Seagoe Archives

September 1935


September 1935

Seagoe Parish Magazíne.

S E P T E M B E R , 1935.


Rev. Chancellor Archer, B .D ., The Rectory,


Rev. W. F. Hayes, B .A ., The Bungalow, Lower

Seagoe, Portadown.


Rector’s------Mr. H . MURRAY GIBSON.

People’s— Mr. THOMAS MARTIN.

Harvest Thanksgiving Services.

The Parish will soon be joining in a Service of

Thanksgiving to Almighty God for the gift of the

Harvest. With unfailing regularity year after

year there comes to mankind this wonderful gift.

The Psalmist expresses the fact in a vivid illustra­tion: “ Thou openest Thine Hand and fillest all

things living with plenteousness.” Mankind

must not be ungrateful for God’s gifts nor think

less of them because they come with almost mechanical regularity, and so the Church holds these

Services that Christian people may have an opportunity of worshipping in God’s House of

Prayer in a spirit of true thankfulness and praise.

Services will be held in the Parish Church on

Thursday, Oct. 24th, a t 8 p.m . The offerings at

that Service will be on behalf of Foreign Missions.

The preacher will be the Rev. G. C. Johnston,

M.A., Rector of Magherally. Mr. Johnston is

himself the son of a distinguished Missionary, the

Rev. A. E . Johnston, B .D ., Principal for many

years of the C.M .S. College at Allahabad, India.

The Services will be continued (D .V .) on Sunday,

Oct. 27th, at 11.30 a.m. and 7 p.m . The offerings

at the Services on Sunday will be on behalf of

Seagoe Parochial Fund. The Rev. J . F . G.

Magill, ALA., Rector of Milltown, will preach at

the Morning Service, and the Rev. Thomas Parr,

M.A., Rector of Seapatrick, at the Evening Ser­vice.

District Harvest Services

During the coming weeks Harvest Services will

be held in the various Sunday School centres

throughout the Parish. The following is a provi­sional arrangement for these Services: —

Bocombra— Sunday, Sept. 22nd, at 3.30.

Monday, Sept. 23rd, at 8.

Hacknahay— Sunday, Sept. 29th. at 3.30.

Monday, Sept. 30th, a t 8.

Levaghery— Sunday, Oct, 6th, a t 3.30.

Monday, Oct. 7th, a t 8.

Drumgor— Sunday, Oct. 13th, at 3.30.

Monday, Oct. 14th, a t 8.

Carne— Sunday, Oct. 20th, a t 3.30.

Monday, Oct. 21st, at 8.

Edenderry—Sunday, Nov. 3rd, at 3.30.

Monday, Nov. 4th, at 8.

The offerings at the Services on Sundays will

be given to the local Sunday School Fund, and on

the Mondays to Foreign Missions.

The Rector's illness

In our last issue it was announced that the

next issue of the Magazine would be published in

the second week of September. The reason for

that slightly later date being that the Rector was

about to take a holiday. Much has happened

since then. On Sunday, August 4th. just before

Evening Prayer the Rector was struck down by

sudden illness and has since been confined to his

room under the care of Doctors and Nurses.

Hopes are held out that he may soon regain much

of his lost strength, and he has already improved in health.


The Rector desires to thank all those from with­in and without the Parish who have so kindly

written to him or enquired about him. He has

received great sympathy and kind wishes for his

recovery from very many sources. The Select

Vestry, the Choir, the Mothers’ Union and Eden­derry Sunday School have most kindly sent him

resolutions of sympathy which have helped him

much in his time of weakness. The clergy have

been very kind in helping a t the Services in the

Church. The Rev. G. H . D aunt preached at

Morning Prayer on Sunday, Sept. 1st, and the

Rev. G. A. Boulger, Curate of Shankill, will

preach at Evening Prayer on Sunday, September


The S u n d a y Schools.

All the Sunday Schools in the Parish re-opened

on Sunday, August 18th. The teachers and

children are glad to be together again after their

long holiday. The Sunday Schools have now

adopted the system of a weekly collection. Each

teacher has been supplied with a book in which

an account is kept of the amount contributed by

each member of his or her particular class. We

are glad that this new system is being generally



The Bocombra Hall.

