Seagoe Parish Magazine.
Seagoe Sunday School Excursion, June 19th, 1924,
Through the generosity of Mr. Joseph Twinem, Grand Avenue, New York, brother of Mr. James
Twinen, Lylo and Edenderry. we are enabled to reproduce, in the Magazine, an interesting
photograph of our Sunday School Excursion Procession as it passed through Railway Street, on Thursday, June 19th of this year, on its way to Warrenpoint. The photograph was taken by Mr. Twinem as the procession approached the Railway Station. Only those who were at the head of the procession are seen in the picture, but the procession was a very long one, more than filling the whole length of Railway Street. A pretty effect is produced in the photograph by the light of the early morning sun falling on the processionists. The photograph was taken at 9 a.m., summer time, which is about 7-30 a.m., Greenwich time. Mr. Twinem, who kindly defrayed the expense of reproducing the photograph, has been on a visit to Seagoe Parish for the past few months, with his wife, and son and daughter. He emigrated to the States some 25 years ago, and prospered in his business activities.
While in Seagoe on holiday he stayed at Tarson with his mother. Mr. Twinem has always been
much interested in the old parish, Mrs, Joseph Twinem is of American nationality, but of Swiss
descent, and during their recent holiday visited St. Gall, in Switzerland, her father's birthplace,
town which also bad some close and interesting connections with Irish Church history 1000 years
ago The boy who carried the Union Jack is David Forde of Joseph Street.
The Harvest Services,
All the Services of Harvest Thanksgiving held this
Autumn in Seagoe Parish have been attended by
large gatherings of worshippers. The services held
in the Parish Church on Thursday, October 23rd,and
on 26th, brought together very many worshippers.
The congregations at the Sunday
Services were very large, and at the Evening Service
many were unable to get into the church. The Rev.
Dr. Aldwell preached on Thursday. and on Sunday
the Rev. Frederick Hatch, LL. B.. B,D., was the
special preacher. The musical portion of the services
was well rendered by the choir. Miss Mary Wilson
presided at the organ, and Mr. T. H Wilson, who
trained the choir with great diligence and success.
On Sunday, Stainer's clap your hands," was sung.
It is a most difficult piece of music but the
choir and organist acquitted themselves
well. Mrs. Hartley of Annaghmore, sang the Soprano
solo, and the Quartette for four voices was sung by
Messrs, D. W. Murray and A. Allen, and Mrs.
Hartley and Miss Montgomery. A willing band of
decorators had beautified the church with rich garlands
of flowers and evergreens and fruit. Pretty
palms also added much to the graceful appearance of
the decorations.
District Harvest Services,
During October Harvest Services were held in
several districts of the Parish. On Thursday, October
9th. and on the following Sunday, the Services were
held in Edenderry Parochial Hall.
The Services were largely attended, and the
decorations were very bright. The Rev H. F. Egerton
preached on Thursday, and the Rector on Sunday.
Miss Hawthorne presided at the organ,with her usual
efficiency. and the Children's Choir led the singing.
On the same Sunday Carne held its special services.
As usual the school wag very nicely decorated.
Mr. D. W. Murray. our energetic superintendent had
charge of the music. The special preachers were the
Rev. H. F. Egerton on Sunday. and the Rev. J,
Armstrong, B.Sc., on Monday,
Levaghery School had its Services on Sunday.
October 19th, and the following Monday. The
school was prettily decorated with flowers and fruit,
Miss Selina Bradshaw had charge of the music,which
was hearty and devotional. The Rev. R. W.Johnston,
L. Th., and the Rev. J. Armstrong, B.Sc., were the
special preachers.
Drumgor Harvest Services.
The last of our Harvest Services will be held(D.V.)
in Drumgor Church Hall, on Thursday, November
13th. at 8 p.m., and on Sunday, November 16th, at
3-30 p.m. The Hall has recently been renovated at
a cost of over $100, and is now one of our neatest
and best Halls. The offerings on Thursday will be
divided between Foreign Missions and the Local
Sunday School Fund, and on Sunday will be on
behalf of the Renovation Fund of the Hall.
Concert at Drumgor.
On Thursday October 80th, a Concert was held in
Drumgor Church Hall. It was organised to provide
Funds towards the expenses recently incurred in the
renovation of the building, There was a large attendance
and a most interesting programme of songs
and music was provided. An important item was
selections played by the Tamnificarbet Flute Band,
which were loudly applauded. The Rector presided
and at the close a hearty vote of thanks was passed
to all who had so kindly assisted at the concert.
On Thursday Evening, September 11th, a social
meeting was held in Drumgor. in connection with
the local Sunday School Miss Agnes Guy,
superintendent, was present, and there was full attendance
of the teachers and children, After hearty tea had
been partaken of the Rector took the choir and in
few words explained the object of the gathering.
Miss Maggie Gracey. of Balteagh who had been both
as teacher and pupil most regular attender at the
Sunday School was about to proceed to Belfast to
undergo her period of training under the Board of
Education. The members of the Sunday School had
decided to present her with a token of their esteem,and
to express their good wishes to her for her future
course. The Rector then presented Miss Gracey with
an Attache case, and on behalf of all present expressed
his best wishes for her success. Miss Gracey
thanked those present for their kind gift, which she
would always value. Games were then engaged in
until 10 0'clock,when a pleasant evening was brought
to a close.
