Seagoe Parish Magazine.
November 1938
Rev. J. W. APPELBE, M.A., B.D., Carrick-blacker Ave.
REV. W. F. HAYES, B.A., LTh., The Bungalow,
Lower Seagoe.
People's—H. A. CATHCART.
Nov 1st—All Saints' Day.
,, 6th—21st Sunday after Trinity.
Armistice Anniversary at 11.30 a.m.
,, 8th—Diocesan Synod in Wellington Hall, Belfast.
Mothers' Union Meeting at 7.30 p.m.
,, 13th—22nd Sunday after Trinity.
,, 15th—Monthly Service in Bocombra at 8 p.m.
,, 20th—23rd Sunday after Trinity.
,, 27th—1st Sunday in Advent.
,, 29th—Annual C.L.B Inspection.
,, 30th—St. Andrew.
My Dear Parishioners,
In this issue of our Parish Magazine we print a
detailed statement of the result of the appeal sent out
by the Select Vestry, asking you for a thank-offering
for peace, as well as for the blessings of harvest, on
Sunday. Oct. 16th. Behind that very moderately
worded appeal lay the very gloomy situation, viz., that
unless £100 could be found now, the parochial balance
sheet would show an adverse balance running into
three figures on December 31st, when our accounts
close for the current year. On Sunday morning, Oct.
9th, I deemed it my duty to draw your attention to
the circumstances which prompted your Vestry's appeal,
and I then expressed my belief, that if you realised
the need, you would not allow such a state of affairs
to exist. The result has more than justified my
confidence in you. I thank Almighty God for your
response to that appeal, it shows that Church people
still value their Church, its ministrations and services
and what it stands for in this changing, perplexing
world. In 1870 when the Church of Ireland was
dis-established and dis-endowed, the outlook was very
black, its enemies and pessimists prophesied its
destruction. But what happened? Her enemies were
disappointed, the pessimists were wrong. Why? The
laity of their Church saw the need for their help, they
realised their responsibility, they acted promptly, with
self-sacrificing devotion in making provision for the
maintenance of their Church's services and what then
seemed disaster has proved to be a blessing. That
spirit of self-sacrificing devotion for Christ's Church
in this land so evident in 1870, is still with us.
No Churchman worthy of the name will ever stand
by and see the Church's work suffer or curtailed
through lack of financial support. John Wesley was
indeed expressing the mind of Christ our Master, when
he said: — “the work of God will never stand still for
want of money so long as He has the hearts of all men
in His hands." It is most gratifying to see the names
of so many of our young people in the thank-offering
list, and I know that very many of you, young and old
have made a real sacrifice, for this let us all thank God.
You have responded generously to this appeal to
enable your Vestry to balance their accounts for 1938
But what of the future? The appeal was a dual one—
(1) for an immediate response on Oct. 16th, (2) for
greater and wider support by you for the Weekly
Freewill Offering system of this parish in 1939. With
the strictest economy it takes £600 per year to maintain
the Church services, etc. For the past two years
to meet this the Vestry has received from W.F.O. and
Church collections £450 per year. This means that
another £3 per week must be found. This should not
be a hardship in a parish such as ours which boasts
of thousands of Church-people. The idea behind the
Weekly Free Will Offering system is that it enables
each wage-earner to contribute weekly an amount
which at the end of the year amounts to a sum which
could not be given annually or even quarterly. On
behalf of your Select Vestry, I appeal to every
wage-earner in this great parish prayerfully to consider
for 1939, whether you could not increase your weekly
contributions by at least 3d per week. Let our standard
be not what others give, not how little can I give but
how much can I give. If this is done our 1939 report,
when printed, will not show, as previous ones have
shewn scores of meagre contributions, which are, to
put it plainly, an insult to Almighty God. When each
parishioner does his or her bit, just as you have done
it with reference to the Harvest Thank-offerings, in
a self-sacrificing spirit, realising the seriousness of the
issues at stake, I believe your Vestry will be relieved
of the impossible and intolerable position in which they
have been placed during the past few years.
Again, I am confident that you as individuals will rise
to the occasion, when you weigh the matter, as I have
tried to put it to you. If you are satisfied that in
God's sight you are doing all you can for His Kingdom
in this place, encourage others to take their responsibility
seriously. Pray earnestly that neither here nor anywhere
in the world God's work may be hindered by lack of
support from the people, who profess to be His servants.
Pray, too, that you and all His people may be enabled
to witness for Him in daily life, — and let us not forget
that one of the most effectual ways of witnessing for
Him is by regularly attending His House on Sundays,
to ascribe Him the worship and honour due to His
Holy Name.
