Seagoe Archives

October 1936


October 1936

Seagoe Parish magazine.


Death OF Mr. Hugh Stoops.

The Late Mr Hugh J. Stoops.

Little did we think when writing up our last

issue that we should this month be recording

the sudden death of our esteemed parishioner,

Mr. Hugh Stoops. He seemed such a picture

of health as we saw him each evening taking

his accustomed walk round by Seagoe Church,

it seemed as if years of life. and strength

were in store for him, yet in a moment his life

passed from him. He was spending his summer

holiday at Newcastle, when on the evening

of Sunday, September 20th, without apparently

a moment's illness he passed to his eternal rest.

Mr. Stoops had filled almost every position of

responsibility in connection with Seagoe Church.

He had been a member of the Select Vestry for

many years and also for a lengthened period held

the difficult and responsible post of Honorary

Treasurer. His annual statements of Parochial

accounts were most carefully made out and displayed

the accuracy of his work and the care

he displayed that everything should be absolutely correct.

The funeral took place to the

new Churchyard at Seagoe on Tuesday, September 22nd,

and was very largely attended.

The service was taken by the Rev. W. F. Hayes.

The Rector was unavoidably absent through illness.

Deep sympathy is expressed on all sides

with Mrs. Stoops and Mr. Douglas Stoops.

Church reference made on the occasion of the

funeral by the Rev. W. F. Hayes.

Seldom is such profound sorrow and widespread

regret so keenly experienced as it has been

in this neighbourhood and parish at the sudden

passing of Mr. Hugh Stoops. That deep feeling

of regret is occasioned, not so much by the

tragic suddenness of his death. as by the sense

of the great loss that his family, and we in this

district have suffered. As we look back to his

life, we feel what a unique place he filled in our

midst. The one thing that strikes us forcibly

about him is that which always impressed us—

his stirling character and uprightness of life.

Correctness, straightforwardness and a love of

fair and just dealing characterised all his actions

and relationships as he moved amongst

the public. That uprightness of life, coupled

with his genial good nature and his love for his

native place won him a very special place in our

hearts. In all circles he was trusted and respected

in a manner and to a degree of which,

any man might well be proud. He was exemplary

in public; that was equally true of his life

in private. Those of us who were privileged to

know him intimately know the singular devotion

he gave to his home and the deep affection

that bound him to those within his family circle.

That consideration and thought was extended to


It was always given in such a quiet,

unostentatious manner that of him it might be

said his left hand knew not the kindness shown

by his right. We in Seagoe cannot forget the

place he took in our parochial life. The devotion

that he gave to his native place and to his

home was bestowed with equal generosity upon

his Church. The concerns and interests of this

Parish were dear to his heart. He gave most

liberally of his substance, of his time and of his

talents to the welfare of Seagoe. For many years

he served on the Select Vestry, and in its deliberations

he gave wise counsel and thoughtful

advice. During that time he served as our Honorary

Treasurer. In the discharge of that office

the thoroughness and sincerity that he brought

into it won him our utmost trust and confidence.

The whole-hearted interest that he took in the

Parish centred round the deep attachment

which he had for the Parish Church. In it he

was a regular worshipper. In the course of his

customary evening walk he never passed if without

pausing or entering the grounds or the

building to see if all was well. It seemed to enshrine

for him that which matters most in life

and about which we do not talk much. In his

passing the Parish has lost a most valued

parishioner and friend. His memory and example

will long be treasured in our midst. We

will remember him as one who walked uprightly

To his wife and son in their loneliness and sorrow

our hearts go out in sympathy. We trust

they will find comfort in the thought that "The

souls of the righteous are in the hands of God,

and feeling that be content to leave them there.



Rev. Chancellor Archer, B.D., The Rectory,


Rev. W. F. Hayes, B.A., The Bungalow, Lower

Seagoe, Portadown


Rector's— Mr. ROBERT SCOTT.

People's—Mr. THOS. E. MAGINNIS.

Death of Mr. George Reid.

On Sunday, September 27th, there passed to

his eternal rest at an advanced age, Mr. George

Reid, formerly of Lower Seagoe, and in recent

years resident in Edenderry. The recent death

of his wife and his own burden of years combined

so to weaken him that for some time recently

his health had been very uncertain. Mr.

