Seagoe Archives

May 1934


May 1934

Seagoe Parish Magazine.

MAY, 1934.


At the Easter Vestry held on Thursday April 5th, in Seagoe School, the following appointments were made:-











Hon. Sec— MOSES GILPIN , Drumnagoon.

Hon. Treas.— HUGH STOOPS, Killicomaine Rd ., Portadown.

Assistant Hon. Treas.—THOMAS H . HALL .



James Twinem , William White, Robert McClements, Thomas Martin, James Allen, Arthur Allen,

John H . Twinem, James Reid, John G. Gracey, W in. A. Casey, Robert Scott, Hugh Stoops, John

Walker, Nicholas Campbell, Isaac Dickson, John R. Reid, Victor Matchett, George Wilson, W.

J. M‘Kinney, Alphonso Kirk, C. S. A. Twinem , Thomas Gracey, William Hutchinson , Ernest




At a meeting of the Select Vestry held on May 1st, the following elections were made: —




Robert McClements, Wm. Hutchinson , J . Dermott, Mrs. Sherman, Miss Montgomery, Miss

Atkinson. Hon. Sec. and Treas.

Confirmation Classes.

The Classes of Preparation for the forthcoming

Confirmation are being held in Seagoe School

each week as under—

Class for Boys— Thursdays, a t 8 .

Class for Girls— Tuesdays, a t 8 .

A Class for Adults (over the age of 21) Men

and Women, is held in the Parish Church on

every Sunday afternoon at 4.30 p.m .. beginning

on Sunday, May 6th.


We suggest that the following Prayer, taken

from the Book of Common Prayer, should be used

throughout the Parish during this time of Preparation for Confirmation. It will be found on

page 48 of the Prayer Book:—

O God, who through the teaching of thy Son

Jesus Christ didst prepare the disciples for the

coming of the Comforter; make ready, we beseech Thee, the hearts and minds of thy servants

who at this time are seeking the gifts of the Holy

Ghost through the laying on of hands, that, drawing near with penitent and faithful hearts, they

may be filled with the power of His divine presence; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord.



Rev. Chancellor Archer, B .D ., The Rectory,


Rev. W. F. Hayes, B.A., The Bungalow, Lower

Seagoe, Portadown.


Rector’s—Mr. John Harrison Twinem.

People’s—Mr. Robert McClements.

The Excursion .

At a meeting of the Superintendents and

Teachers of our Sunday Schools held on Monday,

April 16th, it was decided that the Sunday School

Excursion should go this year to Warrenpoint on

Thursday, June 14th. The following prices of

Tickets were arranged: —

Children (whose names are on the Sunday

School Rolls)—

Eight years old and under—9d each.

Eight to Fourteen years— 1/- each.

Over Fourteen— 1/3 each.

Sunday School Teachers—2 /- each.

Men’s Bible Class—2/- each.

C.L.B. Band and Ballyhannon—2 /- each.

All the above Tickets include two refreshments.

Outsiders’ Tickets—2/- each.

Refreshment Tickets for outsiders, entitling to

two Refreshments, can be purchased beforehand

a t 1 /-.

The train for Warrenpoint will leave at 9.55

a.m .

The Return train will leave Warrenpoint at

8.35 p.m .

The Mothers’ Union.

On Tuesday, May 8th , a meeting of the

Mothers’ Union will be held in Seagoe School at

7.30. Tea will be provided for all who come.

Mrs. Magill, of Milltown Rectory, will give an

address to the members. Mrs. Magill has always

taken a great interest in the Mothers’ Union, and

her visits to Seagoe are always very welcome and

highly appreciated. Mrs. Magill, besides the

interest she takes in Christian work, is also a

distinguished graduate of the Queen’s University.

Rogation Sunday.

The Services in the Parish Church on Sunday,

May 6th , being Rogation Sunday, will have special reference to seeking the Divine Blessing on

the crops which are now being sown. It has been

a very ancient custom in the Church to hold such

services at Rogation-tide.

Ascension Day.

On Thursday, May 10th, being Ascension Day,

there will be a celebration of Holy Communion

in the Church a t 11.30 a .m ., and Evening Prayer

and Sermon at 8 p .m .

Seagoe C.L-B.

