Seagoe Archives

Oct 2021


Oct 2021

MAGAZINE _— History is truly amazing. As someone who loves history, | find the opportunity it l | affords us to feel connected to the past, and to learn from it, really is a gift. At the start of the summer | had the wonderful opportunity, and privilege, to mark a significant moment in the history of Seagoe Parish, as we celebrated the 100th anniversary of the dedication of the war memorial pillars and gate, situated at the front of the church. There was a real sense of the weight of history as we gathered at the front of the church on a sunny Saturday in June. The memorial had been dedicated on Sunday 19th June 1921, with the ceremonies led by the Archdeacon of Connor, Ven. H. R. Brett, who preached at the morning service and was present at the act of dedication in the afternoon. The parish magazine article for the event is a fascinating read, and it tells us of the events of that day. One interesting point | noted was that these events drew a crowd numbering thousands! We are so blessed in our parish to have a record of such events through the Seagoe Parish magazine, and the article for this event can be viewed at, where you will find an amazing treasure of articles that give us a link to our past. Our gathering was a little smaller in number than that first dedication a hundred years ago, yet our time together was no less significant. We Seagoe 3rd October 9.00am Harvest Communion 10.30am —- Family Harvest Thanksgiving (no 6.00pm service in St. Patrick's) 7.00pm Harvest Thanksgiving St. Patrick’s 10th October 6.00pm Harvest Celebration Harvest Thank Offering Non perishable foods or gifts of money towards Craigavon Area Foodbank often used at our Remembrance Day services; and from the apocrypha, Ecclesiasticus 44: 1-15, which was not only the text the archdeacon had preached on that day 100 years ago, but verse 14 is also inscribed on the pillars: ‘Their name liveth for evermore’. Alongside the scripture readings, the magazine article from 100 years ago was read out, which gave those gathered a sense of events on that day, and the parish Roll of Honour was read by members of our Church Lads Brigade and local veterans. Following this there was an Act of Remembrance and prayers, concluding with an Act of Dedication from our Service of Remembrance. We were also blessed to have a piper and a bugler, who played during the Act of Remembrance. It was incredible to reflect on that day 100 years ago. | marvel at how different our world is, yet also how similar it is to the world then. We all share the same hopes for a world at peace, where we remember those who have gone before us (and indeed who have laid down their lives so that we might enjoy the freedoms we have). We, like those people who gathered 100 years ago, look to the future and wonder what might be. They had emerged from a global conflict with optimism for the future. We too are emerging from a time of great uncertainty and worry, and we are reminded by the example of those who went before us of the importance of not only remembering what has been, but of looking ahead to what might be, in hopeful expectation and gratitude to God. Autumn 2021 SNe Welcoming | Growing | Encouraging | Serving the Roll of Honour, and a wreath, which was laid during the Act of Remembrance As a parish we are indebted to those who helped organise and take part in this event, and a special mention should be given to Philip Morrison for his role in organising the day. We wonder what the world might look like at the 200th anniversary of the dedication, and might any of us be there on that day?! Stuart Moles SEAG Fellowship Groups We are delighted that with the easing of Ee Covid restrictions we are able to gather in the Parish Centre for Fellowship Groups. We commenced the season on Wednesday 22nd September at 730pm and are planning to meet each week, Participants are asked to wear facecoverings and to sit observing social distancing. Despite these measures it has been so encouraging to meet together and study the scriptures. Our studies this term are a continuation of the Lyfe series from The Bible Society which we ran in previous terms. In addition to the ‘in-person’ meeting we commenced an on-line Fellowship Group on Tuesday 21st September via Zoom. Having benefitted from the ability to meet in this way over the past