The Church Hall at Bocombra, which was damaged. when struck by lightning in the early summer. has been repaired. New slates have been

placed on the roof. The cost of this has been defrayed by the Insurance Company, which made

an allowance for the damage done. Other minor

repairs have been carried out in the building.

Special Sermons.

On Sunday, September 15th, Special Sermons

will be preached in the Parish Church at Morning

and Evening Prayer on behalf of the Diocesan

Board of Education. This Is a most important

Diocesan organisation, for it controls the Religious Instruction of the children of the Church

in this great and populous Diocese. We appeal to

all those who value the religious upbringing of the

young to help by their gifts this great work. Envelopes for special subscriptions will be placed in

the Church on Sunday, September 8th.

C.L.B. S o c i a l

The Cadets had their opening Social on Tues­day, September 3rd. in the Parochial H all. There

was a very large attendance. A good tea was

provided. Afterwards games and musical items

were enjoyed. During the course of the evening

Captain E . Mitchell outlined the programme for

the year, and made special reference to the formation of an Old Comrades’ Association. At the

close the Rev. W. F. H ayes gave a short address.

An Excursion to Lough Neagh.

The members of the Bocombra Sunday School

and their friends had a very pleasant outing to

Lough Neagh on Saturday, August 17th. The

party , which numbered over sixty, assembled at

the Bocombra Church H all a t 4 p.m . I t was a

splendid day. They were conveyed in a luxurious

charabanc to the Lough. There they enjoyed

some light refreshment. The party then scattered

along the shore. Some bathed and some paddled.

Some wandered through the beautiful stretches of

heather, others sat along the pier. Everyone en­joyed the sunshine, the fresh air and the lovely

views of the wooded shores on the opposite sides

in the Counties of Antrim and Tyrone. At 7 p.m .

the party returned to the Bocombra Hall. There

they enjoyed a very substantial tea which awaited

them . Mr. James Twinem, the Superintendent,

and the teachers accompanied the excursionists.

We wish to thank all who helped to make the oc­casion such a happy one.

A M a n ch e s t e r Wedding.

' A pretty wedding took place in Flixton Parish

Church, Manchester, on Saturday, August 31st,

between Oliver Best and Ellen Wright. The

bridegroom is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs.

Robert H. Best, Goban Cottage, Seagoe Upper.

Mrs. Best and other members of the family were

present at the ceremony. Miss Mabel Best was

bridesmaid, and Mr. William H . Best acted as

groomsman. The marriage was performed by the

Rev. J . Jolly, who also gave a short address.

After the ceremony a reception was held at the

bride’s residence. We wish them every happi­ness in their new home at Flixton.

Flixton Parish Church is one of the oldest

Churches in Manchester.

Parish Register for August.


The following were Baptised in the Parish

Church on August 3rd, 1935.

Bonis—Thomas, son of Robert John and Eliza­beth Bonis, of Kernan.

Sponsors — Ellen Dowd, Elizabeth Bonis.

Gracey—Samuel Harold, son of Samuel George

and Elizabeth Jane Gracey, of Edenderry.

Sponsors—Anne Greenaway, Elizabeth Jane Gracey.

Boyd—Anne Norah, daughter of David and Minnie Boyd, of Seagoe Upper.

Sponsors—Evelyn Porter, Minnie Boyd.

Webb— Dorothy, daughter of William James and Elizabeth Jane Webb, of Lurgan.

Sponsors— Sarah Jane Webb, Ethel Webb.


Galwey and Forsythe—Aug. 17th, 1935, Charles

Hillier Galwey, of Portadown, to

F'lorence Forsvthe, of Seagoe Upper

Burials .

Vaughan—Aug. 7th, James Vaughan, of Levaghery, aged 75.

Roberts—Aug. 20th, George Roberts, of Killicomaine, aged 69.

Death of Mr. Roberts.

We regret to record the death of Mr. Roberts, of Killicomaine, at an advanced age. Mr. Roberts

during his life held many responsible positions. In the old days before motors he was employed

by many of the great families who lived near Bray, Co. Dublin. He took great pleasure in the

splendid horses and equipages he was called upon to drive. On one occasion when employed by the

Knight of Glyn he drove King Edward VII. To the very end he loved to recall these good old


The A n n u a l Report.

