Seagoe Archives

October 1906


October 1906

Seagoe Parish Magazine.

OCTOBER, 1906.

The Mission.

IT is with a feeling of deep thankfulness

to Almighty God that we record the

success of our Parish Mission. This

success we attribute not merely to

the careful organisation beforehand

for the Mission, but much more to the earnest

prayers which we know ascended to the Throne of

Grace from many believing and trusting hearts.

Ten days ago our Missioner, the Rev. Willoughby

Bryan - Brown, came amongst us a comparative

stranger, but we feel now the truth of those words

which he wrote to the people of Seagoe in his

touching Letter—" I trust I shall make friends with

many of you." A great many who have received

great spiritual blessing during these Ten Days have

learned to look upon Mr. Bryan - Brown as a very

true friend, and we know the reason for this is,

because he has taught us to know better than ever

before the Lord Jesus Christ—" the Friend that

sticketh closer than a brother."

The opening service on Saturday, September 22nd,

was preceded by a social gathering in the schoolhouse

at Seagoe, when over 80 of our Mission Workers had

an opportunity of meeting personally the Mission

Preacher. The nave of the Church was quite filled

for the service at 7.30, and a special service for the

Reception of the Missioner was conducted by the

Rector. The subject of the address was The Need

of Preparation."

Sunday, September 23rd, was a very busy day.

At 8 a.m. a large number assembled for the early

celebration of Holy Communion, and some straight

words of counsel were spoken to those present.

At 11,30 a.m. the Church was crowded The

service of prayer and praise was joined in heartily by

all present, and an impressive address was delivered

on The Master's Call." Holy Communion was

celebrated, and a goodly number partook of the Feast

of Love Divine.

At 3.30 the Church was once again filled with a

splendid gathering of children and young people.

The Church Army Captain sang as a solo Shall we

gather at the River."

The Missioner held the

attention of the children in an address on the word

" W-e-l-c-o-m-e."

At 7 p.m. the Church Bell summoned the Parish

to Evening Prayer. Extra seating accommodation

had to be provided for the large numbers who came.

Again a hearty service, again an earnest address,

At the close of

this time on " The True Friend."

the service a searching Instruction followed.

During the week the Church was quite filled at

each service, and almost all remained for the special

Instruction" at the close of the service. A feature

of the Mission was the large number of intercessions

placed in the Missioner's box. It will be long before

we forget the solemn voice uttering the now familiar

words Lord, hear our prayer," followed by the

earnest supplication of many hearts and voices "And

let our cry come unto Thee."

We give here a list of the subjects dealt with each

evening, as we are sure many would like to remember



Tuesday—The Responsibility of Sin.

Wednesday—The Burden of Sin.

Thursday—Holy Communion.

Friday-The Swelling of Jordan.

Towards the close of the week thanksgiving mingled

with our intercessions. Thanksgiving for the

numbers attending, for the splendid weather, for

souls released from sin, for hearts touched by the

fire of God's love.

After such a week of spiritual inspiration, it was

only natural that the second Sunday (September 30th)

would be marked by much power and blessing. At

the early Communion there was a large attendance

of earnest and devout communicants, and the

Missioner gave a touching address on the Power of

Christ to save.

A combined Sunday School consisting of the

children attending Edenderry and Seagoe Schools,

was held in Seagoe School at 10.15. The school

was crowded, and the Missioner, who seems to have

a special gift for speaking to children, addressed

those present on " As a hen gathereth her chickens

under her wings,"

The Morning Service in the Parish Church

was attended by a crowded congregation, and the

Mission Preacher spoke with great power on One

thing I do." At the Celebration large number of

the Parishioners communicated.

The afternoon service for men was held at 3.30.

The nave of the Church was well filled with men

who sang the stirring hymns heartily, and listened

with deep attention to the Missioner's words on

Behold the Man."

In the evening the Church was again filled. The

subject of the address was “Behold I stand at the

door and knock." In very earnest words the

Preacher pressed home upon his hearers the duty of

admitting the Saviour to their hearts and lives.

Monday evening (October 1st) brought the Mission

to a close. The Church was again full, and everyone



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present seemed to realise the greatness of the

opportunity. The subject of the address was from

Ps. 85, 10, The Lord will speak Peace."

At the close of the service the Memorial Cards

were distributed at the chancel rails to the clergy,

churchwardens, choir and congregation.

120 cards have already been distributed. The service closed

with a very solemn and impressive Te Deum, a

true Thanksgiving for what all present felt to be a

a time very real Blessing.


