Seagoe Archives

Nov 1941


Nov 1941

Seagoe Parish Magazine.



REV. J. W. APPELBE, M.A., B.D., Seagoe Rectory.

REV. W. F. HAYES, B.A., L.Th., 14, Margretta Park, Portadown,








Nov. 1st—A11 Saints' Day.

Nov. 2nd—21st Sunday after Trinity.

Nov. 9th 22nd Sunday after Trinity.

Armistice Commemoration at 11.30

Nov. 13th —Monthly Meeting Df the Mothers' Union 3.30 p.m.

Nov. 16th—23rd Sunday after Trinity. —Sunday next before Advent.

Nov. 23rd —Sunday next before Advent.

Nov. 30th —1st Sunday in Advent.

St. Andrew.

Launching of Appeal for Bishop's Fund

for aiding “blitzed" parishes.

Preacher at 11.30 a.m., Rev. R. H. White, M.A.

Preacher at 7 p.m., Rev. S. P. Kerr, B.A.


The sympathy of the whole community goes out to

Mr. and Mrs. T. Martin on the tragic death of their

only son, Henry, while on operational duties with the

R.A.F. On the outbreak of war, Henry volunteered

for service in the R.A.F., leaving behind him a safe

position in the Bank, a position of comfort, and one

which held in store for him good prospects of

promotion, but for him these things faded into insignificance

when the call of duty came; he, like many another

hero of the skies has given his young life, that we

might be saved from the ravages of the "Hun." In

the words of Rupert Brooke, who himself gave his

young life in the World War of 1914-18:

" These laid the world away; poured out the red

Sweet wine of youth; gave up the years to be

Of work and joy, and that unhoped serene,

That men call age, and those who would have been

Their sons, they gave, their immortality."

The Rev. W. F. Hayes rightly paid a high tribute to

Henry's sterling character at the morning service in

the Parish Church on Sunday, Oct. 5th, and at

Drumgor Harvest Festival on Oct. 12th, where he had been

at Sunday School for many years.

As we mourn his passing from our sight, we thank

God for his example of courage and self sacrifice, and

pray that Almighty God will sustain and comfort

those who were near and dear to him.

" For those we love within the veil,

Who once were comrades of our way,

We thank Thee, Lord, for they have won

To cloudless day;

And life for them is life indeed,

The splendid goal of earth's strait race;

And where no shadows intervene

(Irish Church Hymnary, 755)

They see Thy face."



The above heading should be our motto for the

first week of December, when every wage earner in the

parish will be given an opportunity of taking a share

in lightening the burden of our sister parishes in Belfast,

which have suffered so severely in air raids.

Many parishes have been disorganised by the bombing

of their people's homes, and the evacuation, which

had to be carried out. The very existence of their

parochial life is threatened, if they do not receive

outside aid to keep the machinery going, until such

times as more normal conditions arrive. Every parish

in the United Dioceses is taking steps to alleviate

those in distress. We are confident that Seagoe will

not lag behind others in such a worthy cause, and

the Select Vestry has chosen the first week in December

as the most suitable time in which to make the

appeal. On Sunday, Nov. 30th there will be an

opportunity of hearing two Belfast Rectors, whose Churches

suffered in the raids, the Rev. R. H. White, M.A., of

Trinity Church, in the morning, and the Rev. S. P..

Kerr, B.A., Rector of St. Mary's ,Crum1in Rd., at the

evening service.



These annual popular events have taken place in

Hacknahay, Carne, Levaghery, Drumgor, Bocombra,

and Edenderry. These Halls were, as usual, tastefully

decorated by their Superintendents and teachers, and

we are grateful to the following for preaching at the

Monday evening services at the forementioned places:

—Revs. J. F. M'A1ister, G. A. Guthrie, C.C. Browne, T.

