Seagoe Archives

September 1913


September 1913

Seagoe Parish Maqazine.


A Splendid Summer

THE splendid summer weather which we

have enjoyed during July and August

calls for a special note of thankfulness.

Complaints about unseasonable weather

are so frequent in this uncertain climate, that it is

refreshing to hear on all sides expressions of delight

and satisfaction at the unbroken spell of sunshine

which has brightened our land for so long a time.

Our Heavenly Father has indeed been gracious to us,

and has heard and answered the special prayers which

we offered to him in the springtime for a blessing on

the seed sown. In every part of the Parish the

crops have proved very prolific, and although the

apple crop has been a failure the abundant return in

other directions will make up for its deficiency. We

hope that the gracious gift of sunshine will not alone

brighten our daily life and fill our storehouses with

plenty, but will also tune our hearts into spirit of

true thanksgiving and worship to Him who giveth

us life and health and all things.

Visit of the Lord Primate to Seagoe

The Lord Primate has kindly consented to attend

the Dedication of the Memorial Panelling in the

Chancel of Seagoe Church, on Sunday, October 26th,

at Morning Prayer. The people of Seagoe remember

with pleasure the visits paid to the Parish by His

Grace when Bishop of Down, and they will rejoice

to have him once more in their midst as Archbishop

of Armagh. —The Lord Primate was an intimate and

beloved friend of the late Canon Blacker when he

resided in the South of Ireland as Bishop of Ossory.

Woodbrook the residence of Canon Blacker being

situated in that Diocese. It is possible also that the

Bishop of the Diocese (Rt. Rev. Dr. D'Arcy) may also

be present at the Service.

Seagoe Day School.

Building the New Class-room.

The clink of the bricklayers trowel is now a

familiar sound at Seagoe School. The walls of the

new classroom are rapidly rising to their full height,

and before the end of this month the outer structure

will be complete. It is possible now to get a good

idea of what the structure will be like.

It will be specially well lighted with five large windows, and

equally well ventilated. Provision has been made

for heating it thoroughly in cold weather by

central stove. It will provide Mr. Chambers and his

staff with separate large Schoolrooms for the

Senior, Junior, and Infant departments. This will

mean more efficient teaching under healthier conditions

The out offices of the school have been

constructed on the most approved principles. In the

planning of the new building everything possible has

been done to safeguard the health of the pupils, and

to render the school a perfectly suitable building for

providing an up to date education for the children of

the Parish. The building is being erected by Mr.

Hyde, of Portadown, the carpentering work being in

the capable hands of Mr. Herbert Holland, of

Edenderry. Mr. James Twinem, Rector's Churchwarden,

is giving constant time and attention to the

supervision of the work.

St. Mary's Church, South

Manchester, U.S.A.

We have been sent a copy of the Year Book of St.

Mary's Church, South Manchester, U.S.A., a town

where very many Seagoe people are living, most of

them being employed in Messrs. Cheney's Silk Mills.

The Year Book is very interesting, and contains

great deal of information about the work being done

in the Parish. The Rector, the Rev. Manning

Bennett, is a most active worker, and deserves the

strenuous help of every Seagoe parishioner who lives

in South Manchester. We notice that the Wardens

for this year are Messrs. John Wright, and J B.

Hubbard. The Vestry consists of six members.

There are two Counters of Money," Alexander

Madden, and John Finlay. We hope they are kept

constantly employed. The Sexton is Charles

Anderson. The Parish contains the large number of

952 Communicants. The debt incurred in the

building of the Parish House has been paid, and the

Mortgage on the Rectory cancelled. The walls of

the Church have been decorated, and new carpets

and cushions purchased. A new pulpit has been

presented by the Ladies Guild. The Churchyard has

been beautified by the planting of many shrubs and

the laying of new side-walks and curb (a hint to

Seagoe). " Our congregations are so large at present

that it is frequently necessary to place chairs in the

aisles to accommodate those who wish to attend the

Services." The Rector concludes his Introduction

with the following sentence Our responsibilities are

great. The time has come when we must squarely

face our problems or lose an opportunity for development.

" We notice among the officers of the Choir a

" Choir Mother." Miss Dorothy Cheney is the

Branch Secretary of the Girls' Friendly Society.