Your sincere Pastor and Friend,
Commencing on the last Sunday in September there
took place each week-end up to and including Oct. 23rd,
a service or services at some centre in the parish for
the blessings of Harvest. As usual the various halls
were tastefully decorated and reflect great credit on the
helpers in those halls. It was no easy matter to provide
fifteen special preachers, but through the kindness of
our neighbouring clergy this was satisfactorily arranged;
we owe them a deep debt of gratitude for their helpful
addresses, which were much appreciated.
The change of the week-night Harvest Festival service
from Thursday to Monday night has more than justified
itself, and we intend this to be our custom in years to
come. In spite of the wet, stormy weather, a splendid
array of flowers, etc., was sent in to decorate the Church.
To those who sent flowers, vegetables, etc., we convey
our best thanks and also to those who helped to arrange
them in the Church.
The choir's rendering of the anthems and special
music was of a very high standard. Miss Montgomery
took the solo part of one of the anthems on Sunday
night and Monday night with dignity and expression
in a manner worthy of the occasion. Our Parish
Church choir is one of which any country church might
justify be proud, and we congratulate Mr. T. H. Wilson.
who trained them, and Mrs. Casey, who played, on the
success of their efforts.
We missed Miss Rachel England at the Harvest services;
she was absent through illness. She is a regular and faithful
member of our choir, and we hope she soon will be able to
be with us again.
The season of Advent, which marks the beginning of
the Church's year, begins this year on Sunday, Nov. 27th.
During Advent there will be a mid-week service in
the Parish Church each Wednesday evening at 8 p.m.,
commencing on Wednesday, Nov. 30th, which also
happens to be St. Andrew's Day. The Edenderry mid
week services will be discontinued during Advent.
The Sunday School year of our Parish ends on
Sunday, Nov. 20th. Sunday School Superintendents are
reminded to make up their prize lists up to and including
Sunday Nov. 20th. Advent Sunday is the beginning of
the Sunday School year. This is a suitable opportunity
to grade the classes in the various schools.
In accordance with our usual custom the annual
Armistice-tide Service will be held in Seagoe Parish
Church, on Sunday, November 6th, at 11.30 a.m. The
preacher will be the Rev. Herbert Lyndsay, Rector of
St. Bartholomew's Parish, Belfast and the collection
over and above the average Sunday one will be in aid
of the Earl Haig Poppy Day Fund for Wounded
ex Servicemen and their dependents.
In this issue we regret to chronicle the passing
amongst us to the “Church Triumphant" of three
parishioners. Mrs. Walker had reached a great age;
most of her life she had spent in Drumcree parish,
but she lived with her son in this parish for some
years and she preserved her simple faith strong to
the end. Mrs. Dermott and Mrs. Weir were both
called in the prime of life, both will be sadly missed
in their homes. For the bereaved we pray that in
their sorrow they may be strengthened and comforted
by our Master Jesus Christ, in whose loving care
and protection those who pass on still live.
A very successful guest tea, organised by the officers
of the C.L.B., was held on Tuesday, Oct. 25th, in
Edenderry Parochial Hall. The gross receipts amounted
to £12 8s 6d; miscellaneous expenses £l 8s 6d, leaving
a balance of £11.
After a sumptuous tea, provided by the officers and
their lady friends, a varied programme was given by
the following artistes: —Miss Rutherford, A.L.C.M
violin selections; Master Sam Crabb, recitations;
Mr. Norman Lyttle, songs; Mr. J. Hynes, songs; and a
Short sketch by Messrs. Hynes and Sinton. Miss T.
Wilson L.L.C.M., played the accompaniments.
The Rector, on behalf of the Parochial Hall Committee,
expressed his thanks to Capt. Mitchell and the
officers of the C.L.B., the artistes, and their helpers
for their practical help; also, to the audience for their
generous support. The net proceeds will be devoted
to the Parochial Hall Renovation Fund.
The monthly meeting took place on Tuesday, Oct,
13th, in Seagoe School at 7.30 p.m., when the Rector
(in the unavoidable absence of Mrs M'Curry, who had
promised to speak) gave a short address on prayer.
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 8th
at 7.30 p.m.
A most successful cinematograph lecture under the
auspices of the Mothers' Union was kindly given by
Mr. Chas. Lamb on Tuesday, 29th Sept., in Edenderry
Parochial Hall to a large and appreciative gathering.
As a result, almost £11 was realised for the Rectory
Building Fund. The films shown dealt with the
Coronation, the Royal Visit to Northern Ireland, a trip
to the U.S.A., and a film of local interest showing a
recent carnival in Richhill. The pictures were excellent
and Mr. Lamb's running commentary was both
humorous and illuminating.
