Seagoe Archives

Oct 2022


Oct 2022

iOn Sunday 21st August | preached from Jeremiah Chapter 1 on his call by God to bring his message to His people Israel. Jeremiah was young at the time, probably 17-20yrs, and so protested that he was too young to speak in this way. God rebuked him and said that he was not to put himself down as he would be with him. Along with the call came the equipping by God of Jeremiah for the task; God reached down, touching Jeremiah’s lips and putting his word within them for the task. Despite his lack of confidence, Jeremiah went on to faithfully fulfil God's calling over 40 years of ministry. His life was not easy, nor was his message well received most of the time, but in living out his calling he lived the fulfilled purposeful life God had set him apart for before he was even born! The Bible is full of similar stories of God calling people to a variety of tasks and their reluctance to follow his lead as they feel inadequate. Nevertheless, as God works with them equipping them for their calling they go on to serve him in ways they never would have imagined, resulting in not only blessing for themselves but for many others for generations to come. MAGAZINE As God worked in the past, so he works in the present, and so he will work in the future! He continues to call us today, each and every one of us, into a relationship with him by trusting in Jesus, and from there he calls us to live out that relationship daily. In addition, there are lots of other calls that he puts upon our lives, some very life changing like those of Jeremiah and others, and some more minor in simply obeying him each day. As we respond we find that God equips, guides, blesses and uses us as part of his greater plan. I think most of us hold back from responding to what God wants of us as we feel we are not up to the task. Actually that is the best starting point! None of us is up to the task, but the Good News of Autumn 2022 start. Perhaps we have held back from attending a Fellowship Group, or other Church activity, and we know we really should give it a try. Or perhaps there is something more specific that we believe God is asking of us, but we keep holding back. God, | believe, is at work among us encouraging us, as he did Jeremiah, to take steps forward being assured that he will be with us to bless us as we engage further with him and his people, the Church. Are you going to respond like Jeremiah and come to join in what we have on offer? | strongly encourage you to do so. As well as calling us to worship and engage in life-building Church activities, | believe God is calling us all to reach out to others to invite Welcoming | Growing | Encouraging | Serving and encourage them along. Perhaps we are even more reluctant to do that than to engage ourselves! But the Christian faith is all about sharing with others, and it is a calling for us all. | therefore encourage you also to be open to engaging with others to draw them into fellowship as well. Yes, some may say no, but others just might take that step if you are willing to play your part. How wonderful it would be to see people that you encourage coming to know Jesus and engaging in the Church, but how-sad if they lose out due to your reluctance to invite them. Please play your part in reaching out in the knowledge that God will be with you helping you as you do so. The Gospel message is a wonderful welcoming call to us all, and it is also a wonderful equipping call to reach out to others. | pray that you will respond as God directs you so that you and others might be blessed by Him. Yours in Christ, / erence Throughout this magazine you will read of a variety of Church services, organisations and events for you to come along to, but also to invite and bring others. If we all respond and work at this together how wonderful it will be to see more the Gospel is that, like Jeremiah, we do not follow Jesus in our own strength, but rather in the strength that he supplies by his Holy Spirit as he promises to be with us always. As we approach September and a new season of Church life, we all need to be open to what God has in store for us. Like Jeremiah we may have heard God calling us already. Perhaps we have not been at Church regularly and we know we should make a fresh [pyero) 0) (Mciay ttle and being blessed by God. ate womcaaeleh what is on offer Fla Ratio aia] lanes as course provides a wonderful § ea aNd of the Bible suitable for those who are new to f fa avon silo) ome well as those who have studied it for years. The course is yatta cee oN {mses (elt ok PD with opportunities for discussion. We ran the course by Zoom during lockdown EC oe and those who attended it found it really helpful. Because Race g he Ware: eee SR Rl again, but this time in the Parish Centre. We strongly