Seagoe Parish Magazine
MAY, 1940
J. W. APPELBE, M.A., B.D., Seagoe Rectory.
W. F. HAYES, B.A., L.Th., The Bungalow,
Lower Seagoe.
People's—J. R. REID.
May1st—St. Philip and St. James.
May 2nd—Ascension Day.
Holy Communion at 11.30 a.m.
May 5th—Sunday after Ascension.
May 12th—Whitsunday.
Monthly Service in Drumgor at 3 p.m.
May 14th—Mothers' Union Meeting at 7.30 p.m.
May 19th—Trinity Sunday.
May 26th—1st Sunday after Trinity.
Monthly Service in Hacknahay at 3.30 p.m.
BOYS—Parish Church, Sundays, at 3 p.m.
GIRLS—Parish Church, Tuesdays at 8 p.m.
Mr. Norman Hamilton, of Lurgan, has been appointed
organist of Seagoe Parish Church, and will take up his
new duties on Sunday, May 5th. He has had considerable
experience, having been organist of Aghalee Parish Church
for six years, and as well has been deputy organist in
Shankill Parish Church, Lurgan. We pray that under his
leadership Seagoe Choir will maintain its high standard.
We are grateful to Miss A. McDougall for playing
during April.
The Select Vestry feel that something should be
done to perpetuate the memory of the long and faithful
service of our late organist, and they are confident
that this proposal will meet with the full approval and
support of the parishioners. They propose to have the
organ overhauled and cleaned and to put a brass plate
suitably inscribed on the organ, recording the unique
record of the late Mr. T. H. Wilson. This indeed will
be a fitting tribute to one who played for sixty-eight
years and as well it will give us an opportunity of
putting the organ into proper order. Nothing of this
nature has been done since the organ was installed; it
very necessary, as unless periodic overhauls are
carried out, grievous damage might ensue to the organ,
which is a valuable and beautiful instrument.
It is reckoned that about £60 will be needed for this,
and it is hoped that when the appeal is launched in
the near future it will meet, with a quick and generous
On Thursday, April 4th, this very successful entertainment
was held in the Parochial Hall, Edenderry. The Sunday
School teachers of the morning and afternoon combined,
and with the help of friends, provided a sumptuous tea.
Daffodils were in evidence as decorations. The purpose
of the entertainment was to raise funds for Sunday School
prizes, etc.
After tea, a most interesting and varied programme
was given by the following artistes: - Pianoforte duets,
the Misses Betty Young and Mary Gracey; Miss
Harrison, recitation and song; Mr. Jos. Hynes, songs;
step dancing, the Misses Maureen M'Nally and Betty
Lutton, Averil Little, Esther Hinds, accompanied by
Master Eric Gates on the violin; Miss Audrey Mitchell,
pianoforte solo; sketch by Miss S. Maginnis and Miss
Walker; Master Clifford Mitchell, recitation; Miss S.
Tweedie, songs; a sketch by the pupils of Balteagh
P.E.S. (sketch written and produced by Mr. L. Bell).
Miss T. Wilson kindly acted as accompanist.
The programme was well up to the standard of
recent years, and all concerned are to be congratulated
on the success of the evening.
We print below the financial result and details as to
How it has been spent:
Subscriptions to Daffodil Tea £10 0 0
Subscriptions received later 1 7 0
Total subscriptions £11 7 0
Less Expenses: -
Mrs. Vance 3 0 10
"Portadown Times" 0 6 0
Mr. W. H. Best 0 3 0
Mrs. Vennard 0 5 0
Mr. Jackson 0 6 3
Prizes (morning and evening) 6 7 0
Balance 10 8 11
£0 8 11
At the monthly meeting held on Tuesday, April 9th,
there was a good attendance of members, and a most
helpful address was given by Miss Wightman. The
annual election took place, the office-bearers and committee
being re-elected.
A report, was given of the activities of the work party
up to the end of March. Over 200 articles, including
socks, mufflers, mittens, gloves, caps, pyjamas, helpless
shirts, bed-jackets have been sent in to the local British
Red Cross Hospital Supply Depot.
The next monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday,
May 14th, in Seagoe School at 7.30 p.m., when it is
hoped that the Rev. W. G. Kerr, M.A., Rector of
Mullabrack, will give an address.