year when Covid restrictions prevented us from meeting together, those taking part are very content with the ability to meet in this manner. Anyone who would like to take part is encouraged to come along to the Parish Centre on Wednesday evenings, or to e-mail so that we can send the necessary Zoom link each week. Link with Ardmore Parish t is now five years since Bishop Harold appointed me as Bishop's Curate of Ardmore Parish. Initially the licence was for two years, but at the end of that period the Bishop renewed my licence for a further three years. Throughout this period the staff of Seagoe have joined with me in offering ministry to the Parishioners of Ardmore Parish, and for that | thank them most sincerely. The link has been mutually beneficial in enabling each parish to participate in the life of the other and so to be blessed by one another. It was so encouraging to see parishioners joining together for such events as Harvest Thanksgivings, Carol Services, prayer meetings, bible studies, fundraising events and occasionally at regular Church services. Unfortunately Covid has had its impact on both parishes and upon our link. From Ardmore's point of view Seagoe was delighted to be able to offer online worship, DVDs and CDs of services, thus enabling the majority of Ardmore parishioners to have an ongoing worship opportunity that otherwise would probably not have been possible for them. As we continue to work our way out of Covid | have taken the difficult decision to ask Bishop David not to renew my licence at the end of August. Primarily | am concerned that both parishes will require a lot of effort to help us rebuild in moving forward and so | do not think we can adequately provide the necessary leadership for both parishes with our current resources. | consider that my primary calling is to Seagoe Parish and so | consider that my efforts must focus here, together with the staff of Seagoe. | am sorry that | believe we cannot adequately provide for Ardmore Parish in moving forward, but | pray that under God the Bishop will be directed as he seeks to put in place alternative arrangements for the benefit of Ardmore Parish. It is also true to say that whilst ministering in Ardmore has been a privilege and has brought blessing, there have also been difficulties in Ardmore Parish that have caused me great concern and with regret | consider that these have not been able fully resolved. hristian Aid collectors of our church have been delivering envelopes to people's homes for years which has been a amazing act of witness.With the Pandemic 2020 Christian Aid was cancelled. This year envelopes were distributed in church for the first . The outcome of this was very rewarding with the parishioners support and generous giving. The amount raised - £2300 will help humanitarian relief for poor communities worldwide. \ Thank you all Margaret and Patrica / Parish Archives Search & Discover the Seagoe Archives Our parish archives website now has over 600 documents published. They have been searched over 6,000 times producing over half a million results! They include the earliest records from 1672 until a Vestry meeting on 4th May 1734 and all magazines from January 1906 until February 1942. Original documents can be viewed as well as a transcript. We have plans to further develop the website. To transcribe the parish's historical documents means you will be uncovering parish history and making it available to anyone. If you can help please contact Philip Holland at —= We continue to give thanks for both parishes and ask God's blessing on them as they now go Yours Philip their separate ways again. - Terence RECTOR CURATE Rey. Canon Rev. Stuart Terence Moles ; » Cadden cS No y “WM: OUTREACH WORKER FACILITIES MANAGER YOUTH LEADER YOUTH WORKER poe oe Lane, oe Hill Manor Rev, Jim Flemi Noel Metcalfe IN CHARGE Edwina Livinestone ‘ ¢ 145 Princess Way Mob: 07833668684 Boyd McClurg Seagoe Youth Group Tel: 3833 2538 Portadown, BT 63 5EL Office: 38350583 Killicomaine Youth Centre Tel: 3833 5279 Mob: 078 9498 7702 Mob: 077 3918 1466 Mob: 07954994749 Tel: 3839 4441 Email: Email: Email: Seagoe Youth Group email: SEAGOE Office: PARISH 3835 0583 OFFICE Email: 46 Seagoe Road, Portadown BT63 5HW Office Opening Facebook: Tel: Killicomaine Hours: seagoeparish Youth 9am Centre - 3839 12 4441 noon SEAGOE LEN OZ Church