Seagoe Archives

Sept 1938


Sept 1938

Seagoe Parish Magazine.



J. W. APPELBE, M.A., B.D., Carrickblacker Ave.

KEV. W. F. HAYES, B.A., L.Th., The Bungalow,

Lower Seagoe.



People's—H. A. CATHCART.





Sept. 4th—12th Sunday after Trinity.

Sept. 11th—13th Sunday after Trinity.

Sept. 13th—Mothers' Union Meeting, at 7.30 p.m.

Sept. 18th—14th Sunday after Trinity.

Sept. 16th-19th —C.E. Convention.

Sept. 21st—St. Matthew. Ember Day.

Sept. 25th—15th Sunday after Trinity.

Harvest Festival in Hacknahay at 3.30 p.m.

Sept. 26th—Harvest Festival in Hacknahay at 8 p.m.

Sept. 29th—St. Michael and All Angels.


The following provisional dates have been selected

for the annual Harvest Festival Services in the Parish.

Fuller details will be given in our next issue: —

Hacknahay—Sunday, Sept. 25th, at 3.30 p.m.

Monday, Sept. 26th, at 8 p.m.

Edenderry Parochial Hall—Sunday, Oct. 2nd, at 3.30p.m.

Monday, Oct. 3rd, at 8 p.m.

Drumgor—Sunday, October 9th, at 3.30 p.m.

Monday, October 10th, at 8 p.m.

Levaghery—Sunday, October 9th, at 3.30 p.m.

Monday, October 10th, at 8 p.m.

Parish Church—Sunday, Oct. 16th, at 11.30

and 7 p.m.

Monday, Oct. 17th, at 8 p.m.

Bocombra—Sunday, Oct. 23rd, at 3.30 p.m.

Monday, Oct. 24th, at 8 p.m.

Carne—Sunday, Oct. 23rd, at 3.30 p.m.

Monday, Oct. 24th, at 8 p.m.



The annual Irish C.E. Convention will be held in

Portadown during September 16th to 19th. The

Speakers include Rev. G. H. Lunn, M.A., Bournemouth,

Rev. James Hall, B.A., Glasgow, and Rev. F. W. C.

Wallace, M.A., Magheramason, Derry, Irish C.E.

President. There will be a Junior Demonstration on

Saturday, 17th, and Sectional Conferences on Monday,

19th. On Convention Sunday Rev. G. H. Lunn, M.A.,

will preach in Seagoe Church at Morning Prayer, and

in the evening the preacher will be Rev. R. Bird, M.A.,

rector of St. Kevin's, Dublin. On the same afternoon a

United Young People's Service will be held in First

Presbyterian Church at 3 p.m. Children attending

Sunday Schools are requested to assemble at their

respective schools at 2.30 p.m., and march to the

Church, under the charge of their teachers and



(The following interesting note appeared in an English

Church paper a few weeks ago)

"The figures for the census of Belfast, taken last

year, have been published, and, with an increase of

population of 23,000, the city is approaching the half

million mark. Some interesting changes in religious

grouping are revealed. The Church shows a substantial

increase, and for the first time its members outnumber

the Presbyterians, who have remained practically

stationary. The Roman Catholics, however, claim the

greatest advance in numbers, and it is noteworthy

that the percentage of Roman Catholics is greatest in

the youngest age-group. In other words, their increase

is mainly due to a higher birth-rate. Politicians may

perhaps be at least as perturbed by these figures as

the ecclesiastics, for, as the "Irish Times" remarks:

'Against the steady pressure of growing number nothing

can prevail, and the development of an Irish polity of

the future may rest with the youngest age-group in Belfast.' "


The appearance of the tablet erected last year in

the Parish Church by Mrs. G. Blacker in memory of

the late Col. Blacker, has been greatly enhanced by

the addition of a polished oak mounting.


We congratulate Mr. James Gracey, Balteagh, on

obtaining his B.A. degree in Queen's University,

Belfast, at the recent degree examination.


On Sunday, August 7th, there was a service in

Levaghery School at which the new seats were

dedicated for use in the Sunday School. The Rev. G

Mann, M.A., Rector of Knocknamuckley, preached.