Morning Evening

Sep. 2nd—12th Sun. af. Trinity £1 7 9

0 7 3 0 12 9

9th—13th 1 4 2 0 12 0

16th - 14th 0 3 3

1 10 0 0 14 6

23rd - 15th 0 4 3

2 15 7 1 13 9

Children's Service 0 14 3

Week Day Offerings 3 10 6

„30th—16th Sun, af. Trinity 0 5 10

2 14 3 1 15 9

Men's Service 0 10 7

Thank-offering 5 0

£10 17 4 £10 4 1


As many as have been baptised into Christ have put on Christ. "

Sept 1st—-Robert, son of Alexander and Sarah M 'Cormick, Ballyhannon.

Anne, daughter of Samuel and Minnie M 'Kee, Glasgow.

Samuel, son of George and Caroline Jennett, Breagh.

Elizabeth, daughter of James and Alice Wilson, Edenderry.

6th—Victor, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Cassidy, Edenderry,

9th—Joseph, son of James and Jane Eliza Hynes, Edenderry.


" Those whom God hath joined together let no man put asunder. ' '

Sept. 28th—William Flannigan, Edenderry, to Mary Albin, Edenderry.


" The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord.”

Sept 1st—Sarah Ellen Webb, Clanrolla, aged 9.

Oct. 2nd —William Robinson, Balteagh, aged 73.

Robert Sherman, Edenderry, aged 25.

It is with great regret we record the death of

Robert Sherman. He was a diligent member of the

Men's Bible Class, and was unsparing in his efforts to

promote the interests of the Reading Room. His death

will leave a great blank among the men of Edenderry,

and we tender our deepest sympathy to his parents

and friends in their sad bereavement. The members

of the Edenderry Bible Class sent a handsome wreath

to testify their affection and esteem.

Seagoe Men's Bible Class.

A Bible Class for men will be started in Seagoe

Orange Hall or, Sunday morning, October 14th, at

10.15 0'clock. This class is for all the men in the

country parts of the Parish. The subjects will be

Christian Doctrine and Practice as taught in the

Gospel for the day, and also lessons on the History

of the Reformation. Mr. Taylor will try to make

these as interesting as possible, and he earnestly

hopes that all the men, both old and young, will

endeavour to attend the class regularly and encourage

the effort by inducing others to come. Every man

in the Parish, unless absolutely prevented by work or

infirmity, ought to be at either the Edenderry or

Seagoe Bible Class on Sunday morning.

Thanksgiving Services.

All services on Sunday next, October 7th, will take


blessing vouchsafed during the Mission. There will

be a celebration of the Holy Communion after

Morning Prayer.


Church Attendance Cards.

The Church Attendance Cards have been a great

success. The children on the whole have been most

loyal to them, and many a little one is now in the

Lord's House on Sunday, who formerly never thought

of entering there. The conduct of the children, too,

has been very good, and the word of God read and

preached, together with the spirit of reverence,

which they see around them, must necessarily leave

an impression on their young hearts and lives. The

new Quarterly Cards will be issued next Sunday, and

we would appeal to the parents to see that the

children wait for Church and also to examine their

cards to see what their record has been for the

quarter. It is most important that the parents should

take a personal interest in the spiritual training of

each of their children. All cards for the past quarter

must be handed in to the various superintendents

on or before the second Sunday in October.

We feel under a deep debt of gratitude to Captain

Gaskell and Lieutenant Simmons for their assistance

during the Mission. They have been indefatigable

in their efforts to promote its success both during the

preparation for it and when it came on. It is with

great regret that we take leave of them, and we

earnestly hope that God's blessing will continue to

rest upon them in the various parts of His Vineyard

in which they will be called to labour. Captain

Gaskell hopes to go to County Tyrone, and

Lieutenant Simmons will soon be proceeding to the

Church Army Training Home in London. During

the Mission the Captain's singing was much appreciated.

Special service.

On Wednesday evening next, October 10th, a

Special Service will be held on the completion of the

improvements now being made in the Parish Church.

The service will begin at 8 0'clock, We believe the

new installation of Gas in the Church will be much

appreciated by the Parishioners, and add much to

the comfort and convenience of the worshippers.


We offer our hearty congratulations to Mr and

Mrs Flannigan on the occasion of their marriage.

It is seldom that we have to chronicle the union of

two such useful Church workers. Mr Flannigan has

in many ways helped forward the work of the Church,

especially by assisting in superintending the

Afternoon Sunday School at Edenderry.

Mrs Flannigan has for long acted as Sunday School

Teacher at both Morning and Evening Schools at

Edenderry, and has also been a most useful member

of the choir. We wish the young couple all

happiness and prosperity with God's blessing in their

future life.

Mission notes.

