Seagoe Archives

May 1941


May 1941

Seagoe Parish Magazine.

MAY, 1941


REV. J. W. APPELBE, M.A., B.D., Seagoe Rectory.

REV. W. F. HAYES, B.A., L.Th., The Bungalow,

Lower Seagoe.








May 1st—St. Philip and St. James.

May 4th—3rd Sunday after Easter.

May 11th—4th Sunday after Easter.

May 13th—Monthly Meeting of the Mothers'

at 7.30 p.m.

May 18th—5th Sunday after Easter,

May 19th—Rogation Day.

May 20th —Rogation Day.

May 21st —Rogation Day.

May 22nd—Ascension Day.

May 25th—Sunday after Ascension.


The annual meeting of registered vestrymen and

vestry women took place in Seagoe School on

Thursday, April 17th, at 8 p.m.

The Rector presided and opened the meeting with

prayer, after the reading of Psalm 46 by the Rev. W. F. Hayes.

There was a representative attendance of members,

though it should have been greater, considering

the number of parishioners, who were entitled, and

were invited to be present.

The Chairman, in a brief introductory statement,

remarked:—" Never in such momentous days did the

Easter Vestry take place. We have seen the grim and

tragic results of brutal warfare at our very doors,

hundreds of the homeless are seeking shelter in our

midst. In view of such heart rending events. one

might be tempted to wonder about the meaning of

our meeting tonight, and ask, if what we are doing

here is relevant to the terrible situation. In the light

Of what is taking place in the world around us, does

not our meeting seem paltry and petty? To say that,

would be a gross misunderstanding. What we are

about to do is not petty or unrelated to the needs and

sufferings of the hour. We are about to take counsel

for the temporal welfare of Christ's Church in this

parish and to take steps for the carrying on of the

worship of God in an orderly and fitting manner.

In the grim struggle in which we and all freedom

loving peoples are engaged, it is a commonplace and

widely known truth, that the final issue depends upon

the morale, the spiritual staying power and resources

of our people at home, just as much as on the heroism,

courage and endurance of the men and women in the

fighting services. Never was the Church, and what it

stands for, more needed than at the present time.

Though the bells in our Church towers are temporarily

silent, yet their towers and spires are pointing us

upward to the only true and real source of strength and

comfort. By acknowledging and responding to

Almighty God in public worship, we can lay hold of

Divine strength which will enable us to persevere,

suffer and endure, until the forces of evil and tyranny

are overthrown and a new day of peace and sanity

dawns. I have said enough to show that our vestry

meeting is not trivial, unimportant or unrelated to

the stress and strain of daily life. The services in our

Churches are the power-houses, where we can

recharge our souls with Divine energy, thus enabling

us to face the future with confidence, " knowing that

all things work together for good to them that love

During the past year, as a parish , we have much to

be thankful for. The attendance at the Sunday

Services has been well maintained. The clear and

concise foreword at the beginning of the annual

financial report makes it unnecessary for me to dwell upon

the greatly improved state of the finances. This is

surely most encouraging when we note, that in spite

of adverse war conditions, the General Parish account,

the New Rectory Building Fund, and the Burial

Ground Account are all in a healthy condition and

show a marked improvement on the previous year.

The members of the outgoing Select Vestry, in my

opinion, have discharged faithfully and successfully

the trust which you placed in them a year ago, and


I am personally grateful to them for their interest

and help. As usual, the heaviest burden has been

borne by Mr. John H. Twinem, as Hon. Secretary to

the W.F.O. system, who, week by week, opens and

enters up the envelopes with untiring zeal and

accuracy. For him it is a labour of love, which entails a

toil far heavier than is sometimes realised. To Mr.

Twinem the parish owes a debt of gratitude which no

words of mine would adequately express or convey. He

has been ably supported by the Hon. Treasurer, Mr. W.

White, and the Hon. Secretary to the Select Vestry,

Mr. G. Leake.

During the past year the outgoing Churchwardens

have maintained the high standard in the carrying out

of their duties, with which we have come to associate

the holders of this office in Seagoe Parish. To them

I am extremely grateful, and now I have much

pleasure in announcing that Mr. Ernest Mitchell has

consented to act as Rector's Churchwarden for the

coming year.

