Seagoe Archives

May 1938


May 1938

Seagoe Parish Magazine

MAY, 1938


REV J. W. APPLELBE, M.A., B.D., Carrickblacker Ave.

REV, W. F. HAYES, B.A., L.Th., The Bungalow,

Lower Seagoe.



People's—H. A. CATHCART.





May Ist—2nd Sunday after Easter. St. Philip and St. James.

May 8th—3rd Sunday after Easter.

May 10th—Mothers' Union Meeting.

May 15th—4th Sunday after Easter.

May 19th—Sunday School Excursion Committee

Meeting at 8 p.m. in Seagoe School.

May 22nd—Rogation Sunday.

May 26th—Ascension Thursday. Holy Communion in

Parish Church at 10 a.m.

May 28th—Choral Festival in Parish Church. Prac-

tice at 3 p.m.; Service at 4.30.

May 29bh—Sunday after Ascension Day.


The annual general Easter Vestry was held in

Seagoe P.E. School on Wednesday, April 20th, at 8 p.m.

The Rector presided and, after the reading of the

46th Psalm by the Rev. W. F. Hayes, opened the

meeting with prayer.

The rector, in welcoming those present, pointed out

that it was a pity that more of the parishioners did

not attend such an important meeting. After briefly

reviewing the financial state of parochial affairs, he

referred to the work of the Select Vestry during the

past year. He expressed his sincere thanks to the

outgoing Churchwardens—Messrs. J. H. Twinem and

R. McClements—for the exemplary manner in which

they had discharged their duties during their term

of office.

The Rector also thanked the Select Vestry for their

help and encouragement and for their loyal co-operation

in tackling the problems which confronted the

Parish—a task they had undertaken with vision and

courage. He also stressed the fact that although

they were meeting to make arrangements for the

business side of the parish yet they must bear in

mind that they were not a mere business corporation;

their work Was not merely with balance sheets, etc.,

but the Church's function was to be God's instrument,

that in and through it the Kingdom of God may be

established in the hearts and lives of our people

When people lived close to Christ, when His will is

done and when God's law is known and kept all the

lesser problems would automatically solve themselves,

The Rev. J. W. Appelbe also paid tribute to the

help he had received during the past year from his

colleague, the Rev. W. F. Hayes.

The following elections took place:—

Rector's Churchwarden—Mr. Thomas Martin.

People's Churchwarden—Mr. H. A. Cathcart.

Select Vestry—Messrs. R. McClements, J. H. Twinem,

S. McCormick, W. White, M.P.S.N.I., H. Murray

Gibson, J. R. Reid, G. Leake, D. F. Stoops, M.P.S.N.I.„

M. Gilpin. James Magennis, M.P.S.N.I., James

Twinem, E. Mitchell.

Hon. Treasurer—Mr. Wm. White.

Sidesmen—Members of the Select Vestry, together

with—T. E. Magennis, Jas. Allen, Arthur Allen, John

G. Gracey, J.P., Wm. A. Casey, R. Scott, J. Walker,

N. Campbell, I. Dickson, G. Wilson, A. Kirk, Chas.

S. A. Twinem, Thos. Gracey, W. Hutchinson, T.

Stanfield, R. Sherman, W. Hewitt, J. Stephens, D.

Allen, John Gee, J. Hynes, A. Pickering, H. Ellis, W.

G. Best, J. H. Wilson, S. D. Walker, T. Hall, J. Rehill.

Before the meeting came to a close a hearty vote

of thanks was passed to all the voluntary lay workers.

The Rector, in supporting this motion, pointed

out that but for their support very little could be

done. They were fortunate in having such a splendid

band of workers—Sunday School teachers, choir,

Magazine and W.F.O. envelope distributors, rectory

fund collectors, the leaders in the various parish organisations

—Mother's Union, C.L.B., G.F.S., etc.


Bocombra—Tuesday, May 3rd, at 8 p.m.

Drumgor—Sunday, May 8th, at 3 p.m.

Hacknahay—Sunday, May 29th, at 3.30 p.m.


At a meeting of the Sunday School Superintendents

and teachers held on Wednesday, April 13th, at 9

p.m., in Seagoe School, it was arranged that the annual

Sunday School Excursion would take place on

Thursday, June 9th, to Warrenpoint. Mr. R.

McClements was appointed Hon. Secretary, and

Messrs. Wm. Hutchinson and E. Gibson as joint Hon.


During the past few years a voluntary collection

system has been tried in the Sunday Schools to enable

pupils to contribute weekly or monthly towards

has proved satisfactory and enables many children

to avail themselves of the excursion, who perhaps


would find it very difficult otherwise to do so. Each

pupil is credited with the exact amount paid in.