We congratulate the C .L .B . on its varied activities. It has had a strenuous month. On Sunday afternoon last. April 30th, it journeyed to Omagh on the kind invitation of the Rector, the

Rev. Canon Cullimore. A company of the C.L.B

has just been formed in Omagh, and the Omagh

lads, with the Seagoe lads, attended evening Service in the Parish Church at Omagh.

The Seagoe Cadets, over 40 in number, with their band, left

the Parochial Hall a t 3 p .m . for Omagh. On arriving there they were entertained to tea and

then marched to the Parish Church. The Rev

G. Foote, M .A., Deputation Secretary for the

C .M .S. in Northern Ireland, preached the sermon. The Rev. W . F. Hayes, Assistant Chaplain,

accompanied the lads and read the lesson

during the Service. After the Service the Brigade marched round the Square with band parading and created much interest among the Omagh

folk. Our energetic and capable O.C., Lieu

Mitchell, was in command of the Brigade.

A new company of our C .L .B . has been started

in Carne and a large number have joined up

The lads meet on Mondays at 8 in Carne Church

H all. L ieut. Walter Currie is in command. On

the evening of Good Friday the Cadets and

Training Corps from Carne and Edenderry attended the Service in the Parish Church at 8


Display and Inspection.

On Monday, May 7th, the Seagoe C .L .B . will

have their Annual, Inspection and Display in the

Parochial Hall at 8 p .m . The Inspecting Officer

will be Lt.-Col. Torrens, from Belfast, the Commandant of the Down and Connor and Dromore

Battalion . A most interesting display has been

arranged by the Cadets and Training Corps. The

Annual Display is becoming a regular feature of

our Parish life and is always attended by a crowd

of people. Tickets, 9d each, are on sale and have

been rapidly bought up. The proceeds go towards the C .L .B . Fund.

District Services.

During the past month, besides the Service

held in the Parochial H all, Edenderry, on Wednesdays at 8 p .m ., Services have also been held

at the same hour on the same day in Bocombra

Levaghery and Drumgor. Addresses have been

given at these services by Mr. Wm . Hutchinson

of Edenderry.

Drumgor Sunday School.

M r. William Hutchinson has been appointed

Superintendent of Drumgor Sunday School,

has held chorus practices on recent Sundays before the Sunday School, and the children and

teachers have been much interested.

S. A. M. S.

We acknowledge the following sum s received:

for the support of an Indian baby by the

Mothers’ Union, £ 3 ; for the support of an Indian

girl called “ Herminia” by Drumgor, Hacknahay, Levaghery and Seagoe afternoon S. schools,

£3. Boxes—Miss Calvert, 14s 7d; Miss A. Guy,

Is 3d; Mrs. T. FT. Guy (New York), 10s 3d; Mrs.

Lewie, 15s 6d; Miss S. Montgomery, 6s 11d ;

Miss Price, 2s 8d ; Miss Reid, 10s; Mrs. J .

Walker, 2s 3d. Card—Miss Atkinson, £5 16s 6d.

total— £15 1s 11 d . Secretary-—Miss Atkinson.

C. M . S.

The following box collections for the C .M .S.

have been received:— Mrs. Ephraim Collins,

2s 6d; Mrs. Stoops, 2s 6d ; Miss Price, 2s; Miss

Lizzie Gracey, 6s 10 ½ d; Mrs. Flannigan, 2s 7 ½ d ;

Mrs. T. Metcalf, 4s 4d; Mrs. Dawson, 10s 11d ;

Miss Atkinson, 2s 6d ; Miss G. E . Atkinson, 10s;

Mrs. Dickson, 14s 7d ; A Friend , 3s; Mrs. Gerald

Atkinson, 6s 9d. Hacknahay :—Mrs. N. England, 8s 3d; Miss Annie Magee, 2s 1 d ; Norman

Cregan, 2s 7d; Miss Minnie England, 3s 7d;

Miss Margaret McKane, 3s 6 ½ d ; Miss Dinah

Montgomery, 2s 10 ½ d ; Mrs. Bradshaw , 9s 4 ½ d;

Miss Sophia Jennett, 12s 5 ½ d; Miss Lizzie Neill,

4 s 11 1/2 d ; Miss Jane Currie, 3s 7d ; Mrs. George

McNeill, 2s 6d; Miss Sadie Maginnis, 5s; Miss

Minnie McCormick, 4s 1d ; the late Mr. Wm . J .