The Superintendent and teachers are to be congratulated

on the result of their efforts to provide suitable seating

accommodation in the hall. The new seats were made

locally and add greatly to the appearance of the schoolroom

as well as being comfortable to use.


The members of the Choir had a most enjoyable

day in Warrenpoint on Saturday, 20th August. Mr.

Wilson, as usual, made all the arrangements for the

outing, and the choir members are indebted to him

for his interest and trouble on their behalf.


The monthly meeting of the Mothers' Union will

take place on Tuesday, September 13th, at 7.30 p.m.,

in Seagoe School. The speaker will be Mrs, Robb,

of Caledon Rectory.


The Seagoe Company of the above will resume for

the winter session in Edenderry Parochial Hall on

Tuesday, September 6th, at 7.30 p.m. The past year

was most successful, thanks to Capt. E. Mitchell and

his efficient staff of officers, and we hope that for the

forthcoming year the parents in our parish will help

by encouraging their boys to become members of this

fine organisation.


This Service will begin on Wednesday, 5th October,

at 8 p.m. It is hoped that our parishioners in Edenderry

will make an effort to attend these mid-week services

during the winter. Aged people who cannot get to the

Sunday Services are especially invited.


We acknowledge with grateful thanks the following

Subscriptions for the above: -

Mrs. Wm. Best, Killycomaine £1 0 0

Mr. D. Cairns & family, Killycomaine 1 0 0

Mr. D. Turkington, Killycomaine 1 0 0

Mr. T. Gracey, Killycomaine 0 5 0

Mr. A. M'Keown, Killycomaine 0 2 0

Mr. T. H. Russell, Knockmena 0 15 0

Already Acknowledged £372 19 3

3 12 0

Total £376 11 3

Correction – N.B. – 5/- credited to Mr. Kirk in last

month’s magazine should read Mr. Connelly, Carne, 3/-,

Mr. Simpson, Carne 2/-


We print below list of subscribers to the above and

gratefully acknowledge same: -

Miss Isobel Atkinson £1 0 0

Mrs. Dunlop 1 0 0

Mrs. Jack Calvert 1 0 0

Lady Kelly 1 0 0

Mr. Thomas Wilson 1 0 0

Mr. James Lewie 1 0 0

Rev. G. H. Daunt 1 0 0

Mr. James M'Dowell 1 0 0

Wm. Robinson, Esq., J.P. 1 0 0

James Blane, Esq., J.P. 1 0 0

Viscount Charlemont 1 0 0

Miss Rebecca Calvert 0 10 0

Mr. S. Rennix 0 10 0

Mr. Harry Campbell 0 10 0

Mr. John Davison 0 10 0

Mr. Hugh Ross 0 10 0

Mr. D. W. Thornton 0 10 0

Mr. Sam Lutton 0 10 0

Mr. George Johnston 0 10 0

Mr. Hadden 0 10 0

Mr. William Walker 0 10 0

Mr. Victor Walker 0 10 0

Mr. John Johnston, J.P. 0 10 0

Major Shillington, M.P. 0 10 0

Mr. T. G. Sinton 0 10 0

Mr. Sam Walker 0 6 0

Mrs. Valentine Wilson 0 5 0

Miss Matchett 0 5 0

Mrs. Thomas Shanks 0 5 0

Mrs. Thomas Reid 0 5 0

Miss Macaun 0 5 0

Mr. S. S. Corbett 0 5 0

Mr. Sherman 0 5 0

Mr. Jas. Atkinson 0 5 0

Mr. Robert Wilson 0 5 0

Mr. John Montgomery 0 5 0

Mr. Robert Chapman 0 5 0

Mr. Callender Bullick 0 5 0

Mr. R. J. Thornton 0 5 0

Messrs. Collen Bros., Ltd. 0 5 0

Mr. J. Bannon 0 3 0

Mrs. Gerald Atkinson 0 2 6

Mr. Clements 0 2 6

Mr. Douglas Stoops 0 2 6

£22 11 6

To 'Bus to Warrenpoint 4 0 0

,, Driver 0 5 0

,, 2 Dinners 0 4 0

,, Tips to Maids 0 8 0

,, Postage and stationery 1 11 6

£6 8 6

,, Balance 16 3 0

22 11 6

By Cash 22 11 6

22 11 6

By Balance 16 3 0


“Suffer little children to come unto Me and forbid

them not, for of such is the Kingdom of God."