The Annua] Report is in the hands of the print­ers and will be published shortly.

Seagoe P .E . School.

Seagoe P .E . School re-opened after the holi­days oil Monday, Aug. 16th. There was a large

attendance of pupils. During the holidays the

School received a very thorough cleaning. The

health of the pupils attending Seagoe School has

always been remarkably good and epidemics rarely occur.

A Seagoe Giant.

Big men and great men have through the centuries been associated with Seagoe. Just here

we would like to refer to a splendid specimen of Seagoe manhood who holds a high position in

Queensland Australia. He is Major Costello, ne­phew of Mr. Andrew Costello, of Tamnificarbet.

In his stocking feet Major Costello stands 6 feet 6 1/2 inches in height, and is broad in proportion.

He is Member of Parliament in the Queensland

Government. He visited Seagoe before the War,

through which he served with distinction. His

height and alertness may be guessed by the fact

that whenever lie was getting into his uncle’s trap

for a drive lie just threw his leg over the wheel

and took his place.

The M o t h e r s ’ Union.

A meeting of the Mothers’ Union was held in the Bocombra Church Hall on Tuesday, 13th

August. Since the erection of the Bocombra Hall

it has become almost an annual procedure that

the Mothers hold one of their meetings there during the summer months. The gathering was of a

quiet social nature. The Rev. W . F . H ayes pre­sided and opened the meeting with prayer. There

was a large attendance, and a very good tea was provided by the Committee. During the course of

the evening the members passed a resolution of sympathy with Chancellor Archer, in his illness,

and expressed their earnest hope for his speedy

recovery. The next meeting of the Mothers

Union will be held in Seagoe School on Tuesday,

10th September, a t 8 p.m . An address will be

given on that occasion by Canon Taylor.

Edenderry P a r o c h i a l H a l l.

The heating arrangement of Edenderry Parochial Hall has ben in an unsatisfactory condition

for some time. It was examined recently by a

representative of the firm of Messrs. Musgrave,

Belfast. He considers that the present apparatus

needs immediate attention . The Committee of

the Parochial Hall have decided to have the ne­cessary repairs carried out. This Hall serves a

very useful purpose in the Parish. It is used

twice each Sunday for Sunday School, and each

evening of the week throughout the greater part

of the year it is occupied by some parochial organisation. It is very essential that the building

should be well heated and kept in good general repair.

Choir Excursion.

On August 3rd the Choir held their annual ex­cursion to Portrush. A very comfortable ’bus

from Messrs. Gastons arrived at the Church at

7.30 a.m ., and 37 members started at 8 o ’clock.

The weather was beautiful, and all enjoyed the

lovely drive, arriving about 11 a.m . Dinner was

ready a t 12 noon. After dinner some members

went to the Causeway, others bathed, and all enjoyed themselves, till after having a good tea a

start was made for home at 8 p.m . Miss Nora

Montgomery very kindly sent a large box of toffee

which was much appreciated.

The C. L. B.

The Seagoe Company of the Church Lads’ Brigade will begin its new session on Tuesday, 10th

September. The Training Corps will meet weekly

in the Parochial Hall, Edenderry, on Tuesdays at

7.30; the Cadets on Tuesdays, a t 8.30 p.m . The

Carne branch of the Training Corps will meet on

Fridays at 7.30. The Brigade is strong in numbers, but it is hoped at the beginning of this session that many new recruits will come forward.

A special effort is being made in that direction at

present. A circular is being sent to parents of

possible candidates explaining the aim of the organisation.

The Church Lad s’ Brigade exists solely for a

religious purpose. It aims primarily at the build­ing up of Christian character. The General Headquarters of the Organisation insists on all its

members attending each week at the services of

their Parish Church. It expects them also to be­come enthusiastic Church workers.

D r u m g o r Sunday School.

The pupils attending the above School received

a delightful surprise when the School re-opened

after holidays. Apparently fairies had been at

work, for the school interior had taken on a new

coat. The children beheld walls that had been

tastefully distempered a beautiful primrose tint.

