Seagoe Archives

May 1932


May 1932

Seagoe Parish magazine.

MAY, 1932.

Ascension Day.

Thursday, May 5th, will be Ascension Day.

Services will be held as follows in the Parish Church.

•11.30 a.m, Holy Communion; 7 p.m.

Evening Prayer and Sermon. The day of our

Lord's Ascension into heaven, forty days after

his Resurrection from the dead, has been observed

as one of the great Church Festivals from

the beginning of Christianity. Proper Psalms

and Lessons are appointed for the day. Psalm

viii. is a song of praise for creation and the

appointment of Man to be lord of this world. In a

prophetical sense it sets forth the mercy of

God in exalting our Human Nature fulfilled

when the Son of God took our nature and ascended

with it to heaven. Psalm xv. shows how

justly our Saviour as the perfect Man ascended

to the holy hill of God. The Collect is of very

ancient origin and is taken from the Service Book

of Osmund, Bishop of Salisbury in A.D. 1085.

The ten days intervening between Ascension Day

and Whitsunday are often called Expectation


The Rogation Days.

The three days preceding Ascension Day are

known as Rogation Days. " Rogation" means

praying for or asking. They are the days when

people are admonished to give thanks to God in

the beholding of His benefits, for the increase

and abundance of His fruits upon the face of the

Earth. Psalm civ. is the Rogation Psalm.

Rogation Sunday.

Sunday, May 1st, being Rogation Sunday, the

services in the Parish Church will have special

eeference to God's blessing on the crops which

are being sown in the fields.


Sunday, May 15th, being Whitsunday, the following

Services will be held in the Parish Church.

8 a.m.—Tloly Communion.

11.30 a.m.—Morning Prayer, Sermon and Holy Communion.

7 p.m.—Evening Prayer and Sermon.

The offerings on Whitsunday will be on behalf of

Seagoe Parochial Schoolhouse. The Festival of

Whitsuntide corresponds with the Jewish Feast

of Pentecost. In Reformation times Whitsunday,

June 9, 1549, was chosen as the day on

Which the Book of Common Prayer in English

Was first used. The Psalms, Lessons, Hymns

and Collects for Whitsunday all commemorate

the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity, God the

Holy Ghost.


Rev. Chancellor Archer, B.D., The Rectory, Seagoe.

Rev. W. F. Hayes, B.A., Edendale, Carrickblacker Road, Edenderry, Portadown.


Rector's—Mr. Robert Scott.

People's—Mr. Isaac Dickson.

Trinity Sunday.

Sunday, May 22nd, will be Trinity Sunday,

the day on which we commemorate the great

truth of the Triune God.

Service of Song.

A very attractive Service of Song will be given

in Drumgor Church Hall on Thursday, May 19th,

at 8 p.m.

The title of the Service is " The

Riversingers." The music is very attractive and

illustrates a beautiful and touching story. The

Edenderry choristers who gave the Service last

year in the Parochial Hall have kindly consented

to repeat the Service in Drumgor. The Service

will be illustrated by lantern slides. Tickets,

one shilling each, are now on sale. The proceeds

of the Service are on behalf of Drumgor Sunday

School Prize Fund.

The Van Mission.

The Church Army Van Mission held in Edenderry

Parochial Hall from April 5th to April 19th

was attended by large numbers. Captain

Stevenson and Cadet Moore, by their heart-

searching addresses on Christian Life and Worship

have brought spiritual help to many. The

large attendance at, the early Celebration of Holy

Communion on Sunday, April 18th, in the Parish

Church was a testimony to the faithfulness of

their work.

The Children's Services were a

splendid part of the Mission. The children made

a presentation to Cadet Moore at the close of the

Mission on the occasion of his leaving the Parish.

Miss Hilda Walker helped greatly at the Mission

by acting as organist.

Mission at Drumgor.

The van was drawn out to Drumgor on Monday,

April 19th, by Mr. M 'Clements's powerful

lorry. Edenderry looked quite lonely without it.

The Mission began in Drumgor Church Hall on

Tuesday April 20th. Cadet Williams has ably

assisted Captain Stevenson at Drumgor. The

Services have been well attended and much interest

has been taken in the Mission. The Misses

Gracey kindly conducted the musical part of the



Future Missions.

We hope to have a ten days Church Army

Mission in Carne Church Hall, beginning on

Monday, May 2nd, at 8 p.m., and concluding on

Wednesday, May 11th.

Mission in Levaghery.

Arrangements have been made for a C. A. Mission

in Levaghery, beginning on Thursday, May

12th, in Levaghery School at 8 p.m. and concluding on Sunday, May 29th.

C A. Route March.