August 7th—Margaret Eleanor, daughter of Joseph

and Mary Jane Holland, Lisniskey.

August 7th—Alfred Andrew, son of John and Esther

Hamilton Ramsey, Kernan.

August 7th—Sarah Elizabeth, daughter of Dynes and

Elizabeth Turkington, Killycomaine.

August 7th—Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Henry and

Isabel Wilson, 4, Garland Avenue, Lurgan.

August 7th—Marlene Frances, daughter of Israel and

Charlotte Donaldson, 21, Queen St., Portadown.


“Those whom God hath joined together let no man

put asunder."

August 4th—George Henry Gordon, 113, Parkmount,

Portadown, and Myrtle Roney, 4, Goban St.,


August 15th—Robert Woolsey, 146, Bridge St., Portadown,

and Dorothy Elizabeth Florence West, 51, William St.,


August 18th—Robert Ernest Pepper, Ballymoney, Banbridge, and

Anna M'Loughlin, Drumnagoon.


"Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from

henceforth, yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest

from their labours."

August 7th—Mary Morrison, Levaghery Gardens, in

Drumcree, aged 52 years.

August 9th—James Craig, Bachelor's Walk, in Banbridge,

aged 78 years.


We regret to chronicle the passing from our midst

of two parishioners. Mrs. Morrison, Levaghery Gar-

dens, had only recently come to reside in the Parish.

Mr. Jas. Craig had been in failing health for some


The many friends of the Bradshaw family, of

Breagh, were grieved to hear of the sudden death

of James Bradshaw, who was in business in Lisburn.

Only last month we referred to the death of Mrs.


Mr. Wightman, another friend of Seagoe, has been

bereaved by the passing of his son John, who had been

in poor health for some time.

To the bereaved we offer our sincere sympathy,

and pray that they may have the comfort of Christ

in their sorrow.


In view of the forthcoming C.E. Convention which

is to be held in Portadown next month the following

article on the history and aims of C.E. is interesting:

“The first Christian Endeavour Society was founded

by the Rev. Francis Clark, Minister of Williston

Congregational Church, in the City of Portland, Maine,

U.S.A., on February 2nd, 1881; the first British Society

was founded at Crewe in August, 1887, also in

connection with a Congregational Church. The Society

has now spread into every country in which Protestant

Christians are found, and is believed to contain five

million members, belonging to very many different

branches of the Christian Church. It is, however,

especially active in the United States of America,

the United Kingdom, the British Colonies, India,

China, Japan, Germany and Brazil.

“The purpose of Mr. Clark in founding the Society

is described in its official handbook as being 'an

earnest desire to harvest the fruits of a notable work

of grace amongst his young people,' in other words

to make permanent the enthusiasm and zeal of

religion which had been aroused amongst the younger

members of his congregation by an evangelical mission.

The Society ought therefore to be regarded with special

favour by those who decry such missions on the ground

that the results produced by them are not always as

permanent as might be desired.

“While, however, the primary purpose of the Society

is to maintain a high level of spiritual life and religious

fervour amongst its own members, it is also intended

that each Christian Endeavour Society shall help in the

religious work of the congregation with which he is

connected, both by discharging itself such duties as the

Rector of the Parish or the minister of the congregation

may entrust to it, and also especially by training the

younger members of the congregation as church workers

and by keeping before their minds the duty of personal

service to our Lord and His Church as a necessary part

of a Truly Christian life.

“The Christian Endeavour Societies of each district

are grouped in 'Local Unions,' and co-operate for some

common objects, and these ' Unions' are again grouped

in 'Federations,' Irish, Scottish and Welsh, while all the

Societies are again grouped in the British Union, which

again is a member of the World Federation. Again,

there is an 'association' of the Christian Endeavour

Societies in Ulster which are connected with the

Church of Ireland and similar associations connected

with some of the other Churches, but all these unions

and federations and associations only exist to promote

social intercourse between different societies, and to

enable the societies to act together for common objects;

each society, so far as its own internal affairs are

concerned, is entirely independent, and is free on every

occasion to act in accordance with the judgment of its

own members without regard to any external authority

except that of the congregation to which it belongs.

