in singing the following verse:

Good night to you all,

And sweet be your sleep,

May Angels around you

Their vigils now keep."

and then all the members would sing out Goodnight, goodnight, goodnight."

In those days and up to the year 1890, when the Church was restored,

the choir sat in the gallery, which then stretched

quite half way down the Church.

Canadian Memories of Seagoe Church.—Mrs. Cull,

sister of Mrs. Stevenson, of Drumgor, in writing at

Christmas from Canada, says—" Dear Sister,—Many

thanks for the picture of our Seagoe Church. It just

looks like our Church here in. Strathroy. It minds

me of old times. It does me good to see it. Bye bye;

write soon." Mrs. Cull emigrated to Canada many

years ago hut she does not forget the old Church

in Seagoe. She now attends her Parish Church in

Canada, St. Luke's Church, Strathroy, Fort William,


Parish Register for April.


The following were baptized in Seagoe Parish Church on April 4th, 1931:—

M'Cann—Harold, son of James and Minnie M 'Cann, of Edenderry.

Sponsors—Sarah Kane, Minnie M 'Cann.

M 'Murray—Margaret Elizabeth, daughter of James Henry and Margaret M'Murray, of Edenderry.

Sponsors—Rachel NI'Murray, Margaret M'Murray.

M'Minn—Thomas, son of Robert and Elizabeth McMinn, or Kernan.

Sponsors—Lily Webb, Elizabeth McMinn.


Hall and Gregson—April 15th, William Hall, of Lurgan, to Martha Gregson, of Drunmgor.

Hynes and M'Cammick—April 25th, John Hynes, of Edenderry

to Matilda M'Cammick, of Portadown.

M'Kane and 28th, David M Kane, of Ballymacrandle, to Margaret Gillespie, of Stramore, Parish of Gilford.


M'Kerr—April 17th, Emma Jane NI'Kerr, of Edenderry, aged 39.

Cordy—April 17th, David Cordy, of Carne, aged 78.

M'NeiII—Apri1 20th, ..James M'Neill, of Killicomaine, aged 75.

M'LoughIin—April 25th, Robert M'Loughlin, of Edenerry, aged 74.



Thirty-eight recipients benefited by gifts from the

Alan Bell Fund at Easter. The gifts varied from 10/- to £1

Great improvements have been made. where the

new villas are built in Upper Seagoe, and a new

macadamised pathway has been put down. We hope

soon to see the pathway continued to the top of

the hill.

Dr. Reid, Medical Inspector under the Ministry of

Education, conducted a medical examination of the

children attending Seagoe School on March 27th and

30th. The average results were, we believe, very

satisfactory, proving the healthiness of the school

and neighbourhood.

Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Wilson very kindly entertained

the Choir to a social on Thursday, April 23rd. A

very pleasant evening was spent.

The sewage works at Lower Seagoe are now

approaching completion and have been enclosed by a

substantial wire fencing. Some of the machinery

installed is of a very elaborate and complicated kind

Bridge St. is being relaid with tar macadam.

pathways in Edenderry have recently been "up"

gas pipes of a new and improved type have been

laid down.

Seagoe C.L.B. played a football match against

Stewartstown C.L.B. on Easter Monday. It resulted

in a draw. The Stewartstown lads have kindly been

invited the Seagoe Company to Stewartstown, Co.


Portadown Musical Festival was a great success

Some Seagoe names appeared among the competitors.

We congratulate Henry M'Court on winning a

prize for violin playing at the Dungannon Festival



HOLY COMMUNION—1st Sunday after Morning

Prayer ; 3rd Sunday at 8 a.m., and on the Chief


HOLY BAPTISM—1st Saturday of Month at 3 p.m.,

and during any Service in the Parish Church.

if notice be given ; Two Sponsors at least are

required, and they must be Confirmed members

of the Church. Churchings are held at each

Baptism. Mothers are expected to bring a thank

offering. (See Book of Common Prayer.)

MORNING PRAYER—Sundays and Chief Festivals

8 p.m. during Advent and Lent

EVENING PRAYER—Sundays 7 p.m.


Hacknahay—Last Sunday of Month at 3.30 p.m.

Drumgor-—Second Sunday of Month at 4 p.m.

Edenderry—Wednesdays at 8 p.m.


ADULT CLASSE8--Sundays at 10 a.m.

For Men—Edenderry.

For Women—Seagoe School.


—10 a.m. Edenderry Parochial Hall and Seagoe

School. 3 p.m. Seagoe, Edenderry Parochial Hall,

Levaghery, Hacknahay, Carne, Drumgor, Bocombra.

Mothers' Union—2nd Tuesday of each month.

DAY SCHOOL—Seagoe, 9-30 a.m. Principal—Mr, R. Scott.

MARRIAGES must be performed between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Licenses are issued by Rev Canon Harmon; Rectory, Lurgan. Due notice (48 hours) must be given to the Rector of intended weddings. FEES— By License—Labourers 5/-, Tradesmen 10/-, Merchants and Farmers 15/-, Professional £1. By Banns

FUNERALS will be attended by the Clergy if proper notice be given. SICK CASES should be notified to the Clergy without delay. FEES FOR CERTIFICATES BAPTISM, 3/7; Children (Factory), 1/- and 2/- (non-residents) ; MARRIAGE, 3/7. An extra search fee is chargeable in certain cases.

It will be a help to the Clergy if they are notified of the arrival of new Church families in the Parish. A copy of the Magazine will be sent post free to any subscriber for 3s per annum.


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Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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