Reid and all the members of his family were

always greatly interested in Seagoe Parish. We

sympathise with them very sincerely in their


The Harvest Services.

The annual Services of Thanksgiving for the

Blessings of Harvest will (D. V.) be held in the

Parish Church on Sunday, October 25th, and on

the (preceding Thursday, October , 22nd. The

Sunday Services will be at 11.30 a.m. and 7

p.m., and the Service on Thursday at 8 p.m.

The collection on Thursday Will be for Foreign

Missions, and on Sunday at all Services for our

local Parish Fund. The preacher on Thursday

will be the Rev. Canon Moeran, Rector of St.

Mark's, Armagh. The Rev. G. W. Millington,

MA Rector of St. Mark's, Portadown, will

preach at the Sunday evening Service.

Bocombra Harvest.

A Harvest Thanksgiving Service was held in

the Bocombra Church Hall on Sunday, 20th

September, at 3.30. The Hall, which has recently

been improved by wood-lining of the

walls, was tastefully decorated with abundant

supplies of fruits, flowers and vegetables. Suitable

music appropriate to the occasion was arranged

by Miss Betty Kearns, who presided at

the harmonium. The Service was taken by the

Rev. W. F. Hayes. The preacher was the Rev.

J. M. Wright, Curate of Drumcree. The Services

were continued on Monday evening at 8

p.m. The Rev. S. J. Warner, B.A., Curate of

St. Mark's, Portadown, gave a very impressive

address on the subject of Thankfulness. Both

Services were remarkably well attended. The

congregations joined heartily in the familiar

Harvest Hymns. The collections were divided

between the local Sunday School Fund and Foreign Missions.

Harvest Thanksgiving at Hacknahay,

The Service of Thanksgiving for the harvest

was held in Hacknahay on Sunday, Sept. 27th,

at 3.30. The School was very beautifully decorated

with splendid samples of flowers, fruit,

grain and vegetables. Mr. T. H. Wilson paid

his annual visit and took charge of the musical

part of the Service. The singing was led by the

School choir. There was a very large congregation

present, the seating capacity of the room

was taxed to the utmost. The preacher was the

Rev. Canon Orr, LL.D., Rector of Gilford. His

subject was God's witness to Himself in the

Harvest. On Monday evening, Sept. 28th, the

Service was continued. The Rev. J . Douglas,

B.A., Curate of Maralin, gave a very striking

Missionary address His text was, ' 'The harvest

truly is great but the labourers are few; pray

ye, therefore, the Lord of the Harvest that, he

would send forth labourers into his harvest. "

The collection at this Service was given to the

support of Foreign Missions. On Sunday the

offerings were on behalf of the Sunday School


The New Churchyard,

Our new burial ground at the Church is filling

in and there are now several handsome monuments

erected there and several more are about

to be erected. Those who would like to secure

a plot should purchase one without delay as

those in more favoured positions are being taken

up almost weekly. Application should be made

to the Hon. Treasurer, Mr. R. Scott, Grove

Lodge, Seagoe, Portadown.

The Sunday Schools.

The nine Sunday Schools, two morning and

seven afternoon, are now at work again after

their Summer holiday. All the absentees have

returned. We hope that all parents will see that

their children attend regularly and learn their

repetition during the week. A great debt is

due to our Superintendents and teachers for the

care they display in the instruction and welfare

of the children. Every Sunday for one hour

the children are taught the great lessons of

spiritual truth from the Divine Word. Do the

parents of the children realise what a debt they

owe to the kind and good teachers who instruct

their children in the Way of Life.

Brick Card Correction.

In the list of Brick Card subscriptions published

in the August Magazine the amount Of

£2 was by mistake credited to Mrs. Johnston,

of U.S.A. The donor was her son, Charles



Seagoe P.E. School.

The School is now very busy with its Autumn

There are many new pupils. There

is always a very happy spirit in the School between

the teachers and children. The School

garden is a great source of interest and produces

wonderful results. The cookery class is

also very interesting and its productions are

most appetising. We would be very glad if from

time, to time parishioners and parents would

visit the School during school hours.