F. Gowing, A. Noble and D. F. Simmons.


Crowded congregations greatly appreciated the special

harvest music rendered by the choir, and we take

this opportunity of congratulating the organist and

choir on their splendid effort. Two anthems, " All

Thy works Praise Thee" and " Sing unto Cod" were

sung, the solo portions being taken by Mrs. G. Bird

and Miss N. K. Montgomery, respectively, while at

the evening services a quartet, composed of Miss N.

K. Montgomery, Miss A. M'Douga11 and Messrs. H.

Watson and F. Brown, based on Psalm 23, was most

appropriate and effective.

We are grateful to all who sent material for the

decorations, and especially to Messrs. M'Gredy, per

Mr. A. M'Loughlin, for the loan of baskets, etc., which

simplified the work of decorating considerably. We

would also like to thank those who assisted in arranging

the flowers, etc.

Three inspiring sermons were preached by the Rev.

F. H. Kinch, M.A., the Rev. C. J. M'Leod and the Right

Rev. J. Hind, D.D.


The Hon. Treas. for the above gratefully acknowledges

the receipt of the following subscriptions:—

Mr. & Mrs. Stephens, Levaghery £1 0 0

Miss D. Stephens, Levaghery 0 10 0

Mrs. Marks, Levaghery 0 10 0

Mr. Mayes & Family, Levaghery 1 0 0

Mr. James Turkington, Kernan . 0 10 0

Mr. James Shanks, Kernan 1 0 0


Morning Prayer—The Churchwardens, Messrs. D.

Stoops, James Twinem, R. Scott, W. R. Sherman.

Evening Prayer—Messrs. N. Campbell, H. A. Cathcart,

Thos. Stanfield, H. Ellis, Wm. Hewitt.


At a social evening held recently in the Schoolroom,

Mr. T. Stanfield was presented, on behalf of

the Sunday School, with a beautiful Scofield Reference

Bible suitably inscribed, on the occasion of his

retirement from the position of Superintendent. After

a sumptuous tea, the Rector presided and paid a tribute

to Mr. Stanfield's long and faithful service. The

gift was handed over by Mr. E. Gibson. Mr. W. H.

Best, who has been appointed Superintendent, joined

in the felicitations. Mr. Stanfield suitably replied,

and the rest of the evening was spent in games.


A very enjoyable evening was spent in Seagoe School

on Tuesday, Oct. 21st, when the members of the choir

met to make presentations to three members. The

Rector presided, and after complimenting the organist

and choir on the Harvest Festival music, called upon

Mr. N. Hamilton, organist, to hand over on behalf of

the choir, a tea set to Mrs. G. Bird, and a cake stand

to Mrs. Myrtle Courtney as tokens of their good wishes

on the occasion of their recent marriages; Miss S.

Kearns received a Hymn Book and Prayer Book in a

case for her sister, Miss Betty Kearns, who recently

has gone to Stranmillis Training College, and who

was a regular and valued choir member. The recipients

suitably replied. We congratulate all three;

they are worthy of the honour showed them. After

tea, the usual popular games were enthusiastically

played by the choir members and their friends until

it was time to break up.


Sunday, November 9th, Will be observed as a day

of Remembrance and Dedication in connection with

those who fell in the World War of 1914-18. The

collection at 11.30 a.m. will be given, as usual, to the Earl

Haig Poppy Day Fund, and after the service there

will be a short memorial service at the War Memorial



The monthly meeting took place in Seagoe School

on Oct. 9th, when an appropriate address was given

by the Rev. G. Long.

The next meeting will take place in Seagoe School

on Thursday, November 13th, at 3.30 p.m., when it is

hoped that Mrs. Noble, of Lurgan, will speak.


A most successful " Beetle Drive" was held in the

Orange Hall, Bridge St., on Oct. 2nd, in aid of the

Parochial Hall Funds, which raised £12 3s 11d net,

made up as follows:—Sale of tickets, £13;

subscriptions, 13s 6d. Expenses—Hire of Hall, etc.,

£l 9s 7d.

The prizes were presented by Miss Atkinson; Miss

cox; the Rev. W. F. Hayes; Mr. R. M'C1ements; Mr.