The branch consists of 60 members, 40 probationers,


and 24 Candidates. The Sunday School is graded

into Senior, Intermediate, Junior, and Primary

Departments. Among its officials is a Statistician'

T. J. Faulkner. The members of the Men's Bible

Class presented 100 new Prayer Books to the Church

last year. A Confirmation was held on May 20th,

1913. Among the Marriages we notice familiar

and unfamiliar names. June 5th, 1912, Max

Kasulki to Sadie Weir. December 31st, Louis

Klinkhamer to Ethel Robinson.

In many parts of the Report names of former

Seagoe Parishioners, we are glad to say, appear as

supporters of the Church.

Harvest Thanksgiving Services.

The Annual Services of Harvest Thanksgiving will

be held (D.v.) in Seagoe Parish Church, on Thursday,

October 9th, and on Sunday, October 11th. The

preacher at the week-night service will be the Rev.

Canon Garstin, Rector of Letterkenny, Co. Donegal,

and formerly Rector of St. Luke's Parish, Belfast.

At the Sunday Service the preacher will be the Rev.

R. Usher Greer, Rector of Banbridge, and formerly

Rector of St. Michael's Parish, Belfast, and of Christ

Church, Lisburn. The collections at the week-night

Service will be on behalf of Foreign Missions, and

at the Sunday Services in aid of Parochial Funds.

District Harvest Services.

The following provisional arrangements have been

made for these Services.

Hacknahay, Sunday, September 28th, at 3-30

p.m., and Monday, September 29th, at 8 p.m.

Tamnificarbet, Sunday, October 5th, at 7 p.m.,

and Monday, October 6th, at 8 p.m. Other

arrangements will be announced in our next


The Select Vestry.

The Select Vestry at their recent meetings have

transacted a great deal of important business. At

their last meeting a sub-committee was appointed to

arrange for the renovation of the interior of the


The Bazaar,

Many of the Parishioners are engaged preparing

work for the forthcoming Bazaar in aid of the

Rectory Purchase Scheme, which is to be held in the

Town Hall, Portadown, on Thursday, December 11th,

1913. We have heard also that some former

Parishioners now residing in the United States are

also working hard for it. It is quite time that the

stallholders came together to organise their special

departments. Card collectors should also make every

effort to increase their collections.

Holy Communion.

We specially invite those who have recently been

confirmed to attend the celebration of Holy Communion

in the Parish Church, on Sunday, September

7th. The rule of at least a monthly attendance at

Holy Communion is one which brings both strength

and comfort into our spiritual life, and should be

observed by every devout follower of our Lord Jesus


A Dutch Fair,

It has been arranged to hold a Dutch Fair in

Drumgor Church Hall, on Friday, October 3rd.

Tickets Sixpence each. Full particulars on Handbills.

Hymns for September.

Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord."

7th.—M.—57, Almighty God, Thy Word is cast ;

357. My God, and is Thy Table spread ; 364,

Sweet Feast of love Divine. E.—38, With one

consent let all the earth ; 32, O day of rest and

gladness; 553, O Jesu, Thou art standing; 561,

We thank Thee, Lord, for this fair earth ; 562,

When the day of toil is done.

14th.—M.—66, Come, Thou long-expected Jesus ;

137, I lay my sins on Jesus; 295, The King of

love my Shepherd is; 402, Jesus, Thou art my

Righteousness. E —419, Christ is our Corner-

stone ; 461, Great God ! and wilt Thou condescend ;

463, There is a green hill far away ; 541, O my

Saviour, hear me ; 641, Father, hear Thy children's


No ; not despairingly ; 193, Awake

and sing the song ; 376, Thine for ever ;—God of

love ; 443, God of my life, to Thee I ull.

493, Jesu, stand amoDg us ; 285, Nearer, my God,

to Thee; 162, In the hour of trial ; 179, We sing

the praise of Him Who died ; 14, Abide with me ,

fast falls the eventide.

verse 1, O Lord, the Saviour and

Defence ; 127, Approach, my soul, the mercy-seat ;

378, Oft in danger, oft in woe ; 379, Onward,

Christian Soldiers. E.—377, Soldiers of Christ!

arise ; 306, Jesus, Lover of my soul ; 279, I'm but

stranger here ; 448, To Thee our God we fly :

280, To Zion's hill I lift my eyes.