When this system was inaugurated it was made quite

clear that any surplus resulting from the scheme

would be used for the general expenses fund of the

Sunday School. No child need pay in more than is

sufficient to cover his or her excursion expenses. The

Superintendent or teacher concerned will always, if

asked, tell the pupil how he or she st.ands in this


The following subscriptions are gratefully acknow-



“In the midst of life we are in death"—the truth

of these words was vividly brought home to us during

the past month. Mr. Chas. Robinson passed away

in England, where he was residing since his retirement;

he belonged to an old and highly respected

Seagoe family. It is less than a year since his brother,

Mr. Fred Robinson, Ballyhannon, died after a tedious

illness. Robert McClements was in early infancy,

complications following a chill proved fatal. We leave

him in the loving arms of Him who said " Suffer the

little children to come unto Me." he has been saved

the sorrow and suffering of the world. Mrs. Gee

was widely known and loved; her death came with

tragic suddenness. After a day of loving service she

passed into the " Great Beyond"' without pain or

the long-drawn out struggle with increasing weakness.

Her place will be hard to fill, especially in Bocombra

Sunday School, where she had had a splendid class

of young men. Her unselfishness and eagerness to

help others endeared her to all with whom she came

in contact. Mrs. Best was a very old and loyal churchwoman,

and she will be greatly missed in the neighbourhood.

To all the bereaved we express our sincere

sympathy, and pray that our Heavenly Father will

comfort and strengthen them in their sorrow.



Boxes :—

Miss Calvert £0 10 3

Miss Guy £0 5 0

Mrs. Lewie £0 6 0

Mrs McDouga11 £0 2 0

Miss S. Montgomery £0 7 7 ½

Miss D. Montgomery £0 5 4 ½

Mrs. H. Sloan £0 3 11

Miss Reid £0 10 0

Mrs. J. Walker £0 2 2

Card :—

Miss Atkinson £5 10 6


Total £8 2 10


The following subscriptions are gratefully acknowledged :—

John Sandford £2 0 0

James Twinem £5 0 0

Charles A. Twinem £2 0 0

James J. Twinem £1 0 0

Mrs. Preston £0 10 0

David Webb £0 10 0

Miss White £0 2 6

The Misses McCormick £0 3 0

The Misses Hoy £0 2 6

W. J. England £2 0 0

John Hickland £0 10 0

Sam Jennett £1 0 0

Miss Neill £0 2 0

Sam Abraham £5 0 0

S. J. Coulter £0 10 0

James Atkinson £0 10 0

Miss Minnie Twinem £1 0 0

Miss Mary J. Coulter £1 0 0

Albert Guy £1 0 0

George Connolly £0 3 0

David Cordy £1 0 0

W. McKinney £1 0 0

W. Simpson £0 2 0

A. Kirk £1 0 0

James Shanks £1 0 0

T. H. Wilson £1 0 0

George Wilson £1 0 0

George Robinson £1 0 0

George Porter £1 0 0

Mrs. Ballentine £1 0 0

S. J. Ruddell £0 10 0

Miss M. Mathers £0 2 6

Robert Walker £1 0 0

Mrs. M. Guy . £1 0 0

George Matchett £0 10 0

Mrs. S. Guy £0 5 0

Wm. Neill £0 8 0

W. J. Cunningham £0 15 0

D. W. Kyle £0 2 6

R. Matchett £2 0 0

Thos. Coulter £2 0 0

G. Taylor £0 5 0

Q. Lester £0 7 0

William White £2 0 0

R. McC1ements £5 0 0

G. Gracey £1 0 0

Miss Isobel Atkinson £100 0 0

Miss G. Atkinson £50 0 0

Mrs. Vance £5 0 0

Mrs. Preston £1 0 0

John Campbell £5 0 0

H. M. Gibson £0 2 6

Mr. C. Clarke £0 2 6

Mrs. Bird £0 2 6

Mr. Thos. Clarke £0 2 6

Mr. Sam Morrison £0 2 6

Miss D. Montgomery £0 10 0

Mr. George Wilson (Levaghery) £0 10 0

Mrs. Richardson £0 2 0

Mr. James Fletcher £0 5 0

Mrs. Thos. Nesbitt £0 5 0

Mrs. Thos. Laverty £0 2 6

Mr. Bertie Kilpatrick £0 2 6

Mr. T. Martin £10 0 0

Mr. J. E. Lavery £10 0 0

Mrs. Walsh £0 5 0


£239 2 6

Previously acknowledged £64 14 0


£303 16 6


The services in Holy Week were fairly well attended,

though we feel there are many more of our people

who could attend these Services and do not.

