Seagoe Archives

October 1931


October 1931

Seagoe Parish Magazine

OCTOBER, 1931.

Parish Bazaar,

THURSDAY & FRIDAY, November 26th & 27th,1931


Rev. Canon Archer, B.D., The Rectory, Seagoe,

Rev. W. F. Hayes B.A., Edendale, Carrickblacker

Road, Edenderry, Portadown.


Rector's—Mr. Robert Scott.

People's—Mr. Isaac Dickson.

Harvest Thanksgiving,

The annual Services of Harvest Thanksgiving will

be held (D.v.) in the Parish Church on Thursday,

October 15th, at 8 p.m., and on Sunday, October 18th,

at 8 a.m. (Holy Communion), 11.30 a.m. Morning

Prayer, and 7 p.m. Evening Prayer. The Preacher

on Thursday will be the Very Rev. H. B. Swanzy,

M.A., Vicar of Newry and Dean of Dromore. On

Sunday the Preacher at Evening Prayer will be the

Rev. Francis Matchett, B.D., Rector of Hillsborough,

Co. Down. The, offerings on Thursday will be for

Foreign Missions, and on Sunday for Parochial Expenses Fund.

District Harvest Services,

The Harvest Services in our Parochial Districts have

been arranged as follows:—

Levaghery=Oct. 4th, at 3.30 p.m.

5th, at 8 p.m.

Edenderry—Oct. 11th, at 3.30 p.m.

12th, at p.m.

Drumgor—Oct.- 26th, at 3.30 p.m.

27th, at 8 p.m.

Carne—Nov, 1st, at 3.30 p.m.

2nd, at 8 p.m.

Boccmbra—Nov. 8th, at 3.30 p.m.

9th, at 8 p.m.

The offerings at the Sunday Services will be on

behalf of the local Sunday School Fund, and on

the Mondays for Foreign Missions. The Rev. Robert

Gracey, Curate of St. Donard's, Belfast, will preach

at the Monday evening service on October 12th in

Edenderry Parochial Hall. We will give him a

hearty welcome on this his- first visit to the Parish

since his ordination.

Hacknahay Harvest Service.

On Sunday, September 27th, a Harvest Thanksgiving

Service was held in Hacknahay School. The

room was prettily decorated with flowers, fruits and

evergreens. There was not a vacant seat and the

service was very hearty and inspiring. The music

was in the capable hands of Mr. T. H. Wilson,

organist of Seagoe. The Rector preached. On Monday

evening, Sept. 28th, the Services were continued.

A large congregation was present. The Rev. R. B.

Pike, Curate of Drumcree, preached on "Our

Responsibility for the Harvest of the World." He made

an earnest appeal on behalf of Foreign Missions.

The Bazaar.

Please remember the date of our Seagoe Bazaar

Thursday, November 26th, and Friday, Nov. 27th.

It will be held in Seagoe School. The proceeds will

be divided equally between the Repair Fund for the

Parish Church and the School Repair Fund. A meeting

of the General Committee of the Bazaar was

held in Seagoe School on Thursday, Sept. 24th. The

Rector presided and there was a large attendance.

Reports were handed in from the various working

parties and proved very encouraging. The returns

from the collecting books also showed that our

workers were very active and successful. We would

impress on all our workers the need of strenuous

activity, as the interval before the Bazaar is

comparatively short. The stalls were arranged for and

the committees in charge. The Bazaar Secretary,

Mr. J. H. Twinem, was present and gave valuable

help. The C.L.B. have kindly offered to arrange

a concert in Drumgor on behalf of the Bazaar Funds.

Concert in Levaghery,

The Levaghery Bazaar workers are very active and

have arranged to hold a concert in Levaghery

School on Thursday, Oct. 22nd, at 8 p.m. An attractive

and varied programme will be presented.

Tickets, one shilling each, are now on sale. This.

the recently enlarged schoolroom, which is now one

of the finest in the Parish.


Jumble Sale.

The Seagoe C.L.B. are holding a Jumble Sale in

Edenderry Parochial Hall, on Friday, Oct. 16th. The

proceeds are for Seagoe C.L.B. Bagpipe Band,

Parade Service.

A C.L.B. Parade Service was held in the Parish

Church on Sunday evening, Sept. 27th, at 7 p.m.

The St. Michael's, Belfast Company, of the C.L.B.

were present with their Bagpipe Band. Some

officers from other Belfast Companies were also

present, and we were very glad to welcome on his first

visit Colonel Torrens, the Battalion C.L.B. Commander

for this Diocese. There was a large congregation present.

The Rector preached from the

text St. John vi., 9. He emphasised the importance

of the work done by the C.L.B., with which he

claimed a connection extending over 37 years, since

he had started the first C.L.B. Company in Belfast

as Curate of St. Luke's in April, 1894.