On behalf of the M.U., the Rector, who presided,
conveyed an informal vote of thanks to Mr. Lamb for
his kindness and trouble in coming to show his interesting
(The following list includes amounts received up to and including Sunday, Oct.
23rd. Those who have not yet subscribed can still do so by putting their envelope
on the plate at one of the Church Services.
Anonymous 0 10 0
Allen, Mr. & Mrs. D. 0 5 0
Anderson, Mr. A. 0 1 0
Atkinson, Miss G. 1 0 0
Abraham, Mr. S. 0 5 0
Allen, Mr. and Mrs. J. 0 5 0
Anderson, Miss E. J. 0 1 0
Appelbe, Mrs. G. 4 0 0
Anderson. Miss M. 0 1 0
Anderson. Mr. T. G. 0 1 0
Atkinson, Mr. G. 0 1 0
Allen, Miss L 0 1 0
Allen, Mr. & Mrs. A. 0 2 0
Anderson, Miss C. 0 2 0
Archer, Mrs. 0 10 0
Adams, Mr. & Mrs. 0 7 6
Atkinson, Miss I. 2 0 0
Anderson, Mrs. 0 2 6
Atkinson, Mr. J. 0 2 6
Allen, Miss M. 0 2 0
Anderson, Miss H. 0 1 0
Anderson, Mr. F. 0 1 0
Allen, Mr. A. 0 2 0
Bell, Mr. & Mrs. & family 0 7 0
Best, Mr. W. H. 0 2 6
Best, Miss E. 0 2 6
Best, Mr. Thos. 0 1 6
Brownlee. Mr. J. 0 10 0
Best, Miss S. E. 0 5 0
Bradshaw, Miss. S. 0 2 6
Boyce, Mr. J 0 5 0
Best, Mr. R. H. 0 5 0
Best, Mr. W. G. 0 10 0
Boyce, Miss E. 0 1 0
Boyce, Mr. J. 0 5 0
Boyce. Miss M. 0 0 6
Best, Miss G. 0 1 0
Bryans, Mr. 0 1 0
Bradshaw, Miss A. 0 2 6
Boyce, Mr. Jas. 0 0 6
Best, Mrs. J. 0 1 0
Best, Mr. & Mrs. 0 1 6
Best, Miss S. 0 5 0
Best, Miss M. 0 2 6
Best, Mr. J. 0 1 0
Best, Mr. Jas. 0 0 3
Ballantyne, Mrs. 0 10 0
Best, Miss I. 0 5 0
Collins, Miss 0 4 0
Connor, Mr. & Mrs. 0 2 6
Calliston, Mr. & Mrs. 0 4 0
Campbell, Mr. D. 0 2 0
Campbell, Mr. N. 0 5 0
Cox, Mr., Mrs. & family 0 10 0
Courtney, Mr. Jas. 0 2 0
Connolly, Mr. G. 0 2 6
Calvert, Miss R. 0 10 0
Coulter, Miss O. 0 2 6
Clarke, Mr. & Mrs. 0 2 0
Coulter, Mr. & Mrs. 0 2 6
Coulter, Mrs. Sarah 0 2 6
Carraher, Mr. & Mrs. 0 1 0
Cordy, Mr. D. 0 4 0
Callaghan, Mr. & Mrs. 0 5 0
Cummins. Mr. & Mrs. 0 2 0
Campbell, Mr. W. J. 0 10 0
Cousins. Mr. S. 0 1 0
Caddell, Miss M. 0 1 0
Cooke, Mrs. & Miss 0 3 0
Campbell, Mrs. 0 2 0
Cairns, Miss M. 0 0 6
Caddell, Mr. 0 0 6
Cunningham, Mr. W. J. 0 4 0
Cregan, Mr. F. W. 0 2 6
Caddell, Mr. W. J. 0 1 0
Campbell, Miss J. 0 1 0
Crawford, Mr. & Mrs. 0 1 0
Cousins, Miss M. E 0 2 6
Cousins, Miss A. 0 2 0
Currie, Mr. J. 0 2 6
Crawford, Mrs. & Miss 0 3 6
Currie, Mr. & Mrs. W. H. 0 2 0
Currie, Miss J. 0 2 0
Craig, Mr. Jos. 0 2 6
Cathcart, Mr. & Mrs. 1 0 0
Currie, Mr. Walter 0 2 0
