Seagoe Parish Magazine.
CLERGY :Rev. Chancellor Archer, B .D ., The Rectory,
Rev. W. F. Hayes, B .A ., The Bungalow, Lower
Seagoe, Portadown.
People’s— Mr. THOMAS MARTIN.
The Spirit of Thanksgiving.
We record in this month's issue an account
of many Harvest Services held throughout the
Parish. We believe that a spirit of true Thanksgiving has been present at these Services. Of
course some may attend in a careless way, more
out of habit and curiosity than from a real sense
of Thanksgiving and desire to worship God.
The thought that our Heavenly Father expresses
Himself in the gift of the Harvest is a wonderful thing and must stir in us the knowledge that
God is a God of Love as well as of Power. If
these Services have kindled in our hearts a
spirit, of Thankfulness it will show itself in our
life by a more consistent following of the
Divine commands. We trust and believe that
such will be the effect in the Parish of our many
Services of Thanksgiving.
Harvest Thanksgivng Services.
The Annual Services of Thanksgiving for the
Blessings of Harvest were held in the Parish
Church on Thursday, October 24th, at 8 p.m ..
and on Sunday, October 27th, at 11.30 a.m.
and at 7 p.m . The Church had been very tastefully decorated by a willing band of ladies and
young m en of the Parish. Abundant supplies of
flowers were contributed, as well as large offerings of grain, fruit and vegetables. These,
together with the usual stately palms, provided a
fitting setting for those who, once more in this
ancient and solemn festival, expressed their
gratitude to the Giver of All for the mercies of
another most bountiful Harvest season. The
services were largely attended. The Church
was filled with a mass of people at each. On
Sunday evening, despite the torrential rain, the
building was crowded. The aisles as well as
the pews, were filled with people; extra seating
had to be provided. Special music appropriate
for the occasion was rendered in a very feeling
impressive manner by the choir, which had
been thoroughly trained by Mr. T. H . Wilson.
This in no small measure contributed to the
spiritual tone of devotional gratitude,
which was so distinctly manifested throughout
the services. The choir was ably accompanied
by Mrs. W . A. Casey, who kindly presided at
the organ. The special music rendered included
Hopkin’s setting to the Te Deum, settings to
the Magnificat and the Nunc Dimittus by
Frederick Lloyd, and Edwyn V. Clare’s Harvest
anthem , “ The Fruit of Thy Works.” The solo
portion of the latter was taken by Miss N. K. Montgomery.
The Rev. G. C. Johnson, M.A., Rector of
Magherally was the preacher on Thursday evening. On Sunday morning the Yery Rev. E . A.
Myles, Dean of Dromore, preached. During
the course of his sermon, the theme of which
was strength and beauty, the Dean made fitting
reference to the life of Lord Carson. The Rev.
T. Parr, M.A., Rector of Seapatrick, preached
on Sunday evening, his text and his subject was "The Love of G od.”
Children ’s Service.
A very bright Children’s Service was held in
the Parish Church on Sunday, October 27th, at
3 p.m . It was attended by a large number of
children. Many adults were also present. Mr.
T. H Wilson was at the organ. The singing
was sweetly led by the children. The Rev. W.
F. H ayes conducted the Service and also gave
the address. The collection was taken up by
two members of the Sunday School, Ernest
Caddell and James Simpson.
Levaghery Harvest Service .
A Harvest Thanksgiving Service was held in
the Levagherv School on Sunday, October 6th,
at 3.30. The room was prettily decorated with
fruit and flowers. There was a very large
gathering. The Rev. B. de G. Lougheed, B .A .,
Curate of Seapatrick, Banbridge, was the
preacher. Mrs. C. B. Kirkpatrick presided at
the harmonium , and a solo, “ The Raven He
feedeth ,” was sung by Miss Mabel Best. On
Monday evening, October 7th, the Services were
continued and there was again a large number
of people present. The Rev. E . Burns, M .A.,
Rector of Aghaderg, Loughbrickland, preached.
The offerings were on behalf of Foreign Missions.
Drumgor Harvest.
The Service of Thanksgiving was held in
Drumgor Church Hall on Sunday, Oct. 13th,
and on the following Monday evening. The
Service on Sunday was at 3.30. From 3.15
until the beginning of the Services a special selection of choruses was. sung by the children of
the Sunday School. The Superintendent, Mr.
