Seagoe Parish Magazine.
REV. J. W. APPELBE, M.A., B.D., Seagoe Rectory.
REV. W. F. HAYES, B.A., L.Th., The Bungalow,
Lower Seagoe.
People's—J. R. REID.
November 1st—All Saints Day.
November 3rd—24th Sunday after Trinity.
November 5th—Annual Diocesan Synod in Belfast.
November 10th—25th Sunday after Trinity.
November 14th—Monthly Meeting of Mothers' Union
at 3.30 p.m.
November 17th—26th Sunday after Trinity.
November 22nd—Annual Meeting of Sunday School
November 24th—Sunday next before Advent.
November 30th—St. Andrew.
Already these annual services of thanksgiving have
taken place in Hacknahay, Carne, Bocombra,
Levaghery, Drumgor, and as we go to Press preparations
are being made to hold one in the Parochial Hall,
Edenderry. As usual, the halls were all tastefully
decorated by the Sunday School teachers concerned,
and the outstanding feature this year is the fact that
in the majority of these Halls the collection for the
South American Missionary Society showed a definite
increase on that of previous years.
We are deeply indebted to the following for so
kindly preaching at these services: —the Rev. T. E.
Beacom, B.D., and the Rev. G. A. Boulger, M.A., at
Hacknahay; the Rev. G. W. Millington, M.A., and
the Rev. G. F. G. Mann, M.A., at Carne; the Rev.
J. F. O. Williams, B.A., and the Rev. J. Simmons,
B.A., at Bocombra; the Rev. A. V. M'Callin, B.D.,
and the Rev. H. A. Lillie, B.A., at Drumgor; the
Rev. A. N. Parkinson, M.A., and the Rev. G. Long,
B.A., at Levaghery.
There was a splendid attendance at the morning
service on October 20th, in spite of the very wet
morning; the preacher was the Rev. J. Hobcroft, M.A.,
rector of Tartaraghan. The evening service was so
well attended that extra seating had to be provided;
the Preacher was the Rev. H. Hughes, M.A., rector
of Moira. On Monday evening the Rev. J. Haddock,
M.A., rector of Waringstown, was the preacher. The
Rev. W. F. Hayes gave the address at the children's
service at 3.30 p.m.
We congratulate the organist and choir once again
on their superb rendering of the special music, which
included two harvest anthems and a special setting
of the Canticle "Benedicite, Omnia Opera," which
was very appropriate and effective. Miss N.
Montgomery sang the solo portion of the anthem on
the Sunday evening and also on the Monday evening,
her fine voice was heard to good effect.
We are grateful to all who sent gifts of fruit, flowers,
corn, etc., and especially to Messrs. M'Gredy for
flowers and the use of some of their decorative
baskets, which made the task of decorating much
easier. We also thank the faithful few who came
along to arrange the decorations.
"A floral Spitfire, with the inscription 'Not forgetting
the boys from our School' is a feature of the harvest
decorations in Carne Church Hall, Seagoe Parish,
“It is about three feet long, and is made of bronze
and yellow chrysanthemums, with camouflage effects
faithfully reproduced.
"Three of Carne Sunday School boys are serving
with the R.A.F."
The above note appeared in a recent issue of the
"Belfast Evening Telegraph."
The monthly meeting took place in Seagoe School
on Thursday afternoon, October 10th, at 3.30 p.m.,
when about twenty-six members were present. It
was decided not to black-out one of the school rooms,
as had been proposed, as the cost would not justify
this, but instead to carry on as was done last winter,
on the second Thursday afternoon of each month
at 3.30 p.m. In the absence of a special speaker the
Rector gave a short address.
In another column reference is made to the splendid
contribution of £100, which has been raised by
the Mothers' Union for the New Rectory Building
The next monthly meeting will be held in Seagoe
P.E.S. on Thursday; November 14th, at 3.30 p.m.,
when it is hoped a talk will be given by Nurse
We are glad to record that the above club is again
functioning this winter, and we wish the members
a successful and happy season.
The annual meeting of Superintendents and teachers
will be held in the Parochial Hall, Edenderry, on
Friday, November 22nd, at 8 p.m., when it is hoped
that there will be representatives present from each
of the nine Sunday Schools in the parish. There will
be important matters to be discussed in connection
with this vital work in our parish.