The windows and door were resplendent with new

paint. The woodwork, organ and prayer-desk had

received fresh coats of varnish. The lamps had

also been cleaned in preparation for the winter’s

work. The forms and floor had been scrubbed by

willing hands, and everywhere there was a charming atmosphere of freshness and neatness. The

furniture of the School has recently been en­hanced by the addition of a number of beautiful

bentwood chairs for the use of the teachers. The

good fairies in this case were the teachers of the

School, who had undertaken all the alterations

voluntarily. There has been some little expendi­ture in the matter of distemper and paint, but we

understand this will be met out of the funds of the

Sdhool. At the moment the pupils are practising hard for their forthcoming H arvest Festival.

The Superintendent and teachers are to be congratulated on their efforts.

Twenty-Five Years Ago.


The issue of the Magazine for this ancient date

contains a reference to the fact that the Magazine

had been already in existence for five years and was still going strong. Other local Magazines

started since Seagoe Magazine had been started had come to an inglorious end. Reference is also

made to the approach of the Harvest Season

There is a long list of no less than eleven Baptisms, but only one Marriage is recorded. There

are 7 Burials. A long account is given of a G. .F .S . excursion to Lough Neagh, where tea was

enjoyed on the lake short in front of Ardmore

Rectory. Sir Robert Bredin’s recent visit to

Portadown from China is noted. Unsettled weather threatens to spoil the harvest. A Missionary

exhibition in the Ulster Hall is announced to be held in November. Among the Old Seagoe Notes

is one on “ The Ghost at Portadown Bridge” and " Seagoe in the Ice-age.”


There are good prospects of an excellent har­vest.

* * * *

Apples have ripened this year at an earlier date

than for the past 50 years.

* * * *

We congratulate the Rev. G. H. Daunt on the

new and pretty bungalow which he has built for

himself in the Mahon district.

* * * *

Mr. Wm. Reid, of Pittsburg, U .S.A ., after a

brief holiday visit to Seagoe, sailed again for the

States in the liner “ Samaria " last week.


HOLY COMM UNION 1st Sunday after Morning

Prayer ; 3rd Sunday at 8 a.m., and on the Chief


HOLY BAPTISM— 1st Saturday of each Month at 3

p m and during any Service in the Parish Church,

notice be given ; Two Sponsers at least are required

and they must be Confirmed Members of the Church.

Churchings are held at each Baptism. Mothers are

expected to bring a thankoffering.

(See Book of Common Prayer.)

MORNING PRAYER- Sundays and Chief Festivals,

11-30 a.m.

EVENING PRAYER—Sundays, 7 p.m


Hacknahay—Last Sunday : of Month at 3-30pm.

Drumgor—second Sunday of Month at 4 pm

Edenderry—Wednedays at 8 p.m.


BIBLE CLASS FOR MEN in Edenderry on

Sundays at 10 a m.

SUNDAY SCHOOLS 10 a m. Edenderry Parochial

Hall and Seagoe School. 3 p.m. Seagoe, Edenderry

Parochial Hall,

Levaghery, Hacknahay, Carne, Drumgor, Bocombra.

MOTHERS' UNION—2nd Tuesday of each month

at 7 30 p.m.

CHURCH LADS' BRIGADE in the Parochial Hall

on Tuesdays and Fridays.


Mondays at 8 p.m.

SEAGOE P.E. SCHOOL , 9-15 a.m. Principal—Mr.

R. Scott.

MARRIAGES must be performed between 8 a.m. and 3 p m. Licenses are issued by Rev. Canon Hannon,

Rectory, Lurgan. Due notice (48 hours) must be given to the Rector of intended weddings. FEES—BY License—

Labourers 5/- Tradesmen 10/—, Merchants and Farmers 15/-, Professional, By Banns 5/-. FUNERALS will be

attended by the Clergy if proper notice be given. SICK CASES should be notified to the Clergy without delay,

FEES FOR CERTIFICATES BAPTISM 3/7, Children (Factory) 1/- and 2/- (non-residents); MARRAGE 3/7.

An extra Search Fee is chargeable in certain cases

It will be a help to the Clergy if they are notified of the

arrival of new Church families in the Parish.

A copy of the Magazine will be sent post free to any subscriber for 3/- per annum.


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Seagoe Archives


Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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