Chas. Montgomery; and Mr. D. F. Stoops, to whom

the committee are grateful. At the close of the evening

Miss I. Atkinson handed over the prizes to the

successful competitors.

Miss Cox (Hon. Sec. and Treas.) gratefully acknowledges

the following subscriptions:—The Rector, 5/-;

Mr. J. Dermott, 5 -; Mr. G. Leake, 2 6; Mr. D. Stevenson, 1/-.

Our best thanks are due to members of the

Committee, who provided milk, tea, sugar and the



(The following summary has been worked out by

Mr. J. H. Twinem. The figures speak for themselves;

they show a decided improvement when compared with

the corresponding period last year).

W.F.O. 1941. Collections.

July £7 2 7 £1 2 0

7 13 8 1 8 6

8 2 2 1 12 9

8 17 6 1 12 0

_____________ _____________

£31 15 11 £5 15 3

_____________ _____________

August £5 19 6 £1 4 4

7 18 8 1 6 0

6 11 4 1 6 7

9 8 1 1 12 3

10 4 5 1 15 7

_____________ _____________

£40 2 0 £7 4 9

_____________ _____________

September £21 0 5 £5 1 8

6 18 2 1 3 8

9 13 10 1 8 8

7 0 5 1 5 8

_____________ _____________

£44 12 10 £8 19 8

_____________ _____________



The result of this appeal was a record for the

parish. The Select Vestry are deeply grateful for such

a splendid response from the parishioners, and they

thank God and take courage for the future. It shows

what can be done, when each individual tries to do

his or her best.

The total amount received up to date is £111 5s ld

made up thus:—Envelopes, £101 10s 9d;

Church Collections, £9 14s 4d.

In printing the names below, to each and all we say

a sincere " Thank you."

£2 each—Miss Atkinson; Mr. and Mrs. R. Robinson;

Mrs. Appelbe.

£l 1s—Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Casey.

£l each—Miss N. K. Montgomery; Mr. and Mrs.

J. H. Twinem; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brownlee; Miss N.

Montgomery; Mr. and Mrs. John R. Reid; Mr. and

Mrs. T. E. Maginnis; Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Stoops; Mr.

and Mrs. J. G. Gracey; Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Walker;

Mr. and Mrs. R. M'Clements.

Geo. Steenson.

10s 6d—Mr. W. G. Best.

10s each—Mr. and Mrs. A. Kirk; Mr. Holmes White;

Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Cathcart; Mrs. Margaret Porter;

Miss Emily Neill, Miss M. B. Gracey; Mr. and Mrs.

Bertie Pickering; Mrs. M. J. Ballantyne; Mr. and Mrs.

E. Mitchell; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Best; Mr. and Mrs.

Cox and family; Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Sherman; Miss

E. Gracey; Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wilson; Mr. and

DÆrs. C. A. Twinem; The Misses A. and L. M'Donald;

Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Ward; Mr. and Mrs. D. Kearns;

Mrs. J. Hoy; Mr. and Mrs. Archie Gibson; Mr. and

J. M'Loughlin; Messrs. John and Thomas Hoy; Mr.

and Mrs. W. White; Mr. and Mrs. S. Watters; Miss

G. E. Atkinson; Miss Rebecca Calvert; Mr. and Mrs.

W, Sherman; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. White; Mr. and Mrs.

T. H. Walker; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cunningham; Mrs.

Sands; Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott; Mr. W. Hewitt; Mr.

Andrew Costello; Mr. and Mrs. T. Coulter; Mr. and

Mrs. C. M'Loughlin; Mr. Sam Walker; Miss Margaret

Reid; Mr. Stewart Wortley; Mr. and Mrs. T. Metcalf;

Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Maginnis; Mr. and Mrs. A.

M'Loughlin; Mr, Wolsey Best; Miss Agnes Guy; Mr.

and Mrs. Thos. Ryans; Miss Dawson; Mr. and Mrs. H.