Colonel Torrens took part in the Parade Service and read

the Second Lesson, Ephes. vi., 10. The collection

was on behalf of our C,.L.B. Funds. The visiting

Company was very kindly entertained to tea in

Edenderry Orange Hall (kindly lent) by the ladies

of the Parish at 5 p.m. Capt. Metcalf and his

officers are to be congratulated on the fine turnout

of the Seagoe Lads, which are a credit to the C.L.B.

and to the Parish.

C.L.B. Concert.

A grand concert will be given in Edenderry

Parochial Hall on Thursday, Oct. 29th, at 8 p.m.

Tickets one shilling each, children sixpence. The

proceeds are for the equipment of the C.L.B. Band.

A fine programme is being arranged.

Twenty-five Years Ago.

OCTOBER, 1906.

We resume this month our extracts from Seagoe

Parish Magazine of 1906—25 complete years ago.

Looking up its faded pages we find a large space

devoted to the Mission which had just been held

in the Parish Church by the Rev. Willoughby Bryan

Brown. The Mission opened on Saturday, Sept.

22nd, 1906, and closed on Monday, October 1st, 1906.

The subjects of Mr. Bryan Brown's addresses are

given as follows:—Monday—Repentance, Tuesday—

The Responsibility of Sin, Wednesday—The Burden

of Sin, Thursday—Holy Communion, Friday—The

Swelling of Jordan. On Sunday morning, Oct. 1st,

the Missioner addressed the children of Edenderry

and Seagoe Morning Sunday School in Seagoe

School. He chose for his text the verse " As a hen

fathereth her chickens under her wings." An afternoon

Service for men was held at 3.30. The subject

of the address was "Behold the Man." The

Missioner's closing address on Monday, Oct. 1st, was

from Psalm 85, 10: "The Lord will speak Peace."

Mr. Bryan-Brown passed to; his rest in 1924 at a

good old age. He had retired from Mission work

in 1917. Among the other items for Oct., 1906, we

notice the formation by the Curate, the Rev. J.

Taylor, of a Meres Bible Class to meet in Seagoe

Orange Hall on Sunday mornings. The Class met

for the first time on Oct. 14th, 1906, at 10.15 a.m.

Three burials are recorded—Sarah Ellen Webb, of

Clanrolla, aged 9, William Robinson, of Balteagh

aged 73, and Robemt Sherman, of Edenderrys aged

25. There is one marriage "Flannigan and Albin,

on Sept. 28th, and there are six Baptisms. The

Rector thanks Capt Gaskell and Lieut Simmons, of

the Church Army, for their help given at the Mission.

Congratulations are offered to Mr. and Mrs

Wm. Flannigan on the occasion of their marriage,

It concludes with the wish the young

couple all happiness and prosperity, with God's

blessing in their future life."

War Relics.

We thank Sergeant Russell, of Knockmena, for the

gift of several interesting War Relics. Two small

metal swords cut from the tunic of a dead Bulgarian

officer on the battlefield of Dedeagatch, on the

Strumer River. Two numbers in brass taken from

a Bulgarian soldier's cap. A large spoon got in

the village of Kukas, Northern Macedonia, about

one kilometre from the big mountain where St.

Paul preached to the Thessalonians. Sergeant

Russell was at the time serving with the 27th Division

in the Royal Irish Fusiliens on the Macedonian

Front in 1917.

Brigadier-General Kelly was the

officer in command. He was known by his men

Uncle George." We thank Sergeant Russell for

his interesting gifts.

Staff Sergeant Dawson,

We congratulate very heartily Staff Sergeant John

Dawson (brother of our respected parishioner, Mrs.

Nicholas England, of Ballymacrandal), on being

awarded by King George the Meritorious Service

Medal with annuity of £10 per annum in recognition

of his fine military record. The King expressed

wish that Staff Sergeant Dawson should attend

personally at Buckingham Palace to receive the medal

but it was finally arranged that the medal should

be presented by the General Commanding the London

District. Mr. Dawson is very proud of his connection

with the Fusiliers and the, old 94th. He is

now 79 years of age and has for many years resided

at 662 High Road, Tottenham, London.

He served in the army for 21 years, having enlisted in

the North of Ireland some sixty years ago. His

breast is covered with medals, for he has fought

through all the wars of recent times. He most

thrilling experiences to relate, especially about the

Zulu campaign. He acted as one of the trained

dressers in the Army Service Corps. He got a knock

on the head from a knobkerry and was wounded

on the Land by an assegai hurled by a Zulu. We

hope in our next issue to give a fuller record Of

Mr. Dawson's experiences. Meanwhile we

congratulate him and his sister, Mrs. England, on the

recognition which he has received from the King

of his military service. He inherits in a large degree

the military instincts of the men of Seagoe.