The Diocesan Synod.
The Synod meets on Tuesday, November 4th, in
Clarence Place Hall, Belfast. The members of the
Synod will attend Holy Communion at 10 0'clock in
St. Anne's Cathedral. Seagoe Parish has six lay
representatives, who will attend the Synod —Messrs
James Twinem, John G. Gracey, Thomas Martin,
Robt. Price, Thos. H. Wilson, and David W. Murray,
On Tuesday evening a great meeting of
Church People will be held in the Ulster
Hall at 8. Among the speakers will be the Bishop
of Tuam, and Canon Moore Ede. Tickets for the
meeting (admission free) may be had from the Rector,
or from any of the Seagoe Synodsmen.
Edenderry Parochial Hall,
A week night service is now held in the Parochial
Hall, on every Thursday Evening at 8 p.m. We invite
the residents in that district to come to the Hall
for this quiet hour of worship each week. The Rector
is making application to the Lord Bishop to licence
the Hall as a place of worship.
Seagoe Select Vestry.
A deputation from Seagoe Select Vestry waited on
the Lurgan Rural Council at their meeting on
Thursday, October 2nd, to press upon them the
importance of improving the condition of Seagoe
graveyard. The deputation presented to the council a
document specifying its suggestions, which referred
to the providing of a skilled gardener as well as
gravedigger, the building of a proper caretaker's
house, the strict enforcement of the Act of Parliament
which excludes all animals from graveyards,
the sufficient fencing of the graveyard, the exclusion
of young children from the graveyard, unless
accompanied by an adult, the digging of new graves to
a regulated depth, and the drainage of the newly
added ground The deputation was sympathetically
received by the council, who promised to give a full
consideration to the suggestions made. This question
is so urgent that we believe the council must act
without delay in the interests of Public Health, as
well as in the respect which, as Christians, we owe
to the sacred remains of our dear ones.
The Weekly Envelopes.
Is your number among the following? If so,
would you please write your name on your envelope.
We have your number but do not know your name.
4, 5, 6, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 26, 245, 247,
331, 334, 342, 343, 426, 427, 463, 475.
Seagoe Mothers' Union.
The opening meeting of the Mothers' Union for the
winter session was held in Edenderry Parochial Hall
on Tuesday, October 6th, at 4 p.m. There was a
full attendance of members, for whom tea was
provided. Miss Collen, the Hon. sec„ was unfortunately
unable to be present, but Miss G, Atkinson acted in
her stead. The Countess of Roden had very kindly
driven over from Tullymore Park, near Castlewellan,
for the meeting. After tea, the Rector spoke a few
words of welcome, and introduced Lady Roden to the
members. Her ladyship addressed the members on
the principles of the Mothers' Union,and the importance
of keeping the rules. Her earnest words were listened
to with great attention by all present. The members
were all greatly delighted to have the Countess
among them, and hope she will soon pay another
visit to the Parochial Hall, Those who are desirous
Of joining the Mothers' Union should send in their
names to Miss Collen. The next meeting of the
Mothers' Union will be held in the Parochial Hall on
Tuesday,November 11th (Armistice Day), at 4 0'clock,
when the Rector will hold a Bible Class for the
members. The subject for consideration will be—
"The Gift of Peace," and the portion of scripture to
be studied will be St. Matt. viii, 23-27. Members
are asked to bring their Bibles with them.
A Cottage Service.
On Wednesday, October 22 ad, cottage service
was held in Killicomaine, where Mr. and Mrs.
England kindly lent a room. There was a crowded
attendance. The Rev. R. W. Johnston read the
prayers, and the Rector gave an address on "Seek ye
first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness."
Other Cottage Services are being arranged in various
parts of the parish. We heartily invite our people
in the districts where these services are held to be
present, and to bring others with them.
Cottage Services.
Cottage Mission Services have been araanged to
be held (D. V.) in the following districts of the Parish
—Ballyhannon and Ballymacrandle, on Wednesday,
November 12th, at 8 p.m. and at Kilvergan on
Wednesday, November 19th at 8 p.m. Handbills
will be distributed in each district before the
Services, announcing the house in which they will
be held.
Our Sunday Schools,
The new Sunday School Calendars will be issued
to teachers and children on Sunday, November 23rd.
The price of the Calendars will be ½ d. each.
A War Diary.
We have been lent the War Diary kept during the
earlier years of the war by Herbert Murray, of
Ballynery, who served with „the Canadians in Flanders,
during the war, He is one of those whose names are
recorded on our Memorial Pillars. He died from
wounds in April, 1917, and is buried in Flanders.
The diary is a stirring record of war experiences at
the most trying period of the war, and in that part
of the war zone where the fighting was fiercest. We
hope in our next issue to print some extracts from
the diary.
An American Visitor.
