Seagoe Archives

November 1932


November 1932

Seagoe Parish magazine.



Rev. Chancellor Archer, B.D., The Rectory, Seagoe.

W. F. Hayes, B.Ä., Edendale, Carrickblacker Road, Edenderry, Portadown.


Rector's—Mr. Robert Scott.

People's—Mr. Isaac Dickson.

Harvest Thanksgiving Services.

The annual Harvest Thanksgiving Services

were held in the Parish Church on Thursday,

October 20th, and on Sunday, October 23rd.

The Church was beautifully decorated with an

abundance of fruit and flowers and corn. In

front of the pulpit was a large loaf of bread made

in the form of a sheaf of wheat.

It had been baked specially by Messrs. Baines, of Belfast,

and was the kind gift of Mrs. Dewar, of Lurgan.

Some apples of enormous size formed part of the

decorations. Beautiful roses clustered in the

carving of the chancel arcading. The Church

was crowded at all the services. The Rev. E. A.

Myles preached on Thursday on God's particular

for His people, illustrated by the fact that

He cares for and knows the sparrow's fall. The

offerings were for Foreign Missions. At the Sunday

Service the Rev. F. H. Kinch, Rector of

Loughgall, preached at Morning Prayer, and the

Rev. Canon M' Garvey in the evening. At 3.30

a largely attended Service was held for the

children attending Seagoe Afternoon Service,

and the Rector gave the address. The music at

the Services was rendered by a large choir who

had been carefully trained by our organist, Mr.

T H. Wilson. The Anthem " I will magnify

thee" was splendidly sung. The solos were

taken by Mr. David Murray (tenor) and by Mr.

James Courtney (bass). After the Services the

flowers and fruit were distributed to necessitous

and sick parishioners.

District Harvest Services.

The usual round of Harvest Thanksgiving Services

have been held in the outlying districts of

the Parish during the past month. Drumgor

held its Services on Sunday, Oct. 9th, and the

following Monday. The Hall had been nicely

decorated with autumn flowers and fruits. The

Rector preached, and the Hymns were heartily

sung. At the Monday Service the Rev. W. F.

Hayes officiated and the offerings were on

behalf of Foreign Missions.

The Services at Levaghery were held on Oct. 16th (Sunday) and

Oct. 17th. The large schoolroom was tastefully

decorated. A feature of the decorations was a

pair of most neatly constructed corn stacks,

which had been made and given by Mr. Short,

of Levaghery. On Monday the Rev. W. G. Kerr,

of St. Mark's, gave an address. Miss Selina

Bradshaw conducted the musical portion of the

services very efficiently. A duet was sung with

much feeling by Miss Kirby and Miss Cox. At

the end of the month, on Oct. 30th (Sunday)

and Oct. 31st Thanksgiving Services were held

at Carne. The Hall looked very bright with its

decorations of fruit and flowers. There was a

large gathering, both on Sunday and Monday.

The Rector preached at the Sunday Service and

the Rev. W. F. Hayes on the Monday. Mr. T.

H. Wilson, Organist of Seagoe, conducted the

music on Sunday, and Mr. David Murray at the

service on Monday. The Parish Church Choir

helped in the singing at both services.

Edenderry Harvest Services.

The Harvest Services in the Parochial Hall

will be held (DV.) on Sunday, November 6, at

3.30, and on Monday, Nov. 7th, at 8 p.m. We

will welcome very heartily to the Service the

Rev. Robert Gracey, Curate of St. Donard's

Church, Belfast, and former Lay Reader in

Seagoe Parish. He will preach at the 3.30

Service on Sunday in the Parochial Hall. An

anthem will be sung by the choir. The offerings

at this Service will be on behalf of the Parochial

Hall Fund. The Services will be continued on

Monday evening at 8 p.m., and the offerings will

be given to Foreign Missions.

Armistice Sunday,

Sunday, Nov. 6th, will be the Sunday before

Armistice Day, Nov. 11th. There will be a parade

of the Seagoe Church Lads' Brigade, who

will lay a wreath at, the Memorial Gates and

Pillars at 11.15 a.m. Parishioners are asked to

be present at this short service. Morning Prayer

will begin in the Parish Church at 11.30 a.m.

The Rev. R. Gracey will preach at this service

and also at Evening Prayer. The offerings at the

Morning Service will be given to Earl Haig's

Fund for the ex-Service men.

A Shooting Competition.

A shooting competition is being arranged to be

held in Edenderry Parochial Hall on Friday,

Nov. 25th, at 8 p.m. Valuable prizes have been

offered. The proceeds will go to cover a balance

of over £2 still due on the recent Sunday School




The last of our Harvest Services will be held

(D. V.) in Bocombra Orange Hall (kindly lent by

Bocornbra L.O.L.) on Sunday, Nov. 13th, at

3.30, and on Monday, Nov. 14th, at 8 p.m. The

offerings on Sunday will be on behalf of Bocombra

Sunday School and on the Monday to Foreign Missions.