Parish Register for September.


Major—Sept. 5th, Mary Hilary, daughter of William

John and Sarah Major, of Edenderry.

5th, Elizabeth, daughter of Frederick Robinson and

Elizabeth McDonald, of Ballyhannon.


McKane—Oct. 2nd, Sarah McKane, of Hacknahay, aged 76 years.

Death of Mrs. McKane.

We record with much regret the death of Mrs.

Sarah McKane, of Hacknahay. She was always

much interested in the Parish and had been a regular

subscriber to Seagoe Parish Magazine since it

has started some 26 years ago. Mrs. M'Kane was

a loyal member of the Church of Ireland and led a

faithful and consistent Christian life. We sympathise

very sincerely with the members of her family,

who have lost a devoted and affectionate mother.

Old Seagoe Notes.

How the Yellow Hill got its name.—The Yellow

Hill is a well known feature in the landscape as one

looks from Upper Seagoe along the windings of the

Upper Bann. It rises to a height of 78 feet above

the River in the townland of Derryvore. It is sometimes

called Whinny Hill. It got its name from the

golden yellow whins or furze which at one time

covered its sides.

Dean Blacker settles his Parish Accounts—1812.—

March 31st, 1812—The Rev. Stewart Blacker has this

day settled all accounts with the Parish of Segoe,

and it appears that he is now answerable to the

Parish for the sum of £991 13s ld, which sum he

promises to hold in readiness to defray all expenditure

which may occasionally arise from the building

of our new Church or any other purpose approved

of by the Parish. But there is also in his hands

the Bond of Mr. Thos. Woolsey for £200, and

that of Mr. Hewit for £50, on both of which Bonds

full interest is paid and accounted for to this present Period.

How the Parish Stable was built at Seagoe in

1744—1744. Memorandum. That the undernamed

persons have subscribed and built a Stable at the

Parish Church of Sego in the year 1744.

William Blacker, Esq. ... ...£1,10 0

Thos Newil ... ... ... 0 5 5

John Gilpen ... ... 0 5 5

Thos. Bradshaw ... .... 0 5 5

James Bradshaw ..... 0 2 8 ½

William Thompson ... ... . . 0 3 3

William Dixon ... ... ... 0 5 5

Richd. Joyce ... ... . . 0 5 5

Ralph Dynes ... ... ... 0 5 5

John Ackless ... ... ... ... 0 2 8 ½

James Bomer ... ... ... 0 2 8 ½

William Robison 0 11 4 ½

James Harison 0 5 5

Richd. Dynes 0 5 5

Wolsey Mathers 0 5 5

William Buck 0 2 2

Tho: Burrel 0 2 2

Robt. Blacker . 0 5 5

John Wale 0 5 5

John Dixon 0 5 5

Val: Joyce 0 5 5

Art M'Cann 0 3 3

James Toulerton 0 2 8 ½

David Miller 0 2 2

Tho: Hardine 0 2 8 ½

Willm. Lutten 0 2 8 ½


£7 1 0 ½

Ralph Wilson . 0 5 5

Building the New Parish Church—1812.—A

Committee appointed by Vestry for Building the new

Church of the Parish of Sego this 31st of March, 1812

. —Rev. Richard Olpherts, Robt. Fivey, Esq., Capt.

Woolsey, Mr. Woolsey Atkinson, Mr. W. Overend,

Mr. David Ruddle, Mr. Joseph Macomson, Mr.

Toulerton Lutton.

1811— Rev. Stewrt Blacker Dr:

Augt. By Principal and Interest Recd. from Mr.

Woodhouse £510 15s Od.

To seven Months Interest £14 11S 8d.

Do--By Cash from Exns. of Rev. George Blacker

£200 0s 0d.

To Seven months interest £5 16s 8d.

Decber. By Principal and Interest from Mr. Fivey

£135 10s 4d.

To three Months Interest £l 13s 9d.

March 1812—By three years' Interest from Mr.

Woolsey £36 Os Od.

Do—By one year's Interest from Mr. Hewitt £3 Os Od

By Ballance due as stated in Rev. Stewrt

Blacker's Account £84 5s 8d.

1812. March 31st. Total in hand of S.B. £991 13 1 besides

Mr. Woolsey's Bond for and Hewit's

ditto for £50.

Total £250, on which all interest is paid.

£1241 13s ld.

Famine in Seagoe in 1812.—To the Parish of Segoe.

As Treasurer thereto and appointed to collect. the

several sums due to sd Parish by Bond Note or otherwise.

May 1st, 1812—By Cash to Revd. Rd. Olpherts By

Order of Parish Committee, for the purpose of purchasing

Oatmeal to accomodate the Poor—£1000 0 0.