“Each Christian Endeavour Society is accustomed

to have a weekly 'prayer meeting,' in which there is

usually a discussion based upon a passage or Scripture

or occasionally an address on some subject of

religious interest, such as, for instance, some aspect

of the Temperance question, or the life of some

famous missionary. The ideal of the Society is that

every member of the Society should take part in

every meeting, either by leading in prayer or by

reading a text bearing upon the subject of discussion

or in some other way. This ideal is not always attained,

but at the 'consecration' meetings, which are held once

a month, every member who is present reads a text

which he or she has selected beforehand, as containing

a thought likely to be profitable for the Society, and

every member who is unable to be present is expected

to send such a text to be read when his or her name is called.

Besides its weekly meetings, each Christian Endeavour

Society carries on much of its work through committees.

Three of these committees are considered essential to the

efficiency of every Society. The 'Look- out' committee,

which is responsible for seeing that the members attend

regularly, at least at the ‘consecration’ meetings, and for

seeking out new members and introducing them to the

Society. The prayer meeting committee, which makes

The arrangements beforehand for each prayer meeting,

appointing the chairman, the leader of the discussion,

etc., and 'Social' committee, which has charge of all

arrangements for social meetings. There are also

generally other committees for other purposes, carrying

in different places. For instance, there is a 'Sunshine'

committee, which endeavours to brighten the lives of

the sick and the poor; the 'Praise' committee’, which has

charge of the musical programme at each 'prayer meeting,'

and the 'Cottage meeting' committee, which at the discretion

of the Rector, may have charge of the monthly cottage

meetings, held at various centres throughout the Parish,

a branch of church work entrusted to the Society by the

Rector. In addition to these activities the Society also

supports the 'Floating Endeavour' movement by sending

needle cases, floral cards, etc., to be distributed amongst

sailors at Christmas time.

In addition to the work of each separate Society

the local 'unions' and the denominational 'associations'

from time to time hold 'rallies,' that is, joint meetings

of the various constituent societies for mutual

encouragement and spiritual help.


HOLY COMMUNION—1st Sunday after Morning

Prayer; 3rd Sunday at 8 a.m., and on the Chief


HOLY BAPTISM—1st Sunday of each Month at

4 p.m., and during any Service in the Parish Church,

notice to be given; Two Sponsors at least are required.

The father and mother must be present. Churchings

are held at each Baptism. Mothers are expected

to bring a thank offering. (See Book of Common


MORNING PRAYER—Sundays and Chief Festivals,

11.30 m.

EVENING PRAYER—Sundays, 7 p m.


Hacknahay—Last Sunday of Month at 3-30 p.m.

Drumgor—Second Sunday of Month at 3 p.m.

Edenderry—Services as announced.


BIBLE CLASS FOR MEN in Edenderry on

Sundays at 10-15 m.

SUNDAY SCHOOLS 10-30 a.m. Edenderry Parochial

Hall and Seagoe School. 3 p.m. Seagoe, Edenderry

Parochial Hall, Levaghery, Hacknahay, Carne,

Drumgor, Bocombra.

MOTHERS' UNION—2nd Tuesday of each month

at 7 30 p.m.

CHURCH LADS' BRIGADE in the Parochial Hall

on Tuesdays and Fridays.


alternate Mondays at 8 p.m.

SEAGOE P.E. SCHOOL, 9-15 a.m. Principal—Mr.

R. Scott.

MARRIAGES must be performed between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Licenses are issued by Ven. Archdeacon Hannon Rectory, Lurgan. Due notice (48 hours) must be given to the Rector of intended weddings FEES —By License— Labourers 5/-, Tradesmen 10/-, Merchants and Farmers 15/-, Professional £1. By Banns 5/-. FUNERALS will be attended by the Clergy if proper notice be given. SICK CASES should be notified to the Clergy without delay. FEES FOR CERTIFICATES BAPTISM 3/7, Children (Factory) l/- and 2/ (non-residents); MARRIAGE 3/7. An extra Search Fee is chargeable in certain cases,

It will be a help to the Clergy if they are notified of the arrival of new Church families in the Parish.

A copy of the Magazine will be sent by post to any subscriber for 3/- per annum.


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Seagoe Archives

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