The following appointments were then made:—

People's Churchwarden—Mr. David Allen.

Select Vestry—Messrs. William White, John H.

Twinem; George Leake; Robert M'Clements; John R.

Reid; Samuel M'Cormick; Douglas Stoops; James

Maginnis; Thomas Martin; John Stephens; Henry A.

Cathcart; William Hutchinson.

Glebe Wardens — Messrs. R. M'Clements; S.


Sidesmen—Messrs. H. M. Gibson; Jas. Twinem; J.

G. Graces, J.P.; T. E. Maginnis; J. Allen; W. A. Casey;

R. Scott; J. Walker; N. Campbell; Geo. Wilson; A.

Kirk; C. S. A. Twinem, Thos. Stanfield; W. R. Sherman;

Wm. Hewitt; J. Gee; A. Pickering; H. Ellis; W.

G. Best; J. H. Wilson; S. D. Walker; Thos. Hall; Geo.

Moore; W. H. Best; Wm. Neill; G. Nixon; R.

M'Murray; Jos. Ward; J. M'Lough1in; D. Sherman;

Holmes White; Thos. Maginnis; Gilbert Price; John

Dobbin; Thos. Ryans; Harry Maxwell; Cecil Kirk-

patrick; Harold Watters; Wm. Donaldson; Louis Bell;

Alfred M'Loughlin; Thos. Gracey; Harold Watson.

The Chairman referred to the sad bereavement

suffered by Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Gracey in the death

of their son, Mr. Thos. V. Gracey, who was a sidesman

and Rectory Fund collector, and a vote of sympathy

was passed by all the members present standing.

A vote of thanks was passed by acclamation to

Messrs. Rocke, Hall & Co., Hon. Auditors, and all the

lay workers for their services, including the Choir,

Sunday School Teachers, W.F.O. Distributors;

Rectory Building Fund Collectors; and C.L.B. Officers.

The meeting ended with the Blessing.


The weeknight Services in Holy Week were well

attended considering the inclement weather. It was

encouraging to see the following parochial

organisations attending these services in a corporate capacity,

on Monday Seagoe C.E., on Tuesday the C.L.B., and on

Wednesday the Mothers' Union.

On Easter Day appropriate music was rendered

and once again we congratulate Mr. Hamilton and

the Choir on the high standard attained. The special

Easter Anthem was "Jesus Lives," the solo portion of

which was taken very effectively by Miss Montgomery

at the morning and evening services. At the morning

service the solo " I know that my Redeemer liveth,"

from Handel's Messiah, was sung by Mrs. Anderson,

of Lurgan, in a manner worthy of the occasion.


The monthly meeting took the form of a social

evening on Tuesday, April 15th, in Seagoe School, at

7.30 p.m., when there was a good attendance. After

tea, the singing of a hymn and prayer, all present

joined in various games, after which Mr. Louis Bell

told some of his alnusing stories, and Mr. Stewart

M'Kinley rendered some well-known songs. We are

grateful to Mr. Bell and Mr. M'Kinley, their

contributions added greatly to the enjoyment of the evening.

The next meeting will take place on Tuesday. May

13th, at 7.30 p.m., in Seagoe School, when it is hoped

there will be a special speaker.


The Hon. Treasurer for the above gratefully acknowledges

the receipt of the following subscriptions:

Mr. Joseph Stevenson, Drumgor £2 0 0

Mrs. David M'Kane, Ballymacrandle 0 10 0


£2 10 0


The cause of the Church Missionary Society was

eloquently brought before us on Sunday, March 23rd.

The preacher in the morning was Mr. J. Finlay, who

deputised at very short notice for the Rev. S. P. Kerr,

who had promised to come but was prevented by

illness. Mr. Finlay has spent many years in India, and

his message was strengthened by his practical

experience in the mission field. At Evening Prayer, the

Rev. Canon Jas. Bloomer, Rector of St. Mark's,

Armagh. preached. As a result £6 15s was received on

the following Sunday in the Lenten Self denial

Envelopes for the C.M.S. Owing to unavoidable

circumstances this missionary appeal coincided with the Day

of National Prayer, but after all it was a happy,

though unpremeditated coincidence, for in the last

resort the missionary problem and the problem of the

war are essentially two aspects of one more

fundamental truth, viz.—the world's need of God, or to put

the same thing in other words, man's need of redemption

and the vision of God and man himself which

Christ alone can give.