Calvert, 5s; Miss Rebecca Calvert, £1 17s Id.

Total— £8 15s 7d. Secretary— Miss G. Atkinson.

Jews’ Society.

The following sums have been received for the

Jews’ Society :— Boxes—The Misses Montgomery, 10s; Miss Gretta Atkinson, 11s 10d; Mr.

Arthur Allen, 8s; Mrs. Richard Hoy, 7s 3d; Mrs.

Arthur Allen, senr., 6s 3d; Mrs. J . Shanks, 5s

6 d; Miss Amy Cox, 4s 3d ; Mr. Joe Hynes, 4s 6d;

Mr. Harry Hynes, 3s 3d; Mrs. W . Neill, 3s 9d;

Miss Florrie Hynes, 3s; Mrs. Flannigan, 3s;

Mrs. Arthur Allen, ju n r., 3s 2d; Mrs. Robert

Magee, 2s Id ; subscription— Miss Halliday, £1.

Total—£4 15s 10d. Secretary— Miss Halliday.

Our Advertisements.

Our advertisement columns are replete with

goods of all kinds offered for sale. Read the

short sentences a t the head and foot of the advertisement pages. They are drawn from various

sources. They find their application in the advertisements which they describe.


We offer our hearty congratulations to Mr. and Mrs- Isaac Dickson on their recent marriage.

Mr. Dickson is a member of our Select Vestry

and has filled for two years the post of Churchwarden. He has always been a good friend of

Seagoe Parish.

Our Sum m er Migrants.

All our summer migrants have arrived, and we

give here the names of the observers and the

dates and place where the visitors were first observed :— The swallow was first seen on April 16th

by Charlie Calvert at Breagh. The Corncrake

was first heard a t Breagh by Charlie Calvert on

April 18th, and the Cuckoo was first heard by

Helen Stanfield at Levaghery on April 22nd. We

congratulate our young friends on their quickness of observation.

Parish Register for April.


The following were Baptized in Seagoe Parish Church on April 7th, 1934: —

Gilpin—Richard John, son of Richard John and Ellen Gilpin, of Carne.

Sponsors— Sarah Jane Gilpin, Ellen Gilpin.

Freeburn—Ivan, son of Thomas and Dinah Freeburn, of Edenderry.

Sponsors— Letitia Tate, Dinah Rebecca F reeburn.

Pierson—Ethel Winifred, daughter of William John and Ethel Anna Pierson, of Edenderry.

Sponsors—Mary Maria Crawford, Ethel Anna Pierson.

Pierson— Mary Elizabeth , daughter of William John and Ethel Anna Pierson, of Edenderry.

Sponsors— Mary Elizabeth McCormick, Ethel Anna Pierson.

Private Baptism. Ramsey— 31st M arch, 1934, Esther, daughter of John and Esther Hamilton Ramsey, of Kernan .


Duncan and Gregson—April 2nd, 1934, Theophilus David Gordon Duncan, of Caledon, Parish of Caledon, to Elizabeth Gregson, of Drumgor.

Bell and Graham—April 3rd, 1934, Robert Bell, of Gilford, Parish of Gilford, to Agnes Graham , of Edenderry .


Reilly—April 8th , William Reilly, of Levaghery, aged 80 years

Dickson— April 11th , Thomas Dickson, of Tamnifiglasson, aged 81 years.

Ramsey—April 12th, Esther Ramsey, of Kernan, aged 14 days.

Tate—April 16th, William John Tate, of Tarson, aged 87 years.

Lyness—April 26th, Robert John Lyness, of Carne, aged 18 ½ years.


We desire to express our deep sympathy with

the many homes in the Parish who mourn the

loss of a dear one snatched away during the past

month by the Hand of Death . A glance at our

list of Burials will show how sad and serious have

been our losses. The very old and the very young

have alike been taken from amongst us. William

Reilly, of Levaghery, has been called away after

a brief illness. H e was for m any years a faithful employee of the G .N .R . Thomas Dickson, of

