Seagoe Archives

November 1906


November 1906

Seagoe Parish Magazine.



The Select Vestry has decided, on the recommendation of the Bazaar

Committee, to postpone the Bazaar until next Spring. We believe

this is the wisest course, for by that time there will be a much

larger supply of goods for the Stalls, and everyone will have had

more time to do some work. A meeting of the Committee was held

on Monday, 22nd ult., when there was a good attendance of the Stall-holders.

Tea was provided for those present through the kindness of our

Hon. Treasurer, Mr. W. R. Atkinson and Miss Atkinson. A report of the sums

collected on the Cards was made, and it was found that a considerable

sum has been received, but we are anxious that all those who have cards should

redouble their efforts, so that we may have a substantial sum of money in

hand before the Bazaar comes off. It would be a great advantage if those

who have a fair amount of money collected would hand it in to Mr. W. R. Atkinson,

so that it might be lodged to the credit of the Bazaar Fund, and so save interest,

which otherwise would have to be paid on the money borrowed to pay for the

Gas Installation in the Church. At the meeting of the Committee all present

agreed to do this.

Now we want everyone in the Parish to get interested in the Bazaar. It will not be

sufficient for you to come to the Bazaar when it opens, but you must begin to

prepare for it by collecting money (you can get a Collecting Card from Mr. Atkinson)

or by making some piece of work that will be likely to sell well at some of the Stalls.

Here are some things that the girls can make :— Pinafores, cushions, slippers, ties,

socks, embroidery and needlework of all kinds. Young men can frame pictures,

do fretwork, make tables or boxes, seats or chairs. Ironworkers and mechanics could

make fan-bellows, rests for smoothing-irons, mantelpiece ornaments, candlesticks, etc.

In fact, everyone can do something, and it will make the long winter evenings seem quite

Short if you begin to make something for our Bazaar.

* *


Much regret has been occasioned in Portadown by

the death of our late Member Col. Saunderson. The

Rector was present at the funeral, and the bell of

Seagoe Church was tolled on the day of the funeral.

As we go to Press we hear that Mr. W. Moore, K.C,

has been chosen as candidate for the vacancy. The

choice is an excellent one, and we wish Mr. Moore

much success.


Morning. Evening.

£ s. d. £ s. d.

Oct. 7th—17th Sun. af. Trinity 1 5 1

,, 0 7 2 0 17 2

,, 10th— Wednesday 1 10 5

,, 14th— 18th Sun. af. Trinity 1 4 7 0 15 8

,, 17 th— Wednesday 0 3 6

,, 21st— 19th Sun. af. Trinity 0 2 9

,, 1 1 9 0 15 0

,, 25th— Thursday 4 5 5

,, 28th— 20th Sun. af. Trinity 3 13 7

,, 2 5 0

,, ,, — Children’s Service 0 10 0

£7 15 8 £11 2 2


“ As many of you as have been baptised into Christ have put on Christ.”

Oct. 6th—Mary Jane, daughter of James and Jane Elza Hynes, Edenderry.

,, ,, — Amelia Garton, daughter of Albert and Jemima Matchett, Edenderry.

,, ,, — Sarah Jane, daughter of Thomas and Ann E. Freeburn, Edenderry.

,, 5 th — Martha Jane, daughter of Isaiah and Rachel Ruddell, Whiteinch.

,, 14 th — Hugh, son of James Wm. and Mary J. Roney, Edenderry.

,, 28th— Jane, daughter of Wm. J. and Margaret England, Knock.


“Those whom God hath joined together let no man put asunder.”

Oct. 17th— William Henry England, Ballymacrandle, to Evelyn Holmes, Killycomaine.


“ Death is swallowed up in victory.”

Oct. 30th— Mrs. M'Laughlin, Knockmena.

* * *


As we have not yet received the complete returns

from all the schools we postpone the publication of

the names of the boys and girls who attended every

Sunday during last quarter, until our December


* * *


The collection for this most important fund will be

made throughout the Parish during November. A

special circular in connection with it is being issued

to the Parishioners.


Ours are to make the BEST BREAD and CONFECTIONERY

in the Kingdom ; and to Sell the BEST TEAS the World can produce

A t * 2 /8 , * 2 /4 , 2 / - , 1 / 1 0 , 1 /8 . These marked thus * are our leading lines.

DAVISON BROS., 3 & 4 High Street, PORTADOWN.


We can chronicle this month a notable Church

improvement in the introduction of gas. A special

service was held on Wednesday, October 10th, when

the Church was lighted with gas for the first time.

There was a large congregation, and an appropriate

sermon was preached on “The Sun of Righteousness”

by the Rev. H. S. Harpur, Rector of Loughgilly. We

congratulate the contractor for the work, Mr. Thomas

Kerr, of Castle Street, Portadown, on his successful

completion of this important work. The light is

beautifully clear and bright, and the cost seems

scarcely to exceed that of the old paraffin lamps. The

coronas are very handsome, and altogether the

improvement is a matter on which the Parish may

congratulate itself.

Ye Anchor Cafe


At the Bridge

Five Minutes Walk from Station.

Breakfasts . .

Luncheons . . .

Teas . . .

. . . Hot Luncheons . . .



Separate Room for Country Weddings if Notice is Given.


We heartily thank all who contributed fruit, flowers, and

evergreens for the decoration of the Church at the Harvest

Services, and also those who assisted at the decorations.

The Singing Class meets at the Parochial Hall on Tuesdays,

at 8. It has now a membership of thirty, and the charge is only

2/- for the term. If you would like to learn how to sing join without delay.

We are glad to have Mr. M’Kinstry back amongst us, and hope that

he will soon be quite restored to health.

The Mission at St. Stephen’s Church, Belfast, conducted by

the Rev. W. Bryan-Brown, proved very successful.