The Hon. Treas. for the above gratefully acknowledges
receipt of the following subscriptions:—
Mr. Ernest Preston, Levaghery 1 0 0
Mr. H. Sinnamon, Levaghery 0 10 0
Mr. S. Watters, Goban St. 1 0 0
Mrs. J. Roney, Goban St. 1 0 0
Mrs, Ballantine, Lower Seagoe 1 0 0
Mr. Robt. Walker, Lower Seagoe 1 0 0
Mrs. W. Neill and family, Lower Seagoe 1 0 0
Mr. W. Hall, Lower Seagoe
Mrs. Jos. McLaughlin, Lower Seagoe 0 10 0
Mrs. Norman Guy, Derryvore 1 0 0
Mr. George Matchett, Derryvore 0 10 0
Mrs. Samuel Guy, Derryvore 1 0 0
Mrs. W. J. McLoughlin, Drumnagoon 1 0 0
Mr. George Wilson, Lower Seagoe 1 0 0
The Late Mr. T. H. Wilson (Estate of)
Lower Seagoe 1 0 0
Mrs. F. Metcalf, Lower Seagoe 0 12 0
Mr. David Cordy, Carne 1 0 0
Mr. Wilson McKinney, Carne 1 0 0
Mr. A. Kirk, Ballinacor 1 0 0
Mr. Geo. Connolly, Carne 0 3 0
Mr. Wm. Simpson, Carne 0 2 0
Mr. Jas. Atkinson, Tarson 0 10 0
£16 7 0
Already acknowledged £609 1 1
Total £625 8 1
Morning Prayer—The Churchwardens, Messrs. S.
McCormick, Gilbert Price, Foster Shanks, Jos. Ward.
Evening Prayer—Messrs. N. Campbell, Thos. Gracey,
Wm. Hewitt, S. D. Walker, Geo. Nixon, Holmes White.
Morning Prayer—The Churchwardens, Messrs. J.
Gee, Thos. Hall, Wm. White, D. Sherman.
Evening Prayer—Messrs. G. Wilson, D. Allen, H.
Ellis, Wm. Neill, R. M'Murray, J. McLoughlin.
The annual Battalion Service for the Church Lads'
Brigade will be held in St. Anne's Cathedral, Belfast,
on Tuesday, May 14th, at 8.15 p.m. Seats will be reserved
for ex-members. Members of Church Choirs are invited
to augment the Cathedral Choir at this Service. The Seagoe
Company, as is their custom, will attend the parade.
Her many friends in this parish and especially in
Edenderry regret much the death of Miss Sarah Halliday,
which occurred suddenly in Belfast last week. For many
years she was a regular worshipper and an enthusiastic
Church worker in Seagoe. She took a keen interest in the
work of the Sunday School at Edenderry, where she
conducted the senior girls' Bible class. Miss Halliday's
bright disposition and her devotion to duty will be long
remembered. —(W.F.H.)
Boxes for Support of Indian Girl: -
Drumgor Sunday School. £0 15 9 ½
Hacknahay Sunday School 1 0 0
Seagoe Sunday School 1 17 11
Seagoe Mothers' Union for Support of
Indian Baby 3 0 0
Harvest Offertories 3 11 6
Collection at Missionary Meeting 0 17 9
Children's Services 1 5 10
Boxes: -
Miss Calvert 0 7 3
Miss Agnes Guy 0 5 1 ½
Mrs. M'Dougall 0 2 9
Miss S. Montgomery 0 8 1
Miss D. Montgomery 0 3 0
Mrs. H. Sloan 0 4 2
Miss Reid 0 10 0
Mrs. J. Walker 0 3 7
Miss M'Combie 0 13 7 ½
Mr. and Mrs. Cathcart 0 10 2
Card: —
Miss Atkinson's Card 5 10 6
£21 6 6
Reference has been made above to the passing of
Miss Halliday; yet another old parishioner, Mr. Samuel
Boyd, has been called to higher service. Samuel Boyd,
for the past few years had been living in the parish of
Tartaraghan; previous to this he resided in this parish,
and though an invalid his bright and cheerful bearing
was an inspiration to all who knew him. We tender
our sympathy to the members of his family.
"Suffer little children to come unto Me, and forbid
them not. for of such is the Kingdom of God."
April 7th—Aileen Margaret, daughter of Robert James
and Dorothy Florence Elizabeth Woolsey, 17,
Margretta Park.
April 7th—Mary Christabel, daughter of John Andrew
and Emma Christabel Hughes, Ballymacrandle.
April 9th—Francis William Henry, son of Francis and
Sarah Brown, 7, Bright St. (Privately).
"Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from
henceforth, yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest
from their labours."
April 3rd—Samuel Boyd, Derrykeeran, Portadown, aged
67 years.
[The following sermon was preached by the Rev. W.
F. Hayes on Sunday morning, April 14th. Those who
were privileged to hear it will be glad to read it again,
and we feel there are many who were not present who
would be helped by reading it.]
2nd Cor., 5: 14—"The love of Christ constraineth us."
The advertisements in a paper make interesting reading.