Drumgor—Sunday, May 11th, at 3 p.m.

Hacknahay—Sunday, May 25th, at 3.30 p.m.


There will be Holy Communion on Ascension Day,

Thursday, May 22nd, at 11.30 a.m.


Morning Prayer—The Churchwardens, Messrs. Thos.

Ryans, Harold Watson, Wm. White. Harold Watters.

Evening Prayer—Messrs. H. A. Cathcart, Thos.

Gracey, Louis Bell, John M'Loughlin, S. D. Walker,

G. Wilson.

N.B.—The names of the sidesmen for the month

are printed in the Magazine, so that those concerned

get due notice of their turn to act in this capacity.

It is intended that each person, whose name appears

in the list of sidesmen, will get the opportunity of

doing so for a month in the forthcoming year. It

will be done in a systematic way, but of course some

months may elapse before a particular name. appears.

Sidesmen can assist greatly in the effective working

of this plan, if they note carefully when their turn

comes round.


The whole community, and a very wide circle of

friends were deeply grieved to learn of the distressing

motoring accident, which caused the death of Thomas

Victor Gracey. He was just in the prime of manhood,

and his place in the community and in the home

Will be hard to fill. Alexander Guy belonged to an

Old Seagoe family; he had been in hospital for some

time. In offering our sincere sympathy to the bereaved

we pray that the glad message of Easter,

" Christ is risen. " Death is swallowed up in victory,"

may bring hope and comfort in their time of sorrow.


Hacknahay Boxes :—

Miss M. Bradshaw £0 5 7

Miss M. M'Cormick 0 3 6

Miss S. Maginnes 0 7 5 ½

Miss R. England 0 5 0 ½

Mrs. Stevenson 0 4 0

Miss S. Wilson 0 4 1

Miss G. Magee 0 5 10

Miss D. Montgomery 0 2 6

Mrs. W. H. Currie . 0 5 5 ½

Mr. Norman Creggan 0 4 6

Mrs. George M'Nei11 0 2 6

Miss Calvert 0 16 0

Other Boxes :

Mrs. E. Collins, Kernan 0 2 6

Mrs. G. Price, Carne 0 9 10 ½

Miss. E. Gracey, Drumgor Lonan 0 7 4 ½

Miss. L. Dickson, Bangor 0 7 6

Mrs. H. H. Gibson, " Rathlin" 0 3 11 ½

Mrs. Dawson, Edward St. 0 4 2

Miss. Flannigan, Bridge St. 0 1 7

Mrs. Metcalf, Bachelor's Walk 0 4 2

Miss. Atkinson, Eden Villa 0 2 6

Miss. G. E. Atkinson 0 10 0


£6 0 1

Miscellaneous Church Collections 2 19 7

Lenten Self-denial offerings 6 15 0


Total £15 14 8



W.F.O. Collections.