M. Gibson; Mr. E. Preston; Mr. Thos. Martin; Mr.

and Mrs. G. Nixon; Mrs. Maxwell and family (Bachelors

Walk) ; Mr. Joseph Monroe; Mr. and Mrs. S. Hall.

7 6 each—Mr. and Mrs. J. Lyness; Mrs. Adams; Mr.

John England, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Neill; Mr. and Mrs.

David Sherman.

7/- each—Mr. John Campbell; Mr. and Mrs. D. Webb.

6s—Mr. and Mrs. R. Calliston.

5/6—Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Caddell.

4/6 each—Mr. and Mrs. Joe Russell; Mr. and Mrs.

J. Hall; Mr. and Mrs. J. Metcalf.

5/- each—Mr. Moses M'Kerr•, Mr. W. J. M'Lough1in•,

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jennett; Mr. and Mrs. S. Guy;

Mr. Joe M'Loughlin; Mr. Geo. Gracey; Miss H. Walker;

Mr. and Mrs. R. Lyness; Mr. Thos. Maginnis; Miss

Sadie Maginnis; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Costello; Mr. and

Mrs. Norman Guy; Miss Jean Finney; Mr. and Mrs. J.

H. England; Mrs. T. Metcalf (senr.)•, Mr. and Mrs.

E. Collins; Mrs. Boston; Mrs. Vance; Mr. and Mrs.

J. Stephens; Miss M. E. Lavery; Mrs. E. Preston; Mr.

and Mrs. Joe M'Loughlin; Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Cham-

bers; Mr. and Mrs. W. Elliott; Mr. Geo. Wilson; Mr.

and Mrs. Hutchinson; Mr. and Mrs. R. M'Murray;

Mrs. J. E. Hynes; Mr, J. W. Mayes; Miss Primrose

Preston; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walker; Mr. Bertie

Templeton; Mr. and Mrs. David Allen; Mr. and Mrs.

G. Leake; Mrs, Templeton; Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Gray;

Mr. and Mrs. A. Guy; Mr. and Mrs. G. Simpson; Mr.

J. Courtney; Mr. James Gracey; Mr. S. J. Coulter;

Mrs. Wilson (Seafield); Mr. and Mrs. S. Abraham;

Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Lappin; Mr. and Mrs. W. T. C.

Ward; Mrs. Hunniford; Mrs. S. J. Preston; Mr. and

Mrs. W. J. Campbell; Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Dickson;

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wilson; Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Pent-

land; Mr. L. Wilson (junr.) ; Miss A. M'Clements; Mrs.

R. J. Archer; Mr. A. M'Dowe11; Miss S. Kearns; Mr.

Jas. Shepherd; Miss Margaret Lewie; Mrs. John

Turkington; Miss S. Bradshaw; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Lavery;

Mr. and Mrs. R. Hoy; Miss Caroline Monroe; Miss

Johnston; Miss Letitia Monroe; Mr. and Mrs. J.

Ramsey; Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Hall; Mr. and Mrs. L.

Mayes; Mr. and Mrs. Trenier; Mrs. T. H. Wilson;

Mr. Robinson Ruddock; Mr. George Wilson; Mr. and

Mrs. John Gracey; Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Best; Mrs.

Margaret Lewie; Mr. and Mrs. J. Dobbin; Mr. and

Mrs. Kirkpatrick; Mr. N. Campbell; Mr. and Mrs.

Jas. Twinem; Mrs. M. Kirk; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Roney.

4/- each—Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Porter; Mr. and Mrs.

Jas. Allen; Miss Sadie Best; Miss Isa Best; Mrs. E.

J. M'Neill; Mr. and Mrs. T. Laverty; Mrs. S. Best;

Mr. and Mrs. Q. Lester; Mr. and Mrs. R. Maxwell;

Mr. and Mrs. G. Taylor; Mrs. Dundas.

3/6 each—Miss C. and Mr. Tom Currie; Mr. and

Mrs. W. H. Currie; Mr. and Mrs. T. M'Cormack.

3/- each—Mr. T. Shanks; Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Walker;

Mr. and Mrs. D. Porter; Mrs. Lutton; Mr. and Mrs. J.