encourage as many people as possible to join with us for the course which w oY ARe LN A elNse alae September at 730pm. A short trailer video for the course can be viewed at https:// Es S VNDAY § ee 1b SEP Seagoe = ~ —<, 228 ouncy rs “2$tles SLMAVL Parish Churen e 10.30nm-+.009m =» SEAGY Tel: 3833 2538 Mob: 078 9498 7702 Mob: 077 3918 1466 Email: — Email: E 6 E facebook. comiseagoeparish RECTOR CURATE KCC Rev. Canon Rev. Stuart CHURCH Terence Moles LEADER Mob: 07954994749 mail: SEAGOE PARISH OFFICE 46 Seagoe Road, P Office: 3835 0583 Email: Jubilee Trees Following our Jubilee Thanksgiving Service on Sunday Sth June we were delighted that two trees were planted in our Church grounds to mark the occasion. One was planted by a group era Cue aaa eR OL A AA=a eel AA Church Lads’ and Church Girls’ Brigade. Back to Church On Sunday 18th September eetou ae iia ae eserctalsr-vec to Church’ service at 10.30am followed by a fun day. There will orc eUekec ee Ree eg eG eelate Ronrcncereren (elec even welcome to bring your ownl). After the success of our Jubilee Party back in June, it Were ek oni ae our church family gathered to celebrate, and we want to Paeerict caer) (hod Ra iGd Wemesan ances a er acon ect of our Back to Church month. Following our Famil were looking for coming back to Sund our 10.30am service will have the chanc faith and Bible chara fate to OU ean ee Clan Meltime cig acuta opportunity to invite your family and friends back to church. Seago Sunday Light (Sunday Sc 'y Fun Day in Septe ward to all our aide ay Light. Runnin each Sunday, the children e of learning about Jesus, cters ina j : way as we follow the Jj fun interactive sa through th oy PrSeRanrn e year. ool) 8 alongside Cadden Rev. Jim ee LITIES MAN YOUTH LEADER 8 Upper Church Lane, 149 Kernan Hill Manor 145 Princess Way CE ies ens SE AECE Portadown BT63 5JE Portadown Portadown, BT 63 5EL Mob: 07833668684 Boyd McClurg Office: 38350583 Tel: 3839 4441 Killicomaine Youth Centre Seagoe Youth Group email: Tel: Killicomaine Youth Centre 3839 4441 ortadown BT63 SHW Office Opening Hours: Yam - 12 noon Facebook: seagoeparish Edwina Livingstone Seagoe Youth Group Tel: 3833 5279 serviceJimes Come & ‘Worship with Us Date } 10.30am 6.00pm 7.00pm ado) vet eO ida Rehan l 1g SUNDAY 4th Holy Communion Family Service Evening Worship SUNDAY Tith Mothers’ Union Holy Communion Evening Worship Centenary Service SUNDAY 18th Sunday Light Service Evening Worship Holy Communion | Rotunda Praise Service SUNDAY 25th Holy Communion Evening Worship SUNDAY 2nd Harvest Communion Family Harvest Harvest Thanksgiving in Church SUNDAY 9th Holy Communion Morning Worship Harvest Thanksgiving SUNDAY 16th Holy Communion Morning Prayer Holy Communion | Rotunda Praise Service SUNDAY 23rd Holy Communion Holy Communion Evening Worship Evening Worship | Thankful Remembrance SUNDAY Holy Communion Morning Worship LS fen) g SUNDAY 6th Holy Communion Family Service Evening Worship SUNDAY Bth Holy Communion Remembrance Service Holy Communion SUNDAY 20th Holy Communion Morning Worship Evening Worship Rotunda Praise Service SUNDAY 27th Holy Communion Holy Communion Evening Worship SUNDAY 4th Holy Communion Family Service Evening Worship SUNDAY Tith Holy Communion Morning Carol Service In addition to the above services we have a short Holy Communion service each Wednesday at 10 am in the Quiet Room. Wednesday Holy Communion The Holy Communion service on Wednesdays at 10 am in the Quiet Room continues to provide a very important worship opportunity for many people. This short service (about 30mins) is particularly suitable for those who cannot sit through a long service, or for whom worship ori Sundays is difficult. After the service people linger over refreshments and enjoy the opportunity to chat to others. We encourage you, if you are free, to come along and join together in the service. AOTC Acie Solano) soe (OTN Vaal aa ela cia aC eshaiayd ae ROL0 ison 7 eo ae leteg (— Decorate the Church with food! ) We are very aware that this winter Thankful Remembrance / will be difficult for many people and Having not been able to hold this important aw so we have decided that our Harvest service for a few years, we are very pleased Thankoffering this year will focus on that we can offer s year. During the quiet, helping people in the local community. reflective service, we remember before God On the Sunday before Harvest (25th o have died over the past ee In September) we are asking people to bring items for our local FoodBank that we can then use to help decorate the Church for Harvest Non-perishable food items only please. Following our Harvest Festivals we will forward these to the Foodbank. At our Harvest Services we will receive a Thankoffering of money which will be set aside to help those who will be in need over the