Carne Harvest Service takes place on Sunday, November 4th,

at 3-30, and will be continued on Monday. November 5th at 8.

Drumgor holds its Harvest Services on Sunday, November 11th,

at 3-30, and on Monday, November 12th, at 8.

The Annual Report will be issued next week.

At the recent Diocesan Synod the Rector was elected to a place

on the Supplemental List of the Repre­sentatives to the General

Synod, and the name of our Treasurer, Mr. W. R. Atkinson, appears

on the Supplemental List of Laymen for the Diocesan

Council, and for the General Synod.

The County Antrim Harriers joined the Seagoe Harriers in a cross-country

run on Saturday, 27th ult., and were afterwards entertained to tea at the

Anchor Cafe, by the Rector. The Seagoe Harriers have been kindly invited

by Major Blacker to have a run from Carrickblacker on an early date.

The Rev. Canon Blacker hopes to visit Major Blacker during November.

He will be heartily welcomed by his many friends in the parish of Seagoe.


We present our readers this month with a portrait of our late regretted Rector, the Very

Rev. Dean Dawson. It is just a year since he passed to his rest on Monday, November 20th,

1905, but his memory will long remain fresh in our minds for his gentle kindliness of manner

and the godliness of his life.


Dean of Dromore and Rector of Seagoe.

DIED NOVEMBER 20th, 1905.

“The memory of the Just is blessed.”


The parish of Seagoe originally consisted of 47 townlands, and

3 manorial districts —Garrowbrack, Kerdnan (Kernan), and Derry (Edenderry).

* * *

The average depth of the Bann in Seagoe parish is 30 feet and its width 150 feet.

* * *

Edenderry, in 1837, consisted of 6 houses of three stories in height ; 12 houses

of two stories, and 5 of one story ; 23 houses in all, and of these, 3 were

thatched and the rest slated.


On 22nd September, 1837, there were 75 children present in Hacknahay

day school, of whom 69 were Church of Ireland, and 6 Presbyterians. The

master was George Edbrooke.

* * *

The following entry occurs in the Burial Register for 1819— “ June 20 th

— Samuel Cook, aged 35, killed by the stab of a small sword by John

Saunderson, of Portadown.”

* * *

We print here the entry in the Vestry Book ordering the “dashing” of the

“new” Church. The pebble dashing now to be soon on the tower was then

carried out -

“The Committee appointed to receive proposals for the dashing of the

Church having met on Friday, the 8th of May, 1821, pursuant to regulation

at the Easter Vestry, the proposal of Francis Maguire and Edward Atkinson

to point and plaster with clean Bann sand, and pebble dash with Lough pebbles

the outside of the new Church tower and vestry room of Seagoe for

the sum of £40, not to be paid until next Easter Vestry was received on condition

of their producing security for £100 within eight days that the work will

be properly finished on the 1st of August, 1821.

Stewart Blacker, Vicar

John Beatty, Curate

Robert Watson

William Byrne

W. Buckby

T. Lutton

Joseph Malcomson

* * *

The following interesting record occurs in the Baptismal Register for 1780.

Note the curious use of the word “Gossips” for Godparents-

“July 3rd, Mary, daughter of William Robinson,

Esqr., by Jane his wife, Gossips, Mrs Carlow, her

son and daughter.”

* * *

Another entry in Burial Register for 1781 points to the unsettled

state of the country at that time—

“May 20th, John M’Neally found murdered.”


On the 25th inst., the Annual Harvest Service was held in the Parish

Church. The special preacher was the Rev. T. G. G. Collins, B.D.,

Rector of "Warrenpoint. The church was crowded in every part with

a reverent congregation, who joined heartily in the service. The music

was carefully rendered by the choir, under the skilful leadership of Mr. T. H.

Wilson, organist, while the solo in the anthem was sung with fine expression

by Miss Amy Walker. The subject of the address was “Labour and Life,”

and the preacher, in an eloquent discourse, pointed out the true dignity

of labour and its influence upon all life. The services were continued

on the 28th inst.. when the Rev. R. B. Cook, M.A., Rector of All Saints,

Belfast, was the preacher at both services. The congregations were very

large. The preacher gave an able and eloquent exposition of the lessons

of the harvest, pointing out the spiritual beauty of a fruitful life. The following

clergy were present at the services :—Rev. G. H. Dannt, Rector of

Knockmuckley ; Rev. J. F. Johnston, Drumcree , Rev. J. E. Archer, Rector of

Seagoe, and Rev. J. Taylor, curate. The church was tastefully decorated for the



The Harvest Services at Hacknahay School took place on Sunday,

October 28th, and on Monday, October 29th. We have seldom seen

such pretty decorations, and the schoolroom seemed for the time

being to have become a garden of flowers under the tasteful skill of

Miss Calvert and her willing band of helpers. On Sunday afternoon

the room was crowded, and the Rev. R. B. Cooke preached an eloquent

sermon on the harvest. The music was excellent, and the choir sang as

an anthem the harvest hymn “We plough the fields and scatter”. On Monday

evening the Rector preached on God’s ownership of the earth, basing his

remarks on Gen. i., 1. The room was again filled with a large congregation.

Amongst those present on Sunday afternoon we noticed Major Stewart Blacker

and Mr. W. R. Atkinson.

* * *

In connection with the Harvest Services in Seagoe Church a largely attended

Children’s Service was held on Sunday afternoon, October 28th. The Rector

preached on “The Bread of Life” The singing of the children was very hearty

and tuneful, and there were over 300 present.

* * *

Those who have not yet paid in their subscription to the Auxiliary Fund for

this year should do so at once as all returns must be made to the Diocesan

Office before the close of the month.


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Seagoe Archives


Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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