Tamnifiglasson was well known and very highly

respected through the Parish . H e was always

genial and kind and ready to help everyone. He

will be sadly missed. Esther Ramsey has been

gathered into the Fold after but a few days of

life. William John Tate had reached the age of

;87 years and had enjoyed splendid health all

through his long life. His tall and manly figure

typified his straight, outspoken and courageous

habit of life. For many years he helped in the

Parish as a Sustentation Fund Collector. One

of the saddest losses sustained in the Parish has

been the death in early youth of one of our most

promising lads, Robert John Lvness. His sudden and serious illness stirred a great wave of

sympathy through and beyond the Parish . He

was so bright and kindly and genial that he won

friendship and affection amongst all whom he

met. The great numbers who were presen t at

his funeral testified the esteem in which he was

held and expressed the deep sympathy for his

bereaved parents and brothers and sisters. The

lesson of the season of Easte r through which we

have just been passing will help to lessen the

burden of sorrow which presses on so many in

our midst. We sorrow not as those without hope

for them that sleep in Him . There lies before

us the bright hope of a joyous reunion in the life

to come.

Jumble Sale.

A Jumble Sale will be held in Edenderry

Parochial H all on Friday evening, June 1st, at

8 p .m . A splendid assortment of all kinds of

goods and clothing will be on sale. Admission 3d


The nett proceeds of the Seagoe School Concert held in January amounted to £5 4s Id.

* * * •

There is still a scarcity of water in the Parish notwithstanding the recent rainfall.

♦ * *

The new extension plot beside the Church has been sown with lawn grass.

K * * *

Much regret has been expressed in the Parish

at the sad accident which caused the death of

Thom as James Jones. He was well known and

much respected by all and his early death is

deplored by his m any friends.

■* *■ *

The approaching visit of the Lord Bishop for

the Consecration of the new Burial ground and

for the holding of a Confirmation is being looked

forward to with much interest.

* * *

A sturdy farmer in Seagoe Parish , of mature

years, boasts that he can do a thing which no

one else can do in the Parish . He can, when

standing upright, with squared shoulders, touch

the backs of his hands together behind his back

Some of our readers should see if they can do it,

* * *

Some of those who took sets of envelope

a t the beginning of the year have not yet begun

to use them . It will be a great help if all will

contribute regularly through the envelopes.


HOLY COMM UNION—1st Sunday after Morning

Prayer ; 3rd Sunday at 8 a.m., and on the Chief


HOLY BAPTISM—1st Sunday of each Month at 4

p.m., and during any Service in the Parish Church,

notice be given ; Two Sponsors at least are required

and they must be Confirmed Members of the Church,

Churchings are held at each Baptism. Mothers are

expected to bring a thankoffering. (See Book of

Common Prayer )

MORNING PRAYER—Sundays and Chief Festivals,

11 30 a m.

EVENING PRAYER—Sundays, 7 p.m.


Hacknahay—Last Sunday of Month at 3-30 p,m.

Drumgor—Second Sunday of Month at 4 p.m.

Edenderry—Wednesdays at 8pm


BIBLE CLASS FOR MEN in Edenderry on

Sundays at 10-15 a.m.

SUNDAY SCHOOLS -10 a.m. Edenderry Parochial

Hall and Seagoe School. 3 p.m. Seagoe, Edenderry

Parochial Hall, Levaghery, Hacknahay, Carne,

Drumgor, Bocombra,

MOTHERS' UNION—2nd Tuesday of each month

at 7-30 p.m.

CHURCH LADS' BRIGADE in the Parochial Hall

on Tuesdays and Fridays,


alternate Mondays at 8 p.m.

SEAGOE P.E. SCHOOL, 9-15 a.m. Principal—Mr.

R. Scott.

MARRIAGES must be performed between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Licenses are issued by Ven. Archdeacon Hannon

Rectory, Lurgan. Due notice (48 hours) must be given to the Rector of intended weddings FEES—BY License—

Labourers 5/—, Tradesmen 10/—, Merchants and Farmers 15/-, Professional £1. By Banns 5/- FUNERALS will be attended by the Clergy if proper notice be given.

SICK CASES should be notified to the Clergy without delay.

FEES FOR CERTIFICATES—BAPTISM 3/7, Children (Factory) 1/- and 2/- (non residents); MARRIAGE 3/7 An extra Search Fee is chargeable in certain cases.

It will be a help to the Clergy if they are notified of the

arrival of new Church families in the Parish.

A copy of the Magazine will be sent by post to any subscriber for 3/- per annum.


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Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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