Currie, Mrs. 0 1 0
Collins, Mr. E. 0 5 0
Coulter, Miss S. 0 2 6
Coulter, Miss M. 0 2 6
Coulter, Mr. & Mrs. T. 0 6 0
Campbell, Mrs. D. 0 1 0
Cloughley, Mr. G. 0 2 6
Cousins, Miss M. M. 0 5 0
Coulter, Miss Mary 0 4 0
Coulter, Miss M. 0 2 6
Campbell, Miss M. 0 2 6
Chambers, Mr. & Mrs. 0 3 0
Casey. Mr. & Mrs. 1 1 0
Cousins, Mrs. 0 10 0
Coulter, Miss H. 0 2 6
Coulter, Miss M. 0 2 6
Dermott, Mr. & Mrs. 0 10 0
Duke, Mrs. G. 0 2 6
Dawson, Mrs. & Miss 1 0 0
Dundas, Mr. 0 2 0
Daunt, Rev. G. H. 1 0 0
Dickson. Mr. & Mrs. I. 0 2 0
Dynes, Miss R. 0 1 0
Devlin, Mr. & Mrs. 0 2 0
Dickson, Mr. & Mrs. 0 5 0
Donaldson. Mr. W. 0 1 0
Dennison, The Misses 0 5 0
Ellis, Mr. H. 0 5 0
England, Mr. J. H. 0 2 0
England, Mr. W. J. 0 3 0
England, Mr. J. 0 10 0
Flannigan, Miss E. 0 1 0
Flannigan, Mr. J. 0 1 0
Flannigan, Miss R. 0 1 0
Forde, Mr. & Mrs. 0 1 0
Fleming, Mr. Wm. 0 1 6
Finney, Miss J. 0 5 0
Forbes, Mr. J. 0 2 6
Forsythe, Mr. H. 0 1 0
Forsythe, Mr. R. 0 5 0
Guy, Mr. & Mrs. 0 1 0
Gracey, Miss G. 0 2 0
Gracey, Miss M. 0 2 0
M'Grattan, Mrs. 0 2 6
Gibson, Mr. E. 0 1 0
Gibson, Mrs. E. 0 1 0
Gracey, Miss H. 0 1 0
Gracey, Mr. T. 0 2 0
Gracey. Miss R. J. 0 2 0
Guy. Miss O. 0 0 6
Gordon, Mr. & Mrs. 0 1 0
Guy, Mr. A. 0 3 6
Guy, Miss I. 0 0 6
Gracey, Mr. T. V. 0 3 0
Gracey, Mr. G. B. 0 2 0
Guy, Miss V. 0 0 6
Guy, Miss C. 0 2 0
Gray, Miss E. 0 2 6
Gilpin, Mr. M . 0 2 0
Gracey, Mr. J. G., J.P. 0 10 0
Guy, Mr. N. 0 5 0
Gracey, Miss R. A. 0 2 6
Guy, Mr. T. R. 0 1 0
Gilpin, Mr. J. L. 0 5 0
Gracey, Miss L. 0 5 0
Gracey, Miss E. 0 5 0
Gordon, Mr. & Mrs. 0 5 0
Gibson, Mr. & Mrs. H. M. 0 10 0
Gracey, Mrs. J. 0 5 0
Gee, Mr. J. 0 5 0
Gracey, Miss M. B. 0 5 0
Gilpin, Mr. W. 0 2 6
Gray, Mr. & Mrs. 0 10 0
Guy, Mr. A. 0 2 6
Guy. Mr. D. 0 5 0
Gardiner, Mr. & Mrs. 0 2 0
Gracey, Miss E. 0 2 0
Gracey, Mr. W. R. 0 2 6
Gibson, Miss. 0 1 0
Guy, Miss A. 0 5 0
Hall. Mr. T. 0 5 0
Hynes, Mrs. & Miss 0 2 0
Hall, Mr. & Mrs. 0 4 0
Hall, Mr. S. 0 5 0
Hoy, Mr. J. 0 2 6
Hickland, Mr. J. 0 2 6
Hamilton. Miss 0 4 0
Hewitt, Mr. W. 0 1 0
Hynes, Mr. & Mrs. 0 2 0
Heasley, Mr. F. 0 3 0
Hickland, Miss A. 0 2 6
Hamilton. Miss A. 0 0 6
Hall, Mrs. S. 0 1 0
Hutchinson, Mr. W. 0 2 6
Hamill, Mr. W. 0 1 0
Hunniford, Mrs. 0 2 6
Houston, Mr. S. 0 0 1
Hoy, The. Misses. S & R. 0 1 6
Hoy, Mrs. 0 2 6
Hewitt, Mrs. 0 0 3
Hunter, Mrs. 0 1 0
Hoy, The Misses V. & G. 0 1 0
Hoy, The Misses E. & V. 0 1 0
Hamill, Mr. R. 0 1 0