re-opened for worship Since Good Friday 2021, when the Assembly relaxed Covid restrictions, we have thankfully been able to gather again for worship in Church. We have offered a variety of services including a 9.00am Holy Communion once a month, the main service at 10.30am in Church, 10.45am Family Gathering in the Parish Centre (until the Summer break), and a 6.00pm evening service in St. Patrick's. We are delighted that people have been attending all these services and that we have had to have an overflow into the Rotunda at the main services. Increase in Services available At the start of September we expanded the range of services we offer as follows: 9.00am Weekly since Sunday 12th September 10.30am The main service will continue with the overflow into the Rotunda. Sunday Light commenced on Sunday 26th September; children join with us for the first part of the service and then leave for Sunday Light in the Parish Centre. Weekly services in St. Patrick's Hall, Killicomaine. A monthly praise service was held on Sunday 19th September and will continue on the 3rd Sunday of the month in the Parish Centre. Weekly service held in our Church Plant, Killicomaine Community Church, in the Jubilee Centre, Killicomaine. Oct 9.00am 10.30am 6.00pm St. Patrick’s 7.00pm Parish Centre 3rd Harvest Communion Family Harvest No Service Harvest Thanksgiving in Church 10th =} Holy Communion Morning Worship Harvest Thanksgiving Wed 13th | 10.00am Holy Communion in Church 7th Holy Communion Morning Prayer Holy Communion Rotunda Praise Service 24th | Holy Communion Holy Communion Evening Worship Wed 27th] 10.00am Holy Communion in Church 3lst Holy Communion Morning Worship Evening Worship Nov 7th Holy Communion Remembrance Service Evening Worship Thankful Remembrance on line Wed 10th] 10.00am Holy Communion in Church 14th ~— | Holy Communion Family Service Holy Communion 21st Holy Communion Morning Worship Evening worship Rotunda Praise Service Wed 24th] 10.00am Holy Communion in Church 28th | Holy Communion Holy Communion Evening worship Dec 5th Holy Communion Family Service Evening Worship Wed 8th | 10.00am Holy Communion in Church 12th Holy Communion Morning Worship Carol Service 19th | Holy Communion Morning Worship No Service 9 Lessons and Carols Wed 22nd] 10.00am Holy Communion in Church 26th | Holy Communion Holy Communion No Service LS 1 Ist N Wednesday Holy Communion The Wednesday communion service was a very popular service with a dedicated group of participants meeting each week in the Quiet Room. Unfortunately we do not think the Quiet Room will adequately allow for social distancing for the administration of Communion and so initially we will meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month in the Church. When the weather becomes colder we will consider where best in the Parish Centre to hold these services. Covid measures In order to create as safe an environment as possible we will continue with the following measures at all services: Temperatures will be taken upon entry to the buildings; everyone is requested to wear facecoverings when entering and exiting the buildings and throughout worship; contact tracing details will be gathered; hand sanitiser will be available; people will be guided to socially distanced seating. i Ry @ 4+ % = SE SEAGWE Mothers Union e were delighted that the Mothers’ Union started back in the Parish Centre on Tuesday 14th September at 730pm. I'm so excited to let you know that were now able to meet in person again. We have missed you! It has been very challenging trying to keep in touch during the height of the pandemic although we have sent cards and letters to our members. Now that restrictions have eased and we start to ease back to anew normal, | would encourage our members and others in the parish to come along to our meetings. | can assure everyone that we have procedures in place to make sure you all feel safe and comfortable. The chairs will be socially distanced but we will still be close enough to chat to each other. It's time to meet our friends again, to meet new friends and relax in hers. | can promise you a very warm welcome and even a wee cuppa (if restrictions don't change). We can't give you our usual programme of the year ahead but normally we have speakers on a range of topics from local crafters, the work of local councillors and the outreach