Drumgor—Sunday, Nov. 10th, at 3 p.m.
Hacknahay—Sunday, Nov. 24th, at 3.30 p.m.
We regret the passing from our midst of three
parishioners. Mrs. Armstrong had reached a good
age and the call came to her very suddenly. Maureen
Frazer was in her infancy. She has been spared the
sin, sorrow and suffering of the world. Mr. Dundas
met with a sad accident at Portadown Railway
Station. For him, too, death was instantaneous, and
he was spared suffering; he will be greatly missed
in the locality. To all the bereaved we express our
deep sympathy and pray that they may be comforted
and strengthened in their sorrow by Him who says,
“I am the resurrection and the Life."
The C.L.B. is carrying on in spite of the various
difficulties. At this time of trouble and strife the
work of our Church Lads' Brigade is more important
than ever before. As we approach another winter
of long, dark evenings, with the difficulties of the
"black-out," it is essential that our youth should
have their morale maintained. What better way is
there of doing this than through the ranks of our
own Parish organisation. The Brigade welcomes all
lads of the Parish between the ages of 9 to 13, and
13 to 21. The programme of training consists of
physical training, organised games, and it is hoped
to include this year First Aid and A.R.P. The
recreational side consists of table tennis, darts, boxing
and various other games.
The most important feature of Brigade work is
Discipline. Officers and N.C.O.'s are appointed to
maintain Discipline in all things, whether training
or games. This is of the utmost importance when
we consider that the downfall of the Continental
countries was partly due to the lack of discipline
amongst the civilian population.
We appeal to the parents to support the Brigade,
We would welcome a greater interest of the parish
in our C.L.B.
The Brigade does not (as is sometimes thought)
train lads for the Army.
The first and only object of the Church Lads'
Brigade is the Advancement of Christ's Kingdom
among boys.
Many of our lads are now serving in the Forces.
And we are rightly proud of them. We know that
their Brigade training will stand them in good stead.
We also know that they have gone out well equipped
to withstand every temptation, knowing as they do
right from wrong, and determined to maintain the
motto of the C.L.B.—Fight the Good Fight. We are
pleased to see from time to time men who have
passed through our ranks home on leave. Those now
serving in the Forces include—Walter Currie, R. A.F.
W. M'Loughlin, R.A.F., Cpl. Foster Shanks, R.A.F
Noel Johnston, R.A.F., D. Donaldson, R.A.F., Geo.
Pentland, L. Lyttle, R.I.F., Jack Bateson, R.A.F., Jos.
Simpson, R.A.F., Eric Burns, Hugh Robinson, R.A.F.
Harry Jones, R.A.F., Gerald Vaughan, Royal Navy,
Bertie Lynn, Arthur Mawhinney, H. Rocke, R.A.F.
Wm. Hamill, Jim Herron, R.A.F., Sergt. Bertie Herron,
I.G., Sam M'Cabe, R.A.F., James Whiteside, R.A.F.
Our former Company Sergt.-Major now Cpl. Foster
Shanks, R.A.F., was married during his recent leave.
Foster was a staunch supporter of the Brigade and a
very faithful member. He had joined the Brigade
at its formation over 14 years ago. He passed through
the Junior Training Corps and after entering the
Senior ranks was quickly marked out for promotion.
He was a most efficient N.C.O., and always set an
excellent example to the younger boys. He also
attended the Officers Training Course at Harrow and
secured a first-class report. Each member of our
Company wishes him every happiness. We were very
pleased to learn that his Commanding Officer was
also a former C.L.B. man. — (E.M.)
The Hon. Treasurer for the above gratefully ac-
knowledges the receipt of the following subscriptions: —
Mr. T. H. Walker, Kernan 1 0 0
Mr. D. Kane, Ballymacrandle 0 5 0
Mrs. S. Guy, Derryvore 0 5 0
Mr. B. Kilpatrick, Lower Seagoe 0 5 0
Mr. T. H. Gordon, Ballinacor 0 2 6
Mr. Wm. Simpson, Carne 0 2 0
Mr. G. Connolly, Carne 0 3 0
2 2 6
During the past month the Hon. Treasurer sent a
cheque for £180 to the Representative Church Body
to reduce the loan outstanding on the new rectory,
which means that our debt to them now stands at
£820 instead of £1,000, the original sum borrowed.