Hamill, Miss E. 0 1 0
Hamill, Mr. G. 0 1 0
Hoy, Mr. & Mrs. R. 1 0 0
Heyburn, Mr. & Mrs. 0 2 0
Johnston, Miss May. 0 5 0
Jennett, Mr. S. 0 5 0
Jennett, Mr. & Mrs. W. 0 1 0
Jennett, Mr. R. 0 2 0
Kane, Mrs. 0 2 6
Kirkpatrick, Mrs. C. 0 2 6
Kane, Mr. H. 0 5 0
Kearns, Mr. D. 0 5 0
Kearns. Miss S. 0 2 0
Kyle, Mr. D. W. 0 10 0
Kirk, Mr. A. 0 2 6
Kirby, Miss C. 0 1 0
Kirk, Mr. 0 3 0
Lavery, Mr. & Mrs. 1 0 0
Lappin, Mr. T.A. 0 1 0
Lyness, Mr. J. 0 2 6
Livingston, Mr. J. 0 2 6
Laverty, Mr. & Mrs. 0 2 0
Leake, Mr. G. 0 7 6
Loney, Mr. A. 0 2 0
Loney, Mrs. 0 2 0
Livingstone, Mr. H. 0 2 6
Lavery, Miss. E. 0 5 0
Lyness, Mr. B. 0 2 6
Lester, Mr. & Mrs. 0 1 0
Lester, Mr. G. 0 0 6
Lyness, Mr. R. 0 3 6
Lyness, Mr. W. 0 1 0
Lyness, Miss. B. 0 2 6
Lyness, Mrs. & Mrs. 0 2 6
Mayes, Mr. & Mrs. 0 5 0
Magee, Miss. G. 0 1 0
Montgomery, Miss N. K. 0 10 0
Major, Miss E. 0 0 6
Marks, Mrs. 0 1 0
Maxwell, Miss E. 0 1 0
Magee, Miss A. 0 1 0
Magee, Mr. G. 0 2 0
Magee, Mrs. & Miss. 0 5 0
Major, Mrs. 0 2 0
Magee, Mrs. M. 0 0 6
Magee, Mr. W. J. 0 1 0
Metcalfe, Mr. & Mrs. 0 10 0
Montgomery, Miss N. 0 10 0
Mayes, The Misses E. N & M. 0 5 0
Magee, Mr. R. 0 1 0
Magee, Miss A. 0 1 0
Magee, Mr. & Mrs. 0 0 3
Martin, Mr. T. 0 10 0
Mitchell, Mr. E. 0 10 0
Maxwell, Mr. & Mrs. 0 2 0
Maginess, Mrs. T. E. 0 10 0
Mitchell, Mr. J. 0 2 6
Maginess. Miss S. 0 5 0
Martin, Miss M. 0 2 6
Matchett, Miss R. 0 2 0
Matchett, Miss E. 0 2 0
Morrison, Mr. & Mrs. 0 2 0
Marshall, Miss M. 0 10 0
Monroe, The Misses L. & C. 0 10 0
Maxwell, Mr. H. 0 5 0
Metcalf, Mrs. 0 5 0
Montgomery, Miss D. 0 2 6
Martin, Mr. J. 0 2 6
Monroe, Mr. J. 0 10 0
Maxwell. Mr. & Mrs. 0 5 0
Maxwell, Mr. Jos. 0 2 6
Matchett, Mr. R. 0 2 6
Maginnis, Mr. T. 0 5 0
Matchett, Mr. G. 0 10 0
Maginnis, Miss I. 0 2 6
Marks, Mrs. 0 2 6
Maxwell, Miss E. 0 2 6
Morrison, Mr. S. 0 0 6
Metcalf, Mr. & Mrs. J 0 5 0
Maginnis, Mr. T. E. 0 10 0
Maginnis, Mr. J. 0 10 0
Magee, Mrs. A. 0 1 0
Martin, Mrs. 0 5 0
M'Donald, Mrs. J. 0 0 2
M'Murray, Mr. 0 0 6
M'Knight, Mrs. 0 0 6
M'Kerr, Mr. & Mrs. 0 2 0
M'Broom, Miss. 0 1 0
M’Broom, Miss. 0 1 0
M’Neill, Mr. J. H. 0 0 6
M'Cormick, Mr. T. J. 0 1 0
M’Laughlin, Mr. W. J. 0 2 6
M'Neill, Miss E. 0 0 6
M'Reynolds, Mr. W. 0 2 0
M’Kerr, Mr. T. J. 0 5 0
M'Kerr, Mrs. 0 2 6
M'Adam, Mr. T. 0 3 0
M'Loughlin, Mr. H. 0 2 0
M'Nally, Mrs. 0 2 6
M'Laughlin, Miss B. 0 2 0
M'Cauley, The Misses. 0 0 6
M’Loughlin, Mr. & Mrs. J. 0 3 0