W . Hutchinson, conducted the singing, while
Miss R. Gracey was a t the harmonium. The
Hall was beautifully decorated with splendid
samples of flowers, grain and other local products. There were a large num ber present. An
impressive feature of the Service was the part
taken by the children, and the lead which they
gave in reciting the General Confession and the
Apostles Creed, and in answering the responses.
The preacher on Sunday was the Rev. J . Egerton, B .A ., Curate of St. Mark’s, Portadown.
There was a large congregation a t the service on
Monday evening. A very interesting Missionary address was given by the Rev. J . Douglas,
B .A ., Curate of Maralin.
Harvest at Carne -
A Harvest Thanksgiving Service was held in
Carne Church H all on Sunday, October 20th, at
3.30. The Superintendent, Mr. George Wilson,
and his loyal band of teachers had the Hall very
attractively decorated. The Service was taken
by the Rev. W. F. Hayes. The Rev. J. Wright,
15.A., Curate of Drumcree, was the preacher.
Mr. T. H . Wilson arranged the music and presided at the harm onium . There was a crowded
congregation, who joined heartily in the service and in the singing of the hymns. The
Service on the following Monday at 8 p.m . was
also well attended. The Rev. J . I. Lea, M.A.,
Rector of Mullavilly, preached. The subject of
his address was the work of the Church overseas. This was illustrated by m any incidents
in his own experience during his years while a
missionary in India. The collection was on behalf of Foreign Missions.
The Mothers’ Union
The members held their usual monthly meeting in Seagoe School on Tuesday, October 15th,
a t 7.30 p.m . It was a record meeting as regards attendance. After a very good tea, the
Mothers’ Union Hymn was sung. The prayers
were taken by the Rev. W. F . Hayes. A very
spirited address, which was warmly appreciated,
was given by Mrs. A. G. H annon, Shankill
Rectory, Lurgan. At the close the President,
Mrs. J . H . Twinem, on behalf of the Mothers,
expressed a hearty vote of thanks to the
speaker. The next meeting of the Mothers’
Union will be held in Seagoe School on Tuesday, November 12th, a t 7.30 p.m . The Rev. F.
•J. Halahan, M.A., M .C., Rector of Drumcree,
has kindly consented to address the members.
Annual Subscriptions.
It would be a very great help if those who
give an annual subscription to the Sustentation
Fund would kindly send in their subscriptions
during this month or early in December. The
parish accounts close on December 31st. Any
sums received after that date must go into the
accounts of the following year.
Armistice Day.
On Monday, November 11th, Armistice Day
a short "Service will be held in the Church at
10.45. and the two minutes’ silence will be observed at the Memorial Pillars and Gates. On
Sunday, Nov. 10th, the Sunday next the aniiversary, the services will be of a : memorial nature.
The Ex-servicemen and the Seagoe Company of the Church L ads’ Brigade will parade at Morning Prayer.
Edenderry H arvest
The Harvest Thanksgiving Services will be
held in the Parochial Hall, Edenderry, on Sunday, Nov. 3rd, a t 3.30, and on the following
Monday evening at 8 p.m. The preacher on Sunday will be the Rev. F. R. M‘Cullough, Rector of Aghalee.
The collection will be for the upkeep of the Parochial H all. On Monday the
address will be given by the Rev. G. W. Millington, Rector of St. Mark’s, Portadown.
Special music has been arranged for the occasion
including a Harvest Anthem.
The D iocesan Synod.
The annual Synod of the United Dioceses of
Down and Connor and Dromore will be held in
Clarence Place, Belfast, on Tuesday, November
5th, a t 11.30 a.m. I t will be preeeded
by a celebration of Holy Communion in
St. Anne’s Cathedral at 10 a .m . for
Synod members. This Parish has four
lay representatives. In connection with the
Synod several special evening gatherings have
been arranged which must appeal to all interested in the welfare of their Church. A Service
of Dedication for Church Workers will be held in
St. Anne’s Cathedral on Monday, November
4th. at 8 p.m . A mass meeting will be held in
the Wellington Hall on Tuesday, Nov. 5th, at
7.30. A youth rally will be held in the Wellington Hall, on Wednesday, Nov. 6th, a t 7.30. On
the following Thursday at 3 p.m . a Womens
Meeting will be held a t Clarence Place. These
meetings are open to all who wish to attend.
Subjects of vital importance to Church people
will be dealt with by distinguished speakers.
