Seagoe Archives

August 1935


August 1935

Seagoe Parish Magazine.

A U G U ST, 1935.


Rev. Chancellor Archer, B .D ., The Rectory, Seagoe.

Rev. W. F. Hayes, B.A., The Bungalow, Lower Seagoe, Portadown.


★ The M a g a z in e . ★

The next number of the Magazine will be published in the 2nd week of September instead of

as usual in the first week of the month.

The Sunday Schools

The Sunday Schools of the Parish which have

been closed for holidays since July 7th, will

(D .V .) re-open on Sunday, August 18th, a t the

usual hours, it is very important that all the

children, as well as the Teachers, should be in

their place as usual on that date. It will be the

Ninth Sunday after Trinity, and the Afternoon

Lessons in the Calendar will be as. follows:—Repetition for Seniors— “ A Prayer for Pardon” (see

Page 50 Book of Common Prayer), Psalm 65

verses 9 and 10. Repetition for Juniors— “ Duty

to God’’ in the Catechism. Subject of Lessons

Perseverance in Prayer—Reality in Religion,”

St. Luke 11 to verse 14 and verse 87 to end.

For the Morning Sunday Schools the Lessons in

the Calendar will be—Repetition for Seniors,

The Apostles Creed” and Hymn 273 verse 4.

Repetition for Juniors, Hymn 631. Subject for

study— “ The Need of Decision,” 1st Kings 18.

verses 17-45. At a meeting of Superintendents

and Teachers held in June, it was decided that it

would be a great advantage in our Sunday Schools

if a collection were made every Sunday instead of

on occasional Sundays. If the amounts contributed by each child are entered by each Teacher

in a note-book then the amount required each

year for prizes and for the annual excorsion could

be found beforehand. In Sunday Schools where

a collection is made each month for the Indian

child in South America the Mission Box would

take the place of the other collection on that particular Sunday. Each Superintendent is asked to

arrange for his or her particular Sunday School.

The Men’s Bible Class.

The Men’s Bible Class held by the Rev. W. F .

Hayes, each Sunday morning in the Orange H all,

Edenderry, will resume work on Sunday. August

4th, at the usual hour.

America in Seagoe.

We had a welcome visitor to our Parish in

July in the person of Mr. William Reid, from

Pittsburg, U .S.A ., who was staying with his

father, Mr. George Reid, at Killycomaine Road.

It is many years since Mr. Reid left Seagoe for

the States, but he is still remembered by many

in the old place. We were glad to see him look

so well. He never forgets the old Parish.

The Camps.

Seagoe C .L .B . has had representatives both at

the Cadet Camp in Blackpool and in the Training

Corps Camp at Strangford, Co. Down. A great

compliment was paid to our Seagoe Company in

the fact that our Captain— Captain Mitchell was

appointed by Headquarters to be in command of

the Training Corps Camp at Strangford. Both

Camps were very successful. The weather was

very fine and the lads enjoyed every moment of

their stay.

C.L B Sports Rally.

The C .L .B . Sports Rally on Friday, July 5th.

was a great success. The weather was fine and

not too warm, and the field, so kindly lent by

Mrs. Best, of Church Lane, looked perfect. The

junior events took place at 4 p .m ., and the senior

events a t 7.30 p.m . All the events were well contested and some of the records were very good.

It was very nice to have with us m any competi­tors both from Lurgan and St. M ark’s, Portadown and many of the events were won by their

representatives. Captain Mitchell was indefatigable and the success of the gathering was largely

due to his strenuous efforts. He was well helped

by the Cadets and Training Corps. The fancy

dress parade was won by Fred Crossen, who was

dressed as a Courtier of the 18th century. He

played the part splendidly. It was the best

thing of its kind we have ever seen in Portadown.

The sports lasted to a late hour, and then the

prizes were gracefully distributed to the winners

by Mrs. Mitchell. The Rector thanked all for

their kind help, and after the singing of a verse

of the National Anthem the Rally came to an

end. The proceeds were on behalf of the C .L .B .

Uniform Fund.

Seagoe C .L B. Band.

Our C .L .B . Band has received its new Royal

Stuart Highland Uniform, and much admiration

has been expressed for it. The Band is now very

efficient and popular.


Congratulations .

We offer our hearty congratulations to Mr.

John George Gracey, of Balteagh, on receiving

the Silver Jubilee Medal from the King. Mr.

Gracey is a Magistrate and also occupies the re­sponsible post of Chairman of Lurgan Rural

Council, He is also a Parochial Nominator of

Seagoe Parish, a member of the Select Vestry,

and also represents the Parish of Seagoe in the

Diocesan Synod.

The Somme Anniversary

The Memorial Services held in the Parish

Church on Sunday, June 30, in commemoration

of the Battle of the Somme were very impressive.