We are grateful to all those who sent flowers, etc.,

for the Easter decorations.

Special Easter music was rendered by the choir on

Easter Day; Mrs. Casey played the organ in her usual

accomplished style. The choir are to be congratulated;

the anthem—a very beautiful one—re-echoed in

a fitting way the spirit of Easter Day. Again we

thank the members of the Choir, not only for their

valued help on Easter Day, but also for their loyal

and devoted service throughout the year.


An original production entitled " Radio Seagoe,"' organised

by Miss D. Ashdown, was presented in Edenderry

Parochial Hall on Thursday, April 21st, at 7.30

p.m. The stage was cleverly camouflaged to resemble

a miniature broadcasting studio. A weather report,

local news. children's hour and a variety programme

of songs, sketches, etc., followed. The cast included

the Misses D. Ashdown. H. Walker, M. Robinson, G.

Robinson, A. McDougall, F. Ward and V. Morrison,

Messrs, F. Shanks. B. Rocke. A. McLoughlin, E. Porter,

J. Lynas and F. McAlister. Mr. Jos. Hynes acted as

compere. Messrs. S. McKinley and T. Rountree were

guest artistes.

We are grateful to Miss Ashdown and the Seagoe

Players for a splendid programme. The proceeds will

be devoted to the Parochial Hall Renovation Fund.


For some time past negotiations have been in progress

with a view to the transfer of the above-named

school to the Regional Education Committee.

A sub-committee from the Regional Committee met

representatives of Seagoe Parish in Seagoe School on

Thursday, 14th April, and an interesting discussion

took place. As a result it is hoped that the proposed

transfer will now proceed. thus relieving the parish of

an unnecessary burden and at the same time procuring

for the children of the locality better educational


The suggested terms of transfer are the usual ones,

i.e., that the school, outside school hours, shall be

available as heretofore for parochial purposes; together

with a 50 years lease, which safeguards the

site and buildings for the use of the parish in the

event of this being needed in the future for a

parochial hall or other church buildings.


The Annual Report of the Parochial finances for the

year ending December 31st. 1937, is now in the hands

the W.F.O. subscribers. We are grateful to all

those who voluntarily undertook to distribute them. A

slight departure from the practice of other years has

been made viz to save printing expense, the report

has been confined to giving the contributions of annual

subscribers and W.F. Offerings; reports and

statements of Halls, Sunday Schools, etc., this year

are being printed in the Magazine.

A very hopeful fact is that since the previous year

there has been a marked improvement in the returns

of all the districts, both town and country. In many a

very decided increase is shown. This is very encouraging

for our Select Vestry, and shows that there

are an increasing number of our people who value

the ministrations of our Church, To those who are

setting such a magnificent example by their regular

generous giving we cannot be too thankful, but looking

through the pages of the report we are surprised

to see many names of professing parishioners conspicuous

by their absence, and far too many names

with sums so small that they are not sufficient to pay

for the set of envelopes and the printing of the report.

May we again appeal to those who have not been in

the habit of subscribing by the W.F.O. scheme to get

a set of envelopes. Every wage earner should have a

set for him or herself. Any W.F.O. distributor or the

Secretary, Mr. Moses Gilpin, will be only too glad to

supply envelopes if asked for.


The Girls' Friendly Society choir from Seagoe

branch competed at the Portadown Musical Festival

last month, and although they were not among the

prize-winners yet they put up a most creditable performance,

and we hope that the experience gained

will inspire them to try again next year. This was

a new venture in our G.F.S. activities this year and

it proved a popular and helpful experiment. To Miss

T. Wilson, who trained the choir voluntarily, our sincere

thanks are due, and it was only fitting that the

G.F.S. choir members should show their appreciation

of her services in a tangible form, which they did on

Thursday evening, April 21st, when they met in

Seagoe School and a handbag was handed to Miss

Wilson by Miss Magee, the youngest G.F.S. member

present as a token of their gratitude.


The last monthly meeting fell in Holy Week, so

the Mothers went to the Holy Week Service in the

parish. It was a very fitting way of holding their

monthly meeting, and there was a splendid

of the members. Before the Service in Church the

Rector enrolled several new members.

The next, meeting will be on Tuesday, May 10th.



The annual Choral Festival will be held this year

in Seagoe Parish Church at 4.30 p.m. on Saturday,

May 28th. There will be a combined practice of all

the choirs taking part at 3 p.m. in the Church.