New Chants—Te Deum—150, 128, Magnificat 565,

Nunc Dimittis, 56.

At the Wednesday evening service the Parochial

Mission Hymn Book is used.

The members of the congregation are asked to join

heartily in the responses, and in the singing of the

Canticles Psalms and Hymns.




He will be mindful of His Covenant."

Baptized on August 2nd, 1913.

Robb.—Wilfrid Jones, son of William and Sarah Robb, of Glasgow.

Sponsors—William John Tate, Sarah Robb.

Dobbin.—Thomas, son of Robert and Mary Anne Dobbin, Portadown.

Sponsors—Caroline Montgomery, Mary Anne Dobbin.

McKerr.—Elizabeth, daughter of James and Sarah Anne McKerr, Portadown.

Sponsors—Emily Neill, Sarah Anne McKerr.

Holmes.—Thomas James, son of Thomas Henry and Frances Jane Holmes, Edenderry.

Sponsors—Margaret Graham, Frances Jane Holmes,

McCann.—Susan, daughter of William Henry and Phoebe McCann, Killicomaine.

Sponsors—Ellen Matthews, Phoebe McCann.

Hoy.—Rhoda, daughter of Thomas James and Frances Hoy, Lylo.

Sponsors—Jane Anne Webb, Frances Hoy.

McReynolds.—William, son of Henry Roland and Edith McReynolds, Upper Seagoe.

Sponsors—Mary Anne Atkinson, Edith McReynolds,


Adair.—August 20th, David Hugh, son of David Hugh and Elizabeth Adair, Edenderry.

Donaldson.—August 26th, Martha, daughter of Isaac Robert and Mary Donaldson, Killicomaine.


"Let Love be without dissimulation. "

Gilpin and Thompson. — August 20th, 1913,

Joseph Gilpin, of Edenderry, to Elizabeth Anne Thompson, of Ballyworkan, Portadown.


Come unto Me, and I will give you rest."

Wilson.—Aug. 6th, Sophia Wilson, Ballymacrandle, aged 35 years.

McKane.—Aug. 12th, David McKane, Ballymacrandle, aged 76 years.

McNally.—Aug. 16th, John McNally, aged 70 years. Edenderry,

Adair.—Aug. 22nd, Elizabeth Adair, aged 41 years. Edenderry,

Simpson.—Sept. 2nd, Lily Simpson, aged 16 years. Edenderry,


The Rev. G. Bloomer is acting as English Chaplain

under the Colonial and Continental Society at

Baden-en-Suisse, Switzerland, during the month of


A Union Jack is flying from the topmost bricks of

the gable of the new Class Room in Seagoe School,

the wall having been raised now to its full height.

A Date Stone is being placed over the door of the

new Schoolroom bearing the date " 1913."

It is a piece of fine limestone, quarried at Glanna in the

Co. Tyrone, and has been supplied by Mr. William

Best, Sculptor, Portadown, and People's Churchwarden of Seagoe for the current year.

Many gardens in the Parish have been beautified

by the packets of Seagoe Flower Seeds.

If anyone has a specially good display they should inform the

Rector of it before the blossoms fade.

The Rev. Jas. N. Mackenzie, Rector of Blue Ridge

Summit, U.S.A., sends us some very interesting

particulars of his Parish which we hope to refer to in

our next issue.

A former Seagoe Parishioner now in Detroit,

Michigan, U.S.A., writes—" I go to my Church

every Sunday and I enjoy it fine, but I think of dear

old Seagoe."

Special Services will be held in Seagoe Parish

Church, on Sunday, September 28th, the Anniversary

of the Signing of the Covenant on Ulster Day.

Lizzie Dickson, of Tamnifiglasson, a pupil in

Drumgor Sunday School, has been awarded a Special

Certificate of Merit for success in the " Round

World" Missionary Scripture Competition (Junior

Division). We hope others will enter for 'this

interesting Competition.

The Harvest Anthem, “ Exalt the Lord," is now

being practised by the Choir for Seagoe Harvest


Deep sympathy has been felt for Mr. David Hugh

Adair, of Edenderry, in the sad death of his wife

after a brief illness.



All things come of Thee."


Sunday— Mornings £9 7 1

Evenings £2 11 5

Wednesdays 0 9 10


Total, £12 8 4

The sum of £3 3s 0d was collected on Sunday,

Aug. 31st, on behalf of the Poor Parishes Fund.