work of our members at home and overseas. We will have time to reflect on the past few months, how we have dealt with isolation, and time to look forward to a brighter future. During the pandemic Mothers Union has reached out in many different ways. Come along and hear the stories of some of our own members. You can find out more about the Mothers Union organisation at Next year our Mothers Union branch will be one hundred years old, an achievement we are very proud of. Come along and join us as we build up to a year of celebrations and reflections. Let's go forward together to celebrate a centenary built on a strong foundation and a bright future. Come along and join us, there's a warm welcome for you and why not bring a friend too. Stay safe Shirley TTT ee eM CoCo La BES Thursday Evenings @ Seagoe Parish Centre Nursery - P1 (Junior Martins) 6.30pm - 7.15pm Pee ea UCR) ALL Thee AAS) lel ee Rta) ee OLS Ee ee) Lil Yrio + up to 18yrs (Seniors) 8.30pm-9.30pm Dues are £30 per boy Uniform: Sweatshirt £15 Polo Shirt £10 PIC-COLLAGE Until recently, as far as we are aware, there has only been one Rectory bride, namely Michelle Shearer, daughter of Rev. & Mrs. Jack Shearer. On 27th July Hannah Cadden, eldest daughter of our current Rector and his wife Alison, left the Rectory to marry Aaron Abraham of Esky Road, Derryadd. Despite Covid restrictions the couple had a great day and wish to thank everyone for their warm wishes and the many generous gifts they received. Confirmation 2021 his August, we were delighted to be able to host a confirmation service that saw 13 candidates confirmed by Bishop David. In the strangeness of the year we've had, it was wonderful to gather in a safe way in church, with friends and family of the candidates, to support them as they publicly affirmed their faith. Although coronavirus did affect many things in the service, and the confirmation preparation which happened over the month of May, it was a powerful reminder that even in these strange times the work of God's kingdom continues. Despite the restrictions that we faced, the evening was a wonderful time for the families of the candidates and for the widerchurch family. The candidates had an opportunity to meet with Bishop David before the service, and refreshments were provided. We give thanks to God for our confirmation candidates, and the opportunity to disciple young people in our parish. Continue to keep our young people in your prayers and pray especially for our confirmation candidates, Amelia, Matthew, Rachel, Roisin, Ben, Josh, Harry, Joe, Jackson, Daniel, Victoria, Emily and Jamie, as they continue on their journey as disciples of Jesus. Going For Gold! Congratulations to our first Gold participants to complete their expedition section of the Duke of Edinburgh's Award. With no expeditions permitted in 2020 Keith, Edwina and Boyd were working double time to get a record number of young people to complete their expeditions in 2021. Not one, but two, groups completed a Gold expedition over four days in the Mourne Mountains in the hottest temperatures recorded in Northern Ireland. Three more groups completed Silver and two groups completed Bronze. Seagoe Youth Group has 67 young people registered at all levels of the Duke of Edinburgh's Award. We are delighted with the achievements of all our participants this year as they progress to the next level. If you are interested in participating or volunteering to assist with the delivery of DofE please contact Boyd McClurg by emailing boyd@ (— Thank You Volunteers ) — — es In the last week in June an enthusiastic team of volunteers spent many hours tidying around the church grounds. From trimming hedges, weeding, cleaning and tidying to washing windows, they all worked extremely hard and by the end of the week the grounds were looking immaculate. Thanks to the Council they provided plants which were carefully planted in the planters and are now in full bloom and have provided an array of colour. Thank you to everyone involved for devoting their time (and energy) to maintaining the church grounds and to Jeanette for providing the refreshments at the end of each evening. It is planned to have a similar clean-up in the autumn and we will require volunteers. Regards Philip SEAGWE Exopvus Team Exodus Team 32 oe Youth | noup n April 2021 Seagoe Youth Group was successful