The sum paid off was obtained thus: - Mother’s
Union contribution £100, and £80 being the balance
in the Building Fund account received from subscriptions
after paying the half-yearly instalments, etc., due up to
date. The members of the Mothers' Union are to be
congratulated on realising such a substantial sum as a
result of their efforts.
Morning Prayer—The Churchwardens, Messrs. T.
E. Maginnis, R. Scott, R. M'Murray, J. Stephens.
Evening Prayer—Messrs. A. Kirke, Geo. Wilson,
Wm. Hutchinson, D. Allen, W. H. Best, J. Ward.
Morning Prayer—The Churchwardens, Messrs. W.
R. Sherman, G. Best, C. S. A. Twinem, J. G. Gracey, J.P.
Evening Prayer—Messrs, T. Stanfield, Wm. Hewitt,
G. Nixon, J. M'Loughlin, N. Campbell, J. Walker.
The Select Vestry acknowledges with grateful
thanks the following amounts received in response
to their annual Harvest Appeal. As will be seen,
there has been a splendid response, making a total
up to date of £88 10s 9d, made up thus: -
Envelopes, £82 8s 5d; Collections in Church, £6 2s 4d.
£2—Mrs. G. Appelbe.
£1 10s—Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Maginnis.
£1 1s—Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Casey,
£1 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Robinson; Miss A. I.
Atkinson; Miss G. E. Atkinson; Mr. and Mrs. John
Reid, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Twinem, Mr. and Mrs.
C. Montgomery.
10s—Mr. and Mrs. S. M'Cormick; Mr. and Mrs. N.
Guy; Mr. Holmes White; Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Walker;
Mr. and Mrs. E, Mitchell; Mr. Andrew Costello; Mr.
Jas. Shanks; Mr. W. G. Best; Mr. J. A. Brownlee; Mr.
and Mrs. J. H. Brownlee; Miss S. Dawson; Mr. Robert
White; Mr. George Gracey; Mr. S. Walker (Levaghery);
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cox and family; Miss R. Calvert;
Mrs. J. Hoy; "A Friend"; Mr. Thomas Metcalfe;
Mr. and Mrs. Watters; Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Gibson;
Mr. E. Preston; Mrs. M. J. Ballantyne; Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. White; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Dickson; Mr. and
Mrs. Wolsey White; Mrs. Margt. Porter; Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob Sandford; Mr. and Mrs. T. Ryans; Mr. Thos.
Martin; Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wilson; Mr. and Mrs.
R. M'Clements; The Misses M’Dona1d; Mr. and Mrs.
H. A. Cathcart; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pickering; Mr. and
Mrs. W. Sherman; Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott; Mr. and Mrs.
John G. Gracey; Mr. George Steenson; Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Leake; Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Stoops; Mr. and Mrs.
T. Coulter; Mr. and Mrs. Bertie Ryan; Mrs. Sands;
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Gibson.
5s—Mr. and Mrs. D. Kearns; Miss Agnes Guy; Miss
S. Maginnis; Mr. and Mrs. H. Sinnamon; Mrs.
Templeton; Miss C. Monroe; Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Jennett; Mr. J. Sheppherd; Miss M. Lewie; Mr. N.
Campbell; Mr. and Mrs. S. Abraham; Mr. and Mrs.
E. Collins; Mr. R. Ruddock; Mr. and Mrs. T. Shanks;
Mr. and Mrs. J. Roney; Mr. Wolsey Best; Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. Twinem; Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Walker; Mr.
Geo. Wilson; Mr. Saml. J. Coulter; Mr. and Mrs. R.
J. Gray; Mr. and Mrs. G. Price; Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
V. Gracey; Miss Margt. Gracey; Mr. and Mrs. John
Stephens; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Maginnis; Mrs. T. H.
Wilson; Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Hall; Miss Nellie
Montgomery; Mr. John England; Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Nixon; Mr. and Mrs. J. Boyce, junr.; Mr. Alfred
M'Loughlin; Mr. and Mrs. L. Mayes; Mr. and Mrs.