following months. Those who pay tax will be able to Gift Aid their contributions thus enabling us to claim back the tax they have already paid. As a result 25p will be added to every £1 donated. \ # ng, but also the realisation that so many others are there ha ned in the prayers, and people are provided with the opportunity to lay a flower at the foot of the cross in remembrance of their loved ones, and to estricted to those aXe yaPA ih Welcoming | Growing | Encouraging | Serving Mothers’ Union Centenary s we in Seagoe Mothers’ [Mothers ¥] |W) Centenary year we are looking Christian care for families forward to sharing our celebrations with our Church family. We are delighted that the 10.30am service on Sunday morning TIth September will include a theme of thanksgiving for the service of our members since 1922. Among our specially invited guests for the occasion will be our Diocesan President, Mrs Mavis Thompson from Dromore. | very much hope that our story, our history and our outreach will encourage others in the Parish to come along to our meetings. Some of you might not know a lot about the work of Mothers’ Union. We are a small cog in a global movement active in 84 countries whose aim is to support families through our faith. In the UK MU has successfully lobbied governments to introduce the right to request flexible working for all parents, and internationally MU speaks out on issues of gender equality through its representative status at the United Nations. Our present campaign in Ireland and UK is to support those affected by domestic violence. At a more local level one of our successful projects involves providing toilet bags for Craigavon Hospital patients who have been admitted in emergency circumstances. These contain a toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, a flannel, a comb/hairbrush, sometimes a few other essentials and most importantly a prayer card. This is something anyone in the parish can help us with. Over the past 100 years the members of MU in this parish have helped out in the local charity shops, played an active part in school breakfast clubs, volunteered in local community groups, been Sunday school teachers, sung in the church choir, set up support groups and given women a voice. The photo below was taken the night | was enrolled in Mothers’ Union. It's a photo of my grandmother, Mrs Lily Gracey, being recognised for 50 years of membership, my mother, Mrs Beryl Partridge, who was also a faithful member and my much younger self. I'm so glad | went along to my first meeting and I'm looking forward to continuing in Centenary celebrations, having new members join us and our branch being active for many years to come. Were not just a group of ladies who meet for a chat and a cup of tea and members don't even have to be a mother or married. You will have seen us at Baptism services giving the children a Baptism storybook and card, we are very much an active part of the Church family. Help us celebrate Seagoe Mothers’ Union as we give thanks for 100 years of our branch on Sunday Tith September at 10.30 am. Shirley Branyan Enrolling Member (Branch leader)” European Heritage fo) TP me) aT ull 2022 European Heritage Open Days is an annual event celebrating local architecture, history and culture which takes place across Europe on the second weekend in September This is a once a year opportunity to take time to explore and find out more about the architecture and heritage of our Church. You may not be aware of the following: The Font is the oldest artefact in the church which was removed from the original stor} 10\-mel aU cela asi =| 1e\ eo Na aC 18 When the church was built in 1816 it was a simple 70’ by 30’ oblong construction without a chancel and a flat plastered ceiling. In the late 1880's the new Rector had the leading architect Thomas Drew RHA increase the size and make major internal improvements in the ChurchThe front entrance ornate pillars and gates are a War Memorial to those Parishioners who paid the Ultimate Sacrifice during the First and Second World Wars and were constructed a century ago If you would like to find out more about the rich architectural heritage of our church, invite friends and family and come along any time between Tlam and 5pm on Saturday 10th or 2pm and 5pm on Sunday Tith September where guided tours will available. You will also have the opportunity to digitally view some of the Parish magazines dating back to 1900. eg elm (leona IRem Uta! Relic Manone UCN e Philip Morrison le) Marrero ioe cele ae] | as YOULL -@1,.0WS ( 9) Please spread the word that Youth Fellowship will be commencing again on Sunday 25th September at 7pm in the Parish Centre. YF provides a great opportunity for young people to get together for a range of activities and to discuss th stian faith