in securing Education Authority funding for the next two years to deliver youth programmes according to an EA Specification. Outcomes of our youth delivery are designed to impact young people in positive ways as individuals and as part of society. Return to youth programmes after lockdown has been gradual with risk assessments in all areas of work adhering to Department of Education guidelines and PHA protocols. In the six months since April we have welcomed 286 children and young people into programmes at Killicomaine Youth Centre, Seagoe Old School and Trax. . Drop-in sessions are open six nights a week, Monday to Saturday and young people have enjoyed the opportunity to meet with their friends again in the safety of our youth clubs. Three weeks of Summer Scheme for Junior Youth Club was a real blast in July albeit with restrictions to our numbers. The programmes were packed each week with arts, crafts, beads, painting, running, jumping and plenty of games. Trips to the Cinema and the adventure park at We Are Vertigo made life feel like it was getting back to normal. EA grants towards camping equipment and summer programmes also allowed our Senior Youth Club and Young Adult 14+ groups to have some fun too. Trips to Shannaghmore challenged our groups to face their fears of heights and water with some fantastic achievements made on the high ropes course, zipline and the raging waters of Bloody Bridge River. Belfast Activity Centre gave us the opportunity to go underground in the dark through their cave system and canoeing on the River Lagan. We even got the chance to try out go-karting, airsoft, camping, snowtubing and footgolf. How did we cram it all in? September saw the continuation of our THINK Programme. This gives our members a chance to discuss issues that affect their lives growing up. Topics include positive mental health, digital resilience and social media, drugs and alcohol, bullying, social action, sport and fitness, equality, diversity and community relations. New members are always welcome. Follow us on Facebook at Seagoe Youth Group Portadown for more information on opening times for each age group. Boyd McClurg ° SEAGWE So the Word became human and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love _— 5 and faithfulness. And we have . JESUS seen his glory, the glory of the Father's SESSIONS one and only Son. (John 1:14) The verse above is just a snippet from a passage in the Book of John and where we begin our new season of Youth Fellowship in 2021/2022. With restrictions continuing to be in place most of this year, it has been another challenging year to continue the youth ministry and activities within our parish. As we are now ina position to be able to gather, it will be good to have all the young people (11+) within our parish back at Youth Fellowship (safe and socially distanced) to have a time of fellowship with food, games, Bible study and banter! This term we will be using a new resource developed by Youth officers within the Church of Ireland called ‘The Jesus Sessions’. This will be an opportunity for the young people to be introduced to Jesus’ life and ministry and help young people consider who Jesus is to them and how this impacts their lives. The leaders are ready to welcome back the young people already involved in Youth fellowship but also encourage some new young people to come along and enjoy the time together and ask the parishioners to remember the Youth Fellowship in your prayers. Seagoe Youth Fellowship will meet every 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month, 7.00pm — 8.30pm in the Parish Centre. For further information please contact Stuart ( PARISH FINANCES Thank you to all our parishioners who have continued to donated to Seagoe Parish, especially during the pandemic. For those of you who just love looking at lots of figures, our annual report and parish finances for 2018, 2019 and 2020 are published on the Charity Commission website They are 21 pages long! For everyone else, | suspect all you want to know is “Are our finances ok?” end of July show that our income is £14,231 greater than our expenditure. However from September 2021 we will not receive any income from Ardmore ( which is currently £21,855 a year). One particularly interesting fact is that since the pandemic began more parishioners are choosing to donate