In some papers, unfortunately, this is the only interesting
part. Sometimes you read this kind of advertisement—
A Christian girl desires a situation in a Christian home.
Or an old lady wants somebody to keep her company
and to drive her motor car; so she advertises for someone
from whom she is pleased to require, among many other
qualifications, the profession to be a Christian. When we
read that type of advertisement it rather grates upon our
better feelings because his use of the term Christian is
very exclusive. We feel, and I think not unfairly, that
the people, who use the word thus, would not be prepared
to extend the benefit of the doubt to any but those who
would conform to their own peculiar idea, brand and
stamp of what Christianity is.
This in itself creates in our minds the question—
What does it mean to be a Christian? If we were
asked that question, no doubt the replies that we would
give would be varied and interesting. I wonder what
you would say yourself. If it were put up to you to
give in half a dozen words a concise, compelling and
convincing definition of what is a Christian; what
would you say? You might say a Christian is a person
who believes in Jesus Christ, or a Christian is a person
who follows Jesus Christ. I don't think many would
beat St. Paul's definition. His definition, his explanation
to the world of the lives and position that he and his
fellow Christians took up and maintained was this—
"the love of Christ constraineth us." A Christian is
a person who is constrained by the love of Jesus Christ.
This was St. Paul's experience. On every hand in
the world there were attractions and influences that
might draw him this way or that way. But he found
in Jesus Christ a magnetic power and an influence that
stood out superior to all these and that lifted him
above them. His Christianity was his response, his
continued response to a Lord, a Leader and a friend
whom he could not resist. He had tried to resist the
Saviour but he had failed. He was violent in his
determination against Jesus Christ, but his violence was
broken down; love conquered force. St. Paul, who
before was the persecutor, was captivated by Jesus
Christ. The attractiveness of our Lord's person and
the Power of his appeal he could not withstand.
In everyday life there are people who attract us and
whom we admire intensely. There are men and
women of whom we must say within ourselves, if not
to others, there is manhood and there is womanhood
as it ought to be. They make us enthusiastic where
otherwise we would not be. They exercise a compelling
and constraining force upon us. It is a pleasure to
be in their company; it is a pleasure to work with
them; what we do for them is never a labour to us.
They are always an inspiration impelling us upwards
and onwards in paths where we fine true satisfaction.
What we might each ask ourselves this morning is this
question—Does the Risen Lord, does He take any such
unique place in our lives? Is He the central figure
whom we admire above all others, and to whom we find
ourselves looking? Is he the person who exercises the
strongest influence upon us? Do we find in him inspiration
and encouragement? Is it just a real delight to do the
things we know He would have us do? I may be wrong,
but sometimes feel we either have never had very fully
or that we have lost to a great extent the sense of the
presence of the Living Lord, who is the central figure
of the world, to whom we can look up and lift up our
heads, and who has the power to lift us up to a new level
of life.
What it means to be a Christian, I am afraid it has
very often been distorted and twisted. Christianity too
often has been presented as something that is unattractive,
that is boring and depressing. It has too often been reduced
to a code, of what must not be done. There are some who
seem to have the idea that to be a Christian is to go about
the world "like a pelican in the wilderness." They bear a
woe-begotten expression on their faces. They disapprove
of those who enjoy the things that were given to be
enjoyed, and which were intended to brighten life.
They cast a shadow where there should be sunshine.
Some of the pictures, too, that we see of our Lord are
both depressing and misleading. The picture of Jesus
that moves before us in the Gospels is not of a lifeless,
dejected creature that you would prefer not to see or
meet. It is rather the picture of one who was full of life
and enjoyed it. It is the picture of one who was
distinguished and winning, and in whose person were
blended perfectly the fine qualities of character. He is,
moreover, portrayed as one whose sole aim was to fit
others for fulness of life. Those who were constrained
by his presence, those who were drawn to Him and who
followed Him they did not find themselves called to a
miserable existence. On the contrary they found very
good reasons why they should not be dejected even in
the most adverse and unwelcome circumstances. In
following His lead they found opportunity for enterprise
and adventure. The world could not always understand it;
it could not grasp why these Christians went on enduring
hardship and unpleasantness where they might have
escaped or avoided these. St. Paul's explanation was—
"the love of Christ constraineth us." They were so
much aware of what He had done and to what He had
called them, that they were ready joyfully to do anything
and everything in response. As our thoughts go back to
their ready, effective service we must ask what has
happened? Christianity to us has become somewhat
laborious and heavy. If it has, is it not due to this,
that the sense of the Living Christ has faded from our
horizon. Is it that we are trying to be Christians
without Him? The fact is that we cannot be. To be
a Christian is to respond to the constraining love of
Jesus Christ. This leads us to the consideration that
When do we begin to be constrained by the love of
God? When do we become Christians? There is a
great deal of confusion in the minds of our people
about this. It is often due to confused thought, and
also to the difficulty of expression. You know how
very easy it is to give a wrong impression, or how
difficult it is, without faltering words, to express to
others what we want to express. You may have sometime
heard a person speaking thus—"I lived without the
Lord until I was twenty-five." Of course, that is not
true, no one can live for five minutes without the Lord.