Seagoe Parish Almanac.

The Parish Almanac for 1933 is very bright

and pretty. The central picture is " Land of our

Birth, our Faith, our Pride. '

The other pictures are " The Glory of the Garden, "

and " A Child's Grace. "

The Almanac will be on sale

during December, price Twopence, and may be

had at Mr. Vance's, 21 Bridge St., Portadown,

or from any of the Sunday School Superintendents.

Seagoe P.E. School.

Mr. Arthur Harvey, the Inspector of the

Ministry of Education, examined Seagoe P.E.

School on Tuesday, Nov. 1st. Mr. Harvey is a

graduate of Oxford University and a native of

Cornwall. He gave the children a very thorough

examination. Before leaving he wrote in the

School Record Book—" A good school with a

splendid tone." This is high praise and we

congratulate Mr. Scott and his assistants, Miss Reid

and Miss Matchett, very heartily on the success

of the School.

Seagoe Mothers' Union.

The next meeting of the Mothers' Union will

be held (D. v.) on Tuesday, November 8th, in

Seagoe School at 7.30 p.m. Tea will be provided

for the members, and Miss Taylor will give a

Health Lecture to the members. The October

meeting of the Mothers' Union was largely

attended. The Rector entertained the members

to tea in Seagoe School. Work done by members

of the Mothers' Union was on view and

every article found a ready purchaser. The

proceeds will go towards the Christmas Presents

Fund for the poor of the Parish. Some beautiful

pieces of needlework were on view. We hear

that several sewing parties are about to be started

in the Parish.

Death of Mr, Morrison

We deeply regret to record the death in New

York from a motor accident of Mr. James Morrison,

whose family was very well known in

Seagoe Parish in past years. His father, Mr.

James D. Morrison, was killed in a shooting

accident in Seagoe some 45 years ago. He was

a member of Seagoe Select Vestry. About 20

years ago Mr. James Morrison, his son, left Ireland

and settled with his mother and sister (Mrs.

Ellis) at Yonkers, New York, U.S.A. Mr. Morrison

took a very leading. part in the civic and

social life of Yonkers and his death was much

regretted. He was manager of the Ludlow

Estate and was one of the most powerful

advocates of the extension of the Hudson River

Boulevard. He was also prominent in banking

circles and was the owner of one of the largest

garages in Yonkers. He was only 50 at his

death. He was struck by the mudguard of the

lorry when crossing the street and died somewhat

suddenly just 12 hours later. The funeral

service was held on October 3rd in St. John's

Episcopal Church, Getty Square, and was conducted

by the Rev. Oliver S. Newell. City

Treasurer George Griot said of him—" With

James Morrison personal ambition was non-existent.

The idea of service ruled supreme.

Mr. Morrison visited Seagoe about two years ago

and was always greatly interested in his birth

place. He was born in the house at Seagoe now

occupied by Mr. T. H. Wilson. We express to

Mrs. Morrison, his mother, on behalf of the

people of Seagoe our sincere sympathy with her

and with his sister, Mrs. Ellis, in their sad bereavement.

Mrs. Morrison, who is a sister of

Mr. Wilson Irwin, formerly of Carne, has never

ceased to take a deep interest in Seagoe Parish

and has been a regular subscriber to the Parish


The Jumble Sale.

A successful Jumble Sale was held in the

Parochial Hall on Friday, Oct. 14th, at 7.30 p.m

It was organised to pay off a debt of over £22

incurred in connection with the recent Sunday

School Excursion to Bangor. The total receipts

from all sources amounted to £21 3s 6d and the

expenses to £l 13s 6d, leaving a nett balance

of 19s 10s. We thank very heartily all those

who helped by gifts and subscriptions to make

the sale a success. Among the sums received

was a subscription of from the Mothers'

Union, for which we heartily thank them.

Seagoe G. F. S,

Seagoe G. F. S. will resume its weekly meetings

on Monday, Nov. 21st, at 8 p.m. in Seagoe

School. A punctual attendance of members is


The Annual Report.

The Annual Report will be published in a few

days and will be circulated among the Parishioners.

It is very complete. If any error is

detected please communicate with the Hon.

Treas., Mr. Hugh Stoops, Killicomaine Road.

If any one does not receive a copy of the Report

please obtain one from the Hon. Sec. , Mr. Moses

Gilpin, Drumnagoon.

New Church Hall for Bocombra.

Thanks to the energy and generosity of Mr.