Sloan; Mr. Joe Bradshaw; Mr. and Mrs. D. Moore;

Mr. and Mrs. F. Brown; Mr. and Mrs. R. Porter; Mr.

Robt. Gracey; Mrs. Margaret England; Mr. Jas. Currie.

2/6 each—Mrs. Wilson Metcalf; Mr. and Mrs. F.

Ruddell; Mr. and Mrs. J. Gordon; Mr. and Mrs. R.

Hewitt; Mr. David Magee; Miss Sands; Miss Mabel

Best; Mr. Thos. Clark; Mrs. M. A. Richardson

(Levaghery); Miss Florrie Hynes; Mr. and Mrs. W.

Jennett; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Turkington; Mrs. Hughes;

Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Kennedy; Mr. Harry M'Nei11; Mr.

and Mrs. S. G. M'Neill; Mr. Jas. Fleming; Miss D.

Montgomery; Miss Mabel Watters; Mrs. David Kane;

Mr. W. R. Williamson; Mr. Willie Wilson; Miss Peggy

Caddell; Miss Mary Coulter; Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson;

Mr, T. Stanfield; Mrs. E. M'Lough1in; Miss D. Stephens;

Mr. J. H. Mayes; Mr. Robt. J. Wilson; Mr.

and Mrs. R. Williamson; Miss Nan Mayes; Mr. and

Mrs. Arthur Allen (junr.); Mr. and Mrs. J. Shanks;

Mrs. Julia Kyle; Miss R. Dynes; Mr. Geo. Connolly;

Mr. Watson Wilson; Miss Isa Maginnis; Mr. and Mrs.

J. Hickland; Mr. W. M'Kinney; Miss Vera Gracey

Miss Eva Connolly; Miss M. Archer; Miss S. J. Archer;

Miss Eva Magee; Mrs. C. Magee; Mr. S. Houston; Mr.

Harold Watters; Miss Nan Mayes; The Misses

M'Cauley; Miss E. Anderson; Mrs. Wm. Hamill; Mr.

Wm. Sinnamon; Mr. and Mrs. C. Malcomson; Miss

M'Mu11an; ; Mr. and Mrs. M. Gilpin; Miss Doreen

Grasey; Mrs. D. M'Cabe; Miss Hannah Anderson;

Mrs. Sarah M'Cormack; Miss Maud Coulter; Miss

Christina Anderson; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gracey; Mr.

Jim M'Cormack; Mr. Alfred Loney; Mr. and Mrs. J.


Mitchell; Miss A. Stephens; Mrs. M'Na11y; Mrs.

Margaret J. Robinson; Miss Emma Walker; Miss Lilian

Sands; Mr. Harry Ellis; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Walsh;

Mrs. F. Heasley; Mr. and Mrs. W. Moffett; Mr. and

Mrs. T. J. M'Kerr, Miss Olive coulter; Mr. and Mrs. R.

J. Gilpin; Miss Rachel A. Gracey; Mr. James Gracey;

Mr. and Mrs. D. Turkington; Mr. and Mrs. J. Treanor;

Miss Olive Gracey; Miss Maggie Coulter; Miss Edna

Gray; Mr. and Mrs. R. M'C1atchey; Mr. Wm. Russell;

Mr. T. Wilson; Mr. Richard Wilson Robinson; Mr. E.

Gibson; Miss E. M'Loughlin; Miss Rhoda Hoy; Mr.

and Mrs. John Devlin; Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Gordon;

Messrs. Alfred and Sydney Guy; Mr. and Mrs. D.

Cordy; Mr. Thos. M'Cabe; Miss Essie Mayes; Miss V.

Gracey; Mrs. D. Mitchell; Mr. and Mrs. T. E. M'Adam,

Mrs. N. Crawford; Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Cregan, Mr.

Henry J. Gracey; Miss Sarah Wilson.

2s each—Mr. A. M'Keown; Mrs. S. Coulter; Miss

Isabel Ruddell; Mr. T. J. Ruddell; Mr. and Mrs. H.