Sept. 1812—Paid Brownlowsderry Road Cess 20 3 0

Paid Kernan do 29 4 8. Paid Blacker and Harrison do 21 16 8.

[The above notes are in Dean Blacker's writing.]

Funds provided for Building the New Church,

1814.—At a Vestry held in the Parish Church on


Monday the 27th day of June 1814 for which legal

notice being given. The Minister Church Wardens

and Parishioners being then assembled it was then

agreed That the intention of this Vestry be to make

the Resolutions and assessments entered into at the

Vestry held in the same Church on Easter Tuesday

the 20th April 1813 conformable to the spirit of the

Act of Parliament so as to secure the payment of the

sum of One Thousand Pounds sterl by Instalments

to the Board of first Fruits to be lent by it to this

Parish for the purpose of building a New Parish

Church. The whole. sum to be advanced by way

of loan. To be raised levied and paid in manner

following at the times following. That is to say Six

pounds per centum of the sum so advanced and to

be repaid shall be raised and paid by the Parish

on or before the first day of July, next after the

expiration of one year, from the day on which such

sum shall be so advanced. Six pounds per centum

more on or before the first day of July in every

succeeding year until the said sum of £IOOO sterlg

be paid by the Parish to the Board of First Fruits

And it is also agreed at this Vestry that the Reverend

Richard Olpherts, Curate, or the Vicar for the time

being should receive the Instalments to be advanced

by way of Loan by the Board of First Fruits.

Signed this 27th day of .June, 1814.

Richard Olpherts. Curate Jno. Overend, Church Warden,

Wolsey Atkinson, Toulerton Lutton, John

Walker, Roger Shiels, Chas. McCaughly, William

Holland, G. M'C.aughly, Thos. Collins, Din

M"Caughly, Edwd M'Cabe.

Enclosing the Grounds at the New Church, 1814

A Vestry was held by Special Appointment in the

Parish Church on Wednesday 26 October 1814 for

the purpose of considering and adopting the best

means of enclosing the new Church ground of the

Parish in order to prevent the recurrence of Damp.

Recently Done to the New Church in consequence

of the exposed state it now stands in. The Rev

Stewart Blacker, Vicar, the Rev. Richrd. Oliphert

Curate, the Church Wardens and Principal

Parishoners being present it was agreed that in

consquence of large quantity of stones being left at

the Building the new Church and also some

stone Quoins both which the Parish was obliged

to account for with the Architect at first cost Then

the same be appropriated to the erecting a sufficient

Wall and Stone Pillars and Iron Gate to enclose

the Front of the New Church Yard for the execution

said work the sum of 2 pence per acre be levied

by the Church Wardens of this Parish on

Landholders of it To be paid with their accounts

at the Easter Vestry next ensuing.





HOLY COMMUNION—1st Sunday after Morning

Prayer ; 3rd Sunday at 8 a.m., and on the Chief


HOLY Saturday ot Month at 3 p.m.,

and during any Service in the Parish Church.

if notice be given ; Two Sponsors at least are

required, and they must be Confirmed members

of the Church. Churchings are held at each

Baptism. Mothers are expected to bring a thankoffering.

(See Book of Common Prayer.)

MORNING PRAYER—Sundays and Chief Festivals

8 p.m. during Advent and Lent.

EVENING PRAYER—Sundays 7 p.m.


Hacknahay—Last Sunday Of Month at 3.30 p.m.

Drumgor-second Sunday of Month at 4 p.m.

Edenderry—Wednesdays at 8 p.m.


ADULT CLASSES—Sundays at 10 a.m.

For Women—Seagoe School,

For Men—Edenderry.

SUNDAY SCHOOLS—IO a.m. Edenderry Parochial

Hall and Seagoe School. 3 p.m. Seagoe, Edenderry

Parochial Hall, Levaghery, Hacknahay

Carne, Drumgor, Bocombra.

Mothers' Union—2nd Tuesday of each month.

DAY SCHOOL—Seagoe, 9-30 a.m. Principal

Mr. R. Scott,

MARRIAGES must be performed between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Licenses are issued by Rev Canon Hannon, Rectory, Lurgan. Due notice (48 hours) must be given to the Rector of intended weddings. FEES- BY License—Labourers 5/-, Tradesmen 10/-, Merchants and Farmers 15/-, Professional £l. BY Banns

FUNERALS will be attended by the Clergy if proper notice be given. SICK CASES should be notified to the Clergy without delay. FEES FOR CERTIFICATES BAPTISM, 3/7; Children (Factory), 1/- and 2/- (non-residents) ; MARRIAGE, 3/7. An extra search fee is chargeable in certain cases. It will be a help to the Clergy if they are notified of the arrival of new Church families in the Parish.

Copies of the Magazine will be sent post free to Any subscriber for 3s per annum.


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Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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