A six weeks Church Army Route March will

(D. v.) start from Shankill Parish Church, Lurgan,

on Monday, May 30th, at 3.30 p.m. The

Lord Bishop will be present and the route marchers

will go in different directions, one band of

marchers goes to Portrush, and the other via

Seagoe, to Newcastle, Co. Down. The latter

will leave Lurgan at 3.30 p.m. and march to

Seagoe Parish Church, arriving about 5 p.m.,

when a short reception service will be held.

They will then have tea in the Parochial Hall,

after which they will visit in the neighbouring

streets and hold an open-air service. This will

be followed by a service in the Parochial Hall.

The eight Church Army marchers will sleep in

the Hall. On Tuesday at 8 a.m. there will be a

celebration of Holy Communion in the Parish

Church, after which breakfast will be partaken

of in the Parochial Hall. At about 10 a.m. the

marchers will leave Seagoe Parish for St. Mark's

Parish. Their next stopping place will be St.

Saviour's Parish, at the Dobbin. We hope that

many of our parishioners will accompany the

route marchers. They will enter Seagoe Parish

at the milestone on the Lurgan Road near Well 's

corner ,

C.L.B, Parade Service.

On Sunday, May 8th, Seagoe C.L.B. will attend

the evening service on parade at 7 p.m.

Death of Johnston Crossen.

Much regret is expressed in Seagoe at the

death of one of our oldest residents, Mr. Johnston

Crossen. His familiar figure will be much

missed. In old days he was much associated

with Seagoe Parish and often worked at the Rectory

for Archdeacon Saurin. He had reached a

great age and had many stories to tell of past

days in Seagoe. He retained his strength of

body and mind in a wonderful way to the very


The Choral Festival,

The annual Choral Festival in which Seagoe

Choir joins will be held (D. v.) in Knocknamuckley

parish Church on Saturday, May 21st, at 4.30.

p, m. A rehearsal will be held at 3 p.m.

Seagoe Mothers' Union,

On Tuesday evening; May 10th, a meeting Of

the Mothers' Union will be held in Seagoe School

at 7.30. At our last meeting held on April 12th,

Mrs. Bullock, of Portadown, gave a most interesting

and helpful address to the members. The

Rev. W. F. Hayes and Mr. Bullock were also



We owe a debt of gratitude to Mr. T. D,

Gibson, M.A., solicitor, who carried out the legal

arrangements connected with the purchase of the

garden plot beside the Church without charging

the fees to which he was entitled. On every

occasion Mr. Gibson has been very kind in connection

with similar matters concerning the

Parish and on behalf of the parishioners we offer

him our hearty thanks.

St, Donard's Concert.

We hope in our next issue to publish the receipts

and expenditure in connection with the St.

Donard's concert. The Rev. R. Gracey has

written to say how much the St. Donard's people

enjoyed their visit and kindly offering to help us

again in the future.

The Musical Festival

The Portadown Festival was a great success

and several of our young Seagoe musicians took

a leading part in the competitions.

Seagoe PE School.

Miss Matchett has entered upon her duties as

Assistant Teacher in Seagoe P.E. School. Dr.

Reid made his annual medical inspection of the

school on April 27th. Preparations are now being

made for the School Sports, which will be

held before the summer holidays. The grounds

around the school look very nice just now with

the budding trees and spring flowers. The horticultural

class is very busy at work in the school

garden. Mr. Ingold, the Government Inspector,

visited the garden last month and was greatly

pleased with its arrangement.

Our Summer Migrants.

Owing to the lateness of the season our summer

migrants have been somewhat late in arriving.

The swallow was seen in Seagoe on Wednesday,

April 13th, and the cuckoo was heard on

Monday, April 25th, but no report has yet come

in of the corncrake, which was due to arrive on

April 16th. The colony of crows which has frequented

Seagoe Grove for 60 years, has met with

a certain degree of difficulty in nest building

owing to the fierce and cold winds of early April.

After, no doubt, carefully considering the situation

almost half of the colony have migrated

the tall trees at the Rectory gate, where they are

at present very busy building new nests.


Parish Register for April.


The following were baptized in Seagoe Parish

Church on April 2nd, 1932 :—

McLoughlin—Maurice Aubrey, son of Robert John and Margaret Elizabeth

McLoughlin, of Drumnagoon. Sponsors—Florence McLoughlin, Margaret

Elizabetlm McLough1in.

Milligan—Enid Mary, daughter of Robert Geo. and Ellen Milligan, of Edenderry.

Sponsors—Mary Milligan, Ellen Milligan.

Haire—William John, son of Joseph and Hannah Haire, of Killicomaine.

Sponsors—Mary Jane Haire, Hannah Haire.

McKane—David Albert, son of David and Margaret McKane, of Ballymacrandle.

Sponsors—Anne Eliza McKane, Margaret McKane.