Forsythe; Miss Josephine Campbell; Miss Maggie

Ruddell; Mr. Jim Jennett; Miss Mabel M'Kerr; the Misses

M'Cormack; Mr. and Mrs. W. Forde; Miss A.

M'Douga11; Mr. and Mrs. T. Gracey, Mr. and Mrs.

Wm. Simpson; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. M'Broom, Mrs.

Alex. Guy; Mrs. Noble; Miss Grace Robinson; Mr. and

Mrs. R. Hamilton; Miss Sarah Gracey; Miss Rachel

Turkington; Mr. and Mrs. W. Currie; Miss E. Hamill;

Miss H. Stanfield; Miss E. Tremor; Mr. and Mrs. G. A.

Watson; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. M'Na11y; Miss A. E.

M'Kane; Miss H. Russell; Miss Margaret Russell; Miss

E. Gibson (Clanrole) ; Mr. A. Mayes; Mr, and Mrs. F.

Anderson; Mrs. Sinnamon; Miss M. Crawford; Miss

Caroline Guy; Mrs. Crawford; Miss Lily Allen; Mr.

Ivan M'Lough1in; The Misses E. and S. Neill; Mr. and

Mrs. F, Treanor; Mr. Jim Jennett; The Misses Magee;

The Misses M. and L. Lyness; Mr. and Mrs. Hughes;

Miss Doris Campbell; Miss Rebecca Gracey; Mr. D.

Campbell; Mr. and Mrs. D. Boyd; Miss Sparrow; Miss

Meta Campbell; Mrs. Campbell; Mr. and Mrs. C.

Hewitt; Miss Emily Thompson; Mrs. Cummings; Mr.

and Mrs. Arthur Allen (senr.); The Misses Fleming;

Mr. and Mrs. J. Craig; Mrs. M. A. MacKay; Mr. R.

Kirk; Mr. and Mrs. S. Roney; Mr .and Mrs. J. Sharpe;

Mr. Thos. R. Guy; Mr. and Mrs. J. Williamson; Miss

Lily Ruddell, Mrs. M'Douga11; Mrs. Ellis; Mr. F. W.

Currie; Mr. and Mrs. H. Finn; Miss Madge Donaldson;

Mrs. Harry Kane; Miss Maureen Lyness; Mrs.

M'Knight (Breagh) ; Miss Mary Campbell; Mr. John

Gee; Mr. and Mrs. B. Kilpatrick; Mrs. E. Gibson; Mr.

and Mrs. D. M'Kane; Mr. T. R. M'Cau1ey; Mr. and

Mrs. D. Guy; Miss S. Cooke.

1/6 each—Mr. W. Fleming; Miss R. Turkington; Mr.

Victor Porter; Miss Martha Russell; Mrs. Emily James;

Mrs. R. Richardson; Miss May Jennett; Mr. and Mrs.

T. Dunlop; Mr. and Mrs. Rae; Mr. and Mrs. T. H.

Russell; Mr. and Mrs. S. Gracey.

1/3—Mr. D. Moore (junr.).

1/- each—Miss S. Sinnamon; Miss Tillie Thompson;

Mr. and Mrs. S. Kilpatrick; Mr. and Mrs. Cartmill;

Miss Lily White; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas; Miss G.

Simpson; Mr. and Mrs. D. Donaldson; Miss Olive Guy;

Miss E. Flannigan; Mr. John Flannigan; Miss E.

Sinnamon; Mr. Thos. M'Murray; Mr. and Mrs. R. Hamill;

Miss Dorothy Ruddell; Miss R. Flannigan; Miss

Wright; Mrs. Shields; Miss M. Anderson; Miss E.