The Bishop hopes that the attendances at these
meetings will be representative of the whole
C.L.B. Concert
The Seagoe Company of the Church Lads
Brigade will give their annual concert in the
Parochial Hall, Edenderry, towards the end of
November. Tickets announcing the date will
be issued in the meantime. The members have
been busy for some time arranging and practising what will, no doubt, prove to be a very
interesting and entertaining programme. The Proceeds will be in aid of the funds of the organisation.
Parish Register for October.
The following were Baptised in the Parish Church on October 5th, 1935:—
Pickering—Margaret, daughter of Ajlbert Edward and Margaret Dilworth Pickering, of Edward St., Portadown.
Sponsors—Albert Edward Pickering, Frances Magowan and Letitia Neill.
Alexander—Rachel Catherine, daughter of William James and Margaret Jane Alexander, of Edenderry.
Sponsors—Mary Campbell, Margaret Jane Alexander.
Fletcher Harold Sidney, son of Thomas James and Sarah Myrtle Fletcher, of Levaghery.
Sponsors—Jane Eliza Fletcher, Sarah Myrtle Fletcher.
Simpson—Edward, son of David William and Hanah Jane Simpson, of Edenderry.
Sponsors Hannah Jane Magee, Hannah Jane Simpson.
Received into the Congregation.
Whiteside—Oct. 5th, Mary, daughter of Ferguson and Mary Whiteside, of E denderry
Sponsors Anne Greenaway, Mary Whiteside.
Summerville and Forbes— Oct. 22nd, 1935, Robert Summerville, of Hacknahay, to
Rebecca Forbes, of Hacknahay.
Nesbitt— Oct. 28th, (Kenneth Harold Nesbitt of Levaghery, aged 4 months.
Death of Lord Carson.
The people of Seagoe, as well as of the rest of
Ulster will deeply regret the death of Ulster’s
splendid friend and defender, Lord Carson. On
his last visit to Portadown, when he addressed
a great meeting in the Shamrock Park grounds,
the Rector had a conversation with him. He was greatly pleased when he heard that the
well-known saying about the Home Rule Bill and Portadown originated in the Parish of Seagoe
Lord Carson’s burial in the Cathedral at Belfast was very fitting and will draw further
Mention to that sacred building, which has become a great religious centre in recent years.
Twenty-five Years Ago.
OCTOBER, 1910.
The copy of the Magazine for October, 1910 contains an interesting portrait and autograph
of Mr. John Walker, more familiarly known as "Clerk” Walker. He acted as Parish Clerk in
Seagoe Parish from the year 1825 to 1873.
There is a lengthy reference to his life and work.
His father also acted as Parish Clerk for some
years, besides being. agent to Sir Francis Macnaghten.
The annual Harvest Thanksgiving
Services in the Parish Church are announced,
also a list of district Harvest Services to be
held in Tamnificarbet, Hacknahay, Carne and
Drumgor. Seven Baptisms are recorded, one
marriage and four burials. Arrangements are
mentioned for the erection of a memorial to the
late Rector, the Very Rev. Dean Dawson. The
memorial to be the addition of a new wing to
the Seagoe Parochial School. The Girls’
Friendly will open their winter Session with a
united Service in the Parish Church. Mr. Robt.
T Montgomery is congratulated on obtaining a
silver and a bronze m edal at a recent grocers’ Exhibition in London.
The local matter begins with a reference to
Winter organisations. A meeting of the newly-
formed Communicants’ Union is announced to
be held in the Parochial Hall. Week night
Bible Classes for men are arranged to be held
in Bocombra, Tamnificarbet and Hacknahay.
Six Baptism s are recorded, two marriages and
three burials. Reference is made to the death
of Constable Mitten. Canon Grierson, Rector
of Seapatrick, was the preacher at the Harvest
Thanksgiving Service in the Parish Church on
the Thursday evening. The Rev. R. D. Patterson preached on the Sunday of the Harvest at
both Morning and Evening Prayer. The solo in
the anthem was taken by Miss Amy Walker.
District Harvest Services were held in Tamnificarbet and H acknahay. Major Blacker is congratulated on his election as a member of the
Diocesan Council. The opening meeting of the
Band of Hope is announced. The Old Seagoe
Notes refer to Wolves in Seagoe. There is a
note on a former Parish Clerk, Woolsey
Smurphett, and a list of Churchwardens of the Parish in the eighteenth century.
The Annual Report.
The annual report has now been completed
and will be distributed without delay throughout the Parish.