Forbes—Rebecca Ruby Maria, daughter of Thos. William and Rebecca Forbes, of

Hacknahay. Sponsors—Ruby Maria Elliott, Ellen Moffatt.

Hall—Dorothy Phyllis, daughter of Alfred James and Sarah Hall, of Kernan.

Sponsors—Alfred James Hall, Kathleen Boyce, Sarah Boyce.

Mulligan—James Ivan, son of William James and Dorothy Jane Mulligan, of Edenderry.

Sponsors—Margaret Sharpe, Dorothy Jane Mulligan.


Freeburn and Liggett—21st April, 1932, Edmund Freeburn, of Portadown,

to Violet Liggett, of Edenderry.


McCullough—April 18th, Lily McCullough, of Knockmena,

aged 11 months. Interred at Donaghcloney.

Campbell—April 19th, Jean Campbell, of Balteagh, aged 7 years.

Sunday School Excursion

The Sunday School excursion to Bangor will

(D. v.) be held on Thursday, June 16th. It promises

to be a great success. Many of the Sunday School

children are paying in their pennies

already. The price of the children's tickets will

be announced shortly in the Sunday Schools and

In the next Magazine. The price of outsiders'

tickets will be 2/9 each. Spades and buckets are

already being thought about.


We have received some very interesting

Queensland papers from Mrs. Nesbitt, of Ashgrove,

Brisbane, who is a regular subscriber to the Magazine.

The flowers which decorated the Church at

Easter were sent to the Hospital in Lurgan and

were much appreciated.

The Edenderry Men's Bible Class has subscribed £l

towards the Co. Armagh Protestant

Orphan Society and Cl to Foreign Missions.

They have also very generously given help to

some cases of poverty in the Parish.

We regret to think that there are some cases

of real poverty in the Parish. The amount available

for the Poor Fund is quite inadequate to

meet such cases. There must be a more liberal

distribution of outdoor relief, even though it,

means a raising of the rates. People must not

be allowed to starve. Some children have been

sent to schools in the Parish without their breakfast on several occasions.

A Link Severed.

We regret very much the closing of the shop

so long occupied by the late Mr. John Waugh in

Portadown, and the consequent disappearance

from our columns of the advertisement which

has been familiar to our readers for 27 years, ever

since the Magazine came into existence. Mr.

Waugh and his sisters were always much interested

in the Magazine and from its start subscribed

to it. Mr. Waugh's shop had been

existence for over 100 years.

Twenty-Five Years Ago.

MAY, 1907.

Seagoe Parish Magazine for May, 1907, contains

a great variety of Parish news. The new

Churchwardens are Major Stewart Blacker and

Mr. George Calvert. Three of the then Vestry

are still in 1932 members of the Vestry, David

Rock, T. E. Maginnis and Thos. Martin. There

is a long note expressing regret at the departure

from the Parish of the Curate, the Rev. John

Taylor. Mr. Taylor officiated for the last time in

the Church on Sunday evening, April 28th. In

the Church attendance returns 12 Edenderry

girls and 4 Edenderry boys had not missed a Sunday

Service during the quarter ending March 31st.

Six Baptisms, one Marriage and nine

Burials are recorded. A set of Questions for

Sunday School Teachers and scholars are printed.

Captain Atack, of the Church Army, has begun

work in the Parish. Preparations are being

made for a Sale of Work to be held on June 6th.

Lectures at Carne.

A series of Lectures on cookery and kindred

subjects will begin in Carne Church Hall on


Thursday, May 12th, at 7 p.m. They have been

arranged by the Armagh County Council. We

recommend our readers in that district to avail

themselves of this useful opportunity for acquiring

useful knowledge on important subjects.

Old Seagoe Notes.

Formation of a Sustentation Fund.—At

Disestablishment the formation of a Sustentation

Fund became an urgent necessity. A meeting

of select vestrymen" was held in Seagoe

School House on Wednesday evening, June 22nd,

1870, Archdeacon Saurin being in the chair. The

following resolutions were unanimously passed :—

1. That application be made to the Landed Proprietors

of the Parish for contributions towards Sustentation Fund.

2—That collectors be appointed

for each townland and that immediate action be

taken to see what amount would be likely to be

realised, and that a deputation be appointed to

wait on the residents of the Parish who would

be likely to support a Sustentation Fund.

3— Resolved that Thomas Wm. Atkinson, Esq.,

Bank of Ireland, be appointed Treasurer to Sustentation Fund.

The Landed Proprietors of Seagoe Parish in

1870 with their private addresses.—A list of

Landed Proprietors of the Parish, with their private

addresses, occupies a whole page of the Records.

It is signed "James Saurin, Chairman,

10th August, 1870." Here is the list:—

His Grace the Duke of Manchester, London; Rt.

