Seagoe Parish Magazine
OCTOBER, 1935.
Rev. Chancellor Archer, B .D ., The Rectory,
Rev. W. F. Hayes, B .A ., The Bungalow, Lower
Seagoe, Portadown.
Rector’s------Mr. H . MURRAY GIBSON.
Harvest Thanksgiving Services.
The annual Services of Thanksgiving for the
Blessings of Harvest will (D .V .) be held in the
Parish Church on Thursday, October 24th. at
8 p.m ., and on the following Sunday, October
27th, at 11.30 a.m ., and 7 p.m . Special music
has been arranged for the Services. The Rev.
G. C. Johnston, M.A., Rector of Magherally,
will preach at the Service on Thursday, and the
offerings will be given to Foreign Missions. On
Sunday, at the 11.30 a.m . Service the preacher
will be the Very Rev. E . A. Myles, M.A., Dean
of Dromore, Rector of Tullylish. At Evening
Prayer the Rev. Thomas P arr, M.A.. Rector of
Seapatrick, will preach. The offerings a t the
Services on Sunday will be on behalf of the
Parochial Fund for the upkeep of the Church and
its services.
District Harvest Services.
District Harvest Services will be held on the
following dates: —
Levaghery— Sunday, Oct. 6th. at 3.30.
Monday, Oct. 7th, a t 8.
Drumgor—Sunday, Oct. 13th, at 3.30.
Monday, Oct. 14th, at 8.
Carne— Sunday, Oct. 20th, a t 3.30.
Monday, Oct. 21st, a t 8.
Edenderry— Sunday, Nov. 3rd, at 3.30.
Monday, Nov. 4th. at 8.
The collections a t these Services on the Sundays will be given to the local Sunday School
Fund, and on the Mondays to Foreign Missions.
The Rev. B. de G. Lougheed, B .A ., Curate of
Seapatrick, will preach in Levaghery on Sunday,
October 6th, and on Monday evening the Rev.
E. Burns, M.A., Rector of Aghaderg, Loughbrickland, will be the preacher.
Bocombra Harvest Services.
The first of the district Harvest Services was
held in the Bocombra Church Hall on Sunday,
September 22nd, a t 3.30. The Hall was very
nicely decorated with splendid samples of flowers,
fruit and vegetables. The preacher was the Rev.
F. McCullogh, Curate of Shankill. Lurgan.
There was a very large congregation, who joined
heartily in the Service. Miss Hilda Walker presided at the organ, and a solo was sung by Miss
Clara Kirby. On the following Monday evening
the Service was continued. The Rev. J . G.
Sandford, Curate of Ballinderry, was the
preacher. The offerings were on behalf of Foreign Missions.
Harvest at Hacknahay.
Harvest Thanksgiving Services were held in
Hacknahay on Sunday, September 29th, at 3.30,
and on the following Monday at 8 p.m . The
School was very prettily decorated. The large
congregations at both Services joined heartily in
the singing and in answering the responses. Mr.
T. H . Wilson, organist of Seagoe, presided at
the harmonium and arranged the musical part
of the Service. The Rev. J . Hamilton, B.A.,
Curate of Donaghcloney, Waringstown was the
preacher on Sunday afternoon. On Monday
evening the Rev. Canon Orr, L L .D ., Rector of
Gilford, preached. The offerings were on behalf
of Foreign Missions.
The Mothers’ Union.
A meeting of the M others’ Union was held in
Seagoe School on Tuesday evening, September
10th, at 7.30. I t was the first meeting of the
year. There was a very large gathering. The
Rev. Canon Taylor, Rector of Lisburn, addressed
the m others. The Rev. W. H . Ruddock, Rector of Broomhedge, was also present. Canon
Taylor expressed regret at the Rector’s illness
and deep gratitude on the recovery which he
was making. In the course of a very practical
and stirring address based on the faithfulness of
Naomi and Ruth, Canon Taylor stressed the
great privileges and responsibilities which are
shared by the members of the organisation. He
emphasised their need for the continual deepening of their spiritual lives, both privately and
in the public worship of their Church. Especially he urged that they should not neglect the
Church’s great Service of Witness, the Holy
Communion. After tea, Mrs. J . H . Twinem, the
President, thanked Canon Taylor for so kindly
coming to speak to the members. The
Rev. W. F. H ayes also thanked him on behalf of the Rector. The next meeting of the
Mothers’ Union will be held in Seagoe School
on Tuesday, October 8th, a t 7.30. An address
will be given by Mrs. A. G. Hannon, Shankill
Rectory, Lurgan.