James Twinem, of Lylo, we seem to have at last

reached the possibility of a new Church Hall

at Bocombra. For two years we have been holding

a Sunday School in the Bocombra Orange

Hall, which has been very kindly lent to us by

the Lodge, but Bocombra and the surrounding

townlands need a Hall of their own for general

church purposes. Up to 1904 a Sunday School

was held in a building at Lylo rented by Dean

Dawson, but circumstances compelled it to be

closed in that year. The site of the proposed

hall is on the land of Mrs. Mecaren, who has

acted with great generosity and kindness in the

matter, The Vestry at their last meeting decided

to buy the land out. Mr. Twinem has designed

the plan of a suitable building and has

headed the subscription list with a generous

subsription of £50. The site is very fine and centrally

situated on the main road. We publish

below a list of those who have kindly promised

subscriptions towards the Hall. We hope everybody will help.

Mr. James Twinem, Lylo Villa £50 0 0

Mr. Charles Montgomery, High St.,

Portadown 5 5 0

Miss Rebecca Calvert, Breagh 5 0 0

Chancellor Archer 5 0 0

Mrs. Wolsey R. Atkinson, Eden Villa 5 0 0

Mr. John Matchett, Ballyhannon 5 0 0


Mr. James Sands, Killycomain Road 5 0 0

Mr. Robert Scott, Seagoe P.E. School 3 0 0

Major D. G. Shillington 3 0 0

Mr. Isaac Dickson, Crossmacaughley 3 0 0

Mr. John H. Twinem, Lylo 2 0 0

Mr. John Jeweller, 2 0 0

West St., Portadown 2 0 0

Rev. W. F. Hayes 2 0 0

Miss Marguerite S. Twinem, Lylo 2 0 0


Miss Sarah M' Dowell, Killycomain 2 0 0

Mr. Robt. M' Clements, Bridge St. 2 0 0

Mr. Hugh Stoops, Killycomain Rd.... 2 0 0

Mr. W. Sherman, Carrickblacker Rd. 2 0 0

Mr. Samuel Hall, Upper Seagoe ... 2 0 0

Messrs. Collen Bros., Ltd. 2 0 0

Portadown News" 1 0 0

A friend in Belfast 1 0 0

Messrs. Thos. Hyde & Son, Ltd. 1 0 0

Mr. Joseph Wilson, Lisniskey 1 0 0

Mrs. Richard Hoy, Lisniskey 1 0 0

Mr. James Vance, Edenderry 1 0 0

Mr. Thos. E. Maginnis, Breagh 1 0 0

Mr. Samuel Walker, Levaghery 1 0 0

Mr. W. J. White, West St., Porta- 1 0 0


Mr. Jas. A. Wightman, Carleton St., 1 0 0


Mr. Thos. Kerr, Thomas St., Porta- 1 0 0


Miss Nora K. Montgomery, Edward 1 0 0

St., Portadown

Mr. J. H. England, Bridge St. 1 0 0

Rev. G. H. Daunt, Grange Rectory... 1 0 0

Mr. T. H. Wilson, Seagoe Cottage ... 1 0 0

Mr. H. J. Gracey, Bluestone P.E.S. 1 0 0

Mr. John Lavery, Kilvergan 1 0 0

Mr. James Edgar, Market St., Porta- 1 0 0


Mr. Moses Gilpin, Drumnagoon 1 0 0

Mr. Nicholas England, Ballyhannon 1 0 0

Miss Rodgers, Ballyhannon 1 0 0

Mr. Gilbert Price, Ballinacor 1 0 0

Mr. J. Redmond, Baltylum 0 10 0

Mr. Pettigrew, Gas Manager 0 10 0

Mr. Jack Walker, Carrickblacker Rd. 0 10 0

Mr. Thos. Shanks, 0 10 0

Mr. A. N. Darling 0 10 0

Mr. Robert Eloy, Lisniskey 0 10 0

Mr. Jos. H. ward, Upper Seagoe . 0 10 0

Mrs. Jane Mecaren, Bocombra 0 10 0

Mr. J. W. Mayes, Levaghery 0 10 0

Mrs. A. M' Dowell, Levaghery 0 10 0


£136 5 0


We regret to record the death last month,

after a long illness, of Mr. Thomas Cochrane,

of the compositing staff of the " Portadown

News." Mr. Cochrane had served in the Army

for many years, both in the East Lancashire

Regiment and in the 9th R. Irish Fusiliers. Part

of his military service was in India. Mr. Cochrane

was always very ready to help in the preparation

of Seagoe Parish Magazine and was a

skilled compositor. He was also most kind and

genial in manner and will be much missed by his

many friends. We express our sympathy with

his relatives in their bereavement.

The Diocesan Council.

The Diocesan Synod for Down and Connor and

Dromore will be held in Clarence Place Hall,

Belfast, on Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov. 8th

and 9th.