together. Like all our Church activities, YF is open to all young people, so please encourage any secondary school aged young people to come along. Youth Fellowship Starts Sunday 25th September, 7pm (First year and up) Thursday Evenings @ Seagoe Parish Centre Nursery - P1 (Junior Martins) 6.30pm - 7.30pm P2 - P3 (Martins) 6.30pm - 7.30pm Py - P6 (Y-Team) 6.30pm - 8pm P7 - Yr9 (JTC) 8pm - 9.30pm Yrio + up to 21yrs (Seniors) 8pm-9.30pm Dues are £30 per boy Uniform: Sweatshirt £15 Polo Shirt £10 Church Lads’ & Church Girls ’ Brigade CLB will start again on Thursday 15th September Having sent their regards to Her Majesty The Queen upon her Platinum Jubilee, the members of the Brigade were delighted to receive a letter of acknowledgement in return. ee —— ls b a - sae = See 7 BUCKINGHAM PALACE 27th May, 2022, Ms Elaine Smytop Platinum Jubilee 1952 - 2022 ELIZABETH R 2022 Ke 5 PIC*COLLAGE Healing Prayer Group yer Group is part of the Church's ministry half of those who are sick in body, mind or vealing touch of God. The prayer group pray every day for those who have asked us to pray for them by name. As o rst names are used, confidentiality is assured. We meet for 1 hour on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month at 7pm in the Quiet Room of the Parish Centre to update the prayer list, pray, praise and have fellowship together. would like to help someone who is sick by praying for them please come and join us. Janette McCartney MACMILLAN COFFEE MORNING Seagoe Parish has traditionally been very generous in its support of the Macmillan Coffee mornings. This year we are delighted that the coffee morning will be hosted on Sunday 25th September after 10.30 worship. Please spread the word so that people can come along ready to make a donation. Anyone who cannot make a donation, or does not want to, is still encouraged to come along WE ARE MACMILLAN. CANCER SUPPORT MAGAZINE Ra Rela | Encouraging | Serving [t's a women's ministry which aims to reach the women of our church _and the surrounding area with the love of Jesus Christ, seeking to introduce them to the one who can change their lives and encourage those who already have trusted in Him. The evening starts with a walk of 30 minutes to an hour depending on what each lady feels comfortable with. This is then followed by a speaker about a topic relevant to women and sharing from a Christian perspective. We will conclude with a healthy supper. Enjoy a bit of exercise, fun and fellowship. Come along and bring a friend! We would love to see you. More details to follow. Hannah Abraham, Kathleen Crowe, Kathryn Kerr, Kathryn McMeekin and Judith Paulin SEAGOE PARISH CHURCH Ladies come along and enjoy a walk, chat and healthy supper! Guest Speakers each week When? Every Monday night in September 5 September 12 September 19 September 26 September 7.00 pm - 9.00 pm We are so pleased that time to enjoy a cuppa and chat after worship is back, provided by the faithful team of Joan, Heather, Molly and Sylvia after the 9 am service and by our rota of hosts after the 10.30 am service. We are updating the rotas for hosting the 10.30 am service refreshments during the autumn, so if you feel you could help with a team of 2 or 3 friends/family, whether male or female, please sign at a suitable date on the list in the glass porch - all welcome! All new members of the team will be guided through the process-it really is very simple! Many thanks everyone. After a summer break, Seagoe Men's group will be returning with a special event (details below) that we hope will encourage greater fellowship and offer an opportunity to invite others to join with us. The men’s breakfast ea orame Mel mnie (mre a OMe ACA MAO After a challenging couple of years, we are now in a season where we want to encourage one another to fully engage in the life of acRa alte iy Chola cele alas oR ome as rarer RNIN eMac) have been discussing an idea that we aim to launch over the autumn period. The Seagoe ey ai Yey RT| Meroe NA Le om aT ae support people in their practical needs as just one small way we can Help Everyone Love etoyol eM (gaa ay onder eM ULAR U to parishioners needing practical or pastoral support, we hope to not only be a help, but to be an encouragement to one another and an example of God's love. The group hopes to offer small practical help, like transport for those who need brought to church, running errands for those unable to do so, small DIY and gardening projects, for example. This w be a voluntary group, coordinated by Edward Graham. We plan to launch this project very soon, so look out for our HELP box, and if you, or anyone you know of, need a little helping hand, fill out the card (which can be found in the bottom drawer of the HELP box), Ye M MIAN Re) Rema eee ALLL Rose) all we can to help. All requests