C. L. B.
A very enjoyable social was held in the Parochial H all, Edenderry, on Thursday, September
5th, a t 7.30 p.m . Twenty-eight members of the
Training Corps were present. The tables were
laden with a very plentiful supply of tea and
cake which quickly disappeared. After tea, the
boys joined vigorously in community singing.
Games were conducted by Lieut. W . Currie,
Sergeant-Major Allen and Mr. H . Hynes. A
most amusing football sketch was rendered by
Privates Kenneth Pentland and Alan Jennett.
An O’Grady drill down was conducted by Capt.
Mitchell. At the close Rev. W. F . H ayes
spoke to the Lads and said the Brigade Prayer.
We offer our hearty congratulations to Mr.
and Mrs. George McNeill, of Ballymacrandle, on
the occasion of their Silver Wedding. We wish
that they may continue to enjoy many years of
Service in Edenderry
A Service will be held in the Parochial Hall,
Edenderry, a t 8 p .m . on Wednesday, October
9th . T hat Service will be held on each Wednesday throughout the winter months.
The Parochial Hall is within easy reach of those residing
in the populous townlands of Edenderry, Levaghery, Killicomaine and Seagoe. It is hoped
that many will avail themselves of this midweek privilege of joining in these bright services.
Resolutions of Sympathy.
At the last meeting of the Mothers' Union and
of the Select Vestry resolutions of sympathy
were passed with Mrs. Blacker on the sad death
of her husband, Lieut.-Col. S. W. W. Blacker.
Edenderry Paroohia! Hall
Very necessary improvements have been carried out in the Parochial Hall. Edenderry. The
heating installation has been thoroughly overlooked and renovated. A new brick structure
has taken the place of the outworn sheet iron
casing that enclosed the coil of the pipes in the
heating chamber. Other improvements are to
be made in the near future. As there is no special fund to meet this necessary expenditure the
H all Committee are asking for subscriptions to
defray this outlay. The following list of subscriptions have been received up to the 2nd
October:—William Sherman, 10s; Miss Calvert,
10s; Jam es Lewie, 10s; Mrs. Vance, 10s; Hugh
Stoops, 5s; George Gracey, 5s; W. A. Casev,
5s; David Bock. 5s; Mrs. Waters, 2s 6d; W.
Metcalf, 2s 6d; R. Hoy, 2s; Mrs. Reid, 2s 6d;
Mrs. James Allen, 2s 6d; Mrs. Wolsey Atkinson,
10s; Miss G. E . Atkinson, 10s; James Twinem,
5s; James Sands, 5s; John Hoy, 5s; Miss
Atkinson, £1 ; Robert M ‘Clements, 10s; Mrs.
McClements, 5s; Miss McClements. 5s; W
M ‘Clements, 5s; Mrs. W. M 'Clements, 5s; A
Friend. 5s; Charles Montgomery, 10s; Miss
Nora K. Montgomery, 10s ; Miss Sarah Dawson,
10s; John H . Twinem, 5s; John R. Reid, 2s 6d;
James Wightm an, 5s; Rev. Chancellor Archer,
Parish Register for September.
The following were baptised in the Parish
Church on September 7th, 1935: —McNally—Brian, son of Richard and Margaret
McNally, of Edenderry. Sponsors — Elizabeth Milligan, Margaret
Liggett—Martha Iris Gwyneth, daughter of Isaac and Josephine Liggett, of Edenderry.
Sponsors— Margaret McNally, Josephine Liggett.
Nesbitt—Kenneth Harold, son of Thomas and Susan Nesbitt, of Levaghery.
Sponsors—Edith McKeown, Susan Nesbitt.
Elliott—William Victor Chamberlain, son of William and Ellen Elliott, of Seagoe
Sponsors—William Cox, William Elliott and
Maria Elizabeth Cox.
Craig and Livingston— September 21st. 1935,
Desmond Craig, of 3 Victoria Terrace, Portadown, to Irene Maud Livingston,
of Edenderry.
Silver Wedding.
McNeill and Fleming—July 8th, 1910, Samuel George McNeill, Edenderry, to Elizabeth Anna Fleming, of Edenderry.
Blacker—September 6th, suddenly, at Seatown,
Dorset, Stewart W. W . Blacker, Lieutenant-
Colonel, of Carrick-Blacker and Woodbrook,
Co. Wexford, aged 70 years.
Gillis—September 8th, 1935, James Gillis, of Edenderry, aged 66 years. Interred at Drumcree.
Ewing—September 11th, 1935, William Ewing, of Newry, aged 87 years.
Campbell— September 14th, 1935, Ellen Margaret Campbell, of Edenderry, aged 80 years.
Whiteside— September 15th, 1935, H arold Geo. Whiteside, of Edenderry, aged 6 years.