John Lyness; Miss Maggie Ruddell; Mrs. Hynes and
Family; Mr. and Mrs. R. Hoy; Mrs. Vance; Mr. and
Mrs. D. Rocke; Miss M. E. Lavery; Mr. and Mrs. W.
T. C. Ward; Mr. and Mrs. John E. Lavery; Mr. and
Mrs. Isaac Dickson; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Guy; Mr.
and Mrs. Kirkpatrick; Mrs. M. A. Lewie; Miss
Elizabeth Gracey; Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Chambers;
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walker; Mr. and Mrs. A. Kirke;
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Guy; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Best;
Mrs. A. Metcalfe; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cunningham;
Mr. W. J. Caddell; Mr. W. R. Sherman; Mr. Joseph
M'Loughlin; Mrs. Hunniford; Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Mayes; Mr. L. Wilson, junr.; Mr. and Mrs. S. Wortley;
Miss N. K. Montgomery; Miss M. Marshall; Miss
L. Monroe; Mr. Joseph Monroe; Miss M. Reid; Mr.
John Campbell; Miss E. Neill.
7s 6d—Mr. and Mrs. John M'Loughlin; Mr. and
Mrs. Jos. Ward; Mrs. Adams.
6s—Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Best.
4s 6d—Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Costello.
4s—Mr. and Mrs. R. Maxwell; Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Bell; Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Pentland; Messrs. R. J.
and Wm. Wilson; Mr. and Mrs. R. M'Murray; Mr.
and Mrs. Hutchinson; Mr. Harry Ellis; Mr. and Mrs.
John Wilson; Miss Jean Finney; Mr. and Mrs. D.
Allen; Miss S. Bradshaw; Mr. and Mrs. John Gracey;
Mr. and Mrs. C. M'Loughlin; Mr. and Mrs. T. A.
3s 6d—Miss S. Best; Mrs. S. Best; Miss I. Best;
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Simpson; Messrs. J. and F. W.
3s—Mrs. Mary Kirk; Mr. and Mrs. R. Calliston;
Mr. and Mrs. James Duke; Mr. Geo. Wilson, junr.;
Mrs. Edith Nixon (Ballyhannon); Mr. and Mrs. Dynes
Turkington; Mrs. Sarah Coulter; Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Taylor; Mr. Harry Maxwell; Mr. and Mrs. D. Webb;
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Campbell; Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
2s 6d—Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Williamson; Miss
Elizabeth Maxwell; Mr. Joseph Maxwell; Mr. and Mrs.
John Ramsey; Miss M. Watters; Mrs. E. Maxwell,
Bachelor's Walk; Mr. T. R. Macauley; Mr. Tom
Courtney; Mr. Harold Watters; Mrs. E. M'Loughlin;
Mr. and Mrs. Q. Lester; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hewitt;
Miss D. Montgomery; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. England;
Miss Olive Gracey; Mr. Thos. Best; Mr. Jack Best;
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. J. Gordon; Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Elliott; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Graces; Miss Rhoda Hoy;
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Boyce; Mrs. Julia Kyle; Mrs. C.
Magee; Miss I. Maginnis; Miss H. Russell; Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. England; Mr. Thos. Wilson; Mr. and Mrs.
Joe M'Loughlin; Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Lynass; Miss
Margaret Russell; Mr. and Mrs. John Dobbin; Mr.
and Mrs. J. Devlin; Miss Christina Anderson; Mrs.
Noble; Miss Annie Stephens; Miss Diana Stephens;
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Russell; Mrs. Dundas; Mr. Thos.
Maginnis; Mr. Sam Preston; Mr. and Mrs. S. G.
M'Neill; Mrs. Preston; Mrs. M. A. Richardson,
Levaghery; Mr. Herbert Atkinson; Mrs. E. Preston;
Mr. and Mrs. John Hickland; Mr. D. Sherman; Mr.
and Mrs. Thos. Neill; Miss Sarah Kearns; Miss M.
Johnson; Mrs. Atkinson; Mr. John Metcalfe;
Constable and Mrs. Moffett; Miss Letitia Gracey; Miss
Margaret Gracey; Mr. Robt. Gracey; Miss Mary
Coulter; Mr. and Mrs. Trenier; Miss E. Mayes; Miss
Betty Sherman; Miss Maggie Coulter; Miss Olive
Coulter; Mr. Thos. Stanfield; Mr. and Mrs. R. Porter;
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Neill; Mr. and Mrs. Carson Brownlee;
Mr. Alex. Guy; Mrs. Lutton; Mr. and Mrs. R. M'Clatchey;
Mr. Harry Abraham; Mr. Wm. Hewitt; Mr. and Mrs.