Hon. Lord Lurgan, Lurgan; Stewart Blacker,

Esq., Carrick-blacker, Portadown; Mrs. George

Blacker, do. ; Baroness Von Stieglitz, do. ,

Francis W. Heath, Esq., Mr. Carleton's, Portadown;

John W. Greer, Esq., Lurgan; John Y.

Burgess, Esq., Parkanore, Dungannon; Mrs.

Cuppage, Silverwood ; Francis Fulton Meade,

Esq., Dublin; Dr. Leney, Montiaghs, Lurgan ;

Lord E. H. Trevor, Church N.W. ; John M'Cann,

Esq., Moyraverty, Lurgan; John Moore, Esq.,

Kilkeel, Co. Down; Levingston Thomson, Esq. ,

Wicklow; John Richardson, Esq., Moy; Robert

Morris, Esq., Lurgan; Jas. Robinson, Esq.,

Clady; Rev. W. C. Moore, David Ruddell, Esq.,

Peacefield, Portadown; Francis Greer, Esq.

Dungannon; Mr. Carleton, Portadown; Rev. W.

Redmond, Moorfield House, Moortown, Leeds ;

Richard M 'Cann, Esq., Castlebellingham; John

11. Adams, Esq., Northlands, Carrickmacross ;

Woolsey Atkinson, Esq., Eden Villa, Portadown ;

Mrs. James Walker, Edenderry, Portadown; T

Armstrong, Esq., Eden Hall, Portadown.

The Select Vestry Comes Into Action.—A

meeting of the Select Vestrymen was held in

Seagoe School on Wednesday, Aug. 10th, 1870,

Archdeacon Saurin in the chair. It was resolved

unanimously that the Parish would undertake

the care of the fabric of the Church in order and

pay its insurance. The -following is a list of the

Select Vestrymen present—Robert Reid, Wm

Vaughan, Alex. Russell, Charles Twinem, John

Montgomery, Leonard Jennett, Joseph Lawson

James Atkinson. Collectors were appointed as

follows—Leonard Jennett and Leonard Calvert

for Knock, Ballyhannon, Hacknahay, Drumnacanvey,

Carrick, Breagh, and Ballymacrandle

Thomas Armstrong, junr., and Joseph Lawson

for Edenderry and Levaghery. Robert Best and

Wm. Vaughan for Killicomaine, Bocombra and

Lylo. Robert Reid and John Montgomery for

Tarson, Derryvore, Carn, and Ballinacor

Abram M 'Coun and Alex. Russell for Drumgor

Clanrole and Knockmena. Charles Twinem and

James Atkinson for Seagoe Upper and Lower

Lisniskey and Kernan. Henry Lavery and

Joseph M'Coun for Druminagoon, Tamnificarbet

Kilvjrgin, Aughacommon, Tamnifiglasson and

Balteagh. Samuel Hewitt and James Millar for

Boconnell, Knockramer, Silverwood, Analoist

Kinigo, Ballinamoney and Turmoyra.

Gift of an Acre in the School Lane.—The Rev

R. M'Walter presided over a meeting of Select

Vestrymen held in the Schoolhouse on Thursday

Dec. 29th, 1870. Mr. James Atkinson was appointed

Secretary, Mr. Wolsey Atkinson and Mr.

John Montgomery joint Treasurers, Mr. Thomas

Armstrong, junr. , and Mr. Joseph Lawson

Auditors. It was resolved that the present choir

be continued and to be paid the sum of £

yearly. It was proposed that Mr. Wolsey Atkinson

and Mr. John Montgomery should wait on

the Archdeacon in order to have the acre of Land

which he proposed to give to the School lane of

(sic) that the Lease may be got perfected

Robert Mac Walter, Chairman.

The First Easter Vestry after Disestablishment.

—The Act of Disestablishment came into

force on January 1st, 1871, and the first Easter

Vestry in Seagoe was held in the Parochial

Schoolhouse on April 10th, 1871. Mr. Thos.

Armstrong, junr., and Mr. Robert Reid were

appointed Churchwardens. Wolsey Atkinson,

Armstrong, junr., John Montgomery, Abram

M 'Coun, Henry Lavery and Joseph M 'Cann were

appointed Lay Members of the Diocesan Synod.

The three Parochial Nominators appointed at the

last Vestry were now confirmed. It was proposed

by Stewart Blacker, and seconded by John

Montgomery, that the collections for the Sustentation

Fund be placed with the Representative

Body, with the special proviso that it be reserved

for the future endowment of this Parish,

purchase of Glebe House and land, etc. [The record

of this Vestry is signed by Robert Reid, chairman.

Apparently neither the Archdeacon nor

his Curate were present.]


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Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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