Dickey—September 18th, 1935, Thomas Dickey of Edenderry, aged 1 year 10 months.
Hearon— September 22nd, 1935, Ralph Hearon of Killicomaine, aged 68 years.
Simpson—September 23rd, 1935, Sarah Anne Simpson, of Ballinacor, aged 76 years.
Death of Lt.-Col Blacker.
We record with the deepest regret the death
of Lieut.-Col. Blacker, which occurred under
tragic circumstances at Seatown, Dorset, on Friday, Sept. 6tli. Lieut.-Col. Blacker had been
enjoying a bathe in company with some of his relatives, and Mrs. Blacker was seated in a tent
near-by. He had just come out of the water and was vigorously drying him self on the shore, when
he suddenly fell backward in a faint. When Mrs. Blacker and his relatives came to him he
was found to be actually beyond human aid. We express our deepest sympathy with Mrs. Blacker
and the members of her family in their tragic bereavement.
For many years Colonel Blacker resided in our midst, and in the strenuous times of the Volunteers
and the Great War he gave up all his time
and his attention to the service of his country.
“ Our loyalty is not for barter ,” were his great
and strenuous words when the War broke
out. We give here a description of his funeral,
taken from the columns of “ The Bridport
News” of Friday, September 13th.
“A deep sense of sadness overshadowed the
picturesque village of Chideock on Friday morning when it became known that Lieut.-Colonel
Stewart William Ward Blacker, D .S.O ., D .L .,
I.P., of the Manor House, had passed away with
tragic suddenness.
In the early morning he had visited Bridport and after shopping in the town returned to
the Manor in company with a friend, Major Pym ,
who was staying with the family. Later, with
Mrs. Blacker and his daughter, Miss Joan
Blacker, he proceeded to the beach at Seatown,
"here he took his customary bathe ' in the open sea.
He had only left the water a short time
when, to the horror of those present, Col.
Blacker was seen to collapse. A message was at
once sent summoning Dr. J . C. T. Sanctuary, of
Bridport, and stimulants were fetched, but in
the meantime death had supervened.
The body was afterwards removed to Bridport by motor ambulance and later in the day,
on the instruction of the Coroner for W est Dorset (Mr. S. Edgar Howard) a post mortem examination was performed by Dr. Sanctuary,
This revealed that death was due to natural causes, and under the circumstances an inquest
deemed unnecessary.
During his residence at Chideock Manor,
covering a period of about five years, Col.
Blacker took a keen interest in the life of the village and was ever ready to support any good
cause. Previously he had resided at Shute Haye, Walditch, where he was also held in high esteem and respect.
At Chideock Parish Church on Sunday
morning the Vicar (Rev. C. F . Urquhart) prefaced his sermon with a reference to Colonel
Blacker’s career and his life in the parish, and
at the close of the service the Dead March in
Saul was played by Mr. Leonard Hussey, deputising at the organ for Miss Mabel Hansford.
Villagers mingled with rank and distinction at the funeral, which took place at Chideock at
10 o ’clock on. Tuesday morning. The coffin, draped in the Union Jack, had been brought to
the ancient, ivy-clad Church the previous evening, and the funeral service followed a
celebration of Communion at 8 o ’clock.
During the service, which was impressively
conducted by the Vicar, assisted by the Rev. A.
J . Shields and the Rev. J . D. Macpherson, the
hymns “ Fight the Good Fight” and “ Soldiers of Christ Arise” were sung and Psalm 121
chanted, the surpliced choir leading the singing.
At its close the Nunc Dimittis was sung, and
the organist, Mr. H . Mearing, played Chopin’s
Marche Funebre. The flag on the Church tower
was at half-mast.
There was a poignant scene as following the
service the coffin, covered with flowers, was
placed in a motor hearse which proceeded to
Bristol Crematorium, where the body was cremated. Wearing his officer’s uniform, deceased’s
sailor son, Lieut. Blacker, was a grief-stricken
figure as the hearse moved slowly away. He
was accompanied by his brother-in-law, Lieut.-
Commander George Thring, who was also in uniform.
The other principal mourners were Mr. A. T.
Bruen, Sir Robert Paul. Mr. H . R. Boileu,
Major D. Graham Shillington and Major C. E. Pym.
In the evening on Tuesday a muffled peal
was rung on the Church Bells.
The ‘Bridport News’ was informed by a
member of the family that after the cremation
the urn containing the ashes would be brought
to Chideock and finally interred at Woodbrook,
Enniscorthy, County W exford, Col. Blacker’s estate in Ireland .”
The remains were finally interred in Killane
Churchyard, near Woodbrook, on Wednesday, October 2nd.