M'Dowell, Mrs. 0 5 0
M'Kane, Mrs. M. 0 2 0
M'Murray, Mrs. Jos. 0 0 6
M'Murray, Miss S. 0 0 6
M'Murray, Mr. & Mrs. 0 2 6
M'Laughlin, Mr. A. 0 2 6
M'Donald, Miss L. 0 5 0
M'Dona1d, Miss A. 0 5 0
M'Combie, Miss. 0 2 6
M'Neill, Mr. S. G. 0 1 0
M’Neill, Mr. D. W. 0 1 0
M'Kerr, Mr. J. 0 1 0
M'Clements, Mr. & Mrs. R. 2 0 0
M'Murray, Mr. R. 0 5 0
M'Cormack, Mr. & Mrs. S. 0 10 0
M'Clatchey, Mr. R. 0 2 6
M'Kay, Mrs. 0 1 0
M'Ilhinney, Miss 0 2 6
M'Kay, Mr. S. 0 0 6
M'Neill, Mr. S. G. (junr.) 0 1 0
M'Keague, Mr. & Mrs. T. 0 1 6
M'Kane, Miss G. J. 0 1 0
M'Crory, Mr. J. 0 1 0
M'Neill, Miss E. C. 0 0 6
M’Kay, Mr. J. 0 0 6
M'Broom. Mr. & Mrs. W. J. 0 5 0
M'Laughlin, Miss A. 0 4 0
M'Cauley. Mr. T. R. 0 1 0
M'Clements, Miss A. 0 10 0
M'Loughlin, Mr. C. 0 2 0
M'Kinney, Mr. W. 0 2 6
M'Cormack. The Misses. 0 2 6
M'Mullan, Miss 1 0 0
M'Loughlin, Mrs. 0 2 0
Neill, Mrs. 0 0 6
Neill, Mr. Jas. 0 2 6
Neill, Mr. W. (junr.) 0 2 6
Neill, Miss G. 0 1 0
Nixon, Mr. G. 0 7 0
Neill, Mr. R. 0 2 6
Neill, Mr. T. 0 2 0
Neill, Mr. & Mrs. 0 5 0
Nixon, Mr. R. 0 2 0
Neill. Mr. W. 0 1 0
Neill, Mr. H. 0 1 0
Neill, Mr. J. 0 1 0
Neill, Mr. R. 0 1 0
Neill, Miss E. 0 2 0
Porter, Mrs. R. H. 0 2 0
Pentland, Mr. & Mrs. 0 2 6
Pentland, Mrs. Jane 0 0 3
Pickering. Mr. & Mrs. 0 10 0
Preston, Mrs. & Miss. 0 5 0
Preston. Mr. E. 0 10 0
Price, Mr. G. 0 5 0
Porter, Mr. & Mrs. 0 3 0
Porter, Mr. R. H. 0 1 0
Porter. Mrs. M. 0 10 0
Porter, Misses F. & M. 0 2 0
Pentland. Mr. G. 0 0 3
Patton, Mr. & Mrs. 0 2 6
Preston, Mr. S. 0 2 6
Preston, Mrs. & Miss . 0 2 6
Porter, Mr. & Mrs. 0 3 6
Robinson, Mrs. 0 2 0
Richardson. Mr. R. 0 1 0
Robinson, Mr. R. W. 0 2 0
Ruddell, Mr. J. 0 1 0
Roney, Miss A. 0 1 0
Rainey, Mr. & Mrs. 0 1 0
Russell, Mr. W. A. 0 1 0
Richardson, Mrs. 0 2 6
Roney, Mr. & Mrs. (Goban St.) 0 5 0
Reid, Miss M. 1 0 0
Reid, Mr. J. R. 1 0 0
Ryans, Mr. & Mrs. 0 4 0
Roney, Mrs. A. 0 1 0
Robinson, Mr. & Mrs. 1 0 0
Russell, Miss H. 0 2 6
Robinson, Mr. & Mrs. 0 5 0
Russell, Mrs. J. A. 0 4 0
Russell, Miss M. 0 1 0
Russell, Mr. & Mrs. 0 2 0
Ruddell, Mr. S. J. 0 2 6
Roney, Mr. J. E. 0 1 0
Robinson. Mr. S. 0 2 6
Robinson, Mrs. 0 0 6
Reid, Mr. J. 0 1 0
Robinson, Miss M. 0 2 6
Robinson, Miss G. 0 2 0
Russell. Mr. & Mrs. 0 0 6
Russell, Mr. T. H. 0 1 0
Ruddell, Mr. T. 0 0 6
Ruddell, Miss L. 0 1 0
Sharpe. Mr. & Mrs. 0 1 0
Shanks, Mrs. J. 0 5 0
Sherman, Mr. D. 0 2 6
Steenson, Miss M. 0 1 0
Sherman, Mr. W. R. 0 5 0