Roney; Mr. Jos. M'Murray; Miss Margaret Gracey;

Miss Hannah Gracey; Mr. Downey; Miss Mabel

Gracey; Mrs. Hewitt; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Killow; Miss

M. Boyce; Miss Sophie M'Murray; Miss N. Webb; Mrs.

G. Bird; Miss Hannah Simpson; Mr. and Mrs. T.

Nesbitt; Miss Ruby Russell; Mr. and Mrs. D. Young;

Mr. and Mrs. W. Frazer; Mr. and Mrs. H. Roney; Miss

Moore; Mr. Harold Watson; Mr. and Mrs. Gec. Morrison;

Mrs. Hall; Mr. R. Alexander; MI". Bertie Ellis;

Mr. and Mrs. T. Miss May Ruddell; Mr. Jack

Best; Miss Florrie Porter; Miss Ethel Sinnamon;

and Mrs. A. Greenaway; Mrs. Pentland; Mrs. Major;

Mr. and Mrs. R. Somerville; Miss Susan Anderson;

Mrs. Currie; Miss Annie Gibson; Mr. E. J. Harrison;

Mr. and Mrs. Webb; Miss M. Gilliland; Mr. and Mrs.

Joe Fletcher; Mrs. Pentland; Miss E. Maxwell; Miss V

Morrison; Mr. Jas. J. Twinem; Mr. and Mrs. W. Forde;

Mr, Wilson Roney; Mr. Nelson Hall; Anonymous;

and Mrs. T. J. Walsh; Mrs. G. Robinson; Mr. and Mrs.

W. J. Carragher; Miss Clara Kirby; Miss Minnie Allen;

Miss Molly Maxwell; Mr. Arthur Allen (Bridge St.) ;

Miss Frances M'llhinney; Mrs. A. Forde; Miss Emily

Major; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Boyce; Miss Bettie Wilson;

Mr. J. Wright; Mr. and Mrs. John Quinn; Mr. Herbert

Wilson; Mr. and Mrs. J. Hunniford; Mr. Jas. Hamill;

Mr. and Mrs. T. Benson; Mr. R. Thompson; Mr. Victor

M'Neill; Miss Ria Porter; Mr. J. Vennard; Mrs. Grace

Hylands; Mr. and Mrs. Tedford; Mr. and Mrs. W.

Donaldson; Mrs. Ethel Best; Miss Annie Kilpatrick;

Miss Dorothy Lester; Mr. George Russell; Miss E.

M'Broom; Miss Ella Hall; Mrs. R. Marks; Mrs. Dawson;

Mr. and Mrs. J. Thompson; Mrs. Cooke; Miss

Violet M'llhinney; Miss Ellen Gibson; Mr. Wm. Simpson

(junr.) ; Mr. and Mrs. E. Vennard.

9d—Miss Eleanor Harvey.

6d each—Mrs. Addy; Mr. Sam Ellis; Mr. E. Vennard;

Mr. F. Dickson; Mr. Jas. Best; Mrs. Margt. Best; Mrs.

R. M'Dona1d; Mrs. Thornton; Miss A. Walsh; Miss

Violet Hunter; Mr. and Mrs. J. M'Crory; Miss Eliza

Gray; Mr. Kenneth Pentland; Miss Florrie Freeburn;

Mrs. H. J. Magee; Miss Doreen Forde; Mr. Walker

Vennard; Mrs. Hunter; Miss Lily Hunter; Mr. James

Craig; Mrs. Robinson; Miss M. A. Burns; Mrs. E.

White; Miss Winnie Freeburn; Mr. and Mrs. T. H.

Freeburn; Mr. and Mrs. F. Whiteside; Miss Ivy Hunter.

3d each—Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Tate; Mrs. Brady;

Mrs. Hutchinson; Mrs. Magee; Mr. Sam Moffett.


" Suffer little children to come unto Me, and forbid

them not, for of such is the Kingdom of God."

5th Oct.—Irene, daughter of David and Rachel Allen.

4, Century Street, Portadown.

5th Oct.—Brian, son of Arthur H. and Enid Moir Davies, at Seagoe Farm.

5th Oct.—Elspeth Mary, daughter of Charles Kenneth

and Elsie Brown, " Greengates," Edenderry.






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