On Sunday, September 8th, a t Morning Prayer
in the Parish Church, the Rev. W. F. Hayes
read the following tribute to the memory of the
late Lieut.-Colonel Blacker, written by the Rector, who was unable to be present: —
I have been asked by the Rector to read to you
the following reference to the life and character
of Lieut.-Colonel S. W. W. Blacker, whose
tragic death occurred on Friday, September 6th,
and who was so well known to so many in this
Parish. He was a m ember of a family which
has had a connection for centuries with the
Parish of Seagoe. The history of the family and
the history of the Parish are most closely interwoven in past days. The present Church in
which we worship is the fruit of their generosity ;
and the ruins of the old Church in Old Seagoe
graveyard are the remains of a Parish Church
built by a member of the family in the 17th century. But we think to-day not so much of the
familv as of Lieut.-Colonel Blacker himself.
We recall his splendid leadership in the days of
the U lster Volunteers and in the more tragic
days of the Great War. His courage, his common sense, his appreciation of the things that
mattered most gave to us all a measure of confidence in most difficult days. Those who were
members of the Volunteers and who served under
him in the Great War know hew lie shared with
his men the dangers and trials of those tremendous days. We mourn his loss and wish to
express our deepest sympathy with his wife and
family. The Parish has lost a valued parishioner,
who had held from time to time every position
of parochial responsibility and whom the United
Dioceses honoured by election to the Diocesan
Council and to the membership of the General
Synod. His name will not soon be forgotten.
We record this month a long list of those, both
young and old, who have been called from among
us to their Eternal Rest. James Gillis, of Edenderry, always a regular attender at the Parish
Church, passed away after a long, tedious illness. His rem ains were interred in Drumcree
Churchyard. The Rev. F . J . Halahan, M.A.,
M.C., officiated a t the Service.
Mrs. Ellen Margaret Campbell, of Edenderry,
passed away at an advanced age. She was a
lifelong resident of the Parish, to which she was
always deeply attached. To the end she could
recall many links of the past in the days of Archdeacon Saurin.
The death, with tragic suddenness, of Harold
George Whiteside, came as a great shock to his
parents and the people of the district. Only six
years of age, he was taken suddenly ill on returning from school and died within a few hours.
The funeral was a very touching one. The
children of Edenderry walked at each side of the
coffin, and were present at the Service in the
Church and at the graveside.
Thomas Dickey, only a year and ten months,
contracted pneumonia which proved fatal after a few days suffering.
Ralph Hearon, of Killicomaine, who had been
in failing health for some time, passed away after a short illness.
The death of Mrs. Simpson, of Ballinacor,
who had been in her usual health, came very
suddenly. Always cheerful, kind and affectionate, she will be much missed by all her neighbours.
To all those who have been bereaved we offer
our most sincere sympathy.
Death of Mr. William Ewing.
We record with regret the death of Mr
William Ewing, of Newry, at an advanced age
For many years he resided in Edenderry, Willie was well known and highly respected.
During the intervening years, while resident in
Newry, he maintained a close connection with
this Parish. His funeral, which was largely attended, took place in the Church ground at Seagoe
on W ednesday, September 11th. The Rev
R. A. Swanzy, Vicar of Newry, officiated.
Letter from Archdeacon Crichton
Blacker’s Gardens, Cathedral P.O.,
Madras, 11th September, 1935
My plan at present is to sail from Madras on
6th November, and to reach London about 6th
December. As there is nothing to do at Home
I shall not go overland from Marseilles. Probably we shall spend the Christmas holidays at
Littlehampton and then move about until
Easter. I do not want to take up a parish all at
once, but I must have a home for the summer
My girl has just gone to Cheltenham and the
boy to Marlborough. It is time for them to have
a home of their own.
If the address on this letter starts you thinking about “ Parish Notes,” you will be interested
to know that this house was built by General
Blacker, Quartermaster-General of the Madras
Army. The last members of the Blacker family
to own it were two sisters, who lived in Ireland
I am told that General Blacker died in Calcutta
in 1824. The present owner is an Indian.
Thanks very much for all the copies of the
Seagoe Magazine” which you have sent me
I still read the publication with much interest
It is as good, if not better, as ever it was. It is
extraordinary to think that it is almost 28 years
since I went to Seagoe. The years have passed
very quickly. Hoping that you are feeling quite
well again.—Yours very sincerely, W . R. Crichton.
Many of the fine trees in the Eden Hall
grounds opposite Windsor Lodge have been removed.
* * * *
A very extensive petrol station has been opened
in Lisniskey having pumps on both sides of the
* * * *
The entrance to the Railway Station and the
lamp standards in the streets of Edenderry have
recently been painted and look very bright.
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