The Renovated Church

We hear on many sides expression of approval

of the way in which the Church has been renovated both outside and inside.

It was never thought that the outside could have been so

much improved. Seagoe Church was always

said to be a beautiful Church as far as the interior was concerned,

but now the outside is quite a beautiful structure, the pointed stonework

being quite an ornament in the building.

Although no change was made in the fitting of

the bell it has been noticed that it sounds out

much better and with better tone. During the

winter months the electric lights at the various

doors will be a great help to those attending the

Church. The floodlight in the Chancel has been

strengthened so as to give move light to those

who sit in the choir.

The C.L.B.

The C. L. B. opened its session for the year

with two very enjoyable social evenings. On

Thursday, Sept. 10th, a social was held in the

Parochial Hall, Edenderry, at which the Cadets

and their friends were present. The hall was

decorated for the occasion. After a very good

tea, games were enjoyed. During the course of

the evening presentations were made to two

members of the Cadets who were recently married.

Sergeant and Mrs. John Reid were presented

with a very handsome barometer by the

members of the Brigade. Piper and Mrs. Thos.

Dunlop received from the Band members a very

beautiful eight-day clock. In handing over the

presents, the Rev. W. F. Hayes expressed to

the happy couples good wishes and congratulations

on behalf of the Brigade. He referred to

the steady support given to the Brigade and the

Band by the two members thus honoured. His

remarks were supported by Capt. E. Mitchell.

On the following evening, Friday, Sept. 11th,

the Training Corps social took place. There

was full turn-out of the members. They did

justice to the well supplied tea tables and

showed the same enthusiasm in the games

which followed. We are pleased to note that

many new recruits have come forward both for

the Cadets and Training Corps.

Parish Register for September.


The following were Baptised in Seagoe Parish

Church on September 5th, 1936:—

McCrory—Uzziah, son of Joseph and Margaret

McCrory, of Edenderry.

Sponsors—Mabel Totten, Margaret McCrory.

Dowd—Margaret Jean, daughter of David and

Ellen Dowd, of Edenderry.

Sponsors—Eliza Jane Anderson, Ellen Dowd.

Hynes—Joseph, son of Joseph and Elizabeth

Hynes, of Edenderry.

Sponsors—Joseph Hynes, Sarah Anne Halliday.

Craig—Osmond Garfield, son of Desmond and

Irene Craig, of Edenderry.

Sponsors—Gwendoline Mulligan, Irene Craig.

Hewitt—Audrey Adele, daughter of George and

Lucy Hewitt, of Edenderry.

Sponsors—Eliza Hewitt, Lucy Hewitt.

Freeburn—Ethel Mary, daughter of Thomas

Henry and Lilian Elizabeth Freeburn, of


Sponsors—Sarah Anne Best, Lilian Elizabeth


McLouglin—Thomas Joseph, son of Thomas

Joseph and Beatrice Lilian McLoughlin, of Killicomaine.

Sponsors—Kathleen Cordner, Beatrice Lilian



Freeburn—Margaret Jean, daughter of Thomas

Henry and Lilian Elizabeth Freeburn,

of Edenderry.

Sponsors—Sarah Anne Best, Lilian Elizabeth


Freeburn—Marion Louise, daughter of Thomas

Henry and Lilian Elizabeth Freeburn,

of Edenderry.

Sponsors—Sarah Anne Best, Lilian Elizabeth



Reid and Webb—June 30th, 1936, John Reid,

of Edenderry, to Agnes Webb, of Lylo.

Adams and Gracey—Sept. 9th, 1936, Maurice

George Adams, of 3 Downview Avenue,

Belfast, to Mary Elizabeth Winifred

Gracey, of Balteagh.


Stoops—Sept. 15th, Hugh John; Stoops, of Killicomaine

Rd., Edenderry, aged 58 years.

Reid—Sept. 19th, George Reid, of Killicomaine

Rd., Edenderry, aged 81 years.


District Harvest Services.

Levaghery—Sunday, October 4th. at 3.30 p.m.

Monday, Oct. 5th, at 8 p.m. Preacher,

Rev. A. N. Parkinson B.A.

Drumgor—Sunday, October 11th.

Preacher, Rev. canon Marks. B.D.

Monday, Oct. 12th, at 8 p.m.