A t Morning Prayer the local members of the

British Legion of Ex-servicemen, under Captain

Whitsitt, attended the service in large num bers,

and the Seagoe Company of the C .L .B ., with the

Pipe Band in their handsome new uniforms, were

also present. The Rector read from the pulpit

the names of those from the Parish who fell in

the Great War. After the Service a wreath was

laid at the Memorial Pillars by our C .L .B ., under

the command of Captain Mitchell, and the Reveille and L ast Post were sounded by one of the

Ex-servicemen, who were drawn up opposite the

Memorial Gates. The collection was on behalf of

the Co. Armagh Protestant Orphan Society and

amounted to £4 0s 6d. The Services were con­tinued at Evening Prayer.

The Anniversary Service.

On Sunday evening, July 7th. an anniversary

Service was held in the Parish Church. The

Rector and the Rev. W. P . H ayes took the ser­vice, and the sermon was preached by the Rev.

J . 1. Lea, Rector of Mullavilly. A very large

number of members from Lurgan District and

Portadown Lodges were present. The Service

was very hearty. The collection was in aid of the

Lord Enniskillen Memorial Orphan Fund and

amounted to £7 2s 9d.

S e a g o e P .E . School.

The School broke up for the Summer Holidays

on July 5th. Before the children separated the

Rector spoke to the children, and a Hymn was

sung and prayer said. Hearty rounds of cheers

were given for the Teachers and the Manager.

The school is being thoroughly cleaned during the

holidays and will (D .V .) resume work on Monday, August 19th, a t 9.15 a.m .. when a punctual

attendance of all the pupils is requested.

Seagoe M o t h e rs ’ Union.

The usual monthly meeting of the Mothers’

Union will be held (D .V .) on Tuesday, August

13th, in Bocombra Church Hall, a t 7.30. It will

be an informal gathering and tea will be provided

for all who come. We are glad to be able to an­nounce that the Rev. Canon Taylor, our former

Curate and now Rector of Lisburn, will give an

address to the mothers at their meeting in Sept­ember. It will be held on Tuesday. September

10th, in Seagoe School, a t 7.30 p.m.

In Memoriam.


It is seldom that we have to record such a sad

event as the death of two little children from the

same home and their burial in the same grave at

the same time. Marjorie and Kenneth were two

bright, happy and dearly-loved children. Until

a few months ago they had lived in Spence’s Cot­tages, in Levaghery, and had made many friends

there. Since coming to reside in Edenderry their

winning ways had won for them many more

friends and playmates. A severe attack of scar­latina and measles contracted by both children

proved fatal in a few days. The double funeral

made a very sad impression on all who witnessed

it. Their little playmates walked on each side of

the coffins. The Levaghery children were on one

side and the Edenderry on the other. The Rec­tor took the Service at the Church and grave­

side. Deep and heartfelt sympathy is felt for

Mr. and Mrs. Crawford in their great affliction.


On Tuesday, July 2nd, a presentation was

made to Mrs. Kirkpatrick (Miss Selina Bradshaw) on the occasion of her marriage. There

was a large gathering in Levaghery School. The

Rev. W. F. Hayes presided at the beginning of

the meeting, and the Rector towards the close.

After tea, games were played and much enjoyed

by all present. The presentation was then made.

It took the form of a fine parlour chiming clock.

The Rector spoke of the good work done in the

Parish by Mrs. Kirkpatrick, especially in the

Sunday Schools at Seagoe and Levaghery. They

congratulated her very heartily on her marriage

and wished her and Mr. Kirkpatrick great happiness and prosperity in their future life. The

Rector then asked Mr. James Davison to make

the presentation , which he did in a few suitable

words. Speeches were also made by Mr. Stanfield, Superintendent of Levaghery Sunday

School, also by Mr. Scott, Superintendent of Sea­goe Morning Sunday School, and by the Rev. W •

F . Hayes. Mrs. Kirkpatrick having thanked all

for their kind gift, the Doxology was sung and

the meeting concluded.


Excursion Accounts.

We are glad to be able to announce that the

deficit on the Excursion this year is comparative­ly small. This is largely due to the fact that

many of our people very kindly subscribed towards the expenses connected with it. The ac­tual deficit is £4 2s. We herewith give the

various Receipts and Expenses, also the List of

Subscribers. We congratulate Mr. Scott and

Mr. McClements on the satisfactory balance


Receipts:—Mr. Geo. Wilson, £3 1s 3d; Seagoe

Morning School. £4 8s 9d; Mr. Scott (tickets),

£2 10s 9d; Mrs. Vance. £4 11s; Miss Agnes Guy,

£2 17s 6d; Mr. W . H utchinson, £2 18s; Mr. Jas.