£ s d £ s d

January 5th 4 14 9 1 3 0

January 12th 6 10 11 1 4 5

January 19th 2 8 5 0 13 1

January 26th 8 1 0 1 6 0

------------------- --------------------

£21 15 1 £4 4 6

February 2nd 7 14 1 1 0 5

February 9th 7 8 9 0 19 2

February 16th 8 11 0 1 0 5

February 23rd 8 5 0 1 3 1

------------------- --------------------

£31 18 10 £4 3 1

March 2nd 6 13 7 1 0 5

March 9th 6 12 9 1 2 2

March 16th 7 8 8 1 6 4

March 23rd 10 1 2 3 15 4

March 30th 6 13 6 1 2 0

------------------- --------------------

£37 9 8 £8 6 3




Mothers' Union for support of Indian Baby £3 0 0

Drumgor, Edenderry, Hacknahay, Levaghery,

and Seagoe Afternoon Sunday Schools for

support of Indian Girl 3 0 0

For Cholcol Hospital (balance which had

accrued over 5 years) 5 0 0

Offertories at District Harvest Festivals 5 13 2


Miss Atkinson 5 10 0


Mrs. Best 0 4 6

Miss Calvert 0 8 4

Mr. & Mrs. Cathcart . 0 9 3 ½

Mrs. H. Forsythe 0 7 0 ½

Mr. E. Gibson 0 2 7 ½

Miss Agnes Guy 0 6 3

Mr. G. Leake 0 10 0

Mrs. Marks 0 6 10

Miss M'Combie 0 10 0 ½

Mrs. M'Douga11 0 3 1

Miss S. Montgomery 0 8 0 ½

Miss D. Montgomery No Return

Mrs. Nixon 0 4 11 ½

Miss Reid 0 10 0

Mrs. H. Sloan 0 5 2 ½

Mrs. J. Walker 0 7 10 ½


Total from Seagoe £27 7 3


" Suffer little children to come unto Me, and

them not, for of such is the Kingdom of God."

April 6th—Thomas James, son of James and the late

Margaret Hayes, 20, Sarah St., Portadown.


" Those whom God hath joined together let no man

put asunder."

March 19th—Alexander Lutton, 78, Montague Street

Portadown, and Ann Isabella Roney, 4, Goban

Street, Portadown.

(This notice, through a printer's error, appeared under

a wrong heading in our last issue.)


" Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from

henceforth, yea. saith the Spirit, that they may rest

from their labours."

March 31st—Thomas Victor Gracey, Brookhill, Balteagh, aged 27 years.

(Interred in Shankill).

April 14th—Alexander Guy, " Waldene," Seagoe Upper, aged 71 years.






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HOLY COMMUNION —1st Sunday after Morning

Prayer; 3rd Sunday at 8 a.m., and on the Chief Festivals

HOLY BAPTISM —1st Sunday of each Month at 4 p.m.,

and during any Service in the Parish Church, notice to be

given; Two Sponsors at least are required. The father and

mother must be present. Churchings are held at each Baptism.

Mothers are expected to bring a thank offering. (See Book of

Common Prayer.)

MORNING PRAYER— Sundays and Chief Festivals,

11.30 a.m.

EVENING PRAYER —Sundays, 7 p.m.


Hacknahay—Last Sunday of Month at 3.30 p.m.

Drumgor—Second Sunday of Month at 3 p.m.

Edenderry—Wednesdays at 8 p.m., Oct—Easter.


BIBLE CLASSES FOR MEN in Edenderry on Sundays at 10.15 a.m.

SUNDAY SCHOOLS —10.15 a.m. Edenderry Parochial

Hall and Seagoe School. 3 p.m. Seagoe, Edenderry

Parochial Hall, Levaghery, Hacknahay, Carne, Drumgor, Bocombra

MOTHERS' UNION —2nd Tuesday of each month at 7.30 p.m.

CHURCH LADS' BRIGADE in the Parochial Hall on Tuesdays.

GIRLS' FRIENDLY SOCIETY in Seagoe School on Mondays at 8 p.m. as announced

G.F.S. Candidates - Oct. – Easter, Edenderry Parochial Hall, Saturdays at 3 p.m.

SEAGOE CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOUR SOCIETY – Mondays, Orange Hall, at 8 p.m.

SEAGOE P.E. SCHOOL —9.15 a.m. Principal—Mr. R. Scott.

MARRIAGES must be performed between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Licences are issued by Ven. Archdeacon Hannon, the Rectory, Lurgan. Due notice (48 hours) must be given to the Rector of intended weddings. FEES—BY License—Labourers 5/-, Tradesmen 10/-, Merchants and Farmers £1, Professional £l. By Banns 5/-.

FUNERALS will be attended by the Clergy if proper notice be given. SICK CASES should be notified to the Clergy without delay. FEES FOR CERTIFICATES—BAPTISM 3/7, Children (Factory) 1/- and 2/- (non-residents); MARRIAGE 3/7. An extra Search Fee is chargeable in certain cases. It will be a help to the Clergy if they are notified of the arrival of new Church families in the Parish.

A copy of the Magazine will be sent by post to any subscriber for 3/- per annum.


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