Moses Gilpin; Miss P. Preston; Mr. J. Gee; Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Neill; Mr. Thos. Burrell; Mr. Watson Wilson;
Miss Sarah Wilson; Mr. W. J. M'Loughlin; Mr. and Mrs.
R. Hamill; Mr. and Mrs. R. Fiddes; Miss H. Walker;
Miss Eva Magee; Miss Mabel Best; Miss M. Bradshaw;
Mrs. M'Nally; Miss Edna Gray; Miss R. Dynes; Mrs. D.
Kane; Mrs. M'Dougall; Mr. and Mrs. D. Cordy; Mr. Joe
Bradshaw; Miss L. Sands.
2s—Mrs. David Boyd; Mr. Thos. Coulter; Miss
Sarah Cooke; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wallace; Mr. and
Mrs. N. Crawford; Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Ingram; Mr.
and Mrs. Thos. Woods; Miss Margt. Treanor; Miss
Sarah Gracey; Mr. Bertie Lyness; Miss R. J. Gracey;
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Allen; Mrs. M'Knight; Miss Eva
Connolly; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Walsh; Mr. and Mrs.
T. Laverty; Mr. and Mrs. F. Treanor; Mr. and Mrs.
W. Metcalfe; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sloan; Mr. and Mrs.
J. E. M'Murray; Miss May Mayes; Mrs. M. J. Robinson;
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Walsh; Miss Caroline Guy; Mrs.
Ann Loney; Mr. Alfred Loney; Mr. and Mrs. Simpson;
Miss Rachel Turkington; Mr. and Mrs. V. Harra;
Miss Minnie Crawford; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Steenson;
Miss Nan Mayes; Mr. and Mrs. W. Currie; Mr. and Mrs.
John Thompson; Mrs. R. Walker; Mr. and Mrs. Bertie
Kilpatrick; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Forsythe; Miss M.
Steenson; Mr. J. Courtney; Mr. and Mrs. R. Richardson;
Mr. V. Porter; Miss Hannah Anderson; Miss Sparrow;
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brown; The Misses Irene and Mabel
Gracey; Miss Maureen Lyness; Mrs. E. Anderson; Mr.
Harold Watson; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. M'Broom; Miss
M'Combie; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ellis; Mr. and Mrs. H.
M'Reynolds; Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Porter; Mr. and Mrs.
W. J. Hall; Mr and Mrs. W. Forde; Mr. R. W. Robinson;
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Turkington; Miss A. Robinson; Mr.
and Mrs. A. Allen, junr.; Miss Lily Ruddell; Mr. and
Mrs. T. Gracey; Mr. George Connolly; Mr. and Mrs.
F. W. Cregan; Mrs. Jane Woods; Messrs. Jas. and Sam
M'Kay; Mrs. S. J. Webb.
1s 6d—Miss Martha Russell; Mr. W. Sinnamon;
Mrs. Edith M'Loughlin; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Morrison;
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas; Miss Sarah M. Porter; Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Moffett; The Misses Lizzie and Jane
Fleming; Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Russell; Mr. Ernest
Gibson; Mrs. Eleanor Gibson; Mr. Wm. Fleming; Mrs.
M. A. M'Kay; Mr. and Mrs. T. J. M'Kerr.
1s—Miss Doris Campbell; Mr. Robt. Neill; Miss
Ellen Gibson; Mr. and Mrs. S. Ronsy; Mrs. H. Kane;
Mrs. Pentland; Mrs. Grace Hylands; Mr. Archie
M'Keown; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Neill; Mr. and Mrs. R.
Guy; Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell; Mrs. John Metcalf;
Miss C. Kirby; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Carragher;
Mrs. S. Hall; Miss E. Roney; Mr. and Mrs. J. Sharpe;
Mrs. S. Cooke; Mr. and Mrs. G. Magee; Mr. and
Hughes; Miss Meta Campbell; Miss M. White;
Thos. M'Murray; Mr. and Mrs. F. Ruddell; Mr. David
Campbell; Mr. and Mrs. A. Greenaway; Mr. H.