You cannot live for a moment without him. He is the
author and giver of life. The person who says “I lived
without the Lord until I was twenty-five," if he used,
what would be to him an equivalent phrase, he would
say, "I was not a Christian until I was twenty-five.
"Something happened then, and he became more
conscious than ever before of the claims of Jesus Christ
upon him. He dates his Christianity from that time.
While not doubting that man's experience, I would say
that his is an exceptional case. The trouble with many
of our people is this, they regard and try to make the
exceptional the normal. Once you attempt to displace
the normal for the exceptional you cause confusion
and bewilderment. To use an illustration, you are a
member of the British Empire. When did you become
a member? was it when you were nineteen or when
you were forty-five. You became a member the day
you were born, but of course you did not know it.
Though you did not know it, you have been a member
of the Commonwealth since you have enjoyed
privileges, its protection and the facilities of life which
it has afforded. When did you become conscious of
all this? It did not strike you when you were three
or four or when you were seven or eight. When you
came to years of discretion you began to be aware of
your membership in the Empire, it’s worth and your
obligations to it. To-day because of the war we are
all very conscious of this. We have had a national
awakening, there has been a national appeal and a
national response. This has been said to show that in
ordinary life we are members of our state long before
we are aware of it, long before we can recognise the
advantages that come thereby, and long before we can
serve therein to any useful extent.
It is somewhat like that with our Christianity. If we
are born in a Christian community and into Christian
homes we are Christians from the very outset of life.
"Baptism which represents our profession," and which
is administered normally in infancy, gives expression
to this. As Christians, just as citizens, we grow up.
The point that I wish to make and to emphasise is this
the child that is brought up in a Christian home, under
and in touch with Christian influence, that child is
being moulded from the very beginning by the
straining love of Jesus Christ. He is touched by Him
through those who have most to do with him. As
years go on he must become aware of all this. He
learns that behind all this there is the love of Christ. In
normal life we should be more conscious of his
constraining love as the years increase, because we
have the more opportunities for knowing it. If we are
not more and more aware of this unceasing divine
influence is it not because we have not taken time to
consider it?
We need to keep fresh the sense of our Lord's restless,
resistless person. Aware of this, we could never be so
dead and so lacking in spiritual vitality as we sometimes
are; our Christian life would not have the meagre, pinched,
worn-out expression it so often bears.
“The love of Christ constraineth us. If we felt this
as a great reality here in Church this morning we could
not be half-hearted about the prayers, the readings and
the hymns. We would go home different people, we
would even have a great desire in our hearts to come
back again to the service this evening. Again, if it were
a reality, the command of our Lord would be the delight
of our lives. We would find ourselves doing gladly and
whole-heartedly that which we otherwise would leave
undone or perform with much reluctance.
Will you some time to-day and some time each day
throughout the coming week just think of this simple
but profound truth that above this world with its cares
and worries and divisions, and even through all these
there is centred upon each one of us the constraining
love of Christ. Try to make all that you are and do
and say your response to His compelling appeal, and
see if it does not make a difference.
Let us see that our Christianity is never an unwelcome
acceptance, but a glad, spontaneous, vital response to
the love of Christ, who constraineth us, as He did His
Apostles of old.
The W.F.O. Hon. Secretary has submitted the
following tabulated returns of amounts received for
the first three months of this year, with the amounts for
the corresponding Sundays in 1939. Allowing for the
absence of the parish social, this shows a decrease of
about £20 in Church collections and W.F.O. contributions,
when compared with the same period in the previous year.
If this falling off persists throughout 1940 the parochial
finances will be in a very unsatisfactory condition, when
the accounts are closed at the end of the year. It is hoped
that our parishioners will see to it that this does not happen,
by regularly bringing (or sending if prevented from attending)
their envelopes regularly each Sunday.
1939 1940
January £5 12 1 £5 11 2
7 13 4 5 1 6
5 17 4 6 7 2
8 6 3 4 0 7
8 18 7 -
February 9 0 2 7 1 7
8 4 1 6 9 9
9 3 0 7 3 6
7 17 2 12 16 6
March 9 1311 9 2 7
9 5 8 7 13 8
9 8 3 8 5 2
Parish Social 10 7 8 -
£109 7 6 £79 13 2
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