Twinem, per Cairns and Neill, £11 Is 9d; Chancellor Archer, 10s 6d; Rev. W. F. H ayes, £6 6s

6d; Mr. Maginnis, £2 16s 6d; Mr. Stanfield. £5

10s 6d ; Mr. H arry H ynes, £6 6s; Edenderry

School—Morning and Afternoon, £8 9s 9d; Mr.

Dermott, £2 12s 6d; Miss Wilson, 9s 6d; Mr. R.

M‘Clements. £8 13s; Miss Sarah Montgomery,

18s.— £74 1s 9d.

Subscriptions:—Chancellor Archer, 10s; Mrs.

Vance, 5s; Mrs. Sherman, 6s; Mr. Murray Gibson, 10s; Mrs. Stoops. 10s: Major McLean. £1;

Mrs. Atkinson, Clarisford, 2s 6d; Mr. Sands, 4s;

Mr. W. Greeves, 10s; Mr. and Mrs. McCormick,

5s; Miss M 'Dowell. 2s 6d; Mr. J . Munroe, 2s 6d;

Miss M ‘Shane, I s ; Mrs. Lewie, 5s; Mrs. Mayes,

2s 6d; Mr. Walker, 2s 6d; Miss Calvert. 10s;

Mrs. Abraham. 5s; Mr. Maginnis, 5s; Mrs. England. 5s; Miss Dawson, os; Mr. Jacob Sandford,

5s; Balance from 1934. £1 14s 9d ; balance deficit. £4 2s.— £86 12s.

Expenses—G.N.R. Co. (tickets), £55 16s 6d ;

Davison Bros., 600 teas, at 10d each, £25; hire of

Dufferin Hall, £4 4s; “ Portadown Times” (printing and advertising), £1 3s; “ Portadown News”

(advert.), 6s; Mr. Haack (bill posting), 2s 6d —

£86 12s.

A Rare Plant. It is not generally known that a plant grows in

this neighbourhood which is not found elsewhere

in Europe. It is called by botanists Spiranthes

Stricta. It loves the Peat Bogs and is found at

Brackagh Moss, outside Portadown, and in the

cut-out bogs in Ardmore and along the shores of

Lough Neagh. It is a tall plant and a fine photograph of it is to be seen in a book recently pub­lished.

“ The Irish Botanist,” by Mr. R. Praeger.

It was first discovered by the late Rev. Canon

Lett. Rector of Loughbrickland, when searching

for Mosses in Brackagh Moss, more than thirty years ago.

Death of “ Æ .”A great deal has been written about the recent

death of “ Æ ,” otherwise Mr. George W illiam

Russell, a famous Irish Poet and Economists Mr.

Russell is said to have been born in Lisniskey,

in this Parish, in the year 1869, but this seems

to be an error as regards the place. It is more

likely that he was born in a townland nearer Lurgan. Perhaps some reader could give informa­tion on the point.

Parish Register for July .


The following were Baptized in the Parish

Church on July 6th, 1935: —

M‘Murray—Thomas Henry, son of James Henry

and Margaret McMurray, of Seagoe


Sponsors—Mabel Lena Best. Margaret McMurray.

Lester—Agnes Avril Andrews, daughter ,of Quiton and Adeline Lester, of Lisniskey.

Sponsors—Anne Jane Drurnm, Adeline Lester.

McVeigh—Joyce Bernice, daughter of William

Patrick and Maud McVeigh, of Edenderry.

Sponsors—Margaret Best, Maud McVeigh.

Marriages-Roberts and Steenson—July 15th, 1935. Harry

George Roberts, of Killicomaine, to Edith Steenson, of Breagh.

Tedford and McNeill—July 17th, 1935, Thomas Tedford, of Portadown, to Mary Jane

McNeill. of Ballymacrandle.

Burials .

Metcalfe—July 1st,, Samuel Metcalfe, of Tarson, aged 84 years.

Leake— July 21st. William George Leake, of Portadown, aged 66 years.

Crawford—July 24th, Marjorie Crawford, aged 3 years, and Kenneth Crawford, aged 5 years, both of Edenderry.

Stoops—July 28th. John Hugh Stoops, of Bel­fast, aged 34 years.


We regret to record in this issue the death of

several who were well-known to many amongst

us. Samuel Metcalfe had been in ill-health for

some time but, the end came very suddenly. He

was always kind and considerate. For many

years he worked in the shipyards at Hull, but the

family has been for a long time associated with

Tarson. William George Leake, although not

connected with Seagoe Parish was very well

known and much esteemed in the neighbourhood.

We sympathise very sincerely with his bereaved

relatives. Mr. John Hugh Stoops, although a

resident in Belfast, had m any connections with

Seagoe Parish. H e has passed away in the prime

of life after a very brief illness. We offer our

sincere sympathy to Mrs. Stoops and his rela­tives in their sad and sudden bereavement.


Twenty-Five Years Ago.

AUGUST, 1910.