Oct. 18th, at 3.30 p.m.

Monday, Oct. 19th, at 8 p.m.

Edenderry—Sunday, Nov. 1st, at 4 p.m.

Monday, Nov. 2nd, at 8 p.m.

The Parochial Hall

The fine railings and the gate of the

Parochial Hall, Edenderry, were badly damaged

a fortnight ago. A motor driven by Mr. J.

Heaney unfortunately developed a skid and

overturned. It struck the railing on both sides

of the gate, causing considerable damage. One

of the metal pillars was broken, several of the

uprights were knocked out of place, others have

been badly bent. The cost of repair will be considerable.

We hope it will be covered by insurance.

Seagoe Mothers' Union.

A meeting of the Mothers' Union was held in

Seagoe School on Tuesday, Sept. 8th, at 7.30

p.m. There was a large gathering of members.

After a hearty tea, kindly provided by the Committee,

the Mother's Union Hymn was sung and

the Mother's Union Prayer offered. The President,

Mrs. Twinern, presided, and called on

Mrs. S. McCormick to give an address to the

members. Her words were greatly appreciated

by all present. Mothers who have not yet

joined the Union should do so without delay.

They will find it a great spiritual help in their

daily life and work.

New Buildings.

There are still many new buildings being

erected in the Parish, most of them being of the

bungalow type. We hope those who contemplate

building new houses will, as far as they

can, choose nice plans so that their house will

be an ornament to the district where it is

erected. We hope in the interests of pedestrians

that owners of hedges, especially at corners,

will see that they are kept cut low to avoid

the great and constant danger of motor accidents.

Roses and Dahlias

Portadown and Seagoe have become famous

for flowers, and this year there seems to have

been a greater profusion of bloom than on other

years. The nurseries around Portadown were a

magnificent sight for the last few weeks, especially

with roses and dahlias. The size and colour

seem to have surpassed other years. To

excel in the production of flowers is an achievement

of which Portadown may well be; proud.

We notice, too, in our graveyards that many of

the plots are now beautifully kept. This is as

it should be.

When one sees such beautiful flowers

springing from the dead earth the fact

of the Resurrection to Eternal Life comes

to us with a new and beautiful emphasis.

Old Seagoe Notes.

Our Register for the month

of September contains a long list of Baptisms.

We exercise great care and attention in the

entry of the names of those Baptized in the

large Register. The Register is kept in the

large iron safe in the Library of the Rectory.

The many volumes go back to the year 1672

and have always been most carefully kept.

There is a great variety of writing in these

books, some very neat and some less careful,

but on the average very neat and correct.

In many of the old books there still glistens from

the parchment page the grit of the sand which

was used to dry the ink before blotting paper

was invented. Of course all the entries up to

a few years ago were made with quill pens

(really sharpened feathers) and it is wonderful

The old Marriage Books are very interesting.

how neat the writing is.

In modern times the entries are very full, but in the oldest books

there are only about five names in each entry,

the couple, the witnesses, and the clergyman.

Now very full addresses and occupations are


Archdeacon Saurin and his dog " Vicar."—

There are very interesting remains at the Rectory

of the kennels in various parts of the yards

and gardens used by Archdeacon Saurin for accommodating

his dogs while he was Rector of

Seagoe. Mrs. Saurin always kept pretty little

Lap-dogs, but the Archdeacon liked the company

of the big watchdogs which accompanied

him everywhere. Dynes Atkinson, our former

sexton, used to tell a story of "Vicar," a huge

mastiff belonging to the Archdeacon. When

walking with the “Deacon" near the Rectory

gate the Archdeacon happened to meet the R.C.

priest of Derrymacash, who was on very friendly

terms with him. The Archdeacon asked Dynes

to take charge of "Vicar" while he conversed

with the priest. The conversation lasted a considerable

time, while Dynes held the dog on

leash. Suddenly the Archdeacon shouted out

"Vicar" as the conversation had ended. The

dog made a sudden leap forward towards the

Archdeacon and Dynes found himself lying flat

on the ground! Dynes used to tell this story

with great relish. The kennels at the Rectory

were built with great care and to each

riveted a heavy iron chain.


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Seagoe Archives


Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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