A Letter to the Parishioners,

The Hon. Treasurer of Seagoe Parish, Mr Wolsey

R. Atkinson, of Eden Villa, writes as follows

regarding the renovation of the Church—

It will be necessary to get at least from the

Parish which the Vestry consider can only be raised

by subscriptions, and have asked Mr G. Calvert, and

Mr Wolsey R. Atkinson, to solicit subscriptions for the

doing up of the Church, and Ventilation of the

Church. There may be some extra expense in

connection with Chancel walls which are so much

given to damp.

A Literary and Debating Society.

It is proposed to form a Literary and Debating

Society to meet weekly in Edenderry Parochial Hall

during the winter months. It is hoped to hold the

opening meeting early in October. A preliminary

meeting will be held (D.v.) on Tuesday, September

16th, in Edenderry Parochial Hall, at 8 0'clock. Mr

J. J. Dobson is acting as Hon. Sec. pro tem.

Old Seagoe Notes

Curates of Seagoe from 1673-1859. [We

publish a complete list of the Curates of Seagoe with

the University degree held by each, and the date

When it was conferred, also the dates of his tenure of

the Curacy, and any further particulars of interest

regarding his later career.]

1673—Richard Jones.

1696——George Toombs.

1745-1766—John Carroll, B.A., 1729, Perpetual

Curate of the Moyntiaghs, 1766.

N.B.—The Moyntiaghs was formed into a separate

District with a Curate in charge in 1766.

1749—Arthur Fforde, B.A., 1723, M.A. 1726, Vicar

of Seagoe, 1731-1748. Afterwards Vicar of

Shankill, Lurgan.

1756—Thomas Higginson, sch. T.C.D. B.A.,



1763-1764—Wi11iam Tisdall, B.A., 1763.

1772-1773—Alexander Mecredy.

1776—Wi11iam Campbell, sch. T.C.D., 1763, B.A.,


1779—Robert Henry.

1783-1784—John Price, B.A., 1779.

1794-1796—John Buckby.

1803—John Lodge, B.A., 1793.

1805—Thomas Radley.

1810-1816—Richard Olpherts, BA., 1805, M.A.»


1816—Francis Chamiey, B.A., 1805, M.A.,

Licensed as Curate of Seagoe on February 8th,.1817.

1817—Edward Geoghegan, B.A., 1815, M.A., 1818.

Ordained Priest and licensed as Curate of

Seagoe, on August 21st, 1818.

1819—George Evans, B.A., 1817.

1820-1828—John Beatty, B.A., 1816, M.A.,

Afterwards Rector of Donaghcloney.

1828-1830—J0hn H. Stafford, Sch. T.C.D ,

B.A, 1826.

1829-1838—Simon Foot, B.A., 1829, M.A.,

Afterwards Rector of Knocknamuckley.

1830-1831—Horatio Moffatt.

1830-1831—George Edmundson, B.A., 1828.

wards Vicar of Saintfield.

1831-1832—John Dixon Maughan, B.A.,

M.A., 1832.

1832. —Wi11iam Warburton, B.A., 1827, M.A., 1832,

B.D. and D.D., 1853. Afterwards Dean of


1833—James Adams, B.A., 1832.

1833-1834 —Jeffrey Lefroy, B.A., 1832, M.A., 1848.

Afterwards Dean of Dromore, 1876.

1835—Valentine Duke Christian, B.A., 1834, M.A., 1857.

1837-1838—J0hn Charles William Leslie, B.A., Oxon, 1832.

1836-1838—Sam uel Maxwell West, B.A, 1828, M.A., 1832.

1838-1839—James Ford, B.A., 1832.

1839-1840—Thomas Dawson, B.A., 1838.

1840-1842—Thomas Benjamin Adair, B.A , Oxon,

-1837. M.A., 1842. Afterwards Vicar of Templepatrick.

1842-1845—Horace T. Townsend, B.A., 1839.

Afterwards Rector of Kilcoe, Diocese of Ross.

1847 Wolseley, Born

1811, B.A., 1838. Afterwards held a living in

Sligo, and was Rector of the Church of the

Sacred Trinity, Salford, Manchester. Died at

Southsea, England, 1885.

In next issue we will publish a list of Curates from

1859 to the present.


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Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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