The local matter begins with a 'note on the

recent Confirmation held on June ‘26th, 1910.

Seagoe School has ju s t been renovated and deco­rated. An improvement is noted in the Sustentation Fund.

No less than eleven Baptisms are

recorded, also two Marriages and four Burials.

The preacher a t the Anniversary Service was the

Rev. John McEndoo, Rector of Tandragee, and

his text was Esther ix., 26-28. A rthur Allen

heads the list for Church attendances. The Old

Seagoe Notes refer to the meanings of the names

of the Townlands in the Parish.

Old Seagoe Notes.

Horse Troughs from Coaching Days.— In the

old Coaching Days, about 130 years ago, when the

through fast Coaches with four or even six horses

were on the road, it was necessary to have places

where the horses could get water. It is still pos­sible to trace out some of these places. They are

usually at the bottom of hills or half-way up

them . The old Lurgan Road through Killicomaine was a great coach road. It was known as

the Great Road or the King’s Road. There was a

drinking pool or trough just where Stewart

Avenue branches off from the main road. Another very much frequented trough was higher

up on the road where Church Lane joins it and

where some renovated cottages now stand. There

was also a drinking pool on Seagoe Road where

the Brickworks now stand. The gap in the hedge

still remains. Many a panting and thirsty coach

horse has refreshed itself at these places. They

were generally placed near Turnpikes.

* ' * * *

The Great East Window of Seagoe—1896.—

The stained-glass window is a fine work of art,

and has been executed by Messrs. Heaton, Butler,

and Bayne, a t a cost of £300. The subject illu­strated is the Ascension. Our Blessed Lord,

ris­ing towards the glory which streams from above,

occupies the centre; below in the distance are the

roof tops of the city of Jerusalem . In the foreground are “ the eleven” in various postures of

devout wonder, gazing up into heaven. While

in the tracery of the beautiful perpendicular

stone-work are angels and stars above “ the

cloud, ” the apex being occupied by a crown, presumably that of glory. The colouring is delicate

and subdued, and the drawing most lifelike. Mr.

Drew, the architect of the Church, gave the instructions to the artists, which is a guarantee for

the propriety of the treatment and execution.


The recent hot weather has greatly helped the

hay-harvest. It seems as if this would be a great

year for hay.

The re-laying of the Lurgan Road has been now

completed. The centre is of asphalt and the

sides of cement.

Many new houses are being built in the Parish.

Some of the graves in the Old Seagoe Grave­yard are now very bright with flowers.

Two further interments have taken place in

the new extension Church Burial Ground. They

are those of Mr. Leake and Mr. Stoops.


HOLY COMM UNION 1st Sunday after Morning

Prayer ; 3rd Sunday at 8 a.m., and on the Chief


HOLY BAPTISM— 1st Saturday of each Month at 3

p m and during any Service in the Parish Church,

notice be given ; Two Sponsers at least are required

and they must be Confirmed Members of the Church.

Churchings are held at each Baptism. Mothers are

expected to bring a thankoffering.

(See Book of Common Prayer.)

MORNING PRAYER- Sundays and Chief Festivals,

11-30 a.m.

EVENING PRAYER—Sundays, 7 p.m


Hacknahay—Last Sunday : of Month at 3-30pm.

Drumgor—second Sunday of Month at 4 pm

Edenderry—Wednedays at 8 p.m.


BIBLE CLASS FOR MEN in Edenderry on

Sundays at 10 a m.

SUNDAY SCHOOLS 10 a m. Edenderry Parochial

Hall and Seagoe School. 3 p.m. Seagoe, Edenderry

Parochial Hall,

Levaghery, Hacknahay, Carne, Drumgor, Bocombra.

MOTHERS' UNION—2nd Tuesday of each month

at 7 30 p.m.

CHURCH LADS' BRIGADE in the Parochial Hall

on Tuesdays and Fridays.


Mondays at 8 p.m.

SEAGOE P.E. SCHOOL , 9-15 a.m. Principal—Mr.

R. Scott.

MARRIAGES must be performed between 8 a.m. and 3 p m. Licenses are issued by Rev. Canon Hannon,

Rectory, Lurgan. Due notice (48 hours) must be given to the Rector of intended weddings. FEES—BY License—

Labourers 5/- Tradesmen 10/—, Merchants and Farmers 15/-, Professional, By Banns 5/-. FUNERALS will be

attended by the Clergy if proper notice be given. SICK CASES should be notified to the Clergy without delay,

FEES FOR CERTIFICATES BAPTISM 3/7, Children (Factory) 1/- and 2/- (non-residents); MARRAGE 3/7.

An extra Search Fee is chargeable in certain cases

It will be a help to the Clergy if they are notified of the

arrival of new Church families in the Parish.

A copy of the Magazine will be sent post free to any subscriber for 3/- per annum.


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Seagoe Archives


Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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