Shanks, Mr. F. 0 2 6
Sands, Mr. & Mrs. 1 0 0
Sherman, Mr. & Mrs. 1 0 0
Sherman, Miss B. 0 2 6
Scott, Mr. and Mrs. 0 10 0
Stephens. The Misses. 0 5 0
Sands, Miss M. 0 2 0
Shields, Mrs. 0 1 0
Shanks, Mr. J. 0 10 0
Stoops, Mr. & Mrs. D. 0 10 0
Stephens, Mr. & Mrs. 0 10 0
Simpson, Mr. & Mrs. 0 3 0
Summerville Mr. R. 0 1 0
Shanks, Mr. & Mrs. T. 0 5 0
Sewell, Miss A. F. 0 0 6
Sewell, Mr. A. A. J. 0 1 0
Sinnamon, Mr. & Mrs. 0 2 6
Steenson, Mr. & Mrs. 0 2 6
Sinnamon, Miss E. 0 0 6
Simpson, Mr. J. R. 0 0 6
Steenson, Mr. G. 0 4 0
Simpson, Mr. W. A. 0 0 6
Simpson, Mr. W. 0 0 6
Sinnamon, Miss. S. 0 0 6
Sinnamon, Mrs. S. 0 3 6
Sewell, Mr. T. 0 1 0
Sinnamon, Mrs. S. 0 1 0
Shepherd, Mr. Jas. 0 5 0
Simpson, Mr. G. (junr.) 0 0 6
Trenier, Mr. 0 2 6
Twinem, Mr. & Mrs. J. H. 1 0 0
Thompson, Miss E. 0 1 0
Turkington. Miss R. A. 0 2 0
Turkington, Miss R. J. 0 2 0
Taylor, Mr. & Mrs. 0 2 6
Twinem, Mr. Chas. 0 2 6
Trainor, Mr. J. 0 2 0
Trainor, Miss M. 0 2 6
Twinem, Mr. & Mrs. Jas. 0 10 0
Twinem, Mr. Jas. (junr.) 0 2 6
White, Miss M. 0 1 0
Williamson, Mr. & Mrs. 0 2 0
Walker, Mr. T. H. 0 10 0
Watters, Mr. Harold 0 2 6
Watters, Miss M. 0 2 6
Wallace, Mr. 0 2 6
Wilson, Mr. L. (senr.) 0 10 0
Wilson, Mr. L. (junr.) 0 10 0
Walker, Mr. & Mrs. S. 0 3 0
Webb, Mrs. E. 0 10 0
Wolsey, Mr. & Mrs. R. 0 5 0
Wilson, Mr. J. H. 0 3 0
Wilson, Mr. G. 1 0 0
Wilson, Miss S. E. 0 2 6
Ward, Mr. & Mrs. 0 5 0
Webb, Mr. & Mrs, 0 4 0
Watters, Mr. & Mrs. 0 10 0
Wilson, Mr. T. H. 1 0 0
Wilson, Mrs. T. H. 1 0 0
Wilson, Mr. & Mrs. Jas. 0 10 0
Walsh, Mr. & Mrs. 0 2 0
Wortley, Mr. & Mrs. 0 5 0
Ward, Mr. & Mrs. 0 0 6
White, Mr. Wm. 1 0 0
Watters, Miss Jean 0 2 6
Watson, Mr. H. 0 1 0
Walker, Mr. S. 0 10 0
Walker, Miss H. 0 5 0
Walker, Miss A. 0 5 0
Woods, Mr. & Mrs. 0 2 0
Wallace, Mr. G. 0 1 0
White, Mr. W. J. 0 10 0
Wallace, Miss E. 0 1 0
White, Mr. H. 0 10 0
Ward, Mr. J. 0 5 0
Williams, Mrs. 0 1 0
Watson. Mr. & Mrs. 0 2 6
Webb, Miss H. 0 1 0
Watson, Mr. & Mrs. 0 0 3
Walker, Mr. J. 0 2 6
Walker, Mrs. 0 2 6
White, Mr. R. 0 10 0
Walker, Mr. & Mrs. 0 2 0
Wallace, Mr. & Mrs. 0 2 0
Walker, Mr. J. G. 0 2 6
Watson, Miss A. 0 0 3
Vance, Mrs. H. 0 10 0
Vennard, Mrs. 0 0 3
Vennard, Mr. J. 0 0 6
Vennard, Miss O. 0 0 3
Vennard. Mr. John 0 0 6
Vennard, Mr. E. 0 0 6
£98 11 6
Church Collections 9 17 0
Total £108 8 6
" Suffer little children to come unto Me, and forbid
them not, for of such is the Kingdom of God."