The Parochial H all.
In last month’s issue we published a list of
subscriptions made towards defraying the expenses of the improvements recently carried out
in the Parochial Hall, Edenderry. The following sums have since |been received :—James Wilson, 5/-, John Dermott, 10/-.
The Rev. J . Hamilton, curate of Donacloney,
will (D .V .) preach in the Parish Church on the evening of Sunday, Nov. 3rd.
* * *
We have had many severe storms lately.
During one of them two large trees were blown
down in the Glebe lands at the Rectory. One
was an elm planted in 1740 and the other a poplar planted in 1826.
* * *
Mr. Victor B. Collins, a successful solicitor
in New York and a relative of the Dickson
family on the Lurgan Road, is very proud of
his connection with Seagoe and hopes before
long to pay it a visit. He was born in America.
His mother, who still lives, was Dickson to her maiden name.
* * * *
The clergy from neighbouring Parishes have
given very kind help at the Parish Church during the Rector’s illness.
* * • •
Serious defects in the furnace chimney at
Seagoe School have recently been carefully repaired.
* * *
Captain Blacker, who has inherited Carrick
Blacker, paid a visit to Seagoe last month.
* * * *
New houses are being built in the townlands
of Knock and Seagoe Upper
.* * *
Many new families have recently come to
reside in the Parish. We welcome them to our
midst. We hope that they will, without delay,
share fully in our parochial life.
* * *
We congratulate Betty Kearns, of Kijlicomaine, in gaining fourth place in County Scholarship examination. There were over one hundred competitors.
Old Seagoe Notes.
An Interesting Seagoe Relic.—
The following account of a very interesting Seagoe relic appeared in a recent issue of
“ The Portadown News” :— “ A resident in the parish of Knocknamuckley possesses a grandfather’s clock the
case of which was made from the wood of the
pulpit of Old Seagoe Church. The pulpit was
a conspicuous feature in the old church now
ruin, and it is said to have had inscribed upon
it the date 1666, being the year in which the
old church was rebuilt by Valentine. Blacker
after its destruction in the rebellion of 1641
The clock was made by George J . Black, of Lurgan, to the order of W m. Dynes, of Shane Hill
on the occasion of his marriage to a namesake
of his own, named Nancy Dynes. The clock
keeps excellent time and is much prized by it
possessor. The case is highly polished. The
wood is very sound and is of oak of a dark colour.
The timber from which it was made is a
least 270 years old. Wm. Dynes, for whom the
clock was originally made, died about 60 years
ago at an advanced age.” The Rector heard of
this clock many years ago and was kindly shown
it by its owner, who then lived near Bleary
Cross. The timbers in the Old Church were
very well preserved and when the Church was
dismantled about 1816 they were purchased by
parishioners. Some of them were used in out
buildings at the Rectory and are still in a good
state of preservation. A parishioner who lived
in Drumnagoon had a chair which was made
from some of the timber. Perhaps some of our
readers know of similar relics and could inform us of them .
BIBLE CLASS FOR MEN in Edenderry on
Sundays at 10 a m.
SUNDAY SCHOOLS 10 a m. Edenderry Parochial
Hall and Seagoe School. 3 p.m. Seagoe, Edenderry
Parochial Hall, Levaghery, Hacknahay, Carne,
Drumgor, Bocombra.
MOTHERS' UNION—2nd Tuesday of each month
at 7 30 p.m.
CHURCH LADS' BRIGADE in the Parochial Hall
on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Mondays at 8 p.m.
SEAGOE P.E. SCHOOL , 9-15 a.m. Principal—Mr.
R. Scott.
MARRIAGES must be performed between 8 a.m. and 3 p m Licenses are issued by Rev. Canon Hannon.
Rectory, Lurgan Due notice (48 hours) mus be given to the Rector of intended weddings. FEES— By License—
Labourers 5/- Tradesmen 10/- —, Merchants and Farmers 15/- ,Professional, £l. By Banns 5/-. FUNERALS will be attended by the Clergy if proper notice be given. SICK CASES should be notified to the Clergy without delay,
FEES FOR CERTIFICATES BAPTISM 3/7, Children (Factory) 1/- and 2/- (non-residents); MARRAGE 3/7.
It will be a help to the Clergy if they are notified of the
An extra Search Fee is chargeable in certain cases
arrival of new Church families in the Parish.
A copy of the Magazine will be sent post free to any subscriber for 3/- per anunm.
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