by standing order rather than free will offering. The table below also shows the severe impact the pandemic had on FWO donations last year whereas SO donations have shown a At the time of writing ( August 2021) our management accounts to the steady growth. Period FWO sO Total Jan to July 2019 £70,360 (70.6%) £29,299 (29.4%) £99,659 (100%) Jan to July 2020 £38,193 (51.8%) £35,515 (48.1%) £73,709 (100%) Jan to July 2021 £57,076 (56.2%) £44,444 (43.8%) £101,520 (100%) willtake place in Killicomaine Community Centre. Jim and his wife Janet have recently purchased a home in the estate and this will also be used for ministry and as a hub for people who are looking for help and especially spiritual direction. Killicomaine Outreach On Sunday 29 August our Outreach Worker, Jim Fleming, who leads our church plant in Killicomaine (Killicomaine Community Church) was ordained as a Presbyter by our Bishop of Down and Dromore. The event was held outdoors at CS Lewis Square in East Belfast. It was encouraging to see some Seagoe parishioners in attendance at the ordination and Terence was invited by the Bishop to take part in the service. We wish God's blessing upon Jim as he moves forward into this new sphere of ordained ministry. ministries to help and reach out to the area. The Mens’ and Women’s Clubs are already back up and running and by early October plans are to restart the work with Christians Against Poverty in the form of the Job Club and Life Skills Course. An ‘inperson’ Alpha is As restrictions have now eased Killicomaine Community Church is planning to resume its also scheduled to start on Tuesday 5 October. Apart from the Mens’ Club, all these initiatives RE-REGISTRATION GRAVEYARD © you, your family, or anyone you know have family members buried in Seagoe Churchyard? If so, you may not realise it, but every grave is registered to someone who will need to be consulted about any future burials in the plot. Often we find that the grave plot is actually registered to someone who is now deceased and so some issues can arise if a request is made to use the grave again. In order to try to bring our register up to date we are asking people to check the registration of their grave plot, and where necessary, to reregister the plot. Thanks to the hard work of our Graves Registrar, Steven McCann, all our records are held on a very easily accessible computer program. With a few simple clicks of the mouse Steven can advise on the details we hold concerning each grave, including the name of the person the grave is registered to. All requests for reregistration of a grave must be to a family member of the current title holder. If the current holder of the registration is still alive that person can sign this form on their own. If the current holder of the registration is deceased, then all relevant family members must sign this form to confirm their agreement to the proposed named family member for the || reregistration. Reregistration should ideally be to a parishioner of Seagoe Parish, however if this is not the case some explanation should be provided as to why reregistration is requested to a nonparishioner. If reregistration is required a simple form can be completed by family members and returned to Steven along with a nominal fee for reregistration. To enable as many people as possible to engage with this important process Steven is setting aside three Saturday mornings in October when he will be available in the Parish Centre to check registration details. In order to avoid delays people are invited to book a 5 minute appointment slot at For those who do not have access to a computer a slot can be booked for you by phoning the Parish Centre on 38350583 Christian Marriage 12th March 2021 Ist May 2021 17th June 2021 Ist July 2021 7th July 2021 16th July 2021 27th July 2021 Christian Baptism 13th May 2021 2nd June 2021 10th June 2021 Christian Burial Tith December 2020 26th December 2020 7th January 2021 20th January 2021 23rd January 2021 23rd January 2021 25th January 2021 30th January 20212 3rd February 2021 13th February 2021 18th March 2021 31st March 2021 10th May 2021 18th May 2021 19th May 2021 5th June 2021 12th July 2021 22nd July 2021 10th August 2021 9th September 2021 9th September 2021 10th September 2021 18th September 2021 28th September 2021 29th September 2021 Cremated 23rd December 