for help wi Safety Ramps Last year Seagoe Primary School additional line markings ar PPL Sleep ON Jecided that the addition of some speed-reduc Ie lchcok enone vii aceliecl NUMA CoCon-eicol0] oe e Om eAN CUNEO Ks Vacant Baoan leelon be managed with the strictest of confidence. WVen etn Chance ce) amass so we appreciate your feedback; also if you have any skills or time you'd like to offer, please clave arena The next Tuesday night meeting of the Men's Group take place in the Parish centre on Tuesday 18th October at 730pm. Please continue to pray for our men’s ministry, and oreo en melee RRC WORN iRL to join with us. If you'd like to find out more information about the Men's Group, please get in touch with Stuart Moles. MEN’S BREAKFAST Saturday 24th September 9.30am Seagoe Parish Centre To book, please contact Stuart on 07739181466 or email Parole) Christian Baptism igs to be added to the Church 14th August 2022 e Vestry added to this some d Governors of the Scho 14th August 2022 Christian Marriage ena Tek 20th August 2022 ntinue to ask all users to e both slowly and carefully. Christian Burial ea) 20th June 2022 ays or elsewhere. 5th July 2022 6th July 2022 7th July 2022 10th July 2022 17th July 2022 19th July 2022 27th July 2022 2nd August 2022 Farish Kegister Lily Claire Henry, daughter of Lee and Lindsey, Ratarnet Road, Collone. Jack Allen Henry, son of Lee and Lindsey, Ratarnet Road, Collone. Aaron Timothy Duke and Christie Van Schalkwyk, Highfield Park, Craigavon Grace Elizabeth Richardson, Bridge Street, Portadown Hazel Magee, Elizabeth Terrace, Portadown Walter Blair, Tamnamore Road, Markethill Gordon Medlow, Kernan Gardens, Portadown Florence Beverley Hynes, Ulsterville Park, Portadown Aaron Gibson, Kernan Hill Manor, Portadown Margaret Gilmour, Brackagh Road, Portadown Olive Martin, Bocombra Avenue, Portadown Mervyn Pepper, Killicomain Drive, Portadown AraC T AV AlN Welcoming | Growing | Encouraging ey | Serving Raise FREE funds for us every time you,shop online! M&S pooking.© 181 jane . John Lewis e DEBENHAMS eb: \Y_ HOUSE OF FRASER amazon.couk ee Give as you AWM Seagoe Old School Every Thursday 9.30am, 11.30am, 5.30pm, 7.00pm Booking is essential. Call Letty 077 8716 4996 or check out Facebook. Slimming World Portadown. Everyone Welcome #5 Wiastethefreedom © ¥ © *At participating groups only. See our website for more Information. membership’ Rae ean a etre eaten ey SEAGOE YOUTH GROUP CAR BOOT SALES ARE BACK!! SATURDAY 8 AM — 12 NOON A great way to reduce clutter, recycle and reuse.....and a good community venture; so everyone welcome to sell, buy or just browse. (no need to book in!) Saturday 27th August, 24th September, 29th October ar ot; Seagoe Church Car Park Seagoe Old School (if wet) Cars £5 / Vans £10 All welcome to sell, browse or buy. Thank you for your support All queries contact Edwina on 02838 335279 Do you enjoy singing, especially hymns and songs? If so, you might like to join members of the Choir for an hour or so each Tuesday in the Quiet Room, beginning on Tuesday 13 September @730pm. There is no requirement to read music (although it helps!) and you will be made most welcome among this group of friends. We rehearse music ahead of each Sunday service and will be looking at appropriate music for Harvest Thanksgiving. Anyone of any age is welcome to join us. (Contact details below.) For the record | would like to thank all those members of the Choir who have faithfully sung at weekly services throughout the pandemic. taking them beyond their comfort zone and behind microphones in this season of Thoma lanl arod Alison Cadden (07535 638880) + 6 George Moll ¢ 6. FUNERAL DIRECTORS & MEMORIAL MASONS 24 Hour Professional & Caring Service Independent Portadown Family Business With over 45 Years Experience Golden Charter Pre-Paid Funeral Plans Headstones & Additional Lettering FT Dignifted Professional Deruice an your lime Sf) need Telephone: (028) 38351516 WWW.GEORGEMCNABB.CO.UK 106 Bridge Street, Portadown, Co. Armagh BT63 5AP \ _f Talk to us about Pre-Paid Funeral Jependent Family Funeral Director 59 Seagoe Road, Por tadown, BT63 5HS 02838338888. ALAN WRAY & CO. INDEPENDENT FAMILY FUNERAL DIRECTORS QUIET AND DISCREET SERVICE FULL FUNERAL HOME FACILITIES PERSONALLY SUPERVISED BY ALAN WRAY MBIE MEAE MBIED DIP. F.D. “The Old Meeting House’ 24A Portmore Street, Portadown, Co Armagh BT62 3NG 07989 303897 | 24 Hours AR@ TEL KILLICOMAINE KIDS AND PARENTS Welcome all babies, toddlers and parents/carers Starts Back on Friday Ap S\181¢ 1818-1) St. Patrick’s Hall, Princess Way (beside the school gates) Lots of toys, fun, friends and a cuppa!

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Seagoe Archives


Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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