Last month the Rector had a visit from Mr. Vincent
Hamilton Potter, of 36 School St. Burnside,
Connecticut, U.S.A. Mr. Potter, who is a graduate
of Trinity College, Hartford, Conn. , U.S.A., was on
visit to Europe. Before leaving America his relatives
had told him to be sure to visit the old Parish of
"Sagy," from which his grandmother,Ellen Atkinson
had emigrated in the middle of the last century. Mr.
Potter interviewed several of the residents in the
Parish, - including Mr. Dynes Atkinson, of Upper
Seagoe. He attended the services in the Parish
Church on Sunday, and saw the old Font where his
ancestors were baptized. Mr. Potter is a loyal member
of the American Episcopal Church, and was
greatly interested by his visit to the parish. It is
nice to see the attachment to the old place asserting
itself in the third generation.
We regret that some of our usual readers were unable
to secure a copy of last month's Magazine, as all
the copies were sold at once. The best way to make
sure of getting a copy is to pay your 2/- subscription
in advance to your local distributor.
The recent settled weather has greatly helped the
Please bring your Freewill Offering to the church
with you each Sunday.
Advent Sunday falls this year on November 2nd,
which is also St. Andrew's Day.
Shankill Parish Magazine for November contains
portraits of the staff of clergy of Shankill Parish,four
in number.
Many among us will regret the resignation of the
Very Rev. Dr. O'Lougblin, D. D. , who has for the
past 30 years filled the onerous post of Rector of
Shankill. Dr. O'Loughlin was always a welcome
visitor to Seagoe. He intends to reside in future at
We regret to hear of the death of Mrs Jack Wilson,
of Enenderry, after a long illness. We express our
sincere sympathy with Mr, Wilson and his family in
their bereavement.
The death of Mr. Thomas Guy, of Derryvore, is
much regretted. He was liked by everyone for his
quiet genial disposition. He has passed away after
a long and trying illness,
A Great Meeting of Church People will be held
in the Ulster Hall. on Tuesday, November 4th at
8 p.m.
Seagoe School Concert.
A Concert will be given 'by the pupils of Seagoe
Public Elementary School, fn Edenderry Parochial
Hall, on Tuesday, December 16th, at 8 p.m.
Tickets, Reserved, 2s ; Unreserved, are now
on sale. The proceeds will be on behalf of Seagoe
School. An interesting programme is in preparation.
Services in the Parochial Hall
The first of the week night Thursday Services was
held in Edenderry Parochial Hall on Thursday,
October 2nd, at 8 p.m. There was a good attendance
of worshippers. The Service was conducted by the
Rev. R. W. Johnston, and the address was given by
Rector. Miss Hawthorn presided at the Harmonium,
and is taking charge of the music at the
services. She is forming a childrens choir who
Will help in the singing.
Parish Register for October.
The following were baptized in the Parish Church on October 4th, 1924.
Hynes—Winifred, daughter of William James and Amelia Hynes, of Edenderry.
Sponsors—Jane Eliza Hynes Amelia Hynes.
Magee—Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph and Sarah Margaret Magee, of Edenderry.
Sponsors—Anne Major, Sarah Margaret Magee.
McCrory—Joseph, son of Joseph Alexander and Margaret McCrory, of Edenderry.
Sponsors—Christina Roney„Mary Jane Roney.
Roney—Wilson, son of Samuel and Christina Roney of Edenderry.
Sponsors—Mary Jane Roney, Margaret McCrory.
Rainey and Burrell— October 15th, 1924, Robert George Rainey, of Edenderry,
to Olive Jessie Burrell, of Scarva.
Guy—October 22nd, Thomas Guy, of Derryvore, aged 73 years.
The Weekly Freewill Envelopes,
A list of the sums subscribed though the Envelopes
from January 1st, 1924, to June 30th, 1924, has
been posted on the Notice Board in the Church Porch.
If any mistake is noticed in it please communicate
with Mr. Hugh Stoops, Hon. Treasurer, Kiilicomaine
Road. The new sets of Envelopes for 1925 will be
issued in good time, so that everyone may make
good start for the New year,on Sunday, January 4th,
1925. We hope all who contribute will try to increase
the amount they give each week. No less than 51
subscribers place only one penny in the Envelope
each week, We ask also that all wage earners in each
household should secure a set of Envelopes for themselves.
As things are at present the Parish is responsible
for £392 in salaries alone, exclusive of the
expenses connected with the heating, lighting, and
repairs of the church buildings. It will take another
£70 per annum to raise the Parish from the status
of a Curacy in charge, which it now holds, to that of
a Parish in the full sense of the term. We regret to
record that 62 heads of families, who took sets of
Envelopes from the collectors at the beginning of the
year have as yet not sent in a single Envelope. If
this fact is read by any of those who possess sets of
Envelopes as yet unused we hope they will take it to
heart and amend their ways.
Wednesday Evening Service,
We are glad to record an improvement in the
attendance at the Wednesday Evening Services in
the Parish Church. This opportunity for Worship
during the week has proved a great help to many.
A quiet hour in the House of Prayer amidst the toil
and turmoil of the week is an immense help to the
Spiritual life of the soul. We invite you to join in
this act of Worship each week.
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