Mr. Bryan-Brown hopes to hold his next Mission

in St. Stephen's, Belfast. The prayers of our people

are asked for a blessing.

Miss Walker's solos during the Mission were very

much appreciated. Her fine voice was heard with

good effect and conveyed very solemn lessons to those

who heard it.

No rain fell during the Mission except on the last

day. We thank God for the splendid weather.

Get your Memorial Cards framed and hung up in

your room. It will help to keep them in your mind

and heart.

Any who have not yet filled up the After

Mission " papers will please do so, and drop them

into the Box at Church door next Sunday.

We were glad to see so many elderly folk attending

the Mission, and we hope to see them often

worshipping with us in the House of God.

Read the Tracts which were distributed at the

services and keep them carefully for future reference.


We heartily thank all our workers who so loyally

assisted during the Mission, especially the Organist,

Choir, Churchwardens and others connected with the

Church. Our Band of Mission Workers rendered

splendid help in the preparation for the Mission.

Rev. W. Bryan- Brown M. A.

Some of our readers would, we are sure, like to

know something about the life and work of our

Mission Preacher. the Rev. W. Bryan - Brown. Mr

Bryan-Brown is an Englishman by birth, and was

educated at a private school, after which he entered

Brasenose College, Oxford, where he had a

distinguished undergraduate course, obtaining amongst

other honours a Colquitt and Halmeian Exhibition.

He graduated in 1870, and was ordained in 1871 by

the Bishop (Mackarness) of Oxford. For two years

he acted as curate at St. Ebbe's, Oxford, and in 1873

was appointed rector of East Shefford, Berkshire.

He remained at East Shefford until 1881, when he

obtained the important living of Amberley, Gloucester

which he held until 1892. In this latter year he

joined the staff of the Church Parochial Mission

Society, and has since then, for a period of fourteen

years, acted as Mission Preacher in various Dioceses.

He has held missions not alone in England, Scotland

and Ireland, but also in many parts of Australia,

New Zealand, Canada and the United States. He

is a very close friend and admirer of the Rev. Canon

Hay-Aitken, so well known as the founder of the

Church Parochial Mission Society. Mr. Bryan-Brown

has conducted over 150 missions, and is much in

request as a Mission Preacher. He is the author of

number of striking Tracts based on his mission

experiences, some of which have attained a wide

circulation. An excellent photograph of the Rev. W.

Bryan-Brown may be had at Moffett's Photographic


Winter Work

(1) On Wednesday evenings for the future a service

will be held in the Parish Church at 7-30. It is

intended for worshippers from all parts of the Parish.

(2) On the recommendation of the Missioner the

evening service on the last Sunday in each month

will be a Special Mission Service, when the Mission

Hymn Book will be used and an appropriate sermon

preached. The Parishioners are requested to make

this service a special subject of prayer and to

endeavour as far as possible to be present.

(3) We hope to have a Band of Hope Meeting in

the Parochial Hall once a month to which young and

old will be invited. Our people must be taught to

look upon indulgence in strong drink as a sin.

(4) It is hoped to have a singing class in the

Parochial Hall during the Winter months. Many

of our people would like to learn to sing from note,

and a competent instructor. will be appointed.


We regret the delay in issuing the Annual Report,

but we hope to have it ready in a few weeks.

Miss Armstrong, who has returned from a well

earned holiday, hopes soon to start her missionary


We have to congratulate Mr. David Murray on

his success since taking over the charge of Carne

Sunday School. Many records have been made in

"the attendance.

Mr Murray is assisted by a splendid band of helpers,

and we hope there will be no diminution in the

numbers during the winter months.

The Rector has just received a letter from Mr.

Grey. He seems to be longing for news of Seagoe,

and we hope some one will write and tell him of the


Mr. Grey seems to be enjoying good health, and is

continuing to make good progress in the Japanese


Although the Church Army is leaving us Miss

Connor will still continue to circulate the C.A.

Gazette. This excellent publication is only one

halfpenny, and we would like to see it in every house

in the Parish.

The Mission Meeting of Railwaymen at the Station

was a great success. Open air meetings were also

held at the two Factories in Edenderry, and were

largely attended. A successful Conference of Church

workers was held on Saturday at Seagoe School.



We are glad to welcome Miss Sarah Montgomery

and Miss Jane Porter to the teaching staff of Seagoe

Sunday School, and also Miss Gertie Montgomery to

Edenderry. May much blessing rest on their


Old Seagoe Notes.

These notes are unavoidably held over this month

owing to pressure on our space.

Ye Anchor Cafe


At the Bridge,

Five Minutes Walk from Station.




Hot Luncheons



Separate Room for Country Weddings if Notice is Given.




Call at the

Portadown News Office.





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Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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