Livingstone; Miss Grace Robinson; Mr. A. Mayes; Mr
Harry M'Neill; Mr. John Flannigan; Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Porter; Mr. and Mrs. D. Moore; Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Gordon;
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Boyce; Mrs. M'Crory; Mr. and Mrs. D.
Donaldson; Mrs. Dawson; The Misses M'Cormick; Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Frazer; Messrs. Thos. and John Pickering;
Miss Sophia M'Murray; Miss Annie Roney; Mrs. M. J.
Clayton; Mr. Isaac Clayton. Miss S. A. Clayton; Mr.
Bertie Ellis; Mr. and Mrs. A. Allen; Mrs. Sarah Best;
Mr; R. T. Alexander; Mrs. Sinnamon; Miss Rachel
Gracey; Mr. Wm. Simpson. Mr. Geo. Simpson; Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. Killow; Mrs. Major; Mr. and Mrs. T.
Mitchell; Miss Josephine Campbell; Mr. and Mrs. J.
Reid; Miss R. Flannigan; Mr. Jas. Neill; Mrs. Crawford;
Mr. J. M. Hill; Mr. T. J. Ellis; Mr. Joseph Hill; Miss
H. Webb; Mr. Neill, junr.; Miss Ellie Maxwell; Mr. Joe
M'Murray; Mr. and Mrs. R. Hamilton; Mr. H. Neill;
Mr. and Mrs. T. Webb; Miss Nellie Maxwell; Mr. Nelson
Hall; Miss Lily Allen; Miss M. Allen; Miss M. Donaldson;
Miss Mary Campbell; Miss A. Kilpatrick; Mrs. M.
Shields; Mrs. Geo. Robinson; Mr. Jas. Twinem, junr.;
Mr. and Mrs. R. Hewitt; Mr. David Magee; Mr. W.
J. Lyness; Mr. and Mrs. T. Killow; Miss M. Gilliland;
Mrs. Currie; Miss Maggie Anderson; Miss Susan
Anderson; Miss Eliza J. Anderson; Mr. Wm. A. Russell;
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Anderson; Miss Emily Thompson.
9d—Mr. Sinclair Houston.
6d—Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Magee; Mr. Kenneth Pentland;
Mr. W. G. Lester; Miss E. Neill; Miss E. Flannigan;
Mr. John Best; Miss Adeline Walsh; Mr. and Mrs. S.
Morrison; Mr. Wilson Roney; Miss E. Major; Miss G.
Ellis; Mr. Eddie Vennard; Mr. Walker Vennard; Miss A.
Hamilton; Miss S. Neill; Miss Elizabeth Hunter; Mr.
and Mrs. R. M'Nally; Mr. Willie Hall; Mr. and Mrs. W.
Forde; Mrs. E. White; Mr. and Mrs. Cartmill; Miss Lily
White; Miss Margt. Magee; Mr. and Mrs. J. M'Kerr;
Mrs. Hunter; Mrs. Armstrong; Mrs. C. Marks; Miss E.
Sinnamon; Miss Bella Magee.
3d—Miss C. Moore; Mr. Sam Moffett; Miss S.
Sinnamon; Mr. and Mrs. A. Forde; Miss G. Cochrane;
Mrs. C. Marks; Miss E. Sinnamon; Miss Bella Magee;
Miss May Jennett.
2d—Miss May Johnston.
"Suffer little children to come unto Me, and forbid
them not, for of such is the Kingdom of God."
6th October—George Edward Noel, son of Samuel and
Elizabeth May Morrison, Crossmacaughley.
"Those whom God hath joined together let no man
put asunder."
7th October—David Caroll Bell, 30, Edward St., Portadown,
and Margaret Rocke, " Edendale," Carrickblacker Rd.,
"Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from
henceforth, yea, saith the Writ, that they may rest
from their labours."
6th October—Mary A. Armstrong, 25, Foundry
Portadown, aged 70 years.
6th October—Maureen Frazer, Mount pleasant, Seagoe
Upper, aged 7 months.
20th October—Thomas Dundas, Kernan, aged 83
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