It will begin with a celebration of

Holy Communion in St. Anne's Cathedral at

10 a.m. Seagoe Parish sends . four representatives

to the Synod—Messrs. James Twinem

Thomas Martin, John G. ,Gracey, J.P., and

Robert M' Clements. Much important business

is transacted at the Synod.

Weekly Freewill Envelopes.

A very neat type of W.F. envelopes will be

distributed among the Sustentation Fund subscribers

for the New Year. They are made up


in compact booklets of 52. Useful advice is

printed on each envelope and also a suitable text.

The Edenderry envelopes will be, as usual, of

a different colour from those of the rest of the


Parish Register for Octobers


The following were Baptized in Seagoe Parish

Church on October 1st, 1932:—

Glassey—Victor, son of William John and Rosina Glassey, of Edenderry.

Sponsors—Anna Clarke, Rosina Glassey.

Low—Mary, daughter of Alexander and Hannah Jane Low, of Edenderry.

Sponsors—Elizabeth Thornbury, Hannah Jane Low.

Gordon—Doreen, daughter of Thomas John and Anne Eliza Gordon, of Edenderry.

Sponsors—Thomas John Gordon, Anne Eliza Gordon.

Thornbury—John, son of William and Elizabeth Thornbury, of Kernan.

Sponsors—Elizabeth Thornbury, Hannah Jane Low.

Private Baptism.

Freeburn—Oct. 18th, 1932, Sarah,

daughter of Edmond and Violet Freeburn, of Edenderry.


A Service of Song " The Message of the Angels, "

is being practised by members of Seagoe Sunday

School and will be performed in the near future.

Two exciting competitions in School games

were held in the School playground at Seagoe

last month. The Yo-yo championship was won

by Eileen Jackson, Willie M' Loughlin being

second. The winners of the Scotch Hop competition

were, among the girls, Jean Finney,

and among the boys Jim Simpson.

The total amount available for the repairs of

the Church and School from the recent Bazaar

is £325. Each object receives £162 10s 0d.

Steps are being taken to enclose and lay out

the plot of ground beside the Churchyard which

has recently been purchased.

Please remember the Shooting Competition in

the Parochial Hall on Friday, Nov. 25th, at 8

p.m. Some valuable prizes will be shot for.

A Service will (D. v.) be held in Mr. Dickson's

house (kindly lent) in Tamnifiglasson on Thursday,

November 10th, at 8.p.m. Residents in

the neighbourhood are invited to attend.

Annual Subscribers

Special envelopes will shortly be distributed

to the Annual Subscribers in which to place

their subscriptions. Perhaps some of those who

now give an annual subscription would be inclined

to join the W. F.O. scheme and get a set

of envelopes for the New Year.

The Select Vestry has arranged to get temporary

repairs done to the Church Tower. The

stonework, which has stood the storms of more

than a century, is showing signs of wear.

Old Seagoe Notes.


The following interesting facts relating to the

Parish of Seagoe have been copied by the Rector

from a Book published by the Society of

Friends entitled "The Great Cry of Oppression,

written by William Stockdale in 1783. It covers

events between the years 1671 and 1681 and

includes happenings, chiefly distraints for tithes

for every county in Ireland. Another work of

similar kind by Fuller and Holmes covers the

period from 1655 to the end of George 1st reign

The books are kept in the Friends' Meetin g

House in Eustace St., Dublin.

1672—Francis Robinson had taken from him

for Tithe by Daniel O 'Cantelan, Tithemonger

under John Jones, Piest of the Parish of Segoe

19 loads of hey, 23 stooks of wheat, 2 stooks of

rye, 20 stooks of oats and 5 stooks of barley

worth £2 12s Od.

Michael Skeife had taken from him for Tithe

by George Blacker, 8 stooks of wheat worth 8


1673—Joshua Cowley is Priest of Shankill


1675—George Walker is Priest of Kilmore


[This was the father of the famous

Governor of Derry.

The servants of George Blacker took 8 stooks

of wheat worth 8 shillings. George Hodgens had

his apple trees broken by Blacker's servants, and

they took what apples they pleased.

1676—Michael Skeife being sued at the Mannor

Court by George Blacker for 8/6 tithe, the

said Blacker's servants took from him a milch

cow worth £2 10s 0d. 9 wheel-car loads of he

were also taken and 7 kish of turfe.

1678—Michael Skeife had taken out of his

barn for Tithe by the servants of George Blacker

with a Replevin from Thomas Workman

Seneschal of the Mannor of Corbrackagh 8 stone

of wheat and out of his field 7 stone of oats and

8 stone of barley, all worth 15/-.

1678—William Brooks was Priest of the Parish

of Drumcree.

1679—Thomas Smith was Tithemonger of


1681—Roger Webb had taken from him by

Daniel O 'Cantelan a Pewter Candlestick worth

9 pence.


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Seagoe Archives


Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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