The preacher will be the Rev. H. W. Rennison, M.A.,

Rector of Ballymascanlan, Co. Louth, and the collection

will be in aid of the Festival expenses.


The annual Festival Service for the Down and Connor

and Dromore Battalion of the Church Lads' Brigade

took place at St. Anne's Cathedral, Belfast, on

Thursday, April 28th, at 8 p.m. The parade was one

of the largest there has been. It. was well supported by

the various companies of the Battalion. There was a

large turn-out of C.L.B. and the Junior Training Corps

was particularly strong in numbers. The Seagoe company

and Band were present, accompanied by Lieuts.

J. Hynes, D. Allen, W. G. Best, Sergeant-Major F.

Shanks, and the Rev. W. F. Hayes. The Lord Bishop

was present in the Cathedral and took the salute in

the march past after the Service. The address was

given by the Rev. C. H. B. Craig, Chaplain of St.

Mark's Company, Ballysillan.


The weekly meetings for the above have ceased for

the Summer months. They will be resumed again in

the Autumn. We are glad to see several of the girls,

who attend the G.F.S. Candidates' meetings sitting together

in Church on Sundays.


(Extra Notice).

The original intention was to hold this on June 23rd,

but this date has been changed to June 9th, as we go

to Press, owing to another excursion having been fixed

for that day.


" Suffer little children to come unto Me, and forbid

them not, for of such is the Kingdom of God."

3rd April—Hazel Lucinda, daughter of Albert Richard and Annie Greenaway,

31, James Street, Portadown.

3rd April—Gwendoline Lorna, daughter of Joseph Herbert and Sarah Atkinson,

7, Century Street, Portadown.

3rd April—John, son of Albert Edward and Margaret Pickering, 8, Edward Street, Portadown.


" Those whom God hath joined together let no man put asunder."

April 18th—Robert Elliott Johnston, 78, West St., Portadown,

and Alice Steenson, Breagh, Portadown.


" Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from

henceforth, yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest

from their labours."

5th April—Charles Robinson, 78, Heath Road, Salisbury, aged 57 years.

6th April—Robert M'Clements, Lisnamallard, Omagh, aged 8 months.

16th April—Edith Gee, Rosemount, Killicomain, aged 53 years.

19th April—Anne Jane Best, Balteagh, aged 84 years.


HOLY COMMUNION—1st Sunday after Morning

Prayer ; 3rd Sunday at 8 a.m., and on the Chief


HOLY BAPTISM—1st Sunday of each Month at 4

p.m., and during any Service in the Parish Church,

notice to be given; Two Sponsors at least are required.

The father and mother must be present. Churchings

are held at each Baptism Mothers are expected

to bring a thankoffering. (See Book of Common

Prayer. )

MORNING PRAYER—Sundays and Chief Festivals,

11 30 a m.

EVENING PRAYER—Sundays, 7 pm.


Hacknahay—Last Sunday of Month at 3-30 p,m.

Drumgor—Second Sunday of Month at 3 p.m.

Edenderry—Services as announced.


BIBLE CLASS FOR MEN in Edenderry on

Sundays at 10-15 a m.

SUNDAY SCHOOLS 10-30 a.m. Edenderry Parochial

Hall and Seagoe School. 3 p.m. Seagoe, Edenderry

Parochial Hall, Levaghery, Hacknahay, Carne,

Drumgor, Bocombra.

MOTHERS' UNION—2nd Tuesday of each month

at 7-30 p.m.

CHURCH LADS' BRIGADE in the Parochial Hall

on Tuesdays and Fridays.


alternate Mondays at 8 p.m.

SEAGOE P.E. SCHOOL, 9-15 a.m. Principal—Mr.

R. Scott.

MARRIAGES must be performed between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Licenses are issued by Ven. Archdeacon Hanon, Rectory, Lurgan. Due notice (48 hours) must be given to the Rector of intended weddings FEES—BY License Labourers 5/—, Tradesmen 10/-, Merchants and Farmers 15/-, Professional £1. By Banns 5/-. FUNERALS will be

attended by the Clergy if proper notice be given.

SICK CASES should be notified to the Clergy without delay

FEES FOR CERTIFICATES – BAPTISM 3/7, Children (Factory) 1/- and 2/- (non residents); MARRIAGE 3/7

An extra Search Fee is chargeable in certain cases.

It will be a help to the Clergy if they are notified of the arrival of new Church families in the Parish.

A copy of the Magazine will be sent by post to any subscriber for 3/- per annum.


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Seagoe Archives


Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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