Oct. 2nd—Samuel John, son of Thomas Henry and
Sarah Hall, "Kintore," Seagoe Upper.
Oct. 2nd—Eileen Leona, daughter of William and
Eileen J. Bryars, Killicomaine.
"Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from
henceforth, yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest
from their labours."
Oct. 3rd—Mary A. Walker, Lower Seagoe, in Drumcree,
aged 86 years.
Oct. 11th—Elizabeth Dermott. 11 Levaghery Gardens.
in Mullavilly, aged 33 years.
Oct. 14th—Maria Weir, 14, Florence Court, aged 40
We gratefully acknowledge the following
subscriptions to the above: —
Miss S. M’Dowell, Killicomaine £2 0 0
Mr. R. Scott, Seagoe Upper 2 0 0
The Misses M'Cormick, Lylo 0 6 0
The Misses Hoy, Lylo 0 5 0
Miss M. White, Lylo 0 5 0
The Misses N. K. and N. Montgomery,
Thomas St. 5 0 0
Mr. George M'Neill, Ballymacrandle 0 5 0
Mr. David M'Kane, Ballymacrandle 0 5 0
Mrs. Magee, Drumnacanvey 0 3 9
Mr. W. Simpson, Carne 0 2 0
Mr. G. Connolly, Carne 0 3 0
Miss M. Mathers, Seagoe Lower 0 2 6
£10 17 3
Already Acknowledged £389 5 4
£400 2 7
HOLY COMMUNION—1st Sunday after Morning
Prayer; 3rd Sunday at 8 a.m., and on the Chief Festivals
HOLY BAPTISM—1st Sunday of each Month at 4 p.m.,
and during any Service in the Parish Church, notice to be
given; Two Sponsors at least are required. The father and
mother must be present. Churchings are held at each Baptism.
Mothers are expected to bring a thank offering. (See Book of
Common Prayer.)
MORNING PRAYER—Sundays and Chief Festivals,
11.30 a.m.
EVENING PRAYER—Sundays, 7 p.m.
Hacknahay—Last Sunday of Month at 3.30 p.m.
Drumgor—Second Sunday of Month at 3 p.m.
Edenderry—Wednesdays at 8 p.m., Oct—Easter.
BIBLE CLASSES FOR MEN in Edenderry on Sundays at 10.15 a.m.
SUNDAY SCHOOLS—10.15 a.m. Edenderry Parochial
Hall and Seagoe School. 3 p.m. Seagoe, Edenderry
Parochial Hall, Levaghery, Hacknahay, Carne, Drumgor, Bocombra
MOTHERS' UNION—2nd Tuesday of each month at 7.30 p.m.
CHURCH LADS' BRIGADE in the Parochial Hall on Tuesdays.
GIRLS' FRIENDLY SOCIETY in Seagoe School on Mondays at 8 p.m. as announced
G.F.S. Edenderry Parochial Hall, Saturdays at 3 p.m.
SEAGOE P.E. SCHOOL—9.15 a.m. Principal—Mr. R. Scott.
MARRIAGES must be performed between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Licences are issued by Ven. Archdeacon Hannon, the Rectory, Lurgan. Due notice (48 hours) must be given to the Rector of intended weddings. FEES—BY License—Labourers 5/-, Tradesmen 10/-, Merchants and Farmers £1, Professional £l. By Banns 5/-.
FUNERALS will be attended by the Clergy if proper notice be given. SICK CASES should be notified to the Clergy without delay. FEES FOR CERTIFICATES—BAPTISM 3/7, Children (Factory) 1/- and 2/- (non-residents); MARRIAGE 3/7. An extra Search Fee is chargeable in certain cases. It will be a help to the Clergy if they are notified of the arrival of new Church families in the Parish.
A copy of the Magazine will be sent by post to any subscriber for 3/- per annum.
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