2020 Kelly Kilpatrick, Ramone Park, Portadown to David William Graham, Ramone Park, Portadown Jasmin Margaret Wilton, Drumford Meadows, Portadown to Steven Elliott Young, Drumford Meadows, Portadown Sarah Guy, Beech Park, Portadown to Joshua William Magill, Bluestone Road, Portadown Jayne Victoria Hanthorn, Bachelor’s Avenue, Portadown to Peter James Robinson, Lisbellaw Catherine Anne Forde, Breagh Lodge, Portadown to Paul Rainer William Hewitt, Mahon Close, Portadown Jill Pedlow, Ballynacor Meadows, Portadown to Jay Green, Ballynacor Meadows, Portadown Hannah Daisy Joy Cadden, Upper Church Lane, Portadown to Aaron Samuel Abraham, Esky Road, Lurgan Annabelle Stella McKittrick, daughter of Patrick and Janet, Chatswood Place, Portadown Aimee Ruth Susan Robinson, daughter of David and Noeleen Robinson, Corcullentragh Road, Portadown Brodie Ronnie Jude Woods, son of Allister and Cassie, Oakwood Hall, Portadown Elizabeth (Elsie) Alexander, Clanbrassil Drive Portadown Charlotte Norton, Granville Road, Portadown Julie Turner, Seagoe Park, Portadown Cyril Arnold McLoughlin, Lurgan Road, Portadown William (Billy) Kerr, Ulsterville Park, Portadown Freda Kerr, Ulsterville Park, Portadown Freddy Kelly, Sandringham Care Home Uel Cosgrove, The Hawthorns, Portadown June Bell, Shimna Walk, Lurgan Ivy Colvin, Gobhan Close, Portadown Florence (Yvonne) Ritchie, Ramone Park, Portadown Kenneth Sinnamon, Castlerobin Road Ernest Edmund Armstrong (Ernie) Gilmour, Brackagh Road Kenneth (Kenny) George Hamilton, Seagoe Gardens James Alexander (Jim) Hamilton, Seapatrick Care Home David Moore, Rosemount Care Home, Portadown Judith Givan, Bannfoot Road, Esky, Lurgan Laura Porter, Seagoe Park, Portadown William Albert Kilpatrick, Seagoe Park, Portadown Winifred Gladys Lappin, Kernan Grove, Portadown Dana Murphy, Wentworth Green, Portadown Raymond Arthur Chisnall, King Street Myrtle Taylor, Granville Road, Portadown Stanley Savage, Birch Hill Park Norah Johnston, Seagoe Park Margaret McKinney, Margretta Park, Portadown a tal evar als Welcoming | Growing | Encouraging 7 | Serving Raise FREE funds for us every time you,shop online! “om Johnlewis ey Se House OF FRASER amazoncouk =p Give as you Live (— Gea ge Me FUNERAL DIRECTORS & MEMORIAL MASONS GOLDEN SALE CHARTER ~ FUNERAL PLANS eS! 106 Bridge St. A Portadown Family Owned Company “A Dignified Portadown Free from all Multi-Nationals Professional Co. Armagh Luxurious ‘Pearl Grey’ Jaguar Wedding Limousines Service in your = Golden Charter Pre-Paid Funeral Plans SAP Telephone :(028) 38351516 harry Slimming Join Gold and Pearl award winning groups in Seagoe Old Every Thursday 10am, 12 noon, 5.30pm and 7.30pm Call Letty on: 077 8716 4996 or check out facebook Slimming World Portadown. Everyone Welcome Fi 80344 897 8000 inmt ‘WORLD. touching hearts, changing lives = ain MILNE gy OUR INDEPENDENCE GUARANTEES THE PERSONAL TOUCH A dignified and sympathetic approach where your needs and desires come first, at a time when you need comfort, support and assurance. Available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. 59 Seagoe Road, Portadown, BT63 5HS, Tel : 02838 338888 RICHIE SMYTON JOINERY. 24 Seagoe Gardens, Portadown Co. Armagh BT63 5DZ UTA Mis SR YAU Io Alot U) Email: RRB ao ae | VAT No. GB&72630517 Grave Clear PEACE OF MIND Grave Cleaning & Maintenance Services The Tidy Grave Maintenance Specialists Clean graves & tidy graves Delivering our very best in all we do holding ourselves accountable for results ! Visit us at : & Trusteds\ Or oS payzone pc compuance Our Alpha Course starts on Tuesday 5 October at 7.00pm in Killicomaine Jubilee Community Centre, but please feel to join us at any stage. Alpha is a fantastic way to discover what Christianity is all about. The course covers many topics including; Is there more to life than this? Who is Jesus? How can | have faith? How and why do | read the Bible? Does God still heal today? Who is the Holy Spirit? And more! Contact 07954 994 749 a1) PVF) Course KILLICOMAINE KIDS AND PARENTS Welcome all babies, toddlers and parents/carers 10:30 am — 12:30 St. Patrick’s Hall, Princess Way (beside the school gates) Lots of toys, fun, friends and a cuppa! -

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Seagoe Archives


Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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